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tv   The Van Jones Show  CNN  March 11, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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florida. they don't like the legislation that he signed into law the other day. thanks, once again, for joining us. that's all for me. i'm wolf blitzer in washington. up next, dan jones sits down with the one an own oprah of a brand new episode of the "van jones show." ♪ welcome to the show, i want to welcome you to the special sunday edition on a special night on cnn. tonight, we are going to be graced with the presence of a legend so powerful, she doesn't even need an introduction or a last name. i don't know what to call her. queen mother of planet earth, oprah winfrey is in the
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building! she's in the building! [ cheers and applause ] oh, lord. oh, it don't make no sense! later on, it gets better. we talk to a film director helping to lead a culture revolution in hollywood, bringing forward new voices and viewpoints, the visionary, ava, is also in the house. oh, it's a bad show. it's a bad show. i love it. ava's latest film is called "a wrinkle in time" out this weekend, take your kids there if you have not gone. if you don't have no kids, go anyway because oprah's in that too. listen, you can tell i'm hyped. i'm excited. it's not because the guests are superstars, but the most insp e inspirational human beings i've ever met. i just need hope right now. i'm tired. i'm frustrated. i'm scared because of stuff that's happening in the political district.
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the crazy has gotten crazier and crazier. everybody agrees that we should protect the dreamers. we still can't pass the bill. everybody agrees we should do a better background check on people who want to buy bazookas and stuff, but we still can't pass a bill. not one bill. if barack obama did half the stuff that trump did just last week, he wouldn't be impeached, but locked up in guantanamo someplace. am i wrong? but here we are acting everything is okay, but it's not okay. i hope we elect sane people in the midterm who can turn things around, but in the meantime, the overall vibe in politics is so negative and nasty. i'm stayed involved in the fight, but i'm looking elsewhere for wisdom and insight and understanding. that's why i love talking to the churl icons on the show so much. i think the nonpoliticians are more honest, more real, to be more truthful sometimes than the
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politicians, and it's also why on the "van jones show" we get out of d.c. we go to the heartland, texas, nevada, and the personal stakes of the issue are actually a lot higher, but the circles are smaller and conversations are different. like, they have to get someplace eventually, so the whole point of this show is i think we've got to change where we think change is going to come from. in ordinary times business leaders and politicians run the society, and we play our parts in the margins. we have a serious crisis like this one . business leaders can't create the jobs, and politicians just fight. where are the solutions going to come from? i believe that they got to come from unexpected people in unexpected places like the young students out there in florida and chicago marching to stop gun violence and the women who are
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breaking their silence demanding fairness, and the dreamers who say, listen, we love america, y'all better love us back. the protesters, artists, entrepreneurs taking on the world, that's where the hope comes from, and the hope is going to come from profound visionaries who have huge platforms who may not hold office, but who do hold forth a bright vision for everybody. we need hope. we need wisdom. we need inspiration. let's hear from a woman whose name is synonymous with all three. please welcome to the "van jones show," oprah winfrey! [ cheers and applause ] >> hello! >> you were preaching a bit. >> i am. [ cheers and applause ] >> hello. hello, hello, hello.
