tv Wolf CNN May 18, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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this community as well, dana. i know the community i live in, i know many of the people in our community. my kids go to school there. you know the teachers. it's heartbreaking but you've obviously got to do the job, which they're doing. >> they sure are. thank you so much, sanjay. i'm going to thank you for watching and also go right over to wolf blitzer who is picking up our breaking news right now. hello, i'm wolf blitzer. we start with our breaking news. it's happened once again right here in the united states. multiple fatalities after a shooting at a high school in texas and now fears from police as they say they have found several explosive devices both at the school and in the area. the shooting happened at santa fe high school in santa fe, texas. that's just outside houston. police say there are at least
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eight people dead, possibly ten. >> one person, a suspect in custody, a second possible person of interest that was detained and being questioned. there are multiple fatalities that have been confirmed. it could be anywhere from eight to ten, the majority being students. one male is in custody and then a second one, again, was a person of interest. both are believed to be students here at the school. >> at a white house event earlier today, president trump spoke about the tragedy. >> this has been going on too long in our country. too many years, too many decades now. we grieve for the terrible loss of life and send our support and love to everyone affected by this absolutely horrific attack to the students, families, teachers and personnel at santa
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fe high beer with you in this tragic hour, and we will be with you forever. >> our rosa flores is joining us live. she's in santa fe, texas. rosa, we heard from the police. they say they know the shooter was a student. what else are we hearing? what's the latest? >> about the shooter, wolf, we don't know his name. we also know from harris county sheriff gonzalez that there is another individual detained. they are not releasing the names at this point, but they do tell us that these two individuals were students. now b the time lan-- according witnesses they were in a first period class when an alarm went off. the students went outside those classrooms and that's when the shooter started firing his weapon. one student describing the weapon as a gunshot -- as a
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shotgun, excuse me. we asked the sheriff about the type of weapon and he did not disclose that information, but we are learning now from authorities that explosives have been recovered from the campus in an area adjacent to the campus. take a look behind me. this is still a very active scene, wolf. you see a lot of vehicles. a lot of them are ununmarked, b they are police vehicles according to a police officer that's at the scene. according to the sheriff, his bomb squad is still on scene, they are scouring this scene and an adjacent area to make sure those explosives are out of there. a police officer was also
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injured according to the sheriff, a gunshot injury to the leg, a gunshot injury to the arm. there is a lot of information coming into their command centers and into our newsrooms, but wolf, here's the sad reality. we are here yet again at another town in this country covering another mass shooting that involves students, according to the sheriff, at least eight to ten individuals are dead. most of these students and teachers would probably be planning for commencement, for graduation, for that exciting time in college for these students, and instead some of their families. of course, planning now for funerals. wolf. sdplz i kn--
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>> what do we know about these shooters or shooter? >> that is unclear. we know one is being held and the other one is it being detained. it could tell us a little about what happened here. was there planning involved? what was the motive? we know those two individuals were students. that answers the question of access, how those students got on campus. as you know, lawmakers right now have been talking about what's necessary, what school district have to do around the country to make sure students and teachers are prepared to respond to some of these active shooter situations around the country to make sure that they can do what they can to make sure that they are safe. i know in the state of florida, we've talked about parkland so much because of the shooting that happened there and the tragic situation lawmakers there asking themselves the same questions. the governors, of course, asked
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himself the same question. what happened if they were trapped someplace else in a city near you that students and teachers are prepared to respond to protect each other and themselves. >> very quickly, rosa, they say they found explosive devices at the school, elsewhere in the ar area. >> they're saying be careful if you see explosive devices or anything suspicious. what do you know about that? >> the only thing they are saying for the sake of transparency is they have found explosive devices on and off campus in an area adjacent to the school. since we've been here we haven't heard any destinations.
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we haven't heard any destinations since we've been here. it's unclear what these devices are. we know on and off campuses. authorities are not going through those details at the moment. i'm sure we will be learning more about that and we'll bring you the information as soon as we have it, wolf. >> that's extremely disturbing. there may be other explosive devices at large as we speak. i know where you are in santa fe, texas. our reporter shimon prokupecz is working his sources as well. what are you hearing, shimon? >> we have more information about the gunman here, the suspe suspect. it's a student at the school. the big concern, as you indicated moments ago, is these
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possible explosive devices that could be other parts of the community around the school. that seems to be the big concern right now for law enforcement. they've been asking folks there if they see anything suspicious to call 911 because there is an obvious public safety risk. in terms of the number of shooters here based on conversations we have had with law enforcement, it appears to be only one shooter now. it's not clear why this second shooter was detained, but this happens in these kinds of situations where perhaps something suspicious occurred here and they want to talk to this other person. the other thing will be where are these explosive devices? that would call for some planning and placing them around in locations would call for some planning.
