tv New Day CNN March 8, 2018 5:00am-6:00am PST
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history" this sunday at 10:00 p.m. only on cnn. we're following a lot of snus included breaking news out of the white house. let's get right to it. >> there was no knowledge of any payments from the president. >> the idea president trump didn't know anything about this is patently absurd. >> hopefully i'll be able to tell my side. >> we are urging caution that this could send the economy in the wrong direction. >> he wants to address the trade imbalances, we're moving fully ahead. >> this wasn't thought through at all. >> it was completely improper to interrogate witnesses after the provided testimony. we saw this before in watergate. >> it's perfectly flonormal for anyone to be concerned about this. >> this shows a heightened sense of paranoia. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota.
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>> good morning. welcome to your "new day." it's thursday, march 8, 8:00 in the east. president trump is touting a meeting he will hold with steel and aluminum workers in the white house this afternoon. there is still confusion as to whether the president will unveil today the details of that controversial plan to impose the new tariffs. the white house is fighting back reports that the president's personal lawyer is trying to silence a porn star alleged an affair with the president a decade ago. this, as cnn is learning that president trump is upset with his press secretary. why? let's begin with cnn's abby phillip with breaking details. what did sarah sanders do? >> reporter: good morning, chris. it seems the president is not very happy with her explanation of his involvement in this case involving stormy daniels. sarah sanders acknowledged for the first time that there was a non-disclosure agreement that president trump was a part of when she talked about this issue
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of arbitration. now a source close to the white house has told cnn's jim acosta that he's upset she went there in the briefing yesterday. in fact, this source says potus is very unhappy, sarah gave stormy daniels that story line steroids yesterday. listen to what she said about an ash traks case that would have happened in the last week involving the president's personal lawyer michael cohen and stormy daniels. >> the president addressed these directly and made very well clear that none of these allegations are true. this case has already been won in arbitration, and anything beyond that i would refer you to the president's outside counsel. >> you said there's arbitration that's already been won? by whom and when? >> by the president's personal details. for details on that, i would refer you to them. >> you're aware of them. what more can you share with us? >> i can share arbitration was won in the president's favor.
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i would prefer you to the president's outside counsel on any details beyond that. >> reporter: the key point here being in the president's favor. that is an acknowledgment by the white house for the first time that the president is directly involved in this saga, on going saga with stormy daniels over an alleged affair. this situation is now expanding beyond what we thought we knew. up until this point the white house seemed to deny that the president knew anything about this whatsoever. on the issue of tariffs that you mentioned earlier in this intro, that is still brewing here at the white house. president trump getting a little bit ahead of his own staff this morning, sending out a tweet a few minutes ago announcing there will be a 3:30 p.m. meeting on steel and aluminum tariffs. it is really not clear what this meeting is going to involve, whether it's going to involve the actual signing of a legal document authorizing these tariffs to go into place. we know there will be a meeting, but as of last night, late last
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night, white house officials were telling cnn that plans for an actual signing had been scuttled despite the fact that steel and aluminum workers were being flown into washington for some kind of event. we don't know if the deal will be done in time for the president to say it's a done deal by this afternoon. >> abby, stay with us. we want to bring in cnn political director david chalian. i admit, i'm confused how sarah sanders could have run afoul of the president and the president be angry about what she said. what she said is that arbitration was won in the president's favor. that didn't roll off her tongue. that's not an extemporaneous remark. these are prepared remarks that she comes to the podium with. >> and there are only two people that could have given her that information or maybe three. michael cohen, the president of
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the united states or michael cohen's attorney. clearly she got that piece of information to share. you and abby are both right to underscore that. in the president's favor, by saying that expression, and i don't know if that was part of the written remarks or if she was supposed to just stick to "arbitration was won," i have to agree with the president's analysis according to jim sack costa's reporting, that this is putting steroids into this story. we hear from the podium for the very first time that the president is party to there dispute with someone accusing him of having an affair and being paid off to be silent about the affair. the president is at the center of this. if sarah sanders' job was to put the story to bed, i think she did just the opposite. >> let's test that theory. in fact, abby, the president is not at the center of the legal dispute. it's in my hand. the arbitration case lists as