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>> oh, my goodness. [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, my goodness. >> so this is what it is? >> yes. >> looks like i've been watching you on television. you see me tweeting for me. >> you tweet for me, and i get the petitions. i love it. we miss you so much. >> well, we have you now. >> well, listen, i might be able to feel like a tiny little -- >> oh. >> we miss you so much. do you miss us? >> i actually miss you guys. i don't -- i miss you guys. because where i got fed every day was the audience. >> yes. >> and i did not miss a day in 25 years because of the audience. i don't care how badly i felt, i don't care what cold or flu, i would come because i knew that, you know, in our audience every day were a couple hundred, 350 people every day, who have
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literally told their aunts, cousins, came with their mothers and friends, and i know that the preparation to get there. you've been coming from ohio, from tennessee, for days, so it's not just, oh, i'm going to the oprah show, it's girl, i'm going to the oprah show. >> i'm going to be on the oprah show. >> girl, i'm going to be on oprah, get my nails done, and people get pedicures, and so i know it's a thing that people have prepared for, and so they don't want to hear you got a cold that day. >> means so much to us, and, you know, i have to let you know how it is for us now. we had you. we had the obamas in the white house. even on a bad day, you had a north star and hope. and then it looked like the universe said, psych! >> we have each other. we have each other. this is the thing, i have to just say everybody is feeding
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yourself on the hysteria and negativity. you got to stay in the light. one of the reasons why i was so excited is about a "wrinkle in time" because the message is the darkness is spreading so fast these days. you must be a warrior of the light. the reason it's meaningful to me because that's how i led my whole life, and every moment in that film, i thought, like, i'm just saying what i normally say. >> it's true. >> and for these times, the d k darkness is there to show you your light. look at what is happening. so if you put the focus on, look at what happened with the darkness that showed up in parkland and the darkness that showed up on the streets of ferguson and the darkness in many, many, many, many, many, many homes in chicago with shootings and senseless murders. it brings out the best in people. it brings out the best, and so that's what is there. we live on a planet where there is darkness and light.
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you know one of the things i am not running for office -- [ laughter ] i'm not letting you go there, but if i were running for office, and i will say to whoever it is going to run for office, do not give your energy to the other side. do not spend all your time talking about your opponents. do not give your energy to that which you really don't believe in. don't spend an ounce of your time on that. >> help us, though -- >> don't spend your time on that. [ applause ] >> i love it. that's what we need, but let me just push back for a second because, you know, i got my love. i go out there and tell people, let's not become what we are fighting. let's not be what you're fighting. they say, shut up, van, we got bigots and nazis, we are tired of going slow. we want to go low and kick them in the private parts. >> you won't win. the civil rights workers and leaders knew that. those people, there's a strategy
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to -- that's why i said to the young people in parkland, you can't just go down there and march. there's a strategy to the mar marching. there's intention. there has to be a clear intention behind what you're doing and why you're doing it, so by the time rosa parks sat down on that bus, they had been planning that for a very long time. that had been coming for a long time. everybody talks about it. oh, that particular day, my feet are tired. that is not true. that was a strategic thing that happened there. so there hasn't been a darker time, i believe, for our people other than slavery, than what was going on in the civil rights movement, and the young people like the john louis's of the world said no more, enough, find another way. >> and help me with this. >> well, let me help you. it's law. it's law. we talked about this. we had long conversations about
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it. what i deep lly believe is not unto others who you would have them do unto owe. what you do is already done. the moment in the color purple, everything you tried to do to me, everything you even tried to do to me already done to you, so the law, the third law of motion of siz fiphysics say what you p comes back all the time. regardless of whether you know it or acknowledge it or not, so you have to stay as a warrior of the light. >> i believe, i believe it. i believe it. [ applause ] how? i want to get practical with you. she can say that, she's a billionaire. >> yeah. but the way i got to be a billionaire -- >> talk, talk, talk. [ applause ] >> you go and preach. you go and preach.
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>> this is what i have understood for a long time. >> every day, this is -- i'm going to tell you about my life, and you fix it. every -- [ laughter ] listen, i need help. i wake up in the morning, i'm trying to be a warrior of the light, and i reach for my cell phone, and i look at it, and i just start freaking out, and i freak out multiple times. what do you do? >> i wake up in the morning -- >> what you do? >> i say, thank you. that's my first thing. even before i'm awake, before my eyes are fully open. i say thank you. i can feel the gratitude, like, i'm still here. i'm in a body. thank you so much. i thank you for that. >> got you. >> then i let the dogs out, brushing the teeth, all that stuff, and then i have either silence or prayer or something that acknowledges that i'm still here. i do not reach for that phone first. that's your problem. that's your problem. >> that's good. >> i understand. i understand. you're in the business, and --
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>> yeah. >> and you need to know what happens. [ laughter ] >> what do i have to respond to today? >> i have get my cell phone. >> let me get in it. >> well, i love what you're saying. >> you don't believe it. >> no, i believe it. >> you don't believe it. you think you can fight it head on. you cannot meet it head on and fight it. you have to transcend it. >> transcend it. >> you have to. >> yeah. listen, i feel like, and you've been going out and talking to people, not only one of the best communicators in the world, part of that is because you're the best listener in the world. when you go out and talk to people, what are you hearing now from folks? in other words, i think we're so divided all in our own bubble, we build bubbles, not bridges. you're bridging. >> you know, what actually moved me so deeply was one of first stories i saw you do, that show change d me. i went to "60 minutes" and said, i want to do something like that.
