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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  April 23, 2018 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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killkilled four people inside restaurap restaurant befost him. together again. donald trump and emmanuel macron wiwilr wiwill reunitw hoursp also th also this wp why owhy one manp >> wp why owhy one ma has been international airport for more than a month. i'm cyril vanier. >> i'm natalie allen and this is cnn "newsroom." a massive man hunt is under way in the u.s. state of tennessee, after a gunman opened fire in a gunman killing four people. this happened early sunday morning in a waffle house just outside of nashville. the gunman, who was barely clothed at the type was armed with an assault-type rifle. his motive is still unknown. >> look at the suspect. this is the man people are looking for.
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he's 29 years old, his name is travis reinking. the tennessee bureau of investigation has added him to his ten most wanted list and they believe he may still be armed and dangerous. the bureau has also released a newer photo of him. they said when he fled is seen he went to his apartment and may have escaped into the woods. >> authorities in morton, iowa are still on alert, where he used to live. >> police are praising the heroics of one of the patrons there, james shaw jr. wrestled the assault rifle away from the gunman. he was burned on his right hand when he grabbed the barrel of the gun. he describes how everything went
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down. >> i was waiting for a moment that he was going to give me, and he gave me that moment. he gave me that moment when he put the barrel -- the barrel of the gun was aimed down and then i just -- i just had to kind of go for it and i went for it, and i ran through the door. it worked out for me. so it worked out for me. >> probably saved more lives, too. diane gallagher is in antioch, just outside of nashville, she has more on the gunman and his past. >> reporter: the question that so many people here in tennessee have today is why? police say that 29-year-old travis reinking came to this waffle house behind me just after 3:00 a.m. central time on sunday morning and walked out of his truck completely nude, wearing a green jacket, armed with an ar-15 and opened fire killing two people in the parking lot and then went into the restaurant killing two
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others. he injured four additional people and police say had it not been for one man they're calling a hero it could have been much worse. they say that james shaw jr. ran to the bathroom when he heard the shots and he says he decided it's fight or flight, i have to do something. he tackled the shooter was able to get the gun away from him and pushed him out of the restaurant. after that that is when the shooter, police say, walked off into the woods. he hasn't been in nashville long, he moved here in autumn of 2017. but the summer before, in july of 2017, he had a run in washington d.c., u.s. secret service arrested him trying to get into the white house. he said he was a sovereign citizen and he had a meeting with donald trump. they took him off, put him in a program to get him through that and let him go. but the fbi and illinois
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authorities visited him, interviewed him and later illinois revoked his authorization to own guns. they confiscated four weapons. they gave them to his father and police now say that his father has acknowledged that he decided to give those four guns back to his son. one of those weapons, the ar-15 was, police say, used in this particular shooting on sunday morning. it wasn't the first time, though, that authorities in illinois had any sort of run ins with travis reinking, they say in 2016 he threatened to kill himself, he had delusions about the pop star, taylor swift, she was stalking him, trying toll break into his phone, she was with the fbi ganging up against him. they said they were concerned with this, they're still investigating and trying to figure out what led this to event at the waffle house. we have four people dead and
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four others injured in the shooting. >> earlier i spoke about the shooting with steve moore, a retired super visery special agent for the fbi. issue number one, this gunman who killed four people, injured others, has mental issues, is on the run. what are the police up against? >> they're up against really tough terrain right here. there's a huge open preserve right in the area there. i mean hundreds of acres if not hundreds of square miles where he could potentially hide. that's the hard part. the part that's on law enforcement's side is he doesn't appear to have entered the forest preserve with much to help him, except a weapon or two possibly. he's not dressed for it, and he's really at the mercy of the elements right now. >> this ar-15, which he used in this shooting, apparently he was
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given that by his father. his weapons that he had, two or fl three guns were taken away after he was arrested trying to get into the white house. so you have to figure houw it came to be that he was able to get the guns back when there were so many issues on the table with this young man. >> yeah and i've dealt with this before where weapons have been taken away from people who are potentially dangerous and specifically parents give those guns back to the person who's been deemed dangerous by authorities. and the mind boggles as to why they would do that. occasionally they've been killed by their kids with those same weapons. and right now you have to realize, and the father has to realize, that he bears legal and moral responsibility for what has happened. >> because aren't there some
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laws that if someone gets a weapon that you own and someone is killed, that that person could be in trouble with the law? >> yes, if you have not protected the weapon adequately. but that's even different than a situation where a person has been adjudicated to be a danger to himself or others, had the guns removed, the guns were as inexplicably given back to the father and the father decides to disregard everything that the authorities have told him, and knowingly gives the guns to a delusional person. >> this wasn't a kid. it wasn't like he was giving it to his -- this is a 29-year-old man who did this. and sadly we want to point out, this is the second mass shooting that antioch has seen in the past few months. in september a gunman shot up a church killing one person and wounding seven. of course, he is from illinois.
