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tv   United Shades of America  CNN  May 13, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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i don't want your maggoty fish that's no good ♪ ♪ for winter i could buy as good as that down in bonavista ♪ ♪ hip yer partner sally thibault hip yer partner sally brown ♪ ♪ fogo, twillingate moreton's harbour all around the circle everybody these days is talking about how divided the country process left versus white. black versus white. starks versus lanisters clearly i get news from a variety of sources. on this episode we're talking to the gullah geechee people of south carolina, people learning a long time ago when you come together you survive and thrive. now if only those people had written a song about that. and if only that song was so famous if we played it now it would sound creasy. >> kumbayah, my lord.
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>> if only. if only. ♪ >> oh lord, kumbyah. my name is w. kamau bell. as a comedian i made a living finding humor in the parts of america i don't understand. and now i'm challenging myself to dig deeper. i'm on a mission to reach out and experience all the cultures and believes that add color to this crazy country. this is the united shades of america. if there is any one thing that united shades of america is about, it's the idea that plaque people are not a monolithe. okay this show about a lot of things. including, me nodding my head a lot, looking bad on television. and then it's the idea that black people are not a
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monolithe. admittedly sometimes that gets lost when we stand up for our common good, black lives good or why haven't they brought back living single in she brought back all the white shows. but if there is a group of black people who prove that we are not a monolithe it's the gullah people ob or the geechee people or the gullah geechee. . man their name isn't even monolithe. concentrated on the coastal areas of south carolina, georgia and florida. the beginning of gullah geechee story is like most american black folk. come on you heard the bob marlie song. stolen from africa brought to america. but it's after they were free from slavery that the people of these island cement add culture all their own. by that time the black folks way outthe number numbered the white folks. as more white people left. black people did what we couldn't do anywhere else in
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america, spread out and get comfortable. the isolation helped them keep west african traditions and they were able to invent their own. developed their own music. art. food. and most importantly, language. >> a language which is a mix of english, west african languages and good old down some southern. >> we happy foreseeing you come to visit. >> it's hard to pin down a number of the population. it's estimated anywhere from 200,000 to 500,000 people who ientify as fwula. but they are in danger of disappearing for good thanks to the opposite of what happened in the iris place. outside remembers moving in and buying up the landscape. you wonder what the gullah word for that is. which is why heritage days on st. helena island is so
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important. it's a three-day festival to specific the culture and the west african roots. and it's got everything. food. music, and pint size power rangers. and free candy. can't miss out on the sucker. ♪ mod god getting ready for that judgment day". >> i've never felt so funky about being judged a sinner. >> love, peace, happiness, family, unity. we love each other. >> there goes my president, patrick, blowing kisses and preaching peace and happiness. bye my president. >> what are we celebrating. >> community, family, heritage. you know, that's what we come become home for. >> with everything going on in the world and all the problems
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and divisions this is good to be out here, outside. people having a good time, right. >> yeah. >> and if you notice it's diverse, not just black people but everybody comes around. >> yeah, yeah. >> we celebrate everybody. >> i've seen like three white people. [ laughter ] >> you see more than that. >> you see more white guys. >> i brought the other one. >> you brought two of them. >> those all my whites. >> so how would you say that the gullah culture is different than black culture in the rest of the country? >> oh it's very different. >> yeah. >> you say that like i don't have enough time to go into it. pull up a chair, sit down. >> it's not just the language but the food, mannerism. >> the customs. >> things that you dope realize that you do as part of the gullah culture, when you go somewhere else, yeah, i don't get it.
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>> exactly. >> like i come from -- i live in california on the other side of the country. and i feel like i don't heara lot about gullah culture out there. >> wow. >> tell me what makes you proud about it? what is it? what should people know about it. >> you notice a lot of other places where it's a lot of black people it's kind of like there is no togetherness. when you come here everybody knows each other. and so it's kind of like a club. >> so this is like black people are like the big club and the gullah is like the vip room in the black club. >> yeah. >> hey. >> look at this. >> hey. >> that's nice. that's nice when you have a community like this everybody knows everybody. >> hey. >> we're trying to hold onto it because it's such a tourism area people have a tendency to want to try to change it when they come in this is important.