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that's what they will want to dig into. and obviously the weapon. how did the gunman get his hands on the weapon? that will be part of the investigation as well. >> we know at least one police officer was injured, apparently shot, is that right? >> that's what the hospital said. this was the resource officer. this was the officer that was at the school there for obvious reasons to secure the school. >> armed police officer. >> it appears to be an armed police officer. in some of these information in schools, the law enforcement officer would be armed. you would expect them in this day and age to be armed. what we know is this officer maybe engaged the shooter and that's how he was shot. the hospital said he was in critical condition. so the police there, again, you have a situation where the police are on scene. there was a resource officer there. looks like he may have engaged the shooter and still could not prevent this. this is going to, obviously, bring up a lot of debate. >> the shooter himself, the 17-year-old youth was shot and is now, what, in a hospital? >> i know that he's in custody.
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>> we don't know if he was shot? >> there are no indications that he was shot. >> but he has been detained. >> he has been detained and police are trying to question him at this point. >> we'll get more information on that. i know you're working your sources, shimon. stand by. a 15-year-old leyla butler is a sophomore in high school. she's joining us on the phone. thank you for joining us. how will you doing? >> i'm really in shock. i really haven't been able to process what's happened yet, but it's just been a crazy day. >> tell us what you saw and what you heard this morning at school. >> this morning i didn't hear gunshots personally, but i was sitting in class and i heard a fire alarm go off, and everyone in my classroom immediately got up and evacuated the school. we got outside to see people in our administrative area yelling
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at us to get across the street, across the highway into the ditches as far away as we could get as possible to be safe. we just thought it was a fire drill because i was so far away i didn't hear the shots. then we immediately saw so many cop cars and sheriffs arriving and we knew immediately that something was wrong, that it wasn't just a fire. >> did you -- leyla, did you know this shooter who is apparently a 17-year-old young man who was a student at the school? >> i did not. i haven't even heard who they believe it was, but no. >> how are your friends doing? this must be such an awful experience for all of you, and our hearts go out to you, but how are you and your friends doing right now? >> we're all really just devastated that such a tragedy could happen in our small town. we're all so close because it's a small school. you just never think something like this could happen, and when
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it does, it affects you so much. especially after having harvey affect us at the beginning of this school year and now we're having this, it's more than we can handle. >> well, we're grateful to you for joining us, leyla. good luck to you, good luck to all your friends, your families. an awful, awful experience for all of you. fortunately you're okay. we'll stay on top of the story. leyla butler is a student at santa fe high school. leyla, thank you so much. we've got more breaking news. new numbers coming in now. shimon is with us. we now know 10 people confirmed dead, nine of those students, one a teacher. >> it's now 10 dead. remember the police and sheriff there saying at the press conference it was anywhere from 8 to 10. we're now being told by law enforcement that it's in fact ten. nine students and one teacher is what we're being told. we're also being told -- given more information about these explosive devices that law
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enforcement and police are concerned about. it appears to be pipe bombs and pressure cookers that were found at the scene, at the school and also around that area that has police urging the community that if she see anything suspicious, they should call 911. certainly grim news out of there, wolf, in that we have ten dead in what is really just another tragic, tragic situation here. really, the other concern here, as we've been saying, is going to be these explosive devices. also, pipe bombs generally, as we know, are not difficult to make. pressure cookers are not difficult to make. these things are available on line. you can go on line and you can figure out how to make some of this stuff. pressure cookers, as you may recall, were used in the boston marathon bombing. and it likely increased the
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involvement of the fbi because it involves explosive devices and concern for the community because there may be other devices that police might find. >> eight to ten individuals dead, one a teacher, we're told by law enforcement. there are multiple injuries right now. the hospitals there in the area are very busy. jonathan lakrow is joining us. he's a former secret service agent. jonathan, when you hear that pipe bombs, pressure cookers were found at the scene, found elsewhere in the area and there is a lookout for more, what does that say to you in addition to this shooter going out and killing these people? >> wolf, first of all, the introduction of explosives into this situation shifts the risk dramatically. really, this is a -- it alludes