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i want to be able to sit down with people who don't share the same views and see if they can silt down with other people without the same views and have a conversation. i had an idea in my head of what a trump supporter was based upon what i saw on the news. i'm telling you, honest to goodness, you know it's true -- >> yeah, yeah. >> when i saw you walk into the home and interview the family, a father, two sons, a wife. she said she didn't vote because she couldn't vote for hillary or trump, and they had all been obama supporters. >> two time obama supporters. >> that changed the way -- my whole perception. i said there's more to this than what we hear and see. >> well, look -- >> so you influenced me. [ cheers and applause ] i just wanted to say that. >> i'm -- i'm never speechless. my job is not to be speechless.
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i am right now, but, look, that changed me too. it changed me too. i'm still friends with her. >> are you? >> still friends. they text me encouragement, i text them back if i'm in that part of the country, they see me speak. they support trump. they are good, hard working people. >> exactly right. >> they felt like nobody was listening to them, and i asked them, what about the terrible stuff trump says? they crumble it up and throw it away. we're desperate for jobs. part of what i think is going on and what i need your help with on as well is that there's an empathy gap. i can understand my pain, but i can't understand your pain. they understand their pain, not my pain. you've been a bridge builder for empathy. what do you do in conversation or in your life that lets you bridge well? >> what we did on "60 minutes" is put people in the room together to hear, you know, one of the questions i asked and never made the air was what is
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the one thing we can all agree on? i said, what is the thing that matters the most to everybody at this table? everybody said -- >> kids? >> family. in some form or another. we can all agree our families are important and we are a nation of families. that everybody belongs to somebody's family, and to be able to find the commonground. that is just the nature of who i am, go in and be a peacemaker and not a divider. >> well, the thing is, i'm curious -- >> that's what you did in the piece. >> i tried. >> you didn't just try, you did it. >> i appreciate it. you did it every day. >> yes. >> when you were queen of everything -- [ laughter ] >> thank you for that. thank you for that. >> what would survive now, just curious. >> for sure.
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even with all the pulls. listen, right now, i'm out here struggling, one of the few -- i didn't say struggling, i said scruggling. i'm trying to do the bridge, but you get more clicks, followers, more bugs if you're divisive. how could you survive now? >> both sides would be represented. you'd have people saying things that you absolutely disagree with. then you'd have somebody else say something you can't even believe they said that, but you put them in the room, and as i said, you find the commonground. you find the behind the facade of all of your opinions and your beli beliefs that at the heart of us, we all want the same things. i want the same thing that you want. i know that whether you are republican or democrat or libertarian, whatever you call yourself, that underneath every body is this desire and need to be valued and to know what you say, what you think you want to
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do in the world, your expression of yourself, that that thing matters. i know that going in. >> love it. listen, we have so much more to talk about, and when we get back including involvement with the gun control fight. next, as we go to break, you know, i love hearing voices of people on the show. >> i love that part. >> love it. this is what you said to oprah. >> thank you so much for having the courage to say the things that need to be said. >> i appreciate you so much. >> as a pediatrician, i refer to her story often to let young women and little girls know that even if you grow up with hardship, to follow your dreams, and you can be successful. this is the story of green mountain coffee roasters dark magic told in the time it takes to brew your cup. first, we head to vermont. and go to our coffee shop. and meet dave. hey. why is dark magic so spell-bindingly good, he asks? let me show you. let's go. so we climb. hike. see a bear. woah. reach the top. dave says dark magic is a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. like these mountains, each amazing on their own.
