tv Reliable Sources CNN May 20, 2018 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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indians who were very adventurous who decided to take advantage of the relaxation of american immigration rules in 1965. >> go to breaking the bee to find out where you can catch the film near you and mark your calendar for this year's national spelling bee finals on may 31st. thanks to all of you for being a part of my program this week. i'll see you next week. i'm brian stelter. it's time for "reliable sources." a look at the story behind the story, how the media really works, how the news gets made. an exclusive with "the washington post" who will join me to discuss his brand new reporting. the headline here, the president trying to puni isish jeff bezos. and an anniversary that received a lot of news coverage. the one year mark for the robert mueller investigation. we'll look back to the beginning
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of what sean hannity was saying on day one as we look at what year two might bring. a city in mourning, a country joining a city in mourning. columbine author will join me to discuss coverage of these massacres and how coverage needs to change. first a question for you. this is all in the eye of behold et et. does president trump seem confident to you? or down right desperate. this morning you see a half dozen more tweets from the president full of conspiracy theories and resentment and questions about ongoing investigations. here's one example. you can look up all the tweets on his page. but at what pointed does this witch hunt composed of 13 angry and heavily conflicted democrat asks two people who worked for obama stop. he say thas found to collusion with russia and complained about
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hillary clinton and on he went. but i want to use these tweets as a starting point for a broader conversation with kellyanne conway. she's join iing me now. great to see you. >> hi, brian. >> i want to start off on a positive note. did you like the royal wedding? >> absolutely. who doesn't love a royal wedding. i admit i watched the clips afterwards. i didn't get up at 4:00 a.m. >> that's okay. it was wonderful on replay also. >> it's fantastic. two of my children are named george and charlotte, but we et had them first. >> i would love to talk about the royal wedding all day. but i want to ask about the tweets. what's the source for the claim they have fom found no collusion with russia? has he been given a report by mueller? >> i won't tell you that, but i will tell you that over a year into this that there is no evidence of collusion. the president has called this investigation a witch hunt many times. yet he and his allies have been cooperative. they turned over thousands of
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pages of documents. they sat for dozens and dozens of interviews. i think it's important to note that the public has a right to know fully what is going on here. what are we really locking at if now we're looking at the stories that people in the trump campaign early on who i never even met were meeting with people or were being surveilled by people. that's got zero to do with the winning part of the campaign. it just does. i have never -- carter page was on your network. this is important. he's never met me. i don't remember meeting permanent thp the point is when you talk about the trump campaign, you have to break it up. the winning part was focused very much on the michigan -- >> i think as a shadow campaign being investigated. but when the president says they found no evidence of collusion, it makes me wonder who is telling him that.
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who is letting him inside the mueller investigation. >> here's what the president knows. you know if there was evidence of collusion, it would have leaked by now. >> i do not know that. i wish they would. >> there would be many people. >> the senate has had one. mueller has one certainly. >> the witch hunt has given up on rush ja and looking at the rest of the world. he's citing this story. >> maybe he's watching your network where you have shown the graphics about collusion and replaced them with one person's lawyer who has been on your network for 160 times in a short amount of time. >> there's an active investigation into russia's attack on our country. it's a good thing that mueller is looking at other possible foreign influences. . who is telling the president that -- >> respectfully if you can walk
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and chew gum and whistle at the same time, start covering this man's accomplishments. we have a new cia director. >> i knew you would say that. >> you don't want to tell the truth. they don't know they watch cnn. they don't know the unemployment rate is under 4%. they don't know growth is close to 4%. >> they do. >> we are negotiating trade deals with china, mexico, everyone across the globe. they don't know that the president was reforming. >> if you are watching this program, i want you to e-mail me. every viewer in america knows about those accomplishments. but they also know -- they all know about the accomplishments. >> because i said so. >> when you said the president call this is a witch hunt, he's describing a federal investigation into an attack on our country. do you recognize the harm that's being done when the president degrades the fbi that way? >> he's not degrading the fbi. he's made it clear.
