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tv   New Day  CNN  March 7, 2018 5:00am-6:00am PST

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i like conflict. i like different points of view. >> the idea that gary cohn is departing is just a reminder that his love of conflict has real consequences. the white house has tremendous energy, has
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tremendous spirit. >> i don't think chaos is too strong a word. >> scaramucci trash talk his current chief of staff. >> the headline reads "porn star sues president." >> people knew about this when they voted for donald trump. >> he'll have to continue to respond to it in a court of law. >> we are announcing a state of emergency. >> for the second time in just a week, a powerful nor'easter threatening more than 50 million people. >> it's a lot of snow. going to be a lot more. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning. welcome. it's wednesday, march 7, 8:00 in the east. wall street is bracing for an ugly open. look at the futures on your screen, all red arrows, never good. why? could be news that the president's top economic adviser is resigning. his name is gary cohn, the latest in a series of high-profile departures. we've never seen talent bleed out of the white house like
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this. what was this about can cohn? there have been rumblings for a while that he wasn't happy. the president's position to impose tariffs seem to have been the straw that broke the camel's back. the question becomes whom will the president tap next for this critical post? adult film star stormy daniels is suing the president over her alleged affair and hush money agreement. the suit claims her non-disclosure agreement is void because donald trump, then a candidate, never signed it. the biggest question, did this payment from trump's lawyer break campaign finance laws. the second nor'easter in less than a week. 50 million people are in this storm's path including chris and me. let's begin with cnn's abby phillip live at the white house. what's the latest there? >> reporter: good morning. president trump says there's no chaos in the white house. it seems wall street disagrees.
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with the departure of gary cohn from the white house, dow futures are down sharply. now there are growing concerns that the economic national wing of the white house is on the upsurge and these tariffs could be here to stay. president trump's top economic adviser gary cohn becoming the latest in a string of white house advisers to abandon ship after butting heads with the president over his decision to impose stiff tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. news of the departure hours after the president insist tld's no chaos in his administration. >> i read where people don't want to work for trump. believe me, everybody wants to work in the white house. they all want a piece of that oval office, they want a piece of the west wing. i could take any position in the white house and i'll have a choice of the ten top people having to do with that position. >> reporter: the president later re it ra reiterating the position on
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twitter. sources say the president is considering trapping trade adviser peter navarro who is in favor of imposing tariffs, and also former adviser larry kudlow who has been a vocal critic of the tariffs. >> i think it's a turn for the worse. i'm really sorry he's leaving. >> reporter: less than a month ago, cohn was considered a possible replacement for john kelly after successfully ushering in the tax bill. sources say the feud with the president over tariffs was the last straw. cohn considered resigning after he equated neo-nazis. >> very fine people on both sides. >> reporter: the resolving door at the west wing may not stop there. speculation continues about national security adviser h.r. mcmaster and chief of staff john kelly. cnn learned president trump has emboldened former campaign director anthony scaramucci to continue attacking kelly
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publicly. >> there's a fear, culture of fear, culture of intimidation. people are afraid to talk to each other. >> afraid of the president? >> no, i think it's the chief of staff. >> reporter: when asked about the infighting at the white house president trump saying this tuesday. >> i like conflict. i like having two people with different points of view, and i certainly have that, and then i make a decision. >> reporter: as we wait to see who will take gary cohn's place, president trump will be touting his tax cut bill before a coalition of latino -- their summit here in washington. his son-in-law, jared kushner, will be headed to mexico today to meet with the mexican president about the tariffs and also about the renegotiation of nafta. both of those issues are really up in the air now with the departure of gary cohn. chris. >> appreciate it. let's bring in cnn political analyst maggie haberman. what do you make of the desire to push back on the notion of
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chaos? the president has to know he's not going to win this one. there's too much counterfactual one. what is the play here? is it simple resistance? >> he doesn't laich when narratives are set by anybody but himself. he doesn't like reading what he would describe as negative reviews. he thinks he can say something and make it true. he's had success at doing that. he did during the campaign. he would say things that weren't true and people would believe him. he's trying it now. a lot of what he does is salesmanship. he's selling this idea that things are fine. things are not fine. there are example after example to show that things are not fine. gary cohn's departure is the latest instance of that. he is not the firstperson to leave, but certainly one of the most prominent and significant figures to leave this white house. despite the president claiming that everybody wants a piece of that oval office, whatever that quote was, that isn't true. some people do, and those are mostly people who would not have gotten hired in almost any other