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to the premeditation of this attack, so this was not a crime of passion, this wasn't an argument that escalated when the shooter went in. this was something that was absolutely premeditated. the building of explosives, the research that was necessary, the placement of them led to his intent. it was to absolutely cause harm not only at the school, but as they find these devices throughout the community, it shows his intent was to terrorize the entire region. >> pipe bombs and pressure cookers. as we know, as shimon pointed out, reminded us of the boston marathon, what happened then. they could be very, very deadly. if there are others at large right now, people have to be very careful, right? absolute >> absolutely. these devices can be disguised. they can be easily secreted throughout the community. they are very easy to make. you can learn on line how to make these devices and how to effectively deploy them for the greatest amount of harm. right now what we're seeing is
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what was a regional -- which was a contained incident at the school is now a communitywide incident that's really going to spread law enforcement thin over thesearching and ensuring that all those devices are found. ztz the notion, though, that this shooter went out there and found -- and murdered nine students, one teacher and injured multiple others and with these pipe bombs and pressure cookers there as well, you point out this is a planned event, not just an act that momentarily someone gets kraed and starts shooti -- crazy and starts shooting. this is clearly something in the works for a while. >> absolutely. there is motive here. they are looking at his individual, all his associated groups. hopefully they started looking through his social media and digital platforms to ascertain what was the motive and who was he targeting? was he targeting the community
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as a whole, specific parts of the community? that's going to come out pretty quickly. >> tom fuentes is also joining us. he's our senior law enforcement analyst formerly with the fbi. walk us through what law enforcement is trying to figure out right now. >> i think they are trying to figure out, first of all, is it absolutely just this guy, this kid, and not part of a group, or he hasn't been contacting other people intending told t do the thing. the other part of this is the police have 1400 other students to talk to about this kid. if he's from that school and they know his identity, and chant chances are the students have already been gasping with each other all morning with a good idea who is responsible for this before they even hear the name, is try to find out who did he associate with at that school? who did he have problems with? which teachers or other students didn't he like or have
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grievances against? there are a lot of people that need to be interviewed and talked to about him, much less the usual classmates, workmate, family, neighbors, coworkers, that type of thing. in addition, the search of his residence to get to his desktop, laptop or other printed material that he may have. so if he made these devices, let's say, the explosive devices, did he print out instructions on how to do it, which websites did he go to? were other people involved? did he get tutored with how to do this with other possible associates that might want to do something like this. and was he in contact with anybody else that may attempt a similar act somewhere else? this is the one problem now that comes up because of the internet. before if you had a socially mentally deranged individual 20 years ago, they didn't find or associate with other similarly deranged people.
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now with the internet, they can find each other, they can encourage each other, they can help train each other and that's a huge problem. so they'll need to look at his media, his e-mails, his phone calls, web sites, et cetera that he's gone to to see if they can find other connections like that. >> how unusual, tom, is it? we've had unfortunately way too many of these school shootings in recent years here in the united states. how unusual is it that the shooter is not only a student, not only has a weapon and starts murdering fellow students and teachers, but also has explosive devices planted at the school, near the school and maybe elsewhere. >> i think, wolf, you're right. everything you said up to that point was pretty much business as usual for school shooters getting their hands on a weapon, stealing a weapon, taking a parent's weapon, whatever that might be. but the explosive dwenimension a
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new wrinkle on this thing. unfortunately, the information is all there that you need on the internet, whether you use a pressure cooker and articles on line with how to make a bomb with explicit instructions having to do with a pressure cooker bomb and materials you can easily buy at a home repair supply store and then other devices. pipe bombs have been very common for decades. no shortage of instruction on the internet to make a pipe bomb. so if those are the type of devices we're talking about, very easy for practically a seven-year-old to make. less a 17-year-old. >> stand by, tom. there are more eyewitness accounts of what happened at santa fe high school outside of houston. listen to this. >> i heard three shots and then four more shots. >> all the teachers were saying, go, go, run.
