tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 27, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta. weed pot versus pills. airing sunday. you can watch "outfront" any time, anywhere, anderson is next. the russian lawyer at the center of the trump tower meeting. had far closer kremlin ties that she said or we knew. john berman in for anderson. what she said. >> this story broke, the republican led house intelligence committee released its final report. the conclusion, no collusion. it says as if irony has the
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world's greatest scheduler. even as it was revealed one potential colluder who has denied kremlin ties at all is in fact an informant, the president taking a victory lap. >> great report. no collusion, which i knew anyway. no coordination, no anything. no collusion with russia. you can believe this one. she probably can't believe it. who can. but the report was very powerful. very strong. no collusion between the trump campaign and the russian people. as i have said many times before, i have always said no collusion, but also said nobody tougher on russia than me. with that all being said, if we can get along with russia, that is a good thing. not a bad thing. nobody tougher. i was honored by the report. >> the intelligence committee
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report from which intelligence committee descended no -- as for the meeting, and trump junior was promised would include damaging intelligence on hillary clinton. their eager attendance and willing to -- poor judgment. this is the meeting just to remind you that donald trump jr. was hyped beforehand. pitching if it is about what you say, i love it. after being promised quote, high level sensitive information. i love it he said about a meeting we now know ultimately included a russian informant. this is the meeting donald trump
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jr. said was primarily about adoption. no one except the participant know what was said or where thin things went from there and what if anything candidate trump was told about it in the building, in his office. what we do now know is that one of the key players was lying about a key fact, her kremlin connection. this morning cnn's manu raju asked the republican who led the house intelligence investigation if he had known about it. >> not that i recall. that is new information. >> reporter: and do you think that is relevant to what happened in the campaign that she was a russian informant? >> well there are lots of russian informants throughout the world. i don't think you can talk about the 2016 campaign. we are extensive in that. >> it was news to congressman
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mike conaway. the trump campaign met with a russian informant, but to him, not significant news. nothing she had to say was important enough for republicans had. long list of people they say the committee should have spoken to but didn't and she was on it. so was reince priebus. their list runs 30 names. including a phone call that don jr. made prior to the meeting. >> we found out during the investigation that donald trump used a blocked number during the campaign. we asked to subpoena the phone records to match up did donald trump receive a call the same
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time don junior was making the call. they refused. that tells you a lot about the fundamental unseriousness, the head in the sand the gop took. >> keeping them honest, the approach the republican took comes in with little criticism. committee chair devin nunes who has you know has been accused of carrying water for the administration and exposed doing it in one occasion. what he said was damaging information. just days later, it turned out the whole thing was a scam. the information he supposedly had to tell the white house was tally given to him by the white house. and that actually happened in america. anyway, he launched a probe of the fbi itself and publicly declared he has no faith in
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mueller's investigation. back in february, the republicans released an information. which conveniently echoed administration claim at the time. and they released overgrave concerns about its accuracy. every one of them and there are more, raise questions that we will talk about tonight. joining us tonight is one of the two new york times correspondents on the russia lawyer/informant story. to admitting she is a russian informant? >> well i think what happened is that she was a little bit taken by surprise because we and nbc news obtained a series of e-mail
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exchanges between her and the russian prosecutor general and i think she blurted it out in her initial response when she was asked what is your relationship with the prosecutor general. she said i have a dual role, i am a private attorney and a private informant. and from there she backtracked. >> she said she was an inform man t mant for the russian prosecutor general. >> he is a key kremlin official for showure. very high up. he is part of the russian security services. and he was the one you might remember who was mentioned in an e-mail that rob goldstone, the
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intermediary sent to donald trump jr. in 2006 when he was trying it set up the meeting. and in that e-mail, attempted to help donald trump's campaign, this information would be delivered by a russian government attorney. but natalia insisted she wasn't a russian government attorney, she was just a private attorney and by this point, i think that assertion is pretty well shredded. >> look, he was the guy listed in the e-mail as the one providing the dirt on hillary clinton. any sense how long she has been an inform mant to the russian
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prosecutor general? >> at one point she worked for them or the regional office that was connected it them and she has had close ties with them over the years. in this case, in 2000 -- the e-mails that we obtained this is 2014, so two years before the trump tower meeting. and she and the prosecutor general's office working hand in hand, secretly hand in hand to respond to a justice department request for evidence in a civil fraud case that was brought in a federal court in new york. and what the situation was that our justice department had asked the prosecutor general to give us evidence against a russian business man who was accused of money laundering and she was this business man's defense
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attorney. and what happened was behind the justice department's back, the prosecutor general went through and together through e-mails they crafted a response. >> she has a history. >> thanks very much for being with us. i appreciating it. >> perspective from former cia operative. and also matthew rosenberg. and former trump campaign deputy communications director. what kind of light does it shed for you now on what that trump tower meeting was about? >> well, you have to be careful not to sort of impose our western rule of law view on this. there are a lot of titles, informant and things being thrown out.
