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tv   New Day  CNN  March 12, 2018 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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together. what are you both hoping for march 24th? >> we are hoping for comprehensive bipartisan work where we come together as americans and not debate each other but discuss this as the americans that we are. at the end of the day, we all believe t bleed the same american blood. we have to come together to save our children and our future. that's what we want to do march 24th. >> alfonso, last word. >> absolutely. >> i'm so sorry about the delay. i know it makes it super awkward. but you got your message across. obviously we will watch you march 24th and all the days up until then. thank you both very much for being with us today. >> you have a good one. and thanks to our international viewers for watching. cnn talk is next. for u.s. viewers, "new day" continues right now. >> like right now. >> we mean that literally. >> the white house is backing off president trump's repeated
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calls to raise the minimum age to buy certain guns. you remember him saying you guys, you men and women in this room, you're afraid of the nra. sometimes you have to fight them. where is that fight now? the administration unveiling a school safety plan to arm teachers and improve nation's background checks. and a federal commission on school safety headed by education secretary betsy devos. it comes just hours after the president mocked that very idea. he stood at a rally and just said commissions are a joke. >> president trump hoping that republicans can hold onto a house seat in pennsylvania in tomorrow's special election. the president was campaigning for republican nick saccone. he attacked journalists and people he considered his opponents. let's begin our coverage with
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caitlkaitlan collins. >> reporter: good morning, chris is and alisyn. the white house unveiled school safety proposals away from the television cameras. though they are moving forward with that contentious proposal to provide school employees with firearms training, the president is shifting his stance on one key issue here after multiple conversations with the nra. president trump backing down from increasing the minimum age for purchasing certain firearms, an idea strongly opposed by the nra that the president repeatedly pushed for. >> it doesn't make sense i have to wait until 21 to get a handgun but i can get this weapon at 18. >> reporter: the shift after he publicly shamed senators toomey and manchin for not including it in their bill. >> i'm curious as to what you did in your bill? >> we didn't address it, mr. president? >> you know why? because you're afraid of the nra >> reporter: instead it will be one of a range of issues studied
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by a new federal school commission chaired by betsy devos. >> do you feel a sense of urgency? >> yes. >> because this sounds like talking. >> no, there is a sense of urgency, indeed. >> reporter: but on saturday, president trump mocked the concept of these commissions to solve problems like the opioid epidemic. >> we can't keep setting up blue ribbon committees. they talk, talk, talk. two hours later. then they write a report. >> reporter: it includes rigorous firearms training for school personnel on a voluntary basis. >> this is one solution that can and should be considered. no one size fits all. every state and community is going to address this issue in a different way. >> reporter: the administration also supports transitioning veterans and retired law enforcement to schools, adopting measures to remove firearms from
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threatening individuals, overhauling and reforming mental health programs, and the cornyn-murphy program. the white house rolling out the gun proposal one day after the president's rambling and vulgar speech in pennsylvania that was supposed to focus on republican candidate rick saccone. instead it felt like a campaign rally where he attacked potential 2020 challengers. >> can you imagine covering bernie or pocahontas. how about that? oh, i would love oprah to win. i know her weakness. >> and debuted this new campaign is slogan. >> keep america great! keep america great! >> the president touting the steep tariffs on steel and aluminum imports and his potential summit with north korea dictator kim jong-un. >> who knows what's going to
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happen? i may leave fast, or we may sit down and make the greatest for the world and all of these countries >> reporter: surprising aides by suggesting that drug dealers should be executed. >> i think it's a discussion we have to start thinking about, don't you? i don't know if you're ready. >> reporter: and raising eyebrows with what some call a racially charged attack on maxine waters, who has called for his impeachment. >> she's a low iq individual. you can't help it. she really is. >> reporter: chris and alisyn, president trump is hoping to chalk up another republican victory tomorrow in pennsylvania, a district he won hanley. donald trump jr. will do last minute campaigning there today. >> a big reason this is interesting is this should never have been close. he won this district but 20 points. it was a wonder that democrats wanted to put money into conor lamb. it will be interesting to see who thought that was a good
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idea. who thought there was vulnerability? they were right. but it is certainly closer than they expected. david, we say it sounded like a campaign rally speech for trump because it was. that's what it was about, him doing what he likes to do the most. going there, pressing the economic success and pressing the culture divide, right? that's what he does. he says, here are common enemies. here's what i got done on the economy. >> nobody loves the attention like donald trump to say, oh, yeah, this should be about me. why not? let's make it about me. he's bigger than the party. he stands apart from the republican party, yet he owns the republican party. so he's very much on the ballot in all of these races. and looking at softening support in what we consider trump country is very significant. we gauge whether all of his antics still work and whether what he is talking about is still reaching his core
