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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  March 25, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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renaissance lies in every facet of the modern church. with all progress comes sacrifice. despite the corruption of fallible men, the papacy remains divine. she says she was threatened to stay silent, but stormy daniels gave her first extended interview about her alleged 2006 affair with donald trump sunday, and she's not done with the president yet. plus cnn speaks with a former senior kgb agent who says he was warned just weeks before sergei skripal was poisoned, but he dismissed it as a joke. and sorry is the word being heard now from facebook's mark zuckerberg. later this hour, the solutions facebook laid out in bold letters in u.s. and uk newspapers.
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hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and from across the globe. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm george howell from cnn world headquarters in atlanta. "newsroom" starts right now. >> around the world, good day to you. well start with the new developments in a scandal involving donald trump before he was president of the united states, an adult film star now telling her story of an alleged affair with mr. trump. stormy daniels saying that she is speaking to set the record straight. shortly before 2016, the presidential election, mr. trump's attorney michael cohen paid daniels, her real name stephanie clifford, $130,000 to sign a nondisclosure agreement. >> cohen says he made the payment with his own money, and that's raising questions about whether campaign finance laws were violated. in an interview on the cbs program "60 minutes," daniels
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explained why she signed statements denying the relationship after news of the payment came out. >> if it was untruthful, why did you sign it? >> because they made it sound like i had no choice negative, one was putting a gun to your head. >> not physical violence, no. >> you thought there would be some sort of legal repercussion if you didn't sign it? >> correct. as a matter of fact, the exact sentence used was "they can make your life hell in many different ways". >> they being? >> i'm not exactly sure who they they were. i believe it to be michael cohen. >> cohen denies ever threatening stormy daniels, and the white house denies any affair ever occurred. here is brian stelt were more on daniels' highly anticipated interview. >> hey there, yes, a porn star breaking her silence about her alleged affair with now president trump. this dates back to 2006 when trump was the star of nbc's "the apprentice." a woman named stephanie
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clifford, whose stage name is stormy daniels described the alleged affair in a sit-down with anderson cooper. the interview was broadcast on cbs's "60 minutes," the highest rated news program in america, which means tens of millions of people are likely to see this interview. now daniels talks about having sex with donald trump. she says she was not attracted to him. she viewed it as a business deal. she says at first she kept it a secret. but in 2011, when she spoke to a tabloid magazine, the story was buried. and then she says she was physically threatened. here is how she described the incident to cooper. >> i was in a parking lot going to a fitness class with my infant daughter, taking the seat's facing backwards in the back seat, diaper bag, getting all the stuff out. and a guy walked up on me and said to me leave trump alone. forget the story. and then he leaned around and looked at my daughter and said a beautiful little girl. it would be a shame if something happened to her mom. and then he was gone.
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>> reporter: so that alleged threat date backs to 2011. and then 2016 and the run-up to the presidential election, daniels accepted a point of $130,000 from one of trump's personal attorneys. this has been described as hush money, essentially buying her silence. but now daniels says that was inappropriate. it was invalid. the contract is not legal. she says she should be able to speak freely to defend herself. so now there is lawsuits and count countersuits. questions about campaign finance. and in the middle of all this, a u.s. president and a porn star. now we don't know for sure if president trump tuned in for the interview, even though he is a frequent tv watcher. we do know he was at the white house while his wife melania trump, the first lady, was at mar-a-lago in florida. we have not heard from melania trump either, but we did hear from her spokeswoman on sunday night after the interview aired. the spokesman, stephanie grisham tweeting the following, quote, while i know the media is enjoying speculation and salacious gossip, i would like to remind people there is a minor child whose name should be
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kept out of news stories when at all possible. daniels also has a child, a daughter. and i think the question that's raised by these interviews, now broadcast on television, first with a woman named karen mcdougal who alleged an affair with trump in the mid 2000s. now stormy daniels who is making similar allegations. the question is what do people tell their children about the u.s. president and his apparent sex life? these are stories that are actually in some ways reminiscent to the 1990s when bill clinton was in the news. there was lot of sympathy back then for hillary clinton. now the same is true for melania trump. and we head into a workweek here in the u.s. with questions whether the president will say anything more or whether his lawyers will say anything more about stormy daniels. brian stelter, cnn, new york. >> and though daniels did not refer to michael cohen when describing the alleged threat in the parking lot, cohen's attorney says his client had nothing to do with the incident and doesn't believe it even
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occurred. >> in a letter to daniels' attorney sent after the interview aired, brent blakley, the attorney for michael cohen wrote this. "i hereby demand that you and your client cease and desist from making any further false and defamatory statements about my client, that you immediately retract and apologize to mr. cohen through the national media for your defamatory statement, end quote. analyst and attorney and legal affairs commentator areva martin joins me via skype from chicago. michael avenatti has implied he has pictoral evidence of the alleged affair with this tweet posted just days before the "60 minutes" interview went to air. and he says in this, you see the picture of a cd next to a vault. and he says this, a picture is worth a thousand words. how many words is this worth?
