tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 5, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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controversies and conspiracies of foreign nationals in 2016 rather than the american people of wisconsin and michigan and ohio. >> we are out of time in the so how. i will say the people around the president who were involved and helping get ready to run and running itself is hugely important. thank you both for joining us. anderson's show starts now. >> breaking news up and down the line tonight for the first time an ex-trump advisor openly and loudly defying a subpoena from special counsel. refusing to testify before the grand jury friday. refusing to turn over e-mail conversations. robert mueller wants it, but today talking to gloria borger, nunberg told mueller what he could do with the subpoena. >> they want me over at the
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grand jury. screw that. why do i have to go? why? for what? >> sam nunberg speaking to gloria borger. he has been speaking here and other networks since mid afternoon. he said he had been granted immunity. and nunberg said this to the lead jake tapper. quote, they know something is on him. and i don't know what he is. perhaps i am wrong but he did something and he said candidate trump might have known about the trump tower meeting before the fact. he wants nothing to do with the special counsel. and there is more. there is reaction from one of the congressional committees. first the breaking news from cnn's jim acosta with late reaction from the white house. how is the white house reacting
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to these slew of interviews that he has been giving today. >> i think the reactions arrange from baffled to blowing him off. they were watching as we all were this wild speckle unfolding. and i talked to a senior white house official this evening who said basically they won't have much more to say about this because they view him as somebody who doesn't have much to say from a factual standpoint. they thought he has important insight as to what happened with respect to the russian investigation. obviously, this something that is a daily headache for this white house. you saw in the briefing earlier today, the press secretary sarah sanders was giving her usual reaction when asked about the russian investigation.
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she said we are cooperating with the mueller team. they are confident because they are cooperating with the mueller team, there is essentially nothing that the president should worry about and once again said there is no collusion with russia. >> is there any sense that the white house is worried about nunberg, anythinge is reacting this? the fact he is going public? >> reporter: i talked to a source earlier today, someone who worked on the campaign saying he does not know what he is talking about. he was not around when any of these questions are going on. he can talk about what he thinks may have happened. and he indicated in one of those early interviews today. but doesn't have any important insight on that. i did talk to somebody else who worked on the trump campaign during the election cycle and
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says listen, nunberg is close to roger stone. he doesn't want to see anything bad happen to roger stone and what roger stone had been up to and had been up to during the campaign, his contacts potentially with wikileaks and so on is important to the mueller investigation. and that is something they would want to talk to him about. if you listen to what sam nunberg had to say, it is obvious that he said i don't want to talk. and then gave these reasons as to why the mueller team wants to talk to him. he is essentially making the argument for the mueller team to talk to him. >> jim acosta appreciate it. i want to play you a sampling of what he said today.
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bear in mind, he is actually an attorney. >> it is surprising news here that you are not going to comply with the subpoena from the special counsel, can you tell us why? >> because was absolutely ridiculous. what they requested from me i was trying to do for the last two days. they wanted every communication that i had with roger stone and steve bannon who i talked to secretly. they asked for communication with carter page. are y do you think i would ever talk to that moron? >> what about ms. universe? >> i never spoke to the president directly about it. mr. trump. i was told that if you would ask
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him, he would lie and tell you that putin was there. fine. i was told that that idiot eman had offered to send women up to trump's room. but he didn't want it. >> you are assume that go the special counsel wants you before the grand jury is to talk about ms. universe 2013. >> first of all, i don't know why. whatever they want, i can tell you, i am not going in. it is ridiculous. the idea that we were the manchurian candidate, gloria, we were a joke. everybody was laughing at us. the idea that we were colluding with the russians, give me a break. >> is that what you think the special counsel is getting at? or it sounds to me from some of your other answers it seems he is looking into the more
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financial side of donald trump's life. >> he may. i don't know what he is looking into. he may. he may. and you know what, trump may very well have done something during the election with the russians. >> are you willing to go to jail with this? >> i am not cooperating. arrest me. >> you are not cooperating, arrest you. >> yeah. i am not cooperating. if you are going to arrest me. arrest me. >> let me ask you about the trump tower meeting. what do you make of it as somebody who has worked for president trump. >> i defended that meeting. i don't think there is nothing wrong with it. >> i don't know what happened at the meeting. if president trump says he knew nothing about the meeting, do you think that is true? >> no. >> do you have immunity? were you offered immunity by bob
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mueller team? >> they say you are not a subject or target. they say as long as you tell the truth, anything else you tell them, you are not going to get charged for and i told them the truth. and once again, they were very, very good when i went in there. >> so everything you told them, you said they would not charge you. >> yeah. >> about the point of the text. >> i don't even have text. i was thinking to save time, i have been advised against this, maybe i will give them my password, my e-mail password, what do i have -- >> then you would comply. >> then i would comply. >> so you are now saying you might comply. >> i have no problem with complying. i don't want to sit 16 hours after i sat with them. >> i want to bring in the panel.