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supporters. we do know, and we know it from special elections, there's a lot of energy on the other side. a lot of energy. and in congressional races, you can't just attack hillary clinton and kind of get everybody gerd at their opposition to your opponent it. it is much different here. that's what we're seeing. we are seeing someone who in all of his outregionousness, considering the death penalty for drug dealers, going after oprah, all the rest. it is pushing all the buttons to remind people of what they like, which is he will say and do anything to shake things up. enough people say, yeah, that's still a good idea. >> let's talk about the big policy headline of the day. that is that the white house has put out what their view of what the solutions would be for fighting school shootings and gun violence. so i'll tick through some of these proposals to remind even,
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it does not include the plan to increase the age limit that the president had talked so many times about wanting, personally believing in this. it provides qualified school personnel, which means teachers, with firearms training. it supports veterans and retired law enforcement to transition into working as school security officers. it urges states to do what connecticut did. so when somebody is a danger to themselves or somebody else that law enforcement can temporarily take their firearms. it creates a task force to study age restrictions. i think the president says he doesn't like those courses. it supports the fix nics bill by senators cornyn and murphy. what's interesting, john, if the nra had written their dream list of proposals, it would be this. not to say these won't work. but this is completely in keeping with what the nra would like. >> yeah. is there anything?
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he mocked senator toomey for saying, oh, you're afraid of the nra. anything s there anything in this list of proposals that the nra doesn't support? signs point to no. they seemed to have been the last person to speak to the president and the white house about the bill they put forward. some progress is better than none. but this is an nra approved checklist. >> so, david, what's the play here? that despite what he said in the meeting on tv, that he's going to do what everybody in his party does when it comes to this issue. and that was just for show. when it's time to go, he checks every box that people who vote on this issue might punish him with. >> it looks like he is willing to lead on a couple of issues. he's been consistent saying there should be more in schools. that is supported by the nra. and he does want to raise the age. he said consistently it seems to be in this blueprint. the commissions don't matter.
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it is what is going to be legislation. >> you think they would at least be ambitious here. they could have backed off on the legislative phase. they said you guys will degree but i think you should consider it. if you want him to consider it, they would put it in the blueprint. they didn't do that. >> i think he is mercurial enough to say if this bubbled up from the stphelt and he would sa senate and he would say, yeah, that's it. he is the breaking point on this. i have said in the past the presidential leadership doesn't get it done a low. barack obama and the democratic-controlled congress couldn't get it done. but he is to make this part of the bully pulpit if you're going to get something done over time. who else is going to keep that energy up? it will be at the grassroots level. it will be in the states where they, after sandy hook and can be the case now, they can do efficient legislation. but it still has to be a
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national issue. the nra is always going to be there. they're always going to be there fighting these issues, issues in their minds about liberty, protection on of fundamental rights and resisting overreach from the government all manifested in the gun. >> this president shouldn't name policy. that is not his definition of leadership. it is about rallying the base, appealing to his tribe. and attacking oprah, which is never a smart thing to do, by the way. at a rally to an adoring crowd. talk about executing drug dealers, which is well outside the norm of anything we expect from an american president. this is a grand scheme president not a governing president. >> that is an important point. and i want to underline that because the promise of president trump is that he could do deals, right? he was a dealmaker. the ultimate dealmaker. the outsider who comes in and makes washington work because he
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did it so well on the apprentice and not real life. he did it in his various deals. what deals has he put together? he wants to do this on north korea? is he going to do it on guns? so he talks about all the -- he had a deal, you know, on immigration, couldn't get it done. i think john is right, this is more kind of a circus act than it is the guy who actually delivers these big deals. by the way, if he could deliver on these deals, imagine the political impact if he could actually bring some of these home. >> but in the meantime he set up this blue ribbon commission with his secretary of education, betsy devos, and then a coup of hours later he said this about his real feelings about blue ribbon commissions. >> we can't just keep setting up blue ribbon committees with your wife and your wife and your
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husband. and they meet and they have a meal and they talk, talk, talk. two hourt later, ths later they report. i have all of these blue ribbon committees. everybody wants to be in them. >> he is clearly reacting to the fact that he just signed a blue ribbon commission. he looks these jackie mason style monologues. this is his good idea. the gap between what he -- the responsibilities of running for president and his rally rhetoric is just so stark. >> look, it wouldn't be worth doing much analysis beyond the entertainment principle because that's what he does at these rallies for if not for the reality that people keep dying. you had a veteran going into a veterans home and kill three workers and himself and he was thrown out of ptsd. the guy was able to get access.
