tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 9, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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the best pair of doppelgänger, still it is easy to tell them a part. she is the one with a hoe. and he is the one with a golf club. >> thank you for joining us, ac 360 starts now. >> good evening, i am john berman in for anderson. many, many questions raised after yesterday's disclosures that millions of dollars were flowing into his shell company. the same shell company that was created in the first place to pay out 130,000 to pay stormy daniels. a new court file.
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new details about what exactly michael cohen was selling when he was taking in all of this money. it was in a few words, access to the president and new reporting about at&t, one of the companies giving cohen money and their cooperation we are now learning with robert mueller's investigation. we have all of that. and still a lot, i mean a lot of questions. how could it be that michael cohen in addition to being mediocre in keeping porn stars from talking. these companies hired him as a consultant for his expertise. the press corps trying to get answers today. here is how that went. >> as you know, due to the complications of the deferent components of this investigation, i would refer you
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to outside counsel to address those concerns. >> do you know if mr. cohen ever approached the white house, whether the president was ever aware of the payments or aware that mr. cohen was marketing himself. >> i am not aware. i would refer you to outside counsel. >> does the president think it was appropriate. >> i am purposely as is our team, we are not engaging in matters of this process. i would refer you to outside counsel that has nothing to do with michael cohen. >> don't you think the public has right to get answers to these questions. russian individuals connected with the kremlin, through a shell company that is controlled by mr. cohen to pay off whoever. i mean, doesn't the american people have a right to have some information about that? >> i think there are appropriate
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venues and channels to do that. and i encourage you to do exactly what you outlined. >> we have taken sarah sanders encouragement and thank you for. jay sekulow we are told is unavailable. jim acosta joins us. answers from the white house not easy to come by. >> reporter: that's right and the technical term is stone walling. the same answers that basically she is not in the position to answer these questions that are really designed for and aimed at the president's outside legal time. i asked her in the briefing today, can we get the outside legal team into the briefing room to get answers and she said she would attempt to make that request. i did talk to michael cohen, his
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arch nemesis, make cha-- michae avenatti. the president does have a new member of the team inside the white house, emmett flood. sarah sanders said rudy giuliani would not appear. the stone walling is not working. >> i mean, one possibility is they are refusing to answer more questions because so much of the questions have to do with the president's legal matters. or refusing to answer questions because they don't want to. >> reporter: i think that is exactly right. the questions that are being asked about michael cohen and the potential of selling access to the president. is not just swamp like behavior when the president promised to
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drain the swamp. this is the creature from the black lagoon, swamp on steroid. and it gets to the heart of the campaign promise. he promised to drain the swamp and if his lawyer is out there soliciting offers to major corporations and perhaps a company connected to the russians to somehow influence president, that is something the american people need to get to the bottom of. my guess is that at some point, around sarah sanders is going to have to bring somebody into the briefing room and she is at this point, going to give us the same answer over and over again until we stop asking which of course we are not going to do. >> jim acosta doing your job. we are getting new cnn report c ing about how michael cohen
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pitched himself. could present new headaches for a man already under investigation. sara murray reports. >> reporter: it went something like this, i don't know who has been representing you, but you should fire them all. i'm the guy you should hire. i am closest to the president. i'm his personal lawyer. but some of those business deals, could cause headache for cohen. potential investments in real estate and other ventures. has ties to russian ol gark, viktor vekselberg. in a statement to cnn, the general counsel of columbus nova insist the russian oligarch has no control over the company. 100% owned by americans. any suggestion that viktor vekselberg or any of his
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companies owned columbus nova is absolutely wrong. for what they call legal advice on the cost accounting standard regulation. but remains unclear what that means. at&t which is trying to buy cnn apparent company time warner paid cohen at least $200,000 and said he was hired to provide insight into understanding the new administration. and novartis said they realized cohen could not provide them. the company still paid company hen $1 million over the course of the year. and provided all information requested. >> this guy is a lawyer, a real estate agent, an accountant, a
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doctor. this guy is a multitalented guy. he is the leonardo da vinchi of our time. who knew. >> one company that paid company hen was at&t. confirmed they made him for insights into understanding the new administration. insights into understanding the new administration. at&t is trying to acquire cnn parent company time warner. the justice department sued to prevent the merger. tonight we are learning that robert mueller's office was also interested in getting information. brian, when did the special counsel contact at&t? >> six months ago. but mueller knew about these
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payments six months ago. and aware of the payments of novartis. randall stevenson met with trump at trump tower during the transition. we don't know exactly how they were put in touch. at&t says that cohen and stevenson never met. o one unanswered question is whether trump recommended go give my lawyer a call. no word on whether that happened or not. >> his personal lawyer. >> right. >> who as far as we know has never represented him in any type of telecommunication. >> the statement here says when we were contacted by the special counsel office, we contacted michael cohen. we cooperated fully, providing all information requested in november and december of 2017.
