tv American Dynasties The Kennedys CNN April 1, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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that smile. he had a reckless streak. >> it's just starts destroying things. >> aggressive conduct leads to war. >> she said i would rather die with you than live without you. the american people have entrusted the power of the white house to john f. kennedy. since then there's been one political disaster after another. and jfk's troubles are far from over. scandal threatens his marriage. the struggle for civil rights engulfs the south and the world faces nuclear ie nighlation. >> aggressive conduct ultimately leads to war. >> if the kennedy presidency is to survive, it will take the
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in office, the kennedys are looking for a way to relaunch jack's presidency. >> the kennedys needed to have something that the country could feel good about at that stage. >> the family decide to take a chance on jackie. she has never thought of herself as a political asset. >> she always thought she was a liability to him. she always apologized to him on the campaign trail. she even said i was such a dud, i'm so sorry. >> what is the diplomatic reception room used for? >> it's the room that people see first when they come to the the white house, so i think it should be a pretty room. >> the project for which she became most famous was to do a top to bottom restoration of the white house. she wanted to create in washington. >> the cameras are invited in to see jackie talk about her work.
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she is nervous. she knows millions will be watching. >> it takes a tremendous amount of courage for jackie to stand in front of a camera for that long and be that revealing of herself. >> during the taping, every time they take a break she was chain smoking and drop her ashes on the floor and miss the ashtray. so clearly, it was something that was not particularly easy for her. >> her mother couldn't believe she was able to pull this off. it took everything that she had. >> the first lady's tour of the white house was a tour deforce. because it reenforced a sense that there was something special and new about this particular administration. >> turned out the country was
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ready for a squequeen, and she it. >> jackie embarks on an international good will tour. once more she welcomes the press along. >> jackie with her sister, her younger sister on quite a long trip to india and pakistan where they made a big splash. >> she smiled for the camera, but there was sadness behind that smile. and an understanding that it was a facade. >> meanwhile back at the ranch, jack ken difs misbehaving. >> behind the perfect family image, jack is anything but the perfect husband. >> he needed to indulge this phenomenal and unseemly sex drive. it was for rich girls, poor
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girl. old, young, all the time. >> two months after his wife's return, the president's birthday celebration takes place at a democratic party fundraiser in madison square garden. >> the kennedys and celebrity and show business went hand in hand. it's probably not surprising that jfk would have an affair with the most famous blond bomb shell movie star of her time. >> mr. president, marilyn monroe. >> i was right there. in fact, i was standing in front of the stage and looking up. it impressed me. i was wondering how they got that dress on her. >> by the time of the fund raiser, rumors of an affair are widespread among those close to
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the kennedys. >> everyone was extremely excited. and i think the excitement was about looking ats the president with little marilyn. she was just absolutely marvelous at what she does. ♪ happy birthday mr. president ♪ happy birthday to you >> jackie knew about the affair, and she never wanted to be thought of as a fool. so she was not going to sit there with her husband. jackie does not attend. >> smart girl. very smart. >> i cannot retire from politics after having happy birthday sung to me. >> it was total embarrassment for jackie kennedy.