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#60minutes, #please deny it. not all of our evidence mentioned will be displayed that would be foolish. we are not sure what cbs will include, but we know a lot from the full interview will have to be cut because of the time aloud. c, tonight is not the end. it's the beginning. so what impact could any such evidence have on the president and the outcome of this story legally if there is any such evidence. >> well, clearly, if there are text messages, photographs, or any kind of evidence that could corroborate stormy daniels' story, that could give more credibility to her lawsuit and her claims. i think all of us are waiting with baited breath tonight thinking the "60 minutes" interview would share some of that information. we know that stormy daniels' attorney has been talking a great deal through tweets about this evidence. and i think the american public wanted to see some of that evidence. he started this morning by
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telling us he is not going to reveal all of this case. i don't think that's unusual for a lawyer there is litigation that is probably going to be pretty extensive in this case. so we'll have to wait as that evidence is rolled out. but i think today she made a pretty compelling case for the fact that she had a sexual encounter with donald trump and his team, michael cohen and company went to great lengths to prevent her from sharing that information. just about 11 days before the presidential election. >> what did you make of the alleged threat that stormy daniels referred to? she said that man approached her in las vegas, told her to leave trump alone and to forget the story. her lawyer tweeted that they there can be no question whether this threat came from. what did you make of that from a legal perspective? and is that the case? i mean, it could have been simply a trump supporter, could it not? >> and stormy daniels i think was clear in not trying to place
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blame on donald trump himself with respect to that threat. she says she vividly remembers the man that made the threat, but she doesn't have any way of knowing whether that individual is directly related to donald trump, if he had anything to do with the threat, you know, if he somehow orchestrated the threat. i think the most important part for me, from that statement is that trump and company. and not necessarily making physical threats, but they are making efforts to prevent her from telling her story. and from a legal standpoint, what's interesting to me, donald trump threatened to sue all of the women that made allegations about him, whether they made allegations that he had affairs with them, or that he sexually harassed them. he threatened to sue these women. and presumably those lawsuits would have been defamation act. he hasn't sued stormy daniels for defamation. he hasn't gone into court and said she is telling a lie. she is misrepresenting the fact. what he has done, however, though, is to file a lawsuit to enforce a nondisclosure agreement. i think we have to ask ourselves
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why isn't he suing her for defamation if this affair in fact did not occur? i don't think there is any answer to that other than the fact that the affair did occur. >> they haven't yet. but now that we've seen the "60 minutes" interview from stormy daniels and of course karen mcdougal spoke with cnn just days ago. so how legally vulnerable are they both now that they've gone public with their stories? >> well, stormy daniels acknowledged that she was facing potential legal jeopardy by telling her story. we know that trump and team has already accused her of violating the nondisclosure agreement and and that she could potentially be liable for $20 million in damages. the liquidated damages clause in the nondisclosure agreement calls for a million dollars every time she makes a disclosure. now we're getting word 20 times she allegedly disclosed the affair.
