tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN March 26, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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breaking news tonight in the stormy daniels story. we will show you my full 60 minutes conversation with her tonight. along with portions not shown in last night's broadcast. her attorney joins us as well. so does michael cohen's lawyer to discuss developments today. new actions against russia in the near deadly poison attack on british soil. the u.s. joining other countries in the biggest expulsion of russian intelligence officers ever. britain has already bounced 23, the u.s. today expelled 60. more from jim acosta who joins us from the white house. >> reporter: 60 russian diplomats being dispelled. a consulate in seattle is being shut down. because it's located too close to a submarine base. but it's interesting to note, anderson, that the president did for the tweet on this today. he did not issue a statement on this.
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the statement on this was issued by the white house press secretary sarah sanders. while the president tweeted about the stock market, tweeted about his did i see detain for the media, he did not tweet about these actions taken by the administration despite the fact that the administration says the president has been a pretty intimately involved in formulating this policy that has been unveiled today. and that is despite the fact that the president did not mention the poisoning of this education russian spy and in his conversation with vladimir putin last week. the white house spokesman raj shah was pressed on his briefing today. he did not have a good answer to see as to why that was not brought up with putin. >> for those critical on this president for not pushing back against russia, this is something the white house points to as a strong action. >> they are. and at this point, i asked raj shah earlier today whether or not it is possible that the president, this administration might actually go after vladimir putin, hit him where he hurts, which is what a lot of experts
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would like to see this administration do. and here's hawaii raj shah handled that question. >> if you listen to diplomatic experts on what happened with russia, they will say you have to hit russia where it hurts. you have to sanction them economically, you have to go after putin's cronies, you have to go after putin himself potentially. would this president consider sanctioning vladimir putin and his cronies to punish him and the russian government for what happened in the u.k. and for meddling in the 2016 elections? >> the united states has issued sanctions on key russian oligarchs. in response to the meddling in the 2016 election. >> what about putin? >> i wouldn't close any doors or preclues any potential action, but the president doesn't telegraph his moves. >> reporter: that was a tantalizing prospect that he would not close the door in sanctioning putin. that is something that we have to keep our eyes on moving forward.
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but one thing that we should not let slide, that is raj shah saying this administration has sanctioned key russian oligarchs. they have not done that. they were not really aimed at russian oligarchs, they were aimed at cyber meddling operations like in saint petersburg. there was one oligarch mentioned, but not the key oligarch who keep putin in power. not his cronies which was even something john mccain calling we have to flow the penalty flag on that one. >> the white house also weighed in on the stormy daniels' story. saying quote the president doesn't believe any claims she has made are accurate. none of them. the president for his part continued to stay silent. he was asked numerous times. he ignored the questions. there has been silence from the president himself on the subject of stormy daniels there is no legal action with her attorney
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filing new defamation claims. against the president's personal attorney, michael cohen. daniels' attorney will join us later this hour along with an attorney for michael cohen. first though, the interview and the issues it raises. a week and a half before the 2016 election michael cohen paid stormy daniels to keep quiet. about her alleged relationship with donald trump. today that arrangement with "s" well on its way to be the most talked about in history, with potential and legal implications for the president. mr. trump has once again denied having an affair and his lawyers are threatening her with financial ruin. saying she has to pay $1 million every time she violates her agreement to stay silent. that didn't stop her from coming on "60 minutes". here is the interview it seemed everybody was talking about today. >> you could be find $1 million. aren't you taking a big risk? >> i am. >> i guess i am not 100% sure why you are doing this.
