tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 17, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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wear one. >> the man that smells leak a steakhouse. >> reporter: he says good fellows. >> always keep your mouth shut. >> reporter: someone even ratted out cohen adding the team from the "sopranos." jeanie mos, cnn, new york. >> anderson starts now. the president woke up with a disgusting taste in his mouth. john berman in for anderson. that's hess word, disgusting. that's how the president describes the special counsel's investigation, which is one year today, illegal, too, even though it was launched by his department. a growing white house effort a bye and large misleading one to discredit and draw attention from him. he kicked off a swing of tweets. qualifications, america, we are now into the second year of the
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greatest witch hunt in american his require -- and there is still no collusion and no obstruction. then this, wow! word seems to be coming out the obama fbi spied on the trump campaign with an embedded inform apt. if so, this is bigger than watergate. he followed up with this one, despite the disgusting, illegal witch hunt, we have had the most successful administration in u.s. history so far. that's not the way it is. humming economy are nothing to sneeze at. but keeping them honest with respect to the investigation, the president is asking people to forgive that this probe, this illegal probe as he calls it would be done on the authorization of his own deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. the president is asking people to ignore the broad scope that rosenstein gave robert mueller
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to do his work. additionally the president is asking us to believe this is a witch huntch but it's only a witch hunt if you don't find any witchs and they have here. in just a year, the special counsel charged 19 people, three companies a former white house adviser. three trump campaign aids including the campaign chair at the time. a prominent russian oligarch. including michael flynn and rick gates, they're cooperating with the special counsel. so the president wants us to set that aside and set aside the one-word answer his own fbi director just yesterday gave to the senate judiciary committee. >> are you said at your confirmation hearing that the russia investigation was not a witch hunt. now ten month here, far more immersd in the details of the fbi, is that still your penalties? >> yes.
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>> so ignore that. set aside the fact that long before the special counsel got to work, the fbi was investigating russian penetration of the 2016 campaign in general and members of the trump campaign specifically. according to "new york times" blockbuster report on the or begins of the fbi probe, a government informant did meet with carter page. page was already suspected of being a russian agent the same informant according to "time's" med met with george pap top las. to hear the president and spokes people spin it when it seems to be basic bread and butter investigating is the campaign espionage not seen thins since watergate the president's new attorney rouge rouudy guiliani says he is shocked. >> i am shocked to hear they put
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a spy in the campaign of a major party candidate. maybe two spies. now i'm going through my brain. you know i was a big part of that campaign trying to figure out who was the spy. now i'm wondering, is it this person, that person. now, if there is a spy, they got nothing from it. >> a short time later the president tweeted wow. then later his white house press secretary put out her own deeply concerned gloss on it. >> does president trump believe that the fbi had a spy at one point inside his campaign? >> i haven't spoken with him directly about that, but certainly seen the reports and if there is any truth to that, it should certainly be looked into. >> again there are no mentions in the actual story of a spy inside the campaign. none. >> that is completely invented, yet, somehow and maybe not by accident it became a fox and friends talking point and a presidential tweet and something the white house believes should be looked into.
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which you will remember is how the devon nunez shenanegan played out last year. he rushed to the white house to brief the president on shocking information he learned about, he learned from inside the white house, itself. >> that is the cycle. this seems to be fol. yet as itplay plays out, robert mueller is going about his work. michael kaput to was interviewed by the mueller team the focus is squarely on the one thing the president had most had a maadde mantly denied -- has hadded a mantly denied -- had adamantly denied, collusion. donald trump jr. wanted the dirt. after the meeting was over what he was most disappointed about is they didn't offer more. so his father apparently sees collusion like a vampire cease garlic. his sons see it as catnip to a new tabby.
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the president's new lawyers say even if it did happen, so what? >> that's what you do. maybe you shouldn't, you do it. nothing illegal about that. david, if it comes from a russian or a german or an american, it doesn't matter. >> rudy guiliani made more news late today. he told the pbs news hour the special counsel's team communicated last night with the president's lawyers, he says they're narrowing down questions for him. whether that agrees whether the president agrees to be questioned. he says it looks more hopeful than a day or so. our gloria borger has more on that. first her report, our best inside look at the investigation, itself. >> reporter: experiencing team mueller up close is no walk in the park. >> it's intense. you know, first of all they ask to peck you up at a nearby hole, because they want to sneak you in the back door. that's the way they want to drop you off when they're done. it's a friendly environment. they're professional.