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jeff, how much legal trouble is sam nunberg in tonight? >> his latest stop was with erin burnett, she said she smelled alcohol on his breath. >> certainly he seemed i don't know if erratic is the right word. >> erratic sounds like the right word to me. >> not thinking clearly. >> to say the least. and to answer your question about the legal situation, it is straightforward. you know, a grand jury subpoena is not an invitation to a birthday party, it is a legally binding obligation on the part of the recipient and unless you
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have some sort of privilege like you take the fifth, you have to show up. and the idea that he keeps saying it is ridiculous and roger stone is my mentor, those are not legal reasons to refuse to comply with a grand jury subpoena. i am sure robert mueller's team do the does not want to get into a fight with him. at the end of the day, he is going to have to testify and if he doesn't, they are going to lock him up and he could be in prison for 18 months which is the length of a grand jury if he refused to testify. >> gloria, is he a credible person? in the interview with you, he was all over the place, changing his story. >> he was. and he made certain charges about what mueller's thinking
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is, which i don't think we know. he said flat out that mueller thinks that donald trump is the manchurian candidate as in bought and sold by the russians. he believes trump may have done something wrong with the russians. we don't know from mueller point of view what he is after. what we do know is testified for five and a half hours before fbi investigators. and now they are asking for more information and he is refusing to give it. the question it raises for me, is he wondering whether he gave different testimony before the fbi than he does in his e-mails. i don't think we know the answer to that and what really precipitated this today. it's odd. >> ann, campbell said preparing
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a plan to arrest him. do you believe this will be getting to that point soon? >> we have a lot of time before friday when he is supposed to appear before the grand jury. if he does not appear, i believe the marshals will go out. and the judge will order him to appear and will hold him in contempt if he refused. and we still have four days left to figure out what he does. >> there was a 3:00 p.m. deadline today for him to turn over documents and he didn't comply with that. >> that is true. so mueller's team could go in tomorrow and ask the judge. i believe they will try to get him through the door. he spent an entire day doing national media that he could have been using to get these e-mails together. i don't think a judge will be
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sympathetic when he says it will be too difficult and he doesn't have the time. >> ryan, the fact that he said he called his lawyer today and his lawyer didn't call him back. >> it reminds me of a student in college and hitting the deadline and panicking and pulling the fire alarm. >> by the way, we don't know for sure but there was a 3:00 p.m. deadline, that is something he has said and we didn't see proof to it. >> and that was the point i was going to make. any reporter that has covered trump world has encountered sam nunberg. he likes to talk to us. if you notice, there were a lot of stories after his interview. and often sam is very helpful
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sto a lot of political reporters, but he is not someone who you would trust without confirming let's just say. robert mueller is probably watching today and realizing what a lot of people in political journalism have realize, if sam says something, you want to look at it and have it backed up. he must have said something in the interview and wants document, e-mails, evidence. all of the eccentric characters in the trump universe, sam would be voted as the most likely to go on a wild media tour like this. so what happened today doesn't shock me. i am sure gloria and jeff would agree. >> jeff, let me follow up on that. a lot of stuff that he was talking about was stuff that happened after he left the
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campaign. he thinks that donald trump, that the president knew -- or president elect at the time knew or i guess he was candidate then knew about the donald trump jr. meeting in advance. he has probably,less he talked to somebody who did have direct inning, knowledge, he didn't have direct knowledge because he was long gone. >> he was gone after a year. it is true that trump people retu return. corey lewandowski was fired but he remains on good terms with the president. certainly many of the subjects he was asked about he was spit balling and making stuff up and he did not have direct knowledge. >> i have to take a quick break. more on this. fascinating day. later breaking news from the
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house intelligence committee and its russia investigation. stay tuned. touch is how we communicate with those we love, but does psoriasis ever get in the way? embrace the chance of 100% clear skin with taltz. for people with moderate to severe psoriasis, up to 90% had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. with taltz, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. don't use if you're allergic to taltz. before starting, you should be checked for tuberculosis. taltz may increase risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection, symptoms, or received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz, including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. ready for a chance at 100% clear skin? ask your doctor about taltz. try it for as little as $5 a month.
