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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  March 11, 2018 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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housing and urban development. >> that's hilarious. >> entertainment weekly says you'll be laughing without tears except without the laughing so i get regular crying. with loving tributes >> you're growing up just to be like me. maybe even better. >> and, of course, there is this. >> can't cry. i have nothing in me. >> this is u.s. this is real. ♪ keep america great, exclamation point. keep america great. north korea is tough. they are testing nuclear weapons. we may sit down and make the greatest deal for the world. open up the barriers and get
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ready for your tariffs and if you don't do, that we are going to attack mercedes-benz, we are going to attack bmw. i'd love oprah to win and i'd love to beat oprah. i know her weakness. women, we love you! we got 52 p, right? >> mr. president, do you have a relationship with a woman named stormy daniels? >> remember how i said it would be easy to be presidential? you would be so bored because i could stand up, right? i am very presidential. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here tonight. that is much easier than doing what i have to do. >> announcer: this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. >> president trump on the campaign trail and in his comfort zone speaking at a big crowd there in pennsylvania. >> yeah. he was unplugged a little bit, let's say, as he took the stage in pennsylvania last night.
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he was there to endorse gop candidate and stayed on script, as we are told, just about five minutes. >> the other 75 minutes, not so much. he talked about the death penalty for drug dealers, political attacks, and 20/20 talk about oprah and his campaign theme. there were a lot of things he talked about, except stormy daniels. the president was asked about the adult film star before leaving for pittsburgh. >> mr. president, did you have a relationship with a woman named stormy daniels? cnn's jeremy diamond is in washington with more this morning. what is the word for washington after this big rally here, jeremy. >> reporter: the president hitting the campaign trail last night and offering us all perhaps a little bit of a preview what to expect in 2018, franklin, the mid terms are looking on lot like the 2016 presidential campaign. the president faced with the task of boosting a struggling
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republican in pennsylvania's 18th district, a district the president won by about 20 points in 2018. the president offered his characteristic stump speech and free wheeling and his boasts and falsehood we can typically expect from this president as well as his airing of grievances including against the news media. the president two page announcements the last week. his imposition of steel/aluminum tariffs which are popular in the pittsburgh district which is the heart of the rust belt and agreeing to an unprecedented meeting with north korean's leader kim jong-un. the president also appearing to preview some policy he hopes to enact and one very controversial at that. that would be the dreath penalt
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for drug dealers. >> the only way to solve the drug problem is through toughness. when i was in china and other places, by the way, i said, mr. president, do you have a drug problem? no, no, no, we do not. i said, ha. big country. 1.4 billion people, right? not much of a drug problem. i said, what do you tribute that to? the death penalty. i think it's a discussion we have to start thinking about, don't you think? i don't know if you're ready. >> reporter: the president was also focused on the 2020, that is his re-election campaign and thinking about the potential opponents there and it's clear the president is focusing on oprah pin free who has suggested in recent days she is not likely to run but the president is already prepared. >> oh, i'd love oprah to win. i know her weakness. wouldn't we love to run against
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oprah? i would love it. i would love it. that would be a painful experience for her. >> reporter: that is not all the president had to say about the 2020 campaign. he also previewed his slogan for his re-election bid he said is keep america great with an exclamation point at the end. >> you can't forget the exclamation point there. let's bring in our guests, brian celter who is "host of reliable sources, along with julian zeleny. julian, not every election since the president's inauguration got the president there. look at the video up there. they are women vote trump signs and make america great again signs and trump t-shirts. why wasn't the president there and how important is this race to the president?