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>> because it was very important for me to be able to defend myself. >> is part of talking wanting to set the record straight? >> 100%. >> why does the record need to be set straight? >> people are saying whatever they want saying about me. i was perfectly fine saying nothing at all. but i'm not okay with being made out to be a liar or people thinking that i did this for money. and people are like, oh, you are an opportunist, taking advantage of this. yes, i am getting more job offers. but tell me one person who would turn down a job offer making more than they've been making doing the same thing they've always done. >> a lot of people using you for agendas? >> they're trying to. oh, stormy daniels come out, hashtag, #metoo. i am not a victim. trying to use me to further someone else's agenda does horrible damage to people that are real victims. >> stormy daniels' real name is
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stephanie clifford. she still been acting in, directing and writing adult films for nearly 20 years. she was one of the most popular actresses in the adult industry when she was introduced to mr. trump at a celebrity golf tournament in lake tahoe in july 2006. she says he invited her to dinner and she met him at his hotel suite. >> how was the conversation? >> it started off all about him, just talking about himself and he is like, have you seen my new magazine? >> he was showing you his own picture on the cover of the magazine? >> right. does this normally work for you? and he looked very taken aback. he didn't understand what i was saying. i was like, someone should take that magazine and spank you with it and i will never forget the look on his face. >> what was the look? >> just, i don't think anyone has ever spoken to him like that. especially a young woman who looked like me. and i said, give me that.
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and he said you wouldn't. hand it over. and so he did. and i was like, turn around, drop them. >> you told donald trump to turn around and take off his pants. >> yes. >> and did he? >> yes. so he turned around and pulled his pants down a little bit. he had underwear on and i gave him a couple of swats. >> this was done in a joking manner? >> yes. from that moment on he was a completely different person. >> how so? >> he quit talking about himself and he asked me things and it became more appropriate. >> became more comfortable? >> yeah. he's like, wow, you are special. you remind me of my daughter. he's like, you are smart, beautiful and a woman to be reckoned with. and i like you. i like you. >> at this point, was he doing the apprentice? >> yes. and he goes, got an idea, honey bunch. would you consider going on and being a contestant? and i laughed.
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i said nbc is never going to let an adult film star be on. he goes no, no, that's why i want you. you're going to shock a lot of people. you're smart and they won't know what to expect. >> did you think he was serious or dangling that to get you to get you to want to be involved with him? >> both. melania trump recently had given birth to her son a few months before. did he mention his wife or child at all in this? >> i asked and he brushed it aside and said yeah, yeah, don't worry about that. we don't even -- we have separate rooms and stuff. did you two go out for dinner that night? >> no. >> you had dinner in the room? >> yes. >> what happened next? >> i asked him if i could use his restroom. he said yes, it's through the bedroom. you'll see it. i excused myself and i went to the restroom. i was in there for a little bit and i came out and he was sitting on the edge of the bed when i walked out perched. >> and when you saw that, what went through your mind? >> i realized exactly what i had gotten myself into.
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and i was like, here we go. and i just felt like maybe it was sort of, i had it coming for making a bad decision for going to someone's room alone. and i heard the voice, you put yourself in a bad decision and bad things happen and you deserve this. >> and you had sex with him? >> yes. >> you were 27, he was 60. were you fiscal attracted to him. >> no. >> not at all? >> no. >> did you want to have sex with him? >> no. but i didn't say no. i am not a victim. i'm not -- >> it was entirely consensual. >> yes. >> you work in an industry where condom use was an issue. did he use a condom? >> no. >> did you ask him to? >> no. i honestly didn't say anything. >> after you had sex, what happened? >> he said it was great. he had a great evening and it was nothing like he expected, that i really surprised him, that a lot of people must underestimate me.
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and he hoped that i would be willing to see him again and we would discuss the things that we had talked about earlier in the evening. >> being on "the apprentice"? >> right. >> daniels said she and mr. trump stayed in trump. he invited her to a launch party in california as well as to his office in trump tower in new york. >> he definitely wanted to see you? >> for sure, yes. and this was not a secret. he never asked me not to tell anyone. he called several times when i was in front of people. and i would be like, oh my god, he is calling. and people were like, the donald? and i put him on speaker phone and he wanted to know what i was up to and when can we get to get again. we had a meeting, it went great, it's going to be spectator. they're totally into the idea. that part i never believed. >> did you get the sense that he was dangling it in front of you. >> for sure. oh, yeah. >> to keep you interested, to keep you coming back? >> of course. i'm not blind. but at the same time, maybe it would work out, you know.
