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tv   American Dynasties The Kennedys  CNN  April 15, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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special report. they will break down aunt awl the new information from jim comey's first major tv interview as he rolls out his new book. that's going to do it for me tonight. thank you for being with me. "american dynasties: the kenn y kenned kennedys" starts right now. >> if i'm elected president of the united states, i'm going to work with those who are poor, whether they are white or black. >> robert kennedy is hoping to fulfill the dream of a second son in the white house. but tragedy strikes once more. all eyes are on the only surviving son ted as he inherits the burden of expectation. >> you will not reconsider your decision? >> absolutely no >> overcoming scandal and defeat, ted fights back. >> the hope still lives and the
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dream shall never die. >> to lead the new generation and continue the legacy of this great american dynasty. >> this family's name is kennedy.
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>> i thank all of you who made this possible this evening. all of the effort that you made. >> bobby kennedy wins the crucial california primary in his battle to secure the democratic presidential nomination. >> we're all congratulate. ing ourselves and each other on how terrific this is. everybody is looking forward to having a drink and dancing and thinking about all the great things that are in store. >> we are a great country and a compassionate country. i intend to make that my basis for running. >> four and a half years after his brother jack was assassinated, bobby set his sight on the white house. >> it's a jubilant moment. he might actually go all the way straight to the presidency following his brother jack. >> the people who loved jack kennedy loved bobby kennedy.
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he developed a softer side after the death of his brother. >> he's no longer the ruthless, cynical, mob busting hard head. here's someone b who is as powerful as anyone, but who identifies with common people in a way that you hadn't seen anybody at the top of american society do. >> bobby's wife and greatest champion ethyl shares in his triumph. >> i'm not doing this in the order of importance, but i also want to thank my wife ethyl. >> ethyl lives for this moment because she believed bobby had a lot to offer. she's wanted it to be bobby's turn and. now it is bobby turn. >> he felt confident as he stood on that stage in the ambassador hotel. you can see it in his face. he knew he had a real shot. >> my thanks to all of you. now it's on to chicago and let's
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win there. >>obby was supposed to turn right and go into a press room. >> but some teens get in the way. >> kennedy is cut off from his own body guard. the hotel manager aims him to exit through the kitchen. >> his body guard gets there too late. >> it's complete chaos. everybody is screaming and crying. we ran down the end of the hall. it looked really bad.
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>> i remember looking at him and his shirt was open. that's shock. that's stunning. >> ethyl kennedy is leaning over him inches from his face. she can see that he's badly wounded. >> ted is with bobby's campaign team in san francisco when he hears the news. he rushes to be with his brother. >> he arrived at the hospital. doctors now say surgery will last another hour. >> i sat with my father on and
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off throughout the night holding his hand on the other side of the bed. my father's head was bandaged and he had his eyes were black. like somebody had punched him in the face. >> ted tells ethyl the doctors have said that we need to take him off life support. this is no life for bobby. for ethyl, bobby is everything. it's always been that way. bobby and ethyl together. forever. she is at that moment pregnant with their 11th child. and now she's losing bobby. the same way that jackie lost jack.
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>> senator robert francis kennedy died at 1:44 a.m. today, june 6th, 1968. >> in the morning my brother joe came in and said, you know, he's gone. so then that afternoon we took him back to new york. >> you can hear the airplane. the casket half way out of the door of the airplane. >> the great tragedy of this moment is that we actually never get to see what bobby kennedy would have been. able to accomplish. >> he would have been one of the most experienced men to occupy the american presidency since its founding. >> jacqueline kennedy behind her, mrs. edward kennedy.
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>> the sense of hope for the country was ending in bobby kennedy, who tapped it in a way not even his brother did. >> it's a pin in a balloon. it's gone. feel the clarity of non-drowsy claritin and relief from symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity and live claritin clear.
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have been open only ten minutes and thousands of people have begun streaming through to pay their respects to the body of senator robert kennedy. >> for two days mourners lined 25 blocks outside saint patrick's cathedral to pass by kennedy's coffin. for the service itself, 2,000 mourners crammed the cathedral. they included the rich and powerful and famous, but also the poor and farm workers, people who felt close to rfk. to attend the funeral. ill his only surviving son ted delivers the eulogy. >> he had to be tested immediately. the world expected it. >> my brother need not be idealized or enlarged in death
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beyond what he was in life. be remembered simply as a good and decent man who saw wrong and tried to right it, saw suffering and tried to heal it, saw war and tried to stop it. as he said many times, some men see things as they are and say why. i dream things that never were and say why not. >> robert kennedy's body is is taken by train on an eight-hour journey from new york to arlington national cemetery. the final resting place of his brother jack. >> my father organized the
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funeral train and that was an incredible experience. 227 mileof pplonoth sides of the tracks with signs and it was just a very moving experience. >> i was on that train and just watching these people carrying these signs that said, "good-bye, bobby." priests and rabbis and hippies and soldiers.
