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tv   New Day Saturday  CNN  May 12, 2018 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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lead. what's the best way to drive a softball field after a six-hour rain delay? how about a helicopter? that's what they used in madison yesterday in order to get minnesota and wisconsin back on the field in the big-10 tournament. after 45 minutes of hovering around, guys, the field was good to go. someone should probably start a service. >> make some good money, i would think. >> well done. >> andy scholes. thank you very much. welcome to saturday. we're glad for your company as always. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. rudy giuliani is causing his boss more problems. this time suggesting president trump personally try to block an $85 billion merger despite denials by the government. the -- this prompts two
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questions, is the president using this as a political weapon, and will the contradictions cost giuliani his job? hawaii on watch. officials warn an explosive eruption is coming, and it's coming soon as the big island is dealing with earthquakes and lava flows and the threat of acid rain. plus, outrage after police are called on three black people leaving their air bnb rental. a neighbor claims she was scared because they didn't wave at her. now the guests and their attorney want accountability. they will join us live this hour. also, put this on the list of things of not to do at a safari park. family is running from cheetahs because apparently they thought getting out to take pictures was a good idea. >> it wasn't. >> we're talking about with their kids. >> it wasn't. >> we'll show you more coming up. all right. so he was brought in to clean things up. this morning, rudy giuliani seems to be creating more of a mess for the white house to
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clean up. >> the president's lawyer directly contradicts his boss and the federal government officially and suggests president trump personally tried to block the merger between at&t and time-warner, cnn's parent company. why does this matter? because the justice department is supposed to be independent and not be influenced by politics. >> here to break it down, cnn political analyst matt visor and legal analyst paige pate. thank you very much for being with us, appreciate it. first and foremost to you, paige, based on what giuliani said, is there a real legal issue here for the president now? >> there could be although it's also possible rudy giuliani misspoke and doesn't have the facts yet as the president has suggested before. but if in fact the president is making the ultimate decision whether or not to try to block the merger, that is clearly not the traditional role of the white house in these proceedings. normally those decisions would be left to the justice department and be based on
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antitrust law, not political consideration, if giuliani did not misspeak, i think there is legal jeopardy. >> let's put up on the screen exactly what was said according to the "huffington post." giuliani said, whatever lobbying was done didn't reach the president. he did drain the swamp. the president denied the merger. they didn't get the result they wanted. is there a repercussion if the president did deny the merger? >> yes. i mean, as paige was laying out, i mean, there's some legal potential, legal issues if the president was more involved than we have known about to date. i think the political question is also the contradictions. the contradictions are something that this white house seems used to and that the president puts up with on almost a daily basis with people around him at times contradicting him. i think the things that he's less willing to put up with are bad headlines.
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and rudy giuliani seems to be generating an awful lot of them. i think that that is also a question of how long the president is willing to put up with the bad headlines that rudy giuliani is generating. >> here's the thing, matt, too, rudy giuliani is not going to give an interview unless the president has greenlighted it. how does this keep happening? >> i think it's -- whether the two of them are on the same page on this. and whether there's some kind of strategy around this. but i do think that there's a lot of the president wanted rudy giuliani as an attack dog, and someone with star power who could go on and do a lot of interviews. and we're seeing some of the risks of that right now. i mean, giuliani does agree to an awful lot of interviews, and speaks about things that maybe is beyond the purview of things that he may know about. >> the at&t head of washington office, he was forced out
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yesterday, the ceo wrote a statement saying they acknowledged hiring michael cohen, as it has come out, was a big mistake. so paige, let's talk about the timing of this. he was fired after president trump won in -- he was hired after president trump won in 2016. there are -- we were told initially michael cohen had few clients, let's say. why would novartis or -- why would he be hired as a consultant for something like that? >> i don't think it's a mystery at all. i'm not sure at&t made a mistake here until it didn't work. this is a very sophisticated, big company, they have lawyers, they have political lobbyists. they knew exactly what they were doing. so what i'm very interested to find out is what did michael cohen say to prompt this payment. what sort of access or influence did he suggest he had, and where did the money go. did some of the at&t money go to pay off stormy daniels? did it go for some other trump interest? i think if you follow the money
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here, you may find closer ties than we've learned so far and what we've been reporting. >> here's the thing about giuliani, matt, he said that he was hired to work specifically for president trump on the lane of the mueller investigation. we have now heard him talk about stormy daniels, iran, the north korea detainees, many of which have caused problems for the president. do we have a good indication of what the scope of his job is? >> no. you're right, initially he was brought on in part because of ties to mueller. he knew robert mueller and could sort of orchestrate the terms of an interview with him. rudy giuliani's gone way beyond that. but you also get the sense early on at least that president trump didn't mind that. he wanted his legal team to be more out in front in defending him. that's led to this array of
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other aspects of the president's legal defense, which is related to michael cohen in some ways. rudy giuliani in some ways having to follow these new legal developments that we're seeing that are unrelated to the mueller investigations but are related to michael cohen and the various things he had his hands in. >> paige, when we hear giuliani saying the president denied the merger, does the president have a responsibility now to address this? does the department of justice have a responsibility to address this? >> i think it's important. ultimately it's not up to the president or jufds. ultimately it's -- justice department. ultimately it's up to the court. the issue is before a judge. i think the white house, the department of justice specifically should come out and say, look, we have recommended our opposition to this merger based on the law, these facts. it had nothing to do with political influence. unfortunately, if they say that, i'm not 100% it's true.