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illinois is working to pass a law called the red flag, where if they feel like a family member is in some trouble they want their guns confiscated for some time and also trying to outlaw assault rifles. what we have here is someone disturbed and on the run. they're on the lookout in illinois, he recently moved to nashville. don't these people that carry these out sometimes end up going back home or going to family? >> yes, they do. one of the things we find is they go back to the one place where they're familiar with if they can get there. here's the scary part right now. he may have only a pair of pants and a gun with some ammunition. how do you think he's going to get home? how do you think he's going to get money? how do you think he's going to get transportation or food? well, the only way he could reasonably do it is to take it
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from somebody else and right now i would consider him one of the more dangerous people in the united states. >> can we just have a moment to talk about this young man, james shaw jr. who wrestled an assault rifle from this young man. that is just unbelievable heroism. >> yes, it is. besides just the gun fire going off, how do you manage to hold on to the a barrel of a gun that's almost red hot. i was on s.w.a.t. for years after you fire a few rounds from an ar-15, the barrel is blistering hot. for him to hold the weapon by that barrel and continue to hold it until he takes it away from the shooter is pretty amazing. just on top of the fact that he could have been killed at any second. >> there he is again, james shaw jr. how about that one.
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we always appreciate it steve moore, we certainly hope that this young man will be brought in without another incident. thank you, steve. >> thank you. >> at this hour he is still on the run. we'll keep you posted. french president emmanuel macron is making his first visit to washington monday, inviting by donald trump for the first state visit of his presidency. >> mr. macron wasn't able to convince mr. trump to stay in the paris accord but he will try to keep him in the iran nuclear deal. here's more from boris sanchez. >> reporter: this is the first official visit for the united states presidency. the president and his wife will be receiving president emmanuel macron and his wife. all the events planned according to an official state visit. president trump was excited
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during his visit to bastille day, so this will be a chance for a reciprocal meeting of sorts. they are expected to talk about one of the president's favorite subjects in trade and something that is immediate on the table, the iran nuclear deal which reaches an important deadline in may. of course, president trump has long talked about leaving that deal. several of his key administration officials are inclined to do the same. including secretary of state nominee mike pompeo and chief of staff john bolton. also on the agenda, the american president's in syria -- you recall there was a controversy after that joint strike by the united states, france, and the uk on some chemical weapons facilities in that country. the french president telling the
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press he convinced donald trump to remain in syria, something the administration pushed back on, saying the policy had not changed and that president trump was keen on keeping with his promise that surprised a number of officials in the administration and at the pentagon that he would be removing american troops from syria very soon. it will be a key visit. angela merkel will also be there and see the results playing out on the international stage. boris sanchez, cnn. when he discusses the iran nuclear deal, mr. macron is expected to take a practical approach. >> one of his main arguments has been the deal may not be perfect but it's better than nothing. >> a perfect thing for our relationship with iran, no. but for nuclear, what do you have as a better option?