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she is in danger of being sued and being forced to pay the liquidated damages in the cost. that's if the nondisclosure agreement is deemed valid. stormy daniels' attorney maintains, he did so tonight in the "60 minutes" interview, that that nondisclosure agreement is not valid because it wasn't signed by donald trump. so according to her attorney, she has no obligation under that agreement, and that she is free to share her story and to tell her story. >> all right. we're yet to see what the outcome is legally on that. but what sort of legal jeopardy might these two interviews put donald trump and his attorney michael cohen into, do you think? >> we heard the former chairman of the federal elections commission talk about that. he talked about the fact that the payment by michael cohen of $130,000 could be an illegal in kind campaign contribution to the donald trump team. and he made a lot of the fact about the timing of that payment by michael cohen. he made the analogy to john
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etwood the fact that supporters of john etwood made payments to the mother of his child that he had outside of marriage. and hoe thought this case, the trump case was even more credible, more significant than john etwood's because of the timing, 11 days before the election, michael cohen paid stormy daniels $130,000 to prevent her from talking about the alleged affair with donald trump. according to that former fec chairman, that is substantial and could result in fines for donald trump from that commission and possibly an investigation by the special counsel whose looking into the bigger issue of russian collusion. >> we will be watching very closely for the legal outcome of this story. areva martin, always great to have you on the show. thank you so much. >> thanks, rosemary. >> and it appears michael cohen is letting his attorney doing the talking. we haven't heard yet directly
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from the "60 minutes" interview. >> yeah. and u.s. president donald trump, whose never shy to use twitter, gave a twitter shout out to a book, but said nothing about stormy daniels. a source tells cnn the two men had dinner at mr. trump's mar-a-lago resort on saturday night. the source says there were other guests, but mrs. trump was not among them. >> let's put all of this into focus right now with scott lucas, a professor of international politics at birmingham live, always good to have you live with us. let's start by putting this into the big picture perspective. what this means for this u.s. president embroiled in two very public scandals involving a porn star and a former "playboy" model, and the news that other women are also considering suing mr. trump. what effect do these scandals have politically heading into the midterm election? >> on the political surface, i actually don't think they have much effect. look, we -- ronald reagan was
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the first american president who was divorced. bill clinton was the first american president who admitted to multiple affair, albeit being impeached for that. now i think the idea that a president has multiple affairs, including just after his youngest son was born, i think that causes barely a rip well those who were dedicated to supporting trump. but i think it's the wider political implications has this rolls on. and that is if stormy daniels was bullied into being quiet, if 11 days before the election she was paid not only $130,000 we know that by michael cohen, but if that money turns out to have come from the trump organization or even the trump campaign, then that of course raises political and even possible criminal implications. at least in the sense of a fine by the federal election commission. but the broader thing is that when you combine this with the
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trump russia investigation, when you combine this with other uncertainty within the white house, and when you combine this with other key issue, because let us not forget that only 48 hours ago, hundreds of thousands of people marched for gun control in the marches for our lives, that real symbol of what people are feeling in the run-up to november's elections, that's what poses problems for trump. >> all right. well, i want to talk about this in terms of voting blocs. let's start by talking about women, independent women. how might this affect them? we understand from a source familiar with the president's reaction to the general coverage around stormy daniels that he's agitated by these stories. is this a concern about women who supported mr. trump? >> again, i think just on the specifics of how women will react to this specific allegations over stormy daniels, i'm not sure it shifts much. but if it continues to be linked to the fact of donald trump's
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behavior towards women generally, the accusations from 16 women of sexually inappropriate behavior. and then if it's linked to other concerns women have. this is the year of not only of me too. this is the year of women's marches raising economic and social concerns. and if it appears that the president is more concerned about, well, basically being in a hotel room with someone who is not his wife than in dealing with those concerns, thing are some women who can be influenced in their vote coming up november. that. >> leads into my second question here. we're talking about evangelical voters. because, again, this alleged affair happened during his marriage. evangelicals have been launchly sompive of mr. trump. do they continue to support him as a bridge too far? >> as a bloc, i don't think this shifts things very much. and i have relatives who are evangelical christians. they're with trump come hell or high water. when you've got advisers like franklin graham who are
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defending trump's behavior and urging their followers to vote for him, i'm not sure that moves. but are there specific evangelical christians who rethink what they're considering in terms of morality, ethics and issues, you know, it's that one by one level. and we just don't know how it will pan out. not only in alabama last november in the election, but across the u.s. we won't see those ripples until election day in november. >> brian stelter raised this in his report. the president of the united states typically seen as a role model, as a moral authority. but you remember the questions that many parents were raising back during the clinton administration during that scandal. how do you explain this to your kids? the same question being raised now. look, i've got a 3-year-old so not a lot to explain at this point. but for those parents, their kids, their students will go to school talking about this. how do you explain it to kids? >> look, the presidency is no longer a role model. the presidency is a spectacle. it's in many ways a circus.