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the claim mat ecllc which is michael cohen's consulting, llc. the president is not mentioned. he was mentioned in a pseudonym in the nda which he didn't sign. this is not about trump. it's about the political implications in the court of public opinion. not about the actual legalities. fair point? >> i think to some extent it is fair. that's exactly why what sarah said yesterday was so problematic. what she suggested is that the president really is at the center of it, despite what michael cohen has been saying. he's a lawyer who has been saying his client was not directly aware he was doing all these things on his behalf because his job for trump has been to be the fixer of problems. so for sarah sanders to now connell out and say it was won in the president's favor, it suggests that the president is the person who is at the center of this case, that it's a case between the president and stormy
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daniels. that's what stormy has been saying all along. for sarah to acknowledge that i think is problematic at the very least in the court of public opinion. it might go towards stormy's case that at the end of the day michael cohen was acting on behalf of donald trump. >> the bigger issue, david, you can address as well, if this violates campaign finance laws. if the president was aware of this, if he instructed the $130,000 payment, then it seems to more likely be a case of violation of campaign finance laws because it happened right before the election in order to perhaps keep the president from losing the election. >> right. it would be sort of an illegal contribution to the campaign in some way. that seems to be a second step here. the campaign finance law issue is not part of the actual dispute. but i would just add, guys, when michael cohen admitted to paying
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$130,000 to stormy daniels, he admitted to doing so to protect donald trump and the political argument that sarah sanders helped bolster is indeed he did do this to protect donald trump because they got a ruling that's in the president's favor. she basically linked arms with michael cohen on this matter yesterday as opposed to trying to distance the president from it. >> so what's the so what on this? if you're a trump voter, we've seen in the polls, people believe his personal choices are such as what they seem, obviously, and they don't care. they voted for him anyway. even evangelicals. so who cares unless donald trump winds up sitting across from an fbi member and doesn't tell the truth about this and you're right back where clinton was many years ago. >> david. >> i agree with you. i don't think this is going to
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affect his support overall. i totally agree with that, chris, although i will say it does beg the question, if you look at what some of his most ardent supporters, white evangelical leaders said back in the '90s about bill clinton and they seemed to be willing to give him a mulligan on this, i think they need to sort of explain that discrepancy there. i agree, i'm not even sure, by the way, chris, if indeed stormy daniels told her story before the election it would have upended the result of the election. i'm not convinced of that either. we have two different versions of events. there's stormy daniels's stories and the president's story. one of them is lying. he is the president of the united states. i think it's worth finding out if he's lying to the american people. >> it's important to find out if the president is telling the truth. it would be one thing if the white house weren't making a statement one way or the other about the truthfulness of the allegations. the white house is saying the president denies this happened, the president denies the allegations against him. if that turns out to be untrue,
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that's very important. it's important now and it might be important going down the road as republicans are trying to hold on to congress and there is this constant stream of what seems to be scandal coming from this white house. >> look, stormy daniels -- stephanie clifford, her credibility is already in trouble, right, for several reasons? one, she told different stories of this. in the pleading xi says i did have an intimate affair. she also took the money and cut the deal. now she wants a better deal. that is not recognized well the court of law. let's talk about policy. abby, the confusion is -- we know the president favors these tariffs. the confusion is that there was -- you, i believe, heard there was going to be an announcement at 3:30 this afternoon. there might be something signed. there is going to be certainly the policy position laid out about it. now, has that changed to just being a meeting with some steel and aluminum workers?
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>> alisyn, i think it's still very unclear what exactly is going to happen this afternoon. at the very least because the president is in charge here, he says there will be a meeting. there will be some kind of meeting happening this afternoon. it's a real issue whether or not there's a legal foundation for what the president is going to sign today. one of the big open question marks here is who and what is going to be exempted from these tariffs. the white house still has to work out how and if they are going to exempt mexico and canada, for example. the president mentioned trying to be good to our friends in that tweet this morning. they have to work that out from a legal perspective. last night there was real confusion. they thought they were going to be able to do this by this afternoon. and then later in the afternoon it seemed like they didn't think they could get it done in time if what the president wanted to do was actually sign a document and hold it up as he often does and sap this is what i promise.