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try to maintain this. >> yeah is it hard it maintain? do you feel like it's slipping away. >> i think to a certain degree. >> it is. >> in the bluften, hilton head, that whole beach area a lot of that area was black people. now you got resorts and townhouses and stuff like that. >> people come in and buy up the land and then actually you get forced out because of the high tax rate off your own land. >> wow. you can't afford to pay the taxes. used to own it but can't afford the taxes. >> but can't afford the talks because of the big old resort over here. >> wow. even though you own the land your family own the land a long time fl hundreds of years. >> hundreds of years. >> suddenly the taxes go up and you can't afford your own land. >> exactly. >> ooh. just a bunch of brothers standing around talking property taxes. my dad would be so proud.
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everyone mere fighting to preserve the fighting to preserve the gullah country. >> just make sure you got my skinny side. >> she is telling her story on the national stage. at a time when the culture is rapidly diminishing anita single ton pragter is doing what she can to keep it alive. >> peace in the right. peace in the right. >> a story teller known as-on pearly sue scherr her won woman show aires on the pbs nationwide. pfefferle, tell me where are you from. >> right here, buford. >> all right. i figured that. you lived here your whole life. >> i graduated from howard university. >> you've seen the big city. >> oh, yeah. >> why did you come back? >> i always wanted to be back home. there was never a time i didn't want to be here. >> okay. >> sbufrd a unique place because we were the first settled blacks to be free right at the beginning of the civil war.
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>> wow. >> yeah, november 7th, 1861. african-american history as we know it today started in south carolina. >> wow. >> when we talk about blacks coming to find out who they are and how they fit you got to start here. >> you home, boo. >> i had no idea. >> you home thank you glad to be home. >> how come i don't know about it. >> it's no the books you got to come on find out. >> okay. >> you have to keep elk the story and a lot of people because part of our story is so painful we don't tell it but if we don't tell it we can't truly be free. because our young people need to know if our foreparents made it through the middle passage voyage and 50% of us par i should at sea paed it on the plantations and swamp infested rice fields with mosquitos and water moscowens and leeches and alligators and we made it because we didn't give up. before we came here we were african kings and queens and that royal blood flows. that's the message we have to give our young people.
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there is still hope as long as they are there is faith lady ain't even tuned up yet. i have people say well that's so offensive the rag on your head. somebody wore this rag to be where of you what part of your history do you give up? none. because i'm proud of everyone it's their shoulders i stand on. >> hallelujah. >> hallelujah. >> yontd the last time i said hallelujah out loud. you pulled it out. >> love you honey. >> thank you. thank you. dear foremothers, your society was led by a woman, who governed thousands... commanded armies... yielded to no one. when i found you in my dna, i learned where my strength comes from. my name is courtney mckinney,
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and this is my ancestrydna story. now with 5 times more detail than other dna tests. order your kit at now with 5 times more detail than other dna tests. the more your wellbeing can get left behind. but there's a place that doesn't come with that compromise. a place designed to help you be your best. welcome to westin. where you're given a choice not just to get up ♪ but to rise. ♪ tso why binge in here, when you can do it out there. with this clever little app called audible. you can listen to the stories you love while doing the things you love, outside. everyone's doing it she's binging... they're binging...
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and... so is he. so put on your headphones, turn on audible and binge better. stella artois. voila! pockets.
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enjoy! why let life....keep you from enjoying life...