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>> the seat, itself, night mot matter because of the redistricting. the perception matters a lot. if republicans lose or they barely win in a district so heavily in favor of the president in 2016 and how has all of these republicans coming to help, including the president, it will look like a wave election is possible and build inenthusiasm among ks did and deflate a lot of republicans. i think that is why this special election has become so important. and as we saw yesterday, this is now a launching pad for the president's 2020 campaign and he is going to used mitt terms that way and, in many ways, more important for him than the actual outcome. >> samantha, he did mention north korea and said that they are going to have this meeting. he doesn't know what is going to happen from it, but this we have to be very nice. then he went on to -- as i said,
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spent the first ten minutes on north korea and he did mention former presidents obama, bush, clinton saying they did nothing. they didn't go, they didn't talk. what if north korea talks don't go anywhere is his win in, i tried? >> i don't know what the president's point with all of that was last night. look. the president cannot stay on script during a friendly campaign rally in the united states, i think there are valid concerns about how he is going to do in a high stakes negotiation with kim jong-un who we know is going to be trying to throw him off of his talking points and this is where john kelly comes in, i think. as chief of staff, two scenarios here. either john kelly grease with the policies the president ad-libbed last night and his greatest themes praising dictators including kim jong-un and crushing our friends, or john kelly has lost control of the president in the policy process. this is when we need the real
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john kelly to stand up. he has to walk into work this morning and explain to his staff, for example, why all of their work on north korea over the past several months and particularly the past several days were contradicted in the speech last night and he has to try to clean up the mess. this is coming at a time when there is already incredibly low morale in the white house and i think it's going to be a very difficult conversation with his team and it's going to take more than a pep talk to get them reengaged on this north korea process after the president really went back and forth in north korea last night. he said talks about happen, they won't happen. he praised kim jong-un. if we can't keep track of where the president's head is on north korea, i think that sends a really poor message to the policy team. >> you add to that what we learned from a spokesman from south korea this morning the president wanted to have the talks in april before the summit, as soon as possible. kind of gives you an idea of the degree of preparation the president expects that he'll need in going into these talks.
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brian, let me come to you. one of the old favorites the president hit at this rally was bashing the media going after some specific reporters and anchors. >> and saying nbc chuck todd is a sleepy-eyed son of a bitch. i know it was inappropriate language and i think we will talk about it before and in the future but the press bashing is something the president apologize doing and goes to show how low he gets sometimes rather than going high and going very low. but i do think the rally, it was a real reminder, as jeremy said, the mid terms like 2016 and the president blames others and wants credit for himself. i think the defining rally was when he said to the crowd is there anything more fun than a trump rally? this is where he is at his best performing for his audience and his fans. really interesting falsehoods when he talked about women voter. you played clip of it in the tease earlier and said 52% of women in the u.s. voted for me.
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he was only talking about white women. he left out the fact that all other groups of women in the u.s. voted against him in significant numbers. i'll leave it to the president where he was thinking why he made that number up and got that wrong. really interesting errors i thought in the speech and that comment will oprah. he talked about oprah and elizabeth warren and using the poke honcahontas clur buslur an oprah not to run. it's certainly a possibility this time next year. area curious to see him going after oprah. she is on van jones show tonight and one of her messages without talking about trump is we have to transcend negativity and that is a pure contrast to president trump. >> he mentioned something when brian was talking about what the president said and i almost wonder fountain gaff was the trump rally. he wasn't there for trump. he was supposed to be there for
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rick satcone and at the end he apparently got up on the stage and said if president trump is in your corner, how can you lose? to which you think, i don't know, ask roy moore or luther strange. karen handle did win with the president's support, we have to be very fair there. what do you make of how potent president trump might be for saccone and what if saccone doesn't win? >> we know he is potent and why the president is there. we have to remember this is a district that went for president trump with very high numbers and now it's a close race. and so republicans are scrambling to see if they can fix that or to minimize the damage. despite how fun it might have been for the crowd, the reality is the trump political brand isn't working as well as republicans hope right now and
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that is why this is a contested special election. and so the one thing that is true is this election probably will, in the end, make a mandate for or against president trump and so a lot of this won't really be about saccone, it will be about president trump and whether he can create enthusiasm for what he is doing. let's remember, right now, it's not working unless those polls are totally off. >> samantha, the president stayed away from what he calls a witch hunt and the russia investigation and the first of these types of rallies we have seen. >> it was. let's hope maybe it all continues but i think one of the other things he didn't do was talk about the efficientlephant room and russia's ongoing talk on our country. he did a press conference with the swedish prime minister earlier this week he acknowledged ongoing russia
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interference resolution but he refuses to talk about russia's influence and war fare campaign and likes to talk about fake news but he didn't mention the fact that vladimir putin gave an interview to megyn kelly on friday night criticizing the intelligence community up and down. he just lets that go? and, unfortunately, that leaves an open door for the russians to keep going. >> samantha vinograd and brian stelter and julian zeleny, thank you for being here. on "state of the union" today with jake tapper senators ron johnson and elizabeth warren on show with the jake. "state of the union" today at 9:00 a.m. eastern, right here on cnn. still to come, "the new york times" says the president is looking to add an impeachment lawyer to his white house team. what does that mean for the special counsel's russia investigation and the investigations happening in
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congress? >> steve bannon's message to a far right nationalist party. let them call you racist. be proud of that. one of the victims of the california veterans home shooting was pregnant when she was killed and we have got new details on the gunman.