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a few weeks later our controlling contract with cohen expired at the end of the year big multinational companies have to hire lobby firms and consultants. it is true and a couple of months at and t may own this channel. this doesn't look good. even if it is completely innocent. we know cohen may get indicted soon. when you play with someone dirty, some dirt may get on to your own hands. >> insight information. a lot of questions about what michael cohen provided beyond insight information. and that is something the special counsel will have to look into.
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brian stet ser, thank you. gloria borger, what are you learning? >> michael cohen's lawyers are filing in court trying to block avenatti from representing stormy daniels in a new york courtroom. and what they are saying is that he used false information and he disseminated and he used got bank records that were gotten in a very strange way which they believe to be illegal. and they are saying as a result of this, avenatti should not be allowed to practice in new york state in the court. they are not saying get rid of the stormy daniels' case. they are saying he published information that was either inaccurate or that were michael cohen's bank records and they believe those records may have
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been gotten illegally. >> so they are firing a cannon. the actual disputed things are like pin pricks. >> the pin pricks that you are talking about is that avenatti got some wrong michael cohen's. referring to a guy in tanzania. someone in israel who is not the correct michael cohen. but as for the larger issues, there is no definial of the this you and brian were talking about. and also on the russia ishshaw, what they do is they don't address it directly. what they do is quote, from columbus nova, the company that may have links to the russian oligarch and they quote their
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statement saying they are 100% american and they have absolutely no links to the russian oligarch but they do not state that themselves. they state the company's statement. >> and nor do they denied that columbus nova paid michael cohen which is a key ingredient. avenatti writes mr. ryan submission is baseless and improper and sanctionable. they fail to address let alone contradict 99% of the statements in what we released. what do you make of that? >> well, what avenatti is saying, is that the largest issue is obviously the ties to russia. and he is saying they concede this and they would argue his lawyers would argue, absolutely not. we are not conceding it. what we are doing is quoting from the company here.
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and they are, you know, they are saying that their client, michael cohen did strategic consulting for this company and that it had nothing to do with russians. you know, again, this is now. takes this to another level. they are going to be brawling in court over this. and you know michael avenatti, he does not back down. but steven ryan, who is michael cohen's attorney i think here is ready for a fight over this. because they believe as they say in this that the actual bank records, they have no reason to believe that mr. avenatti is in lawful possession of michael cohen's bank records and that is going to come up in court. how did avenatti get these bank records. >> and he has given no direct answer. you have a lot of sources both in the president's legal team and michael cohen's world. and in light of all of this,
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what are you hearing from both camps. >> i think michael cohen is having a rough time here. i think there are a lot of people in michael cohen's world and in the world of donald trump i should say who believe that michael cohen with these lobbying clients over stated his contacts with the president once donald trump left trump tower and left the transition and went into the white house. so, you know, i had a source telling me today that michael cohen never talked to the president about substance. once he got into the white house. and yes, when michael cohen worked for him sure. but lots of questions about how michael cohen was representing himself to these clients as somebody who could get to the president and knew things and in fact, that is what novartis
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said. we wanted him to advise us on health care. because of the nature of the contract we had to continue to paying him $100,000 a month until the contract was over. >> one meeting and decided it wasn't going to work out and still paid him. nice work if you can get it. ahead, the white house seems to be already trying to distance themselves from michael cohen. really an impossible task. we will look at the president's long and winding road with his fixer and three american detainees on their way home from north korea. just arrived in alaska. the latest on that and the president's up coming summit. co guys these three chevy suv's. the first one is called the trax. beautiful! do you think it would be good for moving in together? moving in together?! ahhh! - ahhh! okay, well, this is the chevy equinox... wow. nice. perfect for when you two have your first kid.