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they weren't able to follow-up. if they don't change, people will keep dying. that doesn't seem to register at the polls for people who think they want change and moments when we're in conflict. with when we're in crisis, people say it's got to change. but they don't vote on that. that's why you end up with an nra-approved checklist on what to do with school shootings. >> we are in a fractured media environment living through the president is seu and ipresidenc disfunction. not even in the aftermath of 9/11 have i seen people as glued to the news as they are to cnn and other outlets. what is the byproduct of that? our attention spins are this, nothing. so it requires even more presidential leadership and decision to keep the country also focused on this particular priority. will he do that? that's the question. and everything we have heard so
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far would tell you that he is not. that's the test. >> that's what the students are trying to do on march 24th. they hope it takes root around the country. we'll be covering that. thank you very much. all right. will the president's legal team try to block a "60 minutes" interview with stormy daniels from ever airing? we'll ask her attorney next. how do you win at business? stay at laquinta. where we're changing with contemporary make-overs.
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at&t, not so much. we give you 75 mbps for $59.95. that's more speed than at&t's comparable bundle, for less. call today. all right. there are new developments in the stormy daniels scandal. the adult film star taped an interview with 630 minutes set to air sunday. anderson cooper does the interview from cnn, of course. there is a report from buzzfeed suggesting lawyers from the president may try to stop cbs from airing it. let's discuss these developments from what happens next with daniels's attorney, michael avenatti. my understanding is it wasn't going to air this sunday anyway. there has no built-in delay because of this controversy.
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but as far as you know, has anyone from team trump tried to stop "60 minutes" from airing the interview? >> well, nothing has been filed as of yet. but we have heard some rumblings that it is expected perhaps this week. i hope we're wrong about that, quite honestly. i think the american people deserve to hear from her. quite honestly, we don't understand why all of this effort is being undertaken to silence my client. >> well, may have concern about recent energy as well. their argument is why didn't she talk all of those years before now. this happened, what, back in 2000 whatever. their theory is it's always been about the money. your pushback? >> well, it hasn't been about the money. had she wanted to sell her story to the highest bidder she could have obtained far more than $130,000. i think once and if she's ever to tell her story freely the
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american peel will conclude -- >> why didn't she speak before? >> she was respecting the fact that she was going to remain silent. the problem is mr. cohen a few months ago decided to start giving interviews and statements about what had transpired. that is really not appropriate. it is not appropriate to have one side out there disseminating mistruths, out right false statements, and ms. clifford is unable to speak her side and explain her position. >> we go through this on the fact analysis it becomes a matter of voracity. but what the american people want to know what stormy daniels has to say. it has to be an open question, counsel. people know about donald trump and his past. he was weighed and measured. and they voted for him anyway, the people who put him in office. the idea that this will be a
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truth by people who have ever heard before. >> i don't think so. there's multiple aspects of this. you have what occurred between the two of them and the efforts to cover it up, including in the waning days of the 2016 presidential election. and then you have what has transpired since then as it relates to the payment of $130,000, the refusal by mr. cohen and the administration to come clean about what happened. >> this is a contract. the preamble of which -- you know. you know all the paperwork. the parties include d.d., but really the llc is and ms. daniels. it was signed on behalf of the llc. you'll play with the law in california. but basically you had a deal. it was a deal at her urging. the word is she had been talking to network and went to cohen and
