tv New Day CNN March 12, 2018 2:59am-4:00am PDT
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a kid. >> it is about kids not buying toys. it is not just amazon. kids play with iphones and all right. that's it for us this monday morning. i'm christine romans. >> i'm dave briggs. "new day" starts now. see you tomorrow. >> we're going to go very strong into age of purchase. >> president trump backtracking on his support for raising the minimum age to buy firearms. >> i have been asked to head up a task force. there is a sense of urgency. >> grabbed the knife. after that, i don't remember. >> o.j. simpson giving a hypothetical confession in an explosive interview. >> you describe it as a hypothetical. but of course it becomes. >> five passengers killed in a tragic helicopter crash in new
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york city. it. >> was going straight down like it was going for a landing, but it was going really fast. >> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. the trump administration's plan does include helping states pay to arm teachers and improving the nation's background check system. and creating a federal commission on school safety to examine the age issue headed by education secretary betsy devos. trump mocks the panels saying they result in little action. and puzzling answers by o.j. simpson in a new "60 minutes" interview. >> the republicans hope they can
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hold on a house seat in pennsylvania in tomorrow's special election. the president campaigning for the republican, nick saccone. trump was renewing calls to execute drug dealers. and fighting back. president trump blasting a "new york times" report that says he's in talks with a lawyer who represented bill clinton during his impeachment. the "times" stands by its story, insists the veterans lawyer did meet with the president in the oval office, and it happened last week. let's beginning our coverage with kaitlan collins live at the white house. >> reporter: overnight, the white house unveiled president trump's school safety proposals away from the television cameras. though they are moving forward with that contentious proposals of giving school employees firearms training, he is shifting his stance after multiple conversations with the
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nra. president trump backing down from increasing the minimum age for purchasing certain firearms, an idea strongly opposed by the nra that the president repeatedly pushed for. >> it doesn't make sense that i have to wait until i'm 21 to get a handgun but i can get this at 18. >> all right. so issues with the piece there. the white house unveiled this proposal that comes after the president on saturday night was ridiculing the idea that anyone -- these commissions could actually achieve anything. the white house is sending out their own commission for school safety in order to prevent future mass shootings. it will be chaired by betsy devos is. a few key points includes one that is proposing giving teachers that firearms training, something the president has
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championed, an idea that could prevent future mass shootings. and several other things, including transitioning veteran law enforcement and. the key thing is that it does not include that strong language, dramatic be language we saw from the president in the days after that shooting about raising the age from 18 to 21. let's listen to this. >> in addition to everything that i mentioned to what we're going to do with background checks, we're going to go very strong into age of purchase. >> reporter: so that comes after
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multiple conversations the president had with the nra. of course you will remember that comment with lawmakers at the white house when the president said he didn't care about due process, that you should take the guns first and worry about due process later. certainly something that struck nra officials. now we are seeing these proposals put forward by the white house. there is no denying it is not as strong as the language the president used in the aftermath of the shooting. >> thank you for laying out what the white house is hoping to do with school violence and school safety. let's discuss it. we have john avlon and david gregory. let's just -- kaitlan played a point how he was strong. is listen to where he was in the days after parkland. >> in addition to everything to what we're going to do about background checks, we're going to go very strong into age of
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purchase. you can't buy a handgun at 18, 19, 20, but you can buy this horrible gun at 18. you are going to decide. but i would give very serious is thought to it. >> perhaps we'll do something on age. >> right. >> because it doesn't seem to make sense that you have to wait until you're 21 years old to get a pistol. but to get a gun like this maniac used in the school, you can get at 18. >> the president wants to raise the age to 21 to get certain firear firearms. >> obviously the president believed the age should be raised. he said it over and over. it is not in the white house proposal. that means he was talked out of it by someone somehow. >> trump is in retreat. apparently the last person he spoke to was the nra.
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this is something the president was clearly personally convinced should be done. this package is pretty weak tea. they haven't followed through on the president's aep's instinct. >> what do you think, david? will the democrats go for this deal? >> i don't think so. but i think it is a signal that it is weak. it is a president in retreat from talking tough in his feel-good moment, let's get an assault weapons ban, raise the age, telling the senators to get back on your bill and start from there. it doesn't mean he wouldn't support those things if they were cobbled together. it is a question of where the presidential leadership is going to be. we know from covering these issues that they will slowly fade away and the intensity will be among gun rights proponents.
