tv Wolf CNN April 30, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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it or nix it. now with less than two weeks ago, he's making a very concerted lobbying effort against the iran nuclear deal as trump in the white house has yet to make a decision. wolf, i think it's fair to say at this point netanyahu will take at least one more shot -- he has two more weeks after this -- against the iran nuclear deal. it's important to point out the meetings between the u.s. and israel around this. in the last couple weeks, the head of u.s. central command was here. netanyahu and mr. trump talked on the phone. the defense minister is in the u.s. where he met the u.s. secretary of defense and the national security adviser. both of these governments are very much on the same page when it comes to iran. now we'll wait to see what netanyahu comes out with as he continues lobbying against the iran nuclear deal, not only to trump who is seen as his most open ear but also to the european leaders and to the other cigsignators of the deal well. >> he admits really high
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tensions against the israelis and iranians in syria right now. there were some missile strikes that went after some iranian targets in syria and iranians were killed in the process. a lot of folks focusing in on israel. what are they saying where you are? >> well, israel has its policy of ambi gg uambiguity. when it comes to syria, israel doesn't deny those. the military strike was against a syrian military target with iranian presence at the base, a conservatory for human rights. they have said in london of the 37 people killed, a majority were iranian nationals, and there was a very large explosion suggesting it might have been a weapons depot or some sort of weapons facility that was struck. that very much follows israel's often repeated red lines saying
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it will not allow iran to establish a military presence in syria, it will not allow the transfer of weapons from syria to iran, hezbollah and lebanon. so even if syria hasn't commented here, it seems likely this was an israeli airstrike. wolf, it's important to point out the last time a strike was attributed to israel in early april against a different military base, the russians, the syrians, the iranians and the lebanese were quick to oust israel. there hasn't been much finger pointing at israel yet. iran has denied any of its nationals were killed in this strike. it's still unclear to exactly what happened and where the responsibility lies, but this certainly does have the hallmarks of an israeli strike. >> all right, orren, we're going to get back to you. we're standing by to hear from prime minister netanyahu. we'll have live coverage of his statement coming up. we're also standing by to hear directly from president trump. he's expected to hold this hour
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a joint news conference with the visiting president of nigeria. we're going to bring that to you live. it's the first visit by a president from sub-saharan africa to see the president. besides hosting the african leader, the president is also weighing in on the immigration battle at the border. iran nuclear deal. his planned meeting with the leader of north korea, kim jong-un, as well. let's go to chief white house correspondent jim acosta to set the scene for us. jim, the president tweeted today about possible locations for his get-together with the north korean leader. tell us what he said. >> that's right, wolf. he talked about perhaps meeting at the border between north and south korea despite the fact the administration has been quietly floating other ideas for locations around the world like singapore and mongolia, of all places, among others. the president did meet with the president of nigeria a short while ago. not a whole lot of news coming
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out of that, but the president was asked at the end of the meeting about migration. the president said i will have a migration plan soon. it's not clear what he was talking about. he may be talking about the caravan at the u.s.-mexico border right now. he's been focused on that in the last 48 hours or so. while everyone else was focused on the correspondents dinner saturday night, the president was using that time to make a speech at a rally, and he used that speech to talk about migrants who will just flood in. the president made that statement while everyone was focused on a dinner here in washington. the president will likely be asked about that dinner. he's been talking about that as well. when we have those two at the rose garden, he may take one more swipe at the comedian
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michelle wolf who ignited a lot of controversy here at the white house saturday night. it's possible the iran nuclear deal could come up. he does consider benjamin netanyahu to be a very close ally, and there is a lot of speculation of what the president may ultimately do with the iran nuclear deal. it's not clear that french president macron had any sway over the president last week, and it sounds like this administration is heading towards either scrapping it altogether or seeking some major rewriting of the iran nuclear deal which would obviously upset the iranians and send them packing in terms of complying with that agreement. wolf? >> we'll have live coverage of the president's news conference with the visiting nigerian president. that's coming up later this hour, as you pointed out. they'll both be making statements. to questions from american journalists, two questions from nigerian journalists. let's bring up our panel.