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but together? magical. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters packed with goodness. ♪ you said you're not like me, ♪ never drop to your knees, ♪ look into the sky for a momentary high, ♪ ♪ you never even tried till it's time to say goodbye, bye ♪ ♪ everybody fights for a little bit of light, i believe. ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. we know that when you're >> tspending time with thelass grandkids... ♪ music >> tech: ...every minute counts.
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all right. we are back with the one and only oeprah winfrey. >> did you always want to have your own show? >> i always wanted to be able to make a difference. i didn't know if i could have a show. you're interviewing me. you're trying to trick me. they said you'd do that too. i have to ask you the questions. listen. [ laughter ] you are -- you're somebody -- i'm from tennessee, you grew up in the south -- >> i just wanted to know, are you living the dream? >> right now, i'm living the
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dream. right here. >> no, yeah, i thought you were living the dream with jay-z. >> well, people have come, like, yourself, i want you to be able to put something positive out on the air, and it's been beautiful. speaking of beautiful stuff, it must be beautiful to be a billionaire and famous so i want to ask you a question. that was a segue. i have to ask this question. honestly, so you are now both rich and you're famous. i'm curious. most people are neither one and want to be both. if in the rest of your career, you could only be one, would you be able to deliver on your promise more through your wealth or through your global stance? >> oh. damn that's a good one. [ laughter ] >> i got it off the internet. >> that is a good, thoughtful question. >> think about this. you got to live another 30 years, another third of your
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career left. another 30 year career left, which do you need to deliver on your career? >> honest to goodness, i think in order to actually do the stuff, money is important. i also think that the thing i hold the dearest and the reason why the noise about running for president moved me so -- humbly and deeply is because it means that you had somewhere in the work gained the people's trust. there is nothing more important to me than having the trust of the people and the audience, and i mean, i recognize that it is the audience who came every day and watched, you know, from all over the world -- >> generations. >> yes, that helped me to be who i am, so i think the -- >> renown -- >> the standings, the ability to be trusted in saying something, but, listen, don't play the
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billionaire thing small. don't play the b small. it's a very big deal because it allows you to -- [ laughter ] it allows you to actually do the work, so instead of saying, gee, i would like to help so many people or you should go out and help people, you can actually use that, and i'm now at this stage of my career thinking about how to do that more poignantly and fruitfully, and now looking for ways i can do that to create a level of stainability within our communities that will go long beyond my lifetime. >> what would that look like? >> well, you know, i did a piece about "60 minutes," and i'm telling you, i'm telling you, that changed me immensely because when i first opened my school, i started to notice from all of these brilliant young girls that i discovered in townships and villages throughout south africa that
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they were having reactions to being brought to the school -- >> negative reactions? >> some negative reactions, some, not all, and the doctor who i just interviewed last weekend said, they are suffering from ptsd, and people who have been raised in traumatic poverty, deprived situations come out with trauma they don't even know that they have. people don't understand, why don't you pay attention? school? because you learned to disassociate, which disassociation is a good thing if you're a kid and you're being yelled and screamed at all the time, but in a classroom where you have to pay attention, when it's uncomfortable, you disassociate. >> that is so important. >> i know i'm going to spend a lot of energy and time and money helping people who have gone through that -- those kinds of circumstances. >> you know, no good deed goes unpunished though. >> yeah. >> you've been helpful to the school, the beautiful young
