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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 17, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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husband and to watch their full story go to right now. while you're there nominate someone who inspires you, someone you think should be a 2018 cnn hero. that's it for us tonight. thanks for watching. make sure you have a great weekend. there's a lot of news, i'm sure that's going to happen over the weekend. happy birthday, stormy daniels. the u.s. president tweets, it's a great day for democracy, jub lent that the deputy director has been fired. andrew mccabe not going out quietly. stormy daniels lawyer says she just wants to tell her side of the story. now, president trump's lawyers are joining the legal action. the poisoning of an exrussian spy and his daughter. the british ambassador just arrived. more on the retailuation of the
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russian diplomats from the united kingdom. more reports from moscow and england. we are live in atlanta. i'm natalie allen. >> i'm george howell. newsroom starts right now. it's 4:00 a.m. here on the east coast. fired two days before his retirement. andrew mccabe, the latest to get the ax. mccabe was let go friday night by the u.s. attorney general, jeff sessions, who acted on a review but the u.s. department inspector general. >> he was fired after they determined he lacked candor, reviewing the fbi's probe of the clinton foundation. mccabe denies any wrong doing. lau laura jarrett has more from
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washington. >> reporter: president trump has used mccabe as a political punching bag. mccabe is firing back. in an interview with cnn, mccabe saying, in part, i am being singled outlet because of the role i played, the actions i took and the events i witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of james comey. two hours after the firing, a presidential tweet arrived with trump calling it a great day for the men and women of the fbi and democracy. trump went on to say james comey was his boss and made mccabe look like a choir boy. he knew about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the fbi. the back story underlying the termination is a bit more complicated. cnn reported earlier this week that mccabe was the subject of a blistering interim review, conducted by the justice
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department and the fbi about accusations that he misled investigators about his role in approving other fbi officials to talk to the press about an investigation back in 2016 into the clinton foundation. now, mccabe says he never misled investigators and he did nothing wrong. attorney general, jeff sessions, confirmed, at least in part, those internal reviews, late on friday, saying those reports concluded mr. mccabe made an unauthorized disclosure to the news media and lacked candor, including under oath on multiple occasions. as for mccabe, the loss of early retirement is the most serious blow because he was fired on friday, when he was 49. he did not make it to 50 and that means he will lose out on at least a significant portion of his pension. laura jarrett, cnn, washington.
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>> we are hearing more from mccabe saying he was a target by the trump administration and says the president's tweets have amplified and exasperated it all. he called for my firing. he called for me to be stripped of my pension after 20 years of service. all along, we have said nothing, never wanting to distract from the fbi for the lies told about us. >> he went on to say this, every time it becomes clear i will play a significant role in the special counsel efforts, immediately after that, i get targeted and atacted by the president and his twitter account. a lot to talk about. let's break it down with our political analyst and professor of political science at cypress college, peter mathews and retired special agent at the
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fbi, steve moore. good to have you both with us at this hour. what an hour it is as the big stories tend to break on a friday night, going into focus right here. the first question many may wake up to ask, is this politically motivated or a fair move? the president of the united states chimed in on this on twitter within the last few hours. let's read this quote from the president where he says andrew mccabe fired, a great day for the hard working men and women of the fbi, a great day for democracy. james comeny was his boss and made mccabe look like a choir boy. he knew about the lies going on at the highest level of the fbi. steve, first to you, given that tweet, does this look to be fair or personal? >> leaving the tweet aside, it's distasteful. but, as an fbi agent, this is the only thing that's made sense
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to me since this whole thing started when comey started talking about the hillary clinton e-mails. from day one at the academy, it is drummed into us, if you ever lie, if you ever even have a short fall of candor during an internal fbi investigation, you are gone. if you are going to rip us off, rip us off for 25 million not $25 because we'll fire you for either. they fire dozens a year for candor violations. he knew, you do not shade the truth in an fbi investigation internally. >> mccabe saying he was not misleading to investigators. peter, the same question to you, does this look to be fair or personal? >> i think it's definitely a political side to it as well. i know what was said is fine, true, but the short fall and candor. the president never left mccabe