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and i'm sure she hated her husband at that moment. >> diane carol sang at the afterparty. >> after the show, i think the whole world knew that there was a relationship between marilyn monroe and the president of the the united states. >> jackie knows she must act to protect herself, her young children and the image of the kennedys she's working so hard to promote. >> she put her foot down and told jack that he needed to just end it. and she also told him that if he filing for divorce before the 1964 election and that would ruin everything. for him. when it came to a point where his political future was involved, then you hit jfk where
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his heart was and he made sure that it was over. each year sarah climbs 58,007 steps. that's the height of mount everest. because each day she chooses to take the stairs. at work, at home... even on the escalator. that can be hard on her lower body, so now she does it with dr. scholl's orthotics. clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. so keep on climbing, sarah. you're killing it. dr. scholl's. born to move. [str[ding]ise] ♪"back pocket" by vulfpeck ♪oh yeah ♪i know that it's taken me all this time to say, girl♪ ♪i'm slow so it's take me all this time to say, girl♪
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bobby was the fixer of the family. he believed in jack and jack's mission and jack trusted him completely. >> bobby was doing a lot of damage control during this period. and bobby was there to have jack's back. and doing his back meant doing his dirty work. >> bobby is jack's attorney general. the man responsible for the largest investigation ever into organized crime. bobby and his investigators meet regularly at the department of justice. >> you'd be sitting behind his
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desk, tie down, collar open, no jacket. >> bobby prioritizes the department's mafia investigations. >> i wouldn't say i was nervous, but i knew it was bobby kennedy paid close attention to what we were w were saying. >> the investigators have begun circumstance is ling the kennedys themselves. >> i kept running into his connections with mobsters. >> sinatra was a friend of jfk and a fundraiser. and brought hollywood into the kennedy campaign. he was a very significant guy. >> frank sinatra had lots of underworld friends, and jack kennedy saw him as a great pal
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and loved to buddy around with him. >> he was associated with a guy who was a close associate of mobsters. and a particular one having the crusade against organized crime. >> the sinatra problem does not end there. the singer introduced jack kennedy to a woman. >> judy campbell was a party girl. she was someone who came into the fold of the rat pack. >> judy was always available for jack kennedy when he came into town. >> there's 70 phone calls from judith campbell into the white house. >> mcmillen's investigation reveals judith campbell is a woman in demand. >> as you can imagine, those of us who knew what was coming were a little bit on the edge of our seat. >> jack is not campbell's only
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male companion. she's also having an affair with bobby's long standing nemesis, the chicago mafia boss. >> it appeared that they were sharing a girlfriend. >> you just can't make it up. >> it was a very awkward thing to be saying to the attorney general you need to know your brother's been compromised. >> imagine this is the president of the united states having an affair with this woman who was also involved with the head of the chicago mafia. devastatingly dangerous thing for him to be doing. >> jack was vulnerable, he was somewhat reckless. he needed somebody to clean stuff up. >> bobby acts immediately to terminate his brother's
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relationship with judith campbell. >> the next day the phone operator at the white house was instructed no more calls. he had cut off that relationship. >> the even bigger problem for bobby is how to deal with jack's old friend frank sinatra. >> in the late winter of 1962, jfk was supposed to go to sinatra's house in palm springs to party with him. >> frank can't wait to have jack in his home. he even puts e secret service lines for them to communicate. there's a lot of excitement about the fact that the president is going to be spending the weekend at frank sinatra's. but bobby tells jack you can't
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go. >> you can't do it. go out to palm springs, don't stay with sinatra. you can stay with bing crosby. crosby was frank sinatra's great rival. he gets no advanced notice of this. and instead of the helicopter, marine one landing in his heli port it lands in a field next to crosby's. sinatra goes absolutely berserk. takes a sledge hammer out and starts destroying things. >> frank realizes that he's now on the outside of the kennedy circle. he's devastated by it because he really loved being jfk's best pal. >> bobby may have saved jack and the presidency from disgrace, but it is one of his own
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relationships that could push the world to the brink of destruction. es this map show th peninsula trail? you won't find that on a map. i'll take you there. take this left. if you listen real hard you can hear the whales. oop. you hear that? (vo) our subaru outback lets us see the world. sometimes in ways we never imagined. (avo) get 0% apr financing on all-new 2018 subaru outback models. now through april 2nd. ♪ come to my window ♪ ohh ♪ crawl inside ♪ wait by the light of the moon ♪ applebee's to go. order online and get $10 off $30. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood.
