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tv   New Day Saturday  CNN  April 21, 2018 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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then again, dreaming is how i got this far. now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. north korea announcing it will stop conducting nuclear tests. >> the first time that the president of the united states and north korean leader are going to sit down face to face. >> he needs cash. that means he's got to talk through trump. >> all it is is a freeze of something that kim jong-un has already proven he can do. michael cohen is going to flip on this president, and he knows where the bodies are buried or at least many of them. >> i asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with the reporter. >> the fact that he arranged for these memos to be leaked and thought they were classified raises serious questions about his judgment and his integrity.
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she truly believes that she'll be wonderfully received in the arms of a loving god and, therefore, did not fear death. good morning to you. after decades of name-calling, threats of destruction, and defiant rocket launches, this morning an unexpected pledge from north korea could finally bring a diplomatic breakthrough. >> kim jong-un says his regime is stopping nuclear and missile tests. this is an announcement that shocked world leaders. it's already being praised by some of the country's toughest critics. it's worth noting what is not in this pledge. let's be clear -- no mention of short-range missile tests, no promises to let weapons inspectors into the country or good nig get rid of the warheads it
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already has. but a significant step forward before the meetings in north korea. >> ivan, u.s. officials are cautiously optimistic this morning. it's worth noting that kim jong-un could have many different motives here. >> reporter: that's right. but it is still a remarkable announcement that the north korean government made after a meeting of its workers party, and it spelled out six points that were apparently made unilaterally, yes, that it would suspend its nuclear weapons tests. it would suspend its intercontinental ballistic missile tests. and that it would discard, in their words, the nuclear test facility in the north of the country where last september north korea conducted its most recent, its sixth and most powerful nuclear weapons test which it claimed was a hydrogen bomb explosion. so yes, a remarkable
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announcement there. and seemingly an olive branch coming from pyongyang about six days before the north korean leader will meet for the first time with the president of south korea, moon jae-in, in a one-day summit that is expected to take place in the so-called peace village along the demilitarized zone. now the announcement that these nuclear weapons tests and the intercontinental ballistic missile launches would be suspended was made in companion with another announcement that north korea has accomplished nuclear weaponization. in fact, that north korea had the miniaturization and lightening of nuclear weapons. so there's an interesting announcement that comes here. this isn't the first time that north korea's declared itself to the world as a nuclear-armed nation. that seems to be the rationale that kim jong-un is using to make the argument, hey, we don't
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need to make test bombs anymore because we've got them, we can put them on the tip of intercontinental ballistic missiles, and we can use them should we feel the need to do so. victor and christi? >> thank you very much. president trump is calling this good news for north korea and the world. abby phillip joins us live from florida where the president's staying right now. president trump also says he's looking forward to meeting with the dictator. what do we know about that? >> reporter: well, good morning. president trump seems to be pushing toward the meeting pretty aggressively, especially in light of the latest developments. his two tweets last night lauded north korea for their announcement. he called it, as you said, very good news for north korea and the world. big progress. he said he's looking forward to our summit. he added in a second message a note from north korea's kim jong-un as repeateding that they will stop nuclear tests and launches of intercontinental
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ballistic missiles. he calls that progress being made for all. but there are still, as ivan pointed out, a lot of unanswered questions about this. will this amount to anything substantially, especially for u.s. allies, japan, and south korea, in particular in this last week. president trump spent two days meeting with the japanese prime minister on this very subject, one of the big issues that the japanese raised were prisoners who were -- japanese prisoners who were being held in north korea and beyond that, they want assurances that this isn't just a stopping of missile tests but a ridding of the continent of nuclear missiles and also short-range missiles, as well. president trump sent his cia director a few weeks ago to north korea to meet with kim jong-un in a secret easter weekend meeting. in that meeting, president trump said they developed a good rapport, he has been urging his advisers to get the meeting on
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the books by early june. he's aware that talks about this could be key to his political legacy. this is something he's been focused on and uncing advisers -- urging advisers to get it done because he thinks it could be a huge political victory for him. >> abby phillip in west palm beach, florida. thank you. president trump says that he is the reason that north korea's willing to negotiate now after decades of failed talks. there's growing evidence that the tough sanctions against the regime are also causing serious problems for the north korean people. >> north korean factories have closed, fishermen have deserted their boats, even the military is low on resources. smugglers are having to find elaborate ways to get goods in and out of countries. and foreign workers in places like china have been sent home.