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i think we have to wait and hear what the depend justice is willing to say now that this is out to the public. >> max, something brought to our attention this morning, of course, giuliani has said that he is with the president, his sole focus and concentration is to president trump, that's why he left his law firm this week. he was randomli, it seemed to people, randomly showed up at a florida courtroom yesterday representing a woman accused of insurance fraud. do you -- what was that about? it seemed a random. a case he had to finish, a favor for somebody? >> it does seem random. we also say, you know, rudy giuliani's law firm parting ways with him earlier in the week. it did raise questions about whether there's ties that giuliani has to that case where me wanted to see it through -- where he wanted to see it through.
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you're right, it is offscript from what rudy giuliani said about the president. >> appreciate you being here, gentlemen. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. white house chief of staff john kelly is backtracking on a comment he made that president trump is embarrassed by the russia probe. kelly later clarified that he meant to say the president was distracted by the investigation. here's what kelly originally told npr in an interview thursday. >> there may not be a cloud, but certainly the president is somewhat embarrassed, frankly, when world leaders come in, the first couple of minutes of a conversation might revolve around that kind of thing. >> a few hours later, kelly dialed back the comments while speaking in the rose garden. he told reporters the investigation is unfair. president trump says he is still confident in scott pruitt's ability to run the epa despite now another ethical scandal. doumt documents uncovered by the new york showed he had dinner last june with a controversial vatican figure who was charged
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with with sexual abuse. cardinal george pell was among about a dozen other people that pruitt dined with in italy and insists pruitt was not aware of allegations against pell. however, a schedule of the dinner obtained by "the new york times" shows pell was the only vatican official who was named. there are threats of a new volcanic eruption in hawaii. this is expected to blast massive, quote, ballistic rocks the size of a lawnmower into the air. what are we learning about that? stay close. plus, three black people leave their airbnb rental, a scared neighbor says they didn't wave at her, and she calls police. and then several cars show up. you see the pictures here. the friends and their attorney join us to discuss what they want from the police department. also, southwest pilots share their story for the first time since that fatal flight that killed one passenger.
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moment's notice. allison chinchar with us, what are you hearing? >> the biggest concern is the lava lake, the area underneath the volcano's summit. this is incredible thermal imagery coming from the summit on april 23rd. i want you to focus on the area of orange and pink. i'm going to put it in play and fast forward to may 5th and then may 6th. notice how it's shrinking down. we're losing a lot of that at the top of the volcano. this is important. but the question is why. why is this happening, and why is this so important. here you have the actual volcano, okay. it's what's happening underground that is so important. here you have the magma inside, but you also have that watertable, the ground water. now as we noticed, in the thermal imagery, the magma is starting to retreat back down. some of the rocks that are along the sides that it's supporting when that magma goes away, those rocks will fall back down.
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all of that builds up on top of the ground water, and pressure builds up. as the pressure builds, you need to release it some way, so it comes out in the form of an explosion. this particular one, the one we were to be next will be different from the first, not only do you have the ash and lava that will come out, but you have all of those rocks that come out, too. the thing is these aren't the size of golf balls or volleyballs, these are huge boulders, potentially the size of golf carts, riding lawnmowers. so they can obviously do quite a bit of damage there. but we also have some other threats, too, to talk about. we've probably talked about the temple referred to as vog or volcanic smog. this can trigger respiratory problems, headaches, and breathing problems in people who wouldn't normally have breathing problems. it's all from the sulphur dioxide coming out of the volcano and the fissures. you also have acid rain.