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>> people were dead. i was shaking and my anxiety was bad. >> pray. that's what we need right now, guys. just pray for our kids. >> whoever did this was selfish and cold-hearted. these are innocent people at our school. >> if you would have heard the fear in my loved one's voice because of my son being in that classroom -- >> really scary. really, really scary. >> it was very scary. my brother was in the classroom when it happened. we're still trying to get in contact with him. >> nobody should have to go through this. nobody should have to feel that pain. it hurts my heart to see this. >> our hearts go out to all those students, all their families and their friends. representative ted deutsche of florida is joining us on the phone right now. representative deutsch, unfortunately, is all too familiar with a school shooting. it happened in his district a couple months or so ago in
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parkland. talk a little bit about what's going through the families, the friends. you're very familiar, unfortunately, congressman, with this kind of situation. >> well, thanks, wofrl. first of all, thanks for having me on, and most importantly, my heart really goes out to the families thof the student survivors and teachers. it's a terrible time. our community had a hole ripped from its heart, and as i watch, and as we watch this play out again in santa fe knowing what it means for these families, knowing what they have ahead, knowing how hard it is going to be for them, for those who grieve and for those whose lives will be forever affected by what happened today, it's just so painful. so, so painful. >> i know you, a little while
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ago, walked over here in washington and gave a hug to a fellow member of congress, republican congressman randy weber. it's in his district where the santa fe high school massacre has just taken place. tell us how he reacted and tell us how you felt in talking with him. >> well, look, wolf, the whole thing was very surreal. it was only three months ago that i was standing in the same place that he was, in front of your camera talking about the most unimaginable thing that i could think of happening in my district, and randy is now going through the same thing. i just gave him a hug and told him he should reach out any time, that i'm here for him and that i know he is here for his. >> i know he's headed back to
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his district to be with his family. what is your thoughts about this high school right now, given the fact that in february you and your constituents went through something very similar? >> i'm not sure that there's any message that i could pass on that can even begin to address the hurt, the pain that they're feeling. i mean, we're grateful for the work of law enforcement there. i'm sure we'll hear more about what transpired and i'm sure that in the midst of this, there is heroism in those that took brave action, but ultimately there were eight people who were killed and their lives aren't going to be the same. but for the people in that
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community, i can only say that the comfort that was extended to our community from families in sandy hook who endured what happened at sandy hook and at columbine and in las vegas and virginia tech, the outpouring of support of the people who came to grieve and to just offer strength meant the world to us and we're now a community that is still grieving, but even as we grieve, extend support to families. >> it was just in february that we were learning about the shooting in your district, an awful shooting, and now we're covering this shooting at santa fe high school outside of houston. one final question before i let you go, congressman. the president just said his
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administration was doing everything they can, everything they could to keep schools safe in the united states. you have some background in this area. what's the most important thing the president can do right now to keep schools safe, to keep school kids safe here in the united states? >> well, wolf, i sat at the white house three seats down from the president of the united states when he looked around the room and said, i don't know why no president has been able to lead to pass universal background checks and to keep guns out of the hands of domestic abusers and pass background orders. i don't know why anybody else hasn't been able to do it. i'm going to have to do it. and he hasn't. the president has to live up to his own words in the white house when he said that these common-sense measures that have
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such broad bipartisan support need to get done right now. right now. he looked around the table and told people not to be afraid of the nra, told my colleagues not to be afraid of the nra. the president has an opportunity. i told him at the table that day, i repeated to him that he's watching now. we can take action to prevent gun violence. he said he wanted to. it's time he leads and forces my colleagues in congress, leadership in congress, to let us vote on these bills to get them to his desk, and to start taking action to keep our kids and community safe. that's what he can do. >> congressman ted deutsch, thank you so much for joining us and thank you for your perspective. unfortunately it's a tragic perspective given what happened in your district in february. ten people are now confirmed dead as a result of this shooting at this santa fe high school. of the ten, nine are students,