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said this is what they're going to pay me, 130 grand. can you pay me that or i will cut a deal? >> that's absolutely false. >> how did it happen. i know you weren't involved at the time, but what happened? >> that narrative is completely false. >> she wasn't meeting other news agencies? >> she was discussing with other news agencies. there was no deal at the time. she was meeting with other news agencies. she was not looking to profit from this, quite honestly. when she is able to tell her story, the american people will be able to judge her voracity, veries the voracity of mr. trump and mr. cohen and we'll let them decide who is telling the truth. >> was she exposed to the components, the arbitration. the arbitrator said you signed this deal. it's a good deal. and it's a proper deal, not a good deal. you can't even file this kind of
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lawsuit. and she went and filed it anyway. now you have this damages mechanism in there. if you lose on the law, this appearance, everything daniels says, those will be amounting different penalties that you will have to pay. are you worried about that? >> quite honestly, no. that's not what the traeurt said. when mr. cohen proceeded in that arbitration he proceeded under the llc which doesn't have the right to proceed under the agreement. he had to do so is on behalf of mr. trump. he did not do so. and i think it's obvious why he didn't. >> this may be too in the weeds for people. the law matters. but the llc is what brought the action and what he signed as a representative of. that's where he got his money from is obviously another matter. he said it was from a credit line from his house. why could he bring this action? that's who signed it, him on on behalf of the llc? >> because the agreement
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specifically provided for this course of action it had to be d.d. let me also say this. this hasn't been touched on. >> please. >> paragraph 8.6 of the agreement makes it clear that if all parties, all parties d.d., e.c., and ms. daniels, if all parties do not sign the agreement, there is no deal. all parties did not sign the agreement. there is no deal. >> what do you think happens next? do you think we get to see this on "60 minutes" this week? >> i certainly hope so. i believe the american people deserve to hear her out, deserve to know the truth what happened relating to the payment of these monies, where they came from. and i don't understand what is so complicated about this. i don't understand why the president cannot come out and state unequivocally did he know about the agreement, the payment, and did he have anything to do with the payment being made? three very simple questions. you don't need 140 characters on twitter in order to answer those
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three questions. >> mr. avenatti, thank you very much for making the case. >> thank you. this sounded like o.j. simpson's lost confession. did he admit to killing his ex-wife, nicole, and ron goldman in a 2006 interview? our exclusive with jude is eugt rh judith regan, the woman who interviewed o.j., next. right. but you want to fix it. right. so who sent you? new guy. what new guy? watson. my analysis of sensor and maintenance data indicates elevator 3 will malfunction in 2 days. there you go. you still need a pass.
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in a bombshell interview, o.j. simpson gives a hypothetical confession to the 1994 murder of his ex-wife nicole brown simpson is and her friend ron goldman. >> as things got heated, nicole herself. and this guy kind of got into a karate thing. i said you think you can kick my ass? i remember i grabbed the knife. i remember that portion taking the knife from charlestonly. to be honest, i don't remember except i'm standing there and it's all kind of stuff around
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and -- >> what kind of stuff. >> joining us now exclusively is judith regan. she conduct thad interview with o.j. simpson back in 2006. thank you so much for being on. >> hi, alisyn. >> listen, before we get to the jaw-dropping things o.j. simpson tells you in this interview, tell us, you did this in 2006. why didn't it air in 2006? >> well, that wasn't my decision. it was a news court decision to cancel the whole project. it was not something i wanted to do, honestly. >> were they afraid of the lawsuit? were they afraid the goldmans wouldn't be gutting money? what went into that decision to cancel it back in 2006? >> there was a huge controversy involving a lot of different factors. the goldmans at the time didn't