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it's not clear they'll be able to get that done this afternoon. perhaps they could get it done by friday. what he wants to be able to do is go to pennsylvania over the weekend and say i have put in place the tariffs that i promised. in this critical republican district, a republican race where it could be beneficial to that candidate to have a president who is fulfilling promises -- bringing back the steel and aluminum industries. >> there's no question that the president has a problem with tariff idea in his own party. more than a hundred members of the gop blasting this idea. up nexti, republican senator ro johnson is going to tell us why he's against it. he's going to tell us what he's going to do about it next.
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she's noticing a real difference in her joint comfort... karen: "she's single." ...and high levels of humiliation in her daughter. in just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kid's discomfort. osteo bi-flex. made to move. what's going on here? i'm babysitting. that'll be $50 bucks. you said $30 dollars. yeah, well it was $30 before my fees, like the pizza-ordering fee and the dog-sitting fee.
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and the rummage through your closet fee. are those my heels? yeah! yeah, we're the same size in shoes. with t-mobile taxes and fees are already included, so you get four unlimited lines for just $35 bucks each. more than 100 house republicans supporting the tariff on steel and aluminum. the white house announcing that mexico and canada might be exempt. joining us is republican senator ron johnson of wisconsin who opposes the tariffs. good to see you, senator. >> good morning, chris. how are you doing? >> doing well, thank you. first let's deal with the politics. you wrote a letter. he doesn't care. how does that make you feel as a
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gop sflat tore? >> i don't think everyone to agree with me 100% of the time. there's a wide divide in this country and between individuals. president trump las had this position pour decades. i come from a manufacturing background, exported product to 20, 25 countries around the world. if it's targeted toward china, depending on how it's tailored, i may not have a problem with it. that's where the root cause of the problem is, the gross oversupply within china and their trade abuses. a generalized tariff that would harm allies, harm american consumers, by the way, harm american workers that use steel in production, hurting their competitive nature in global markets as well, i'm opposed to that. >> there are two obstacles here. the first one is whom is he helping. the promise is attractive to his base and workers in general. you're going to make it better for us. we're going to have more jobs. but is that true when you have
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so many more workers, literally exponentially more affected because of their use of these materials than the workers involved in the manufacture of the materials? >> one study after president bush tried to do this in 2002 said there are about 2,000 jobs lost in steel using industries. 6.5 million workers utilizing steel probably under 150,000 in steel mills. so you're left to wonder what would the increased prices do even for those workers in the steel mills? maybe a couple mills might open up, maybe a few more jobs might be created. you're literally risking hundreds of thousands of jobs in other industries that utilize steel. their cost will increase, their product will be less competitive in global markets. by the way, american consumers will pay higher prices because of the raw materials increased.
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>> if it's that obvious on an economic level, you have to ask why is he doing it anyway? do you think he might be loading the deck for a trip to pennsylvania for a special election in one congressional district? >> i can't answer that. >> you must. >> it's actually very disappointing that free and fair trade is not politically popular. i don't understand it myself, again, having been in manufacturing, participated in global marks. a fair amount of demagoguery on all sides of the aisle. the american public in general does not support free and fair trade. i think that's unfortunate, an incorrect position to trade. >> the second obstacle, this is not power derived from his seat. this is power given to him by congress back in the '60s. there is a threshold that the president has to make the case that it is a matter of national security interest. do you believe that threshold is met? >> i don't believe so.