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in terms of how i would explain that to my kids, last october michelle obama in the midst of other scandals around sexually inappropriate behavior and wider issues about respect for men and women simply said for our young boys, for our young girls, we've got to raise them differently. we've got to raise them where they see each other as an equal and not as someone to be demeaned. and it's at that personal level with your kids, with your friends that you maintain those values and you maintain that dialogue, even if others don't do so. >> scott lucas, live for us in birmingh birmingham, england, thank you so much for your time and perspective. we'll stay in touch was i don't. >> thank you. >> and we'll take a very short break here. still to come, 53 people are dead and others are missing after a deadly fire ripped through a shopping mall in a siberian city. now relatives are demanding answers. plus -- >> you can put me on electric chair. i will not reveal his name even
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there. >> a former kgb agent isn't giving up the source who warned him about an attack on another former double agent. ahead, why he says russia is responsible. stay with us. i'm not a bigwig.
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the death toll after a fire ripped through a shopping mall in central russia keeps rising. authorities now say 53 people have died. earlier officials said 16 people were missing. we don't know yet what caused the fire on sunday in the siberian city of kemerovo. investigators believe the fire started in the cinema hall. the flames caused the roof of two movie heaters to collapse. about 47 people were injured. that. >> shopping center at the time was packed when the fire started. more than 100 people were evacuated. witnesses say some people jumped from windows trying to escape the flames there. officials say the families of the victims will each receive a million rubles. that's about $18,000 for each relative killed in that deadly fire. in the coming hours this monday, the trump administration could decide whether to expel a group of russian diplomats here in the united states. sources say that the national
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security council recommended the expulsion in response to the poisoning of a former russian double agent and his daughter in england. >> last week, the uk ordered 23 russian diplomats to leave after blaming moscow for the attack. meanwhile, the kremlin has issued a statement urging the u.s. to show restraint, saying in part, russia/u.s. relations are so multilayered, strategic stability of the entire world depends on it. they should not be taken hostage by such clearly staged stories. well, the chemical attack in england has prompted a former senior kgb agent to come forward. >> that's right. he says he was warned that something bad would happen to him. and sergei skripal just weeks before skripal and his daughter were poisoned. cnn's international diplomatic editor nic robertson has details for us. >> reporter: three weeks before sergei skripal and his daughter yulia were poisoned with a nerve
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agent, this man, boris karpichkov, a former kgb spy got a warning his life and skripal's were in danger. >> the first when i was communicated, i took it as a joke. >> reporter: one week after the pou poisoning he told the uk's premier breakfast show he didn't bother telling the police because his life had been threatened before. >> i would imagine they would want to talk to you as a merit of urgency. >> reporter: now three weeks after the poisoning, he says police have yet to contact him. he is telling us more details about the warning. >> i received a phone call from only one person who could call. >> somebody you know and trust? >> yes. is still they're undercover. so the field officer of russian secret service. >> reporter: what's his job? >> sorry. not even inhibit, because, you know, just because man would be
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killed. that's it. because if i give slight indications, no. sy can't do that. you can put me on electric chair, he will not reveal his name even there. >> reporter: however, he says he was uniquely placed to get the call. what is the reason? >> because he is your friend? >> no. it's much more simple. once such [ bleep ] happened, i saved his life. >> you saved his life? >> yes. that's it. that's it. it's understandable. is it not? >> reporter: he says he spied for and against the cia before russia's intelligence service, the fsb turned against him, planned to kill him. he fled to the uk 20 years ago. 12 years ago on a trip to new zealand he says, he was poisoned by russian agents. since then, he says he has
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investigated hundreds of others killed by the soviet and russian state over the past 100 years, including the murder of russian agent alexander litvinenko in london by russian agents in 2006. >> with the litvinenko inquiry, i ran my own investigation. and the result of this investigation clearly state that putin didn't give an order, but putin was aware is going to be taken out. some senior figure within fsb came up and quoted this matter to him. he didn't care. he just expressed, you know, okay, if he deserves, it should be done. >> so you do you believe sergei skripal's poisoning would have been something that putin was aware of in advance? >> yes, it could be the case. >> reporter: so he could have stopped it? >> yes. >> reporter: and he didn't. >> it's putin. >> reporter: what you're saying
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is that the state has a system of disposing of its enemies by murder overseas? >> yes. >> reporter: and can that possibly be without putin, do you believe? >> it's not putin. it's about system. >> reporter: but then is he not response form system? shirks responsible. he is the head of system. >> reporter: he says he is ready to help uk investigators. he has knowledge of how russian spies use nerve agents. you were trained in the use of nerve agent? >> i was instructed, not trained. instructed. just to carry out some precaution measures. >> reporter: british officials tell us we are unable to discuss who we may or may not have spoken to in the course of any ongoing investigation. and have given no hint whether karpichkov can expect a call from them in the near future. nic robertson, cnn, london. >> nic, thank you. still ahead here, another white house shake-up may be in
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the works. which cabinet secretaries could soon be, well, out of a job? stay ahead. plus, voting will start soon in egypt's presidential election. and the race has already been criticized. we'll explain when we come back. ♪ for all the noses that stuff up around daisies. for all the eyes that get itchy and watery near pugs. for all the people who sneeze around dust. there's flonase sensimist allergy relief. it relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. it's more complete allergy relief. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. and 6 is greater than 1. flonase sensimist. you ok there, kurt? we're about to move. karate helps... relieve some of the house-buying... stress. at least you don't have to worry about homeowners insurance. call geico. geico... helps with... homeowners insurance?