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joining us are political analysts josh rogan, our chief political analyst gloria borger. the president spoke with prime minister netanhal over the weekend. he had a meeting with the new secretary of state mike pompeo over the weekend. there seems to be a lot of communication on the nuclear front between the united states and israel. >> there is, and just last week there was a lot of coordination between macron and merkel and the u.k. in trying to tell the president, please don't withdraw from the iran nuclear deal. now you're seeing it from the other side. you're seeing netanyahu lobbying from the other side here. and we'll have to see what the president announces. if there is some middle ground, which is what the europeans seem to be looking for, they seem to be saying, you know, don't mend it, don't end it, to borrow an old phrase from bill clinton.
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and what netanyahu was saying is scrap it. so we're not quite sure where the president is going to end up. we know he doesn't like it, but he's getting pressure from both sides. >> as you know, josh, the prime minister of israel, he's been opposed to this iran nuclear deal from day one. even came to washington in the midst of the debate to join a joint meeting of congress and made it clear he strongly, strongly opposed it. >> most recently prime minister netanyahu has said fix it or nix it, which is the trump administration's stated position. if he's going to come out now and say iran is in violation of the deal, it should be nixed. because this is in coordination with the trump administration, that gives us a huge clue as to where secretary pompeo and the president's heads are on this. he wouldn't do that if he didn't have their okay with it. that spells doom for the deal. if you say there is a violation, the people in tfor the deal are going to say, okay, let's get
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out. but the people not for the deal say let's stay in the deal because you can address the violation. so it won't really change anybody's minds but it will tell us where the administration is headed. >> president trump as always opposed this deal. he hates it. he says it's one of the worst deals, if not the worst deal, ever. he talks about all the billions of dollars that were freed up for the iranians as part of its willingness to have controls over its nuclear program. but there is enormous pressure from the allies, the u.k., the germans, the french, including china and russia, all of whom signed that nuclear agreement with iran. >> yeah, and we saw macron here, right? as you said as well as angela merkel, putting pressure on particularly macron, holding hands with the president, really flattering him at times. macron said we need the u.s. in this deal. >> hold on a second. here's the prime minister of israel. i want to listen in.
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they've clearly got in tel aviv some technical problems. we see the prime minister. he's getting ready to speak, but clearly we're not hearing him as of yet. let's see if this new microphone makes a difference. nope. clearly doesn't. awkward moment for the israelis, josh. >> right. he's going to make this big announcement now and the question will be how credible are the israeli claims, whatever they are, and how will the europeans react? are the europeans going to have
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a negative reaction that could have them double down in support of a fix. or if it is credible enough, it could fix them for tougher measures. >> i think they fixed it. >> translator: tonight we will present the world never before exposed information and its intelligent achievement one of the biggest israel has known. as i'd like the international community to hear what i have to say and understand it. i am going to talk in english and afterwards in hebrew. >> tonight we're going to show you something that the world has never seen before. tonight we are going to reveal new and conclusive proof of the secret nuclear weapons program
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that iran has been hiding for years from the international community in its secret atomic archive. we're going to show you iran's secret nuclear files. you may well know that iran's leaders repeatedly denied ever pursuing nuclear weapons. you can listen to iran's supreme leader. >> translator: i stress that the islamic republic has never been after nuclear weapons. you can listen to iran's president. >> nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction have no place in iran's security and defense doctrine and contradict our fundamental religious and ethical convictions. >> this is repeated by iran's foreign minister.