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the figures i've seen, the defense department uses about 3% of american-produced steel. largest foreign supply of steel is canada. i'm pretty confident that canada is a solid ally, a friend of america. i don't believe it meets the national security threshold at all. >> their latest move might work against them. first pete navarro said -- he was a nondescript character in this white house until the issue came up and gary cohn got squeezed out over it, he said no exemptions, can't make exemptions, sends the wrong signal when you have exemptions. now they're saying there will be exemptions, probably canada and mexico. that's because of forcing the hand on nafta. but if it's about nafta, then how is it about national security? >> being the senator from wisconsin, what i do know about nafta is wisconsin has a trade surplus with canada and mexico. one thing that's lost in this whole conversation when we talk
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about trade deficits, i would much rather export $2.3 trillion and have a trade deficit than have a trade surplus and only export $1 trillion. suppliers treat customers really well. america is the world's biggest customer, so our suppliers, other countries that import into our country ought to treat us well, and they do. our trade posture can really be an effective foreign policy tool, do an awful lot of good. we can wield an awful lot of influence because of that. if we start engaging in trade wars, i don't believe anybody wins a trade war. there may be people that are harmed less, maybe america is in a better position, but i think there's so much collateral damage, it's a risky and dangerous strategy. >> senator, you're often identified as somebody to look for on issues of progress, not just in the proving yourself right side of things. that takes us back to what you
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were involved in, this 'em broel i don't over fisa and what's going on in our intelligence community. do you have any regrets of getting caught up in those false notion of secret societies and the like? >> no. what i asked everybody to do is read our detailed report on our investigation in the hillary clinton e-mail scandal and the fbi's investigation of that. very detailed. an awful lot of questions that have been raised as a result. i'm trying to get to the bottom of that for full public disclosure. i think the american public has a right to know what's been happening in the fbi and department of justice. >> i hear you on that. and i read it. there's no secret society, no proof there was conspiracy going on. you know that. >> not my phrase. it's an informant talking about secret meetings. that's all i said. i made the comment one time and others blew it out of proportion. my main concern is the possible corruption within the fbi and department of justice in this
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particular investigation and how that may affect their other work. we continue to do our investigation, continue to uncover facts. we're looking forward to the inspector general's report on the fbi investigation of hillary clinton's e-mail scandal and we'll continue to do our work. there are a lot of questions that still need to be answered. >> fine. you don't believe there's a secret society? >> not my term. there may have been off-site meetings. i have information there were. again, that's almost beside the point. my main concern is the investigation. it was not really meant to uncover the truth or prosecute, it's meant to cover up and exonerate. i'm concerned about that type of investigation from the fbi and department of justice. >> i totally get you. the truth has to be the side that we all have to decide to join. you don't want to smear the intelligence community without cause. we know it seems to work for the president. >> i'm not. i'm asking the questions. others blow certain things way out of proportion.
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i'm just trying to get to the facts. the american people deserve the truth. >> senator, you are always welcome on this show to make your case to the american people. >> appreciate that. have a great day. >> see you, senator. alisyn. >> it has been three weeks since the massacre in parkland, florida. so what's happening in terms of fighting gun violence on capitol hill? we'll ask house minority whip steny hoyer next. ♪ to your best friend's girl, ♪ don't bring that bad day with cha, ♪ ♪ leave it at the door. ♪ if you got money in your pocket, ♪ ♪ it don't mean nothing, if you ain't where it is. ♪ ♪ if you ain't where it is. ♪ ♪ so we know how to cover almost we've everything even "close claws." [driver] so, we took your shortcut, which was a bad idea.
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it has been three weeks since the florida school massacre. the florida legislature now has a bill sitting on the governor's desk that tries to tackle gun violence and school safety. what has the u.s. congress done in that time? let's ask congressman steny hoyer, house minority whip. >> good morning. >> let's talk about what florida has put on the governor's desk. here is what the conditions are of this legislation. they want to raise the minimum age for purchase to 21, require a three-day waiting period, ban bump stocks, give police more power to seize weapons if a family member or friend flags
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someone is a danger to themselves or others, allow additional funding for armed school officers and allow school staff, teachers that are trained, to be armed. that's what florida is doing. we'll see if the governor is going to sign that. what's happening in the halls of congress? >> first let me say, those are some positive steps. i don't believe with every one of them, particularly the arming of teachers which i think is a mistake. i think there is some movement. there has been no movement, however, here. that's unfortunate. we have been trying to get comprehensive background checks which the overwhelming majority, 97% of the public supports taking steps so everybody has a background check and we can preclude those who are criminal s, multiple misdemeanor offenders, people on the terrorist watch list, people with mental health problems from getting guns.