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missiles were destroyed, but an egyptian national was killed by falling debris. riyadh accuses the iranian-backed houthi rebels of launching the missiles. barcelona, spain. supporters of the former catalan president carles puigdemont clashed with police after news he had been detained in germany. the scene you see there in barcelona. spain has accused puigdemont of sedition over last year's independence referendum. an adult film star says she was threatened into keeping quiet about an alleged affair with donald trump before he became president. in an interview on the cbs program "60 minutes," stormy daniels said a man approached her and her infant daughter in a parking lot in 2011 and suggested something could happen to daniels if she told her story. the white house denies the affair. another trump cabinet official could be on his way out. a source telling cnn the u.s. president has indicated he is
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already to show the veterans affairs secretary david skull k -- shulkin. >> a rift has been growing but he is not the only official whose job could be in danger. cnn's boris sanchez has the details. >> reporter: a source at mar-a-lago this weekend telling cnn the president was having private conversations with close associates about the future of veterans affairs secretary david shulkin, specifically, that he would be leaving the administration, potentially as soon as the end of the week. now the president and shulkin had disagreements before on the private sector's potential influence in the v.a. but really, the main point of speculation about shulkin's future has been this lavish trip to europe that he took on taxpayer dime. it was $122,000 trip that included airfare for his wife and extensive sight seeing, again on taxpayer dime. there was a report put out about that trip in january that
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generated negative headlines for the administration, something that sources tell cnn that the president did not like. christopher ruddy, a close associate of president trump's who said that he spoke with him over the weekend was on one of the sunday morning talk shows. ruddy, of course, is the head of news max, a conservative news outlet and hinted there could be potentially more changes coming to the administration soon. listen to this. >> the president told me he is perplexed by all of these reports that will is chaos at the white house or mass staff changing. he told me that he thinks the white house is operating like a smooth machine, his words. he did say he is expecting to make one or two major changes to his government very soon. and that's going to be it. >> reporter: of course, david shulkin not the only cabinet member under scrutiny for spending lavishly with taxpayer money. ben carson, the head of housing and urban development really was in hot water over a dining set that he purchased that cost more than $30,000.
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that order was eventually canceled. but then there was speculation about his own future. also, interior secretary ryan zinke zinke, there was talk about his misuse of funds. so there was talk about his future. now the question is how soon could this announcement about david shulkin come, and could we potentially soon see more changes to the president's cabinet? boris sanchez, cnn, not far from mar-a-lago in west palm beach, florida. >> we'll have to ewait and see what happens. in about half an hour's time, polls will open for the first day of egypt's presidential election. voters there will have three days to cast their ballots. >> there is little doubt president abdel fattah al sisi will win a second term, and that's because serious contenders quit the race early. ian lee has more from cairo. >> reporter: let's take a ride around the streets of cairo.