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>> did you view it as this is a potential opportunity, i am going to see where it goes. >> i thought of it as a business deal. >> in july 2007 a year after he they met, daniels said mr. trump asked her to meet privately to discuss a development regarding a possible appearance on celebrity apprentice. >> i remember arriving and he was watching shark week. he made me sit and watch an entire documentary about shark attacks. >> it wasn't a business meeting, it was just watching shark week. ? >> yeah, >> did you have sex with him again? >> no. >> did he want to? >> yes. >> how do you know he wanted to? >> he sat next to me. and touched my hair and put his hand on my leg and referenced back to how great it was the last time. >> how did you get out of it? >> i had been there for four hours. and i said can we talk about the development? he said i am almost there. i'll have an answer for you next
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week. and i said, okay, cool. well, i guess call me next week and i took my purse and left. >> according to daniels mr. trump called her the following month to say he had not been able to get her a spot on "celebrity apprentice" and said they had never met again. in may 2011, daniels agreed to tell her story. in may 2011 daniels agreed to tell her story to intouch magazine. two former employers tell us the story never ran because after the magazine called mr. trump seeking comment, trump's attorney, michael cohen, threatened to sue. daniels says she was never paid and says a few weeks later she was threatened by a man who approached her in las vegas. >> i was in a parking lot going to a fitness class with my infant daughter. i was taking the seats facing backwards in the backseat, the diaper bag, and a guy walked up to me and said to me leave trump alone,
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forget the story. and then he leaned around and looked at my my daughter and said, beautiful little girl, same if something happened to her mom and he was gone. >> you took it as a direct threat. >> exactly. i was rattled. my hands were shaking so much i was afraid i was going to drop her. >> did you see the person again? >> no. but if i did, i would know it right away. >> you would be able to recognize that person? >> 100%. even now. all these years later. if he walked in this door right now i would instantly know. >> did you go to the police? >> no. >> why? >> because i was scared. >> when a gossip website reported a few months later she had an affair with mr. trump, stormy daniels publicly denied it. five years later, donald trump won the rep nomination for president. >> suddenly people are reaching out to me again offering me money, large amounts of money. was i tempted? yes. i struggled with it.
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i get the call, i think i have the best deal from you. >> from your lawyer? >> yeah. >> the deal was an offer not to tell her story. it came from mr. trump's attorney michael cohen in return for signing this nondisclosure agreement, cohen would pay her $130,000 through a delaware behaved limited liability corporation he established in mid october 2016 called essential consultants. daniels says the agreement was appealing because it meant she would be receiving money but not have to worry about the effect the revelation of the affair would have on her child. who is now old enough to watch the news. she signed the agreement 11 days before the election. >> was it hush money to stay silent? >> yes. the story was coming out again. i was concerned for my family and their safety. >> i think some people watching this are going to doubt that you entered into this negotiation because you feared for your safety. they are going to think that you saw an opportunity. >> i think the fact that i
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didn't even negotiate that i quickly said yes to this strict contract and most people would agree with me, extremely low number is all the proof i need. >> you feel like if you went public, you could have been paid a lot of money to go public. >> without a shadow of a doubt in my heart, and some people argue that i don't have one of those, but whatever. that i was doing the right thing. i turned down a large payday multiple times because i didn't want to kiss and tell and be labelled all of the things that i am being labeled now. i didn't want to take away from the legitimate and legal i'd like to point out, career that i've worked very hard to establish. and most importantly, i did not want my family and my child exposed to all the things she's been exposed to right now because everything i was afraid of coming out has come out
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anyway, and guess what, i don't have $1 million. you didn't even buy me breakfast. >> 15 months after she signed the nondisclosure agreement, the "the wall street journal" published this story quoting anonymous sources saying that mr. trump's attorney michael cohen paid her for her silence. daniels says she was not the source of the story, but she says she was pressured from her former attorney and business manager to sign statements that michael cohen released publicly denying she had had an affair with mr. trump. >> you signed and released a statement that said i am not denying this affair never happened. that's a lie? >> yes. >> if it was untruthful, why did you sign it? >> because they made it sound like i had no choice. >> no one was putting a gun to your head. >> not physical violence, no. >> you thought there would be legal repercussion.