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>> gordon chang of "new york showdown" and reporter for "the daily beast," good morning to you. the president is approaching this meeting with cautious optimism. what is your degree of optimism? >> i'm fairly optimistic. there's something new in this, that is the north koreans when they negotiate with the international community rarely put concessions up front. that's what they've done here. now one of the old things, though, is that kim jong-un's father, the father of the current ruler, did something very similar in 2008 when he detonated the cooling tower for his only reactor. that was in 2008. in 2009, they walked away from the party denuclearization talks. there was a wave of optimism followed by the pessimism. we could see sort of the same thing. nonetheless, the fact that he's -- kim jong-un, the ruler now, is willing to make this
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concession, i think really says that the north korean bargaining is quite weak. that's a good sign. >> how does this change any face-to-face meeting he may have with president trump? what does president trump go into this meeting with, in other words, and what does he get out of? i apologize -- we have lost gordon chang. we'll -- >> he's back. >> you back? can you hear me? >> i can hear you. >> i'm sorry. so let me ask you again quickly, how does this change the meeting that he will have face to face with president trump? does it change the president's intentions and what he gets out of kim jong-un from that meeting? >> certainly. what it does is it sets a good to know to this. and at least it establishes a pathway for further progress. kim jong-un is not going to want to make other concessions. nonetheless, i think there's a momentum. and it's clear not just from u.s. pressure but pressure from elsewhere that will force kim in
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a direction he does not want to go. >> you tweeted after the announcement that kim thinks he's playing us, but it really doesn't matter. how so? >> well, because there is now this momentum of events. remember, we've had one significant announcement after another recently. there's the one about the peace treaty and things that occurred before. and that is now, i think creating this wave. it's going to carry kim but of course also kim jong-un, i mean president trump and the japanese and the chinese. and so we have now a very interesting situation. this is one of those times i think when history's going to be made. >> there are still three americans being held prisoner in north korea. and at the end of the day, kim jong-un did not promise -- we went through the things he didn't promise. he didn't promise he was dismantling the program. he said the program was complete. how do you balance those things knowing that he probably has a
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stockpile there that he could put into use? >> the purpose of negotiations with kim will be to make sure that he gives up the stockpile and that there will be the strictest rules ever. we know there are stockpiles the north koreans are holding. there may be a fourth. a man who disappeared in china and believed to be in pyongyang. we also need an accounting from the kim regime to make sure it's only the three that they're holding. there are the japanese abductees that have become a hot political issue and south koreans snatched by the regime, as well. there's a lot on the agenda here. just because we've got progress in one area doesn't mean we'll have progress in the other. >> in is not the first, as you detailed, the first promise from north korea. we'll see if they hold to this one. thank you very much for being with us.
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>> thank you, sir. >> thank you. coming up, president trump hints robert mueller's russia probe is illegitimate because it's based on leaked, as he says, classified information. what might that mean for the future of the investigation? our legal expert, michael moore, helping us make sense of that next. also, later this morning, wolf blitzer will be hosting our special coverage as former first lady barbara bush is laid to rest in houston. president trump not attending. he is staying at his florida golf course while melania trump will be representing the first family there at that memorial and funeral. our guests later this hour, author of "barbara bush: presidential matriarch." he's got tidbits you may not have known about her coming up in the next hour. also, she was clark kent's friend on the tv show "smallville." hear what investigators say she was involved with. you won't believe this. stay with us.
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welcome back. quarter after the hour. president trump made a pretty stunning claim in a tweet last night casting doubt on the legitimacy of the mueller investigation. here's the tweet -- "james comey illegally leaked classified documents to the press in order to generate a special critical, "-- council," not ours, "it was based on an illegal act. really? does everybody know what that means?" joining us, michael moore, former attorney for the middle district of georgia. from the president's perspective and your perspective, what does that mean? >> i think it's rich that he's talking about whether or not there's been information leaked especially after he met with the russians in the oval office.