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we can't get that piece of legislation, overwhelmingly supported by the american people, on the agenda, on the floor. >> why not? >> because the republicans refuse to do it. >> why is that? explain to us why -- everybody talks about background checks. that seems to be something there is wide consensus on. what's the sticking point? >> i have think the only conclusion one can draw is that the nra is opposed to it and they don't want to offend the nra. i think that's tragic frankly, it's against the will of the american people, against the safety of our children and against the safety of people going to concerts, going to night clubs, going to churches, going to other places where people gather, where people are vulnerable. frankly, i don't know any other explanation other than the nra says they're opposed to it. that's unfortunate. we ought to get rid of the bump stocks. i'm glad to see the florida legislature did that as well. i think there's no use for an
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ar-15, a weapon that can shoot a lot of bull let's very quickly -- that's unfortunate? we ought to be considering th e those. >> the nra has a new video out that strikes many as a threat. so let me play this for you. >> we've had a enough of the lies, the sank moan any, hatred, pettiness, fake news. we are done with your agenda to undermine america's will and individual liberty. that those who bring bias and prop gan to cnn, "the washington post" and "the new york times," your time is running out. the clock starts now. >> your time is running out. what does that mean? >> it sounds to me like a threat. but the irony is that in that ad they say undermining the voters'
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will. the voteers' will is overwhelmingly for taking steps, particularly on the background checks, but also on tthe majorif americans believe these rifles that can shoot a lot of bullets very fast and kill a lot of people very fast should not be on the market, should not be available. so the only thing one can conclude is the nra and that threat you point to is intimidating the republicans and, therefore, they don't act. it's certainly not reflecting the view of the american people who want to see action. >> the father of one of the victims from stoneman douglas, fred gut ten berg, his daughter was jamie, he was on capitol hill yesterday speaking to many of your democratic senate colleagues. here is how he hears that video of the nra. let me play this for you.
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>> i ask you a question. if this was put out by a terrorist organization, we would be raising the terror threat level in this country. why are we letting this lobby have anything to do in d.c.? i don't understand it! >> what's the answer to that? >> i understand his frustration. i don't think the nra is a terrorist group, and we have the first amendment. we honor the first amendment. they're free to say what they want. however, as i said, the irony is they said something about the voters' will. the voters' will is, in fact, being thwarted, voters feel we should take meaningful action,. the mental health clearly is a criteria which ought to be used in terms of background checks. there ought to be a waiting period to buy guns.
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i think the florida legislation has that. i think that's a step forward. but very frankly, the republican leaders in the congress of the united states ought to have the courage to respond to the people's will and at least put it on the floor, at least give the representatives of the american people the right to vote on legislation which will help protect them and their children. >> steny hoyer, thank you. we appreciate you being on. >> thank you. the trump administration is escalating its immigration fight with california. the justice department is leading the way, suing to block three of the state's sanctuary laws. a live report next.
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the trump administration and the state of california are locking horns on immigration. the department of justice is suing to block three of california's so-called sanctuary cities. attorney general jeff sessions claims california's leaders are protecting criminals and jeopardizing law enforcement lives. miguel marquez live in los
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angeles with more. good to see you. what did you find? >> reporter: the relationship between the state of california and the trump administration has been far more than complicated it's been fraught at the very best over things like taxes and the environment and marijuana. but immigration, and in particular these sanctuary policies has taken that relationship to a whole new level. '4. >> the state of california, they are doing a lousy management job. >> reporter: the fight between president trump -- >> we know the trump administration is full of liars -- >> reporter: and the california republic -- >> this is basically going to war against the state of california, the engine of the american economy. it's not wise, it's not right and it will not stand. >> reporter: now a heavyweight bout. >> how dare you, how dare you needlessly endanger the lives of our law enforcement officers. >> reporter: the federal government now suing the golden state, its governor and attorney general over its so-called