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women in south africa, and people in chicago say, we want oprah's school. how do you process that? >> i have a big life, and i accept that, thank you, baby jesus, thank you. i have a big life. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> that's going to be a methamphetaminmeme, but go ahead. >> thank you so much. that means when things happen to me, things happen in big ways. all the mistakes happen on the cnn crawl if i do something wrong. you decide for yourself. when i started making money, i was one of the people who thought -- every time they ask me, i got to -- you go crazy. you have to look within yourself, what do you want to do. that's family members, because you get a lot of cousins. when you are on the "van jones show," you get cousins. decide for yourself. i have, you know, i've given
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away so much that people don't know because most of the time you don't hear about the people i help, so people complain about what i did or didn't do, well, y'all don't know me. you don't know me. i do and god does. >> one more -- >> i have all of that very much in check. very much in check. [ applause ] >> one of -- >> you have no idea. i will just tell you this. for example, like, whenever there's a big hurricane or a big tragedy or something, what i like to do, and i literally did it, i find reporters to find people in the communities, and so during the hurricane in houston and there's been many other places where i will just call up people, people in the shelters, find their number, and i say, hi, this is oprah, and i want to help you. and they are all, like, oh, oh! don't tell anybody, don't tell
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nobody. i'm going to help you. >> you were inspired to help the kids fighting against gun violence. such a big issue, i want to give you a moment to talk about why were you so moved to helped young people in parkland? >> well, because itreminded me of many conversations i had with john louis -- >> could be the civil rights leaders of -- >> reminded me of enough, and the fact they created a national march to say enough, and what it takes to risk that on a national level is what i responded to. i wanted to be able to bring kids from all over the country who wouldn't be able to afford to get to the march. that's what i wanted to do. >> beautiful. well, look, oprah's sticking around, and next up -- >> ava! >> yes! [ cheers and applause ] we'll talk to her about the new movie "a wrinkle in time," and that's all when we get back.
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>> a prophet, i think she's here to bridge worlds. >> she's an inspiration. she is passionate in her drive. she's just so powerful. >> you just inspire me so much because you are literally changing the world one woman at a time. [ applause ] does this map show the peninsula trail? you won't find that on a map. i'll take you there. take this left. if you listen real hard you can hear the whales. oop. you hear that? (vo) our subaru outback lets us see the world. sometimes in ways we never imagined. (avo) get 0% apr financing on all-new 2018 subaru outback models. now through april 2nd. you wouldn't accept from any one else. so why accept it from your allergy pills? most pills don't finish the job because they don't relieve nasal congestion.
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you just have to find the right frequency and have faith in who you are. ♪ let's find your father. [ cheers and applause ] >> that was just a small clip from the new movie "a wrinkle in time," welcome to the show, the visionary behind the show, ground break iing record produc er ava duvernay.
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>> so good to be here. how you doing? >> my sister friend. >> yeah, yeah. >> you're here. >> i'm here. >> hi. >> hi. >> that's nice. >> you're a big warrior. >> thank you. we try. >> can i tell you i wanted to be her friend -- you don't have to ask anything. [ laughter ] >> nope, nope. >> can i just tell you, i wanted to be her friend, so i saw her movie "middle of nowhere" -- >> an early one. >> yes. so i don't like go around looking for friends. >> that's probably true. >> okay, so i wanted to be her friend, so i googled her and saw this picture in the glasses and the face, and i thought, what a warm, engaging person, and said i'm going to be her friend, and i set out to be her friend and it worked. >> tough for you. >> incredible story, when i hear that, i can't believe that, from a google picture. thank goodness i wore my glasses
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that day. >> the glasses. >> you know, ava, you could have done anything. after "selma," why did you pick this project to be the next kind of anchor in the ava duvernay realm of work? >> i fell in love with the story about the girl, meg, being a hero. i knew she could fly, save the universe, and she's not a jedi or a superhero, but a regular girl in a shirt and glasses and she could do things she thought she didn't have inside of her, do things she thought was impossible, and i relate to that, and 32 years old, i didn't go to film school. as a black woman trying to make film at that late age, and in film, that's like old, dog years, very old. just cheating the impossible. i saw something in the story that connected with me.
