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tv   New Day  CNN  April 5, 2018 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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watch him celebrate after sinking the putt. he throws the ball in the lake. was he celebrating or was this the terrible twos? i turn 3 next week, dad. i just want to go home. jack nicklaus letting his 15-year-old grandson take his last tee shot. perhaps the sweetest moment we will see out of this year's masters. grandpa, six-time masters champ who will hit the ceremonial first tee shot with gary player said you are going to hit a hole in one, kid. look at that. nicklaus was graduate to tears. his grandson's first ever of hole in one. all eyes on tiger woods, jordan spieth. what do you think? >> i think he's ready. >> i love that.
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that was levity. that was wonderful. why were they in hazmat suits? >> that's a question. thanks to our international viewers for watching much cnn talk is next for you. for u.s. viewers, "new day" continues right now. >> we will be guarding our border with the military. >> there is a huge enthusiasm gap between the democrats and the republicans. >> today is the day we want to start this process. the threat is real. >> we want to focus on transitioning to local enforcement. >> there are no security forces on the ground. that's why there is a civil war there. >> president trump is an ignoramus on security issues. >> is draining the swamp renting an apartment from the wife of a washington lobbyist? >> i don't think that's even remotely fair for asking that question. >> nobody ultimately concluded he's done anything wrong.
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>> this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning, everyone. welcome to our newer day. chris is off. david gregory joins me. we have a lot of news, but we are managing to have fun as well. >> i find that's true. >> president trump wants national guard troops at the border with mexico. he's one step closer to deploying them. but we don't know much about the plan, like how many troops, where they will go, how long they'll be there, or who will pay for it. as for the plan in syria, cnn has learned that the president got testy with his top military brass and national security team when they advised him against an immediate withdrawal of u.s. troops from syria. a source tells cnn the the president has given them six months to finish the mission and get out. >> multiple sources saying special counsel robert mueller's team is questioning wealthy russian oligarchs to see if they illegally funneled crash into
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the campaign. let's begin our coverage with cnn's abby phillip live at the white house this morning with our top story. abby. >> reporter: good morning, david. president trump's public pronouncements in the last week about syria and about the border wall have is come as a surprise to his own policy advisers. now they are scrambling to make what he said publicly a reality in terms of policy. >> until we can have a wall and proper security, we're going to be guarding our border with the military. that's a big step. >> reporter: president trump officially signing a memorandum to deploy the national guard to the border with mexico calling the situation a point of crisis after fuming about immigration for days. >> it will take time to have the details in place but we are moving quickly. >> reporter: the united states is imperiled by a distract surge of illegal activity on the southern border.
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>> why is this such an urgent priority right now for the president to sign? >> i think what i would say is the numbers continue to increase. april traditionally is a month in which we see more folks crossing the border without a legal right to do so. >> reporter: data from a department of homeland security study last fall indicated that illegal border crossings through 2016 were at their lowest in five decades. a continuing trend mr. trump has repeatedly bragged about. >> i am proud to say we are way down in people coming across the border. we have fewer people trying to come across because they know it's not going to happen. >> reporter: new border patrol statistics show 37% spike in attempted border crossings in the last month. the secretary of homeland security saying this when pressed about president trump's suggestion that the military pay for the border wall.
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>> what he meant was there are some lands that the department of defense owns where we see illicit activity. we're looking into options for the military to build a wall at military installations on the border. >> reporter: the military installation only covers 31 of the nearly 2,000 mile long border. this as cnn learns new details about president trump's tense meeting with his national security team tuesday. sources say the president grew irritated when they advised him against withdrawing troops from syria. days after mr. trump said this. >> we'll be coming out of syria, like, very soon. let the other people take care of it now. >> reporter: senior administration officials said the president complained at length about the amount of money being is spent in the region, telling advisers he wants troops out within the next six months. press secretary is sarah sanders releasing a statement wednesday night insisting that the administration will not rest until the the syrian regime is held accountable for chemical
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attacks. after saying this about the president's desire to pull troops out of the country. >> we want to focus on transitioning to local enforcement as well as have our allies and partners in the region who have a lot more at risk to put more skin into the game. >> reporter: well, the president is back to taxes today as he heads to west virginia for a roundtable on that issue. republicans by and large are trying to shore up republican stre voters ahead of a difficult 2018 midterm election. >> joining us to discuss it, we have cnn political analyst john avlon and david sanger. david, let's start with the numbers. let's start with mexico and what the president is proposing on the border. if you look at the numbers this past month there has been a spike. it is up 37%.