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administration. that's really what they're left with at this point. >> you made a point of tweeting about it, you said several top people have declined to be interviewed by the president and the white house. so the best and the brightest don't want to go work in the white house? why? they think this will sort of career suicide or they don't like the chaos? why wouldn't someone want to go work in the white house? >> all of the above. typically speaking, workingality the white house can be, especially depending on your field, the pinnacle of your career, it can be the highlight. then you have a menu of other options when you leave. it can be a way of serving your country. people in that class of the best and the brightest working in this white house are doing this because they believe they're serving some higher goal which is trying to smookt out the chaos, trying to make things function more normal and typically. what people are seeing over and over is you can't do that with this president. at the end of the day, we have
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focused on reince priebus was the problem, then steve bannon is the problem, then jared kushner, then john kelly. it's the culture he's creating. >> it gets embarrassing, to not be listened to, things come out that you have to defend, things that are supposed to be your purview. who would have guessed that rex tillerson would still be in there and all these other people would be gone first. >> that's true. >> not that i'm wishing him to go or to stay, but a little bit of surprise. >> it is, especially considering that he's reported to be called on the president. a quote, by the way, he has refused to say preetdly that he didn't say. he's danced around it. >> he won't dignify the question. >> it's a very undignified question. yes, he has continue to have this staying power. it's a reminder of the fact that if you report on what they are thinking of doing, sometimes the president will table the
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opposite tact just so you cannot be correct. >> was gary cohn's departure -- he's certainly not the first. there's a long laundry list of people who have departed, so much so that brookings says it's 43% turnover since the beginning of his administration. >> a huge number. >> it is huge. when you look historically, reagan is the closest, 17% turnover. >> almost the same rate of attrition as his reality tv show. >> once a week somebody goes. >> stay tuned. >> was gary cohn's departure a surprise? >> no. gary cohn's departure was not a surprise. last week he informed john kelly p the president went ahead with this tariff action, he may have to resign. i heard from a couple of people that he was very close to doing it except hope hicks resigned and he didn't want to look like he was jumping into the fray.
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remember, he almost resigned last year or at least talked about it and drafted resignation after charlottesville. he has known the president's positions on tariffs for a very, very long time. up until the last few weeks there have been enough people -- we keep saying moderating influences. that isn't really how this process is working. it's people willing to jump on the grenade. one of those people was rob porter, the staff secretary, who basically knew enough to run into the oval office and stop something as it was going down or to bring in other people to sort of redirect the president. it's also a reflection of the fact that john kelly doesn't have that much influence on the president right now. could that change? maybe. it certainly has changed from what it was when he did have a lot of influence on his behavior. right now the president is reverting back to his usual self. this is a position that he has had since he came into office. it's a position he had for decades before that. now it's just sort of running free. >> in fairness to him, really the only experience with
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managing a big team he has had was on the reality show. anybody that knows his operational structure from trump enterprises, he's never managed a large number of people. it was a marketing family business where he worked with partners and joint ventures on different development projects. when he ran into those kinds of challenges on the casinos, we know how that went. in terms of who might replace cohn, do you buy any of these names? larry kudlow, had a tv show for a long time. against the tariffs, peter navarro gaining sway with the exit of rob porter, he's in there gaining sway. andrew puzder, even with the domestic abuse allegations, could he under consideration? >> yes. >> would they want that stink? >> think of the various stinks
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from different departments, different areas of the white house. i think you'd see the president whitewash this, if he was going to be the person he would sell who could be the rightperson for that job. i do think puzder is a possibility. navarro is a possibility. kudlow has been toyed with for a job with this president. i don't think he's going to be the one. navarro has been on the rise, as you said, for several weeks now. i do think that's possible. or it could be somebody whose name we haven't heard yet. we don't know. >> stick around. we have breaking weather news. >> i can't comment on that. >> we have an expert to do that. there is another nor'easter hammering the east coast. this is the sect storm in less than a week. 50 million people in the storm's path, a lot of them still recovering from the last storm. cnn's chad myers live in ridgewood, new jersey. you told us when you were in new york it was one deal, you moved ten, 15 miles, a little