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oligar breaking news tonights after the election president domestic -- for promising access to the white house on health care policy. this comes after michael avenatti's company that the shell company received payments. with me now former obama white house czar, and anne milgram. cohen is pitching himself. is that swampy or is it
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potentially illegal. >> thanks for having me. it is swampy, it reeks of swamp gas and it may, depending on how the facts unfold be illegal. you know, depending, we are at the beginning of this, just seeing the tip of the iceberg with the money that poured into cohen. no evident qualifications for any of these contracts. what did he promise people? some of these allegedly has -- in the transition, he was feet away from donald trump. what conversations did they have about future government business and john, it is not an isolated michael cohen problem. this is a systemic crisis of corruption. and yes, this exists in every administration, and every party.
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but the trump gang has taken it to a new level. it starts with the president. he is taking foreign government cash openly. i have a lawsuit against him. the judges said we have standing on that. we are going to get into that. and it goes in like a cancer throughout the cabinet. it is what ties together the pruitt scandal. price, devos, ross, i mean it is like the meeting of a mob gang. and where is the congressional oversight? nowhere and you know who gets hurt, the american people who can't pay millions of dollars to get access to the administration. it is outrageous. >> on the subject specifically of michael cohen and the ambassador raised a good question, what is michael cohen an expert in? i suppose you could say he is an expert on donald trump and that is what they were paying for and
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you have to squint just the right way. but if all the information flowed it wouldn't necessarily be illegal. >> there are questions and i don't think we have the answers yet. was he representing a foreign government to lobby or get meetings. we don't know was the meeting already planned. >> and is columbus nova, is that a different legal matter? >> we don't know. because we don't understand why columbus nova was paying. i agree with the ambassador, this is a terrible that has going on for years. we know what they were doing. they were forthright about it. what we don't know is what
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columbus nova is doing. and what makes us all wonder what was happen was the ties to the russian oligarch put on the list. not allowed to enter the country because of this interference. >> what did this company with ties to the russian oligarch get for this. again, it stretches the imagination. and ambassador one last question. we have seen the swamp before and you can argue whether this is a swampier swamp or not. but the fact that michael cohen is selling his access according to our reporting as the president's personal lawyer. he is like hire me, i am his personal lawyer. i am not sure i have seen that. is that ethically permissible within the world of law? >> it is a conflict of interest for cohen to be trading on that.
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i think it raises serious bar questions. those are the least of michael cohen's problems because he is one of those with donald trump, yes, they drain the swamp. and they filled it with the toxic waste of corruption. we will see whether it is illegal. some of the worst corruption in washington it is legal. we will see whether it is legal or illegal. >> mueller's concern is the legality. michael cohen's bank records, his lawyers are pushing back. these are not supposed to be public, correct? >> absolutely. michael cohen's lawyers make a great point on one thing which is we should not be looking at michael cohen's bank records. they were clearly gotten either through a government subpoena or civil litigation and they would have been protected because that
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is private personal information. in truth, none of us should be looking at michael cohen's personal banking information. anne milgram, thank you very much. >> randi kaye has been looking for him. she is outside the hotel. >> reporter: we think he is inside on this hotel in park avenue. we saw him returning. that was the last we have seen of him and earlier in the day we did catch up with him and able to ask him how he is doing and he said doing great and he thanked us for asking. we wanted to take a closer look at how much contact michael cohen has had with donald trump since trump became president. >> mr. trump's pit bull, i am his right hand man. >> reporter: but if you ask the white house what michael cohen
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is, they are already down-playing his role as just another lawyer. >> i am not aware of specific places where he is representing the president. >> reporter: the white house is trying to put distance between mr. cohen and the president. michael cohen had dinner with president trump at mar-a-lago. weeks before that, on march fourth, cohen was also at mar-a-lago for an event. cohen is not a member of mar-a-lago and would have needed aan invite. posted saying he was happy to see cohen at #mar-a-lago. called michael cohen to quote check in before cohen appeared