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but then after 13th, i was tired of darkness. you know, it was a thousand hours of racist violence footage i had to look through, carve, and craft, and i just wanted to design flowers for two years, so i did. it was fun. i worked with fun and shared a message of light. >> you mentioned one time, oprah, that you saw sydney on television and it changed your life. what would an 11-year-old oprah winfrey have been like if she saw this movie? >> wouldn't have believed it was possible. don't make me start crying here. the very thought, the idea there is an ava for them to see and, you know, i -- i've told this story before, but it's true. there were so few role models when i was coming up that every month i went to the store to get "seventeen" magazine. we were on welfare, so i never could afford the subscription. only had the 50 cents and i would wait there. there was never a brown person
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in there ever in all the years i bought the magazine. there was one white girl with brown hair and a round nose. i used to pull her out of the magazine and put those pictures on the war. >> representation. >> representation. >> closest you could get. >> close as i could get. >> years later, she was on my show, saying you were it to me, close to black as i could get, was a brunette with a round nose. >> i don't have to have spoilers on the movie, but i got to talk to you because this is the opening of the movie, you have this young brown skinned girl who is being trained, not to bake cookies, not to play with dolls, but looks like she's trained to be the world's greatest scientist, like, just the opening of the movie. like, ava can roll the credits right now because just that image is going to just -- i mean, i never have seen in my life that image. how important was it to you sto
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show her as a beautiful girl, but incredibly intellectually gifted prod gee? >> well, there's nothing wrong with baking cookies and playing with dolls, but we just need balance and options. >> yeah. >> that's the challenge. women put in a box. those things are great, and they require intellectual creativity, but in addition, you can also be a mathematician and doctor and actually anything you want, and that's the goal of the story. >> yes, beautiful. [ applause ] one more thing about this. i also think that this movie is subversive in a different way. she's fighting evil, but not throwing round house kicks or a ray gun or a light saber, but she figures out how to fight based on the love she has for her brother, her father, and herself. are you trying to change the way that -- expand the way heroism
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works in cinema? are you up to something? >> it's a movie for young people and people young at heart can still tap into that space where you have a hopeful heart. these are dark and divisive times. i was listening to you and i reach for my phone first thing in the morning and that sets the day off in the wrong way if you look at the wrong account and who tweeted in the middle of the night. she tells me nod toot it to do what i learned from her is you can fight with light. you know, when the -- when president trump was tweeting at her, you -- >> you called to tell me. >> i call to tell you. so? what are we going to do? >> don't make me take my earrings off. >> and she said, nothing. of course we don't do anything. i'm going to have a latte and walk around my garden. >> i'm going to take my dogs out.
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>> it's just about where you put your energy and so this film and a lot of what i'm trying to think of these days is you put your energy in places that are seeds that blossom into beautiful things instead of putting your energy into things that only drag you down. >> that's what i'm trying to tell you. >> would you want to maybe teach that to president trump? in other words, you guys know each other. if -- listen -- seriously -- hold on, you all laugh, but hold on. >> what's he talking about? >> i see pictures. >> i have not spoken to president trump since he became president trump. last time i saw him was we were in a restaurant, i think, 2016, and, you know, that restaurant -- ralph lauren's restaurant, a bunch of people in the restaurant, and he was at a table, and i was at a table, so when you say "know each other," okay. >> i don't -- this is serious question. i think about this because of the whole idea of, like, if you had ten minutes with him, i
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mean, you with are one of the few people that listen, billionaire to billionaire, megastar to megastar and human being to human being. no camera. >> i only speak where i feel like i could heard. i only speak if i feel i could be heard, all right? >> all right. [ applause ] >> there you go. >> if all you were doing was making amazing film's or queen suga sugar's amazing tv shows -- >> i like that. >> season three, woah. woah. >> beautiful. >> yes. amazing. listen, if that's all you're doing, that would be enough, but you've gone so far beyond that. you had only female directors for one of the seasons -- >> all the seasons. >> all the seasons. only female director.