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>> any way we consider nuclear evidence both irrational as well as immoral. >> today i'm here to tell you one thing. iran lied. big time. after signing the nuclear deal in 2015, iran intensified its efforts to hide its secret nuclear weapons. in 2015, iran moved its nuclear file to a secretly contained area in iran. this is where they kept the atomic archives. right here. few iranians knew where it was, very few. and also a few israelis. now, from the outside, this was an innocent-looking compound. it looks like a didlapidated
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warehouse. on the inside, it contains nuclear weapons in massive files. they're a little bigger than this. a few weeks ago, in a great intelligence achievement, israel obtained half a ton of the material inside these walls. and here's what we got. 55,000 pages, another 55,000 files on 183 cds. everything you're about to see is an exact copy of the original uranium material. you may want to know where are the originals? well, i can say they're now in a very safe place. here's what the files included. incriminating documents,
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incriminating charts, incriminating presentations, incriminating blueprints, incriminating photos, incriminating videos. and more. we've shared this material with the united states, and the united states can vouch for its authenticity. we will also share it with other countries, and we'll share it with the international atomic energy agency. so let me tell you the history of this material. we've known for years that iran had a secret nuclear weapons program called project amad. we can now prove that project amad was a comprehensive program to design, build and test nuclear weapons. we can also prove that iran is secretly storing project amad material to use at a time of its choice to develop nuclear
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weapons. here's what project amad's explicit goal was, creating nuclear weapons. this is an original iranian presentation from these files, and here's the mission's statement. design, produce and test five warheads, each with 10 kiloton tnt yields for integration of a missile. you don't have to read far to see 10 kilotons here, tnt. this is a specific goal of project amad. that's like five hiroshima bombs to be put on ballistic missiles. this is an original iranian spreadsheet from the archives of project amad. look what it has here. centrifuge enrichment process,
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warhead project, simulation project and test. when we analyzed what's in these archives, we found that project amad had all five elements, the five key elements, of a nuclear weapons program. i want to take them one by one. first element is designing nuclear weapons. this is an original iranian illustration of a weapon. again, you don't have to read far to understand this. this is u-235. that's enriched uranium right here at the core. that's the only place you'll find at the core enriched uranium. and here's an enriched uranium simulation, putting all these components together. that's the first component. the second component, developing
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nuclear cores. here it is showing the casting process and the cost and pour from the archives. and here's the secret underground facility it rathe iranians were building to produce nuclear cores. we have hundreds of documents to support these components. third component, nuclear and implosion systems. here is a simulation of a nuclear implosion. fourth element. preparing nuclear tests. here's a map of five potential locations for a nuclear test in eastern iran. one, two, three, four, five. we have many, many more such documents. and fifth, integrating nuclear weapons on missiles. here's a design for a nuclear
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payload on a s hrhahab missile. here's the warhead and here's the bomb. i don't have to remind that you iran is expanding its nuclear missiles. they started with a thousand kilometres. they're now to 2,000, roughly. they can reach rijad, tel aviv, moscow, but they're working on far, far greater ranges. they're planning much longer range missiles to carry nuclear weapons. so these files conclusively prove that iran is brazenly lying when it says it never had a nuclear weapons program. the files prove that.
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but here's what happened next. iran was faced with mounting pressure in 2003. you remember that, that was following the gulf war. so it was forced to shelve project amad, but it didn't shelve its nuclear ambitions. so iran developed a plan to do two things. first, to merge the project amad, and two, to further the nuclear files. here's another document from the archive. this is following the new directive of iran's ministry of defense. today he is the director of the national security council. following the directive of iran's minister of defense, the work would be split into two parts, covert and overt. the key part of the plan was to form new organizations to
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complete the work. here is the director's work, right here. he says the general aim is to announce the closure of project amad. special activities will be carried out under the title of scientific knowhow of activities. today in 2010, 2018, this work is carried out by spnd. that's an organization inside iran's defense ministry. you will not be surprised to hear that spnd is led by the same person who led project amad, and also, not
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coincidentally, many of spnd's key personnel worked under fakhrizadeh on project amad. this clearly shows that iran planned, at the highest levels, to create nuclear weapons under a different guise and using the same personnel. i want to give you another example of iran's nuclear weapons-related activities that continued after project amad. you all remember the fordow facility? this was a secret facility that it ra the iranians built under a mountain. you don't put a thousand centrifuges under a mountain to produce isotopes. you put them there to produce one thing, nuclear weapons.