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he has a contact of bobby's. a russian. >> it was an entertaining character who went out to the estate at hickory hill and perform for the kennedy kids and then sit in the grass with bobby and discuss international issues. >> we loved him. he would do the russian dance. he kicked up his feet, which we thought was fantastic. he would challenge my father to physical contests. >> one of the games was to see if you could beat him in an arm wrestle. >> my mother says my father got mad at her three times in her life. one of them was when she
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entangled him in a push up contest. >> he's a russian spy posing as a journalist. bobby knows it, jack knows it, and it's precisely because he's a russian spy that he's been invited in. >> we thought he was great because we were watching the james bond films to meet a real russian spy was wonderful. >> the man who so amuses the kennedy kids play a more important role as bobby's secret back channel to soviet leader. >> he thought if i can communicate directly with somebody through a back channel, that's the way of my ensure iin that what my brother wants to get communicated to khrushchev gets to him and that we hear back what he's really thinking without any possibility for other people's agendas to get in
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the way. >> the visit to the white house, he relays a request to the president. >> he delivers a message asking kennedy to stop those annoying spy plane flights over soviet freighters going to cuba. in fact, the russians are putting nuclear missiles on those freighters. >> bobby kennedy summons him to his office at the justice department. >> this meeting is a little different. no party scene at hickory hill. bobby kennedy is sitting behind his desk, suit and tie, very formal. >> bobby has been shown c can ia reports compiled by agents on the ground. ed a mist the rising tension, he
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seeks reassurance about the military build up on the island. >> the kennedys are a little suspicious of what's going into cuba. and bobby asked him what are you doing here. he says, they are defensive weapons, not offensive weapons. >> bobby no longer trusts the benign version of events he's getting from moscow. >> the moment that bobby became convinced he was getting disinformation about what was really going on in cuba was the moment he said, you're out of here. >> six days later, as jack and the family host the algerian prime minister at the white house, the surveillance images provide positive proof of offensive missile sites in cuba. for curtis lamay, the chief of staff, this means war. >> he was ready to fire the
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missiles that he controlled. he was willing to see millions of people killed in a nuclear exchange. >> curtis thought that president kennedy was a playboy, a party boy, weak, not tough. >> he and the other joint chiefs meet with the president at the white house. jack covertly records their exchanges. >> there's this extraordinary scene in which curtis le may is so disrespectful of the president.
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>> the united states of america and the soviet union stand on the brink of nuclear war, and the world has no idea. jack keeps a campaign date in the midwest keen to portray an image of business as usual. but information from cuba forces him back to the white house blaming a cold. the press is suspicious. >> rumors, but there were other reasons besides the cold that brought the president back. the president returned to washington because of the cold. thank you very much. >> surveillance images confirm increasing military activity in cuba and the cia believes nuclear weapons are now ready
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for launch. >> within the past week, unmistakable evidence has established the fact that a series of offensive missile sites is now in preparation on the island of cuba. >> it is looking more and more like we're going to have to bomb and invade cuba. >> as the united states is propelled towards war, the kennedy brothers stand between the world and nuclear armageddon. ♪ at&t gives you more for your thing. your snapping pics all day, all night thing. your getting the low-light, just right thing. ♪ introducing the samsung galaxy s9 with low light camera. now 50% off.
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this government has maintained the closest surveillance of the soviet military build up on the island of cuba. >> the united states is in a tense standoff against the soviet union. >> jack kennedy had always appreciated bobby kennedy. his brother's willingness to do the dirty work. but during the cuban missile crisis, they are completely bonded. >> the president orders a quarantine and a naval blockade
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to prevent more soviet missiles from reaching cuba. >> the possibility of quick nuclear destruction. >> my father largely stayed at the white house for crisis. u.s. marshals came to the house to bring us down to southern virginia where there was some kind of bunker for government officials and their families. my father talked to us on the phone at that point and what those guys that had to evacuate us. you guys need to be good soldiers because if if people see you disappearing from school, that could cause panic. >> the cuban missile crisis was a great example of my father had between them and the importance of thinking five steps ahead. what would happen if you do this. because if you had just let the generals decide, they would have gone to war.