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if you look at the actual raw numbers, look how much it is up. in 2018, there were 50,000 illegal border crossings in march alone. it's much higher than 2017. that appears to be something of an a nonly. the others are similar to 2018. so does the president have a justification for this. >> what happened when he first came in, his rhetoric was so strong we think it did suppress border crossings over time. that wasn't a permanent solution. now he is back to the norm. is putting national guard on the border new? no. president bush did it. president obama did it. i don't think anybody particularly objects to doing that if it's going to work and certainly if it's going to bolster border patrol. is it the kind of solution and permanent solution he had in mind?
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does he want to keep the national guard built up to do this on a semi permanent basis? probably not. >> here's the amazing thing. the more permanent solution in his mind is not necessarily to tackle the more difficult issue of asylum seekers from central america mostly who go through a very complicated process of sanctuary for temporary time on the way of some adjudication of their claims over the longer period. he had an opportunity to get money for a border wall. the question is what does this accomplish? you boost national guard forces at the border? what does he want to do, suppress the numbers for a time? >> it satiates the base. building the wall. it wasn't in the $1.3 trillion budget. no new funding. and he had passed on on this opportunity for a larger deal, which the democrats were
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offering to pay $25 billion for a wall. this is for his base and conservative media. border crossings are down. you have to go back to 1971. >> year over year. not for month. >> year over year. months over months can be distorting. to get a deal like bush and obama had done it, this is a stick to show they could be tough if they got concessions on undocumented workers inside the united states. it would be one thing. if this is donald trump the negotiator, great. if it is simply playing to the base moving national guard troops, then i think that's just kabuki theater with the real costs. >> the reason people think it is playing to the base is there was a fox and friends weekend segment where they talked about an army of illegal immigrants, a caravan coming -- caravans coming, steaming towards the u.s. border.
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and then the president, who we know is a fan of the show, then used some of that language in tweets. so it seemed as though that segment got his attention. then he met with some of the fox news hosts who have been pushing for it. yesterday jeff zeleny was asking the homeland security director why now? what has happened? here's her answer. >> why is this such an urge emit priority right now for the president to sign? >> i think what i would say is the numbers continue to increase. april traditionally is a month in which we see more folks crossing the border without a legal right to do so. we are seeing more and more advertising unfortunately by the traffickers and smugglers to our south specific how to get around our system, enter our country and stay. why today, not yesterday, tomorrow? today is the day.
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>> well, she's right. seasonally there are moments when they come. this is one of those seasonal moments. you get accustomed to it in a normal policy process, you have something set in place so when these seasonal changes happen, you are ready for going off to do it. you don't do it in response to something you do on tv or something that you heard anecdotally over dinner. that's fundamentally the problem and the issue with this white house, which is they're not terribly data driven, which leads you to consistent policy. they're driven by what the president has heard. then he makes a pronouncement. then they give some rationality to something he just heard. >> it is utterly bass akwards. it doesn't need to be somebody
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couch sur youing, the appearance of an insight and governing by insight is. he has access to the world's leading experts and information. >> but you also have a president, and this is not unprecedented either, right? president obama tpeltd the need to act unilaterally in the absence of a legislative deal. he is doing what he can do on his own. even when it comes to the border wall. the home land security talked about that yesterday. >> what he meant was there are some lands that the department of defense owns right on the border that are actually areas where we see illicit activity as part of what dod does every day. we are looking for the military to build military installations on the border. >> so this is the potential for a war on a u.s. military installation 30 miles to put up a wall. >> it's a start.