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>> correct. the exact statement used was they can make your life hell in many different ways. >> they being? >> i am not exactly sure who they were. i believe it to be michael cohen. >> coming up, we will dig deeper into the potential legal and political kpligsz for the president next as well as more of my conversation with stormy daniels. later her attorney and michael cohen's attorney join us and a new legal move accusing michael cohen of defaming stormy daniels. spray relieves 6 symptoms... claritin-d relieves 8, including sinus congestion and pressure. claritin-d relieves more. thisat red lobsterest. with exciting new dishes like dueling lobster tails and lobster truffle mac & cheese. classics like lobster lover's dream are here too. so enjoy these 10 lobsterlicious dishes while you can because lobsterfest won't last.
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developments in the stormy daniels saga. the dispute between stormy daniels and the president is more than a tabloid scandal especially when you consider her silence was purchased 11 days before the presidential election which may run afoul of campaign finance laws. michael cohen said he used his own money to pay stormy daniels. cohen said the money was not a campaign contribution, but trevor potter, former chairman of the federal election commission appointed by george h. w. bush doesn't agree. >> the payment of the money creates an enormous legal mess for trump, for cohen, and anyone else who was involved in this in the campaign. >> are you saying that can be seen as a contribution to benefit a campaign? >> i am. it's $13,000 in-kind contribution by cohen to the trump campaign, which is about
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$126,500 above what he is allowed to give. and if he does this on behalf of his client, the candidate, that is a coordinated illegal in kind contribution by cohen for the purpose of influencing the election, of benefiting the candidate by keeping this secret. >> the payment stormy daniels received is the subject of complaints by watchdog groups to the department of justice, and the federal election commission, which trevor potter used to chairman of. he's now president of the nonpartisan campaign legal center which supporters the enforcement of campaign finance laws. >> if the president paid michael cohen back is that an in kind contribution the president should have been reported? >> it is. if he was then rekbursed by the president, it doesn't remove the fact that the initial payment it mitigates it if he is paid
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back by the candidate. >> what if the president never rekbursed michael cohen. >> he is still out on the line. >> you are saying this is more serious for michael cohen if the president did not pay him back? >> yes, i think that's correct. >> we wanted to speak to michael cohen about this. but he did not respond to our calls and written requests for meant. he said he facilitated a fund of his own money and said neither the trump organization nor the trump campaign reimbursed me for the payment. this past week, cohen told "vanity fair" magazine what i did defensively for my personal client and my friend is what attorneys do for their high-profile clients. i would have done it in 2006. i would have done it in 2011. i truly care about him and the family more than just an employee and attorney.
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>> it's laughable. it's ludicrous, it's preposterous. >> lawyers don't do that you're saying? >> ever. >> michael avenatti is stormy daniels' attorney. he's a los angeles trial lawyer who's suing the president in a california court seeking to have stormy daniels' nondisclosure agreement or nda declared invalid. in part because the president never signed it on the lines provided for his alias, d.d. david denson. michael cohen has said this has nothing to do with the election. he would have made this agreement months before. >> so why didn't he? it just slipped his mind? it's just a coincidence in the waiting days of the campaign he thought to himself, you know, i've been thigtsds for years, perhaps now is a good time to get that executed with stormy daniels. >> >> he has found documents that shows michael cohen used his trump organization e-mail address in setting up the payments. he also says the nondisclosure
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agreement stormy daniels signed in 2016 when she was represented by a different lawyer was fedexed to cohen at his trump organization office in trump tower in new york. >> that is a copy of the federal express confirmation. >> the cover letter also identifies who he thought michael cohen was working for. >> to mr. cohen as executive vice president and special counsel to donald j. trump, the trump organization, again, listing the fifth avenue address. this idea that there is a separation between mr. cohn and the trump organization is nonsense. >> there are people who argue this is much ado about nothing. if this wasn't a story about an adult film actress and the president of the united states, no one would pay attention. >> this is about the coverup, this is about the extent that mr. cohn and the president have gone to intimidate this woman.