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while the gullah culture can be found in georgia and the lowcountry of south carolina, st. helena island is known as the center for the gullah culture and langue. sound of the kpun are the l and renowned geechee gullah ring shouters. get ready. . the ring shout is a religious ritual of song and dances traced all the way back to west africa. believed to be the oldest surviving african performance tradition in north america. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> they asked me to meet them here in front of the praise house. they trace their roots to annett bell up days where after working hard for free they would gather in these shacks to hang out cigarette the groove on of
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course praise jesus. >> all right. >> so basically and first it was just that when the plantation owners we would be back out near the woods and we would have church. as time progressed they allowed us to have a place of worship. we put together a board slab building like you are seeing now. >> and it was back in the woods and secret. >> this was our moment to escape from reality. >> um-hum. >> and for that brief people we would shout all night long. >> um-hum. >> and it was a moment we can feel like we are not enslaved. >> and what does this music mean to you all? >> you know, heritage is something that we teach. we embrace because we are not ashamed of what we have accomplished and where we came from. we are preserving. we have fun but try to educate our young folks. and all of us are from the
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church. snaft we missed services to come and share with you a little of our culture. so all of us in the church -- this is the mother of our church. our church is 195 years old zwlie hope i i didn't get new trouble with the minister because you missed church today. >> she is the mother shell straighten him out. >> she is his boss, all right. yeah, yeah. the gullah fight to preserve their culture. and like all marginalized groups in america it is always a fight. >> unfortunately people would say to me, boy you are too geechee. and the reason why they said that because you need to change, you know you came from the plantation. you can't get ahead. but we were losing our own culture. to learn about these people that talk funny come here, this that, they. we carry on the traditions. if we don't carry it on it's dying out. >> yes. >> and i talk the way i used to talk a long time ago. >> yes from the plantation.
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i remember like. >> i remember like it was yesterday snp. [ speaking gullah ]. >> where you going. >> going tole schoolhouse. >> the yard. >> and he see. [ speaking gullah ]. >> one was fat like me and one was skinny. >> that's the language we teach. it's important to let them know that they don't have to be ashamed. that's what we tell them. we say gullah words. and they don't understand so we have developed or let them know it wasn't bad english or eubonics. they didn't use the o in some words. we let them know that the a came before r you don't pronounce the r. and the young folks didn't understand. so this is part of what we do wsh teaching. >> thank you for doing that. that was amazing.
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thank you for being here for the gullah impaired. i appreciate that. i loved hearing the language. but before we g let's talk about song. you know the one. >> it is called kumbaya. but few people know the real history. the real history came out of the gullah giannecchini owe culture. most people around the world know kumbaya. everybody knows kumbaya. but the original is come by ya. and goes little bit like this. miss marsha if you will. come byia, my lord. come by ya. come by ya, my lord, come by ya. oh lord, kumbaya. >> this was made on the explanation. we didn't fwri from africa. we put it together. the ring shout came from africa.
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this special rhythmic beat came from africa. but the sounds, we just -- we couldn't supposedly read and write but we can remember words. we are keeping it alive from one generation to the next generation. and now to this generation. growing up my only other exposure to gullah culture was we i saw daughters of the dust, a ground breaking independent film by writer director julie dash. daughters of the dust is a tribute to her gullah roots. in 2004, the library of congress added it to the national film registry, as she was the first female african-american director to have her film released nationwide. before you get too excited remember this wouldn't 50 or 60 years ago. this film came out in 1991. even though back then hollywood didn't really know what td with a powerful black female, now she works with ava dufour nay.
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and her film lemon aide within famously influenced. >> at the angel oak tree. >> this tree has secrets, memories. >> i bet it does. >> it was here like in the 1,600s. and when did we arrive? around 1619 or the early colonials. >> seen a lot of things. >> yeah. >> that makes you feel like it might just start walking might just get up. i've seen everything i can see. >> it has legacy and people like to be able to be reach out and touch something that is bigger than themselves. >> um-hum. >> and this certainly is. >> this culture here goes way further back than most black culture in this country. >> it goes away, way back. >> yeah. >> can you reach out and touch the past here. it's history that's important because you trace pieces of
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traditions and mores and religions and a lot of that is missing in the larger urban areas, you know after migration. >> is there fear that -- that you know, in an effort to make things more tourist friendly you sort of clean up some of the history. >> absolutely. >> okay. >> it's not easy to go and this is where the slaves lived. >> yeah. it's up to us to remember. and in many ways this is our ellis island this is where we came through. >> this is our ellis island. >> yeah. >> that's funny you say that years ago a friend took me to ellis island. he is a white guy. let's go to ellis island. he you could walked through, i'm not get going. he was having a moment. and i was like i'm not having the moment. >> these islands are our ellis island. this is where we came through. >> wow. >> yeah gloo people who don't come here, may not have seen
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your movie, what would you like them to know about this part of the country? >> we don't represent what people are used to seeing in film and television. everything here was different. it was more west african. and that the reason we were still very west african off on the island was because of the isolation? before the 1920s and 30s. there weren't bridges. generations they held on to west african way was religion, food stuff. >> daughters of the dust had a resurgence because you got invited in or -- or subsumed by the bey hive. >> yes. >> i don't know the proper word. >> i am now a member of beyonce's bey hive. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> like getting knighted by the queen. >> yes her movie was a beautiful
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piece. took it to another level. which is art. she was a true artist. >> i say that every morning when i get out of bed. thank you to mama gnomes and the knowles family. (vo) we came here for the friends. and we got to know the friends of our friends. and we found others just like us. and just like that we felt a little less alone.