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i don't think necessary a great deal of importance on whether or not or how the special counsel at this point came about. i mean, there's been an account, it's been authorized. and remember, this is a followup to basically what all of our intelligence agencies said about russia meddling in the election. there could have been a special counsel appointed under a number of circumstances. at this point i think this is another example of the president simply getting excited about something and trying to cast doubt both on the investigators and the investigation. that's what he's done really from the beginning. the way that he's tried to come about and boost his own credibility is to attack the people working against him. >> no question that comey leaked memos. he leaked those intentionally so they would get to "the new york times," so that there would be a special counsel. he was successful there. the illegality, that's been looked into by the inspector general of justice. >> that's right. there's an oig review that will take its own course, and there will be a decision made at the end of the day about that. what's interesting, too, is you remember last week we were
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talking about whether or not the president was a target of an investigation. >> subject versus target -- >> right. he's come in and said, i'm not a target, i'm cleared. you would think that if he believed that he wasn't a target and had nothing to hide, he would be thrilled that we were looking into finding out what happened and how russia was allowed to meddle into the investigation because he would think he wasn't in jeopardy. he seems to be fascinated with the idea that somehow these going to get -- he's going to get pulled in and maybe is in jeopardy. >> let's talk about the other case that sources tell cnn that the president is consumed by. stormy daniels and karen mcdougal's former lawyer, keith davidson, cooperating with the federal probe into michael cohen's activities which would leave cohen's -- president trump's attorney facing a very tough decision. either he cooperates with federal authorities over the work he did for the president including pay stormy daniels money to keep her alleged affair with the president quiet, or he ends up facing time in prison if he's convicted here. first let's get to the significance of keith david --
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davidson, participating and cooperating with the investigation. >> i mean, this is going to tell maybe some of the inner workings of what went on in discussions about how to keep information quiet, who was involved, who knew about it, whether or not the president had been involved. i'm sure there have been discussions back and forth between davidson and cohen. and it's just a matter of time before those come out. one thing about cohen that i will tell you, when people get on there and talk about i'm never going to flip, i'm never going to talk, i'm never -- >> take a bullet for the president. >> that's right, take a bullet. those are the ones you may as well bar the door at the courthouse. there's the movie "flipper" about the dolphin. he could be in the sequel. he's going to be the next flipper. it's just a matter of time. you see it in his eyes. he's ready to go, and he's not going to prison to protect the president. he's got a family. he's not going to incur significant legal costs or put his family in jeopardy over the president. the president likes loyalty to him, but it's not reciprocated all the time. >> stormy daniels' attorney,
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michael avenatti, tweeted that while michael cohen said he would take a bullet for the president, he wouldn't take a water balloon for the president. let me take from -- here's the tweet from avenatti, "from your perspective, the president we know according to the report is apopletic about the rate." >> he seemed fascinated with what the officials got from his office. that means cohen knows the inner strengths and things that we don't yet know. my guess is that's why he's agitate good it. i think you -- agitated about it. i think you can look at the president and see that he's feeling the weight of the investigation and possibility that cohen may have things to say. >> one more on the russia investigation. the "washington post" reporting that the attorney general, jeff sessions, has made it clear to white house counsel don mcghan that if the president were to fire rosenstein, deputy a.g., that that would put him in a
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position where he would have to consider resigning. >> you know, i think sessions is in a unique spot. that is that he probably doesn't want the weight of this investigation back somehow on him. he's recused from it. but he would have to have somebody come up through the ranks in a line of succession to acting -- to fill in rosenstein's slot as an acting position. and often they talk about bringing in another deputy attorney general. sessions is probably backing away. i don't know if it was meant as much of a threat to the president as much as it was let's keep things status quo. as long as it's likely -- we've got some -- some degree of control over what's going on. rosenstein has held the line as the case has moved forward. he's taken a lot of the wrath off of sessions, the president now on to rosenstein and wanting to talk about whether or not he's going to get rid of him and things that have been done. >> yeah. >> again, i think this is sessions' way of saying i don't want this thing. i don't need it back in my life. >> all right. michael moore, thank you very much. >> good to see you. well, president trump's
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campaign calls a new lawsuit filed by democrats a desperate sham. next, why the president says it could be good news. also, a private funeral planned later today for former first lady barbara bush. from her profound work in literacy to her role as a mother and wife to former president george h.w. bush, of course, we are remembering her and her legacy. we have surprising stories about her coming up. hi, kids! i'm carl and i'm a broker. do you offer $4.95 online equity trades? great question. see, for a full service brokerage like ours, that's tough to do. schwab does it. next question. do you offer a satisfaction guarantee? a what now? a satisfaction guarantee. like schwab does. what are you teaching these kids? ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs, backed by a satisfaction guarantee. if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab.
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welcome back. good to have you here. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. good saturday to you. president trump's campaign is dismissing the new lawsuit filed by the democratic party along with the trump campaign. the sue -- the suit targets wikileaks and more saying they worked with russia to disrupt the 2016 election. >> trump's campaign manager calls it a sham lawsuit and desperate ploy to raise money. the president tweeted this -- this can be good news in that we will now counter for the dnc server that they refused to give to the fbi. former attorney general eric holder tweeted in response to the lawsuit, auto if the positi party refuses to protect our democracy, democrats must win.