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only. and you're -- you said over and over, being the first is nothing if you're the last. talk about this inclusion revolution you're helping to lead in hollywood. >> oh, i don't think i'm leading it. i think i'm a part of it. >> i think you are. i have to interrupt you. the word "inclusi"inclusion" ca you. >> yes. >> everybody said diversity, and you said incollusion, and i said, it's inclusion. >> i love francis, talking about what's going on around hollywood. >> what was that? >> an idea that actors and producers and directors who really care about this idea of their being an inclusive clue, all kinds of people able to make movies, directors in front of the camera and crew members, like wonderful camera people here behind the cameras, we want those people to look like the real world that the stars of the film put in their contracts. if you want me, you have to have
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an inclusive crew. it's an inclusive writer in the contract. >> i'm noticing something. the me too movement started by a black woman. black lives matter, started by three black women. you have you guys sitting here. alabama was one, that senate race won of black women. did the black women have a meeting and say we're going to change? something's happening, am i wrong? >> no, it's in our bones. it's in our bones. [ applause ] >> beautiful. all right. now, listen, we are shining a spotlight on the forgotten voices of the me too movement. when we get back, an issue important to all three of us. that's next on "the van jones show" when we come back. s to hi, nobody does it better. he also loves swiping picnic baskets. hee, hee, hee yoooogiiiiiii!!
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welcome back to "the van jones show" here with oprah win free and ava, one of the stars and director of "a wrinkle in time" in theaters right now. go out and see it. you know a man named shaqqa -- >> "writing my wrongs." >> did 17 years in prison, solitary confinement, mit, became a best selling author, says he learned from you, but what did you learn from him? >> learned you're not the biggest mistake you've ever
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made, redemption is possible. i learned that within every single person is this desire to be seen and heard and valued for who you truly know yourself to be and who you know yourself to become. he taught me a lot about not judging people because i had the book on my desk. somebody said, you should interview this guy, and, oh, oh, so i was, like, what am i going to learn from him? this is a guy who murdered someone. and then i -- as i was packing up to leave chicago, i carried the book, and then ended up reading the book, and i was so moved by his story that he has become a friend of mine, and so it helped me to drop judgment. >> uh-huh. yeah. >> you see everybody differently because of his story. >> because of his story. and, ava, you made the documentary, the 13th, and he was in that documentary. >> you were too.
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>> i was too. i appreciate that. >> you were in a lot. >> say a word about why you went into creating a documentary like that about prison. >> it is not about prison, but as you well know, it's about the criminal justice system and the ways in which what we call the prison industrial complex now is warped and formed and deformed as the decades have gone on, so in the documentary, we spend 100 minutes going through 100 years of meamerican history helping people understand prison is not a bplace where bad people go, bt it's more than that, it's a system that needs to be kind of really looked at in all of its layers. there's not going to be one politician or one bill that fixesyeah, well, listen, i agre 100%. i want to show you something. i've been trying to figure out what's going on with women in our prison systems, and you'll be shocked when you see what i found. check it out.
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women are the fastest growing population in the jails and prisons. america's home to only about 5% of the world's female population, but we house in our prison about 30% of all the women incarcerated in the world. from 1980-2014, the population of women behind bars more than 82% of the women locked up are already victims of physical or sexual abuse and when they get to prison, more trauma awaits. in one year, more than 13,000 women said they have been sexually victimized and that's just the reported cases in one year alone. and black women report the highest rates of abuse. several states are now dealing with major scandals including rampart sexual abuse of the inmates by the paid staff. and beyond the assaults, women
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suffer even more horrific humiliations. when women give birth behind bars, it can be a nightmare. some women are forced to be shackled while having babies in the full view of male guards. some facilities even force women to be in solitary confinement just because they are pregnant. tax pay verse to pay about $52 billion a a year every year to cover the cost of the prison rape of men and women behind bars, including compensation to the victims. fortunately, some lawmakers are standing up to do something about this. congress and a few states have introduced prison reform legislation specifically deal ing with the challenges of mothers and pregnant women this our prisons and jails. i'm working with the campaign called dignity for incarcerated women to get something done about it. you're trying to deal with tough stuff. race, gender, prisons and a lot of times when you raise issues like this, it becomes divisive.