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but then something happened. we had to deal with spam, fake news, and data misuse. that's going to change. from now on, facebook will do more to keep you safe and protect your privacy. because when this place does what it was built for, then we all get a little closer.
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afin neonatal intensive care, i've seen the tiniest babies overcome the biggest odds. so when the big health system that owns alta bates hospital announced plans to close it down, i started organizing to fight back. i'm rochelle pardue-okimoto, and now i'm running against the big money candidates for assembly. fight for people over profits, and finally pass guaranteed health care ...for all.
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rochelle pardue-okimoto for assembly. if you'd have told me three years ago... that we'd be downloading in seconds, what used to take... minutes. that guests would compliment our wifi. that we could video conference... and do it like that. (snaps) if you'd have told me that i could afford... a gig-speed. a gig-speed network. it's like 20 times faster than what most people have. i'd of said... i'd of said you're dreaming. dreaming! definitely dreaming. then again, dreaming is how i got this far. now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. there is perhaps no better place to get education on gullah culture and language then the penn center.
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established in 1862 the penn center is living history. formally the penn school it was the first school or freed and african processes. it was a popular retreat martin lueth king. because being surrounded by black people for miles and miles. made him feel safe. he wrote part of his i had a dream speech here. in the last week in office president obama named the penn center a national monument. the penn center is filled with gullah advocates working to protect heritage and preserving language is critical. vijtia. a. smalls is the director of history art and culture at the center. she serves on the gullah geechee her continual commission and working to bring the language back. >> we are working with school districts in charleston and helping to bring the language within the school system. >> it can be taut the way other
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languages are taut. >> that's always been my personal mission. when i started working with gullah geechee and promoting it preserving it i said i want it taught like any other language. i want to be so fluent in gullah that english is my second language. yeah. >> you got to think in gullah and translate back to english. >> wouldn't that be beautiful. i love my culture. >> i can tell. >> i love it. >> i can tell. what was life like growing up when you were a kid. >> different because my mother is white my father is full gullah. >> okay. >> my mother and father had previous marriages and got together and created us. 14 of us grew up on the farm. >> had you the full rainbow coalition. >> we do we work throughout the corridor to educate people about the cult here and how to promote and preserve it. economic sustain ability. help people with land issues,
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heirs property. all of the things that are the issues of any community but that are actually even more of an issue within a gullah community. >> knows land issues victoria mentioned are at the heart of the fight to protect the culture. because on these lands they've got resorts popping up everywhere, like yoga studios in poor neighborhoods. as we heard earlier this raises property taxes and forces people from homes the families owned for generations. it's classic. except instead of pushing out of the apartment it pushes you out of the land your family owned over a hundred years. jenny stevens a hope are from the center for heirs property. they are working to preserve land ownership another critical part of the gullah culture. heirs property is well -- i know what heirs property is. i can do this myself. because i know all this stuff inside and out. you all know that i'm at the
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meetings all the time. >> we saw you yesterday. >> exactly. >> we saw you yesterday. >> you were in the meeting. >> why don't we just go over it. >> heirs property is land that has been passed down without a will. therefore the family ends up owning it jointly. they had wills but they are oral so like shares in a corporation. whatever one member does upset the ownership status for the remaining members. they don't own a piece but a share, a percentage. >> like, say some foremother has the land and then she has six kids. and she on her death bed sony be you got that corner. maggie you get that corn. junior you never liked you you get that little bit. >> or nothing. >> or nothing. >> yeah. >> then they all sort of had this idea that they own different parts of the land. >> then what happens? do the generations dsh zbloosh that may be honored two or three generations.