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nine were students, one teempac dead. there were ten confirmed dead at santa fe high school. we received this from the university of texas medical branch hospital. >> the male patient that's in the operating room had a gunshot wound to the arm. the male patient that's under 18 had a gunshot wound to the leg. and the female patient who is in the operating room had a gunshot wound to the leg also. >> you said a male is in surgery right now with a gunshot injury to the arm? >> yes. >> we were told there was some kind of a chest wound? >> it was close to his chest. >> our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta is joining us right now. unfortunately, scanjay, more an more hospitals have to be prepared for these situations in high schools around the united states, and elementary schools,
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for that matter, as well. what's the protocol? >> it's interesting, the protocol has even changed over the last several years we've been reporting on these types of stories. first of all, you do get first responders that often go to the scene here, an active shooting scene, even before they have to try and respond before the scene is sometimes fully secure, which sometimes puts first responders in harm's way. they have to assess and do triage on the scene to try and determine where does the patient need care, where should that care be received? there is a trauma 1 center that you just heard about at the university of texas branch. that's galveston. there is another trauma center, so they have to make these decisions. the patient you just heard described was then deemed in critical condition and was flown by helicopter, then, to utmb in galveston, which is about 25 miles away. as you heard, wolf, he is in the
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operating room with significant injury, it sounds like, to the arm. i don't know exactly what the other injuries are that he might have, but critical condition, most likely from significant blood loss. they're still describing the patient as in critical condition, and that means they haven't as of yet been able to fully control that blood loss, which is certainly what they're trying to do right now. but the protocol at every step of the way, the first responders in the field to the type of training, the type of injuries that hospitals are now trained to be able to deal with has changed over the last several years, wolf. >> in this particular case, they're worried about injuries not just from gunshots but also from explosive devices with the pressure cookers and bombs along those lines. sanjay, this creates even further difficulties for these local hospitals. >> it creates further difficulties, first of all, going back to the training. that's the sort of training many of these first responders and the people who are then caring
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for these patients in the hospital have to be aware of. they have to understand how to take care of these types of injuries. most of this was done basically in the battlefield, the military sort of training in medicine before. so this is happening much more now, obviously, in civilian settings. but also they have the resources. utmb is a level 1 trauma center. that means they've got the surgeons, the nurses, everybody who is in house to be able to care for these patients when necessary come in the door. they have operating rooms that are standing by, they have blood of all different types that they can transfuse. that's what you need to have. but when you start to have multiple patients coming in and the kiconcern about more patien coming in, you have to be able to prepare for that as well. you have to have a lot of redundancy in the medical system. typically i work at a level 1 trauma center. we all start to get calls. we may be getting more patients, we need to have you either here
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at the hospital standing by very close, whatever. i'm sure those calls have probably been going out, especially in galveston around that level 1 trauma center. >> sanjay, listen to some more of the eyewitness accounts of what happened. listen to this. >> we heard the alarms. everybody just started leaving, following the same procedure as we did because nobody thought it would be this. nobody thought it was a shooting. everybody just thought it was a normal procedure or practice fire drill. and next thing you know, we just hear so many -- three gunshots, a lot of explosions and teachers were telling us to run, run, go, run. me and my friend ryan calvert ran to the floor so we could get shelter. that's when i called my mom. >> i couldn't understand her. there was just noise coming out of her body. i could tell she was in distress. and she said shefls in a field behind the school, hiding.
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and i don't know what's going on, so i'm in panic, sheer panic. i called my supervisor. i was like, i'm out of here, i got to go. i got here and it was kind of a struggle to get in here because of the cops trying to block everything off. it wouldn't have mattered. i would have got to her somehow, i would have ran. her friend got shot. it's disturbing. and she's fearful because she says she has to go to school tomorrow and i'm like, you're not going to school tomorrow. you're not going back. >> sanjay, it's not just those that were injured with a shooting or an explosive device, but the emotional toll, the psychological toll. these kids and their families, they're going to go through enormous distress maybe for a long, long time, and you have to deal with this, right? >> there is no question, wolf. every -- it's hard to even emergen imagine. i got kids starting high school next year. you can't imagine you send your kid to a place that's supposed to be a safe place, a place of