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i wouldn't could them polite. >> reporter: but they are well informed. >> they know more about the trump campaign than any single person that's worked there. that's because they have everybody's documents the mueller investigation than anybody who does. anybody that citizen i sits with them need to be mindful of that. >> reporter: especially the president and his revolving team of lawyers are well aware. >> what would trump risk if he were to testify in front of bob mueller? >> untruthfulness and the possible charge of lying to a federal investigator. >> at the end of the day is it a perjury trap or not? from my perspective, the president shouldn't go anywhere near this group. >> reporter: the tangled tale of russian interneerns may have started in a london bar in the spring of 20 ken when george papadopoulos a young promoter named to the trump team told moscow had dirt on clinton.
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>> papadopoulos was the coffee boy. he was and always will be. >> reporter: now after pleading guilty to lying to the fbi as are at least three others. >> when the fbi walks in the room, they're not asking you questions half the time because they want to know the answer. they're asking questions because they want to see what you will say. did you meet with john doe last week, no? well, they got your e-mail. you did. now they know, a, you are not telling the truth. b.. they know they have a hammer on you. you just lied to a federal officer. >> reporter: other person under the hammer for lying, deputy campaign chairman rick gates who did business with the russians and worked with campaign chairman paul manafort both before and during the election. manafort could still be under investigation for colluding with russia and has pled not guilty to charges of money laundering and conspiracy. >> today's announcement has nothing to do with the president, has nothing to do
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with the president's campaign or campaign activity. >> reporter: the white house also separated itself from its former national security adviser michael flynn. >> the next president of the united states. right here. >> reporter: now cooperating with mueller, after lying to the fbi and the vice president about his russian contacts. and, yet, the president intervened on flynn's behalf. >> he said he hopes i can let it go. >> when he said that, you thought -- >> he's asking ne to drop the criminal investigation of his now former national security adviser. >> i think the first sign of obstruction was the president asking for loyalty followed on the heels of that by clearing the oval office and asking comey to let the flynn investigation go. >> reporter: the most startling twist in the russia saga came last summer when donald trump jr. confirmed a 2016 trump tower meeting with russians pedaling
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dirt on hillary clinton. his e-mail, i love it. but he claimed the focus of the meeting, which also included manafort and presidential son-in-law jared kushner was not about russian coordination but about russian adoption. a bust he denies telling his father about. >> it was literally a wasted 20 minutes, which is a shame. >> just as head scratching is the president's personal involvement aboard air force one composition a misleading statement about the trump tower meeting. could that potentially be obstruction as well? >> as an act in and of itself, i don't think it's obstruction of justice, from mule ear standpoint will be a mosaic of activity? >> reporter: it's a piece of the puzzle. >> a piece of the puzzle. >> a big jigsaw with a trove of characters, the russian, 13 trolling americans on social media. political trickster roger stone. long-time friend of the
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president who denies coordinating with wikileaks. wikileaks founder julian assange, who distributed the democratic national committee's e-mails hacked by the russians. campaign aid carter page, his frequent trips to moscow, raising eyebrows and trump lawyer michael cohen who pushed a never built trump tower moscow during the election and who was recently raided by the fbi. the trump family is not immune either. son-in-law jared kushner who saw the back channel with russians and then omitted those contacts on disclosure forms. and yet, after one year, while the president runs on and on -- >> it's a total witch hunt. i have been saying it for a long time. >> reporter: mueller runs silent and runs deep. >> we are piloting the titanic. we have seen the tip of an iceberg. we have no idea what lies beneath the surface. >> reporter: so what's ahead? a mueller firing? or a supreme court battle over
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presidential testimony? one thing not on the table, according to rudy guiliani, a presidential indictment. which could leave it all with a report from mueller for the justice department and congress to consider. and then they decide just what to do with it. >> i think the american people will be frustrated in the end, because they're going to expect that he's going to sit in front of the cameras or issue 100 pages and give them like a story. he has to submit a confidential report. my expectation is mueller would like to submit that report in confidence, turn out the lights and go home and leave it to others to figure out what to do with his findings. >> and rudy guiliani has been all over the media the last self days. he spoke with politico about prepping the president for a possible encounter with team mueller. the sessions, he said, would be held in off hours in the white house, perhaps even over golf games. you know, gloria, you have seen
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these reports from pbs and elsewhere, quoting rudy guiliani now saying of the president it would be going to far to say he is going to sit down. it looks more hopeful than he did a day or so ago. is this consistent with what you are hearing from your sources? >> well, i spoke with one this evening. who said, look, there have been a series of communications between the trump legal team and the special counsel about this question of whether trump should testify, will testify. and color me skeptical. color my source skeptical, about whether, in the end, they're going to reach some kind of agreement. but it's very clear from watching rudy guiliani over the last few days that what's important to the president is what reasonable refugee what ru doing. what he is doing is making it appear the president is very willing to testify. is trying to reach an agreement with the special counsel to do
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so. so that if in the end he ends up not testifying, they look like they have made a good faith effort and the president can then place the blame elsewhere rather than on himself. >> this is very interesting, jeffrey toobin, make it appear as if the president wants to sit down. make it look like these are good faith negotiations. they're increasingly every day that passes it seems to 93 this show, the rudy guiliani show is an enin itself. it's not a means to an endch he's not there goerpting an outcome with robert mueller. he is there to create this show which is a part of the larger political argument. >> right. what the president said he wants better tv lawyers. now he has a good lfb lawyer refugee who is making two points, one as gloria is saying. the president really wants to testify. >> we don't know for a fact. he says he wants.