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>> each successive generation will be this is what i was told our part of the land is. >> right but they die. >> they die too. >> then their spouse and children now step into the picture. >> and they find out that people who aren't blood related to them now also have an ownership. >> this just seems like it couldn't be more complicated. >> sometimes it can be. >> okay. >> because junior may have had a different daddy. >> oh, yes. >> why did you bring that up? that's how we do. this is how we do it. junior is more real than you like to believe. >> i can see the look on your faces. i had to talk to some juniors. >> that's okay. that's okay. >> you get if this complicated family group ownership but the real problem with heirs property is a good old fashioned american loop hole. any of these people can decide to sell without the group's consent. if one of you guys sells out to the resorts then you lost your family l.
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good job, junior. >> we focus on helping families keep their hand land and resolve the issue. >> so it seems to me the more land gets lost the more people leave from here, and don't -- and don't have a place to come back. the more resorts that are set up. >> or gated communities. >> or gated communities set up. the less this is a unique part of the country. >> right. >> i don't like seeing injustice. and so i get to put on my superwoman cape every morning. >> yep, yep. >> and go to work. >> that's big work you are doing. >> thank you. >> yeah. and also it's -- i just want to hang out with you two. this is fun. >> you're welcome. >> our comedy show take it on the road. >> it feels like the '80s buddy cop movie. the more you travel, the more your wellbeing can get left behind. but there's a place that doesn't come with that compromise.
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with pg&e in the sierras. and i'm an arborist since the onset of the drought, more than 129 million trees have died in california. pg&e prunes and removes over a million trees every year to ensure that hazardous trees can't impact power lines. and since the onset of the drought we've doubled our efforts. i grew up in the forests out in this area and honestly it's heartbreaking to see all these trees dying. what guides me is ensuring that the public is going to be safer and that these forests can be sustained and enjoyed by the community in the future. i support the affordable care act, and voted against all trump's attempts to repeal it. but we need to do more.
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i believe in universal health care. in a public health option to compete with private insurance companies. and expanding medicare to everyone over 55. and i believe medicare must be empowered to negotiate the price of drugs. california values senator dianne feinstein i'm leaching st. helena island and heading back to the mainland to visit the charleston city market back in berkeley the words open air market have a completely different meeting. but in heart the charleston gullah artisans have been selling goods over a hundred years keeping the culture alive. i'm here to meet this family who have been weechg baskets for
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generations. did this technique making baskets come from africa. >> oh, yes. >> yes. >> mostly from the sierra leone or west coast of africa. >> this is considered one of the oldest arts of afro-americans. one of the ways you can visualize pieces or patterns older are based on simplicity. during the ensavement there was no need for beautiful pieces. this is a waist of time. because at that time it was based on agricultural purposes. >> like you're making tools not art. >> correct. correct. >> you have done something i tried to remind myself to do. you say enslaved not slaves. trying to remind myself a person is not a slave. >> correct it's out of respect. >> you can't teach me how to do this, can you? >> colleen go ahead, get him colleen. >> i'm ready to be got. >> yes and no. >> okay. >> you're a come here and we're
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a been here. >> i'm a come here you're a been here. i'm like a dark skinned white man. >> yes. >> you can look at it like if it's not shown to you it's not out of disrespect to the person that wants to do it, it's out of respecting the culture. >> well i have to say that is the politest that i've ever been got. . i feel got but you did it very gentle. >> yes. >> thank you. thank you. >> and so then you have to use your own. >> it's there for sale how much are they. >> that one is -- i'm saying that one is $200. >> and we're going to add $65. >> add sg 265. >> i don't work here i'm talking i make that clear it's $500. >> it's a thousand dollars. >> normally i can get it to you for $265. >> you suck. >> i've heard that before. >> i think i just ruined the sale. >> no you didn't no. >> no you didn't.
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>> also she told me i sucked. >> oh, man. just down the street from the market is the wharf which is getting a proper historical reclamgs. this place played a major role in american history and it's the future site of a $75 million complex called the international african-american museum. the founder of the new museum is michael moore. nope not that michael moore. this michael moore is the great great grandson of robert smalls wab a former enslaved african civil war hero with the best escape story ever. oh, just wait. >> this is the epicenter of the trans-atlantic slave trade, the spot where almost half the enslaved africans arrived and really was the space where you know the original capitalization of the united states economy occurred. the former gadsend wharf.