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they will vote on this issue. those who want stricter safety measures will not. it does take a president to keep this in front of the american people, to keep that pressure on. there can be momentum built up from congress itself. will they do it with republicans in control? i'mestlyhonestly. i'm sure he will be supportive of state measures, mental health, which i think are important. the ability for family to call law enforcement to say so-and-so is unstable, i think he's got guns. those are important pieces of legislation. some of which are already being discussed in congress right now, in the senate in particular, bipartisan legislation. the business about commissions and all that, that is a highway to nowhere. it just gets eaten up by time and lack of interest. >> except that, david, it does show, again, they are not
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reading from the same script. when you set up a federal commission with betsy devos to spearhead this about school safety and people presumably think you will take it seriously, then the president goes to a rally and says this about federal commissions. >> we can't keep setting up blue ribbon committees with your wife, your wife, and your husband and they meet and they have a meal and they talk. talk, talk, talk. two hours later, then they report a report. look, that's what i got in washington. i got all of these blue ribbon committees. >> so, john, he doesn't support his blue ribbon commission with betsy devos because she's somebody's wife and they're having dinner? >> he's almost reacting to the fact that he had just signed off on a blue ribbon panel on guns.
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that is part of the beauty of president trump. the periscope is never too far from the surface. but it does indicate this is the president of the united states. this is the white house position. doesn't have to wait for congress. he feels sort of disempowered on this key issue. it is something that requires presidential leadership. i will take any progress on this. the presidential leadership he showed could reshuffle the coalitions. >> everybody who follows this issue and understands politics knows we were going to wind up here, david. politicians on this issue don't do it out of conscience. the kids are compelling. we are not used to seeing a group of victims who can act intelligently and make arguments like they did.
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it is true then. it is true today. nothing will change unless they get punished for fighting change. and those who push for change get rewarded for pushing change. they are not even going to cover all sales. this is a joke is. now it is on the democrats to figure out how they do. but we know how that goes, david. we don't have the votes. we can parade the kids out. they will be on this morning, upset, making their case. this was never out putting it on their shoulders. it is always about leadership in washington. they are falling short. where am i wrong? >> that's right. whatever happens, the nra will always be there. they will be fighting their fight, working in the grassroots because this is an issue of liberty. they make it about liberty, government overreach and touch
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all the buttons that their voters are sympathetic to. >> they are going to win and get more guns. because they are going to put guns in places we don't have them now. schools are gun-free zones. there will be more guns. >> the president has to be straight up on this. it doesn't matter what he says in meetings that are televised. that is not leadership. if he wants to get credit for something like that, that is never going to pass muster. >> sometimes you have to fight the nra, he said. if that you are against you, they're against you. >> he is showing none of that right now. this is all theater. all that matters is how much pressure will he put on republican leaders in an election year to follow through on any of these matters, including federal money for gun training and schools for raising the age and so forth.
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what kind of pressure is he going to put on congress for any of that. >> what do you do about malls more off than they do in schools. this is a band aid that works to the advantage of that committee there. >> meanwhile, we want to talk about betsy devos, education secretary. she was on "60 minutes" last night. she had some puzzling answers. she was asked how the public -- obviously she's for school choice. some of that will bleed money away from the public school system because the money follows the kids. if you believe in school choice, it means that the public schools will be having less money. she was asked about that from leslie stahl particularly in her home state of michigan. >> have public schools in michigan gotten better? >> i can't say overall they have all gotten better. >> the whole state is not doing well. >> there are certainly lots of
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pockets where students are doing well? >> have you seen the really bad schools? maybe try to figure out what they're doing? >> i have not intentionally visited schools that are underperforming. >> maybe you is should. >> maybe i should, yes. >> i'm sorry. that is the biggest train wreck of an interview i have seen in a long time. i'm someone who is sympathetic to school choice. it should be a bipartisan priority. that is not the answer of somebody who has their hand on the tiller of our education policy. >> that's who she is. she's education secretary. >> let's all serve a softball to your home state. nothing. crickets. you're right. maybe i should be visiting disadvantaged schools. >> it is spot-on, though, right? that's who the boss is?
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that's what she brings to this position. some doesn't know how this job is ordinarily done. she doesn't have a manifest intention to make things differently for these kind of schools. she has a pwaoupblg what sense of what it is. that is always a troubling premise. if you do that, you will have an imbalance. you already have a difference. >> the biggest imbalance is what? if you are wealthy -- east side where i live, harvard. ps 6. it is a weighty place. you go to a place where they don't have money, you're going to have a problem. some knows that. that interview was just the truth. >> school reform at the federal level where they get in control has been an ongoing reform effort that requires a lot of toughness and a lot of creativity and core competence.