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learning, and this is the call that you get. it's what happens. but the psychological impact on the students certainly, but the entire community, and these hospitals, wolf, the doctors and nurses, the health care teams there, they all live in these communities as well. oftentimes when i've covered these, and i know you have as well, you're talking to these people providing care who also have students that go to this high school who may have even known somebody who was injured or killed. so there's no one immune when it strikes a community like this. everybody from, obviously, the students and the people at the school but to the people who are providing the care, sometimes really tough care to provide. >> it certainly is. it's an awful, awful situation. shimon pork perokupecz is still getting information. >> we're told they are searching
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a trailer in that area where they believe the gunman may have been building these bombs, these pipe bombs, pressure cooker. so clearly they are now in the middle of going through that safely. they have found also a pressure cooker, so a key piece of evidence here for investigators. you know, we've done this before, we've covered these kinds of cases and law enforcement always wants to find a place where someone has built these kinds of devices, and it looks like police here, the atf and fbi there, have now found that place and are in the middle of searching it and obviously those are going to be key pieces of information. it's also going to give us even more indication just the level of planning that perhaps went into this. they have now a site where the gunman, the alleged shooter here, was building these devices, how long he was there for, when did he start building all that. they could realize all that and find that all out in that location. >> it's almost like they're describing what we call in a
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wartime situation, whether in iraq or afghanistan, ieds, improvised explosive devices. >> right, and that would be the pipe bomb, pruthe pressure cook. we were told there were some ieds they found that they were concerned about. >> they're using those letters, ied? >> yeah, and that's how law enforcement describes these devices because they are improvised devices. they appear to have been built, at least now, they believe, by this person in this trailer and they're in the middle of going through that. obviously it's a key development here, key pieces of evidence here for law enforcement. but it still doesn't mitigate this concern that law enforcement has out there. >> let's go to one of the regional hospitals. they're briefing us on some of the patients who are there. >> out of those eight patients, six of those patients have been discharged with non-life-threatening injuries. two of the patients did go to the operating room. >> the condition of those
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patients? >> right now i could say that one of the patients is in critical condition. i would say the other patient is in fair condition. >> are you able to talk about injuries at all? >> i cannot do that right now. >> what were the extent of the injuries that were discharged? >> i can't comment on that, either. >> can you tell us what type of gun was used? >> no, ma'am. >> ages of the patients? >> all i can say is they were high school students, right, so high school ages, 14, 18, but i cannot tell you exactly what the ages of these students were. >> valhave all their families b notified? >> yes, ma'am. they have been. >> can you give us an expectation of the expected length the other two patients will remain in surgery? >> i can't comment on that, either. i'm not sure. >> were they here for gunshot wounds or other reasons? >> they were all here for
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gunshot wounds. >> this is a level 2 trauma center. how often do you prepare for something like this and how long ago that you had a dress rehearsal like this morning? >> the last time we were prepared for a mass casualty was last week. we prepare for them on a regular basis. yes, we are a level 2 trauma center. >> what does that mean to prepare for a mass casualty? >> we prepare for a mock mass casualty. we get all the staff prepared, labs, techs to prepare for situations like this. we will actually have patients as if they are real patients. we go into a room as if there is a real patient there, like we're treating real live patients. >> do you feel that played a role in this morning? >> absolutely. >> talk a little about how you think the morning went. >> the morning went really well. since it's practice makes
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perfect with these types of mock trials, right, so we're preparing for the real thing. so during practice we make sure that everybody is there, and we run through the motions, essentially, just like we would, like this morning. >>. >> the patient that has been here, can you describe how they are? >> i imagine they're pretty rattled going through something like this. >> you said they're all students? >> i believe so, yes, ma'am. >> what was it like going through the real thing? >> you can never really prepare for the real thing. as emergency physicians, gunshot victims are not foreign to us, so we see this throughout all of our training. we're in there, we know what to do, we've done it before. >> how emotionally rewarding was
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it to see parents connect with children for the first time not knowing exactly what the status of their child was? >> as a parent myself, i think it's always great to see parents come in and connect with their children. i think right now it's just a really emotional time. it's not a happy moment for anybody because everybody is grieving at the same time. >> seeing the six patients be able to go home, it's nice? >> of course, yes, absolutely. we always wish the best for our patients, right? so seeing them go home alive and well with their parents is very rewarding to see that. regardless of the situation. >> the patient you said is fair, when will he or she be discharged? >> i don't know. >> is he or she expected to stay days or -- >> i would assume several days. but i don't know exactly. >> how did it go today?