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when putin says i want something done, it gets done. it doesn't matter what the title is. who can he see to help him of so in this case, he used the prosecutor general and said do you have anybody you can send in to see whether there was an avenue here into the trump campaign. if you step back and say what too we know for sure? we know the russian government was intent in attacking our election. we know natalia got the meeting and the meeting was for the dirt on hillary clinton. what we don't know yet is whether or not there is reciprocity from the other side, the trump team, whether there was anybody willing to cooperate. we have to remember what we are dealing with when we are dealing with the russian government. they will use who ever they want to get whatever they want. >> we know that when donald
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trump jr. was told he was going to get dirt on hillary clinton said i love it. we know there was a russian informant in this meeting at trump tower. does it seem it you more than just the poor judgment? >> we know she lied to the senate intelligence committee. that comes into play. so we don't know what angle she has to play by saying she was an informant. maybe it is to get the media worked up or get the democrats worked up. but you can't put a lot of weight on somebody who lied to the senate intelligence committee and sewing all this e descent. if she is making that claim, she lied to the senate intelligence committee which is a crime. and it goes to her credibility. >> she was trying to give dirt
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to a candidate of the united states. >> the fact this meeting, it has always been an -- now we know there was a russian inform mantn the room to deliver that. >> why are pushes being pushed to end when this seems like the kind of thing you want to dig into and find out is she lying? what is her relationship with putin. why was she there? what does it tell you about the relationship between the trump campaign and the russian government. and what was brought up, she lied once, do we know she is credible. this has become a familiar line of attack for president trump
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supporters whenever information is presented that is unfavorable to the president, whether it is natalia, i am not going to mess up her last name on tv. whether it is what she said today or the dossier, always, do we know this or was it kremlin disinformation and that seems to be a familiar line of attack from trump supporters. it is maybe, it is the kremlin trying to get it out here to sew dissension. >> you have the mueller investigation that is going on, this house partisan investigation was never going to be the one that got to the truth of anything. it became a leak factory for the democrat party and became an issue where it was brought up some possible malpractice at the
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fbi. >> also devin nunes who had to recuse himself because of questionable active. >> also the fbi that refused to turn over documents. >> i want to get back to our intelligence guy, but matthew, we assume mueller is all in. >> she has got to be somebody they are looking at. >> so steve, you say we have to look at this with the big picture. and remember putin is an autocrat. we now know this woman who says she was a russian informant was at this meeting. fair to assume the highest level of the kremlin were told everything about this meeting? >> almost absolutely. you have to remember putin is a former intelligence officer himself so he is going to take an interest in what at the time
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must have been one of the biggest or biggest influence operation he had at the time. but you know, again, i have to get back and emphasis the point, everyone in that room, every single russian in that room was debriefed. so whether one of them calls themselves an informant or has whatever ties they have, they are all going to go home and pay the piper, talk to the services or putin whoever he says and they are going to get fully debriefed on what is going on. what would be interesting is she was told if you get this information, we would like you to do this. >> is she the type of person who would be used to deliver dirt on the candidate. the type of person who would be
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used not just to gather information but to deliver it? >> sure, there is a whole bunch of roles for these types of people. there is also agents of fluency, people who can be told we want you to try to spin a message to get a message across. she is someone who could easily be somebody like that. >> thank you all for being here. breaking news in the stormy daniels case. the lawsuit against michael cohen in california. the judge in that one has put things on hold for 90 days while the criminal investigation can proceed. michael cohen had asked to halt the lawsuit. the judge says that because compa cohen was the alleged master mind, he would have to choose whether he would take the fifth
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or defend himself on every major aspect of details to the case. so the judge says time out for now. next, breaking news, dr. ronny jackson and current later, what comes after the historic hand shake between kim jong-un and his counterpart. 6,000 feet above sea level. but how do you really know that the beans journeyed to the port of mombasa and across the pacific? that you can trust they're 100% authentic? ibm blockchain. a smart way to track every step, ensuring this coffee did indeed come from 6,000 feet above sea level. and not a foot lower. ♪ ♪