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he wants us to think. >> the other point he is making is this is a terrible and unfair investigation. this fantasy. this absurdity that the fbi planted a spy in the trump campaign. not said in the "new york times" article. not true. but you know it gets into the fox biosphere and repeated and it becomes something to talk about. so, all of that leads to putting the mueller investigation on the defensive that they have something to defend themselves about rather than the president deciding whether he wants to testify. >> i'm glad we have you here on one specific point as jeffrey alluded to, the president in one of the statements today said this is bigger than watergate. what he was talking about is the investigation, itself. the investigation, itself, is so scandalous it's bigger than watergate.
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it happens you know something about watergate. i was wondering what your take is. >> watergate was about a criminal president richard nixon who conducted a criminal office from the day he started until he left. one element not in this terrific set upup we saw. >> that is the success donald trump is having in getting people in this country. not just his base. you look at the poll, 75, 80% of people who call themselves republicans who believe this is a witch hunt. and those numbers are going up. not down. even as mueller makes more and more invisible progress even as we see a staggering body of everyday that suggests, doesn't prove, but suggests collusion and we saw how enthusiastic the president's son was about colluding with the russians to get information and yet we are finding that the conduct of the investigators, the conduct of the press, the conduct of the
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democrats, the conduct of hillary clinton tore tens of millions of americans has been made the issue by donald trump and they have bought into it. i think we need to acknowledge, he's having remarkable success there. >> remarkable success, david gergen, even for people who do not believe this is a rich hunt, there is no question that this white house and its allies are driving the daily story at this point on the russian investigation. part of the reason is because the special counsel's team doesn't leak. they don't talk at all. we don't see what they're doing on a minute by minute let alone a month by month bachlts we didn't know anything from there ainside. all we hear is what the president and his allies are saying every day. reasonable reasonable says no indictment and the next 30 hours, no indictment is the story. they are driving this. >> there is no question. this is an all out propaganda
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war. hand-to-hand conflict, conducted by one side. conducted by the white house and as you say by the president's allies who are doing etching they can to discredit the investigation, to discredit the institutions of the fbi and the justice department in order to drive public penalties and the other side is kept silent because that is the professionalism mueller is displaying. they don't have anybody out there speaking. frankly, there have been very few democrats good at speaking up. or speaking up on that side and to defend mueller. i think mueller is running an extraordinary professional organization. there haven't been leaks. the results of having no leak, all the propaganda piles up on the other side. i must say this is helping the are the in public penalties. i think it's hurting our democracy to erode public trust
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in these institutions and to protect the president at great expense to other institutions which have been very important for our democracy in the past. >> asim mount trickal warfare to say the least. we will have a new legal move that could increase the pressure on paul manafort. later, that guy who could not stand the idea of other people speaking spanish around him. this video that went viral and then a question has been identified in his story is being seen as something bigger than even his towering rage. at t-mobile, we don't just see uniforms. we see the people behind them. so we're committed to helping veterans through job training when their service ends... and to hiring 10,000 veterans and military spouses to be part of our workforce in the next 5 years. because no matter where you serve... or when you serve... t-mobile stands ready to serve you. so we provide half-off on all family lines for military.