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>> bobby kennedy would walk up and down the pool as jfk was swimming laps, talking to him, as he was swimming about their strategy to try to neutralize this move toward war. >> meanwhile, families across america prepare for the worst. >> jackie kennedy herself was told that she and her family would be moved into a bunker if anything did happen. she refused. she said, no, i want to be here. i want to stand on the south lawn with my husband and children if the end comes. >> she was a sounding board for him during the cuban missile crisis. she kept him level headed and had a lot of discussions. >> it's been amazing that someone had to be so hurt personally by her husband would
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turn around and in his moment of greatest need when he said he would send her away to the bunker outside of washington, she said no. she said, i'd rather die with you than live without you. >> on the second saturday of the missile crisis, the united states is is hard up against it. a u-2 spy plane has been shot down over cuba. the military chomping at the bit. they want the to start bombing on monday. the president is running out of time. they find a new back channel. >> bobby kennedy discusses an extraordinary deal. if the soviet union removes its missiles from cuba, the u.s. will remove its rockets from
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turkey. >> basically kennedy says, look, we'll make an exchange. but we don't want any re recognition of this in the press. this has to be absolutely secret. >> secrecy is critical. if the press or the public find out the kennedys are removing u.s. missiles from turkey, it would be political suicide. >> bobby is essentially saying you've got to help us out of this because my brother has got these general who is are pushing him to do something that isn't good for us and isn't good for you. >> the russian ambassador writes up the proposed deal. he sends it to moscow the quickest way he can. >> they send a telegram and there's this incredible site of the telegram boy on his bike ride off with this telegram
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aimed at saving the world hoping that the fella doesn't stop and have a coca-cola or go see his girlfriend. >> here's bobby kennedy in a sense having it both ways. on the one hand making a trade, and on the other, concealing it. they got away with it. >> press secretary announces the chairman has agreed to remove the missiles from cuba. the president already has left the white house to attend services at his church. >> the entire world breathes a si sigh of relief. >> for all of the weaknesses associated with the back channel and all the risks, one of the advantages was that in a moment of crisis, the kremlin understood that bobby kennedy was speaking for jack kennedy. >> my uncle and father were lucky to have each other. both were raised with those assumptions that america had a
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moral purpose and they were steering towards history. and that while they were in charge, they had to keep america on that course where we were a moral nation and an exemplar of all the countries in the world. >> during the crisis, jack said once that we know, lots of times quietly when he was saying his prayers at night, thank god for bobby. aah! ...i would have said you were crazy. but so began the year of me. i discovered the true meaning of paperless discounts... and the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of $620. why does fear feel so good? i fell in love three times -- once with a woman, once with a country, and finally... with myself. -so, do you have anything to declare or not? -isn't that what i'm doing? -so, do you have anything to declare or not? [str[ding]ise] ♪"back pocket" by vulfpeck
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by 1963 the southern black population faces increasingly brutal repression. >> lynching and racial violence, police brutality was rampant against the black population. this did not figure prominently in jfk's thinking at that time. >> a key battle over education brings the civil rights struggle to the forefront of jack's mind. >> in 1963 the state university of alabama is still ligwhites o.
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an attempt is made to integrate. two black students are determined to enroll at america's last all white state university. >> my sister knew the consequences of what could happen. people were getting beaten and killed over very simple rights. but she faced her fears and she felt tired of accept iing secon class citizenship. >> standing in their way is the state's governor who made an election promise to keep the campus segregated. >> george wallace, the governor of alabama said he would stand at the schoolyard door and use violence to stop black student who is wanted to enroll. >> is there any way to get the guards in there? >> bobby realizes the inherent danger of the situation and sends nick his senior aid to the
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university of alabama. >> we're still considering what we ought to do, whether or not we should call out the guard. >> as the situation unfolds in alabama, one of bobby's children drops by to visit her father. >> i remember sitting behind a chair in the television room while my father was talking with his aids about these issues. history was happening at our house. it was happening all around us. >> bobby has the option to use troops, but hopes to avoid violence. >> i have a statement to read.
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>> the kennedys knew that george wallace was a fool, a dangerous fool, but a fool. and they basically stage an event that allows wallace to stand in the schoolhouse door and they ar setting up a confrontation that makes wallace fulfill his vanity, but really looks in favor of the kennedys because he looks ri ddiculous t the rest of the country. >> i take it from that statement that you are going to stand in that door. >> wallace has been allowed to say his peace, but still refuses to move. >> only as he's faced with 100 federal troops does the governor back down.
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>> five minutes after the governor leaves, james is the first to become the university of alabama student. he's followed into the registrar's office by vivian mal loan. >> i think it was a turning point. at some point you say that's enough. >> confront ed with the violenc, the standoffs and the fundamental injustice, the kennedys realize that america needs civil rights legislation. >> they need a law pass ed by congress that will end discrimination in the south. >> now it's not so easy to get there because kennedy's own political advisers are saying don't do that. the opposition in the south will be too great. >> the south was solidly democratic. and to go against the entrenched wars of the day by supporting
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integration was a politically risky move. >> just about nobody else on jack kennedy's team thought the timing was right. bobby said we have to do it and do it now. do the right thing. >> bobby is in favor of an immediate unambiguous public statement about racial injustice, and he implores his brother to address the nation. >> this was bobby as being jack's better side, his better angel telling him you give up whatever political price you have to pay with this because this is why we wanted to be president in the first place.