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>> it's a way around certain constitutions. probably not a terrible idea. i would love to see the number of crossings on military bases. i bet that is not attractive area. >> he seems to -- he said he wanted our u.s. troops out immediately. his military leaders then pushed back apparently. in fact, we have a little bit of this from elise laffit. i'll read that. at one stage general dunford asked the president to state explicitly what he wanted to see happen in syria, according to an administration official. the president responded by saying at one stage dunford ask troops need to finish their mission against isis in syria within six months. >> those are consistent with what he said during the
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campaign, right? because during the campaign he was portraying american defense as something that we do by building up a mighty military and keeping it within our borders. the problem is that isn't the way the world is built. that is what forward deployment is all about. project american power to keep things from coming at you by putting your troops out abroad. that was the fundamental problem that led to 9/11. we pulled out of afghanistan. taliban took over. c al qaeda went in, settled in, and planned the attack. number two, you don't broadcast when you're leaving. we know it is six months. if you are vladimir putin, or the iranians, say summer vacation, let's all reconvene and we will have syria to
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ourselves. >> the president talking about not broadcasting what you are going to do. >> i'm not going to tell you anything about what response i do. i don't talk about military response. i don't want to be one of these guys who say, yeah, so here's what we're going to do. i don't have to do that. >> the late great general mcarthur are spinning in their grave how we announce exactly what we're going to do. >> i'm not going to call you up and say we have a great plan. this is what obama does. >> okay. he was quite clear about it then. >> that was then. this is now. >> he is making comments in closed door or meetings. but it is still the same problem. you have the watches but we have the time. the reality of the responsibility of being president of the united states is very different than armchair quarterbacking. if your military says almost
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unanimously, including mike pompeo, this is a bad idea, despite your campaign promises, the president has to relent. otherwise, you are creating a vacuum for russia and iran, which is david's point. >> that gets to it. if your strategic objective is merely isis, i can imagine why we would leave in six months, except isis will come back and rebuild, as we have learned that they do. but he says the biggest problem in the middle east is iran. and we all know it is also allowing the russians full fun. have we set our strategic objectives directly? if it's push back on iran, picking up and leaving doesn't send the message. >> david sanger, thank you very much. john avlon, thank you. the head of the epa is struggle to go explain his latest controversies. will scott pruitt you sraoeuf
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the white house says president trump is not okay with the deal that scott pruitt received to rent a room from the family of an energy lobbyist. pruitt struggleed to defend himself in an interview yesterday on fox. >> president trump said he would drain the swamp. is draining the swamp renting an apartment from the wife of a washington lobbyist? >> i don't think that that's even remotely fair to ask that question. >> all right. let's bring in cnn senior political commentators jennifer granholm and rick santorum. rick, are you comfortable with how epa director administrator scott pruitt is conducting himself and his spending? >> i'm comfortable with the job that he is doing. he is dogs a great job as administrator. >> are you willing to overlook the financial scandals or
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questions that he is having because of those policies? >> he yeah. let's look at them. the $50 a night rental of the apartment was approved by the ethics -- by his ethics staff at the epa. at the time he brought it before his ethics panel. they said it was okay. >> are you okay with all the first class travel he says he needs? >> certainly is as an elected official, you're cautious. i never bought first class travel. but scott pruitt has been under enormous threats, more than any other person in the administration other than the president himself. death threats. there are security concerns. he says he was harassed a lot when he was flying in coach. is it the best thing? probably not. but it is is a reaction to the fact that this man is doing a
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job that is controversial and he is getting a lot of flack for it? >> is there a force field in first class that nobody can get to? >> no. this guy has more ethics problems than all of these others. >> i want people to know what we're talking about. this is what critics say. he repeated a condo from the wife of a d.c. lobbyist. that alone might raise eyebrows. he has it under market at $50 a night. he's given raises to two people he knows for a long time, they call them friends. and they are substantial raises. he spent tens of thousands on luxury travel, including lots of first class tickets. in terms of policy, the water preservation process, critics don't like how he has handled that. but that's different. >> here's the deal. the worst stuff is this swampy