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enrichment for nuclear weapons. but the file shows that fordow was designed as part of project amad. here is the original uranium blueprint of fordow. what happened was iran continued to secretly build fordow. here's what it looked like. that's the entrance. it goes under a mountain. you also will not be surprised that iran insisted on keeping fordow. and amazingly, the nuclear deal enabled it to do it. it enabled it to do it, but this came with a hitch. iran was required by the iea to come clean by the nuclear deal, to come clean to the international atomic energy agency about its nuclear program. this was an explicit condition
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for implementing the nuclear deal. iran has to come clean. so in december 2015, the iea published its final assessment of what it called the military aspects of iran's nuclear program. this is the report. this was iran's chance to fully come clean to the iea. they could tell the truth. they could say we had this program, this secret program. it's over, we shelved it, it doesn't exist, we destroyed the material. here's what iran actually told the iea. it said iran denied the existence of a coordinated program into the development of a nuclear explosive device and specifically denied -- get this -- specifically denied the existence of the amad plan. the material proves otherwise, that iran authorized, initiated
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and funded project amad, a coordinated program aimed at the development of a nuclear explosive device. here's another document from the archive. this is a master plan of project amad. iran said to the iea, no work has been conducted with mul multi-point initiation. the scientific terminology is something necessary to understand the production of nuclear weapons, but here's what they say. no work has been conducted with mpi technology in hemisphe rrhe geometry. hundreds more documents proven. iran said to the agency that it had not conducted metallurgical
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works specifically designed for a nuclear device. but the files again show that this is a lie. iran conducted extensive metallurgical work specifically designed for a nuclear device. here's an original iranian folder. plenty more in the archive. what i'm showing you tonight is just a fraction of the total material that we have. but even from this sample, you can draw four main conclusions. first, iran lied about never having a nuclear weapons program. 100,000 secret files proved that they lied. second, even after the deal, iran continued to preserve and expand its nuclear weapons for future use. why would a terrorist regime hide and meticulously catalog
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its secret nuclear files if not to use them at a later date. third, iran lied again in 2015 when it didn't come clean to the iea as required by the nuclear deal. and finally, the iran deal, the nuclear deal, is based on lies. it's based on iranian lies and iranian deception. 100,000 files right here prove that they lied. so here's the bottom line. iran continues to lie. just last week zarif said this: >> we never wanted to produce a bomb.
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>> again. >> we never wanted to produce a bomb. ye >> yes, you did. it gives them the three components to produce this arsenal. they planned to have several thousand advance centrifuges from which they could put mountains of arsenal. it continues to address iran's development of ballistic missiles. and third, and this is new, it completely fails to address iran's secret nuclear bomb program and its advance work on weaponization. we just did. so this is a terrible deal. it should never have been concluded. and in a few days' time, president trump will decide, will make his decision, on what to do with the nuclear deal.
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i'm sure he'll do the right thing. the right thing for the united states, the right thing for israel, and the right thing for the peace of the world. [ foreign language ] >> all right, so there you hear the english portion of the prime minister of israel's presentation going against the iranians and going against the nuclear deal that was worked out back in 2015 between the u.s. and the permanent members of the u.n. security council as well as germany. he went through all of the evidence, he says, that israel has collected over the years that disputes the iranian public assertion that it was never really interested in developing nuclear weapons. the prime minister of israel says they have a ton of information there to dispute that, repeatedly calling the iranian statements lies.