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i don't see it. what is the what if scenario or your plan b? i don't have any plan b for nuclear against iran. >> joining us from paris is sophie pederon. how did mr. macron manage to pinch himself as this trump whiserrowhi whisperer? how did he get to that position. >> reporter: if you look at european political situation, there aren't many leaders available. you have angela merkel. because of brexit you have the british leader theresa may distracted. and macron i think saw there was an empty position and he grabbed it. he saw he was a young, new freshly elected leader with a
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strong mandate, he speaks english and i think he thought he was a guy who would be able to strike up a relationship, build al relationship with the president and see where he could take it. >> do you think we're overstating his ability to influence donald trump? >> reporter: you know, i think president macron is somebody who is very pragmatic, he's not naive, he knows that sometimes things will work out and sometimes they won't. his general approach to other leaders, however unsavory they are and whatever the differences might be. when it comes to president trump, their differences, world views couldn't be more largely different. but i i think what macron will do is try to get something in return. that depends how these meetings go, the may 12th deadline is coming up on the iran deal. there are other issues that macron hasn't given up hope of
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trying at some point to possibly keep donald trump on the side of multi-r multi-latralism or world order. it could be on climate or trade or a range of other issues. i think sometimes the expectations are too high in france about how much macron can get, but at the same time if he's not going to give it a go nothing is going to happen. >> you mentioned earlier something that is key, emmanuel macron speaks english. that's something for a french president. i remember when then president sherok would storm out of meetings if english was spoken. >> a lot of french presidents do speak english, but they don't want to. sherok spent a summer in boston,
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so his english was find. young people in france, they don't have the same kind of complexes, much more relaxed about giving it a go, they don't mind if they make mistakes and that's what macron does. it's not the basis, it's not enough to build a relationship with, but it does help, i think. when macron saw trump last year here, that was obviously a big gesture for him. so it's -- i think it's built up some goodwill and macron will be hoping at some point to get something in return for all of that. >> thank you very much. we'll be watching the meeting between macron and mr. trump. we'll also watch something else occurring. we're days away from a historic meeting in the korean peninsula, next here what's at stake for the citizens of north and south korea. also. >> protesters clash with police
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in armenia. why many accuse the prime minister of a power grab. stay with us.
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. welcome back. in just a few days the leaders of north and south korea will sit face-to-face for a historic summit. it's the first such meeting in more than a decade. and there is much at stake. let's bring in paula hancock, live for us in seoul, south korea. paula, you've covered so many issues between these two countries. it seems for the past year or two it's been missile launches that have occurred regularly. now we're talking about talks. and this is a really big deal. had they laid out what specifically will be on the agenda? >> reporter: well, natalie, we've heard from the south korean side that the main thing on the agenda is denuclearization, president moon jae-in of south korea saying he does believe that north korea has the same concept of denuclearization as he does. now, of course, there have been many questions about whether they do, in fact, or whether
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they are talking about denuclearization in broader terms, not just on a north korean scale but whether they believe everybody should be denucleari denuclearizing. so there's a question of whether or not everyone is talking the same thing. but there will also be talks of peace. we understand from president moon he understands the arm stis needs updated. it was signed in the 1950s. he said there has to be a declaration of the end of war and some kind of peace agreement that includes more than just north and south korea. they want to talk about increasing the interconnectivity between the two countries as well. so the main thing obviously will be denuclearization and the blue house is saying it's the perfect opportunity to find out if north korea is, in fact, willing to discuss this. natalie. >> you were also saying that this meeting will be broadcast
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live in south korea, not the entire meeting, right? is it going to be? audio included? >> reporter: well, what they're saying at this point is it will be broadcast live from the firsthand shake. so the formalities. this is the first time that a north korean leader is going to cross the border, cross that mdl, the military demarcation line in the middle of the dmz and enter into south korea, so it's a historic moment and the blue house appreciates that. they're going to broadcast that and the pleasantries. the meeting won't be broadcast, that's behind closed doors. but both sides have made an effort to make some concessions before they said this. monday the south korean military saying they're going to stop their propaganda broadcasts across the border. these are broadcasts they've done on and off the border. the last one was 2017, they
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broadcast k-pop music and news and weather reports, the sorts of things that north koreans wouldn't be able to hear on their own. they stopped that now, they want to create an atmosphere suitable for the summits. we've seen concessions from the north korean side as well. so it appears that they want the summit to be amicable and go well. they still have a phone call that will happen this week. we understand a hot line between the two leaders has been set up for the first time ever. we understand before friday, president moon and kim jong-un will be talking on the phone. >> this meeting, hopefully, will lead to one between the united states and north korea. paula hancocks for us in seoul. thanks so much. armenia is facing a crisis. several opposition leaders were detained on sunday during protests. they're saying the prime