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breaking news just into us. dr. ronny jackson, white house official says dr. jackson has returned to the white house medical unit but has not returned as the president's physician. another physician has been serving as the president's doctor since the nomination. he may have pulled the plug on his bid to run the veteran's affair department. the questions have torpedo his nomination have not gone away. first though, the president's two-word take on it. >> they have this witch-hunt going on with people in the justice department that shouldn't be there. >> it is a witch hunt. >> it is a witch hunt, that's all he is. >> but that is not quite all he says. >> ronny jackson, admiral doctor
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is one of the finest men i have met over the last long period of time. high quality. high quality family. i just met them. and i explained what happened. i explained that washington can be a very mean place to make statements of things that most people said never happened. never even happened. calling him names was to me a disgrace. an absolute disgrace. >> sure, washington really can be a rough and tumble case where your only friend as someone said is a dog. still a little rich for this president to call anyone out for name calling. >> crooked hillary clinton. >> little marco. >> i don't know what i said.
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i don't remember. >> rosie o'donnell is a slob. >> rocket man should have been handled a long time ago. >> jeb bush is a low energy person. for him to get things done. >> maxine waters, a low iq individual. >> they call her pocahontas. >> on a more serious note, the president -- coming forward with many of the allegations of dr. jackson. including that some people call him the candy man. what the president did not say is the long bipartisan. with the lingering allegations
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mean, we are joined by cnn's phil mattingly. just to be clearer, the concern. >> reporter: was on thin ice before the allegations came out. a number of senators weeks ago were concerned about the qualifications he brought to the job. and no consultation if any at all. now, that actually has real meaning because when these allegations came to light, there were no natural allies that were willing to come out and fight for him. as each allegation came out, you would talk to senators and one told me flatly, if any one of these is true, this nomination is done and as we all know now, it didn't even take that. >> how much of the blame are lawmakers laying on the white
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house for not vetting dr. jackson more thoroughly or at all. >> major focal point. not vetting. and not communicating. when these allegations starting to service, john kelly was called told him what he was hearing and raised the concern. he got nothing in return. you had several senators as the allegations came out and became public. sources tell me they got nothing in return. you had senators and staff who were operating in a compete vacuum of information. when the pushback started from the white house, you saw fiercely after these allegations came out, they put out a two-page fact sheet. that fact sheet reached staffers after it reached the media. >> so there will still be a determination here because he is back being the president's
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doctor despite these allegations. >> reporter: the primary reason he is working in the white house is the president. we saw that how much today how much the president thinks of ronny jackson, and the reality is there are a lot of allegations. some of which very damaging. a lot of republicans who didn't support the nomination who are uncomfortable with the fact none of this is confirmed to be true yet. >> phil mattingly, thank you very much. >> joining us with more news on doctor jackson. you are learning new things about the white house medical unit. what can you tell us? >> that medical unit is a clinic at the white house run by jackson and new reporting about a number of troubling practices
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there. spoke to five employees. they describe a grab and go culture. white house staffers could get prescription drugs without seeing the doctor. and sometimes we are told that prescription was written for someone other than the person that the medication was for. and the key here is that according to our sources, all of these questionable practices were endorsed by jackson himself. now there was such loose control of prescription drugs that multiple people said there was sometimes a scramble to try to account for these missing medications. when jackson withdrew his nomination yesterday, he said the allegations made against him were false. >> i understand you are learning
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some specific examples of when things like this happen. >> two examples i want to straw attention to is one we are told that a well-known obama official was leaving the administration. and he was trying to get some pro vingil. the person was given around 20 pills and treated as a parting gift for that official. another staffer went into that clinic and demanded he needed z pack which is a strong anti biotic that treats infection. and that white house staffer got frustrated and responded dr. jackson said i can pick it up and i don't have to be seen. so that certainly gives you a sense of the casual way in which
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we were told people could get prescribed meds at the clinic. and the question tonight of course is whether jackson will be able to keep his job. >> we are told he is not serving as the medical doctor. coming up, a hand shake. will it hold and how much credit does president trump deserve. talking about it next. nick was born to move. 3 toddlers won't stop him.