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he says the deal is a terrible deal. he pointed out that president trump has until may 12 to decide whether the u.s. will continue to support the agreement. he says it never should have been concluded, and he adds that i'm sure he, the president of the united states, will do the right thing. josh rogan, you've been covering this story for a long time. what new information, although the eiranians have always denie they had a nuclear program, it's well known they did have a nuclear program, what is the takeaway? >> the iran deal was in big trouble, okay? he's saying fix it or nix it. now he's saying nix it and, i'm sure trump will do the right thing. netanyahu made four big claims, right? iran lied about their program. okay. that's not really news. we assumed that iran was lying. that's why we had the deal in the first place. if they weren't liars, we could just trust them not to do these
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things. iran lying, okay. that's one. iran preserved their nuclear know-how. you could see it as an argument for keeping the deal, or you could see it as an argument for nixing the deal depending on where they come from. if they still have the know-how, are we better off nixing the deal or are we better off without it. iran didn't come clean with this weaponization, secret facilities. that's a violation of the deal. the deal proponents will say fix the violation within the deal. increase the sanctions, keep the access. then it rthe iran deal was base lies. that's not really a revelation, that's an opinion. that's countered by the people who said, no, the iran deal is based on trust. there are a lot of problems with the deal. but this won't change many minds. if you think the deal is good for holding iran accountable,
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you still think that. president trump doesn't seem to be one of those people. >> you were a help this preparing that 2015 deal. you worked in the obama administration for the national security council at the time. were the iranians required to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth to the international atomic energy agency as part of that agreement? >> they were. and josh really laid this out quite well, because we know that the iranians lied in the past. netanyahu likes to make these theatrical presentations. he did it at the u.n. several years ago with a picture of a ticking nuclear bomb. the key focus here is whether the iran lied when the iaea was inventorying what they had leading up to the 2015 agreement. that's a key point. and second, whether they have lied since that agreement was signed. so from 2015 to 2018, did they in some way mislead international inspectors as to
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what they had. they were able to go into iran, not just to see what was physically in iran, but in some way remove that material and have access to 55,000 pages of documents and disks. whoever they were working with in the israeli government really are top notch to be able to do that. >> i think it is stunning that they got into these top secret archives and managed to leave with an awful lot of stuff. i also believe, by the way, that it's important that he gave the first speech here in english. that means that he spoke with president trump, as we know, and pompeo, as we know, and i don't think that he would have done this this way without having gotten a sort of tip from the president or a go-ahead from the president saying, i want you to present this, and i want you to present this to the american
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people so they can see how the iranians were lying and why you know the iranians were lying. because again, this intelligence operation is kind of stunning, and it may well prove that they were lying to the iaea. if that is indeed the case, then i think, as josh is saying, this is a huge problem. >> it's interesting, we're showing live pictures from the rose garden, the president of the united states about to have a joint news conference with the visiting president of nigeria, and there will be questions from american journalists, from nigerian journalists. i assume something about this will come up. the u.s. has two weeks to make a final decision. >> may 12 is the big deadline. you heard president trump when he was standing next to president macron that macron knew what he was going to do. all the signs so far have pointed to him withdrawing from
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the deal. this is something he said over and over again on the campaign trail. pompeo also recently said it was likely they would pull out of the deal. gloria, you touched on something very important. netanyahu literally speaking trump's language there in presenting that in english, and also with this dramatic reveal. it's almost like the president from apple does with pulling back the curtain of intelligence. this will give donald trump more fuel for his argument that the u.s. should pull out of the deal. he didn't have much new fuel, right? it was america gave too much money to iran as part of this deal, but it was a bad deal. here, if some of this stuff is true that there are violations, maybe he has more ammunition. >> he did say the israelis collected half a ton of material from these secret vaults in iran, 55,000 pages, 55,000
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files. he said 183 cds. he said the u.n. has already shared in information with the u.s. >> he said the u.s. could vouch for it. the question is, is the u.s. intelligence community going to release its own assessment of this material? how about the iaea. how come he's putting out a statement two weeks in advance. u.s. negotiators are working on this right now every day trying to come up with fixes. some of these fixes address these problems. the sunsets, the missiles, the secret programs. wee we were trying to negotiate with someone who was part of the deal. >> samantha, correct me if i'm