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by all appearances our education secretary at the moment is not up for the job. >> all right. david gregory, john avlon, thank you. all right. president trump doing what he does best. big rally in pennsylvania, saying he's the best. everything is great. republican congressman is why he was there. but really it was about him. this was about his campaign and what comes next. he told us what his slogan will be in the next race. details, next. 'sup, world? it's the box with 30% savings for safe drivers. coming at you with my brand-new vlog. just making some ice in my freezer here. so check back for that follow-up vid. this is my cashew guy bruno. holler at 'em, brun. kicking it live and direct here at the fountain. should i go habanero or maui onion? should i buy a chinchilla? comment below. did i mention i save people $620 for switching? chinchilla update -- got that chinchilla after all.
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you wouldn't feel good not knowing the price here. don't let it happen when you buy your diabetes test strips. with the accu-chek® guide simplepay program, you pay the same low price. all without having to go through insurance. plus, they come in a spill-resistant vial along with a free meter. skip the guessing game and focus on your health.
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not the cost. make saving simple today at here's the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let's go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win's family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters. for all the noses that stuff up around daisies. for all the eyes that get itchy and watery near pugs. for all the people who sneeze around dust. there's flonase sensimist allergy relief. it relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. it's more complete allergy relief. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. and 6 is greater than 1. flonase sensimist.
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all right. the stakes are high in the 18th congressional district in pennsylvania. the president knows that. he went to campaign for the republican candidate and have this big rally. >> i'm on "meet the press", a show headed by sleepy eyes chuck todd, a sleeping son of a pitch. arnold schwarzenegger failed on apprentice. he's a movie star. martha stewart failed. you kept chugging along. can you imagine covering bernie
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or pocahontas. wouldn't we love to run against oprah? i would love it. that would be a painful experience for her. maxine waters, a very low iq individual. conor lamb. lamb the sham. lamb the sham. is there any more fun than at a trump rally? >> of course you don't hear the name rick saccone in there, the guy running for office. >> they weren't just his political opponents. chuck todd, oprah. >> those are his political opponents. >> they don't think they are. >> he was preaching to the converted. he went down there with a pretty clear understanding what he wanted to do. keep america great again. that's the slogan for the next
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election. i remember you saying this three weeks into the administration. all right. we know where he is. will he grow? if he grows, he wins again. if he doesn't grow, he will be dogged from midterm into general. where is he? >> well, i mean, he's i don't think he has grown. these tariffs going into steel country. whether they help the people he is trying to help may be a different matter. maybe they will view him as trying. he uses his attacks, culture on media, this populism, to great effect. it is not about results. here's a guy from the outside who is still fighting the fight against these people. it's a sham. he is now the president. he said we shouldn't have blue ribbon commissions, even though he just signed off on one.
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he wants to run outside the permanent populist. and the question will be whether both core supporters, more independent-minded voters and those who were opposed to hillary clinton still look at him and say, okay, this was charming, he shook things up, but where are we? that will be the tough verdict i think. >> and the rapid-fire insults to anybody within range. i don't know. it worked o campaign trail. >> this is p.t. barnum. he is surrounded by people who love him. and he feeds off that adulation. he is attacking anyone outside the tribe. it is fundamentally not presidential if you believe they are trying to unite the nation. he is a performer and
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entertainer. he is on a traveling medicine show. this is someone violate the core trust, particularly when he goes after the press. >> make america great again. you didn't have the inclusive pbgs. things were simpler and harsher. it wound up waking up this part of the republican base that hadn't been that active before. listen to this. >> the only way to solve the drug problem is through toughness. when i was in china and other places, by the way, he said, mr.
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president, do you have a drug problem? no, no, no. we do not. i said what do you attribute that to? the death penalty. it is a discussion we have to start thinking about. i don't know if you're ready. >> assassinate drug users or drug dealers? >> drug dealers. >> i think it is a really, really good one for people out there. the left, you know where they will be on it. the right, i don't know who the people in that crowd reflect. but the independent voters, to alisyn's point somewhat, they will wake up and say did he say we should kill people who deal drugs and harshness is what worked? you go anywhere in the world and you see harshness guarantees that you have a drug problem unless you're in an autocratic state where you can kill everyone for no reason. singapore, they will beat you with a stick if you spit.