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an gragreement if it holds wille 65 years in the making. for the first time in history, a north korean leader stepped across the demilitarized zone. kim says the koreas will be re-ju reunited as one country. >> we get a kick every once if a while out of the fact that i will be watching people that fail so badly over the last 25 years explaining to me how to make a deal with north korea, i get a big kick out of that. but we are doing very well. i think that something very dramatic could happen.
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they are treating us with great respect. this should not have been left to me to handle. but we are handling it. and everything is included, japan. >> joining me now david axelrod. president trump is taking a victory lap for this moment and while there is a long way to go, admiral, is he wrong? should he get credit for this break through? >> he should get credit. did help spearhead. i think yes, he deserves some credit. plus the uncertainty. rattling people not just in the
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peninsula but elsewhere. he has been driving a lot of this. and number two, kim jong-un, he is not his father, he is going to be able to come into these negotiations more capable, which makes him more credible. so he would be foolish not to take advantage of the moment he finds himself in. >> david, just a few months ago, president trump was trading these huge insults with kim jong-un. today he said, that the united states in the past was quote played like a fiddle. he means past presidents. looking back, is that a fair criticism? >> i think it is a fair
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criticism that past presidents have not been able to solve this problem and in fact the north koreans have defied the world community and have not been trust worthy in past agreements. and so rather than spiking on the 20-yard line, i think the president should learn from that past experience and understand it is hard to get from a to b here and then to c. and what is said at that negotiating table and what follows in terms the actual fleshing out of any framework is going to be very important. north korea is the least transparent country in the world probably. they have never shown a pension for opening up their borders to inspectors and the kinds of processes that would be required to enforce some sort of agreement. so you know, my concern about the president, and i agree with everything that john said.
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my concern about the president is that he not be over eager to say that he has won a great victory that no other president has won, because there is a long way to go. >> admiral, so much criticism and focus on the words that president trump has. is it possible that this mad man theory might have worked? >> again, i don't think it is the sole factor. i do think he has bred some uncertainty. but i think there is something there. to hang it all on that would be way premature and not a full understanding of what is going on here. politically, you have a different administration in seoul that wants to engage. kim jong-un has capability that gives him more credibility at the table.
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so i would loath to give trump credit for his bellicosity. >> how will the confidence serve him well in negotiations and how might it handicap him? >> it has gotten him here, so that is a plus. what is important in these situations is to know what you need to know and know what you don't know and this is not a real estate transaction. this is deadly serious business and very complex and so you want people around you and you want to rely on them who understand those complexities so you are not in service of making a deal agree to things that ultimately not enforceable, and bad for our nation security. one thing that i noticed today is when the discussion shifted to iran, you heard some of the same bellicose language that you
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heard about north korea. so he believes bellicosity works. >> thanks very much. have a great weekend. speaker paul ryan asked the house chaplain to resign. for my constipation, my doctor recommended i switch to miralax. stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. unblocking your system naturally. miralax.