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hold on. absolutely does not and here's why. this president who went to the new director of the fbi a couple months ago addressed them. he and other people speak on his behalf. the tens of thousands of men and women in the rank and file who do their jobs respectively and diligently every day is not going to be the president is talking about. he's talking about specific actors whose names we know now. james comey, peter ohr and his wife, all the while screwing up the investigation into hillary clinton. where are her e-mails? why was she allowed to give an interview -- >> it's his government. >> excuse me. if you want to talk about the 2016 election, let's talk about it. >> i don't. i asked about russia's attack and who is telling the president
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that there's no collusion. >> you keep saying russia's attack on democracy. what evidence do you or anybody at cnn have that any of that interference played into the election results? you're trying to conflate it to make america think that somehow donald trump didn't win this election fairly and squarely. >> there's a hundred different theories. one of those things was russia's attack. >> you're wrong. are you telling the world that there's a nex us is between that and the result? most people are not willing to say that. >> there are a hundred factors. you were responsible for some of those factors. clinton's mistakes, there were a will the of factors. >> i'm not going to let you get away with saying that russia had anything to do with this election result. what's your proof of that? >> the wikileaks, the abuse of the documents, the stolen e-mails, all of that.
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>> et whoa, whoa, brian, you're trying to break news here and it's not working. did you say something that a lot of people are not willing to say? >> i'm not on the side of an aisle. >> tell america. did you vote for hillary clinton or donald trump? >> i did not vote. i left that spot blank that day. it's not appropriate for you to go around asking people who they voted for. >> it's all appropriate to ask me things but not other people. >> we asked you to come on the program because you're a representative of the president. >> and the president thinks that if there's no nex us between interference and the outcome of the elections, which is why they are moving on to someone's lawyer being on your network 160 plus times in a short amount of time. you don't have those graphics of russian collusion. someone on a different network ran all these outtakes from people on your network where people were promising russia colt conclusion.
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they were promising we're going to have evidence of this. you confused america and wasted time talking about that instead of things that really matter to america like a great prosperous economy, national security, renegotiated trade deals. if you think your job is to get the story, just say it. because i know your viewers expect that now. look at their comments all the time. don't have trump people on. they expect you to be reflexively anti-trump. >> the goal is not to get the president. the goal is to get the truth. there's a lot of people trying to obscure the truth. >> you're saying something that people aren't saying. >> i'm saying there hasn't been a report yoet. so i don't know where the president is getting this claim that they found no collusion. can i ask about one other thing? five days ago the president tweeted there was a witch hunt.
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>> i'm trying to find out where the president is getting information. five days ago the president tweeted the probe was costing $10 million. today he said $20 million. where is is he getting this information from? >> i don't know but people know it's a taxpayer funded exercise prize and that's why they have a right to know. >> he said $10 million and then $20 million. >> the judge told the folks that you can't use this investigation to try to embarrass the president. you have to have something else. they think everybody should see what a federal judge says. >> that's the beauty of the media. everybody heard about that. that was big news on that day. >> i think it's really great that the president doesn't allow any of this to distract from being one of the most successful president in his first 16 months anywhere. >> that's a good pivot.
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i respect the pivot. i don't know what he's working on because all he's doing is tweeting about his resentments. >> i just hung up with him 30 seconds ago. >> what was his message? >> many things. we were talking about very specific issue we're going to work on later today as a group. he's the president of the united states. if it's so easy to get. corporate tax rate from 35% to 21% and 20,000 jobs here. >> i'm glad the economy became trump's economy. i'm thankful. >> you should be. because it's helping a lot of americans. >> he tweeted that people that are leaking in the white house are traders. >> and cowards. >> the shocking language using a term that has legal consequence. can you tell me staffers have been fired for leaking? >> i can't reveal that, but i will tell you that the president thinks a lot of stuff is made up and embellished. he knows that many of us get a text or an e-mail or phone call,
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i heard you think the moon is made of cheese. i have two sources. someone will say i don't have a problem with the moon and don't think it's made of cheese. somebody else will say we have three source who is think you don't like the moon. he understands people make up things and he also knows that the leaks that you're talking about from ten days ago were meant to hurt the people who were involved. so people like to settle personal scores by talking to the press. but he also knows that those of us who have top secret security clearance, those of us privy to information that never gets discussed, he understands the way the game is played. >> but leaking is a symptom. it's a symptom of a problem. a deeper problem at the white house. companies don't leak. >> if there were leak, you could change to say breaking news, which would be true for once. it would be news. >> why the constant attacks?
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>> you would have the fruits of the leak. why aren't you showing me the memo. how come you're not talking about a leak. >> i would tell you they don't come from which i'm not a member. but there are hundreds and muns of people who work on that complex. folks noent don't know but have access to information. he's the president of united states. he's done things nobody would have imagined in the first 16 months of a presidency. people do appreciate it. >> including tearing down the media. >> poor media. >> i'm not saying poor media. we should recognize the flaws of your boss as well as his achievements. can i ask you about the leak investigation? you can't say if staffers have been fired, but it sounds like there's an active investigation. >> so i believe, yes, this is.