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we remember that kid with the subway and the graffiti. which is more likely? >> first of all, what voters will hear over and over and over again. they are less likely to see him pick up his club and beat drug dealers to death. they want to know is the economy doing better? are there more jobs? is unemployment down? those are the things that i think he offered the promise on. this idea of exacerbating the divisions in the country, especially social divisions, a lot of what he says will make people feel good. yeah, but how are you going to do this. here is a guy who says we should use the death penalty on our drug dealers for the people.
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they are going to have to wonder why the president is so enamored of and flirts with auto krats around the world. you have to ask if that's what you want for this country. >> thank you very much. >> that is a nice picture. >> it is. don't we look great? we do. there's the teleprompter. meanwhile, we have this accident to tell you about. oh, my goodness. it is so upsetting. a deadly hole copter crash in the east river. of course there is video of the moment it happened right on your screen. so i guess this will provide obvious clues to investigators. there was a may day call. the latest on the investigation into what went wrong here.
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here's the story of green mountain coffee roasters sumatra reserve. let's go to sumatra. the coffee here is amazing. because the volcanic soil is amazing. so we give farmers like win more plants. to grow more delicious coffee. which helps provide for win's family. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters.
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we do have breaking news out of nepal to bring you. a plane has veered off the run way, crashing while landing at the kathmandu airport. a spokesman says he fears mass casualties. you can see the aftermath on your screen. early reports say at least 13 have been hurt. at least 67 were on board this plane. there is a rescue operation under way. emergency crews have been able to contain a fire that broke out on the plane. we will bring you details as we have them. >> wow. look at that picture. we are also following more breaking news. five people lost their lives in a helicopter crash here in new york city. amateur video captured the chopper going down. we have cnn's dave briggs. >> good morning, chris. the national transportation safety board expected to arrive here in new york city to investigate this deadly crash this morning. now it happened just before 7:00 p.m. last night here in
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manhattan. the chopper pilot, richard vance, the lone survivor. >> may day, my day, may day. >> a desperate pilot of this helicopter sending a frantic man day call after losing altitude. amateur video capturing it plunging near the freezing river, and tipping over and taking on water. >> the pilot treated himself. the other five did not. >> tug boats rapidly arriving on the scene. emergency responders working desperately to help the passengers. >> the harnesses had to be cut and removed in order to get the folks off of this helicopter, which was upside-down and submerged. >> two were pronounced dead at the scene.
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the other three rushed to the hospital where they later died. it was liberty based helicopters, a tour company. the water is 40 degrees. the third crash in the last 11 years for liberty. the last one in 2009 when the same type of helicopter crashed in the hudson river. i called liberty this morning. no public comment at this point. alisyn? >> oh, my gosh, what a horrible story, dave. let us know as soon as you find out anything more. listen to this. o.j. simpson giving a hypothetical confession to the murders of his ex-wife nicole brown simpson and her friend ron goldman. >> as things got heated, i just rebney cole femember nicole fel herself. this guy got into a karate thing.
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you think you can kick my ass? i do remember that portion taking the knife. to be honest, after that i don't remember except i'm standing there and it's all kind of stuff around -- >> what kind of stuff? >> all right. so fox is airing this never-before-seen interview from 2006. it aired for the first time last night. this was originally part of a book deal that fox canceled after criticism that it was insensitive to the victims's families. the book's publishers said simpson's lawyer told her he was ready to confess as long as he could frame it hypothetically as if he did it. he was later found responsible in a civil suit. what a bizarre interview to watch last night. >> not new, though. we haven't seen the interview. we knew this, that he had said
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some years ago if i were going to -- >> it was a book. >> some thought it was about him raising money. it was very controversial and shut down. this is the part we didn't get to see. his follow-through on that. doing it from a hypothetical would remove him from exposure. >> you say i do remember this moment. i remember. >> well, it is hypothetical if he puts it in here is this imagined scenario how it could have happened. you have to watch it for yourself. >> so we will be talking about this and examining it coming up in our next hour. we will have the woman who conducted that interview with o.j. simpson. what judith regan think back seat the confession ten years later. >> he shocked the world and his own staff by jumping at the chance to meet with kim jong-un. what was behind the president's decision? was it just impulse? next.