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there is outrage on capitol hill over miysteriou mysterious. house speaker paul ryan asked for his resignation. telling the caucus this was not tied to political pressure. complaints that father conroy wasn't doing enough pastoral care. some republicans are furious. signed a letter to ryan absolutely furious. >> at this point, do you have real understanding of why father conroy was fired? >> no. frankly speaker ryan has given no reason at all. apparently in his caucus this
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morning he indicated vaguely there were some members in his caucus that felt they had not been properly responded to. and others spoke up saying it is too vague. certainly on the democrat side we don't accept that. >> the chaplain thinks of part it was a prayer. let me read this to you. may all members be mindful that the institutions and structure -- allowed to achieve great success while others continue to struggle. may their efforts these days guarantee that there are not winners and losers new under tax laws. >> that is classic standard
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spiritu spiritual guidance. and consistent with catholic social justice i might add. it is almost laughable except it is not. i mean, with that kind of logic, i am surprised paul ryan didn't attempt to fire pop frances -- pope france ses wh pope frances when he came to town. when they say it is not political, it is political. >> what do your republican colleagues mark walker who is part of the group searching for the next chaplain suggested the replacement can connect with lawmakers.
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so suggesting they want to find a chaplain who has children which would rule out any catholic priest do you think that is fair? >> it is not fair, and it is a bigoted statement. and now i will give congressman walker his credit. he has spent a good part of this morning on the floor one-on-one talking to those of us involved in this issue to apologize and acknowledge the impact of his words. i admired that and accepted his apology and i hope now a better informed, he will bring new sensitivity to that job. >> good to know there is that dialogue. i did not know he had been speaking to people. >> and to his credit as a
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gentleman. >> is there any further recourse at this point that could help get father conroy back? >> well for one thing, i just closed a letter today with my republican friend walter jones. 150 signatures on it that is going to speaker ryan asking for a detailed explanation. and we look forward to speaker ryan's response. if it is not adequate, i think we are going revisit this issue on the floor. today is the opening salvo of what i think is going to be an ongoing problem until speaker ryan is more forth coming. >> breaking news on the russian informant who met with the trump campaign. stay with us.
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a new season of anthony bourdain parts unknown starts this week. it takes anthony all the way to west virginia. look at a quick clip. >> to think about much less empathize somebody who comes from five generations of coal miners from a place looking like this. why can't these coal miners be retrained put up solar panels for a lichaj why would these people vote for the a tlies married billionaire new yorker. i went to west virginia. and you know what, screw you. in the heart of every belief system i ever mocked or forgot against i was welcomed with open arms by everyone. i found a place both heart breaking and beautiful. >> a anthony and anderson recently talked about the new episode at hidel burg restaurant here in new york where they
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drank beers very, very big. >> cheers. >> cheers. >> how can you not get any stuff on your face. >> practice. practice. practice. >> so this episode you go to west virginia. >> yes. >> why west virginia? >> because i like to ento do counterintuitive shows. i figure they live very differently from what i understood in west virginia than the neighborhood i grew up in. >> have you ever been. >> i've never been. they are a conserve state. went solidly for trump. it's god, guns, trump and football country. some of the most rewarding experiences i've had overseas have been in places different than the world i grew up in. i enjoy going to places in
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america and my own country with the same attitude. >> what was different? what did you learn? west virginia. >> well first of all, it's spectacularly beautiful. i mean it is really incredibly beautiful there. there is a reason people live there. there is a reason that people have stayed there for so many generations. what really surprised me or what i learned was how deep coal cultured goes. >> it's generational. >> we're talking almost everyone i met. with third, fourth, fifth generation coal mining families. they're very, very proud of that tradition. you know, coal culture, you're going to grow up to be a coal miner is almost taut in school. it was encouraged to suggest blindly we can retrain them to install solar panels is a elitist and frankly offensive talk that's not making you any friends and not helping you win
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elections that's for sure. >> is there a particular cuisine that. >> yeah. appalachian cuisine is interesting. it's traditionally a hunting and gathering culture. a lot of the food is based on what's available. and how, you know -- how to make it delicious, when you're -- you're dealing with squirrel you got to get creative. i'm in the saying everybody eats squirrel all the time. it's not a staple of west virginia cuisine. but it's just about everybody i met down there knows how to dress one if they need to. >> tune in for parts unknown sunday night at 9:00 eastern on cnn. and next on 360 what could be a significant development. the russian lawyer who attended the trump tower meeting revealed herself as of an informant to the kremlin. that and breaking news on the status of ronny jackson as the president's physician as allegations against him continue to grow. (burke) vengeful vermin.
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