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if you happen to be in the storm with acid ring, it's not going to burn the skin off of you as you stands out there. the main concern is not only for marine life, but it can actually contaminate the water supplies by leaching other metals out from the plumbing in your home, including lead, and that's something you don't want to ingest. >> goodness. >> acid rain, rocks the sizes of golf carts, the vog, which i've never heard of. this -- you have to -- your hearts go out to the people who live there who don't know minute to minute what's coming. >> they don't know where to go. do they think they'll ever be able to go back? what does it mean for them? thank you very much. now to more on the amazing story of the heroes who landed southwest flight 1380. >> the pilots are speaking for the first time since the flight. remember, one passenger did die last month.
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>> it was shaking everything, and it all happened all at once. >> we know that something extraordinary had happened pretty quickly. >> that's tammie jo shults and darren ellisor that you saw. they said teamwork and thinking quickly helped them land the plane after it suffered engine failure. >> joining us live, national correspondent paolo sandoval. paolo, i think a lot of people have been waiting to hear from the pilots. why did they decide to speak now? >> reporter: it shows the professionalism of the crew. out of respect for the family of the passenger who didn't survive, they decided to wait until this week to share the story of what happened in the cockpit that day. >> are you descending now? >> yes, single engine descending. have a fire. >> reporter: when engine failed on a southwest airlines flight last month, pilot tammie jo shults didn't panic.
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instead, she relied on her extensive navy experience. >> my first thoughts were, here we go, just because it seems like a flashback to the navy flying. >> reporter: she discussed the incident for the first time since the april 17th emergency that left one passenger dead. shults said she wasn't even supposed to be in the cockpit that day. she had traded with her pilot husband so she could attend her son's track meet. >> dean, being the amazing husband he is, said you go to the meet, and i'll take your trip. that's why i was on the trip. >> reporter: shortly after taking off from laguardia airport, a fan blade on the left engine broke. debris struck the body of the plane cracking one window which broke open. the passenger in the seat next to the window was pulley partially out of the aircraft -- was pulled partially out of the aircraft but brought back by other passengers. however, the passenger, jennifer
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riordan, didn't survive. >> everybody was yelling and screaming. >> reporter: the first officer also spoke about the incident. >> that'sing through about 32,000 feet when we had a large bang and a rapid decompression. there was shaking, everything. and it happened all at once. >> reporter: shults said she and her first officer used hand signals to communicate in the cockpit because of the noise level. >> it was loud, and it was just hard to communicate for a lot of different reasons. >> reporter: and almost immediately the national transportation safety board determined that metal fatigue was a key factor that caused that fan blade to detach setting off this chain of events. southwest airlines in the middle of performing these faa-required ultrasonic inspections on the engines similar to the one with the failure a month ago here.
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so far the airlines have not detected any cracks since those inspections began. >> paolo sandoval, thank you very much. >> thanks. so a stay in an airbnb ended with a neighbor calling 911 and a confrontation with police. and three guests now and their attorney are going to be with us because they want the police department to do something. stay close. iran's supreme leader may be trying to read president trump's mind or at least learn about his administration. he visited a book fair in tehran and picked up michael woolf's "fire and fury." termites, feasting on homes 24/7.