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has yet to respond to potential talks between kim jong-un and the u.s. president. it comes as leaders say neither side is making concessions ahead of the shutdown. what does this all mean? gordon chang author of "nuclear showdown" north korea takes on the world. do we think it happens? >> i think it happens. kim jong-un part, it makes sense. they have always wanted a sitdown with the american president because it elevates kim and legitimizes him on on the world stage. that by itself is a really important win. from our perspective, we keep south korea on side. that's critical. because for a number of reasons. so from trump's point of view, it also makes sense to sit down. i think it happens. it may not happen by the end of may which is what trump
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signaled. >> why no word from the north? they may not have been expect to go hear him jump at the offer. >> one of them is the north koreans wanted to drive a wedge between seoul and washington. if they can intimidate south korea into submission, that's the long-term goal of the kim gentlemen regime. i'm going to cause problems between moon jae-in and donald trump. i don't think he thought about this on thursday. but he said, yeah i'll do this because president moon wants me to. therefore, it keeps the alliance strong. >> why do you think trump didn't think about it? you think this is an impulsive move? the staffers didn't know. they didn't have a plan to say yes. what was the play for trump? >> probably for trump because he always talked about sitting down with kim. this is something that has not been done before. as donald rumsfeld said, if
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you're going to make mistakes, make new ones. this would be a new mistake. >> what they do with it, how they plan for it, how they execute it, those are he really big ifs. but you do have to say there is potential for something better than is this the week that they launched something or tested something in a way to make the u.s. respond and then there are we? >> this is good for us. the south koreans said -- >> could be good for stphrus could be good for us. kim, according to the south koreans, said he is committed to denuclearization. what happens is trump is putting kim to his word. he's testing him. if he doesn't come through, and he is probably not going to, it means the u.s. then has more support around the world to cut off money flows to north korea. that is absolutely critical. so, you know, kim has to -- he needs sanctions relief anyway. that is another reason he wants to come to this meeting. trump is going to put this coalition around the world in a
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much firmer basis if the talks fall apart because kim doesn't follow through on the promises. >> does it help with china too? they are obviously the biggest pocket. >> it helps in some sense. the chinese said we will vote for sanctions but there must be dialogue at the same time. they talk not only about coercive measures but encouraging talks. trump says, yeah, we're talking. >> he's encouraging talks. if they don't follow through, that is one more stick to use in terms of why they should bend their policy aims. >> you said it a lot better than i could. >> i've heard you say it several times. if you had to put a number on it right now, the chance that we see a meeting between the north korean leader and the united states president is at what percentage in this calendar year? >> 85%. >> gordon chang, always a pleasure. the third nor'easter is less
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than two weeks is targeting new england. some places could get another foot of snow. i thought it was supposed to be spring soon? well, the forecast next. ♪ ♪ (vo) you can pass down a subaru forester. but you get to keep the memories. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. (avo) get 0% apr financing on all new 2018 subaru forester models. now through april 2nd. for all the noses that stuff up around daisies. for all the eyes that get itchy and watery near pugs. for all the people who sneeze around dust. there's flonase sensimist allergy relief. it relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. it's more complete allergy relief. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist helps block 6 key inflammatory substances.
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most pills only block one. and 6 is greater than 1. flonase sensimist. but through goodt times and bad at t. rowe price we've helped our investors stay confident for over 80 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. the more you know the the commute is worth, for all the work you pour into this place, you sure get a lot more out of it. you and that john deere tractor... so versatile, you can keep dreaming up projects all the way home. it's a longer drive. but just like a john deere, it's worth it. nothing runs like a deere. now you can own a 1e sub-compact tractor for just $99 a month. learn more at your john deere dealer.
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its' powerful anti-oxidant formula... ...fights pollution and keeps skin looking younger, longer. aveeno®. it's just one after the other. the northeast still recovering from the one-two punch, now bracing for a third nor'easter is just 10 days. what are we looking at? cnn meteorologist chad myers has the forecast. am i right? is this definitely going to be a nor'easter? >> absolutely. no question about that. now, you're only going to get a couple inches in new york city, but it will be all snow this time not the rain/snow slush mess. maine, new hampshire, vermont. lexington, kentucky picked up eight inches already. but it moves up the coast and brushes new jersey, new york city and new albany.