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wrong. the iaea and the other international organizations involved in monitoring compliance with the 2015 agreement say iran has been fully in compliance with this arrangement. >> they have said that, and that's why it's interesting to josh's point why netanyahu released this information when he did publicly rather than going directly to the iaea. by the way, why didn't he share it with macron and merkel before they came to washington and lobbied for the united states to stay in the deal. in many ways netanyahu, if this information is true, set up macron and merkel to look a little bit foolish, because they were just in d.c. saying there's no way we're dropping the deal because it's working, and now we have a direct counterpart to that with president netanyahu. >> i think they're going to want to look at this and of course we'll hear from iran, right? they'll say, this is all bogus, this is old, we didn't lie to the iaea in 2015, et cetera, et cetera. but again, to your point, josh, the timing of this is so
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interesting. because it's so close. >> what that tells me is that the administration, in cooperation with the israelis, are prepping the public case for pulling out of the deal. that kind of tells us the decision has been made. thaelts t that's the only way to read this. if they were still up in the air, they wouldn't have rolled this out. >> josh makes a good point. i don't think the israelis would have released all this information if they wouldn't have received a green light from pompeo and president trump. they told them, this is all we have. is it okay with you guys if we release it? >> and they might have said, please release it, and it's very easy for the americans to understand. it will be on the news as well, the nightly news as well, and it really, i think, makes it really easy for the average american to understand and maybe even side with trump who so far has been
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enraged about this deal but to this point hasn't decided to withdraw. >> he said it in english first. >> he did this for american consumption. it's very clear to me that he got the go-ahead from the president of the united states, because he wouldn't have done it otherwise, and from pompeo to do this, and they may well be locked in, but i think it's also their way of showing macron, merkel, et cetera, that, you know what, here's what we know. now you tell us why we ought to stay in, and the europeans may feel like they got the rug pulled out from under them. i wonder what the impact of that is going to be. >> there is a chance here that the trump administration could use this new information as leverage on the europeans to get a better fixed deal if that's what they want to do. they could say, no more nitpicking. let's get the strongest fix deal as possible. they have a few weeks to do that. maybe the europeans come back and say, okay, now we understand
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what's really going on. we'll give you this, this, and the other. >> is that enough time to look at everything, though? >> you worked in intelligence for a long time when you were working at the national security council during the obama administration earlier before that as well. for the israelis to release all these documents, to release the cds, to show that they had access to the most sensitive iranian nuclear program around, it's a big deal because in effect they're telling the iranians, you know what, you've got problems over there. the president is walking out with the visiting president of nigeria right now in the rose garden. they'll both be making opening statements. hold your thoughts. i want to hear what the president of the united states says and what they say when answering questions. >> tonight i'm proud to host the president of nigeria at the white house right here in the
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rose garden. president muhari, i want to thank you very much for traveling to washington for these important discussions. it's an extreme pleasure to welcome you to our nation's capitol. nigeria is the largest democracy in africa. as i conveyed to president muhari, the united states deeply values and appreciates nigeria's role as a strong democratic leader in the region. the united states is currently working to expand trade and commercial ties with african nations, including nigeria, to create jobs and wealth in raul of our countries. we hope to be the economic partner of choice for nations across the continent and all around the world, and you see what's happening with respect to trade and the united states. we are being respected again. i hope all african countries and countries throughout the world that we also will be supporting you and that they will likewise
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support us in our bid, along with canada and mexico, for the 2026 world cup. we will be watching very closely, and any help they could give us in that bid we would appreciate. i'm pleased that nigeria is one of our largest trading partners in the region. we look forward to growing our trade relationship based on the principal of fairness and reciprocity. but we give nigeria well over $1 billion in aid every year, and we have already started talking with the president about taking down the trade barriers. very substantial barriers to the united states trading with nigeria. so we think that we are owed that. president buhari has also taken several steps to fight corruption and improve the nigerian business climate, and
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most of all to me, and again, is ripping down those trade barriers. these measures will make it easier for nigeria and the united states companies to invest, and we will be investing substantially in nigeria if they can create that level playing field that we have to very much ask for and maybe demand. i especially want to thank bujari for his leadership in the fight against terrorism. he's been a real leader. nigeria was one of the first african nations to join the coalition to defeat isis. and nigerian forces are currently leading regional efforts against isis in west africa. and doing very well, as we have. nigeria is also leading in the fight against another terrorist
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group. you read about them. they kidnap the young girls and young women, many of whom never are seen again. tough stuff. this summer it was my honor to meet with two brave young women, joy busharu and rory, who were kidnapped. i was deeply moved by their inspiring stories of. i told joy and lydia, my administration is committed to stopping human trafficking and smuggling. there is more human trafficking and smuggling than there has ever been. they use the internet better than almost anybody is able to use the internet.