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elevation, look at you now. all you need is a carrot for a no nose. >> reporter: yeah. it's snowing heavily. we're in ridgewood, new jersey, farther to the west. it has been snowing all morning. unlike what we saw in downtown manhattan, that has been all snow. just like ft. lee last hour, this is just full of water. this is going to be tough to shovel when it starts to pile up on the concrete. so far it's not. the temperatures yesterday were around 40. therefore, the concrete is a little warm. when we get to 9:00 or 10:00, this is going to come down so hard that it's going to get on the roads. we are going to start to see slick roads, already seeing the snow trucks out, a lot of plows out, too. they're not doing much because nothing is sticking yet. this is just starting. don't wake up, look outside and say, oh, we've got mist. no, this is an all-day snow
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event. some spots may pick up two to three inches of snow per hour. you do that for a few hours, all of a sudden you have a significant snow event, significant snowstorm. what this nor'easter doesn't have that the last one did is the winds. the last ones were 60 to 70. this one 20 to 30, some help for the power lines. >> chad, thank you very much. we'll check back with you. i'm going to resist making a cheesy stormy pun right now because i've made them the other hours. when we come back, we'll talk to maggie haberman about the latest in the stormy daniels case. uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. mayor maybe they're justnts posinan ordinary couple.uple. either way, this room came at an unbeatable price. no one looks out for you, like travelocity.
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and visit today... for your chance to win a free treatment. in a lawsuit stormy daniels claims a contract paying her hush money to keep quiet about her alleged affair with the president was never signed by donald trump, then a candidate, and it should be voided. maggie haberman is back with us. how is this playing in the white house? >> as you can imagine. it's not a story line that you like. when you raise it, everybody gets freaked out and this is not something people are eager to discuss with the president. it is something they are not eager to discuss with the first lady. it is also something that is clearly not going to get better. the biggest issue with the new revelations is the fact there was an effort recently by
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michamike kohn because everything can peculiar so public. that's dangerous ground for a sitting president, michael kohn still describes himself as the president's personal lawyer. we don't know what the president knew, he don't know whether he was looped in. but the appearance is pretty bad. >> here becomes the concern. we've been talking about the legalities this morning. i'm not that impressed by the lawsuit. it did give her an opportunity to pout out there what is her new truth. >> which is also donald trump's trick, by the way. he often for years put everything into a deposition or lawsuit so it could be quoted. >> he's gone back to the story of, yes, it happened. but we know where people are on that. the morality is not the reason people voted for donald trump. you can argue this is somewhat of a distraction for matters that matter more until we get to the point of him sitting down with investigators. do you think that this is that
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lewinsky-esque fear up the spine that people around him have say he cannot sit down with anybody who has the ability to charge him with lying because he will not tell the truth about this? >> i think this is one element of a much broader fear about him sitting with investigators and not telling the truth. somebody close to him said to me the strangest thing you hear said over and over again is they're going to set a perjury trap for the president and that's what his lawyers are afraid of. this person that likes the president quite a bit said he is a walking perjury trap. meaning literally he will get himself into situations, investigators don't even have to do much. there is one element of it. there are many others that relate to the campaign. but certainly this, and this is where the lewinsky parallel comes in, this is one of the things his lawyers are concerned about where it will go, what exactly he knows, whether they are being told the full picture. >> doesn't that tell us he's not going to sit down with
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investigators? >> i don't think he's going to. >> they telegraphed as much, they don't want him to. why do we think he ever would do that. >> because he's going to get subpoenaed. i think his lawyers are trying to -- they're trying to force mueller's hand on it and see whether mueller wants to go the extra extraordinary step of subpoenas a sitting president. >> this is the legal question, can he plead the fifth? >> yes. >> that's not going to look great. >> there is a way, because remember then we're back into politics. the legalities off the table. i'm going to plead the fifth. all right. there goes your legal responsibility, but he says because it's all a hoax and this is a bs probe and i'm not going to be cheapened by this. he probably locks in his base. >> then he leaves with what he entered that room with, 37%, 38%. i think that's probably true. you can't win re-election with that. and the reason he won re-election before, it is often
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described as the base that stuck with him. no. the 37 percentish is the base. then you had independents and democrats who couldn't stomach voting for hillary clinton and voted for him thinking he likely wouldn't win and their vote didn't matter. that is not what it's likely to look like in 2020. again, we have no idea what's going to happen this november. we have no idea whether the house flips. if all this takes place when he's in a severely weakened political position, i think you're looking at a different calculation. >> maggie, thank you for sharing your reporting. listen to this. a source tells cnn that president trump's personal lawyer, michael kohn, received information about a witness' testimony from a republican on the house intelligence committee. why is this important? well, just because of the leaks and all the talks about leaks and all the republican complaints about leaks. >> and the law. >> and the law. there's that as well. details next.