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to silence her, to threaten her and to put her under their thumb. it is thuggish behavior from people in power. and it has no place in american democracy. >> avenatti points to this recent court filing in which the president's lawyers claims daniels is already liable for damages in excess of $20 million for unspecified violations of her nondisclosure agreement. in that article in "vanity fair" in past week, michael cohen says when he wins damages from stormy daniels i might even take an extended vacation on her dime. >> you're saying they're trying to intimidate her? >> there's no question. you threaten someone with a $20 million lawsuit, it is a thuggish tactic. no different than what happened in the parking lot in las vegas. >> people make threats in lawsuits all the time. people say you're going to have to pay a lot of money when you lose this case. >> people don't threaten people with $20 million lawsuits that they are going to take their home and take an extended vacation on the money they receive.
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people don't conduct themselves like this and they shouldn't. >> stormy daniels did sign the agreement. she got $130,000. isn't she we willching on a deal? >> she is not welching on a deal because there never was a deal. >> she still took the money. >> she took the money, but the fact of the matter is mr. trump never signed the agreement. he was obligated to sign the agreement in order for it to spring into effect. >> this is michael cohen. >> that is not true says michael cohen. who said only his signature was required. what was also required under the nondisclosure agreement was for stormy daniels to turn over all video images, still images, e-mail messages and text messages she had regarding mr. trump. >> did you do that? her answer to that question in just a moment and also what she wanted to say to the president if he is watching.
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more now with my interview with stormy daniels. there has been plenty of speculation if she has anything souvenirs or images or text messages from her alleged encounter with the president, anything that could be considered evidence of that relationship. as part of nondisclosure agreement she signed, she was supposed to turn over video images, text messages anything she had regarding mr. trump. >> did you do that? >> i can't answer that right now. >> you don't want to say one way or another if you have text messages or other items? >> my attorney has recommended that i don't discuss those things. >> you seem to be saying she has some sort of text message or video or photographs or you could just be bluffing. >> you should ask some of the other people in my career when they bet on my bluffing. >> in college, in law school, you did opposition research for rob emanuel.
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some people looking at that walled would say you're politically moved. >> i haven't done anything in politics for over 20 years. >> but this is not the usual case you put on. that sounds political. >> no, it sounds righteous. >> how so? >> because my client is credible, she's telling truth. >> trevor potter says the agency's investigations often take a long time and result only in monetary penalties. but there is another scenario that could present a problem for the president. special counsel robert mueller's inquiry into russian interference in the election. "the washington post" reported the special counsel examined episodes involving michael cohen, including his efforts to launch a trump-branded project in moscow in the fall of 2015 when mr. trump was seeking the republican nomination. >> is there any way special
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counsel robert mueller could investigate the stormy daniels payment? >> that's the wild card here. >> as a prosecutor you want to get leverage over something that you could use to get other information on what you're really interested in? >> correct. >> that is what special counsel robert mueller appears to be doing with paul manafort. mr. trump's former campaign chairman who faces multiple charges including tax and bank fraud. >> paul manafort has been charged with crimes that doesn't have anything to do with russia in some cases. >> certainly preceded the campaign. and so clearly the justice department, the deputy attorney general who is ultimately in charge of this has determined in looking at what manafort has done in other context is relevant to the investigation and i think you can say exactly the same thing about cohn. he was involved indisputably with trump organization activities with russia and negotiations with the russians. mr. cohen is in the middle of a
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place that's of great interest to the special counsel. >> is there recent precedent for prosecuting somebody for an unclosed campaign contribution? there's a spectacular one. i did an awful, awful lot that was wrong. >> former senator john edwards was prosecuted but never convicted for payments that a supporter and his campaign finance chairman made a year before the 2008 election to a woman who had had edwards' child. >> i think the edward's case is not as strong as the facts we had so far in the trump case. >> why do you think the potential case between cohen or trump is a stronger case than the edward's case? >> the timing of it. it is right in the middle of the run-up to election day. when trump's conduct with women was a prime campaign issue, in fact, it was what everyone was focused on. >> white house press secretary sarah sanders did not respond to
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our request for comment from the president, but we did receive a letter from mr. trump's attorney, charles harter, who asked we read on air one of the statements stormy daniels signed in january denying reports that he had she had an affair with mr. trump. it says in part my involvement with donald trump was limited to a few public appearances and nothing more. >> if stormy daniels denied the affair in 2011 which you say is a lie, deny affair in early january of 2018, denied the affair in late january of 2018, doesn't that hurt her credibility? she's lying, she's lying, she's lying. >> it calls into question her credibility. i also think there's no question that when the american people take all of the facts and evidence into consideration, that they are going to conclude that this woman is telling the truth. and anderson, to the extent that mr. cohen and the president have an alternative version of the facts, let them come forward and state it unequivocally.