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>> there's nobody that i can think of that could have drawn those numbers and that kind of diverse population to say good-bye. >> ted is able to keep it together at the funeral, but the funeral train with all of the thousands of people who met that train along its way, it was more than ted could bare. >> it marked a major change in ted's life. he had always been the younger brother one way or another. all three of the other brothers die through acts of violence and the baby brother winds up being the family patron. >> everybody is looking at ted right now to take over. he's only 36 years old.
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>> i hope the countless thousands who have sent their expressions of sympathy and condolence to ethyl kennedy and my mother and father and members of the kennedy family realize then strength and hope they have given to the members of the family during these last several days. now my mother would like to say a few words. >> i want to extend our thanks to all of you. >> rose was not big on et emotional displays. there's a certain courage she was able to call upon because of her religious convictions. and she also understood what was important for the country. >> on the principles on which bobby stood is the notion and dedication. >> he only served to put more
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measupressure on ted because al these new expectations were projected on to him. >> ted had a lot on his shoulders just being in the shadow of the great jfk and rfk. >> hwas the baby brother. he was the child of his parents old age, the adored little brother of eight older siblings. he was supposed to be cute and amusing, a little rascal and adored. >> in 1968 ted and joan kennedy celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary. they have three children, kara, edward jr. and patrick. >> ted kennedy and his first wife joan had a very difficult relationship. >> ted is known to be reckless. even more so after bobby's death. he was drinking too much.
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he was sieeing too many women. in many ways, he was self-sabotaging. >> a year after bobby's death, ted attends a reunion of his brother's old campaign team in massachusetts. >> ted felt it was important for him to go to represent bobby. so he went over with his chauffeur. >> this is a party. there are a lot of women there. he takes the keys from his s chauffeur and gets into the car with a young woman. >> mary jo had worked for bobby in his 1968 campaign and teddy was going to, according to his story, take her to the ferry that would take her back to the
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hotel. >> but he took a radically wrong turn. a very improbable wrong turn because. the road was paved straight to the ferry. >> when you make a sharp right turn on a gravel road up the road tt teddy wenon, there's no way you do that by mistake. ♪ ohh ♪ crawl inside ♪ wait by the light of the moon ♪ applebee's to go. order online and get $10 off $30. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. and get $10 off $30. ♪ ♪ oh -- you're bad enough to me ♪ ♪ bad enough that we ♪ always have something to get over ♪ ♪ oh -- but when the night is deep ♪ ♪ you find me in the streets ♪ asking me - to come over ♪
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senator ted kennedy and his brother's former campaign aid mary jo leave a party together on the island. >> it was absolute pitch black darkness heading out to a beach, which happened to have a very wooden bridge that went over a fast-moving channel. and his car went off the bridge. >> he said by his testimony he had no memory of how he escaped. he dove as many times as he could manage to try to get mary jo out. >> after diving in a cup can the times, he abandons the scene b. >> he said he went back
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ultimately to his hotel room and fell asleep. >> he waited nine hours to report it. that was unfathomable to most people. >> a diver recovers mary jo's she was 28 years olng. >> the death was a tragedy and terrible enough. but the way teddy handled it made it instantly worse. >> all the first moves were about protecting teddy. it was all about teddy's reputation, teddy's career, the kennedy legacy. nothing about the fact that mary jo died what must have been a very horrible death. >> mary jo is buried three days later. ted, joan and ethyl attend the funeral mass. >> ted felt very strongly that his wife joan should accompany him to mary jo's funeral as a
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sign there was nothing concerned about in his behavior. so joan kennedy pregnant and on bedrest had to standby his side. then very sadly suffered a miscarriage. >> the kennedys have overcome tragedy and scandal before, but mary jo's death threatens to tarnish the family name forever. >> there's this sense that teddy in a family known for courage acted like a coward. . he may have tried to save his own hide rather to save a life and it's a scar on him. >> in the end, the bottom line is because of ted's recklessness a woman died. >> senator edward kennedy pleads guilty to leaving the scene of an accident. on account of his unblemished
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record he receives a suspended sentence. >> teddy finally breaks his silence and goes on television. he's speaking to the voters of massachusetts, but he's speaking to the american people and he's speaking to the world. >> my fellow citizens, i have requested this opportunity to massachusetts about the trage which happened last friday evening. i would understand full well why some might think it right for me to resign. so i ask you tonight to think this through with me in facing this decision, i seek your advice and opinion in making it i seek your prayers.