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so think of it, in a modern world, this world, there is more human trafficking than ever in the world. i have asked the government to cover loopholes experienced by terrorists and criminals. just look at our obsolete immigration laws. they are obsolete and they are weak and they are pathetic. there is no country in the world recall recalled. we're also helping our facilitators by providing training equipment. we recently sold nigeria 829
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super katano aircraft -- it's a great aircraft -- in the first ever sale of military equipment to nigeria. these aircraft will help africa's ability to track civilians. it is the killing of christians. we encourage nigeria and state and local leaders to do everything in their power to immediately secure the affected communiti communities. mr. president, thank you again for visiting the white house and being with us today. nigeria is a valued partner and a good friend. i look forward to working closely with you to deepening
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our relationship. the united states is committed to working alongside. as we close, mr. president, thank you very much. thank you. >> mr. president of the united states of america, ladies and gentlemen of the media, it has been an honor to visit washington, d.c. because of a kind invitation by president trump. the united states and nigeria share a relationship of political, military, social and intense cooperation.
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we are a nation of intense scrutiny and a global fight over terrorism. we are practicing a similar model of governance of fundamental human rights and freedoms. free enterprise, social justice and the rule of law. president trump and his team and myself and the nigerian team discussed issues related to security, trade, governors, human rights and humanitarian crisis. we congratulate the leaders of north and south korea of their
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summit and applaud them on the progression they made of the denuclearization of the peninsula. the president deserves credit for the events in that region. we also congratulate the united states government on the important role it played in the defeat of isis. although some of the remnants are of the region. we are working together in our fight against terrorism and very much appreciate the united states agreement to sell 12 a-29 warplanes to nigeria to effectively fight terrorism. to continue the spirit of
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insurgency in nigeria, the federal government took a sectarian approach in broadening government agencies. the armed forces of nigeria bring security and maintain law and order. in spite of efforts to address cases in the country, the nigerian military adopted counter-terrorism, code name operation safe corridor to deregulate our society. this program is currently backed
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by a number of projects comprised of poultry and greenhouse farming among others. another intention of partners have con contribute boughted to operation safe corridor. we indicated that we would appreciate whatever support we could also get from the united states. we experimented to the united states for support in the reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in the northeast of nigeria, as well as humanitarian assistance to the internal agencies, such as the united states agency for international development and other international partners.
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the united states has been the biggest contributor to the humanitarian response. unless i give appropriate ly -- contribution through the united nations and entitlement organizations. protection activities, health, assistance and shelter. we are doing all we can to secure we will continue to welcome the united states information gathering. the government is taking necessary steps to promote the pieceful co existence of farmers by focusing on security and
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legislation to guarantee boarders and farmers i extend congratulations to president trump and his government and the economy under his watch. we have cut the importation of rice by 90%. there by saving a significant amount of money. we welcome increased united states investment in nigerian economy. economic regulations between nigeria and the united states are -- trade and investment, framework agreement, and africa
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growth and opportunity act. the commission in particular comprised bilateral political economy, humanitarian partnership, is a basic economic framework for engagement between our two countries. nigeria's trade was the united states stood at 6.7 billion united states dollars, according to statistics, and comprised of $4.7, also of nigerian exports to the united states. and 1.89 4 billion united states dollars, exports to nigeria. >> we thank the united states government very much for cooperation we have received in an effort to recover stolen funds.