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alone for several months, been hammering him for a long time. that's interference. an issue of integrity at the fbi, it is not good for the organization itself. you saw him, actually the president, slamming the fbi leadership. th that's not good for the united states and people of america. we have to wait to see what the details of the report were. mccabe said once they finished the report, then what happened is he indicated he was going to co-ob rate comey's claim and president trump was interfering. what was happening is it looked like the president wanted the pressure on mccabe and the fbi. that's not good. we have to have law enforcement on the other end of the president. >> what happened, allegedly in 2016 of october, mccabe allegedly authorizing information to be leaked to "the
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wall street journal." mccabe is speaking out. here is what he said in a quote, here is the reality, i'm being singled out because of the role i played, the actions i took and the events i witnessed in the aftermath of the firing of james comey. you know, we see mccabe, again, speaking freely here. what difference will that make, peter, to you, what difference will it make with the overall investigation? >> it will make a difference in the public perception of it, the fairness. that's what's important with how the public sees it. we have elections coming up. this is a big political act. many don't want to be political. i think the president has a lot to blame here, interferences. i think it has to do with the public perception as well. i'll let the other gentleman deal with the legal aspect of it. >> you know you can't speak
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publicly unless you are authorized to do so. we are seeing mccabe make his points clear. what difference do you think it will make with the investigation? >> i agree, it will make only a public difference, not a difference of opinion at all in the fbi. again, i'm not saying there wasn't politics going on here and this wasn't -- this might not have been a hit. whatever it was. what i am saying is if you lie or don't give the full truth in an internal fbi investigation, you are gone. every agent knows that. so, if they were after him, he certainly served himself up on a platter with this one. the agents are not going to feel too sorry for him, although, you know, trump gloating over the body is really kind of really sad. >> the allegation, again, that mccabe was not completely truthful with the information.
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that is front and center here and the reason for what is happening at this point. let's talk about the optics. steve, i want to ask you this question. we are talking about a man who put in a great deal of time, his public service and now fired two days shy of his retirement. in fact, two days shy of his birthday, steve. the optics there? >> we all retire on our 50th birthday. i understand the optics are bad here. but, there are two sides to it. it is either in some people's eyes the view that trump was going after this guy and wanted to get him before he got out the door. the other view is when an fbi agent of any level, any rank lies, if he had retired, there's nothing you can do. it's the integrity of the bureau to go after him, that's the other view. so, people are going to differ on this. all i want to tell the public out there is regardless of what
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happened politically, if he did lie, and by the way, opr, i have done opr investigations. for them to believe he misled them intentionally, they really had to -- they know what it was going to cost him. they empathized but they went after him and they are not the president. >> peter, one other question to you, talking about mccabe who has been a lightning rod for the president on the mueller investigation, the president tweeting about mccabe several times, one tweet asking why sessions didn't replace mccabe sooner, as in this example. why didn't sessions replace andrew mccabe, comey friend but got big dollars, $700,000 from his wife's political run. drain the swamp says the president. peter, the question, as mccabe's star goes down for the moment, the sessions star rise?
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>> not necessarily. depends on how this plays out in the end. the fact is, it is true, mccabe's wife ran for state senate and received a lot of money from terry mccalliff. from this case, mccabe had every right, his wife had a right to run for state senate, despite the fact of who her husband was. there's a conflict of interest that should have been avoided at any cost, if possible. i'm not sure what mccabe could have done except recuse himself. we'll have to see how the results turn out. >> peter matthews and steve moore, thank you so much. >> thank you. we are following a story out of moscow. this happened months ago. laurie briscoe, the diplomats
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from the uk, he spoke about his meeting moments ago. here he is. >> good morning, ladies and gentlemen. i just had a meeting in the russian ministry of foreign affairs. this crisis has arisen as a result of an attack on the united kingdom. the attempted murder of two people using a chemical weapon developed in russia and not declared by russia, the organization of chemical weapons. earlier this week, the prime minister set up a number of measures with we took to defend ourselves against this type of attack. we gave russia the opportunity to explain the material and we asked russia to declare that material, that capability to the organization of weapons. russia denied it.