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. a source tells cnn that a republican on the house
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intelligence committee allegedly leaked witness testimony to an attorney for president trump's personal law, michael kohn. believe me, i'll have a flow chart if you can't follow all this. we'll make it clear. this revelation is raising new questions about how politicized the house panel's russia investigation has become. joining us is republican congressman chris stewart of utah, a member of the house intelligence committee. good morning, congressman. >> good morning. good to be with you. >> before we get to the details of who is leaking what, is your committee close to wrapping up its work on russian influence and meddling? we keep hearing different things from the republicans on the committee versus the democrats on the committee. >> there is a different view on this. i think we're getting close. we aren't finished yet. it's not a matter we don't set a timeline to, i think we say we want to get to where we think we've done a reasonable job of asking the questions. as i said, reporting to the american people.
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my democratic colleagues would like this to go on for a long, long time. they gave us a list of nearly 100 witnesses they wanted us to bring. many are overseas, many are russians. one of them has passed away, committed suicide. hard for us to pursue those kind of witnesses. i think at some point, especially -- i think we owe it to the american people to give them a report and recommendations before the next election. that really is the key to this, i believe. >> sure. if it's ready. if you have your findings and you have the conclusions and if it's ready, then for sure americans want to hear from it. but not if it's premature. here is what we had from your democratic colleague eric swalwell on the committee. here is what he said about what he wants to know. listen to this from yesterday on our show. >> we have to keep this investigation alive. we have a long list of individuals we have not heard from. we haven't heard from sam nunberg, in jared kushner. if he called it quits and walked out about three hours into his
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interview. we haven't heard the full story from donald trump jr. because the republicans won't subpoena him. our democracy was attacked and the american people are going to measure us on what did we do to defend it. right now the republicans seem willing to say we're going to do nothing. that's not good enough. >> congressman, what about that? don junior and jared kushner seem integral to this. >> i like my friend eric swalwell, but that's just nonsense what he said. we've spent hours and hours and hours with these witnesses. i've heard the same question asked 15 different ways. at the end of the day, look, we've been looking at this for more than a year. i don't know any reasonable democrat who is still claiming there's evidence of collusion. there just isn't. even dianne feinstein said this month ago, there's no evidence of collusion. at that point you have two options. one, you can say let's just keep asking, let's keep going, we'll find something. and the other is, and this is important, we've made serious
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accusations against people. you've been accusing them essentially of treason and maybe these people are aren't. maybe the evidence just doesn't support some of the accusations that people have been making for a long time. >> congressman, i leave it to you. you're the person who has been listening to all these interviews and gathering all of the evidence. it doesn't sound like they're only focused on collusion. it's also obstruction of justice. have you found any findings on that? >> we really aren't looking at that. i think we're looking to mr. mueller, the special counsel, to look into that. i don't think we're frankly equipped to do that. that's a more technical issue. the charter of the committee is to look at how russia interfered in our elections and how we preclude that from happening in the future. once again, eric is a friend of mine. butti think he's an example of one of the individuals who would like this to keep going, keep telling the story, collusion and conspiracy and love for that to happen through the midterms. again, there hasn't been
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evidence developed of that. to be fair to the american people, let's get our report out. if something more comes out after that, all of us would be look to look at that additional evidence. let's tell the people what we know. >> as you know, there have been lots of complaints of leaks from your committee, primarily republicans complaining that democrats have been leaking, and even the president has been complaining that some of the democrats on your panel have been looking. it looks like at least from our cnn reporting this is a bipartisan leaking effort. here is what manu raju, our reporter has just reported. trump's personal lawyer, michael kohn was provided secret information about how intelligence committee testimony from another committee witness, a sign of growing discord eng f engulfing the russia investigation, including a source with direct knowledge of this matter.