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in court regarding his office raid. again, the white house down-playing his relationship. >> the president has many attorneys. >> reporter: michael cohen's own lawyer painted a picture of more than a relationship. before trump became president, nearly constant contact between the two men. >> michael cohen got calls at 3:00 in the morning. >> reporter: has that changed after more than a decade of michael cohen being at trump's side? perhaps, there are own two men who know the answer to that. so michael cohen was one of the originals who pushed for donald trump to run for president. back in 2011, he started a web side called should trump one. and as much as the white house has been trying to distance donald trump from michael cohen, michael cohen still feels strongly about the president and
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clearly supports him. he told "vanity fair" magazine that i am the guy who protects the president and his family. i am the guy who would take a bullet for the president. >> coming up, a detailed look of the company called columbus nova. working hard to distance itself from the russian oligarch it has had ties to that. and the latest we can help with the financial ones. learn more or find an advisor at this is a tomato you can track
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company called columbus nova. the same one with ties to russian oligarch viktor vekselberg inciting they are independent from viktor vekselberg. a lot of people are raising doubts. evan perez is joining us with what he learned. >> it is one of the companies that paid money. and working hard to distance itself from russian oligarch. that is viktor vekselberg. he was placed last month in a sanctions list. cnn reported yesterday that investigators working with special counsel mueller stopped and questions vekselberg about payments that columbus nova had to the president's lawyer.
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cousins and sources told us that in trader was also questioned by investigators. some of the attention is coming because michael avenatti the lawyer for stormy daniels made allegations that said mr. vekselberg and his cousin quote routed eight payments to mr. cohen through columbus nova. the company itself is fully owned and operated by u.s. citizens and that it has never had foreign ownership. it also says that the oligarch had no role in the american company's decision to hire michael cohen. >> the company is previously portrayed a bit of a closer relationship, haven't they? >> that's right. until recently columbus nova included those ties. we find an archive company of columbus nova website and it
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describes as a partner. the u.s. investment vehicle for ren nova group. it says intreater is a foreign director and current member of executive board. it is the same description that columbus nova has used for years. columbus nova said it was a quote u.s. based affiliate of renova group affiliated. listed columbus nova as one of the companies, an umbrella group that had it. the website changes are being made because the ties of renova are being misunderstood by the media. >> they are only taking this down now though. >> that's right.
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>> it is because of all of the access and the information that has come out. >> that is correct. >> a great deal of process here, joined by eric swalwell, democratic member of the house intelligence committee. the fact that columbus nova is now scrubbing its website in its effort to what it calls clarifying its relationship, what does it say to you? >> good evening. that would be considered as potential consciousness of guilt. every tree in the trump for rest shaken has a russian fall out of it. somebody who has close ties to vladimir putin. and so the best thing that the president can do with his lawyer
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being so closely tied to this oligarch, is to just open up the books, show the american people that there is either nothing there or that there is a lot that we should be concerned about. transparency would serve the country well. >> ties to an american company which has connections to this russian oligarch. does it make sense to you that michael cohen would accept this money from this company that does have this connection? ? he did it in 2017 when there are already multiple investigations into the campaign and the issue of russia is already out there. >> when i was a prosecutor, the cops used to tell me, sir, we don't catch the smart ones. and who could be so stupid is not a defense that flies. with michael cohen, there is a pattern here. one of his closest pals is felix
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satter. michael cohen was his lawyer and felix sadder. there is long standing ties that michael cohen had with the russians. >> so columbus nova not the only company that paid a lot of money, at&t also paid michael cohen. novartis paid them $1.2 million. this is the swamp. this is washington. you know a lot of about this. about is that illegal? >> it is certainly questionable and worth probing to see what exactly is going on here.