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>> somewhere around 100,000 africans were brought here and sold into slavery. in 2014 an archaeology. dig found remnants where the ships arrived. originally built in 1767 the wharf held up to six ships and each held up to 600 africans apiece. >> if you just kind of look out you can see ft. sumter in the distance. where the civil war began. that boat out there, a couple hundred years ago, that likely could have been a slave ship. the ships came in and would land here. this is the largest wharf in the colonies. you can see the boats coming in on the same path that the 800 plus slave ships in bringing the africans here. >> 800 plus slave ships it mess
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was my head to see it was here. >> my great, great, great with grandmother was deposited here. the fact that we are building this museum on the spot where so many enslaved africans landed and you know we'll be able to pay homage respect and ancestors and sacrifices and contributions. >> the one thing america has never done is confronted its history of enslaving african, thousand that act and those acts are affecting the current day. i think that museum like this are hopefully a big part of like saying don't be afraid. don't be scared let's just talk about it. >> you're absolutely right. slave labor built this city, this country and half of that labor kind of landed right here. even from an american history standpoint this is really important. >> yeah. >> important space. >> turns out that this wharf is
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not oem a part of gullah culture but it's essential and underexplored part of american history. see it's more than 90% likely that every african-american has at least one relative who handed here. while that fact fills me with awe i'm disgusted by the fact that the people were brought here in the first place. the other thing i knew about this area of the country is the gullah are holding onto culture here. >> it's a powerful cultural phenomenon. my great great grandfather was a gullah statementsman i'm a great great grandson of a gullah statesman. he was enslaved, born in buford about an hour and a half south of here worked on a boat called the planter. to make a long story short on the morning of may 13th, 1862 he saw the opportunity to seize freedom. he got his crew, their families, and took off right for ft.
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sumter there. he knew there was a federal blockade outside the mouth of the harbor. if he got there he would be free. >> yeah. >> and 3:00 in the morning it's dark and in the distance he made a break for it. >> wow! where is that superhero movie? >> i agree after the war he ended up going back to buford, bought a plantation and the big house that his master owned, was elected to the legislature went on to congress and served there five terms in congress. >> once you finish with the museum we're pitching that to hollywood. i think it's needing to be a troyology. knows are the stories feed to be cold told. maybe after ryen coogler wraps up "black panther" i'll pitch him the robert small's movie. ♪
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stella artois. voila! pockets. enjoy! why let life....keep you from enjoying life...
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we've talked a lot about preserving the culture of the gullah people, the food, the music, the language. but one thing that seems to be overlooked about them and black people in general is the ingenuity we used to build this country into what it is today. ingenuity, innovation, inventions. these aren't words you normally hear learning about american slavery. but a story sophia jackson is
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hoping to change that. i'm meeting her at the mccloud planttation. >> at one time georgetown was the number one producer of rice in the world. >> what. >> that's unheard of georgetown? where, d.c.? no georgetown south carolina. >> west african rice farmers were enslaved and brought to america specifically for their knowledge of the complex process of harvests rice. and the knowledge they had made charmts the weltiest place in the country. their rice was dubbed carolina gold and apparently known as the best rice in the world. but once slavery ended the incredible profit margins went away and so did the rice. funny how that works. >> i'll let you hold that. >> all right. this feels like something you'd go to the gym. >> exactly. it's not light. >> something thor would use.
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>> they would use this pestle inside the mortar it's like churning butter. this pounds the rice and loosen the hull from the rice. once you finish that they put the rice in here and shake it. and throw it up. and that motion would allow the wind to blow and blow away the chaff. and what you would have left inside the basket is just the rice. >> who came up with all this. >> ah-ha. ah-ha. and that is the great thing about actually getting into this conversations of everything that they did on the plantations, and how they would be able to innovate, you know, all of these things. because i think somewhere along the which people lost the pride in that. i guess it's kind of hard to be proud of being a slave. it's hard to be proud of. >> innovation when you're innovating as a person who is a slave. >> yeah. you don't look at it for the brilliance of what they were actually doing. >> it's always sort of the narrative is like, oh, swing lo.