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good to have you with us this morning. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. it seems like we are talking about these viral videos of people of color dealing with calls to police for ordinary, noncriminal things every day. in the past few days, stories surfaced about native american students attending a college tour reported by a suspicious parent. a black grad student who fell asleep at her dorm reported by a white house student. and a group reported checking out of an airbnb reported by a white neighbor of the homeowner. the airbnb guests and their lawyer are calling on rialto police to hold the caller responsible. joining me to discuss,
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filmmakers, activists denetia pend pendergrast, good to be with you. >> good morning. >> this was monday, april 30th, you were checking out of this bnb, it seemed normal, packing things up. then what happened? >> wow. then out of nowhere, police cars swoop down on us, in front of us and behind us. it was kind of surreal. >> you didn't know that anything was out of the ordinary until the police car showed up? >> no. we can't say anything was out of the ordinary. when i came out, we were packing our vehicle. kelly indicated to me, she said, look at that lady over there. and the lady was standing on her lawn looking at us with her hand akimbo and her hand to her
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phone. she said, she's probably going to call the police. kind of just scoffed at it and went back inside. why would she? and so said, so done. the reality is we were black people in a white neighborhood, and that was enough to call police. >> when you say that she was probably going to call the police and you asked why, we do have actually sound released by the rialto police department. an officer went to her. she said she was scared. here's the explanation why she was scared. let's listen. >> i walked out here to check the mail, and i see these strange people coming -- going back and forth, you know, with luggage. i didn't recognize them. >> what made you think they were strange? >> because they had luggage in their hand, and they weren't really looking at me. kind of of avoided me or didn't wave, you know, like neighbors normally do. i know the couple that own the
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house, and i didn't recognize them. >> that might have been difficult to hear. i assume you've heard it before when the police released it. she said they didn't wave, you know, like neighbors. what's your reaction to that from that homeowner? >> before she starts, i want to make it clear that this is only part of the video footage that's been released. we look forward to receiving the full 911 tapes which we have not received yet, that we requested over a week ago from the really to police department. the other thing that i want to make very clear is that the police officers arrived on the scene and informed them and reported that there were three black people stealing stuff. if that's not what this woman said, then that's a real disconnect, it's a lie on behalf of the rialto police department. and that goes more to the mindset of those officers. >> yeah. that's also included in the recordings. you can hear the officer explaining to the three here.
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and your reaction, what you hear from the neighbor? >> i don't know how to react. she said we looked strange, and i don't know what about us was strange. if i was in my neighborhood and saw someone coming out of a house with luggage, i would not think they were stealing. that is the first time i'm hearing that. yeah. >> kelly, you said, i'm going to quote you, at first we joked about the misunderstanding and took photos and videos along the way. about 20 minutes into the misunderstanding, it escalated almost instantly. what escalated, and tell me about that switchover. >> so before it felt -- we felt like we were going to be able to go, but the sergeant came. once the sergeant came, the mood and energy changed completely. he didn't believe anything we were saying, he didn't believe the airbnb app that we'd shown. he didn't believe the land list lord -- landlord that we called
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and the picture we were shown. they called the landlord and got the picture and we agreed, yeah, that's her. the sergeant said, of course they would say that. at that point, it felt like we were -- yeah, everything was against us. >> jasmine, i read that you said the woman who called police needs to be held accountable. what does that look like? what does that mean? >> well, there's -- under california statute, there is a mechanism where if somebody places a false call to the police or makes false allegations that leads to there criminal investigation, detainment, and violation of constitutional rights, they can do an investigation into this woman and hold her accountable. it's not reasonable to see four people and one is right, but you only perceive three people to be suspicious, and those people had black skin. to me the same thing that made them suspicious to this neighbor is the same thing that made trayvon martin suspicious to george zimmerman. that's wrong, and they cannot to happen in our nation. >> what's your response to those
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on line? this is, as you know, blowing up on social media. >> right. >> who say that that woman saw someone across the street at a house where she knew the owners, she knew the couple that lived there, did not recognize the people coming out, and she -- even if it's based on some prejudice or some belief about black people, she knowingly did not call about black people specifically. she was calling about i don't know these people coming out, and they're not speaking to me. >> i think -- if i can answer that question -- >> go ahead. >> i think -- i would hope that she would have called her neighbor first. why wouldn't she call the neighbor before she called police? why was her first intention to call police? what did she want to happen? why was the protocol to respond in the manner that they did? is that standard? if it is, that concerns us because how much money was spent within those few moments? how much time was spent when they could have been doing something better. actually serving and protecting the community. i didn't feel served or protect
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ed in those moments? >> why didn't she wave at them? that's a question nobody asked. why didn't she wave first and see no one wave back? why do you expect black people to wave at you in your behest so that you feel secure? that's unreasonable. to the people on social media, i refuse to have them ask my clients to apologize because it is a blessing that they're alive today to speak about this. and they have a responsibility to protect other people's rights. every single one of my clients is an activist in their own right. and what we're doing right now is attempt ing ing to protect p from police officers and the racist mentality. they will not apologize to anybody for being alive. they will not apologize for not being another michael, not being another trayvon martin. for being here to tell their story in their own voice. >> i only have two two minutes left. -- i only have two minutes left. what does accountability for the police department look like for
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you? >> accountability for the police department would be, first of all, releasing the 911 tapes. hearing about that. secondsly, i think base -- secondly, i think based off the call the amount of force that they came come to come get us for whatever reason, i think that needs to be addressed. i think that needs to be addressed. once you get that much force on innocent people, if they do not have the courage to speak out at that moment, their lives may be in danger. i think that is something that the government needs to look at and the police force needs to look at, as well. >> and kelly, to you. in the intro, we talked about how many videos we're seeing on line at starbucks and yale and l.a. fitness and on and on. what do you think the residence is, and what do you want people who claim they didn't know these things were happening to black people on a pretty regular basis, what do you want people to do?