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answering a tough question about his state of mind. >> we talked earlier about what people in the white house were saying about you. talking to you, i have smelled alcohol on your breath. >> well, i have not had a drink. >> you haven't had a drink so that is not true. >> no. >> because it is the talk out there, i know it is awkward. let me give you the question. >> my answer is no, i have not. >> anything else? >> no. >> no. >> no. besides my meds. >> okay. >> anti depressants, is that okay? >> back now with our panel. trying to unravel a confusing set of declarations. when erin burnett has to lean across the desk, that is rare
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and unprecedented. what is going on? >> it is unfortunate and it is sad. i heard from a couple of people after i interviewed him that in fact we ought to be careful that he wasn't well and he is fragile and somebody who has some problems with alcohol or whatever. and so you know, the question is, you know, you heard him answer it there and he denied it. so i guess you have to move on because what he was saying was clearly not helpful to the people who are trump partisans and let me give you background here. he got fired by donald trump. and he does not like corey lewandowski. >> why was he fired? >> i don't know. i think he spoke out of turn.
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he disagreed with corey. and there was a whole lot of stuff. corey was the person he didn't get along with in the campaign. and i think that he was very close to roger stone. both of them were exiled from the campaign. and what he told me today was the special counsel believes that roger stone was communicating with julian assange on wikileaks. this is his interpretation of what mueller was asking about. he said stone is my mentor and he did not collude with julian and i am not going to talk about that before the grand jury. >> anderson, it is really important to focus a little bit on what he was asked by mueller's office at least generally. a couple of weeks ago mueller indicted 13 people for the social media conspiracy. the use of facebook, instagram on behalf of trump. what was not included in that
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indictment was anything related to the theft of the e-mails. john podesta e-mails. the democratic national committee e-mails and there is reason to believe that mueller may be building a case involving who was responsible for the theft of those e-mails. the questions that mueller's staff wanted to ask nunberg were about roger stone who at least in part seemed to have advance knowledge that this hacking was going on. so it does suggest that mueller is investigating a sort of separate conspiracy related to the hacking of the e-mails. i am not saying roger stone was guilty, or was involved. but that general area of questioning seems to be something on mueller's plate right now. >> and i should point out one of the other reasons that nunberg
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was let go was because of controversial posting. >> that is right. >> how much does his behavior impact what the special counsel does next? obviously he is publicly challenging the special counsel to do something. >> yeah, he is publicly challenging the special counsel. and clear they have interviewed him. they did a lengthy interview and asked him to company many to the grand jury. which means he believes he has oral documents. they have made that decision that he has relevant and important information for the investigation. and i think they will follow through to get him there. if he is represented by counsel, i am positive that the special counsel team has asked him to come in otherwise hold him in
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con tempt. >> more breaking news on this. we will go live to the capitol on that. hold up. hold up. we got a laggy video call here. yeah. you need verizon, the best network for streaming. here try this new samsung galaxy s9 on verizon unlimited. the camera's a real game changer. wow. okay, let's start this one again. first positions, everybody. crouch down. from the top! (avo) unlimited is only as good as the network it's on. switch and get up to $500 off the samsung galaxy s9. let your inner light loose with one a day women's. ♪ a complete multivitamin specially formulated with key nutrients plus vitamin d for bone health support. your one a day is showing. we're all under one roof now. congratulations. thank you. how many kids? my two. his three. along with two dogs and jake, our new parrot. that is quite the family.