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at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. . >> i was talking act a president of war footh special counsel possibly getting ready to sit down with him. rudy guiliani is talking about getting him ready for golf and narrowing the scope of potential questions. there is more breaking news that could put pressure, new pressure on paul manafort, who as you know is pleading not guilty at least for now and fought cooperating with the special counsel. at least for now. two sources tell cnn his former son-in-law has reached a plea agreement if los angeles, which has been investigating his real estate deals. under this agreement he will be required to cooperate with another investigators. though one source is doubtful about what he may have to offer robert mueller or anyone else. jeffrey toobin the deputy chair rick gates is cooperating and
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now his former son-in-law will be cooperating as well. it's closing in. >> this has been a bad week for paul manafort the most important thing that happened is earlier this week the judge in his washington case. he has two case, virginia and washington the judge in the washington case declined to dismiss the case against him. said it was appropriate for him to bring the case. manafort is going ahead in washington. we'll see about virginia. now his son-in-law faces, you know, this prospect of being sentenced. it's a lot of pressure to plead guilty and cooperate and we're talking a lot about spin and public penalties. this is something that matters. if paul manafort pleads guilty and cooperates. that's a big deal. this is a week where the pressure to do so increases. >> it's the actual facttual
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domino. when you look at this and all the evidence, including maybe the volume of the president protestations here, you actually see something else. >> yes. and this is a two-way freight train collision heading towards each other. the special prosecutor who has huge momentum. despite the momentum trump has gotten from his base who have been craveing in defending him, despite his contempt for rule of law. did we have these two freight trains heading towards each other? mueller has considerable power behind it. not just manafort. he also has plead -- he's got the president's lawyer cohen, his fixer is in a box and he may flip and talk ago ens the president of the united states. we don't know that. but we do know the president is very concerned about that and the president is talking to people i talk to about the possibility of issuing pardons,
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ability the possibility of shutting down this investigation, firing mueller, firing rod rosenstein the deputy attorney general. that has been discussed for months and months and months. and if the flame gets too close to the president of the occupation, certainly those closest to him, including old friends, believe that he's prepared to shut down this investigation and take his chances with impeachment if it were to come to that and think that maybe he can do better there, if the facts are lined up against him and his former associates are to testify against him or members of his family, so that we have a real clash coming here. we're at a very critical junkture. >> it's critical. this new legal team with rudy guiliani, if nothing else, it seems to have shut down the public musings from the president or the comment that he would make that led people to think he was on the verge maybe of firing robert mueller.
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that's gone away. >> right. for now. >> temporarily. for now. >> yeah. >> is that intentional by this legal team? >> yes. they're trying. and since he's got guiliani out there. i will tell you i spoke with one source who said that the president sees guiliani as kind of catharctic for him. guiliani is kind of saying the things that he would like to say that he wishes his other lawyers would say. he's got this new legal team and they're getting ridden and getting their security clearance. don't forget the husband and wife team need to get clear and they're trying to figure out where to go and everybody understands that firing either rossen stein or mueller at this junkture the a terrible, terrible idea. you know there have been some discussion about maybe well, he could do it after the mid-terms, depending on how that goes, for example, but we really you know
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at this point it doesn't seem like it's imminent. but the president, himself, does not accept that this is a legitimate investigation and that has not changed, one iota. he believes it's directed towards him to delegitimize his election and presidency and he cares about how he comes out of this more than anything else. >> you know, david, it's interesting, one of the other things reasonable reasonable has said he thinks they would beat impeachment, an impeachment battle. it seems what they're trying to do here is lay the grourngd --
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laying the ground work. one he thinks he will get a pardon as carl bernstein keeps pointing out or secondly he's worried if he talks, if he flips. the russians may take him out at the end. >> well, we will see going forward. gloria borger, david gerigen, jeffrey toobin. thanks so much. we will tuque with the senate intelligence commission. they believe there was meddling in the 2016 election designed to help donald trump.