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are you going to look into who slipped michael cohen secret information from your committee? >> i'm a little skeptical on this report. i don't think there's anything we can report to his attorney that would be helpful or even inform 2i6 to him. we have been concerned about leaks. oh, my gosh, how many times have i said this? look what happened to hope hicks last week. she was set up and it really was a setup. she was asked a series of questions that she couldn't give a possible honest answer to without that being able to be cast in a negative light, and it was only minutes after that that someone sitting in that room had gone out and talked to the media and said, look, hope hicks is willing to lie for the president. everything we know about this investigation which is a lot has essentially been leaked. >> so what are you doing about that? to put a point on the one manu raju is pointing on, it's that the witness, david cramer complained to your committee last month that someone leaked info about his testimony to
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another witness, namely michael cohen, it sounds like. so are you looking into these leaks? >> again, we are. there's little we can do. all we can do is look at each other, look at our staff and say don't do this. it's probably illegal in some cases. it's unethical. it violates what many of us think is a trust within the committee, we do our work behind closed doors. there's a reason we don't do this before the cameras. we can do this more serious work, better work if we're not grandstanding for the cameras. every time i come on your channel and others, i have to think carefully, don't say this, don't talk about these things, be careful in what you say. some people are trying to do that. unfortunately, and i'm not saying it's never happened on the republican side, i think probably it has from time to time, although the vast majority, to be honest, has been coming from the democrats because what's leaked is very often damaging to the president or to the investigation. it's wrong for any of us to do this. >> okay.
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congressman chris stewart, we appreciate you coming on. >> thank you. good morning. so the midterm season is upon us in elections. it starts with texas. they had their primary. what does it mean for democrats? they have some tea leaves to read now. how did they do in texas? republicans in the state came out in record numbers as well. rnc chair ronna mcdaniel joining us next. first, one woman's journey from recovery to sexual assault led her to yoga. now she's using it to help others heal. here is her story in "turning points." >> yoga has helped me feel comfortable and confident in my own stick, given me my own unique form of self-expression. i'm a sexual assault survivor. i use yoga to help survivors heal. i never imagined the years of disconnect i would feel from my
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midterm election season is upon us. yes, it's true. it began in texas with the primaries last night. we saw republican senator ted cruz easily advance. he got over 80% of the vote. the democratic congressman who will challenge him will be bay t beto o'rourke. turnout on both sides was way up. joining us to talk about the implications is rnc chairwoman ronna mcdaniel. good to have you. >> thanks for having me. >> big numbers, the senator agreed with the metaphor that, yes, you saw a big blue wave but it crashed into a red wall. >> exactly. you had record republican turnout. we kept hearing about this unprecedented democrat turnout in texas and republicans showed up in droves yesterday. senator cruz's votes doubled those of o'rourke. you saw governor abbott, his
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total votes was more than the vets of the two democrats combined. republicans had a great showing in texas. texas is a republican state. they're low taxes, they care about limited government. this is a state that i travel to a lot. they support this president. they support what's happening in washington, more jobs, deregulation, lower taxes. >> democrats have not fared well. it's impressive their numbers are coming up despite the fact they don't have realistic chances of winning. do you think that will be a signal that you'll see communicated differently in a state where there is a chance for a democrat. >> we know historically, during the first midterm of a sitting president, the opposition party has a high turnout. we've been preparing for that at the rnc, recognizing that obama lost 60 seats in his first midterm, clinton lost seats. this is where the historical trends are. we want to defy history and we
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have something to run on. look on where our country is, look at the results of republican leadership, 3 million jobs, record unemployment, deregulation. 90% of americans are seeing bigger paychecks because of the tax cuts. so we're going to have something to run on. democrats right now are struggling to find a message. their only message is let's defeat president trump. we want to run against president trump, but they're not putting forward a vision for the american people. >> i would agree with you except for what we just saw in the last election which was driven by so much negativity and that being harnessed by then candidate trump. he has benefits on his side with incumbency effect. for you, you have a problem that the president does not which is who are you guys? are you trump and trumpism or are you your own party and the conservative and traditional notions of the rnc. even on immigration you saw a split. on tariffs, huge split. on guns, huge split.