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back and forth with me and other reporters saying this investigation is closer to the end than it is to the beginning. not making commitments to interview witnesses beyond the week. we were expecting corey lewandowski to return to the committee for a second time. conaway is signaling they can write a report quickly. and other republicans are saying it is time for this investigation to come to an end. so pressure is growing from a number of republicans on the committee who believe that they need to wrap up this investigation. but if they do, they are going to come to a diametrically opposite conclusion than democrats. >> and adam schiff is calling for nunberg to testify as well. >> reporter: yes, what caught
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democrat's attention including adam schiff that candidates may have known about the meeting with the russians before the meeting took place. as you know, for months and months, the white house insisted the president had no idea about the meeting. donald trump jr. has testified saying his father did not have knowledge about the meeting before and immediately after it took place. very clearly saying trump did know about the meeting. he would give a speech to detailing hillary clinton's corrupt dealing with foreign governments including russia. and this is what adam schiff said moments ago about the comments. >> we would like to know the basis in which he makes that
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statement. there is certainly were comments by the president about you're going to learn something on monday about hillary clinton. we are going to share something you will find interesting. that speech which he teed up, he never gave. was that because the trump tower meeting didn't produce what he hoped it would produce, we don't know. but certainly mr. what the president knew, we would be interested in finding out. >> reporter: now, mike conaway did not have nearly enough interest as adam schiff. we know everything, we need to know about that meeting going forward. so it shows you the two sides going in opposite directions and a key point in this investigation as it looks like it is about to wrap up soon. >> thanks. joining us by phone is
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congresswoman jackie speier democrat of california. is it really complete? >> it is not complete but we have been hearing rumors since november of last year that they were going to shut down the committee work at the end of the year. so it doesn't surprise me that mike conaway is saying we are closer to the end than the beginning. i can assure you from the democratic point of view, there is still another 20 or 30 individuals that we think are pertinent to this investigation that should be brought to the committee to testify. >> so, i mean, when the republicans are talking about wrap up, what do they mean? has the committee covered everything they need to and issen cois concluding or has the
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investigation gotten to a point that it can't go further. >> when you have an institution that is no longer credible and i believe that when this committee is at such lagger heads and that you have committee staff who are leaking information and to media outlets that they support, that come as top secret and confidential from the sister investigating committee on the senate side, when you have them making rogue trips to the uk to try and find christopher steele when they call up witnesses with less than 24 hours notice, they are not intend on doing an investigation. and we don't have a credible
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effort. you you are actually nailing a nail into the coffin. by its own admission, wasn't typically as comprehensive as it should have been and its conclusions not supportive necessarily by the information they provided and then the democratic memo which was comprehensive and ten pages long and put everything into context. the interest in doing the same job is not at the same level between the two staffs. >> i appreciate your time. thank you very much. coming up next, the trade war, not the only item raising question on how well or how poorly the president thought this true. keeping them honest ahead.
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leaders on board. if this were easy, conservative economists would be lining up to support it and they are not. besides from steel and aluminum makers hasn't happen. the beer ceo saying aluminum tariffs would cost 374 million of dollars and lead to layoffs. if a trade war were easy, there would be no threat of retaliation on american products. if it were easy, the not be saying this. >> translator: so now we would impose import tariffs this, is a stupid process that we have to do it. but we have to do it. we will now impose tariffs on harley-davidsons, levis.