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not just in the commons department but overblown by the media, who can't get fruits of leaks to talk about the process of leaks. >> is the leaking exacerbated by not having a communications director. it's been a couple months. >> a lot of the leaks don't come from that. the president knows that because he sees who is in different meetings. >> is the president going to hire a new communications director? >> the president is a great communications director and he has wonderful people supporting him. i think you more than anybody will appreciate this. it's 2018. there's so many ways to communicate and send and receive information. the president does that through his social media platform. hundreds of millions of people see it. so you're dealing with the president himself who is not a politician at all. this is a man who is very social media savvy.
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he's very media centric. we're trying to build a structure. i'm trying to help out the department. we're trying to build a structure that accommodates the realities of president trump media savvy and 2018 where you just have so many more platforms with which to communicate. so fitting us into a structure that helped or benefitted the president in the past is just not a realistic view of 2018. >> the president has not held a press conference at the white house for 400 days. why is that? >> the president talks to people all the time. i saw -- >> but not a solo press conference. >> he has, let me read this to you. according to the director of the white house transition, president trump did 170 short question and answer sessions compared to 55 for president obama. >> lots of those short. but those are not press conferences.
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>> it's people reading prepared statements and unknowing which questions are going to be asked. but this president makes himself available. >> he seems to be hiding from pressers and interviewers. he's not even going on fox anymore. >> of all the words i us would use to describe president trump in hiding would not be among them. you may not like that he's cut out the middle man, that he tweets. don't be jealous of that. maybe he'll come on network one day. >> he's said he won't. if he wanted big rate, he would go on one of the broadcast networks. he'd get 10 million viewers. >> he made it clear when he was asked by someone from a different platform recently. do you think you'll get the nobel peace prize. he said you wai want the best r
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for america. the ratings are seen through how people are benefitting from the tax cuts, the regulatory reductions. >> we know the president cares about ratings. >> he is the president. >> they didn't want to have press conferences, but they did. >> just so you know, i tell the president all the time he should go out more because he's the best communicator we have. he won the election because he was out there bringing the message directly to the people every single day unfiltered, not waiting for the middle man. as president he communicates daily through his social media and answering these questions. this is a president, brian, and thank you for cnn covering all hour of it, 55 minutes plus with a bipartisan group of members from the hill talking about daca and immigration a few months ago. then the democrats walked away, of course, as they normally do.
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but this is somebody who is transparent and accountable. i would love him to come on your network, but he's happy to send me. we're into 17 minutes now. >> but he attacks cnn and calls "new york times" crooked and smears the news outlets instead. i wonder if 20 years from now you're going to be proud of that on a personal level. will you be proud he tried to tear down news outlets? >> he's trying to get some fair and full coverage. i have been clear from day one that my main objection will always be full coverage, complete coverage. we're just missing an opportunity to make sure -- but cnn's van jones was in the east room on friday when the president and jared kushner and other held forth and had a reform moving the ball forward on that issue. i'm the point person for the administration on opioids. that's going better now, but i have a lot of bipartisan support from capitol hill. you don't want to cover it. these are things that affect
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americans. we lost more people to drug overdoses than gun violence, plane crashes, breast cancer. all of those are serious matters, but this is too. my beef will always be incomplete coverage. on one or two things to the exclusion of the issues that americans tell us in the white house every single day. >> there were these stories about sean hannity as a chief of staff. i was wondering if you ever coordinate? >> i don't coordinate with sean hannity. we're both pretty busy. i go on his show once a week. there's nothing to coordinate. what is there to coordinate? i have a relationship with the president. i speak with him regularly. sean is running the highest rated show on cable. there's a reason for that. he's providing information that people can't find anywhere else. sean would have low ratings if
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he was talking about everything else that everybody is talking about. think about that for a moment. people are starved for unique content. they seem to not be getting it elsewhere. the ratings show that and what he covers every night show that. he's also dealing with things that are outside of my per view. i don't have access to those materials. i'm glad the country is starting to have access to those materials because i think when everybody is calling for transparency and accountable, it ought to cut every single way. we ought to know they were expecting to. it is relevant because it talks about upper echelons of the fbi and what was going on. if you're going to give jim comey book time. >> crimes that include in any campaign. one more transparency question. i'm going to be talking about amazon and this "washington post" report. the headline is president trump
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personally pushed the postmaster general to double rates on amazon. this looks like he's trying to punish the "washington post" owner jeff bezos by punishing amazon. is that the case. that trump has been pressuring the postmaster general? >> it's not the case he's trying to punish jeff bezos. the president has made clear whether it's trade with china, renegotiating with mexico or the eu, and amazon, he wants a more fair playing field for everyone. apparently the president told me amazon has a five-year sweetheart deal. people can't get access to it. the president's point is without the post office, amazon would probably need to create its own infrastructure. it does great in the big cities.