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even on daca, huge split. is the party going to start accepting and pushing candidates to be more like trump, or are you going to have a party flan that will be different than the president on a number of issues? >> chris, we're going to dpo something revolutionary. we'll let the voters decide who gets to represent them in the states they're running in. the democrats aren't doing that. you saw this in the seventh district with the dccc coming in and saying this is the candidate. the voters came in for lauren moser. it doesn't go well when washington goes into states and says this is who we picked to be your candidate. look at hillary clinton and bernie sanders for that matter. we let the voters decide. we have differences in our party. we have a big tent party. we welcome a dialogue. it makes our party stronger. what we know is republican governing is making our country stronger. we have more jobs, our economy is better, our military is stronger. so things are going well with
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republicans in the majority. >> there's a zigzag effect going on. primaries did not work out well for the man who primaried ted cruz. are you worried about seeing trump folk primary -- >> i want to see the republican base which includes the trump base which has brought in new voters. i saw it in michigan. we need them to turn out for these congressional candidates. >> what if they don't agree with the trump positions? what if you have somebody -- even ted cruz. if you looked at it on paper, he won't talk about bump stocks, won't talk about universal background checks. the president is talking about both of them. what if you have a candidate come forward, i want trump's positions, you either echo them if you're gone. >> it's okay to have a party with different positions. the democratic party is the one where you have to be all in line or you accept me. >> really? seems like a bunch of cats in
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that party. i don't know. maybe the true democrat party of old. i would have said the same thing about the gop of old. >> pro life candidates, look what they're doing to dan lipinski in illinois. they won't support an incumbent. they have a litmus test, if you're not in lockstep, you're not supported by the national party. the republican party lets the voters decide who is best to represent them in their community. voters in texas are going to probably pick different people than voters in new york would pick, oregon or michigan. that's good for our democracy. we have a two-party system. there should be diversity within the parties. we're going to have a dialogue. what i can say now is, with republicans in charge, we have more jobs, our economy is better and we want to continue that comeback because wages are going up and people are seeing more money in their paychecks. i don't think voters are going to vote against in november having more money in their paychecks. >> it's true. it will be about who is getting it and how much. that's part of the campaign season. we will be on it every step of the way. you're welcome to make your case
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to the american people whenever you want. >> thanks, chris. thanks for having me. fresh off the winter olympics and the oscars red carpet. figure skater adam rippon had quite the year. he joins us next on "new day." ♪ [upbeat music]
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he's gaining fans around the world after making history as the first openly gay man to compete for the u.s. at the winter olympics. adam rippon's beautiful routine brought home a bonz medal for team usa. he joins us now. great to have you. >> thantion for having me. >> what's this little chach i can? >> just a little chach i can i picked up at the airport. >> it's really attractive. >> i feel more talented already. >> you look it actually. >> i can only go up. i'm old, young man. >> as proud as you were for this, you worked a lifetime. it should be yours. you decided to make a statement on a very big stage, both on the ice and off. how proud are you of that as well? >> i think that when you have
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the opportunity to compete at the olympics, you're given this incredible platform. the whole world is watching. there are a lot of young people watching. i felt a responsibility to speak up for people who i felt may not feel that they have a voice. i feel like at this time, especially in this political climate, that it's really important to speak up for things that really matter to you. i was asked a few questions and i wanted to answer them really honestly. like i said, this platform is really incredible. i think it's a time right now where you need to really speak up and be that voice. >> just in case anybody doesn't know the back story. you criticized vice president mike pence for his stance on gay rights. is it true that after that the vice president reached out and wanted to have a meeting of some kind with you and you turned that down? >> that is true.