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minister should resign saying he's trying to hold power indefinitely. paula, there have been days of protests, walk us through how he's been responding to this so far. >> reporter: it was interesting. they tried to have some kind of mediation with a meeting with one of the opposition leaders there, and, in fact, the prime minister got up and walked away after 10 or 15 minutes saying, look, this is not about compromise, this is not about a dialogue, they're trying to blackmail me. after that that opposition leader, along with two other mps were arrested and that kicked things off. things are quite tense. there are several thousand university students, smaller than the crowds we have seen in days, many were detained, hundreds, and there was some violence. the point of good news, i guess, is right now they continue to say what they want is peaceful
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protests. at issue is what's been evolving in armenia for several years. it started with the referendum in 2016. they changed their entire constitution. the suspicion at the time for the opposition was the person who's now prime minister wanted to continue to rule even though he had passed his decade -- he had two five-year terms as president and he wanted to keep governing. what happened was at the end of the 2015, with a referendum, they changed their constitutional system. earlier in april it changed. and the person that should be in charge would be the prime minister. well, it was the former president himself who now was elected prime minister not by the people, but by, in fact, the parliament. this is what triggered the chain of events you see now. the speaker of the house did go see the three opposition members that have been detained. he's trying to mediate the
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situation. i have to say, incredibly dense. when you look at the numbers, you could have had upwards of 100,000 people. the numbers were significant, something europe is keeping an eye on saying we want people to have a peaceful protest. and everyone appealing for calm. >> paula newton live from london, thank you very much. there's not much agreement between the u.s. and french president on key issues that matter to the world. even so emmanuel macron will try to find common ground with president trump during his state visit to washington this week. we'll have more about it in a moment. also. it's okay. >> it may not be dangerous but being stranded in an airport is
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not enviable. we'll tell you the story of this syrian refugee looking for home, any home. stay with us.
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child. will it be a brother or sister? we'll keep you posted. authorities in the u.s. state of tennessee are looking for this man, 29-year-old travis reinking, he's the suspect in a shooting that left four people dead. police say he was only wearing a jacket when he opened fire with an assault-type rifle. a customer wrestled the rifle out of his hands. donald trump says the u.s. has not given up anything in its dealings so far with north korea. "the washington journal" now reports that president trump will ask kim jong-un to substantially dismantle his nuclear arsenal before lifting sanctions. the two are expected to meet in late may or june. this follows the meeting coming in with south korea. french president emmanuel macron is expected to urge president trump to stay in the iran nuclear deal. he said he had no plan b for the
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deal. mr. macron and mr. trump differ on a number of major issues. >> nevertheless, the french president appears to have a warmer relationship with president trump than other leaders have. here now is our own melissa bell. talk to us about that, when did this bromance occur, melissa? >> reporter: it's been the most fascinating relationship to watch evolve. we learn something more about the approach that emmanuel macron had very much taken a very determined fashion yesterday when he spoke to fox news, explaining for instance, that famous hand shake that kicked the relationship off. you remember just under a year ago had been watching donald trump crush the hand of other leaders and wanting to hold firm himself. so this three day state visit, the first under donald trump's
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presidency, is the fruit of this extraordinary friendship. the strikes may have been carefully coordinated but the rowe that followed was anything but after the french president claimed to be driving u.s. policy in syria. >> translator: 10 days ago president trump said the u.s.'s will was to withdraw from syria. we convinced him it was necessary to stay. >> reporter: it took less than five hours for the white house to respond that their policy hadn't changed. last may two idealogically different political newcomers sized each other up for the first time. the policy clash came weeks later over climate change when president trump announced the withdrawal from the paris accord. >> i was elected to represent
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the citizens of pittsburgh, not paris. >> emmanuel macron responded turning his campaign slogan against him. >> make our planet great again. >> reporter: but in july, an unexpected truce, the two presidents met and it appeared liked each other. >> i have a feeling you're going to have a peaceful and beautiful paris, and i'm coming back. you better do a good job, please. otherwise, you're going to make me look very bad. >> you're always welcome. >> thank you. >> reporter: progress they said had been made on a number of issues, even it seemed on climate change. >> we discussed a lot of different topics, we briefly hit on the paris accord. we'll see what happens. >> reporter: after the pomp and circumstance of the bastille day parade and more exchanges between the two presidents, it