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sanctuary immigration laws. the president first threatened to pull i.c.e. and border patrol from the state. >> if we said, hey, let california alone, let them figure it out for themselves, in two months they'd be begging for us to come back. you know what? i'm thinking about doing it. >> reporter: now his attorney general wants to undo three california laws limiting law enforcement cooperation and information sharing about immigration status on mainly law abiding immigrants. >> we're going to fight these irrational, unfair, unconstitutional policies that have been imposed on you and your officers and our federal officers. >> reporter: several california cities already have sanctuary laws on the books. in january the acting head of immigration and customs enforcement called for arresting officials who passed and signed the laws. >> you've got to start charging some of these politicians with crimes. these politicians can't make these decisions and be held
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unaccountable for people dying. >> reporter: for its part, california has already sued the trump administration five times on other immigration issues. the federal government now trying to rein in the golden state and possibly hundreds of other states, cities and counties nationwide and their immigration laws. but wait, there's more. the president is due to visit california for the first time next week. he's expected to visit those prototype border walls he had built in san diego. it's the first time he'll be out here since taking over the presidency which is an interesting note. it's the first time a sitting president has visited the golden tate their first year in office. >> miguel, appreciate it. good to see you, my friend. the stormy daniels scandal quickly overshadows the chaos at the white house. you can argue it's part and parcel of it. can the president over come this? van jones, "the bottom line"
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three thousand dollars on purchases in the first three months from account opening plus, zero-dollar intro annual fee for the first year, then ninety-five dollars. learn more at . the white house is caught in the storm named daniels. it is a scandal. they have to deal with it. they are not handling it well. the president's alleged affair with the porn star giving late night comics plenty of fodder. you wanted some. here it is. >> adult film star stormy daniels sued president trump yesterday alleging their non-disclosure agreement is not valid because he never signed it. that sound you just heard was melania dumping out her desk drawer looking for the marriage certificate. maybe he didn't, maybe he didn't, ah. >> if stormy wins the lawsuit,
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not only will she be able to talk and tell everything, she will immediately be sworn in as president of the united states. >> law experts are saying some of the language in adult film star's non-disclosure agreement suggests she may have lured photos taken during their sexual encounters. said trump, fake nudes. >> the bombshell news after trump's victory, mr. cohen complained to friends he had yet to be reimbursed for the payment to ms. clifford. maybe now you'll sympathy with stormy daniels because donald trump has screwed you both. >> all right, on that note, let's bring in van jones. let's get "the bottom line" from him. listen, this is tawdry stuff. is it significant? >> the fact that it may not bs significant in itself.
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the fact that you can have this low level of a standard for the praelts, the president we used to call the leader of the free world. the fact that we ask the question, is it significant that maybe he paid off a porn star right before he was going to be elected president so the porn star wouldn't tell the world he was cheating on his wife right after his last son was born, is that significant? the fact that we're asking if it's significant is significant. >> is it fair to say what if barack obama did this? >> i said many times, if barack obama had done just half of what trump did last week, he wouldn't have been impeached, he would have been in guantanamo. if you reverse position on 12 different issues, lose half your staff, you can't be president. there would be no discussion. obama would literally disappear. biden would be president and we would never mention his name again. we're rolling along.
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>> he was never a morality play, not even for people who make morality their cause. even the evangelicals with their political history of what they find intolerant, the idea of giving him a mulligan or a thousand mulligans, whatever, they bought into not buying into him as a person. you have to look at the next level of significance which is lying is troubling for a presidency. on that level, sarah huckabee sanders yesterday saying this. >> the president has addressed these directly and made very well clear that flon of these allegations are true. this case has already been won in arbitration, and anything beyond that i would refer you to the president's outside counsel. >> you said there's arbitration that's already been won? by whom and when? >> by the president's personal attorneys. for details i would refer you to them. >> you're aware of them. what more can you share with us?
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>> i can share that the arbitration was won in the president's favor and i would refer you to the president's outside counsel on any details beyond that. >> key distinction. the first part she was reading from something. the second part she was not. it is in the second part where she said something that is bad. the theory of the case, van, michael cohen did this because he cares deeply about the president, he did it with his own money. and saying the president won the arbitration puts him in the dynamic as opposed to just a third party beneficiary of it. fair point? >> fair point. even as talented a spin master as her, she's tap dancing on marbles all day. at some point you're going to slip. the marbles are not coming from sarah huckabee. they're coming from the oval office, from the president, from his won duct, from the fact he has all these sleazy people around him trying to cover up the slooiz stuff he does in a sleazy way.