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>> would you vote for him again? >> definitely. >> we feel he is human. people do make mistakes. >> he could be the next president of the united states. >> 10 to 1, people responded with letters and cards saying please stay in office. >> in courage by public support, ted decides to continue his senate career. >> thank you and good night. >> in the immediate aftermath, joseph kennedy was another victim of the tragedy. by that time joe was confined to a wheelchair and could not speak. however, he understood everything that was going on, which must have made it his own private hell. >> teddy sees his father cry and sees the devastation that his father is suffering. teddy knows in 1969 he is the
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cause of that. he believe d it caused his fathr to give up his will to live. >> just four months after the tragedy, joseph p. kennedy dies at the family home. he is 81 years old. >> joe's death is another devastating moment for the kennedys. because joe had been the architect of all of their dreams and ambitions from the very beginning. >> this man truly lived for his family and his dynasty. >> joseph kennedy for all his faults by god there were many was an extraordinary father. his children loved him. they respected him. they honored him. >> joe kennedy dies with his family marred in scandal. ted must now seek redemption.
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the scandal throws the kennedys political ambitions into disarray. >> there was always from the very beginning a plan, and the plan was jfk was first, bobby was next and then ted.
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but deep down inside i think ted didn't feel that he was worthy of picking up the mantle. >> you will not reconsider the decision. >> absolutely not. ever. >> that's a long time. >> you have the expectation that that's what you're supposed to do because everyone around you puts you into that narrative. so it's almost that narrative on steroids. >> what would have to happen for you to make up your mind within. >> i have to precise time frame. >> the time was never right for him. it put him out in '72. '76 jimmy carter came on the scene. >> in 1973 ted and joan's eldest son edward jr. is diagnosed with cancer. his leg has to be amputated. >> that's when ted kennedy found his mission in life, which had to deal with health care reform.
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>> he felt so outraged that people could be dismissed simply because they didn't have the financeso get life-saving care. >> as long a have a voice in the united stat senate, it's going. to be for that democratic platform that provides decent quality of health care for all americans as a matter of right and not of privilege. >> he began to devote himself to that cause. but there was still a feeling that he would run for president one day. >> after 16 years in the senate, ted sees his chance to aim for the white house. >> 1979 is an extraordinarily important moment in the history of united states. you have the after effects of the islamic revolution in iran. americans are taken hostage in tehran. unbelievable humiliation. >> the situation worsened today. >> there was inflation. the american economy wasn't
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doing very well. >> i ask congress to give me authority for standby. gasoline rationing. >> the president looked weak. the democratic party looked weak. >> the time was right for ted kennedy because the liberal democrats have soured on jimmy carter. and they are really ready for a restoration of the kennedy dynasty. but it's important to remember kennedy would be up against a formidable challenge. he's trying to unseat sitting president of his own party. >> the family is mixed on teddy running for president in 1980. >> joan believed that ted did have a lot to offer and she still loved him. but at this point, they were separated. >> his mother did not want him to run for fear that he would be assassinated. but once he made the decision,
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they were all in. >> ted prepares to launch his campaign. he appears on national television interviewed in front of millions by roger mud. >> i was standing just feet away as roger mud began his interview with kennedy. >> senator, can you tell me are you optimistic about the future of this country? >> i would say that i'm hopeful about the future. basically optimistic about it. >> he begins by asking pretty simple questions throwing softballs really. but all of a sudden, mud asks the key question. >> why do you want to be president? >> well -- >> he stammers and he stumbles and he fails really to even complete his sentence. >> reasons i would run is because i have a great belief in this country that it is --
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there's more natural resources than any nation of the world. >> what's wrong with this guy? he can't figure out why he wants to run for president. why should we vote for him. >> the burden to succeed was crushing. it was crippling to be a kennedy running for president after his brothers. so i think he just felt overwhelmed by that. >> this country is is not prepared to sound retreat. it is willing to make a stand and so am i. >> even though kennedy goes on to fight a spirited battle, he never overcomes this stumble right out of the blocks. >> when ted arrives at the democratic national convention, he's trailing so far behind carter that he's left with no choice but to concede. >> for me, a few hours ago this
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campaign came to an end. for all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives and the dream shall never die. >> it is one of the great eest political speeches of all time. if he had given 1% of that, 1% of that as the answer to roger mud at the beginning of the campaign, he might well become president of the united states. >> ted kennedy's presidential ambition. s are over. his marriage to joan has ded.en ted devotes the reagan years to working in the senate. >> i will not be a candidate for the presidency of the united states in 1984. >> it's clear to everyone, including to him, that he will never have another opportunity to run for the presidency. so the baton passes to the next
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generation. >> over a quarter century ago, my father stood before you to accept the nomination for the presidency of the united states. >> john jr. clearly by participating in the 1988 convention has to know that once you embrace the public role as the son of the martyred john f. kennedy, people are going to ask, where does this lead? well it's a perfect nespresso morning here, george. hold on a second. mmm. ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift? ♪ where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ have a nice ride. ♪ how far would you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else?