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>> but you would not sign statements three times about something which you knew to be a lie. >> if the president of the united states fixer made it clear to me, either directly or indirectly, that i needed to sign it and i was in the position of stormy daniels, i might sign those statements. >> i felt intimidated and honestly bullied, and i didn't know what to do, so i signed it, even though i had repeatedly expressed that i wouldn't break the agreement, but i was not comfortable lying. >> how do we know you are telling the truth? >> i have no reason to lie. i am opening myself up for possible danger and definitely a whole lot of [ bleep ]. >> you know, there is a potential upside. financial upside. maybe somebody will want you to write a book. maybe you can go on a bigger tour and make more money dancing. >> that is a lot of if's. i could also get shunned.
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i mean, i could automatically be alienating half of my fan base right at this moment. >> jenna jamison said about you, the left looks at her as a whore. just uses her to discredit the president. it's a lose-lose, she should have kept her trapped shut. >> i think she has a lot of wisdom in those words. >> the president watches "60 minutes." if he's watching, what would you say to him? >> he knows i am telling the truth. >> some breaking news on the president's private reactions. which this new reporting says he did, in fact, watch. we will have details on that next. more of what stormy daniels said that you did not see last night and her attorney michael avenatti joins us as well. ke tr and this is our sears hometown store. (toddler speaks) i used to run my own landscaping company. people have asked why i'd sell my business just to go work for sears. but i didn't. i own this place. and being an independent business owner
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as we mentioned at the top of the broadcast, the president has yet to publicly weigh in himself on the interview. there is a new report from "the washington post" on the president's private reaction. the post also reports he has told several people that stormy daniels is not the type of woman he would find attractive. also according to "the washington post," the president did in fact watch the interview last night, even asking staffers for their take. according to one individual, the president said he personally didn't think daniels appeared incredible last night.
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not everything she told me made it into the broadcast. here is more from "60 minutes." >> the entire time this was going on, i was asked a few times to make adult movie parodies. they make a lot of traction. they wanted me to make a movie. >> a movie of you having sex with somebody who looked like donald trump? and i said "no" repeatedly, much to their -- you know. >> why? >> because it was not how i wanted to be portrayed. i did not want this out there, even though i could have capitalized it and made money on it the entire time, i never did. >> it is hard for me to judge how viewers are going to interpret her from this interview. i mean, we tried to paint as clear a picture and as truthful picture of a person as we can. clearly she's on this tour now, she claimed she didn't make the america horny again. that is playing off your current
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notoriety. >> yes. but i haven't used that slogan. the clubs are putting it on. and i haven't uttered it at all. until just now. because i think it sounds really cheesy. >> physically you've seen him in ways that other people haven't? >> correct. if need be, i can describe that. >> his private parts? >> i could if need be. >> stormy daniels on "60 minutes" overtime. more breaking news. ms. daniel's attorney has filed a defamation lawsuit. against michael cohen. in a moment, david sha warts will join the conversation. thank you for being with us. first of all, okay, so this new development, you have amended the lawsuit to include michael cohen, previously it was the llc he set up. and it was also president trump. why amend it now and what is the accusation of defamation? >> well, what we have done is
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brought in michael cohen individually. previously it was the limited liability company that he set up. strictly to facilitate the payment. we have named michael cohen individually as it relates to what we allege are defamatory statements that he made. namely, he made statements earlier this year whereby he basically said that the affair never happened in some so many words and made my client out to be a liar. we are going to test the voracity of his statements. against those of my client. you played the interview of my client over the last 45 minutes or so. and we think 90% of america if not more found her very, very credible. and michael cohen has a lot of explaining to do relating to his statements to the american people. >> as part of the amendment, you are asking for monetary damages. all along i thought you said this wasn't about money, this was about invalidating this nda. >> i think we are going to be able to show there has been
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monetary damages that she suffered by way of his defamatory statements. above all else, she wants her name clear. she doesn't appreciate the misstatements and half truths. that michael cohen and others spread to the american people. she is going to prove that what she said to you on "60 minutes" was 100% accurate and she is credible. we are going to show that what she told and you the american people was the truth. and what michael cohen, the spin that he has been trying to sell to the american people is a bunch of rushish, whether it be about my client, the $130,000, the fact that mr. trump supposedly knew nothing about this, it doesn't add up. american people are smarter than this. >> the idea that, i believe you have received a cease and decyst letter from an attorney basically saying because of that, the allegations that stormy daniels made that