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our governments have put the machinery in place for our respective governments to collaborati collaboration. over 500 million united states looted funds. siphoned away in banks around the world. we congratulate the united states government asset recovery. which was speer headed by the united states department for money laundering. we hoped that we could continue to kaunt on the united states support in this area. the government of nigeria remains deeply committed to the principals of human rights as well as for motion and protection of freedom, even in the process of fighting terror.
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we commit to ensure that all human rights abuses are investigated. i thank you very much. >> thank you, mr. president. thank you very much much thank you, sir. >> steve miller of the washington times, please. washington times thank you, steve. >> thank you, mr. president. a two part question on immigration. last week in the supreme court case over your travel ban, the lawyers for the opponents said that if you would simply apologize for some of your rhetoric during the campaign, the whole case would go away. i was wondering if -- >> i don't think it would, number one. and there's no reason to apologize our immigration laws in this country are a total disaster. they're laughed at all over the
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world, they're laughed at for their stupidity and we have to have strong immigration laws. i think if i apologize, it wouldn't make ten cents worth of difference to them. we have to have strong immigration laws to protect our country. >> the caravan has arrived at the u.s. border. >> we've been watching it. >> i'm wondering in your opinion what percentage of those people do you believe are deserving of asylum in the u.s. >> i won't get into percentages, but we are a nation of laws. we have to have borders, without borders, we don't have a country. i've been watching for weeks as the caravan came up. the mexican laws are very tough on immigration. it started out with way over 1,000 people, now it's down to 100. going all through mexico. people don't realize what a big country mexico is.
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we're working on the border with the worst laws. no matter where you go, all over the world, they can't believe, and we're doing the best we can with it. we have to have changes in congress, and we have to have it quickly. we need a wall. you see that where they are. even though it's not a particularly good wall, a small percentage can climb to the top. they have to be in good shape. we have a wall that's much more difficult if you didn't have that, you would have thousands of people pouring into our country. you got to have a wall. we need border security. and we will have border secur y security. as you know, we're sending many, many national guardsmen down to the border most of them are already there. that's having a big impact. but we need a change in the law.
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catch and release is ridiculous. if they touch our country, you catch them and release them into our country. that's not acceptable to anybody. we need a change in the law. >> mr. president. when you were sitting down in the oval office with president trump who ran on not wanting to be the policeman for the world what kind of arguments did you make to convince him. and what arguments did you make to him, how receptive was he? >> i am not sure what you mean by united states country -- experience to train our officers, and some of our training institutions, and move to the area, to see how they're performing. this is one of the best the united states could do for us to stabilize the country. >> and you agree with that? >> i do.
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>> that's why i think him for it. >>. >> we more and more, it's a very fair question. we are not wanting to be the policemen of the world. and we're spending tremendous amounts of money on this. the president understands this. what we do want to do is open nigeria and other countries up to trade. because we have spent over the last decade a number that's so large you won't believe it. i think we'll be treated in a reciprocal fashion now. i think that's going to happen. and i have great respect for the president. how about jordan fabian. where is jordan?
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jordan, the hill. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you, mr. president. i want to ask you about iran's prime minister just gave a speech very critical of the nuclear program. is it your decision to pull out of that deal, do you worry that sends the wrong message to north korea to enter nuclear talks with kim jong-un. >> no, i think it sends the right message. in 7 years, that deal will have expired and iran is free to go ahead and create nuclear weapons. that is not acceptable. seven years is tomorrow, that's not acceptable. if anything, what israel has done today in the news conference was right. >> that is just not an acceptable situation. and i've been saying this is happening. they're not sitting back
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