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♪ ♪ ♪ olly. ever since he was a boy, john f. kennedy jr. has been seen as the heir apparent to the kennedy thrown. >> john kennedy jr. becomes an icon on the very day he turned 3 years old, the day of his father's funeral. because his mother leaned over and said to him and said you can salute daddy now and say good-bye to him. that's how the american people saw him. he would replace his father some day. >> jackie kennedy gave her children two conflicting lega legaci
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legacies. one was to protect your privacy. the other was exploit your celebrity. >> i knew her as a fabulous and devoted mother. she said if you mess up raising your children, nothing else you do in life much matters. >> jfk jr. has his mother and father's charge charm. he lacks their ambition. >> his uncle thought about his political future than he did. john never wanted it to define him. >> we met at university. i lived with him for two years off campus. everything he did was under the microscope, good and bad, successes and failures. >> when law school graduate john jr. fails his bar exams, it's head line news. >> i'll be back here in july ask s a it then or pass it the next time or when i'm 95. >> he was annoyed by the press. he went to great lengths to. keep his marriage to caroline a
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secret and marry on an isolated coast off the island off the coast of georgia. >> jackie does not live to see her son marry. she dies of cancer in may 1994 at the age of 64. >> the paparazzi were outs there and everybody was jumping all over him. i just remember screaming at one point, get away, it's his mother. give the guy a break. >> jackie had married a greek shipping management and widowed for a second time. she chose to be buried at arlington national cemetery beside her first husband jack. >> jackie kennedy will always be rememberedor h courage in the wake of the assassination of her husband and how by that courage she helped to pull the united states together as well as, i think, to pull together
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the world. >> but after bobby's death, she was feeling that her children were next. she said they are coming after ken dis, my children are targets. >> jackie kennedy's decision to pull her family out of the limelight certainly protected them. one of the unintended consequences was that when they got. older, there was a real fascination about them. >> ladies and gentlemen, meet george. >> in 1995 john jr. chooses his own route into politics. he launches a magazine that combines politics with celebrity culture. >> george, named after the first president, is designed to be the rolling stone of politics. >> he wanted to prove to himself through his own effort and work he could do something that would be considered successful on its own without having being given to him through his background, his name, et cetera. >> i don't think i have seen as many of you in one place since they announced the results of my
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first bar exam, so it's nice to see you all again. >> this is the cover with cindy crawford and inside there's an article madonna. >> it' pubshing and its polics which his father would have loved. it's all there on a silver platter. >> when jfk jr. started "george" mag seen everybody b snickered it would fail. it was pretty clever. in many ways he said i can be a leader of people. by embracing public life as the founder of "george" magazine, john jr. fuels speculation he might finally run for office. >> the clear sentiment he received from unions, media figures was that, yeah, this is your time. >> that sure sounds like you haven't given up the notion of maybe going into politics.
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>> maybe, maybe not. >> come on, john. >> no one has ever asked me that question before. >> i'm so original, aren't i? >> in 1999 john jr. pilots his own plane to his custom's wedding on cape cod. with him are his sister-in-law lauren and his wife caroline. >> he had only been flying solo for a relatively short time. he was late in leaving. it became dark as he flew from the new york city area. >> my team from cnn called me to say that john kennedy's plane is missing. i was beside myself, like all his friends, all his family. >> search and rescue units marshalled all their resources. >> after a five-day search, navy divers recover three bodies coast of martha's vineyard.e
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the ashes of john, caroline and lauren are scattered at sea. a private memorial mass is held in new york. >> it seems to fall to ted kennedy he must eulogize everyone who is taken too soon. >> i think the most difficult moment of that funeral service was teddy's final eulogy when he said john had every gift but length of years. that single line encapsulated the tragedy on a personal level, but also what a tragedy it was for what could have been for the country. ♪ come to my window ♪ ohh ♪ crawl inside
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♪ wait by the light of the moon ♪ applebee's to go. order online and get $10 off $30. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. ♪ come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly away. ♪ as a meteor headsnderway toward the metro area. go, go, go, go, go! we can fit more! there's still more room! we gotta go.