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>> just one problem, bmw and mercedes make and sell more than half a million vehicles in this country. gm imports about a quarter of its cars. so gm would be hurt. if you are thinking this president hasn't thought it through as well, that is how it happened. when the president launched this, he was winging this. >> study showing this would be a net loss of 146,000 jobs. has the white house studied how many jobs lost or created. >> this is something that the president is committed to doing and he feels that both our national security are vitally important in this process and we have to be able to have these
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industries to protect that. so that is a big part of the goal. >> no study? >> i am not going to say we are not looking at every facet, because we are. a thoughtful and long process. that is the focus of the decision he is making. >> two views from two former white house insiders, david axelrod and david gergen. >> anderson, it sounds old fashion to say, but trust remains the coin of the realm in politics. if the leader wants to have others follow in difficult times they have to trust him. trust what he believes and he will do the same thing tomorrow and not change his mind. and trust he will keep his
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promises. donald trump is at the bottom of all of those metrics. >> david, senator schumer is no fan of the president and said back in january, negotiating with president trump is like negotiating with jell-o. he don't seem to be wrong there. >> just in this latest series of events, he painted himself into one corner with guns. and he wanted to change the subject so he pre maturely ran out with this trade announcement that wasn't ready. light on details, you had the speck tackle of the secretary of commerce appearing on a sunday show that he didn't know what the details of this latest trade
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edict from the president would be on tariffs. how is the world supposed to calibrate its decisions based on these kinds of things. he is behaving as though he is still in the campaign. the trade issue was great for him in the campaign, probably more than immigration. now he is president of the united states. there are real consequences to these statements and actions and he doesn't seem it appreciate that. >> yeah. and david sarah sanders said, she doesn't want to get ahead of the president which could translate we don't know what he is going to do. >> i think that is right. that is not to say he is not doing things right for the country or he is wrong on everything, but when it comes to trying to win the trust of others, starting here at home but importantly other nations, you have to be consistent and
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you have to tell the truth. and the people feel they are not and with the north koreans for example, subject to miscalculation. neither side wants a conflict but could easily stumble into it because of misstatements and promises not kept. same thing is happening to the president on guns and daca and now on tariffs. the republican parties is not willing to follow him where he wants to go. and that is a stunning statement. >> anderson, let me just say the thing that is unsettling about this is as serious as a global trade war might be, we are also in this very, very frayed situation with the north koreans and we heard last week that the pentagon was involved in table top exercises simulating various
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scenarios of conflict with north korea all of which were apparently quite catastrophic. you can't casually slide into these things. >> it is so odd on how he portrayed himself in the campaign always hiring the best people in knowing how to run a major organization. from the get go the way the white house was run, this is not going to work. it can't work unless everybody has clear lanes of authority and influence. >> i agree. you can't run an ad hoc government. and importantly it is difficult to attract high talented people and i think the white house has been something in a crisis because it knows a lot of people are leaving but hard to identify people who are coming. and that makes the next few
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months unpredictable for the country. the experienced people don't want to go. young people know they can't get jobs if they stay too long. and that is really hard. when you get to your -- twice as many people are leaving this white house as any other white house in the time he has been in office and with more to come. and it means that the united states government which is supposed to be the rock of gibraltar, the country that people look to for stability and protection. people will turn elsewhere like towards the chinese. >> guys, thanks very much. a lot more when we continue including the latest developments on the cash payments of porn star stormy daniels. a payment made by michael cohen.