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i know you just went through this. is there anything that you guys learned? you're still going through it, but moving forward, did it go as planned? >> we haven't had a moment yet to actually sit down and debrief and talk over it. it's all still pretty fresh, but that is definitely the plan. any time something like this happens, we always sit down afterwards with er staff, hospital leaders and go over it to definitely do process improvement. >> what time did patients arrive here? >> i believe roughly around 8:30. >> can you spell your last name. >> mada-a-d-a-i-nm-a-d-a-i-n. >> would you say you got the less critical patients from the shooting? >> i don't believe so. i don't know exactly what kind of patients went to other hospitals, but i don't believe so. >> two other questions on this end. is there an official title or
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official name for the procedure when you guys go into this active shooting scenario that you have here? s it's a ma s. >> it's a mass casualty. >> there's no code red or anything? >> we call it a mass casualty overhead. >> you say mass casualty? >> yeah. >> what process did you go through to ensure that six people could be discharged? what are the things you checked and when were those folks discharged? what time roughly did they begin leaving? >> every trauma patient gets a head to toe exam. depending on what their injuries are, we try to focus. >> so we did provide them an
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area for all these students and parents to come together. we provide counselors and we do have clergy here to help with the grieving process. so we definitely made space for them and tried to accommodate them as much as we could and provide them with everything we could provide. >> thank you very much. >> could anyone else address that with another institution. >> that was dr. madain, the clear lake medical center in webster, texas right near the santa fe high school, stantanta texas area. ten people were murdered. nine of them students. one teacher. the gunman is in custody and another person has been detained as well for questioning. there were explosive devices planted at the school, inside the school, outside the school,
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and police are warning to be on the lookout for these devices. you can hear some of the shots as they went into the school. listen to this. >> we're making entry. >> where are you making the entry at? >> through the front by -- front of the school. >> more shots fired. additional shots fired. >> they'll have several more shots. >> he's shooting, he's in the art room. >> at least one. >> those are just some of the shots that clearly were fired. josh campbell is joining us. he's our cnn law enforcement analyst, fbi supervisory agent. when you hear that kind of audio, the scanning audio from
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local police, as they go into the school, they hear shots fired. josh, what goes through your mind? >> obviously the adrenaline is pumping, the stress hormones are pumping through veins as they make entry. their main goal is protection of life. as we talk about way too often, unfortunately, this notion that the law enforcement's standard procedures have shifted away from holding a scene and preparing to make entry once you have all assets in place to go into some of that gunfire. we heard that dramatic audio where officers are going into a chaotic situation, and oftentimes, as we've seen here, when they hear gunfire, they're going to report that back. for all the officers that hear that, it raises the anxiety, the stress, and it's an all hands on deck situation when you know you have live fire and people's lives are in danger. >> you heard him say the shooter is in the art room, so obviously
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the shooter got into that room and had explosive devices at the same time. what does that say to you? >> so many unanswered questions. obviously one of the first questions they'll have is how did this person gain entry? was he supposed to be there? did he have a lawful presence in the location? or was he someone who came in off the street, maybe he had some kind of grievance, obviously a lot of unanswered questions that are there. it shows this level of depravity when you add these explosive devices. it's interesting that we don't see these detonating, so it's really tough to put yourself in the mindset of one of these types of mass killers, someone who goes in there with the intent on causing harm, but so many questions as you see the level of planning and sophistication with having devices, yet not employing those. again, there are a lot of unanswered questions investigators will have to look at here. >> local police on the scene. they're describing these explosive devices that were found at the school off campus
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and may still be at large as pipe bombs and pressure cookers. they could be very deadly, right? >> absolutely. and you know, it makes it that much more difficult for investigators whenever they're going through a scene. obviously whenever they arrive at a large location like a school, they're going to have to go through in order to determine are all threats mitigated, are all victims cared for? but it makes it more difficult for first responders around the scene for another layer of danger when there could potentially be devices that are there. when something like this happens, we were listening to the hospital give their update. when word goes out to dispatch that there's an active shooter situation, word goes out to hospitals and other first responders. i was texting with a helicopter paramedic in the houston area who told me once this happened, they will actually fly in and stage a situation that's serious enough where they have to move to a trauma center.
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if word comes there are potential ieds, in order to make entry closer to the scene, it adds another layer of danger that these responders have to go through. >> the tragedy, this massacre going on right now, when you say all hands on deck, not just local, county, state police but federal law enforcement involved, they'll be involved weather the fbi, atf, isn't that right? >> that's right. law enforcement officers will surge to the scene. this is a location that's an hour there outside of houston. i actually grew up just a little less than an hour from santa fe, and it's one of these typical texas towns that -- i can't count the number of times i traveled there on highway 6 from sugar land to galveston. it's one of these towns that never expect anything to happen. unlike a large metropolitan area like houston or orlando or areas
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where you have these tactical teams that are already kind of located and strategically placed, when you're out in a more remote area, whoever is is close -- closest to the sound of gunfire, they're going to move on the scene, and contrary to what we see in the movies where people are trying to debate who is in charge. they don't care who is in charge. they're going to show up, work together, fuse together in that unified command in order to save looifrt lives. >> josh, i want you and all our listeners and viewers to listen to what one student said when they were told what to do by their teacher as the shooting unfolded. listen to this. >> it's like instinct. you're scared, you're running as fast as you can. >> when did it become clear that a shooting a happened?