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tonight, president trump's personal attorney rudy guiliani tells pbs as recently as last night, they were in contact about narrowing questions about a possible interview with the president. you heard him acknowledge the start of the mueller investigation incorrectly calling it illegal, more certainly of interest of the ranking intelligence committee, mark warner, the committee's report yesterday left zero doubt they believe there was russian meddling in the election, it was designed to help druchl i spoke to the senator just before the broadcast. senator warner, your committee put out a joint statement saying have you no reason to question the findings of the intelligence community that the russians meddled in the 2016 election and they did so with the intent of helping donald trump. the house intelligent committee put out a report that said the ochs. they said they saw no evidence of that. how is it that you guys are at
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odds? smr john, let's be clear. the house intelligence repped the majority the house democrats did not agree with their finding. they agreed with our finding. i think any reasonable person following this story. we interviewed over 100 ysidro, many putting together the community assessment. we interviewed officials from the obama administration the trump administration, literally every person that is in the intelligence community that has been in effect confirmed by the senate. one of the first questions we would ask, do you agree with the intelligence assessment and every one of them 100% agreed. i would argue it's a small minority of people not checked to any factual basis that don't agree with our assessment, which the intelligence community they put the report together fairly quickly. they got it right. they realized the russians massively intervened in our
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elections. they touched 21 of our state's electoral systems. they radically used social media in ways that never have been used before and with the intent to hurt mr. trump and hillary clinton. >> a republican congressman from you that you who is on the house intelligence committee was telling me earlier today, he spent hours overt the cia looking at things. he saw no evidence he says the russians were trying to help donald trump. how is it that he says he's seen no evidence? >> i don't have the foggiest idea. i know that we had in meek rogers, jim clapper, john brennan, the previous heads of the three of the intelligence agencies, they all recon firmed that our conclusion, their conclusion that should be, they also indicated that there was even further proof when bob mueller brought a series of indictments against individuals connected to the internet research agency, the group that was doing a lot of the social media posting, that that, those
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indictments further confirm that the goal of the russians was to help trump and hurt:i can't -- i frankly have stopped listening to some of the stuff that comes out of the house majority. it's been so disconnected for any kind of factual basis. candidly, that's why it's been so important that in the senate we keep our efforts bipartisan, the chairman and i. our committee, we go from tom cotton on one hend to kamala harris on the other. we've all stayed united on our reports so far. >> how much more work. what does your committee need to do to complete its investigation and when will that be? >> we've still got three important pieces to finish. we've finished the election and assessment. we have more work to do on what happened well and where there were mistakes made by the obama administration. we got to make sure we get a more conclusive report on social
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media as well as policy, outlines on where we need to go. >> that problem and misuse of russians and social media is only growing. wi then we got the question everybody is waiting for and i am reserveing judgment on, collusion with individuals connected with the trump campaign and the russians. >> you say reserving judgment on that we are a year into the mueller investigation right now. you say you are reserving judgment on that you talk to the republicans, you talk to the white house. they say they have seen no evidence of it to date. have you seen any evidence of it to date? >> if there was not more to be investigated, and more facts to come out, i don't think we would have had at this point a year today into the mueller investigation five guilty pleas, 14 indictments, including the indictment of the president's campaign manager mr. manafort, including the indictment of a number of key russians who were involved in further bolstering
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the evidence about russians helping mr. trump to hurt clinton. in terms of the clue, i felt and others are, we're going stay silent until we see all the witnesses. >> staying silent is different tan reserving judgment. are you staying silent or refusing to answer -- have you seen evidence? >> however, john, you want to ask the question, i'm not going to weigh in until the committee finishes its work. we got more work to do. there is actually one of the things that is a bit frustrating. i wish we had been further along at this point. >> one of the things the president said is that the mueller investigation is disgusting. he called it illegal. his personal attorney rudy guiliani is out there almost every day saying the same thing on television. do you worry that their argument is starting to be heard? particularly among supporters to the president? do you worry that it's working? >> i who irthat this president's
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relentless attacks and his allies attacks on the mueller investigation, their relentless attacks on the integrity of everybody that works at the fbi. their relentless attacks on, in effect, the whole department of justice, really raises to me the concern that some of mr. trump's supporters may start think, well, you know, not only is the mueller investigation not accurate, not fully credible, but it also in effect gives a green light to people decide, i don't want to follow this law or this rule because everybody that's involved in the fbi and justice department is sent out corrupt. >> that gets us into very dangerous territory. i think those who have made those kind of ad homonym attacks do so extraordinarily irresponsibly and are not reflective of what our nation is, rule of law. >> senator warner, thank you for being with us. president trump and his republican allies pound away on the theme the russian