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know anything about the content of either the book for the interview. neither did the browns. but they were both against it. there was a groundwell of negativity. it was a corporate decision that was out of my hands. >> okay. so 12 years later, last night, it airs. so what was it like for you to see this again and what were your impressions at the time when you interviewed o.j. sitting across from him as he said these remarkable things? >> well, watching it last night and of course participating in the panel, it was the first time i had actually seen it. because i hadn't seen the interview. i had done the interview but i had never seen it because i was fired shortly thereafter. it was traumatic. it was a traumatic time just
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getting fired and what i went through during that period of time. but it was something i found incredibly disturbing. it was disturbing when i did the interview. i had a friend text me last night and said remind me never to play poker with judith regan because she said i kept my poker face during the interview. it was difficult to sit and talk with him and hear the things he was saying without reacting to the way in which i felt. it was traumatic to revisit it. it is a traumatic, sad, tragic story that i think affected a lot of people in a lot of different ways. >> yeah. >> and, you know, i was really saddened by revisiting the whole thing. >> listen, it was remarkable to watch your exchange with him. because you did have a poker face. and for the rest of us, hearing all of these things for the first time, it was so stunning. because the premise, the very
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premise of the interview that he was supposed tom hypothetically be imagining what it would have been like had he killed his ex-wife and her friend. however, he kept saying things like i remember. in that bite we just played, he said i rebney cole fell and hurt herself. that's information we didn't know. i remember taking the knife from charlie, he says. who is charlie? >> i don't know who charlie is. you know, we can all try to take a guess whether it's his alter ego or o.j. himself. you know, the interview reveals who he really is, i think. and he does it, just if you study his language, i do remember the knife, he says. it isn't a hypothetical. he framed it as a hypothetical, i believe, so that he could tell the story with deniability. but anyone watching the interview and listening to him,
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i can't imagine that they could think anything other than this is a real confession. and it's his way of confessing. >> yeah. >> it might not be my choice of how i would have confessed to something. but it is how he chose to do it. framing it as a hypothetical is not something an innocent person would do. it is utterly tasteless and horrifying. but it is how he chose to tell the story. >> there was another incredible moment where he talked about his reaction at nicole's wake and how angry he was. so let's listen to this. >> i just remember standing there and i still had so many feelings of -- if you're angry with a person upon their death, when they die, it's not like that anger disappears, right? it's almost like i want to say i told you, didn't i tell you, didn't i say to you.
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whatever the hell was going on. didn't i -- so you still got those kind of feelings in you. and you still are trying to deal with i'm not going to be able to say this to this person. i'm not going to be able to change this person's mind. i'm not going to have an effect on this person again. >> i'm not going to be able to control this person is what he is saying. to me this is one of the most stunning moments and the most horrifying. and it reveals the man he truly is which is a batterer, a man who wants to control the woman in his life. and even in death he is saying he cannot control her. it is absolutely stunning. >> and what about the part where he is saying i wanted to say i told you -- didn't i tell you? didn't i say to you. >> of course. >> didn't i tell you i would kill you? absolutely. that's what i heard when he said that to me. >> i'm not sure how oels you eln
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read this. >> it is horrifying, maddening and saddening. >> judith, please stick around. we have many more questions for you and we want to replay that interview. stick around. ways to lose stubborn belly fat.
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in a never-before-seen intervie interview, o.j. simpson talks about a night on new year's eve in 1995 that sent nicole went to the hospital. >> she wouldn't say what it was about. something about earrings. i locked her out of the room. she found the key and came back into the room. i threw her out. with no concern for her well-being. she got physical with me. i'm obviously i'm bigger. i got physical. i'm bigger. nicole initiated. and i came out as the poster boy of an abuser.