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the russia situation or the stormy daniels situation? >> i think it's a situation based on cumulative event. the mueller investigation has expanded. it's gotten closer to the president's inner circle. i'm not sure it's the stormy daniels story that did this, so much as the combination of those inquiries, combined with the fact we are getting closer to november. the administration is aware, if the house goes to the democrats, this is on the table, the possibility of further investigation and impeachment, depending on what mueller's report says. so i think this is a "getting ready" move to shore up his defenses. >> listen to another matter. this is the president's former chief strategist steve bannon talking about claims of some on the far right and this party here in france being racist. here is what he said. >> let them call you racist.
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legali let them call you xenophobes. let them call you natives. wear as a badge of honor. >> what is your reaction to that and what the relevancy? how relevant is steve bannon now he is out of breitbart and out of the president's inner circle? >> the reaction is to hear that in 2018 and exposes some of the thinking behind a lot of what had been president trump's campaign and the first year of the administration. they understand some of the forces that they are playing to. they understand some of the anger that exists about statements they have made on immigration and policies they have enacted on immigration, on race. but they are not backing down. bannon is not -- we don't know how influential he will be but he is still very much reflect the heart and the soul of a lot
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of the trump presidency. if there are all of these questions that circulate about where do all of these ideas fit in the trump orbit, i think bannon was very honest that they are not embarrassed or ashamed about some of the most controversial things that have happened. >> when you say that he reflects the heart and soul of the trump's presidency, remember that -- as we understand, there were names called when he left, the president calling him names and we don't know what kind of connection or relationship they might have at this point. but when people look at steve bannon, do they immediately equate him to president trump and they believe that they share those thoughts, they share that mindset? >> we have to remember, each if the relationship ended with tension, he was very important during the campaign and during the early presidency. so it's not so much about their
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own relationship as much as it was about bannon's role in shaping the architecture of trump's presidency. i don't know at this point what people think about whether he represents what president trump is about, but we shouldn't dismiss him or discount him. i still think he represents a key part of what president trump plans to support in the coming year. they are still very close in their thinking about politics, even if they are not close me l personally. >> what do you make of where this happened? we know marie le pen spoke and is this the next move after the trouble he's had after his comments from the michael wolf book here in the u.s. exporting to go to france and to go to potentially the uk of being on the same side as frage? i think is this the next move for bannon?
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>> i think bannon saw this as a bigger part of revolution in politics. it wasn't just about the united states. and i think he wants to promote this kind of nationalist politics, an anti-globalist politics as he might call it, and he doesn't want to limit it to our own borders. and there is many people who think what we are seeing in france, what we have seen in many other countries at this point, starting with brexit represent a transatlantic move away from the global community and i think bannon envisions himself being at the center of this and helping president trump was really only step one in this agenda. >> correction. it was relatively there of marine lepen at cpac and not le pen herself. a shooting at a veterans home in yountville, california. one of the victims, jennifer
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gonzales was pregnant when she was killed. authorities say albert wong had ptsd. >> reports he was removed from the program after he slthreaten one of the victims. >> he was honorably discharged from the army. police say he had seven firearms registered in his name. next, more from president trump at the rally there in pennsylvania, what he said about china, being presidential, and how the crowd reacted when he brought up potential talks with the leader of north korea. also, this morning, british police scouring through 200 pieces of evidence we have learned, hoping to find an answer to a mysterious poison attack. a live report for you next. wif uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. like these mountains, each amazing on their own. but together? magical. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters.