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what should the reaction be? >> to be allies and to step up for people if you see it's happening so we can stop the discrimination happening. i feel leak inike everyone has in stopping this. you can't be suspicious because of the color of your skin. being able to step up and for us, a big thing was documenting it. so being able to document the situations helped us a lot. >> finally to you, jasmine. you are obviously their lawyer now. have you filed any suits, is there a suit coming? >> we have not filed a lawsuit yet. what we support what we said, the 911 tapes and evidence released to us so i can review the evidence and determine the extent to which these constitutional rights have been violated. you know, the mayor has already issued a letter of apology. she sent a letter of apology saying she's sorry this happened while they were in her city. what i want to know is why the police department haven't done the same thing, why they've chosen instead to align themselves with a woman they know so little about, the
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homeowner. they positioned themselves next to this homeowner and haven't done their research. i welcome them to continue doing that because when they do a summary look at her social media, they'll see exactly who this woman is. >> thank you all for being with us this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you very much. >> interim police chief mark kling said the officers acted appropriately during the incident and pointed out that at no point about officers use force or handcuff anyone. we want to make sure we get that in from the police department. iran's supreme leader may be very interested in president trump. how do we know? we'll look at his picture -- that's him reading a farsi edition of "fire and fury." also, the trump administration could be facing what's being described as a brain drain. a nuclear expert at the state department left the agency after the president withdrew from the iran deal. we'll have that ahead.
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plus, secretary of state mike pompeo sits down with kim jong-un just one month before his meeting with president trump. the vision he says we share with north korea very the future after the break. we're on a mission to show drip coffee drinkers, it's time to wake up to keurig. wakey! wakey! rise and shine! oh my gosh! how are you? well watch this. i pop that in there. press brew. that's it. so rich. i love it. that's why you should be a keurig man! full-bodied. are you sure you're describing the coffee and not me? but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient full-bodied.
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russian aircraft spotted friday morning along alaska's western coast. they eventually did leave the area. last time u.s. fighter jets intercepted russian aircraft was exactly one year ago this month. world leaders are trying to figure out president trump's playbook, learn more about his administration. looks like iran's supreme leader is is doing a deep dive into the subject. look at this. >> quite a picture here. there's nothing unusual about the ayatollah browsing a book there. but look at the topic of the book -- that's a farsi edition of michael wolff's book "fire and fury: inside the trump white house." not just that, he shared the picture himself on gram. >> if the ayatollah really wants to figure out what president trump is doing, maybe he should be reading "the art of the deal" which says "know when to walk away for the table." >> diplomatic editor nic robertson with us as long as national security analyst samantha vinegrad. first of all, the picture with
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the ayatollah there, also a cover of a german magazine, what are these telling you this morning? >> yes. that the ayatollah and iran is playing to his domestic audience where his -- essentially the message that trump is running a chaotic white house, we've heard this from the ayatollah and other leaders, as well. a message they're trying to frame that the domestic audiences, they're told the nuclear scientists are prepared for the possibility of enriching, speedsing up their enrichment of uranium. they've sent the message that they can withstands what is coming characteristically, the country can continue to do well. what you have in "der spiegel" is the message that is probably, you know, on the lips, certainly on the minds of a lot of european leaders about the way that they feel president trump is treating them now. they really feel that president trump has put them in a corner
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over pulling out of the jcpoa. quite simply, european businesses trying to figure out and leaders trying to figure out can they keep this iran nuclear deal alive? they believe it's important to their own national security to be able to do that. the way to do is t is through the business, through their businesses, britain, france, germany, doing businesses with iranian companies, because that's what the iranians need to show their people, to show that they're winning the argument here. the reality is, and we heard from angela merkel yesterday, the german chancellor, saying, look, to recognize that a major economic power has walked away from this. we cannot overplay our own hand. we need to be honest about where we are. it's not time to rip up the transatlantic alliance. she's also saying europe needs to take its own destiny into its hands. we cannot rely on our security on the united states. that's a narrative that's been going on for some time but is coming to the fore.