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julian zelizer joins us, thank you for being here. the "washington post" points out a similar tactic worked for democrats in the watergate area. the suit was denounced at the time by nixon's attorney general, john mitchell, who called it a case of shear democrat grabry by the dnc. the civil -- demagoguery by the dnch dnc. the civil settlement reached on the day in 1974 that he left office. is there a parallel? >> back then the democrats were conducting the investigation into the nixon administration on many fronts. you had the lawsuit such as, this the congressional investigations, the prosecutor. that's where the similarity is. the difference, of course, is right now this weak congressional investigation. it's unclear if this lawsuit on
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its own will manifest the same way the watergate lawsuit did. >> kelly jayne with us now. what was your initial reaction when you heard about the plaut? >> my first reaction was the democrats must be very confident about how they'll do in the midterms this fall because for them to be spending their donors' money on high-powered lawyers. i was surprised. they think the resources in an important election year, that they don't need to spend them on candidates and elections. they're going to spend it on lawyers. i'm surprised by that. during a call with big democrats, at least one democrat on the call expressed the sentiment, wondering, hey, why are you spending our money on this rather than the candidates? and i think that we may be seeing a little bit of unrest at lower levels with the democrats
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worried that this is not a good use of our resources. >> into the next question for you, julian. the "washington post"/abc poll this week said that -- that showed the democratic advantage in the midterms is dwindling a bit. it was at 4% over republicans. still over republicans. however, since january they've lost eight points. it was at 12 points in terms of the gap between republicans and democrats. now again, this is among registered voters in a generic congressional ballot. is there a possibility then when you look at the intentions for the lawsuit that they are trying to taint the republican party going into midterms? >> it might be part of the strategy. i mean, we also have to remember there's a lot of good indications of a wave election for democrats including the large number of retirements from the gop. i'm not sure the lawsuit is a strategic effort to excite democrats by bringing back the problems of 2016. they don't really need the lawsuit to do that.
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that's already on the front pages. i think part of this is lingering anger, concern, and fear about what might happen in the future election. i do think democrats have a danger. they have to keep their eye on the ball. they have to remember now it's midterm time. it's not simply about what happened two years earlier. >> soqu -- so kelly jane, would the dnc be able to investigate in their own investigation prior to mueller's? >> i'm skeptical. you think robert mueller has an incredible team. these are people very experienced in conducting these kind of investigations. and they have a subpoena power and the threat of jail time which is certainly, you know, yeah, the -- this lawsuit you can threaten someone with depositions and, hey, we're going to have discovery. but that's nothing compared with the threat of jail time. i do think that, you know, it's about money, i think. i mean, they're looking for
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damages here. although of course julian assange, wikileaks, and the russian federation are certainly, even if they -- if the democrats won, they're not going to be getting money from the people. it seems that it is a distraction from mueller's investigation. and i certainly hope it doesn't make it any harder for those investigators to do their job. >> so julian, with that said, how does this affect president trump at the end of the day? >> i don't think this has a big effect on president trump. the investigation, the scandal, it's all out there. i don't think this will add to it. i think robert mueller is a much bigger threat on the legal front than the case will be. and you know, the real absence of any strong investigation now, again, is in congress. this adds a little, but i don't think it profoundly defines him. president trump revels in this story, in this kind of debate. he's totally comfortable with it in many ways. >> well, and i want to shift to
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what's happened overnight with north korea. kelly jane, we of course have kim jong-un saying -- i want to read this from the north korean official -- said kim jong-un has completed the nuclear program, and no further nuclear tests are necessary, nor mid-range and intercontinental ballistic missile tests and nuclear test site in north korea near the chinese border has completed its mission and will likely be closed. do you believe kim jong-un? kelly jane? >> i do not. and keep in mind that, you know, people saying, oh, north korea is stopping nuclear tests. no, they're suspending them. they have given no time frame how long they'll suspend them. he didn't spend all this money in creating it -- in spending the money he knew he would face sanctions that would harm the country financially. he didn't do all that work to then throw it all away.