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she was threatened in 2011 in a parking lot in las vegas by somebody who came up to her and said something to the effect stop talking about mr. trump and looked at her infant daughter, and said, beautiful little girl, it would be a shame if something happened to her mother. are you accusing michael cohen or anyone from the trump organization of having sent that individual? >> not yet. but whale say is this. there's only three griechz people that person would have been sent by. first is my client and that doesn't make sense. the second group it would have been magazine. >> would have been after an interview with "in touch" magazine. and then according to the two employees of "in touch" magazine, that story never ran because mr. cohen threatened to sue. >> right, mr. cohen threatened
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the magazine to shut down the story to protect mr. trump and around that same time, this goon shows up at her car door with her young daughter in the back of her car. we know it is not my client that sent the goon. we know it is not the magazine that sent the goon. there is only one logical place left as to who would have sent the goon. it's common sense. i don't have evidence that the sun is going to rise tomorrow, but i think it's common sense that it's going to. >> would you, i mean that sounds like you are laying this at the feet of somebody at the trump organization. >> not quite yet. but we are going to tighten that up. we are going to get to the bottom of who this was and who sent him. when and if, if it leads to mr. cohen or mr. trump, we are going to call him out on it. >> stormy daniels said she could recognize this person even though it was many years ago. it scared her that much. >> what she's stated is it left an image in her mind and it stayed with her for a significant period of time. a traumatic experience. and we are confident that she can identify this individual.
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>> there's an e-mail, you've shown a lot of e-mails that were sent to michael cohen from michael cohen using his trump organization e-mail address. you have this other e-mail from michael cohen to keith davidson who is the former attorney for stormy daniels. there's two things. and i think you just released today, nbc had it and we're showing it. there's two things on that. one is michael cohen where he signed it he's described as the personal attorney for president donald trump, and then there's something else you say that is significant. what is the significance in your opinion of this? >> anderson, we believe this to be a smoking gun e-mail. it's february 22nd, 2018, approximately one month ago. it's an e-mail that michael cohen sent to my client's former attorney. and michael cohen inserted the subject as pp versus dd nda.
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why is that important? first of all, your viewers already know that pp basically with the initials for the alias of my client, and dd are the initials for mr. trump. mr. cohen in this document that he drafted listed the subject as pp versus dd, meaning my versus donald trump, nda. i'm confused. i thought what mr. cohen has told the american people and what mr. schwartz has told the american people for weeks now is that donald trump was never a party to the agreement. donald trump didn't know anything about the agreement. it was all mr. cohen or ec. why would mr. cohen then send an e-mail where he lists the subject as pp versus donald trump, nda? this is what happens when you can't keep your lies straight, anderson. this is the kind of conduct that happens. then we see how he signs the e-mail. he signs it with his signature block as personal counsel to the president of the united states. i thought -- i thought the
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president wasn't involved in this. i thought he was just doing this on his own in his spare time from his living room. again, this isn't even a good lie, and it's not even a good cover-up. i mean this is the keystone cops. >> so where does this go from here? i mean you now have amended this complaint. what is the end game here? what do you want -- i mean do you want some sort of a settlement? do you want to make -- have a negotiation, make this go away? >> my client is not interested in a settlement. my client is interested in the truth and nothing but the truth, period. she wants all the facts to be laid out to the american people so that they can make their own judgment as to what happened. but, anderson, as it relates to all of these e-mails and all of this evidence that we're seeing, i mean this makes the watergate burglars look incredibly competent. that's how bad this is. i mean this is a joke. >> but, you know, the response -- and we'll talk to michael cohen, a friend and attorney in another matter for michael cohen in a second. but the people who are
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supporting michael cohen say, people use their work e-mail address all the time, and it doesn't necessarily mean it's coming from -- does that prove anything? >> i mean, anderson, i think we've addressed that in the past. the evidence is piling up to show that this was not done personally. it was done by mr. cohen in his capacity at the trump organization, and here we have him drafting an e-mail where he describes the nda. this is mr. cohen describing the nda as being between my client and donald trump at the same time he's telling "the wall street journal" and the american public that donald trump isn't even a party to the agreement. it doesn't add up. we're going to get to the bottom of it. we're going to blow it out of the water. >> when we come back, more from michael avenatti, also we'll be joined by michael cohen's attorney, david schwartz, and our jeff toobin. we'll be right back. crohn's disease.