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>> the idea for the speech came from robert kennedy. a first draft was written by robert kennedy. >> this nation was founded by men of many nations and backgrounds. it was founded on the principle that all men are created equal. and that the rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened. >> you see jack kennedy with the full force and beauty of his personality, of his stature, of his dignity, of his intellect make the case to the american people. >> we are confronted primarily with a moral issue. ifn arica because his ski is dark cannot eat lunch at a restaurant open to the public, if he cannot send his children to the best public school available, then who among us
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would be content to have the color of his skin changed. >> john kennedy finally wrapped the civil rights struggle in the mantle of the american presidency and said it was a moral obligation. it was a national imperative. >> we face, therefore, a moral crisis in a country of people. those who do nothing are inviting shame as well as violence. >> but john kennedy wasn't just speaking robert kennedy's words, because he improvises at the end of the speech and give his own. >> this is a matter which concerns this country and what it stands for. and i ask the support of all of our citizens. >> robert kennedy got him to the plate. but it's john kennedy who hit the ball out of the park. >> thank you very much. .
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>> thoughts of the next generation are in jack's heart and mind. when he gives a speech in june, 1963, at the american university in washington. >> what kind of a peace do i mean? what kind of a peace do we seek? i am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living. >> he pledged his support to racial uality. he brought the world back from thbrink of nlear war. the president is infused with a new confidence. >> our primary long-range interest is general and complete disarmament. >> his american university speech sets a whole new tone for u.s./soviet union relations. >> august 5th was a high point. jack's representatives and the representatives of other
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countries and most notably the soviet union were meeting to sign a nuclear test ban treaty. >> the keynote of cordiality. >> kennedy really believes in it. he believed in it from the day he became president. >> his move towards nuclear disarmament is a political trium triumph. but for jack, a more personal drama is unfolding. jackie is in cape cod, and she is 8 months pregnant. >> the president was in washington then. the first week in august when he got urgent word from cape cod that she had gone into an early labor. >> jackie gives birth to a boy, patrick. he said on the way, i'm never there when she needs me. and the president arrives the baby has been born by caesarean. but because he is so premature it suffers from a lung ailment.
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>> they arrange very quickly to have him sent to the children's hospital in boston. >> arriving at logan airport the anxious father found a sympathetic crowd assembled. >> jack hold vigil at patrick's bedside. when it is clear the little boy is dying, t doctors bring him out to be with his father. >> patrick kennedy died at 4. 04 a.m. the struggle of the baby buy oy keep breathing was too much for his heart. >> patrick died after 39 hours. jack kennedy was just, you know, consumed with grief. jackie was still too weak and unwell to attend the funeral. it was so tragic.
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jackie never had a chance to hold him. the president comes back and visits her with the children. john jr. was a little too young to understand what was happening. but caroline did. she so looked forward to having a baby brother or sister. after a week or so, mrs. kennedy leaves the hospital. the president at her side holding her hand, which was something that he didn't do very often in public. he holds her so gently, it's very touching, very moving to see. jackie compared herself and her husband to two icebergs. i think they beth operated in that way. they had very complicated feelings and emotions that they kept to themselves.
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>> when patrick died, it changed everything. something like that can drive a couple apart or bring them together. >> by this time, jackie has oven hself, in so many ways. she has been there when he has had affairs. she is a wonderful mother to his two children. she has done everything for him. and finally he appreciates it. >> in his famous peace speech he talked about how the soviet union and our country had differences, but yet we could work together. and in an odd sort of way, the same thinking may have been
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reflected in his marriage to jackie. when you look at the images of jack and jackie in dallas, you do get a sense that they have -- come together again. but at the same time it is just -- incredibly poignant because you know, looking at those images, that, that -- they only have a few hours together. now turning on to elm street. and jam packed with spectators. awaiting their chance to see the president. >> there is a secret serviceman over the top of the car. >> next on "american dynasties" the kennedys. >> clasped his hand to his mouth. >> jacqueline kennedy wanted to show that her husband was a martyr. >> i run for the presidency to stand for hope instead of
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despair. >> when bobby goes on the campaign trail, he is a complete rock star. >> jackie would say, i just fear that what happened to jack will happen with bobby. one of the most powerful men on earth. holds a position that has existed for nearly 2,000 years. as the world changes, and faith evolves, his authority remains. what began with one apostle has become 1.2 billion followers under one man. he is the head of the catholic church. the pope. and this is his path to power. ♪
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