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i hope the people in the state department that are preparing for this meeting are very, very careful about what they decide to give north korea in exchange. >> julian who is credited with getting to this point with kim jong-un, however? i have to say, will ripley who is there for cnn, has just some unprecedented access that we've never seen to north korea before. he said he was actually stunned by what happened overnight, by the announcement from kim jong-un and from north korea. with that said, who gets credit for getting to this point? president trump? could it possibly be pompeo, economic sanction, collaboration of all? >> i'm sure that president trump will try to take credit. and if this moves forward into some kind of agreement, he will be able to get that credit. we don't know if that's going to happen. my knows is that it's like the collapse of -- if this turns into something, it's a little
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like what happened with the soviet union in the mid 1980s. a lot of it's from internal pressures within the country. it might involve pressure from other countries such as china, and it's not clear to me that president trump would have been the instigator in getting this to take place. if an agreement takes place, he will be able to benefit from this happening even if he wasn't the cause. >> all right. kelly jane, julian zelizer, always appreciate both of you. thank you. this morning, three former u.s. presidents and hundreds of others are expected at the private funeral for former first lady barbara bush. a look at her life and legacy with myra gutierrezen, author of "barbara bush: presidential mate right-to-wo remark -- matriarch."
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i think there's something wrong with your sink. quite a life there. a funeral for former first lady barbara bush will begin in a few hours. hundreds expected to attend at st. martin's episcopal church in houston. >> president trump will not attend in order to avoid disruptions. first lady melania trump will attend on behalf of the first family m family. thousands visited the church yesterday for a public viewing while ms. bush laid in repose there. former president george h.w. bush alongside his daughter dorothy greeted mourners as they paid their respects. >> let's talk to myra gutierrezen, modern first lady historian and author of "barbara bush: presidential matriarch." you've been writing about her for 15 years.
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thank you for being here. you've had conversations with her and known her on a level that we will never know, tell us something about her that maybe we wouldn't know otherwise. >> i think it's been discussed that she had sense a nice sense of rumor. wry, dry. when i first met her she r reprimanded he for writing something about her she said just wasn't true. she said, you need to get your facts straight. i said, mrs. bush, i do apologize, i'll take care of that for you. >> what was it? >> let's just say it had something to dochil child-rearing practices. i wrote that she yelled at her children, and she said, i never did that. >> sensitive topic -- >> sounded like she got the mama
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tone with you. >> yeah. she wanted me to -- she wanted to be straight with me and wanted me to get it right. >> you wrote a biography about first lady barbara bush. but you also wrote a book about first ladies across the 20th century. how did she change the role of the first lady? >> i don't think that she brought substantive change to the role of first lady. what she did bring to it was continuity at a time when continuity was really important. remember that her predecessor was nancy reagan, and nancy reagan was combative and at times in odds with people in the administration and in the press. barbara bush was a breath of fresh air. >> i see you wearing pearls. >> yes, i am. >> something that barbara bush was known for, her pearls did.
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she talk about that, her love for them, why she had such an affinity for the jewelry? >> i know that she once quipped that she wore them to hide her wrinkles. i think they were just a fashion statement she made and wore them for many years. >> while we're on the topic of the iconic pearls, white hair, the matriarchal image and her role in the family, how does that correspond with the image of the -- the enforcer we're heard about? >> her public image was as a grandma. as you said, with gray hair and pearls. but to the family, she could be stern and could be the enforcer as all of her children have said. i think we should always remember that she enforced with love. she really care good her kids.
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i know that she also care good people who worked in the white house and brought that enforcing to the white house. >> i know that you said she was known for her common sense and was fiercely protective of her family. how did she manage that while he was in the white house? everybody knows that when you're a public figure there is a scrutiny that goes with that that can be -- it can be vile, it can be brutal. he did she balance all of that? >> well, i think that she had raised her family and history relationship with the -- her relationship with the president was that they understood there was a certain amount of criticism. i know the president would counsel mrs. bush to try to let it go by. she had trouble with that, and it bothered her. i don't think she procedure tried a lot of -- portrayed a lot of that to the public.
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we'll never know exactly how she felt about it, but she was fiercely protective of her children, her husband. she really didn't like criticism of any of them. >> speaking of her children, there was one nicknamed the fifth son. here is first lady barbara bush talking about her relationship with former president bill clinton. >> my husband, bill clinton, and i have become againgreat friend. bill visits every summer. we don't agree political, but we don't talk politics. i think that he thinks of george a little bit like the father he didn't have. and he's very loving to him. and i really appreciate that. i love bill clinton, maybe his politics, but i love bill clinton. >> that might surprise this people considering -- put that in the context of the political environment we're in today. that these two families had this affinity for one another.