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it is pouring down snow as it runs up over the cape. cape cod will be the ground zero for the wind. it would be 60 miles per hour there. look at the numbers. 12 to 18 inches of snow everywhere there's pink. and more where there is little spots of purple. now, if this happens, and i do forecast this. i think this is what we will see. worcester could see 18 to 20. this would be the biggest snow of the year so far, topping the 13 boston had in early january. i think pupbnxsutawney phil has done the damage. he said six more weeks. i don't want that seven. >> is he that precise? like clockwork, it will end when he says it will end? >> yeah. it will end on wednesday. so the white house putting out the president's plan for school and gun safety? what do the students at marjory
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since the massacre on the marjory stoneman douglas high school. two survivors are with us. alfonso calderon and david hogg. great to see you. thank you very much for being here. david, let's start with what the white house proposal is. i'll put it on the screen for everybody. it does not include a plan to increase the age limit, but it does provide qualified personnel, as they put it, meaning teachers, with firearms training. it supports retired law enforcement and veterans to transition to working in schools as security guards. it urges states to allow firearm removal from threatening individuals. it creates a task force to study age restrictions. and it supports the fix nics bill by senators corn anyone and murphy. >> it answers one of the three main issues we are trying to fix, mental health, universal
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background. he said he wanted to work together on this and save some lives. but the other thing that he showed after that is he is no better than the other politicians because he called out other gop members and said you're owned by the nra and that's why you don't want to take action. that's when he stepped down. and i ask him why? show us you're better than the other politicians, that you aren't owned by the nra and that you want to take action. the proposals are great. proposals without action remain proposals. >> alfonso, you were one of the eight students who activelily lobbied florida is state legislature and it worked. in the space of three weeks at your school, florida passed this, you know, fairly comprehensive bill. here is what is in that bill. they raised the age to 21, banned bump stocks, give law
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enforcement greater power to seize weapons temporarily from boom dangerous, provide additional funding for more school security officers. and they arm some teachers. how are you feeling about all of this today? >> i mean, you've got to enjoy the victories when you have them. i have to be a little bit grateful to the florida legislature. when i went to tallahassee a few weeks ago, it was not looking great. they ignored most of our meetings, they disrespected us. i'm glad they are taking the american people, the kids, especially the ones striving for change, seriously. >> that said, as you both know, the nra is suing florida because of this. the nra doesn't believe that 18-year-olds shouldn't be able to buy firearms. they say that is their constitutional right. so let me read to you the nra's statement. preventing a responsible 21-year-old will not stop a deranged criminal. imposing a three-day waiting
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period would not have stopped any of the high-profile mass shootings in recent years. what's your response, david? >> my response to that is nick cruz was 19 and bought his assault rifle. it's offensive that they say this. legally would not have been able to get this gun. yet he was able to. that is part of the reason we had the massacre occur at our school. the people of the tom of the nra like to hide behind the second amendment and say this is our constitutional right. we're americans. what they are really trying to do is let us sell you more guns at a younger age, put more people at risk, scare more people, cause more violence, kill more people, and sell more guns. absolutely to that i have to add when are you going to use an ar-15 for self-defense? that is preposterous that you can claim you will use a military grade rifle to defend
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yourself, especially in schools. with when mr. scott beigel was shot before he could even reach his classroom. it is ridiculous to say that is a self-defense weapon. >> look, you know what they would say. i've heard it many times, they want to have the same fire power that the bad guy has. if only the bad guy has the ar-15 and good guys are prevented from buying it, that is an unequal setup that leaves them as a sitting duck. >> well, i think that's just a false notion. if you look at all the other countries like canada, sweden and so many others that are first world countries and are places with more developed gun laws and more restrictive on gun ownership they see it more as a privilege than a right. they allow guns in a much more controlled way. they allow them to own then in a responsible and respectable way. we don't think mentally deranged
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individuals, people under 21 or anyone else with a criminal background, for example, should be able to get a weapon. >> so, guys, listen -- >> they always take about the they're tough -- >> go ahead, alfonso. >> thank you. they always talk about the narrative of good guys with guns taking bad guys over with guns. what if the bad guys couldn't get the guns. >> let me get to the action that you all are taking. you have taken out this full-page ad in the "new york times". this is about what will happen on march 24th and the national march you're hoping for. please help us adopt a school in your area who wants to "march for our lives" in washington and donate buses, train tickets, your time or talent or donate directly to "march for our lives". for this to really be never again, we all have to stand
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together. what are you both hoping for march 24th? >> we are hoping for comprehensive bipartisan work where we come together as americans and not debate each other but discuss this as the americans that we are. at the end of the day, we all believe t bleed the same american blood. we have to come together to save our children and our future. that's what we want to do march 24th. >> alfonso, last word. >> absolutely. >> i'm so sorry about the delay. i know it makes it super awkward. but you got your message across. obviously we will watch you march 24th and all the days up until then. thank you both very much for being with us today. >> you have a good one. and thanks to our international viewers for watching. cnn talk is next. for u.s. viewers, "new day" continues right now. >> like right now. >> we mean that literally. >> the white house is
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