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literally one word -- bill clinton, what's the definition of the. he's still getting beaten up 25 years later. this is just bad behavior from a bad person who got elected to the presidency of the united states possibly in a bad way with bad guys from russia. that is bad, and she's doing the best she can with bad. >> to your point, it makes it much less likely that we ever see him do what bill clinton did which is comply with a subpoena and testify before a grand jury or anywhere. i don't see how it happens when they have this kind of problems with the truth. >> he can't get in an elevator and out of an elevator without saying 12 things that are untrue. he would tell 20 lies before he got into the room. part of the reason i'm doing my show the way i'm doing it, we're trying to have meaningful conversations with people frankly outside of politics. those people don't have to lie,
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don't have to smpin. they don't have to polish this stuff and can speak more honestly and truthfully. >> your dream interview, shoot for if moon. would it be, i don't know, oprah? >> you know, sometimes dreams come true. sometimes dreams come true. >> what are you going to talk to her about? >> oprah winfrey is coming on the van jones show. sunday night is an all-star show of force on the part of the network. i think the network feels like we get beat up all day with all this nonsense, so we're going to have oprah for an hour with ava due var nay. then we've got the kennedys, then we've got the pope. here is all the good stuff ever served up on a big platter. starts at 8:00 p.m. on sunday, on the east coast, 5:00 p.m. on the west coast. we need to hear from oprah winfrey. we need some inspiration.
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we need some hope. we need some wisdom. we need some love. we need some help. she's coming to help. >> i was at the 92nd street y the other night -- if you're not from new york, you may not know it as well. it's a big cultural fixture in new york. they've had the greats there of moral agency, elie wiesel, a whole lineage. so many people are saying who is it today? who is giving us a reason to believe in something positive? that's a challenge in politics. i guess you'd have to say it's a challenge for the democrats especially because they're looking to unseat the current president. what do you think of that? >> i right right now whoever shows up with some real hope is going to get a big hearing from our party. right now, we're mad at trump, we hate trump, we're mat at trump. when that young kennedy kid, when joe kennedy came out and spoke from his heart in a hopeful way, he got a big
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audience. i don't think it's going to be anti-trump election, it's got to be a pro hope election. >> quickly, why is oprah not going to do it? >> i've got to ask her. we'll find out. >> van, thank you for the preview. watch "the van jones show" airing this sunday, 8:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. how about a little "good stuff" next. dark magic told in the time it takes to brew your cup. first, we head to vermont. and go to our coffee shop. and meet dave. hey. why is dark magic so spell-bindingly good, he asks? let me show you. let's go. so we climb. hike. see a bear. woah. reach the top. dave says dark magic is a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. like these mountains, each amazing on their own. but together? magical. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters packed with goodness.
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yes are celebrating the women in today's edition of "the good stuff." in case you didn't know, today is international women's day. >> i'm wearing purple. >> congratulations. >> thank you. i'll accept this award on behalf of all women. >> that's a big honor, by the way. melinda gates is spreading the wealth. she plans to empower women around the world. how? the money. she and her husband are going to spend $170 million over the next four years -- remember, they already spend a ton of money through their foundation. they want to help women exercise economic power. plus, mcdonald's, you see what they did? they flipped the are afters on you. look at this. the california chain, that m into a w to celebrate women.
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they said six out of ten of their managers are female. so to all the women out there who are doing great things and those who will continue to do so, congratulations. we ale braet you. >> maybe mcdonald's should keep it that way. i like it. >> screw up the brand. time for cnn "newsroom" with john berman. we'll see you tomorrow. today the white house is juggling tariffs and porn stars, just as the framers intended. good morning, john berman here. white house officials are not sure if president trump knew his lawyer was paying off a porn star. they're also not sure if the president is signing new tariffs today. no one seems sure who gets hit by the tariffs. members of his own party are questioning both the wit dom of the trips and the voracity of the claims about the porn star, again, just as the framers intended. the president may sign the
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