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was time to say good-bye, which they did with more warmth than anyone had imagined possible. warmth that has translated into the first state visit of donald trump's presidency. now there is that clear warmth between the two presidents but make no mistakes there are those fundamental disagreements and issues that divide them, issues on which emmanuel macron hope to make way on, which is syria, keeping some 2,000 american soldiers in syria, the iran nuclear deal you mentioned a moment ago, that will be crucial. emmanuel macron to provide reassurances, extra -- aimed at reassuring donald trump that he can stay in because the thing will be held firm thanks to european allies. and perhaps most importantly the
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question of trade. emmanuel macron spoke to that yesterday when he was speaking on fox news telling the american president you can't make enemies out of the whole world and you need to have some allies, look at me i'm your ally. this is essentially going to be the message of a visit dominated by issues which the two men don't see eye to eye. >> it will be interesting to cover. thanks, melissa. while the white house prepares to host the french president, mr. trump had the russia investigation on his mind. on sunday, a tweet, that had these words, a complete witch hunt. >> one aide says as far as he knows he's not planning to fire robert mueller or rod rosenstein, at least for now. meanwhile the president is defending his personal attorney mr. cohen who's under criminal investigation. he railed against a "new york
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times" report that said cohen could turn against the president. the "new york times" is standing behind their reporting. let's talk about mr. macron and his visit to the u.s. with james davis, he joins me from munich. thanks for talking with me, james. >> good morning. >> good morning. let's talk about mr. macron's visit. we had the excellent set up piece by our reporter in paris, about the unusual push/pull between macron and mr. trump. do you expect things to go well? do you expect mr. macron to get what he needs from the u.s. president? >> i think there are two things we need to distinguish between here. one is the personal relationship that seems to have developed between the two leaders. they do seem to get along with one another. trump responds to flattery, we know that. the saudis proved that and france did as well with the lavish welcome they gave to trump at the bastille day
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celebrations. so i think the personal rapport is good. but let's face it, each of these leaders is representing his own country, the interest of his country as he perceives them. the french have different opinions on a number of issues, the trade issue comes to mind. the trump administration wants to slap tariffs on european steel. macron is going to try to convince him that europe shouldn't be part of any tariffs. macron is part of the opinion of don't give up a bird in the hand for two in the bush on the iran deal. trump is concerned with the expiration date on the limits to the nuclear program, the failure to get a grip on iran's ballistic missile technology and would like to see more
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inspections. we have the issue of syria that your reporter illuded to and also the larger issue of climate. so there are a number of issues that the leaders disagree. just because they developed a personal rapport doesn't mean they're going to make dramatic progress on these areas they have disagreements. >> it's true but it's true that mr. trump may not have many close friends, other leaders in europe, and certainly mr. macron has been there for him and he's been there for mr. macron. so it will be interesting to see where they can come together. >> that's right. i think mr. macron is going to want to come back with something. trump is going to understand that. there's probably room for a deal on the iran nuclear controversy, precisely because we have the north korean talks looming. it's hard to convince the north koreans to sign on the dotted line with the united states if the united states can't uphold an agreement that it's signed on to. so there may be room for
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compromise here. also on the syria situation, the two are going to come out with a strong statement against assad and his use of chemical weapons and perhaps a statement of what they're willing to do if assad were to use chemical weapons again in the future. so i think macron can come back to paris with something in his hand. and his trip is going to be followed up by one from chancellor merkel on friday, and she's going to hammer the same message. so i think the europeans are coming with a strong coherent message and hoping to make some progress and probably will make some progress. >> hopefully so. if we can get this close to having a summit with north korea, now is the time for progress on many world issues. thank you for talking to us, james davis. thank you for the time. >> thank you, natalie. still to come, we take you to the middle east for the largest travel expo they have,
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including news about a brand new city being developed. that's coming up. if you've been diagnosed with cancer,
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the middle east largest tourism and travel event has kicked off in due bay. more than $2 billion in deals is expected to be signed over the next few days. last hour we learned how egypt is looking to bring in more -- i almost said terrorism. tourism. john what do you have this will hour? >> reporter: two years ago i was at the travel market where oil prices were around $30 a barrel. now we're near $75 a barrel and we're talking about growth again. the jury ronumber one exporter i arabia when it comes to oil. but they're the lowest in
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trouc tourism they're looking to avoid that. they have 27 airports, and even new cities. it's a transformation. take a closer look. this is the saudi version of petra in jordan. for thousands of years it was on an important trade route. it's set to be transformed into an outdoor museum with the assistance of french ark olgists. >> it's difficult to believe but it's an oasis where they grew even cotton, which is a plant that requires water. there are 142 wells which we have found and recorded and these wells provided to farms enough water to grow all these crops. >> reporter: it's part of saudi arabia's transformation plan.