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>> it's really been interesting to wash the bushes and clintons develop the friendship that they have. i really do believe there's bush when she says she really loved bill clinton. he was very solicitous of her. if you look at today's preliminary climate, i guess we would wonder if such relationships could be possible because the political rhetoric is at such a high level that people become combative. some of the things that are said in the context of politicaltuate a -- political debate are hard to take back. with the bushes and clintons, they were able to dial things down and walk balk. -- and walk back. it was a friendship between them. >> i wanted the clintons will be at her funeral today. >> yes, she will. >> thank you for being with us. simple goodness
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it's hard to get all the daily that's why i love fiber choice. it has the fiber found in many fruits and vegetables, all in a tasty, chewable tablet. fiber choice... the smart choice. an actress best known for her role in "smallville" has been arrested in connection to a sex cult. >> allison mack played clark kent's friend chloe. in real life, she's accused of helping an alleged sex cult called nxivm and forcing members to have sex with the leaders. we have more from wpix. i don't want you to be caught offguard. there are disturbing details that may not be -- may not be -- >> suitable for kids. >> proper for children. clark? i really missed you. >> reporter: she played clark kent's best friend on "smallville," chloe sullivan, the brainy editor of the school
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newspaper. a hero on the show. she's now in a heap of trouble in real life. she was arraigned in federal court on charges of sex trafficking and forced labor. a far cry from the interview she gave pix 11. >> to honor my character and what my character has done for women in iconic positions. >> reporter: she is part of a sex cult called nxivm, recruiting women and helped turn them into sex slaves for the founder, keith ranier, recently arrested and mack's co-deficit. in the website -- co-defendant. in the website he posted "there is no merit to the allegations." ♪ one of the alleged victims in this cult is the daughter of actress catherine oxenberg best known for "dynasty." a friend of the oxenberg family spoke about the ordeal they've been going through. >> and she's deeply upset.
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her family's torn apart. she loves her daughter. she wants her daughter to come home. >> reporter: the cult is based in upstate new york, but authorities say it also has a presence in brooklyn. prosecutors allege nxivm operates under the guise of a secret self-help organization that empowers women. instead, they were turned into sex slaves for ranier, and his initials were branded on to their bodies. choice words for mack -- >> i want to see her put away. she's dangerous. she's sick, she's evil. she's dark and she's done harm to many people. imagine having your initials burned into a woman's body. that's happened. >> we'll continue to follow this. thank you to our affiliate, wpix, for the report. ahead, north korea hits at least pause on its nuclear program and says it's done testing missiles in what's seen as a major concession before an historic summit with the u.s. why would kim jong-un apparently
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give up so much before he even sits down with the president? first, in tonight's cnn original series, christiane amanpour, she returns to china to talk about how the societal constraints of tradition and family influence sexual relationships and identity on one of most rapidly developing cities on the planet. >> for years, marriage and relationships here have been controlled by three sacred pillars -- family, tradition, and state. i'm curious to find out to what extent people are taking back control of their relationships. their love. their desire. and their sexuality. >> cnn original series "sex and love around the world" airs tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn.
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great, another dead end. sarge, i just got a tip that'll crack this case wide open! turns out the prints at the crime scene- awwwww...did mcgruffy wuffy get a tippy wippy? i'm serious! we gotta move fast before- who's a good boy? is him a good boy? erg...i'm just gonna go. oh, you wanna go outside? you gotta go tinky poo-poo? i already went, ok? in the bathroom! as long as people talk baby-talk to dogs,
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you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. bolivia has latin america's highest rate of sexual violence against women. >> a woman gained the courage to break her silence and in the process discovered her strength to take on an even larger mission. meet brissa. >> i found out that i wasn't alone. there were tons of girls also being sexually abused. i had to do something. i had to use the rest of my life to prevent other girls from going from what i went through. i think the biggest thing is
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giving the voice back to girls and allowing them to speak up. >> at age 17, brissa founded the first support center? bolivia for child survivors of sexual abuse. to learn more about her and the incredible work she's doing, go to while you're there, nominate someone you think would be a cnn hero. we'd love to meet them. north korea announcing it will stop conducting nuclear tests. >> the first time that the president of the united states and north korean leader are going to sit down face to face. >> he needs care. that means he's got to talk through trump. >> all it is is a freeze of something kim jong-un proved he can do. michael cohen knows where the bodies are buried or at least many of them. >> i asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with the reporter. >> the fact that he arranged for the memos to be leaked and thought that they were


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