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call today. good morning, 7:30 on this sunday. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. >> the plan was for the president to come to pennsylvania to boost a local republican in a special election. the president seemed to have another bit of an agenda on his mind, perhaps. >> he did. the white house official familiar with the speech drafted for the president says that he delivered about five minutes of that and then went off script.
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he said a lot. here is what he said. >> well, i'll tell you, we did a great job on the plolympics. president moon said without donald trump, the olympics would have been a total failure. true. it's a little hard to sell tickets when you think you're going to be nuked. south korea came to my office after seeing kim jong-un. it's very positive. no. after the meeting he may do that but now we have to be very nice because let's see what happens. the only way to solve the drug problem is through toughness. when i was in china and other places, by the way, i said, mr. president, do you have a drug problem? no, no, no, we do not. i said, what do you attribute that to? the death penalty. i think it's a discussion we have to talk about.
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wouldn't we love to run against oprah? i would love it. that would be a painful experience for her. remember i said it's easy to be presidential? you would be very bored if i were presidential. that is easy. that is much easier than doing what i have to do. hey, didn't we surprise them with women during the election? remember? women won't like donald trump! i said, have i really had that kind of a problem? i don't think so. but women won't like donald trump. it will be a rough night for donald trump because the women won't come out. we got 52%, right? 52. our new slogan, when we start running in -- can you believe it? two years from now? is going to be keep america great exclamation point.
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keep america great. >> all right. can't forget the exclamation point. joining us to talk about this is cnn political commentators maria cardona and jack kingston. the crowd there had a great time, jack, last night with the president. but this was about the president. they had on their trump t-shirts and their women for trump signs and the make america strong again signs and you've got rick saccone standing there like a guy who doesn't have a seat because nobody is talking about him. how does this help the candidate? >> number up witone he is a pop and has the enthusiastic from the crowd and a litany through greatest hits on which he has been successful. the crowd loves it and if we keep this agenda we have to have rick saccone in there. i think he was getting the message across that way.
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i do believe he put a lot of political capital out there saying we will got to have rick. >> so, maria, look. when you look at who the president has supported and we should point out saccone came out on stage and said if president trump is in your corner, how can you lose? so which we look at roy moore and luther strange. but he did possibly help karen handle who did win here in georgia. at the end of the day, how important is this race in pennsylvania? two wrepublicans and two democrats? >> for republicans it is incredibly important. the fact we are even talking about this race i think sends shivers down the backs of republicans. this was a district that trump won by 20 points in 2016. this should not even be on the table. this should be a shoo-in for the republicans and the fact that republican outside groups have had to spend $10 million to make sure that they don't get
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embarrassed to make sure that trump is not embarrassed now he is out there on a limb supporting the republican saccone, i think speaks volumes about what is going on across the country. i was just at the dnc meeting here in d.c. and we talked about how we have turned 39 ruby red districts to blue just in the last six months. and so looking at what happened in alabama, in new jersey, in virginia, republicans should be incredibly nervous and if lamb wins on tuesday, it will be a seismic shift and indication of the title blue wave that is coming in november. >> jack, let's talk about the president's coattails. as we discussed this morning the president in 2016 won this district by 20 points. however the latest poll has president's approval rating in the 18th at a rate that he is
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above water here. what happened to the president in this ruby red district? >> i think maria is correct that this is a very important seat, particularly for republicans. i think the burden is on us to win. but i also want to say that corner lamb as a democrat is not adopting the d.c. democratic agenda. this is a guy pro gun and pro tariff and actually reflects donald trump's agenda far more than he does nancy pelosi. if the democrats are going to be competitive, based on conor lamb to have anti-democrat establishment for a platform and i think difficult for a blue wave to take place because they can't all run against nancy pelosi as he is. >> now answer my question. >> okay. >> from 20 points over hillary clinton to just four points above water. >> there have been missteps. we all know that. i think that, though, as people look at the jobs, 313,000 new jobs in february, 245,000 new