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corruption stuff. he rented this place from the wife of a lobbyist at the time when the epa is approving pipelines for liquefied natural gas. this particular lobbying firm represented those clients. he got this sweetheart deal below market rate. here's the biggest thing. scott pruitt wants to be president. and this issue of his -- they love him. his ego has grown very large. and so he thinks he's bigger or better than the white house. he approves raises for people the white house said no to. is he going to get his picture on the cover of "time" magazine? is he getting a little too big for his pwreufps? >> scott pruitt addressed all of
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this. the white house did say no. he addressed this. >> i did not know they got pay raises until yesterday. >> one of them got a pay raise of $28,000. the other was $56,000. do you know what the median income in this country is? >> no. >> $57,000 a year. one of your employees got a pay raise of $57,000 a year. >> they did not get it. i stopped it yesterday. >> you stopped it? >> yeah. >> are you embarrassed? >> it should not have happened. officials should not have done what they did. >> if he stopped it, he did it the appropriate thing. it's a big agency. the idea that you are going to know what everybody gets paid is ridiculous. >> these are two people super
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close to him. one including his scheduler. people he brought in from oklahoma. >> all i can do is take him for his word that he did not know. and someone went around behind his back to get that done. look, to jennifer's other point, he is not running for president. he's a good man. i know him. >> how do you know he is? >> that sounds like a problem where he has gotten a little too in front of his skis. >> he's doing everything the president asked him to do, and more. >> look, the president likes what he's doing at the epa. he has done a fabulous job. that's a tough place to get anything done. talk about saving money. he saved billions of dollars. >> he wants to see himself as attorney general. >> how do you know that? >> that's a better steppingstone. >> he's from oklahoma.
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he cares about energy. this is a great job for him. he very much loves the job that he's doing. the reason he's under attack is because he's doing such a great job. >> you don't think any of these things are ethical? >> no, i don't. $50 a night, he's renting a room like an airbnb. it is not way overmarket. excuse me, way under market. >> it stinks, rick. >> you cannot deny it. $50 a night in washington, d.c. is way me low market.
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would have paid $3,500 a month. he is not going to be gone in the next week or two. >> he's not. scott pruitt has done an exemplary job. there are a couple hiccups here. >> he warns of a blue wave. he is seeing signs. democrats seem to be having a lot of momentum. this was from, i believe, yesterday. oh, this is from tuesday night. tonight's results show we are at risk of a blue wave in wisconsin. the far left is driven by anger and hatred. we must counter with opt teufpl
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and organization. let's share our positive story with voters and win in november. what do you think he's seeing and how accurate is a coming blue wave? >> i think there is definitely? the momentum on the left. but it is not being fueled by anger and hatred. it is being fueled by a fear that this country is losing its moorings because of this president. >> aren't people angry at president trump? liberals and democrats. >> there's no doubt there is anger there. it is not hatred. it is a feeling like people have a duty to take their country back. all of these women especially raising their hands to run because they feel like this -- they need to serve their nation to take us back. i'm thrilled that there is such a surge in turnout, in optimism, and even in wisconsin where you is saw the supreme court justice race which never gets taken over
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by an outsider, she wins by 12,000 votes is. that is a pretty incredible sign. >> quickly, rick, does it worry you? >> scott walker has his ear to the ground. he's one of the best political folks out there. if he is saying this is a problem, i agree with him. and i disagree with jennifer. i think it is hatred toward the president. the fact of the matter is this country is doing great. from employment assistant, wages. there's a lot of things looking up. one of the reasons trump's numbers are going up. if congress can get their act together, do something on health care, immigration and deliver for what they said they were going to do back in the last election, this can turn around. that is what scott is pointing to. >> thank you very much for that debate. david? alisyn, thanks. coming up next, a cnn exclusive. russian oligarchs being questioned by the special prosecutor's team. what the special counsel wants to know. we will ask a member of congress what he thinks about the development.