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that was two weeks before the olympics. i've waited an entire lifetime to compete at the olympic games, and this came out after i did an article on what were my thoughts on mike pence leading the u.s. delegation. i'm pretty sure mike pence didn't know who i was an hour before that article came out, and that he wanted to meet with me right after, i think that's fantastic that this article got his attention, but it wasn't the right time. >> how about now? >> now is the right time. the olympics are over and i mean what i said, and i agree with so many people that you don't get to make any sort of change if you don't try to at least reach across and have the opportunity to speak. >> what conversation would you want? what would be the goal? >> the conversation -- i really don't have anything personally to say to mike pence. the conversation isn't for me. it's for people whose lives have
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been changed by legislation that he's pushed. before the opening ceremonies he tweeted at me and he said i want you to know i'm for you and i'm for all the olympians, which i think that's great. but i don't believe it, because when i go home, are you still for me? are you still for other lgbtq americans? are you still for the trans man or woman that wants to join the military, the lesbian couple that wants to get married. >> you're saying you would be willing to sit down with him now and talk about all this. have you made that clear to the white house? >> i've made it clear -- >> he is on national television. >> maybe he's making it clear right now. >> i'm making it clear that i would really like to have that conversation because i feel that i still have this olympic platform, and i'd like to use it to kind of -- i don't think that
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these are gay issues or lgbtq issues solely. i think these are human rights issues and there's so many lgbtq americans out there that feel they aren't being heard or aren't represented. >> you now have to figure out what you do going forward. you're so young. you have so many possibilities, so much star dom and fame around you now. you went to the oscars. the outfit got some attention. i was shocked. i happen to have the exact same one. i'm a little different in the midsection some would suggest. this got a lot of talk. you knew that it was. what was the play here? >> i worked with the incredible jeremy scott who is a little crazy, and i'm also a little crazy. so it was a perfect match. i wanted to do something a little different. i just thought i looked really cool. >> you did. >> it wasn't the full-on harness.
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because i'm worried about how uncomfortable that might have been sitting through the oscars. >> thank you so much for being worried. i was good. it was just up top. >> biggest star who came up to you at the oscars? >> i met sean mendez which is great. >> that's your celebrity crush. >> yes, he's really cute. super nice, too. >> if you don't mind sticking around, we'd love to have you. we're going to do something we call "the good stuff." >> i love the good stuff. >> two young sisters from ohio team up to bring joy to people who need it. we want you to meet paisley and cammy. see what they're doing there? ripping into boxes. what's inside them? party supplies, not for them, but for homeless kids. >> any kind of age you should always be cared and loved. >> the sisters came up with the idea to throw birthday party for
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kids in need after seeing a story on the news. >> if i didn't have a birthday, i would feel like no one loved me. i want them to feel loved inside. >> now you have competition for america's sweetheart. >> i don't know. those girls are very cute. i think they're pulling up ahead of me. >> there's always a next general generation. >> there's always someone younger and cuter. >> you got the cute market cornered. we wish you good luck. >> thanks so much. >> thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> cnn news with john berman after the break. when people ask me for whiter teeth, i always tell them the thicker the enamel, the more white you're going to have. i would definitely recommend pronamel strong and bright to actually strengthen the enamel. it's going to keep it brighter. not only what dentists are looking for in a product, but also what patients are looking for. ♪
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welcome to the least chaotic morning in history. good morning everyone. john berman here. sure the white house chief economic adviser just quit and the markets like like they my tank because of it, a porn star just sued the president, the russia investigation has a cooperating witness intercepted at an airport. the president's personal lawyer is reportedly the focus of questions by the russia special counsel, also connected to the porn star lawsuit. beside that stuff, it is


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