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now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. at the dawn of the new millennium, ted continues to carry the hopes and ambitions of the kennedys. >> i yield to no one in my commitment in that area. >> some call him king of the hill, with a hand in every big issue, child care, health care, civil rights within minimum wage, arms control. >> his legislative record is legendary. >> when is the justice department going to get tough on white collar criminals. >> he figures out a way to build bridges across impossible capitalisms of race and party and class. >> say to my friends in the republican party, welcome to the
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debate on education. >> they consider him one of the great liberal legislators of all time. >> finally we're talking about health care. >> the lion of the senate. he looked like one, hair like one. but more importantly he was so thoughtful. >> this is the irishman, who loves people, loves to tell a story. the politician who is at the top of his game. >> with barack obama we'll finally make health care what it should be in america, a fundamental right for all, not just an expensive privilege for the few. >> ted does not live to realize his dream of universal health care. in august 2009 at age 77, he dies of brain cancer. he is survived by his second wife vicki, first wife joan and three children. ted had served as a senator from massachusetts for nearly 47
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years. >> the greatest expectations were placed upon ted kennedy's shoulders because of who he was. but he surpassed them all because of who he became. >> seven months after ted's death, his great cause, the affordable care act, passes into law. >> it was something very inspirational to take my father's ultimate dream that we have coverage for everybody and actually embed it into the laws of this nation. >> he not only was -- was a powerful the most powerful senator of his time. he was a grandfather figure to many of us. we miss him. >> ted began life as the youngest child of joseph and rose kennedy. he ended it as the head of a dynasty with over 100 family
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members. the matriarch ted's mother rose died at the age of 104. >> rose kennedy does not get mere due, her ability to infuse the exact right combination of competition and compassion. there is no precedent in a democratic society for what she created, this royal family. >> some people enjoy a life that's normal and mediocre. other people respond to challenges and adventure attainment. that's what we are. >> rose lived long enough to see generation after generation of kennedys served their country. >> today all of you young athletes are in the arena. >> eunice founded the special olympics jean helped bring peace
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to northern ireland. >> jack and jackie's daughter caroline became the u.s. ambassador to japan. >> i'm also proud to carry forward my father's ligcy of public zbloofrs you have joseph kennedy ii, bobby and ethyl's oldest son serving a number of terms in congress, along with sousin patrick. kathleen kennedy townsend was the mayor of you have a launch of another political career in illinois. >> it would not be possible to write a complete history of modern america without talking about the kennedys and the contribution that they made. >> but let us not forget they were not angels. >> when asked by the newspaperman this afternoon what the chances were of apiecement. >> they had all sorts of flaws, some of them very serious flaws. >> they have had more than their share of scandals and done some terrible things. >> some might think it right for me to resign.
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>> but then there are the moments of greatness. >> we choose to go to the moon and do the other thing not because they are easy but because they are hard. >> and they inspired us. to do things we might not have otherwise done. >> we are so fortunate that they lived, that they served, and that even today so many years later they continue to inspire a whole new generation of people to get involved. >> thank you. thank you. >> i think if any of the succeeding generations will rise to the heights of the jack kennedy generation it could be joseph, patrick kennedy iii, the grands of rert kennedy, who is aember of congress now. >> i stand here today, the proud son of irish immigrants to deliver a message to immigrant families. we understand your willingness to walk to the ends of the earth to navigate oceans and mountains and deserts and war zones
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because every arndt parent would do the same. when we know what you riflkd to give a better future, what you sacrificed to be part of our united states. >> this guy could bring the country together. this sort of big hearted liberalism that's about everybody together and up we go, that you haven't seen for a very long time. so anybody who thinks that the kennedy story stops with teddy kennedy, yeah, you don't know the kennedys. these guys are going to be around a long time. >> if a new generation of kennedys can come through who think more about what they can give to their country than what they can take for themselves, that is really important to paraphrase president kennedy's inauguration. >> and so my fellow americans, ask not what your country can do for you. ask what you can do for your country. my fellow citizens of the world, ask not what america will do for
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you but what together we can do for the freedom of man. one of the most powerful men on earth, holds a position that has existed for nearly 2,000 years. as the world changes and faith evolves, his authority remains. what began with one apostle has become 1.2 billion followers under one man. he is the head of the catholic church, the pope. and this is his path to power.


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