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now a cnn exclusive. multiple sources saying special counsel robert mueller's team
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has questioned several russian oligarchs who traveled into the u.s. they are asking whether they illegally fund donations into president trump's campaign or his inauguration. joining me now is democratic congressman jeffries, member of the house judiciary committee. good morning. did to have you here. >> good morning. >> we talk about following the money. the financial aspect of this has got to be intriguing to investigators. where does it go? how do you put it together with what we already know and don't know at this point? >> three pieces to the investigation. the more we learn, the worse it gets for donald trump and all the president's men. that's clear. and bob mueller is running a thorough, comprehensive investigation. he's going to get to the bottom of what happened on behalf of the american people. you have potential money laundering that may have occurred prior to the campaign with donald trump trump has a private citizen, so-called businessman.
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possible conspiracy with russian spice. i think he will look for motive and opportunity perhaps as it relates to interactions with these oligarchs. and a third aspect is potential obstruction of justice that occurred with donald trump as president to cover up what may have occurred either as it relates to possible money laundering or the conspiracy to sell out our democracy. >> those are a lot of theories for the president's opponents. but there is a difference between what is potentially gathering up of evidence. what we know is there were efforts by the russians to undermine our democracy, to meddle in the campaign. now maybe there is a financial piece of this, funneling illegal donation. that's a far cry from whether
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anybody knew about it. >> there was a meeting that took place involving both his top adviser who happened to be his son-in-law, jared kushner, his son donald trump jr., and paul manafort with people close to vladimir putin who promised dirt on hillary clinton. they went into that meeting understanding they were speaking to a foreign power who indicated a willingness to interfere in aa an election. >> isn't this an argument that somebody must have known which doesn't necessarily follow. it is even made to look at a certain level somebody knew. >> that's why we needed an
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investigation. the fundamental question is what did the president know and when did he know it? we do know rush sharks a foreign power, interfered in our election for the purpose of artificially elevateing donald trump into 1600 pennsylvania avenue. that in and of itself justifies a comprehensive investigation. >> it's interesting. you have the national security adviseer saying russia has faced no costs from what they did in the election. but with regard to oligarchs in particular, these wealthy russians, they are about to face sanctions from this administration. do you see that as attempting to in knock lat themselves against criticism. >> it will be a step in the right direction if it happens. it is not clear whether it is just talk or will result in action. what we have seen from this administration so far on a whole range of issues is no real
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action. congress months ago gave power on an incredibly bipartisan way to levy punishment against russia for interfering in our election. and all we have seen from the president is continuing this "bromance" with president putin. that's unfortunate. if he is going to change his tune and they're going to punish russia for what it did, that would be a reasonable step forward. >> let me switch gears and talk about facebook. this is a huge breakdown, huge breach of security. is this a new era where the government has to get involved in regulating where it does? >> they are important in terms of what the social media companies are doing relative to the privacy of the american people. >> what specifically does that
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look like? >> certainly efforts by foreign entities to penetrate facebook, manipulate the the site in order to change the hearts and minds artificially. >> what we have is the internet and facebook is operating as if it is the wide west. no oversight, no real capacity to levy fines. there has to be some measure of accountability and disincentives for entities like facebook to allow the platform to be abused. if we start there, i think that would be a reasonable step for the american people. >> we will be watching next week. congressman, thank you very much for being here.
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president trump wants to deploy the the national guard to the southern border. we'll show you what it is like there right now in a live report next. this is the story of green mountain coffee roasters dark magic told in the time it takes to brew your cup. first, we head to vermont. and go to our coffee shop. and meet dave. hey. why is dark magic so spell-bindingly good, he asks? let me show you. let's go. so we climb. hike. see a bear. woah. reach the top. dave says dark magic is a bold blend of coffee with rich flavors of uganda, sumatra, colombia and other parts of south america. like these mountains, each amazing on their own. but together? magical. all, for a smoother tasting cup of coffee. green mountain coffee roasters packed with goodness. almost $800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. with liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother.