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the president promised the american people that he would clean up washington and that you wouldn't see this type of arrang arrangement, and he should see this as an opportunity to engage congress and start to put in laws that could get rid of dirty money in politics. that would go a long way in showing this too he is repudiating on this. >> any appetite to look into the president's financial issues, specifically knows involved in the president, people like michael cohen at this point? >> no. and we are shirking that responsibility. and frankly, the first thing we should do is unite around protecting the ballot box going forward and we have a duty to ensure that no person is above the law. a number of different events coming up from the president. potentially cashing in on the
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oval office with his properties and family. and now this with his personal lawyer. again, open up the books mr. president, if there is nothing to hide, that will be shown. >> do you have any information that the president knew anything about what michael cohen was selling in terms of this access? >> again, he is the president of the united states, and percepti percepti perception could be worse than his reality. if he wants to be trusted by the american people, i think he should fully disclose these books and let us judge for ourselves. >> thank you for being with us. the three americans who were held by the north korean government now in the air en route to the washington area. details of the location of the summit between president trump and kim jong-un. but with scotts turf builder weed & feed, bill has nothing to worry about. it kills weeds
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we have breaking news from the middle east tonight. the day after the united states exited the iran nuclear deal, as many as 20 rockets were fired into israel. we are going it have a live report shortly. in the meantime the plane carrying the detainees from north korea has stopped in alaska. a personal welcome from president trump. our jim sciutto joins us with the details on that. and the location of the planned summit. releasing the detainees at the request of president trump. what more do we know? >> reporter: there appears to be posturing around this deal. this is prelude to this summit between kim and trump and there appears to be an intention here, the north koreans to grant credit to the trump releasing of
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these detainees. when we know that mike pompeo left and told reporters that the intention was to return with those detainees and these are confidence building measures in advance of this summit and this was a key one from the u.s. going in here and this appears to be one that the north koreans granted to the u.s. the u.s. is granting this face to face something that north koreans leaders have sought for years have not received and getting it now from the trump administration. so it is transactional in advance of the summit. what happens at the summit, the key national security questions, nuclear program, et cetera. what do both sides get out of the meeting when the two leaders sit down. >> and when they sit down and there are details on that. >> it appears that the city they
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are going to choose is singapore. a lot of discussions of where this would take place. the president himself said in tweets and public comments that he was open to the idea of doing it at the demilitarized zone. there is some difficulties with that. there was thought that that might be too much of a win for north korea to do it there. there was discussion of mongolia, a place within close proximity. a challenge from a security perspective. also north korean planes can they fly that far. they seem to have settled on singapore as a neutral location. the question now is timing. with the release of these prisoners, what is key here is that the u.s. got a concession it considers important.
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which lays a groundwork for the two leaders to sit down. >> wonderful for the families. >> absolutely. >> thanks for being with us. president trump escalating his war on the media. threatening to pull network media credentials over what he considers negative news coverage. we will talk it over next. ( ♪ ) (sustained horn honk) advisor: (on phone) jane, this is jim from onstar, i've contacted help and they're on their way. woman: okay. advisor: don't worry i'm going to stay with you until help arrives. woman: thank you. that deer, it just... just came out of nowhere.