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if you haven't noticed, egypt is having a presidential election. a kaleidoscope of campaign po poster wallpapers the city. but you might have noticed something missing, the opposition. "it's not my fault" egypt's president abdel al sisi said in an interview. i swear to god i wish there had been more candidates for people to choose who they want. but they were not ready yet there is no shame in this. there were high profile contenders but egypt cran authorities arrested a former army commander on a number of charges. a 2012 presidential candidate withdrew amid reports of intimidation. human rights layer ahmed affirmative action feik. the nephew of anwar sadat also said he felt pressured to withdraw. >> the election run under the
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emergency law, the protest law and the terrorism law whereby i was a bit scared that all my campaign representative in different governments, they might be in a situation whereby difficult time, or being stopped, detained, abused. >> reporter: after searching, we finally found the subtle posters of moussa mustafa moussa. a last-minute and little known challenger. >> the election without any kind of the condition. president sisi was going alone in this game. and if he falls, we all fall. >> reporter: moussa is accused of being a stooge of the government, a tool to give the election a veneer of legitimacy. he denies this and insists his platform makes him the better candidate.
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>> i want to tell the people i'm here for real. i'm here as a candidate, willing and wishing and wanting to win. so people can understand that i'm not brought as a puppet for anyone. >> reporter: no one doubts sisi will win. the real challenge is voter apathy. his get out the vote campaign aims to drive egyptians to the polls and give him the broad mandate he needs for another four years. ian lee, cnn, cairo. after this short break, facebook ceo mark zuckerberg is apologizing again, this time with full-page newspaper ads. what facebook is promising to do to protect the personal data of its users. we're back with that in just a moment. mean to you? well, it means i can trade after the market closes. it's true. so all... evening long. ooh, so close. ♪
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welcome back, everyone. the whistle-blower who is accusing the official brexit campaign group of breaking
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spending rules says he will present more evidence monday to back up his allegations. that's according to the british press association. >> the former brexit volunteer alleges the vote leave organization used another group to spend over the authorized campaign limit. our nick paton walsh reports. >> reporter: it is an extraordinary story that reels in britain's vote to leave the european union. a canadian company accused of a huge advertising blitz to promote that, and a current adviser to british prime minister theresa may who had a brief relationship with a former relief campaigner who has now turned whistle-blower on what he says is campaign finance irregularities. >> in effect, they used belief to overspend, and not just by a small amount. by 2/3 of a million pounds they overspent. and the impact of that, the
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difference between leave winning over remain was just a few percentage points. and almost 2/3 of a million pounds makes all the difference. and it wasn't legal. >> reporter: now that's a drastic conclusion. but here is what sanni alleged. it hit its legal spending limits so it gave the surplus to youth activists who they behave believe gave to it canadians for digital advertising that is illegal sanni and some legal expert says if there is coordination with the leave campaign. sanni says e-mails and shared drives prove coordination. believe campaign deny any wrongdoing and say they got electoral watchdog permission to pass it on. uk elected officials say they haven't said what they conclude of the evidence. all this really exposes is how poorly equipped british campaign finance law is along with those who are meant to enforce it.
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the last law was passed in 2000 when facebook and high speed internet didn't really exist. the issue remains so polarizing and the margin in which it voted to leave the eu so tiny that ignites fear that the votes wasn't really a demonstration of british values and instead influenced by new and underhand technology. theresa may has been criticized as outing his gay relationship with sanni as part of his allegations but said he stayed within the law at all time. >> remove bad actors. >> it emerged as britain was reeling from the allegations of facebook allowed private user data to allegedly influence u.s. voters. facebook's damage control led to a full-page adverts over the weekend. the pages of old media used to apologize for the sins of the new, yet distrusts sown and damage to fragile democracies
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already done. nick paton walsh, cnn, london. >> nick, thank you for the report. as nick mentioned, facebook ceo mark zuckerberg is apologizing again. this after the cambridge analytica firm reportedly accessed the personal data of about 50 million facebook users. that information then allegedly used to target voters here in the united states. >> yeah, the full-page ads in the sunday editions of major newspapers in the uk also appeared in the u.s. zuckerberg writes his he is sorry facebook didn't do more to protect users' data. he says facebook is now limiting the information that applications are able to access about users. >> to talk more about this, let's bring in dennis yu, the chief technology officer of blitz metrics, a digital marketing company that partners with schools live via skype from gilbert, arizona. it's a pleasure to have you with towns show here. from an industry insider like yourself, i'd like to get your thoughts about zuckerberg's