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therefore, we announced certain steps. russia informed us of the steps. as the prime minister made clear in parliament, a very large work of my embassy here in russia is to -- but we always do what is necessary to defend ourselves, our allies and values against an attack of this sort on the united kingdom, which all countries, including russia defend safety and security. thank you. >> laurie bristow there talking ability his meeting with moscow. summoned to talk about the ramifications, how russia plans to retaliation for the incident where the uk kicked out many russians for the nerve agent
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attack and we will have a live report from moscow and england where it took place coming up in a few minutes. still ahead, another case involving the u.s. president. late developments in a porn actresses lawsuit. a attorney has entered the case. we'll tell you why that is a big deal. great, another dead end. sarge, i just got a tip that'll crack this case wide open! turns out the prints at the crime scene- awwwww...did mcgruffy wuffy get a tippy wippy? i'm serious! we gotta move fast before- who's a good boy? is him a good boy? erg...i'm just gonna go. oh, you wanna go outside? you gotta go tinky poo-poo? i already went, ok? in the bathroom! as long as people talk baby-talk to dogs, you can count on geico saving folks money.
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for the first time, attorneys for president trump have joined in a legal action in the stormy daniels case. >> they filed a motion to move the adult film actresses lawsuit from california state court to federal court and claim daniels could owe as much as $20 million for violating a nondisclosure agreement. >> the lawsuit contends the agreement to silence her with the alleged affair is not valid. daniels' attorney spoke with our anderson cooper. >> why would the president of the united states join in an effort for a document for a nondisclosure that he, himself didn't sign, which his attorney just did on his own that had nothing to do with the president for an act he said he didn't
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commit? >> well, i hate to repeat myself, but i'm going to in this instance. oh what a tangled web we weave when we practice to the chiefs. it's an interesting question. it doesn't make sense. we have the threat and set forth in the papers, the position, if you will, president trump is going to seek in excess of $20 million damages against my client. this is truly remarkable. i don't know there's ever been an instance in american history where you have a sitting president carrying out a personal vendetta and seeking $20 million from a citizen who is nearly trying to tell her version of the facts. the facts must, indeed, be very, very ugly for this president and mr. cohn. if they were not ugly, he would have taken to the air waves and
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called her out and said they were false and allow the american people to decide who is telling the truth and who is not telling the truth. instead, he and his attorney, mr. cohen and others are seeking to gag and silence my client and keep the information from the american people. >> legal analyst and author of make it rain, thanks for joining us. >> thanks, natalie. >> this is the first time the president's attorneys have joined. what does this tell us? >> the white house can no longer deny knowledge of the settlement and the negotiations that happened with respect of michael cohen and stormy daniels. we have seen this white house deny, deny, deny. deny there was an affair. deny the president had knowledge of the negotiations and settlement that michael cohen entered into with the
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allegations stormy daniels was making that he and the trump administration wanted to keep quiet. the president is now a defendant in a lawsuit and stormy daniels is the plaintiff. this will move forward with both of them and the white house is pretty much all in. >> his attorneys are claiming she could owe as much as $20 million for violating a nondisclosure agreement. the initial complaint filed by clifford's attorney says the nondisclosure isn't valid because the lawyer for mr. trump, mr. cohen signed it for mr. trump. is this a risky move by miss clifford and her lawyer? >> that's the crux. was it entered into between michael cohen, stormy daniels, signed by both, but not donald trump, is that agreement valid? stormy daniel's lawyers are
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taking the position without trump's signature, it is null and void. they filed an order saying they were no longer bound by it and saying that the arbitration that was triggered by mr. cohen, that also is invalid because of a lack of signature. trump's lawyers are claiming the liquid damages cost in the nondisclosure agreement which obob ligated her to pay 1 million every time she made disclosures. they are claiming she made disclosures 20 times. what i have heard her say is, i can't talk about it. i'm not sure where they, you know, how the math is working out, where they are getting 20 times she allegedly disclosed information in the nda. >> she's been asked about it directly on late night tv, other interviews, an interview here on