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>> let's bring back judith regan who conducted that spwraoeur in 20 interview. >> somehow i came out as an abuser and batterer. here he is in denial. she hit me. she fought with me. she admitted it. this is textbook abusive man. textbook. >> you talked to him about when police finally decided to arrest him, obviously the nation was gripped by the bronco chase. so many of us can remember exactly where we were when that happened and watching this unfold live on tv. but we never knew what was happening inside the bronco until this moment where you asked him about it. listen to this. >> i'm in the back -- still in the back of the truck. and i can't believe what i'm is seeing. every time we go by
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intersections it's like where did these people get the time to make these signs, go o.j. and stuff. what was strange is i was being depicted as a fugitive on the radio. but from the side of the roads it was more people cheering. this is b.s. what they're doing here. get me to my house. take me home. >> i mean, he was most struck that people were cheering and had signs for him. >> it's just unbelievable. because, again, he's such an ego maniac and such a tphars sinarc. he went on to say dan rather changed his life at that moment. because when he heard he was being characterized as a batterer, which to him it was in conceivable that anyone would say that about him even though the police had been to their house eight times, even though he battered her and in fact, murdered her, he was excited
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about the fact that he now had an opportunity to defend himself against what dan rather was saying about him. he went on to say that when he saw the people with the signs saying go, o.j. go, he was absolutely delighted by that. >> it is chilling. so much of it is chilling. because, you know, you and i are not therapists. but it sure sounds like the dictionary definition of a is soc sociopath. particularly this next part where he doesn't think ron and nicole are the victims. he thinks he is. so listen to this. >> i don't think anybody had the goodwill of the public i had. certainly no better than the goodwill i had. and in three short days from monday to friday or four short days, just listening to the tv screens, to see all the goodwill
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evaporated, you know. >> did you feel lost --? it. >> was almost like you were -- ron and nicole were physically dead. and it's almost like they killed me. >> they killed him, he thinks. >> they killed him because he's the victim of every story. he views himself as the victim. he views -- in every story that he tells, she hit me. she did this to me. she hurt me. and now he has the utter gall to say they killed him. it is shocking. it is so disturbing. >> what were your impressions as you sat across from him and did you both speak during the camera setup and the breaks? did he have a different persona off camera with you? >> well, i mean, he had his own version of charm. he was trying to be charming. and halfway through the interview he leaned over to me during one of the breaks and said when you came here today,
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you didn't think you'd like me but i changed your mind, didn't i? and just that comment also was chilling because he has no insight into what's actually happening. and he had no awareness of what he was actually saying to me, which was so disturbing. the fact that he didn't think it was disturbing was also disturbing. because he didn't seem to understand the gravity of his statements and how bizarre is and frightening and incriminating they were. >> so he also talked to you about the moment that he had to tell his children that they had -- that their mother was gone and had been killed. so he -- let's just play the moment that he tells the kids. >> right before it's time to go to bed, i read them a story. i had started to tell them about mom. their mother had gone to heaven.
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but sydney said, i know, dad, mom is in heaven. and i think -- i think i was in shock up to that point. i think that moment is when i broke down, literally broke down. because the way she said it it was not like -- it was sort of sad but -- she had no idea that she had lost her mother. she had no idea how this was going to affect her life. >> how do you interpret that? >> again, he's a tphars sift and he's not explaining what's happening here which is which is he took their mother away from those children. nothing saddens me more than the thought of those two children and what happened to them. to me i think of them and my heart just breaks. >> so what's been the reaction that you've gotten in the past 12 hours since this aired?
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>> you know, the reaction has been really overwhelming. i'm in los angeles. it's only a few hours ago, in fact, that i watched it. you know, i have had an incredible overwhelming positive response. so, you know, from the goldmans, the browns is and a lot of people i know that watched hit. the media has largely been positive about it. i think, you know, aside from the obvious tragedy of the whole situation, just in terms of my own personal experience going through this, after i was fired, the media really went after me in a dramatic way even though no one had seen the interview and no one had read the book. and i'm glad fox decided to air it. it was their decision. they called me a couple of weeks ago and said they were going to air it. it came out of the blue.
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but i'm glad they did. i'm glad people get to see inside the mind of an abusive battering murderer. and i think people can judge for themselves just by watching it who this man really is. >> well, it was truly illuminating and mostly jaw dropping and just remarkable after 12 years to see this. as you say, chilling. judith regan, thank you for sharing all of that with us. >> thank you, alisyn. >> chris? all right. so pennsylvania's special congressional election is tomorrow. and it is a big measure of trump country. he won that place bigbie 20 points. and he should have. so why is this race going down to the wire? we have a live report of the implications next. it's hard to get all the daily fiber we need from food alone. that's why i love fiber choice. it has the fiber found in many fruits and vegetables, all in a tasty chewable tablet. fiber choice: the smart choice.