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apology, saying that they didn't do enough at the time. >> george, there wasn't much they really could have done. because when they made changes, there was no way that by sharing someone else's data -- when apps are collecting data on users, back then you used to be able to collect friends and family information. but they made a change four years ago even if someone else had the information, there was no way they could use it. it was only available to the particular app. they didn't have a security or privacy breach. the issue is someone shared data that wasn't even really usable. facebook had to apologize for a breach of trust. they're trying to apologize for something where there is not a clear problem or issue to solve. >> so zuckerberg responding to outrage in all of this now. but fair the say the devil is always in the details. the terms of service. because there was a time span where facebook allowed groups to mine for data through apps, not just getting the data of people
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who consented, but also the data of all of their friends. should facebook have been more transparent about this with users, or is it also up to users to know the details before clicking yes? >> when facebook launched the platform in may 2007, the way that these games took off and became fun was that you can invite someone, george, like your friend to a game, and all of their friends would be there. that was how it was so easy to participate and earn coins and points and all. this facebook didn't real advertise extent of what was possible. i had a couple conversations with zuckerberg where he said i had no idea people would take these tokens and build systems with that data. they had a rule where they you've had to flush the data, but there was no way to enforce that. they only did that a few years later. >> this -- go ahead, please. >> so when you sign up for a supermarket loyalty card, when you sign up for any kind of points program through an airline, when you give your data in exchange for some kind of
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discount, nobody reads the fine print. facebook technically did disclose all of that. i think they did the right thing when they launched the platform, but they never intended that other people would use the data in the way it was being used, nor did they really is a way to educate the users to know what's possible with your data. >> so dennis, online certainly, you see this a lot with people. many on the fence about what to do with their facebook apps. to delete or not to athlete. aside from the #delete facebook movement, what steps can people take to protect their data? >> number one thing is any app that you're using. you can go to facebook and see a list of them and understand what you're using. a lot of websites will have a log-in with facebook or log-in with google. the number one way to log in right now is logging in with your facebook credentials. be careful. this app would like you to allow them on facebook and like your e-mail and phone number. make sure that you actually want to give that app permission. and facebook has been more transparent about what information.
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>> all right. i think we just lost dennis there. but certainly good advice, basically, to pay very close attention to what those apps want to take from you. the devil always in the details. >> and don't feel compelled to answer every single question that is asked online. think about it. stop. gauge whether you need to deliver that information. we're going to take a short break here. but next on "cnn newsroom," an historic flight that went nearly around the world, natural one go. we'll explain when we come back.
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is white snow and black ice there. take a look. but right now what you're looking at, orange snow in parts of russia and eastern europe. wow. >> yeah. meteorologists say this happened because of a powerful sandstorm that blew in from northern africa. one skier said it looked like mars. i'll stick with the white snow. >> i think i'll keep white snow as well. flying from australia to london usually requires long stopovers and nearly a full day of travel. now one airline has found a way to make that trip a little easier. >> a historic day for aviation. a historic day for qantas.
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from today it will be the first link between australia and europe that has ever occurred nonstop in aviation. we're so excited. >> on sunday, a qantas plane successfully completed a direct flight from perth to heathrow. it took 17 hours, nearly three hours fewer than the regular route. the plane traveled just shy of 15,000 kilometers. that's more than 9300 miles. a colorful entourage greeted the boeing dreamliner at heathrow airport. some said the direct flight made travel a lot easier. >> excellent, really good. it makes a big difference going all the way through nonstop. i've done quite a few flights backwards and forward. a beautiful plane. the new plane is really good, biggest economy seat i've ever had on the plane. i was able to get good sleep as well. thoroughly refreshed. a big difference. >> and australian officials hope
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access to direct flights will encourage more flights to visit the country. waiting for the atlanta straight to sydney flight. >> that will be a nice flight. >> that's the next one, right? >> the next hour of "cnn newsroom" still ahead. i'm george howell. >> and i'm rosemary church. we'll be right back with another hour of "cnn newsroom." don't go anywhere. ♪ the fastest samsung ever demands t-mobile, the fastest network ever. right now get the new samsung galaxy s9 for half off. ♪
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12:00 am
we now know she does not like being called a liar. she does not like being called a victim. just ahead, more on stormy daniels' first extended interview about her alleged affair with donald trump before he became president. meanwhile, polls are open in egypt when incumbent president abdel fattah al sisi is facing only one rival. and later, our cnn exclusive takes you inside bill gates' quiet $1.6 million project. to get there we're live in nigeria. we want to welcome our viewer here is in the united states and all around the world. i'm george howell. >> and i'm rosemary church. this is "cnn newsroom." an


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