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tweets to fox news to surrogates fanning out all over the country. with a look at how this works and its effectiveness, here's 360 randi kaye. >> reporter: the attacks come from all sides, twitter and television with the help of trusty surrogates. the president sometimes starts the attacks on twitter early in the morning to his 52 million followers tweeting about something he saw on the fox news morning program fox n friends. >> how many times have we heard that russia colluded with the trump campaign? >> then in prime time, fox news host sean hannity taxi the baton. >> i have a message tonight for the special counsel robert mueller. your witch hunt is now over. time to close the doors. >> reporter: hannity according to one account speaks with trump nightly about how to shape their message to supporters. it's a relationship one white house official described to new york magazine as a quote fh'ed
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feedback loop. >> everybody knows the message is it's a fix a witch hunt. >> reporter: rudy guiliani trump's lawyer now also in the tent to amplify the narrative. >> the president clearly isn't. he is absolutely right. you want to get insulted. you get insulted. it's a dam witch hunt. >> i have this witch hunt constantly going on for over 12 months now, much more than. that the playbook is an attack to discredit any element of the investigation. founded or not. >> robert mueller and his band of witch hunters never should have been appointed. they need to be disbanded immediately. >> reporter: sound familiar? >> all these investigators are democrats. robert mueller worked for obama for eight years. >> reporter: he doesn't mention mueller was first appointed by george bush. james comey's ability under attack. twitter last month direct his
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followers to tune into fox and friends which attacked the february fib later guiliani did the same. >> comey should be prosecuted for leaking confidential fbi information when he leaked his report. >> reporter: and the president got in on it too, tweeting scrapes comey is a proven leaker and liar. les in on the act devon nunez, the chairman of the house intelligence committee. remember nunez had already been caught fibbing about his contacts with the white house and his committees company had been closed over the suggestion of democrats on the committee. its conclusion no evidence of collusion and right on queue, that was followed by a tweet. house intelligence committee votes to release final report. findings, no evidence provided of collusion between trump campaign and russia. which was then picked up by fox news. ? mueller has been at this for almost ten months.
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congress for over 14 months and so far nothing, no evidence of trump-russia collusion. >> reporter: and around and around it goes. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> coming up, the immigration debate, north, south, cell phone video in new york. two antiimmigration candidates run for governor in georgia. >> that plus the immigration debate at the house of debate at the house of representatives.
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with citi's help we built a wonderful maternity ward and we were able to purchase an mri machine. we've made it possible for the people who live here to lead healthier lives and that's invaluable. ♪ the republican leadership in the house promised to hold a vote and moderate republicans are a few away from saving the daca program. the president has been venting more about the immigration policy in the past few days and there are examples all over the country how out of control in some ways it has become.
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a man in new york identified as attorney erin sloss burg was caught in the middle of manhattan ranting because employees and customers were speaking spanish. . >> morocco mayor bill de blasio tweeted the 8.2 million people that call new york home speak 200 languages. they're all welcome here. one man with big talk making their point in georgia with a big truck and a big bus. >> reporter: spotted on interstate 45 in georgia. a vehicle he calls his
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deportation bus. >> we will track him. put him on this bus and send him home. >> republican state senior michael williams trailing with a bus that says danger, murderers, kidnappers, other criminals on board echoing these words. >> they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. they're rapists. some are good people. >> are you putting people on the deportation bus? >> no. >> why are you doing this. >> to bring awareness to illegal immigration. >> isn't it a mean spirited gimmick to have a bus that says deportation and murders and rapists are on this bus. >> what is mean for holding people accountable for breaking the law. when did that become -- >> what does it sa i? >> it says it has illegal aliens on that, those breaking yet
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another law. >> is this a gymic? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: the candidate and the staff take the bass and rv to georgia cities that have many immigrants and get a mostly negative reaction from people gathered waiting for the bus. michael williams isn't the only candidate running for georgia governor going to extremes. >> two things if you going to date one of my daughters, respect and a healthy appreciation for the second amendment, sir. >> we're going to get along just fine. >> reporter: georgia secretary kevin is running and talks about hauling away immigrants. >> i got a big truck. just in case i need to round up criminal illegals and take them home myself. yep, i just said that. >> reporter: one has a big truck. another a big bus. >> you are a sunday school teacher? . >> i am. >> does this violate moral religious life against your
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fellow human being in. >> again i am being kind to the citizens of this country that built the country and have something the world covets and wants, we have to protect that. >> reporter: before the deportation bus drives away for the day, someone places this, words from the poem of the pedestal of the statue of liberty. gary tuckman, cnn, decatur, georgia. >> coming up on the one-year of the mueller investigation the president calls it a disgusting, illegal and unwarranted witch hunt. it's led to 75 criminal charges and five guilty pleas. the latest from the white house next. at t-mobile, we don't just see uniforms. we see the people behind them. so we're committed to helping veterans through job training when their service ends... and to hiring 10,000 veterans and military spouses to be part of our workforce in the next 5 years. because no matter where you serve... or when you serve...
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