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manufacturing jobs since he has been president, 300,000 construction jobs going head-to-head on north korea and addressing that and talking about immigration control. all of the repeal of the obamacare. >> and all of that at 51%. you haven't answered that question. >> the democrats as maria pointed out are organized and motivated and we know this. it will be a tough political year. his election, he won handily in the electoral college and not the popular vote to a competitive political climate these days. >> the reason it's incredibly competitive in a district where trump won 20 points is because trump has dismal approval rating across the board historically for the first year in office and it's because a lot of people who voted for him are having buyer's remorse. you know? take off the table that hillary
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clinton won nearly 3 million more votes in the popular vote than trump did, the majority of americans did not vote for him for president of the united states and more americans today don't believe he is fit to be the president of the united states. the last poll that came out has him at 33% approval rating among women and 42% among white women, which is what he was touting during his speech last night. so he is incredibly dangerous right now for republicans and, frankly, if i was a republican, i would not want him to come into my district. i would not want to touch my district with a ten-foot pole. >> so, jack, he did give us a little glimpse of what is to come when we look at 2020. his new campaign slogan keep america great! we have seen trump we come to expect and he took on maxine waters saying she had a low i.q. and you heard him with oprah he knows her weakness.
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what does this get to as we know the numbers that maria just touted and the closeness of this race in a district that he should have? what does this tactic that he's, you know, illustrating, what does it do for him at this point? >> i think one thing that trump's critics miss is this pop culture rapport he has with people. he is a different type politician. as one reporter said, he actually appoints or waves the political finger at the washington establishment because he will say things like this and makes his rallies different and exciting. you did go there with the expectation he is going to say something -- >> but people who are at home rachi watching it, do you watch it at home saying that is who i'm going to vote for? >> exciting but effective? >> i think you do. you think about that jobs report. think about consumer competence. think about the deregulations.
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the number of new jobs and new opportunities that are out there for women, minority voters, lowest hispanic voting unemployment record in history since it's been kept, those are good stats that people know. if he is successful in north korea as erin burnett said he would get a nobel prize and i think she said he would be one of the greatest president in history. people know his agenda, despite the turmoil, despite the side shows, that a lot is getting done and i think people are -- >> that would be a great narrative but the president didn't stick to it. he talked about chuck todd and oprah winfrey and saving the olympics and make america great with an exclamation point. >> a circus is interesting and what this white house is. >> especially a successful one. >> there you go. all right. >> not according to the numbers.
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>> maria and jack, always appreciate you being here. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> take care. we have breaking news right now. this hour in the spy poisoning investigation, we have learned that everyone who dined at a pub, in a restaurant there in salisbury are being told they have been exposed to a dangerous nerve agent. we are taking you to salisbury next. stay close. ways to lose stubborn belly fat. the roasted core wrap. 3, 2, 1... not cool. freezing away fat cells with coolsculpting? now that's cool! coolsculpting safely freezes and removes fat cells with little or no downtime. and no surgery. results and patient experience may vary. some rare side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort and swelling. ask your doctor if coolsculpting is right for you and visit today... for your chance to win a free treatment.
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there in saulsbury. what are you learning? >> reporter: it's worth pointing out it's been seven days since this incident took place and only now are authorities letting people here in salisbury know they have been exposed to a deadly nerve agent last sunday. they found traces of the nerve agent here at this zz's pizza restaurant now closed off as well as the local pub. they are advising anyone who was inside the zizzi public off the restaurant last sunday after 1:00 after an abundance of caution to wash their clothes as well as many other items they had at the restaurant or the pub. they do not believe, according to health authorities, that anyone else has been harmed. now in terms of what this tells us about the investigation which is ongoing, authorities have been very tight-lipped and it tells us that sergei scriptal as
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well as his daughter may have been exposed or poisoned by the nerve agent prior to reaching the park bench where they were later found unconscious. the latest twist in a fast-paced investigation involving multiple sites here which includes people's homes, as well as the local cemetery. >> erin mclaughlin, thank you. we appreciate it. you know the name but how much do do you know about america's favorite family? >> as cnn takes a rare look inside the kennedy's. just gonna stay home on the farm, eat a beautiful idaho potato, and watch tv with my dog... tv anncr: the big idaho potato truck pulled into town today and it's really a sight to see. oh man...let's go.... (distant) you comin', boy? sfx: (dog) gulp! woof.