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after officials report a surge of illegal crossings for the month of march. the president tweeted the caravan is largely broken up thanks to the strong laws of mexico and their willingness to use them so as not to cause a giant scene at our border. because of the trump administration's actions, border crossings are at a still unacceptable 46-year low. stop drugs. there's a few messages here. >> we were talking about this with david sanger. we did experience a drop in border crossings because of candidate trump's rhetoric and early promises as a president. but now his administration is saying it spiked back up in april. if they are at a low, which we have been saying, border crossings are down. why do we have to commit troops. >> this is the point. what's the crisis? does this constitute a crisis
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that historically they jump back in march year after year after year? >> it is not dealing with the underlying complications of asylum seekers, let alone illegal crossings. this is a president who wants a border wall. had a chance for funding. didn't get the deal ultimately. again, we have to look at this in the context of broader politics. not only election year politics, but the idea of trying to get a broader immigration deal. >> all right. so what exactly is happening on the border right now? cnn's ed lavandara is live in laredo, texas to show us. hi, ed. >> reporter: good morning, alisyn. well, the bridge that you see behind me is one of those popular heavily used bridges. tens of thousands use it to connect from laredo, texas to mexico on the other side of the rio grand. these are communities very much used to these kind of debates swirling around their communities. and one of the things that donald trump mentioned yesterday in his order deploying the
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national guard and the idea of sending troops to the border was talking about the, quote, lawlessness of the border region. that is something that residents here really bristle at. they say they are some of the safest in terms of crime according to the national rate. that kind of talk is one of the things that bristles -- that many here bristle at. the idea on of sending troops down here to the border, not a very popular idea by any means. it is also something that residents around here in border towns like laredo have been used to. president bush deployed the national guard. president obama did as well. here in texas, for example, rick perry and greg abbott have done similar things as well. while it is is not universally by new means, it does have some support. it is a question that many people in many ways seem to shrug off at times. they are a little bit used to it. many people do question the
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effectiveness, whether or not it is worth the money. yesterday as we flew into lore a dough, we were with senator john cornyn. we asked about how long they would be here. he simply didn't have those answers but supported the the idea as well. >> for people who have not spent time on the border. my daughter just did a service trip where she was able to tour some of the barriers. again, when you go to visit, it doesn't seem to make sense. you can have a barrier, a portion of the wall that is there. can't somebody just go around it is the obvious point. there is a patchwork nature of some of these barriers and even the fencing, right, ed? >> reporter: oh, there's no question. if you go back to president bush, 10, 12 years ago now, what that does leave is border fencing, infrastructure put in around brownsville, laredo.
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what many say is that essentially pushed undocumented migrants into desert type regions further out. you could drive a couple miles outside of town and the wall abruptly ends. you see them pushed out into more dangerous territory not just migrants but the border patrol agents that work in those areas as well. >> thank you very much for showing us that and giving us context from laredo there. we'll find out what is happening with the caravans. the president said the caravans are being broken up. leyla santiago a leyla santiago is going to give us the take whether they are breaking up or still on their journey. the judge is speaking out. testimony had some asking questions. that's next.
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the federal judge in the case between at&t and time wa warner, cnn politics media and business reporter hadas gold was in the court. she joins us with more. what questions is the judge asking? >> this is really interesting because in this case it is only up to the judge, there is no jury in this case. anything the judge says, any questions he asks are notable. time warner could leverage their content, networks like cnn, hln or tnt to get better deals with cable distributors. one of those threats the government is alleging is time warner could say we're going to take our programming off your air unless you give us the deal you want. to try to allay those fears, time warner and turner, a
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subsidiary of time warner, offer what's called an arbitration order. they said if there are disputes, a cable company could come to us and say let's sit down with a third party mediator who will decide which offer is best and that's the offer we would have to go to. it would be a binding arbitration deal. some cable distributors are not a huge fan of this offer because they say it's blind. yesterday judge leon asked one of the cable distributors on the stand, he said, well, how would you feel if we restructured the arbitration deal? what if we made it more fair so they had more information about it. the cable distributor executive said he'd be open to that. judge leon could decide if the merger goes through, there has to be a different arbitration offer. anything he asks to any witnesses on the stand is incredibly important. >> is there any precedent with past mergers, comcast, nbc for one that is instructive here as a precedent?