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4:54 am
. the ncaa tournament field is set. you ready to feel out your brackets. andy scholes has more. this is a good time of the year, my friend. >> best time of the year if you're a sports fan. you can cue the loss of the workplace productivity. this could be the craziest year yet which is so much parody in college basketball. all the teams all over the country reyoising while watching the selection. finding out whether or not they were in the big dance. i want you to check out arizona state. they were so happy that they jumped in coach bobby hurley's pool after they found out they had made it. despite going 2-8 in their ten games, tray young most people were shocked they are in. now virginia getting top overall seed.
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villanova, kansas and vegas has nova as the favorites to win. if you can think you can make better picks than all of us at cnn, prove it. just fill out your bracket by thursday morning. tiger woods is back. two shots back of the lead yesterday with just two holes to play when he sank this putt from 45 feet out. the gallery and internet jut going crazy at that point. then on 18, tiger had a 40 footer to tie but it would fall just short but an awesome weekend for tiger. he plays second which is his best finish since 2013 and chris, everyone is so excited about tiger right now. he has the third best odds to win the masters in a few weeks and that's just incredible considering he hasn't won a tournament since 2013. >> it's the potential. everybody knows the potential is there and they've waited so much to see it recap toured. appreciate all that news.
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pennsylvania's 18th congressional district is holding a special election. the election is tomorrow. the race statistically seems to be a dead heat and that is a shock because this region is trump country. the president won by 20 points over hillary clinton in 2016. yes, you'll hear people say, there's a lot of democrats there. they registered democrat. the place goes republican more and more so this would be a big deal but we don't know what's going to happen. the president went there. that shows you how big a deal it is. he had a big rally. he was there to talk about the republican in the race rick saccone and he does have this tough challenger in conor lamb. ear live in canonsburg, pennsylvania. you need to understand why it will project into our understanding of the midterms at this point in time.
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>> reporter: absolutely, it will, chris. this race has no business being in this close. the polls in these final few hours show it to be neck and neck. this congressional district is about as red as they come and the past two congressional races democrats didn't even field a candidate. there is sox on the line for republicans for the president that we saw the president down here for that weekend highlighting the fact that perhaps more than anything this race is about him. it's the weekly sunday chess meetup. john ser lowe say long time chess coach who enjoyed the free willing ruckus rally. >> i think he's very successful and i want to see him continue to be. >> reporter: and that means supporting rick saccone over the 33-year-old democrat conor lamb, a retired marine. how much of your support is about saccone? >> very little.
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i think conor lamb has got a great personality, a great persona, he's like jack kennedy all over again. just terrific. >> reporter: you'll vote for the republican. >> oh, yeah, definitely. >> reporter: this race is seen as a referendum on the president. >> the world is watching. i hate to put this pressure on you. they're all watching. i won this district by 22 points. it's a lot. look at all those red hats, rick. >> reporter: this is where he's hoping his announcement of steel and aluminum tariffs will resident with voters as they have with surlow. >> i feel like the republican party have got a main street wing. >> if it actually has the effect it says it will have, i will be for it. >> reporter: at a diner, carol thompson isn't convinced. >> it's going to come around to bite us.
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>> reporter: lifelong republicans who don't like the president who support misagenda but not his attitude. >> i don't like how the president presents things or his persona. that's why, while i'm still supporting saccone, it did pause me to look a little towards conor lamb. >> reporter: for some like carol who are wavering even more, trump's visit didn't help. >> if anything, if i would tell trump to stay away because he puts his foot in his mouth, but i look at saccone as someone who has really good background and a lot of expanse. he can probably negotiate the politics. >> reporter: you're saying the president's support of saccone would make you less inclined to support him? >> much less inclined. >> reporter: in the end mother and daughter will vote for rick saccone, the father conor lamb.
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and another indicator of how important this race is to republicans outside of republican groups have spent more than $10 million on saccone. this should be such an easy win for saccone that even it he manages to eke out a victory it could still be seen as a loss. >> i think you're right on that. it's interesting how this divergence of opinion or diversity of the pont president but they're all for saccone that you were talking to. we'll see how it comes out tomorrow. alex, thank you very much. we're following a lot of news. let's get after it. >> we're going to go very strong into age, age of purchase. president trump backtracking on his support to raise the minimum age to buy some firearms. >> i have asked to head up a task force. there is a sense of urgency. >> i remember i grabbed the knife, after that i don't remember.


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