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cnn. she goes mum. i want to ask you, why have mr. trump's lawyers moved to try this in federal court? >> so, federal courts and state courts have different rules of procedure. they are governed differently. a lot of times lawyers are familiar with the rules in one court over the other. some like federal because the judges are more strict and enforce the rules more strictly than in state court. as we know, none of the parties here, donald trump, michael cohen, stormy daniels, none of them live in los angeles county. in the federal system, when you have parties from different states, there's something called jurisdiction based on diversity. the parties are diverse in terms of geographic locations. that gives the defendant the right to go to federal court and say this matter shouldn't be heard by some local, state
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court, this should be heard by a federal court. defendants do this to disrupt the plan that the plaintiffs had because the plaintiffs pick what they thought to be a friendlier venue. we'll see if the plan of the trump team to get it to federal court works to their advantage. >> meantime, her lawyer remains individual lent. he tweeted this, how can president trump seek $20 million in damages based on an agreement he and cohen claim mr. trump never was a party to and knew nothing about. the fact a sitting president is pursuing $20 million in bogus damages against a private citizen was only trying to tell the public what really happened is remarkable. unprecedented in our history. we are not going away and we will not be intimidated. what do you think about his comments? >> that's been the claim from the beginning. stormy daniels' attorney has been claiming this is about
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intimidating her, harassing her and forbidding her from telling what he says is the truth about an affair that happened between her and mr. trump in 2006-2007. this attorney is not going away. he is not backing down. he is on every cable station every day telling the same story and what we now know is stormy daniels, herself, has given an interview with "60 minutes" scheduled to air march 25th, if it goes as planned. she will sit down and tell the intimate details of the affair and efforts of trump's team to intimidate her and physically threaten her. she has a lot to tell and is prepared to do so, despite the nda. >> she is taking on an opponent in mr. trump who loves a good fight. we'll wait to see what happens next. thank you so much. >> thanks, natalie. the other big story we are
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following for those who will be waking up to this news, another high profile firing in washington. this time, this man, the former fbi deputy director, andrew mccabe. it happened less than two days before his official retirement, two days before his birthday. more details on that, ahead. we go back live to moscow as russia summons the british ambassador in the dispute over the nerve agent attack. we'll get details on what that meeting was about. many more who never saw it coming. but now they know... they descend from the people of ireland. in fact, more than half of our community have discovered their irish roots... which means your smiling eyes might be irish too. order ancestrydna and find the surprises in you. just $69 through monday. get your kit today.
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headlines. this hour, talks between the foreign minister and swedish officials have been extended to saturday. it's the first diplomatic move by the north since president trump agreed to meet with the leader of north korea, kim jong-un. willing to support gauche nations between the united states and pyongyang. he can stay in office indefinitely because china abolished presidential term limits. a former anti-corruption chief. he's expected to be influential in shaping trade policy with the u.s. the lawsuit involving stormy daniels, attorneys for the u.s. president want to move from california state court to federal court. they say the porn actress could owe $20 million because she revealed details about her affair with the president violating the nondisclosure
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agreement. the lawsuit contends the agreement is not valid. u.s. attorney general jeff sessions fired andrew mccabe late friday, less than two days shy of his retirement. the department of justice says he was let go after determining he lacked candor with investigators and the fbi probe of the clinton foundation. mccabe denies wrong doing. a significant development in the aftermath of the poisoning of a former russian spy. this happened in the last hour. britain's ambassador was summoned. he was informed moscow expelled 23 british diplomatic staff from russia. that mirrors the expulsion of the 23 from the united kingdom. relations from the two countries have been spiraling downward since the exrussian spy and his daughter were poisoned. here is what he said as he left the foreign ministry earlier this hour.