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over the next decade the middle east economy wants to double the number of tours to 30 million. they have big ambition multi-million dollar projects to help them do that. take this brand new economic city. it's already a top destination for domestic tourists, with an international golf course which will host the european tour next year and with breathtaking views along the red sea, its backers have global ambitions. >> the momentum of making this a tourism destination is clearly happening. now we're taking it to the next level. we go back to the golf course and we are in discussion of hosting international events. we have other sports facilities that are under development as well that we're also in discussion of international events. so this is moving very fastly and very rapidly in the direction of becoming a -- you
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know, a tourism destination on a global basis. >> reporter: other projects include the futuristic city of neom and the developments of resorts on the red sea. high speed rail networks crisscrossing the country. all with the aim of turning a notoriously difficult place to visit into potentially the next tourist hot spot in this region. with the recovery of oil prices to $75 a barrel they have to make sure they don't get complacent and overly reliant on oil again. this is the saudi arabia airline with the tourism authority and the two discount carriers. they wanted to make a statement it's not about oil only in saudi arabia anymore. they want to push to diversify
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and tourism is a key component of it. >> they have to diversify. we're going to take a short break. and on royal baby watch, we've got some news for you. been jimmy's longest. jimmy (shouting): james! he's survived record rain and a supplier that went belly up. so while he's proud to have helped put a roof over the heads of hundreds of families, he's most proud of the one he's kept over his own. brand vo: get the most out of your money,
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breaking news, there's about to be another royal baby. we have just learned a few moments ago the dutchest of c e cambridge is in the early stages of labor. this will be the third child for kate and william. >> watching live pictures of st. mary's hospital. let's go to max foster. alarm bells are ringing. we've been on royal baby watch a few days now, it's happening. i understand you're on your way to the hospital. >> reporter: yes, i'm nearly there. i'm about to pull off and we'll see the media positions. we don't go down there until the duchess has been admitted, she's been admitted this morning, early stages of labor. last time with charlotte, it was all over and done with in a day. it's a glorious day here, bright and sunny, people are rather
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excited. sort of a build up to the royal wedding as well because there was a bit of royal fever around. >> first royal baby and then a royal wedding. and right after the queen's birthday, she almost had baby number three on the queen's birthday, that would have been something. with charlotte there was speculation about what the baby's name would be and would it be a boy or girl. here we are again back at this. is this about the time we expected for kate to go into labor? is she due this week? >> reporter: they never give away the exact due date, but this is the one we were working towards. so i think it does all seem to be going as planned. she's obviously had difficult prag pregnancies in the past -- i'm sorry one -- excuse me, just at the hospital, i'm concerned the
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taxi driver is going to ghettet towed away by the police. we were expecting her to have the baby around this time. she gets ill in her pregnancies. so this is going as planned -- apart from us getting to the hospital. >> max we appreciate you're getting to the hospital and speaking to us. just refresh our memory, where will this new royal stand in the line of succession. >> this new baby will be number five, bumping harry down to number six. officially speaking, the top six in line to succession are the most senior members of the royal family so he's still in the top six. he comes after charlotte, which is the interesting thing that happened last time, there's still a sexist system in place, she would have been overlooked
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if this next baby was a boy, but they changed that process in time for charlotte. so she'll keep her line in succession, she'll remain number four. and the new baby is number five. we're told the couple doesn't know the sex. >> we have less than a minute, tell us how it plays out. how soon we'll know when the baby has arrived. >> reporter: i think the parents are pleased with how the whole system operated last time with charlotte so they're going along the same system, not wanting to give a running commentary, but the next thing we'll hear is the baby is being delivered. and then there will be a notice driven to the hospital, and driven to buckingham palace. there's an easel and then at this time eel get placed on that and it'll be the official announcement. >> we wish you well covering it.
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we hope you get out of the taxi and the taxi doesn't get towed. thank you for watching cnn "newsroom," i'm natalie allen. >> i'm cyril vanier. more news coming up on cnn. stay with us. . . .
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breaking news, the gunman who killed four people at the nashville restaurant is still on the run and could be armed. >> i chose to react because i did not see any other way of me, you know, living. >> customer who charged the gunman and ripped the rifle away telling


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