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>> reporter: definitely. the comcast and nbc universal case was a little different because the justice department didn't sue to completely block the merger like they are in the att case. there is a settlement that judge leon, the same judge, presided over. in that case judge leon also imposed conditions because he wasn't a huge fan of the arbitration offer in that case. that's why our ears perked up yesterday when we heard him asked about the arbitration offer because of this past precedent. >> you reported before that the judge would like to speed this up. is that happening? >> it actually has. yesterday i think we got through about four witnesses which is sort of unheard of. at one point, at&t lawyers decided not to cross examine the witnesses. the judge said, well, you don't hear that every day and everybody started laughing. if they don't get this done quickly enough, we are going to hit up against that merger deadline in june when either time warner or att could walk away from this deal.
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the judge said if the trial goes into may, he won't have time to write this lengthy decision before that merger deadline. >> give us a preview of today. rockefeller we're going to be hearing from a lot of at&t/time warner executives. the attorneys have let us know the next ten witnesses will be from the defense. they'll be hostile direct questioning because they're not on the side of the justice department. we're going to get pretty contentious questioning today. it's going to be a lot of insider, what were you discussions, deliberations, before going into this merge are. the justice department is trying to prove that at&t, time warner executives will purposely use their content to gain leverage over their competitors. >> somehow you've made the covering of an antitrust case juicy and into a cliff-hanger. hadas, we'll look forward to your reporting tomorrow. >> thank you. we're following a lot of news right now, let's get ride
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to it. the president has directed that the department of defense to deploy the national guard to our southwest border. >> i'm frankly glad to see him stepping up. >> i think it's a necessary step. >> this is a political fix because he made a stupid campaign promise for a stupid border wall. >> i want to get out and bring our troops back home. >> his entire national security team said you can't do this. the president apparently got very testy. >> we have special responsibility. if he pulls out precipitously, it's very likely that coalition falls apart. >> mueller's team is targeting certain russian oligarchs. >> surrounding donations and money surrounding the campaign. >> it's always been follow the money. this is "new day" with chris cuomo and alisyn camerota. >> good morning and welcome to your "new day." it's thursday, april 5th, 8:00 in the east. chris is off. david gregory joins me. >> great to be your partner in crime today. >> and tomorrow.
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stop trying to sneak out of it. president trump wants national guard troops at the border with mexico. he's one step closer to deploying them. we don't know many details like how many troops, where they will go, how long they'll be there and who will pay for this. moments ago president trump tweeted about the caravan headed towards the u.s. border from mexico. this is the latest where he's venting about immigration policy. we have a reporter with that carav caravan. we'll tell you what's happening. as for the plan in syria, president trump got testy with his national security team when they advised him against an immediate withdrawal of u.s. sources from syria. sources telling cnn the president is giving him six months to finish the mission and get out. let's begin our coverage with cnn's abby phillip. she's live at the white house with our top story. >> reporter: good morning, david. the president sent his aides scrambling in the last week,
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both on the issue of syria and the border wall. this morning he's praising mexico of breaking up the caravan. he tweeted moments ago, the caravan is largely broken up thanks to the strong immigration laws of mexico and their willingness to use them so as to not cause a giant scene of or border. because of the trump administration actions border crossings are at an unacceptable 46-year low. stop drugs. the president's fixation has caused his aides to try to figure out how to get national guard troops at the border to deal with what they're saying is a surge in illegal immigrants crossing over this spring. >> until we can have a wall and proper security, we're going to be boarding our border with the military. that's a big step. >> reporter: president trump officially signing a memorandum to deploy the national guard to the border with mexico, calling the situation a point of crisis after fuming about immigration for days.


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