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>> gave us the opportunity to explain and asked russia to declare that material and capability to the organization. russia denied that, therefore we announced circumstance. russia, today, informed me of steps russia will be taking. as the prime minister made clear in parliament, we have no dispute with the russian people. the work of my embassy here in russia has been -- productive things between russia and the united kingdom. we always do what is necessary to defend ourselves, our allies and values in an attack of this sort, which is an attack not only on the united kingdom, but the system in which all countries, including russia and their safety and security. >> let's talk more about these developments. melissa bell is covering the investigation for us in
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salisbury, england. and jill daugherty is live in moscow. jill, we just heard from the ambassador talking about his meeting with the foreign ministry, announcing russia's actions and holding firm with where the uk stands in all of this. >> yes. and that happened just about a half hour ago. as you now know, they are, d russians are taking steps as they would call them, mirror image steps in response to what the british did. so, one of the first ones is to expel diplomats. since the brits expelled 23 russians, russia is going to expel 23 british -- i'm sorry, russia will expel 23 british diplomats and will happen a week from now. in a statement on the website of
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the foreign ministry, they call it provocative actions from the british side. they are making it very clear that tit for tat, they will answer these, what they call provocative actions and unproven accusations. also, in that statement on the website, they say that apparently there was agreement previously that british would be able to open up a general consulate in st. petersberg. they are no longer going to allow that to happen. then, also, they say they can take further actions as warranted in reaction to the british side for these unfriendly actions. so, in sum, this is what you almost might expect, at least the first part, kicking out diplomats. i think, because they don't know, moscow doesn't know precisely what the uk may do going down the line in terms of retaliation with the poisoning, they are retaining their arsenal of diplomatic steps they can
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take. but, the tone of this is very angry and very serious. >> jill, thank you so much. let's go to melissa now. she is in england for us covering the investigation. is there going to be word, melissa, on definitively that russia was behind this? where is the investigation headed in that regard? >> reporter: well, the british authorities have wasted no time, natalie, in being absolutely clear about that. we have seen a ratcheting up of rhetoric during the course of the week. it began monday with theresa may in the house of commons and laid the blame squarely at the feet of moscow. that rhetoric was ratcheted up further on wednesday. of course we heard boris johnson say it is highly likely it was ordered by vladimir putin, himself. laying squarely at the feet of the russian president. the british authorities have
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wasted no time that moscow is responsible. it is to work out precisely where and how the poison was administered. nearly two weeks to the day, it will be tomorrow, two weeks when sergey and his daughter were found on a bench just behind me in salisbury town center in a very bad way. of course they remain in a critical and life-threatening condition two weeks on. they were found on that bench nearly two weeks ago. the investigation has yet to tell us, precisely, how that poison was ingested. there's been plenty of speculation over the course of two weeks at which point, whether it was in the restaurant behind me or the car handle door that the poison was deposited. as he left moscow the day before the lunch with her father, it could have been planted in her suitcase. that remains the subject of speculation. the authorities are being tight
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lipped about what they may have learned about the details of how that poison was ingested. you can understand that, natalie. this is a very delicate investigation. it's results will be scrutinized not just by the people of salisbury and the british, but the entire world. they have been invited to take sides since this began. >> thanks. let's go back to jill and talk more about that. russia has been blamed for similar attacks in the past, jill. now, as we heard from melissa, the uk, mr. johnson believes it was a direct order from vladimir putin. where does this make the relationship between the countries? where does it stand? we know other countries backed the uk in condemning russia. >> yes, i mean you have the allies. you have the united states, france and germany who have