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>> i was completely underwhelmed. all the trump haters were underwhelmed. what new did we learn? look, you're an iconic news person. that was not anything, you know, dramatic by any stretch of the imagination. she -- we heard that she had an affair with donald trump. according to her own story, there was only one time they had sex. they were sitting on a couch another time. she meets some guy in a parking lot, threatens her. he's been saying it was michael cohen this entire time. that's a complete lie. it's an utter fiction, and that in and of itself is defamatory, to say that that was michael cohen or someone sent by michael cohen. you know what the answer is? i know you're looking for the answer as to who sent that person. it's a figment of her imagination. that person doesn't exist. you know why? because when you're threatened with your daughter in a parking garage, what's the first thing that you think of? i got to go to my pilates class.
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that's the very first thing that i think of when someone comes up to me and threatens me with my daughter. anyone who has a daughter knows you go right to the police. it's complete nonsense. >> she says she didn't go to the police because she was scared and she walked into the room and -- to the notion that he's saying it's defamatory? >> file a lawsuit. look, the majority -- >> you got the letter yesterday. >> wait a minute. last time you didn't let me talk. this time you are going to let me talk. >> i let you -- >> otherwise, we're going to have to get the defibrillator. >> please go for it. >> i almost brought it today. look, the american people saw last night something that they haven't seen from michael cohen. they actually saw my client answer questions by a world-renowned journalist who asked tough questions. she sat in an interview for two hours or thereabouts, and she faces the tough questions and she answered them. and the american people saw
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those answers, saw how she answered the questions, and i think 90% of america -- >> 90% -- they're scratching their heads. >> wait. let me finish. >> are you saying it was michael cohen who was in las vegas by the pilates place? are you saying it was him personally? >> of course it wasn't him personally. >> you've been saying it all along. [ overlapping voices ] >> one at a time. >> there's a reason why god gave you two ears and one mouth. you're supposed to listen. >> what about your phony lie detector test? where was the -- >> one at a time. [ overlapping voices ] >> you're not saying it was michael cohen. stormy daniels says she could clearly identify that person. she has never said it was michael cohen. but you believe -- >> no. we have never said that it is michael cohen. but, look -- >> you've been saying that all along. >> come on, let him finish. >> let him finish. >> look, it's very simple. my client sat down. she answered the questions.
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90% of america found her credible. why hasn't michael cohen sat down -- forget two hours. i'll take 20 minutes. how about 10 minutes? and answered the questions. instead, he sends you. you're not even involved in the case. >> are you ever going to make an appearance in the case? >> i am never making an appearance in that case. i am his. >> you're a talking head. >> of course. that's what we're here for. >> let's let him answer now. >> first of all, michael cohen just wants you to keep running your mouth and your client running because every time you do, that it's going to cost your client another million dollars. i mean i hope you have a nice malpractice policy because you're advising your client to breach a contract. >> one of the things that certainly stormy daniels feels and michael avenatti has said is that the kind of threats that michael cohen is making about taking a long vacation on her
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