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talk about how you have been able to go into issues like this and actually create conversation. >> i think you're doik it. it's about sharing information. that's what we try to do. there's more to do. you're adding to it here. the me too movements and time's up movements are direct liquorlated to these issues. when you look at individuals who have been sexually assaulted, there's a cycle there. but also looking at rights for women in prison, the shackling during pregnancy, the withholding of human hygiene products, unsafe exposure to male populations and male staff are things that run rampart. you saw it was a handful of states. this should be across the board. it should be federal or it should be something that's standardized across the states.
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i just find it's about talking about it and letting people have the information that it forward thinking people who believe in justice and dignity and that's a lot of people they know the information, they can take it and run with it. >> even just seeing that tape, there's a the lot of people watching that this is the first time that thought occurred. it's information. because people aren't thinking about women in prisons. they are not -- they are thinking if they are behind brs, you deserve to be behind bars. the more you can talk about it and shine a light on it, that's how you do it. >> you're doing it. >> i keep looking in the monitor and e seeing two beautiful sisters who love each other, who care about each other and challenge each other and lift each other up and that by itself is an important message. thank you for being such a great example of sisterhood for this country. we're going to be right back with a few of our favorite things, when e we come back. here's the story of green mountain coffee roasters
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sumatra reserve told in the time it takes to brew your cup. let's go to sumatra. where's sumatra? good question. this is win. and that's win's goat, adi. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. making the coffee erupt with flavor. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. that erupts with even more flavor. which helps provide for win's family. and adi the goat's family too. because his kids eat a lot. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. packed with goodness. and taking cared abof the boys.e zach! talk to me. it's for the house. i got a job. it's okay. dad took care of us.
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oh thanks. say, yeah, i took your advice and had geico help with renters insurance- it was really easy. easy. that'd be nice. phone: for help with chairs, say "chair." phone: for help with bookcases, say "bookcase." bookcase. i thought this was the dresser? isn't that the bed? phone: i'm sorry, i didn't understand. phone: for help with chairs, say "chair." does this mean we're not going out? book-case. see how easy renters insurance can be at a heart transplant... that's a whole different ballgame. i was in shock. i am very proud of the development of drugs that can prevent the rejection and prevent the recurrence of the original disease. i never felt i was going to die. we know so much about transplantation. and we're living longer. you cannot help but be inspired by the opportunities that a transplant would offer. my donor's mom says "you were meant to carry his story".
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we are back with oprah and ava. let's talk about some of your favorite things. i want to know from you your favorite person who is up next. who is coming? who is a rising star? >> i have to think about
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directors. there's a woman named cat cambler. got to look for these women directors telling beautiful stories behind the camera. >> and give a round of applause for these two women. who is your favorite person coming up next? >> i did an interview with yara recently. blew me away. she's amazing. and i remember when i did "the color purple", quincy jones said baby your future is so bright it burns my eyes. i look in her eyes and i see the same thing. i believe she will be president if she wants to. but i believe she can do anything she wants. that's someone you need to put your eye on. >> speaking of next, what is next for you? what is left for you to do on your bucket list? what's next for oprah? >> i actually never had a bucket list. >> because you got it all done?
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>> no, the reason i don't have a bucket list and this is what you want to do, folks. wherever you're listening throughout the world. everybody comes to the planet with your own dream. you want to lean into what life's dream is for you. you have your dream for life, but life has a dream for you. that which made you, created you, made you possible here on the planet efrt has a dream for you. and by whatever name you call that, lean into the dream that has already been dreamed for you. that you don't have to dream no more. just lean into the dream. so i am leaning into the dream. and it will take me to the next level. >> lean into the dream. >> lean all over the white house. oprah winfrey and ava, i want to thank you for being here.
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"a wrinkle in time" is in theaters now. i'm van jones. see you next time. they escaped famine and death in ireland to begin a new life in boston, massachusetts. a life of wealth, privilege and power. >> my fellow citizens of the world. >> from irish pe saasant try to american royalty, these are the kennedys. their relationships with each other have impacted both america and the world.


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