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teresa may, british prime minister, spoke again with president trump on the phone yesterday. both the white house and number 10 downing street characterizing it differently. the british focusing on the point that there will be discussions between british and american diplomats to figure out essentially how -- how the british and the europeans could keep the business interests going with iran while president trump says he wants really tough sanctions. >> yeah. and somebody else not happy about the deal, richard johnson, nuclear expert at the state department. he's just left. he was key in negotiating with european countries about trying to save the deal. samantha, there is something called a brain drain as it's been characterized. reports that 60% of the top-ranking career diplomats have left the department. what do you make of that? >> well, i have to kind of ask myself here, logically speaking, do you blame him? i think you'd be hard pressed to find any negotiator to wants to walk into a room after the
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united states has arbitrarily violated an agreement and tell their counterparts who they've been working with for decades, believe me this time. that sets any negotiator up for success. it's negotiating with north korea, despite what the white house says. and in some way trying to salvage any additional deal with iran. as mentioned, the european powers are working with the iranians to try to keep them in the deal. the foreign minister of iran is meeting with his european counterparts on tuesday. and u.s. negotiators are going to have to try to work through the europeans to keep a deal together in some way. if you're at the state department and an expert in these issues, i don't know how you tell your counterparts that this time the suds going to be trust -- at that united states is to be trusted. that's how you break your words. >> is there a gauge that this deal can be saved if the u.s. is
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not involved as the german chancellor talked about? >> you know, i think we listen to what president trump said at a rally two nights -- two nights ago, it made it clear, very, very tough sanctions on iran. we heard it from state department officials briefing journalists just after the same day that president trump pulled out of the jcpoa. the implications, unless there are cutouts for european businesses to trade with iranian bu businesses, no. the expectation is it will take far too long to figure out the legal implications and whether it's possible for that to happen. the reality is, there's a limited time. the president of iran said there's a limited time for the europeans to show that the nuclear deal can continue to work. i think the expectation here is it's not going to work. how do we collapse it slowly, how do we make sure that there aren't repercussions and a spike
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in violence as weaver seen between israel and iran in recent days. >> we've seen that, as well. thank you both. so our signatures can say a lot about our personalities. apparently there's a lot we can learn from president trump's signature. that's at least according to one handwriting expert. i was out here smoking instead of being there for my son's winning shot. that was it for me. that's why i'm quitting with nicorette. only nicorette mini has a patented fast dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. every great why needs a great how.
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does size really matter? yes, yes, it does. especially when it comes to your signature. >> i'm glad you had to read that part. president trump's signature is a whopper. here's jeanne moos. >> it's a big one. >> reporter: not just big, it's enormous. it's colossal. it's huge! marking his territory. when it comes to president trump's signature, even oldsters
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won't be needing their reading glasses. why? why is his signature so big, someone tweeted. author j.k. rowling responded, i didn't believe in graphology until about three minutes ago. she linked to a site analyzing what large handwriting means. an independent handwriting expert confirmed. >> the size of the signature correlates with narcissism, with ego, with a grandiose sense of self-importance. the size alone equals, i'm so important i don't need to obey margins. i can just scribble like i'm a movie star or rock star. >> reporter: or a president or best-selling author? trump supporters dug up j.k. rowling's signature. i guess you're no different then. >> she is throwing stones about donald trump, but she also has really big signature which i think is a success trait. >> reporter: that goes for both of them. but graphologist bart baguette
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says flowing feminine flow while president trump's looks like a hacksaw. >> scissor-like letters. >> reporter: it looks like the results of a polygraph. he's lying, of course. a polygraph, a seismograph. since we're comparing size, the handwriting expert s's signatur is no shrimp. >> it's the epitome of narcissism. >> reporter: internet pranksters keep changing the president's signature. when it comes to certain presidents and authors the writing is not just on the wall. it takes up the whole wall and can take big hands to sign a big signature. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. >> all right. thanks. a family in the netherlands got a little too close with nature. what happened between them and
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