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backed up in a statement issued a few days ago what the british are saying and alleging. now, the reaction here in russia is furious, especially furious as it touches on president putin himself and you have heard that very, very sternly. i think, you know, what they are -- this is a sensitive time, too, because don't forget tomorrow, today is saturday, tomorrow is sunday. that is the presidential election here in russia. there's great sensitivity about the timing of all this. some russians, i would say probably quite a few russians here believe that this was all a set up to hurt president putin, as he goes into this election. so, the sensitivity of it is very great. >> absolutely. thank you so much, jill daugherty for us and melissa bell. thank you both. george? >> thank you. turning to the other lead story, we are following this hour. the firing of the former deputy
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fbi director, andrew mccabe. the u.s. president tweeted about mccabe just after midnight. here is what he had to say generally. andrew mccabe, fired. a great day for the hard working men and women of the fbi and great day for democracy. we have the professor of international politics at city university. thanks for being with us. people will wake up to this news. the question many people will have, is this an honest personnel issue based on allegations mccabe was not as forthcoming as he should have been or was this a personal issue from the top down? in your view, what do you make of it? >> i think it's probably both because there was an internal investigation by career fbi officials who found issues with the way he behaved in regard to "the wall street journal." but i would say the timing of it, two days before mr. mccabe
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is due to retire and able to get full pension rights, the timing of it suggests a degree of political motivation on the part of the trump administration. >> let's talk about that. you bring this point up. there are two parts to this, right? the question as to whether mccabe misled investigators and, in fact, if that did happen, what do you make of him being fired just two days shy of his birthday and retirement? >> well, it's quite clear, this is a part of a larger war. mr. mccabe, obviously is a part of a skirmish, which is reflective on the wall. i suspect it is pretty much unprecedented. that is the intelligence community, the law enforcement community, the fbi with a special prosecutor as well, special counsel. kind of war with the white house and between them. that suggests there's a great deal of discontent with the
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character of the trump presidency. he's unpredictable. he's erratic. he could have let mr. mccabe go, retire and do whatever he wishes. he chose to make it a big issue by ordering this firing two days before. it suggests that president trump is exactly who he said he was and behaved throughout his campaign. he wants to be in charge. he wants to set the agenda every step of the way and willing to wage war against all his enemies. now he's trying to take them out one by one and he's surrounding himself with people who, as he said, think a little more like him. it seems to be like a circling of the wagons as he believes his administration is besieged by various forces. >> that leads into my next question, really, the political, right? the backdrop of all this is the russia investigation.
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mccabe is someone who seems to support and co-rob rate the actions of james comey, the former fbi director who also was fired. what do you make of those who see this, targeting a key witness in this greater investigation that's at hand? >> well, it's quite clear, i think mr. mccabe was going to cooberate. he could have supported the comey line of obstruction of justice. there's a schism that created a conflict between the white house and foreign communities. if you recall, during the 2016, there's a declaration by many people who observed republican and democratic administrations, intelligence positions and so on who said mr. trump was unfit for
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office, he was a very poor candidate for the republican party and, effectively, they declared he was untrustworthy. he had taken positions at odds with the entire tenor of the global war and position in regard to the international system from 1945. i think this more than effectively carried on after his presidency and various investigations. to some extent, it aligned to the democratic party's own view, the e-mail leek from john po decemb podesta's account through wikileaks. what you have is part of the political elite declaring war on the other part of the political elite. this sort of shows the grand old party, which thought they got rid of its crisis after trump defeating the mainstream candidates. now they are in a war on the