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"the wall street journal" is reporting tonight that the cash payment to a porn star made by president trump's personal lawyer, michael cohen, triggered a report to the treasury department. $130,000 payment was made to an attorney for former actress stephanie cliff ordinary known by her stage name as stormy daniels. she was owed the money for signing an agreement that prevents her from discussing a reported sexual encounter with mr. trump in 2006 according suspicious, the skbrurnl says. with me is norm eisen, president obama's former ethics czar, and michael rothfeld, one of the authors of the journal's story. what was it about the payment that got it flagged as suspicious? >> we don't know exactly what it was that the bank saw, but typically they would report a payment to the treasury department if there's something unusual about it or it's also
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possible they could have done that in response to some kind of government inquiry like a subpoena. >> and, michael, i understand based on your reporting that michael cohen actually missed two prior deadlines to pay stormy daniels. do we know why? >> yes. what we have reported is that michael cohen was trying to get in touch with mr. trump during the last days of the campaign to talk to him before he sent the payment, could not get in touch with him, missed those deadlines, and then ultimately decided to use his own money. >> so do we know, was -- i mean because that's really interesting. was he always planning to use his own money? >> it's not clear exactly why he -- the indication is that he was not going to use his own money. we don't know for certain exactly whether he wanted to talk to mr. trump about the money, whether he wanted to consult with him about the deal in general, but the indication is that after he could not get in touch with mr. trump, he went ahead using his own funds. and we know that afterwards, he
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was upset that he could not get reimbursed. he had not been reimbursed, which further indicates that he was not intending to use his own funds. >> ambassador eisen, i mean if the president knew about the payment and if he -- well, first of all, if he just knew about the payment and if he reimbursed cohen ultimately with his own money, is that problematic for him? >> it is, anderson. there's two legal problems. trump is caught between a rock and a hard place. on the one hand, campaign finance law, trump can't be taking $130,000 from michael cohen to benefit his campaign. on the other hand, federal financial disclosure law. trump had to disclose possibly whether he had a loan from michael cohen or whether he had an interest in this company that holds the stormy daniels deal. so trump is in a very
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uncomfortable legal position. possibly so is cohen. >> michael, sarah sanders today, when asked at the briefing if president trump and michael cohen talked about this payment at any time during the campaigner after, she said, and i quote, not that i'm aware of, and i'd refer to you michael on that. >> right. >> is cohen talking publicly about it? >> no. he made a statement last month, and he didn't address whether he talked to the president about it. he simply said he hadn't been reimbursed by the trump organization or by the trump campaign. he didn't say whether he had been reimbursed by trump or by anyone else. so right now it's still unclear exactly, you know, where that money ultimately came from. >> ambassador eisen, i mean to the two points you made before, the last one being, i guess, then if the president didn't pay for this based on what you're saying, it could still pose problems for him because it would have had to have been reported as -- can you just repeat that?
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reported as a campaign contribution? >> yeah. there's two sets of laws. on the one hand, it might have been campaign contribution of $130,000 by cohen to help the trump campaign. on the other hand, we don't know all the facts. perhaps it was a loan that the president has never paid. he's got to report his loans on his federal financial disclosures, anderson, or it may be that the president owns this company, essential consulting, that holds the agreement with stormy daniels. he has an obligation to report that. so whether it's his federal financial disclosures or his campaign ob serious legal questions here. we need answers to that. >> you say serious legal questions, ambassador. i mean what are the penalties for these, if anything? >> well, the penalties for both violating your campaign obligations and for violating your federal financial
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disclosures, which every president must sign and certify, if there is an intentional violation, it can range up to criminal penalties. and people have been tried for both. >> appreciate it. thanks very much. stay with us on what's turned out to be a hectic monday. former trump campaign aide sam nunberg said he will not comply with a subpoena from special counsel robert mueller. a statement causing, well, a lot of downstream ripples. we'll have all of that ahead. ... earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag. two united club passes. priority boarding. and earn fifty thousand bonus miles after you spend three thousand dollars on purchases in the first three months from account opening plus, zero-dollar intro annual fee for the first year, then ninety-five dollars. learn more at
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the justice department just indicted 13 russians for sabotaging our elections. an electronic attack on america that the chief investigator called "warfare". so what did this president do? nothing. and is he doing anything to prevent a future attack? the head of the fbi says no. this president has failed his most important responsibility- protecting our country. the first question is: why? what is in his and his family's business dealings with russia that he is so determined to hide, that he'd betray our country? and the second question is: why is he still president? join us today. we have to do something.
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it's a shame hunter s. thompson isn't around to see his words come to life. when the going gets weird, he wrote, the weird turn pro. today in the russia story things got very weird. sam nun berg became the first person to openly defy a subpoena from the mueller grand jury. he was supposed to produce e-mail conversations with ten people including candidate trump and go before the grand jury on friday. today, an hour after hour of phone and television interviews on multiple networks, he said a lot. he said no to mueller, then maybe yes to mueller. he said the russians wouldn't collude with donald trump because putin
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