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while north korea a porn star, a meltdown by a former trump aid dominated the headlines, president trump's cabinet secretaries were dealing with some other things. >> the interior department
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confirmed that ryan zinke is getting new office doors. how much are they? $139,000 for doors. a spokeswoman said he was unaware of the cost which was so high because of regulations requiring historic preservation. >> education secretary betsy devas made a brief visit to parkland, florida. she greeted with some groups of students and teachers. the trip was closed to the press except for some student journalists and after her visit she defended a controversial proposal to arm some teachers. >> let's be clear, i think it's just arming teachers is a oversimplification and a mischaracterization, really. i think the concept is to -- for those schools and those communities that opt to do this, to have people who are expert in being able to defend and have lots and lots of training.
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>> the housing of urban development led by dr. ben carson is reportedly considering removing antidiscrimination language from its mission statement. >> right now, hud's mission includes building, quote, inclusive and stausable communities. a memo obtained from the huffington post says the new statement would say hud's mission is to make sure americans have access to fair, affordable housing and opportunities to achieve self-sufficiency there by strengthening our communities and nation. that quote that hud has been is now and always will be committed to insuring inclusive housing-free from discrimination for all americans. >> there is no name in american politics as legendary as kennedy, but while you know the name, you may not know that family's whole story. >> tonight's cnn new original series sheds some new lighting on the iconic family here.
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dana bash recently sat down with bobby kennedy's daughter. >> so i heard a pretty incredible story which is that my great-grandfather played a role in helping your grandmother in the great in the u.s. during world war ii. how did that happen? >> just not that, your great-grandfather saved my grandmother's life. this is the lure of my family and we went back and looked at shof my grandmother's notes. she was austrian. it was the throes of world war ii. she was jewish. her parents sent her to england to basically be a nanny to work as a domestic, just to get her out and while she was there her parents somehow got to the united states. she was still in england desperately trying to get a visa to the u.s. my grandmother went to the
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embassy where your great-grandfather was ambassador. she was relentless and the story is that she finally got in to see your great-grandfather and he approved it. he personally approved the visa. the story she used to tell was that your great-grandfather said, all right, little lady, you got moxie i'll let you go. fast-forward a few decades and frances, your grandmother's granddaughter is covering joe's son ted. you've said you learned a lot from that experience. what are some lasting lessons. >> i learned so much just by observing your uncle ted, ted kennedy because he was the master legislator and what was so remarkable about him, was that he was the most partisan of democrats but he also was somebody who understood that you can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. so watch american dynasties, the kennedys.
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it's tonight at 9:00 p.m. only on cnn. we are always so grateful to spend the morning with you. thank you for being with us. >> "inside politics" with john king starts after a short break. our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence. booking a flight doesn't have to be expensive. just go to priceline. it's the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40%. just tap and go... for the best savings on flights, go to priceline. than♪ you. imagine if the things you bought every day... earned you miles to get to the places you really want to go. with the united mileageplus explorer card, you'll get a free checked bag. two united club passes. priority boarding. and earn fifty thousand bonus miles after you spend
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now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. to our viewers in the united states and around the world, thank you for sharing your sunday. president trump unplugged at a campaign rally last night. he bragged about his first 14 months in office. took trademark digs at his critics and said, he's all set for the 2020 reelection slogan. >> our new slogan when we start running in, can you believe it, two careers from now, is going to be keep america great, exclamation point. keep


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