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side of donald trump, against the fbi and other intelligence organizations. traditionally, they have been supportive of those kinds of organizations. for fear of losing their seats, they have been backing president trump. now, he's beginning to be a liability, perhaps, in the wake of pennsylvania, it may be they continue to start desserting him before november, 2018. >> no doubt, another friday night firing that has a lot of new questions that are being raised, thank you for your time today. >> thank you very much. in florida, officials say someone tried to warn them about the bridge that collapsed thursday, but that message came too late. more about it right after this. say hello to pre-tox! a whole new concept in skin defense. new absolutely ageless® pre-tox day mask from aveeno®. its' formula with an anti-oxidant complex fights pollution and keeps skin looking younger, longer. aveeno®
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investigators are scramling to find answers of what happened to the deadly bridge collapse that killed six people. >> we have the update from miami for you. we are learning an engineer
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for the company that designed the bridge at florida international university was aware, at least two days before that collapse of cracks in the newly installed portion of the bridge. the florida department of transportation releasing a voice mail that that engineer left on one of their employee's lan lines on tuesday, two days before the collapse, but that voice mail not heard until today. the state employee had been out of the office. listen to what the engineer details. >> hey, tom, this is the bridge engineer. i was calling to share with you some information about the fau pedestrian bridge and cracking observed on the north end of the span, the pile on end of the span you moved this weekend. so, we have taken a look at it. obviously, some repairs or whatever will have to be done. from a safety perspective, we don't see there's any issue there. we're not concerns from that
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perspective. the cracking is not good and something is going to have to be done to repair that. >> the engineer said very clearly there, he wasn't concerned about the cracks from a safety perspective. this information released by the florida department of transportation came out right as the ntsb chairman was meeting with the media on friday night. he said his organization was not aware of any such tips of cracks in the bridge, but that interviews would be done with all of those involved here over the course of their investigation. we also learned more about what was happening at the moment of the bridge's collapse. the ntsb chairman saying work was being done to strengthen the diagonal supports with the canopy of the bridge. that activity also on the north end. why it may seem reasonable to draw conclusions that work was being done, the engineer was aware of cracks at the north end of the bridge.
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ntsb says it is too early to draw such conclusions. in miami, florida, caylee harting, cnn. the end of an era for toys "r" us. why the iconic store is closing down.
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toys "r" us is closing its doors. the iconic toy store chain was facing massive debt. >> cnn's claire se bags spoke to disappointed fans in new york. ♪ i don't want to grow up, i'm a toys "r" us kid". >> reporter: generations have spoken across the u.s. all of these people shopping at this times square store will have to find somewhere else to go. 31,000 jobs will be lost. that came in the same week we found out toys "r" us will be closing all the stores in the uk. the customers, they were pretty upset about it. >> it's very sad because -- >> now my youngest toddler is here. he gets to play with all the toys. it's just an experience. it's an event. sad. >> reporter: where are you going shop now that toys "r" us is
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closing? >> toys "r" us online. >> reporter: what if it's not online? >> probably amazon. >> reporter: online reactions are heart felt. this dad posted a video on youtube of how he broke the news to his kids while inside a toys "r" us store. >> toys "r" us is going to be closing nationwide in the next week or two. >> no, no, no, no. how are we going to get toys? >> i guess go to amazon. amazon is putting everyone out of business. >> reporter: amazon is part of it. toys "r" us has been struggling for years against big box stores like walmart and target and amazon. the real problem was debt. they were settled with billions in debt. they couldn't make the necessary investments in stores. it hopes bankruptcy would help. after a miserable holiday season, it was clear the fun was
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over. cnn money, new york. >> a sad chapter. >> it is. we have a lot of breaking news coming up. we'll have more of "cnn newsroom" in a second. i'm natalie allen. >> i'm george howell. more on the firing of deputy director, andrew mccabe. stay with us. fense. new absolutely ageless®... ...pre-tox day mask from aveeno®. its' powerful anti-oxidant formula... ...fights pollution and keeps skin looking younger, longer. aveeno®. i knew at that exact moment ... i'm beating this. my main focus was to find a team of doctors. it's not just picking a surgeon, it's picking the care team and feeling secure in where you are. visit
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