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>> exactly. >> not the contrast of that. it still lives on today. >> wow. along here is what back then was called the slave quarters. >> yeah, these were the slave quarters. >> can we go inside? >> sure, want to check this one out? >> all right. >> so here we are in the cabin, one of the slave quarters and this would have housed anywhere from two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, whatever the number of people was that was assigned to this home, they would have been in this house. >> would this have been one family primarily? >> one family, primarily, usually. >> wow. >> uh-huh, yeah. >> i like to, when i'm in these spaces like this, just kind of take some time to be silent and
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reflect on, you know, what it would have been or what it was and really what it really means to have lived in this time and to have dwelled in this exact space. ♪ >> just take in the whole experience, just come and be quiet in the space, you know, and take in actually what happened here. these people's lives. could you imagine the stories that these trees could tell? actual real things, you know, that occurred in these places and to really sit there and think about it. imagine somebody not doing their task for the day, right? >> uh-huh. >> being tied up to a tree. and you looking at that out the window. that's what you waking up to, you see somebody out there tied up to a tree.
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it can be overwhelming sometimes. >> yeah, it's -- ♪ >> yeah.
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before i leave the islands, film maker julie dash invited me to hang with her family and make some authentic gullah cuisine. >> how you doing? >> good, kamau bell. >> uncle johnny is treating us to a traditional gullah crab crack. >> you in here doing a tv show. i'm on your show now. [ laughter ] >> cooking with uncle johnny. all right. come in after my show. we got the next show. oh, here they are. >> there they are. >> wow. oh, sorry, fellas. [ laughter ] >> uh-oh. >> wow. please take a seat. >> thank you. >> yes. are you excited? >> i am. i'm just looking at the fancy table clothes. [ laughter ] >> this is the south.
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>> oh, yeah. >> you always have to have newspaper on the table. won't taste right without newspaper. >> not going to taste right. you want that news print after taste. one of the things about this that is so interesting to me is that people think that black people are monolith in america, that black people are the same no matter where you go. but this part of the country for black people, black people's life and culture here is so different from the rest. are you hopeful for the survival of the gullah culture? >> we've been surviving for a long, long time so yeah, absolutely. >> so no matter what happens, as we do, we'll survive it. >> uh-huh. >> absolutely. we lasted this long, that language survived all these different centuries and is still here today. gullah isn't going anywhere.
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gullah culture isn't going anywhere. uncle johnny says it's definitely not going anywhere. [ laughter ] >> the only thing going somewhere is these crabs. >> that's right. >> into my stomach. >> that's right. >> you're learning fast. >> i try to pick up quickly or at least -- you know what i'm good at, uncle johnny? faking it. i may not make it but i'll fake it. thank you for inviting me. i appreciate it. and thank you for making daughter's of the dust. >> thank you. >> i remember when i saw it back in the day and i got to be honest, i was like 18 years old and i was like what is going on here? >> all of this was going on. all of this plus more. [ laughter ] >> you did a good job because it certainly resonated. >> that's great compliment. >> i'm sure i left a lot more meat on the bone than i should have but i did my best. >> you'll get there. you'll get there. >> you'll come down and go to the bathroom at 3:00 in the morning, i'm almost done uncle johnny. almost done.
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fade to black, i'll be here for awhile. ♪ down to the river where john baptized three ♪ ♪ walked the devil in hell where johnny baptized me ♪ ♪ singing roll, johnny roll >> truly, i had an amazing time this week. the gullah people welcomed me to a home i didn't even know was my home. and the gullah proved yet again that black people in america are not one thing. sure, there are areas of the country that identifies black like oakland, and harlem be. but have you been to those places lately? they are changing fast. with the gullah's rich history of language and unique american
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culture, and with this country being the root of so many black people in america, well, in my humble opinion, this is one black neighborhood that we absolutely cannot afford to lose. ♪ in just a matter of hours, the united states will break with decades of policy and tradition. officially opening its embassy in jerusalem. i'm becky anderson in jerusalem where we have special coverage for you. and i'm george howell live in atlanta. welcome to our viewer here is in the united states and around the world. other stories we're following for you this hour. that the roar of lava spewing into the air on hawaii's big island. a new fissure has opened up, posing a new threat and causing new evacuations. plus


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