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>> this was obviously something very serious. there was a lot of cops. that's when it all clicked. it was like, oh, my gosh, something traumatic has just happened. i never thought something like there would happen in our school. school is in a place that you feel safe in and you think that's never going to happen to me. it's kind of scary now that it has happened and to think about it. >> he said he heard shots next door and the door opened up and there was more shots and they ran. that's it. there's broken glass. >> so a group of students came to your house? >> yes, ma'am. there's five of them. >> reporter: how are they doing right now? >> they're doing all right. their parents came and got them. they were stirred up. they were out the breath by the time they got to my house. >> reporter: what was going through your mind? >> i just woke up, i couldn't believe it. i'm just glad that they're here
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and they're okay. >> shimon, you reported just a little while ago investigators now are looking at a trailer not far from the school where they describe what they're calling. >> -- i.e.d.s being developed. >> this would have obviously required some planning. you have the assembly of pressure cookers, pipe bombs. would have had to buy the supplies to make all of that. that will be key hopefully to help law enforcement figure out what the motive is there. this trailer we're told that atf and the fbi are all now searching is the place where law enforcement believes these devices were put together. it's where they were built. and that is a huge lead here for law enforcement.
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>> josh campbell, if fbi agents, atf, local law enforcement, they want to go into this trailer and inspect it and see if there are i.e.d.s inside, this is potentially a dangerous situation and could inadvertently trigger some of these devices. >> that's right. it's not something that you rush in. law enforcement, they're trained in that, large local, metropolitan police officers that all they do is focus on how to interdict, disrupt explosive devices. when you're entering where there could be danger inside, they're going to go at it very methodically. we've seen in the past where they can actually conduct x-rays to see what are they dealing with here. when they go in, the question is how do you preserve evidence in order to determine what was this person thinking, what was this person using? we have a lot of unanswered questions now but if somebody is
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going to be places devices in one location, could he or she have placed devices in other locations. what are the ingredients, what is the person using, what other evidence might be there. in some instances you'll have letters left behind, for example, where someone is going to dictate what they did and what was going through their mind. if the person had a laptop computer, some kind of social media, some kind of medium that will allow investigators to get into the mindset of this person and dernetermine what it is the were doing and it's going to be very important for investigators to determine were there any pre-incident warning indicators that maybe others would have picked up on and didn't report that to law enforcement, really get a full picture of who this person is. it not just on other people, witnesses to provide information, law enforcement officers will go through their own holdings and determine is this someone known to us,
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someone made aware perhaps on a tip. this will be a very lengthy, in-depth investigation to answer all of those questions. >> it one thing, josh, for a shooter unfortunately to go into a school here in the united states and we've seen it way too many times. it's another thing for the shooter also to have these explosive devices, right? >> that's right. this takes it to a whole different level. you think about having access to firearms, we've been debating that for a long time in this country, this is the next step. this is someone who is taking his own initiative to actually put together a device, gather the ingredients necessary to build device that's going to kill people. again, that's a whole new level of criminality, a whole new level of depravity, at least in the minds of law enforcement officers, to determine what was going through his mind as he set out today to take lives. >> stand by, josh, and shimon.
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this is cnn breaking news. >> i'm erika hill in today for brooke baldwin. we are staying on this breaking news out of texas. a deadly school shooting at a texas high school. we can confirm ten people are dead, nine of them students, one a teacher. one student is in custody, another is detained. all of this unfolding southeast of houston. pl explosives were found at the school and also on campus. the school district is on lockdown. investigators are searching a trailer where they believe those devices were assembled. listen to student and parent s s they described the terrifying
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moment of chaos just after class began. >> we heard the alarm. everybody started leaving, following the same procedure as we did. nobody thought it would be this. the next thing we hear three gunshot and explosions and teachers were saying run, run, run. and me and my friend ran to get shelter and that's when i called my mom. >> i started seeing students jumping over the fence to get further away from the fence. >> if you would have heard the fear in my loved one's voice because of my son being in that classroom. >> it's really scary, really, really scary. >> nobody should have to go through this. nobody should feel that pain. it hurts my heart to see this. >> president trump addressed the
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