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and effectively work together is pretty special. they bring their knowledge, their tools and equipment and the proficiency to get the job done. and the whole time i have been in the fire service, pg&e's been there, too. whatever we need whenever we need it. i do count on pg&e to keep our firefighters safe. that's why we ask for their help. president trump has long been critical of the media. now he is taking this anger to a new level. here is what he wrote on twitter this morning. the fake news is working over-the-just reported that despite the tremendous success with the kpee and all things else, 91% of the network news about me is negative. in parent they cease he writes fake. why do we work so hard when it's corrupt? take away credential sns now we
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know how he defines fake news any negative coverage. asked about the tweet this afternoon. sarah sanders said they are committed to a free petitions. she argued the white house is accessible as evidenced by the regular briefings. joining me now to discuss, the media critic for the baltimore sun and president cht of the white house correspondent across off and on and for bloomberg, aen kren analyst reporter with many titles. look, it's as interesting that the president put in parent they cease when he associates negative news he think it's fake but then he adds the threat, the threat to revoke media credentials. as president of the white house correspondents association is it ever okay for the president to take away credentials for journalists writing negative stories >> we see no evidence that the white house is making moves in that direction to be clear. as you know, the criticism of the press is one of the president's sort of favorite
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concedes or moves but it's often a move plikens use if if they don't like the critical coverage or want to change the subject about something. but what makes this difference is even if it is rhetorical, a threat to make it more difficult for reporters to do their job, to actually establish a barrier toward coverage -- and that's why we did end up issuing a statement. because that crosses the line. >> it's different than we have heard in some cases in the past. and david we have heard the negative rhetoric from the president. let's listen to many so of the times he threatened the press in the past. >> "the new york times" is totally dishonest. totally dishonest. the "washington post" gotten a little bit better lately. i took their predrengs credentials i should do it with "the new york times." >> it's frankly disgusting the way the press can write whatever they want and people should look into it. >> the press has become so dishonest if we don't talk about it we are doing a tremendous
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disservice to the american people. >> see, i snow when i should get good and when i should get bad and sometimes i'll say wow that's going to be a great story i'll get killed. >> so david, is there a way in which the statement today crosses some line the other attacks did not? >> well, he hasn't done the action yet. so, you know, he hasn't crossed that line. but this is -- you know, this is threatening this is a serious, serious matter. and i mean it's consistent with what he has been doing throughout his presidency. but, you know taking away credentials, we think it cannot happen in way. but we had a case fwh 2005, 2006 in maryland where the governor sent a directive to the staff saying that no one could talk to the state house reporter from the baltimore sun or from a columnist from the baltimore sun. we went through i think two or three levels of appeals all the
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way to the fourth district court in virginia and they upheld him and they said as long as one from the sun can cover the statehouse -- in essence, saying that the executive could determine who covers him or at least who doesn't cover him. so, you know, there is some precedent actually if he would take such an action, even in the white house he could for example he might say jim acosta i don't want him here. i'll tell you who you can send from cnn if you want to cover it. this is dangerous. even the rhetoric just, this is the stuff of 30s germany facist talk. this is bad stuff that he says it. i'm so glad the white house correspondents association issued some kind of statement today to tell him, look, you walk -- you are walking up to the line. he didn't cross it he walked up to it. but it's taking some solidarity to back him off. if he tries i think the white
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house correspondents association has to rain down holy hell and tell him he can't do it. he think he can. he came of age in dealing with the press in the gutter world of new york tabloid journalism. he doesn't know he he is dealing with the high end of the press yet and there is a higher standard that these people are aspiring to in erms of it coverage. >> margaret i'm sure you're taking a page out of the white house handbook and not deal in hypotheticals. but if it were to happen what do you think the reaction would be among the press corps? and there is press den when the obama tried to restrict a fox news reporter from coverage. >> i think the statement previews the extreme solidarity not just inside the white house press corps but among press advocate. as this was going on the white house correspondents association was coordinating closely with the white house to arrange coverage for the return of the americans held by north korea and for upcome travel.
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as i said, i do believe this is rhetoric. but it's rhetoric that suggests something that's not acceptable at all. >> margaret, david, thank you for being with us. appreciate it up next the breaking news fl the middle east. israel says iranian forces fired rockets into what they car zraerl territory we'll have the live report from the golan heights when 360 continues. er lp called audible. you can listen to the stories you love while doing the things you love, outside. everyone's doing it she's binging... they're binging... and... so is he. so put on your headphones, turn on audible and binge better. those we love is an act of mutuality. we can help with the financial ones. learn more or find an advisor at
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moving in together?! ahhh! - ahhh! okay, well, this is the chevy equinox... wow. nice. perfect for when you two have your first kid. give me some time... okay, this is the traverse. for when you have your five kids, two dogs and one cat. (laughter) whoa! five? ahhh... well, no matter what stage of life you're in chevy has an suv for you. you have it all planned out, thanks. we do begin this hour with breaking news. a spokesman for the israel defense forces say more than 20 rockets were filed from syria believed to be fired by iranian face forces. the day after president trump announced the united states would leave the iran nuclear deal. it was to say the least a controversial decision with some concerns being it could light a fuse in the middle east. the hope tonight is that the fuse has not been lit. oren liebermann joins from us the golan heights. orin, resign what's happening now, what are you learning? >> anderson, over the course of the last
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