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my daughter orders things all the time. but if you're talking about some of our rural communities, the post office was there first. and they have the infrastructure and the access. and so the post office and amazon have been working together, but we're still losing billions of dollars each year and he just wants a playing field that is more fair to the mom and pops. when et he talks about the eu. and when he talks about with respect to illegal immigration. the country has been asking what's fair. what more can we do for him or her. what's fair to the american workers and the factories that are closing. so everything he talked about goes back to the issue of fairness. and this is no different. >> kellyanne conway, thank you for being here. >> thank you, brian, it's a pleasure. take care. >> we're just getting start ed. we have an all-star panel standing by. stick with me. owners claim lastr
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here in new york. the editor in chief of "the daily beast." a cnn global affairs analyst and fellow the a the counsel on foreign relations. and a political reporter for the guardian. lots to discuss about the leak and things like that. was there anything about kellyanne conway's rhetoric? >> she's a partisan warrior. she's the apostle of alternative facts. a couple things struck me. she reiterated that line about how this is is the most successful first 16 months. that's by stroke of comparisons not true. you can do that any number of different ways. jfk having an approval rating. that's important. she also said alleged russian interference. that jumped out at me too. whether that's her audience of one, it also come the week after the committee released a bipartisan support says there was interference, but it was designed to help donald trump. so those are significant things.
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she's fair to say we should and do acknowledge employment. extraordinary. it deserves credit for north korea. but don't spin your way out of other things like robert mueller having charges against companies. those are stats and facts. you have to do both. >> the other presidential surrogate on television has been rudy giuliani. he's been on fox several times. is he acting as the president's director with regards to legal issues? what's your impression of the rudy strategy or is there a strategy. >> there's no question that as with many people in the president's orbit he's performing for an audience of one. it's clear he sees himself as the public face of the presid t president's legal team, which is striking because he was brought on in a war of a limited capacity. he was supposed to as act a
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mediator. he seemed to have hurt the president's team because he's full of contradictions and been wildly loose with the facts. >> but that seems to work for the president's surrogates. >> the president likes people who are aggressive and that's what rudy giuliani is. >> there's a contrast between rudy and kellyanne conway. rudy is kind of trumpen that he says random stuff and has to walk half of it back. she's more of a disciplined/l r disciplined/liar. >> what lie? >> i lost count. there was six or seven lies that she came out with the course of your interview. >> it's popular for people to say she's a liar. i want to know. >> for example, she says the president doesn't allow any of this to distract him. this was on a day he tweeted six times about the mueller investigation. she says there's no evidence of collusion. there's a lot of evidence of
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collusion. there was 75 meetings between the trump campaign and the kremlin. the democrats walked away from the daca deal. that's not true. trump walked away. she says trump is not trying to tear down news outlets, yet he does that every single day. he's trying to take away amazon's deal with the postal service. it's lie after lie essentially. but she does it in a disciplined, robotic fashion that appeals to her client, president trump whereas rudy is all over the place. >> she reenforces this idea that the russia investigation is a witch hunt where there's been 19 people indicted. that includes senior officials from the trump campaign. some of whom pleaded guilty of george papadopoulos of lying to the fbi about the nature of the communications with the russians. some of those are cooperating with the special counsel. but again this is designed to appease the president.
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>> if there was collusion, it would have leaked by now. i find it interesting. >> and it has leak ed. of course, there's lots. you pick up the "new york times" or "washington post" and every single day there's more evidence of russian and trump contacts. now we're seeing more between the trump campaign and saudi arabia. it's leaked. but the strategy overall is at least trying to go for a split screen. there are negative stories over here but trying to create a cast of characters. >> you mean a democrat. it's a real conspiracy for the democrats. it's the fbi. it's rotten to the core. it's law enforcement. and that distracting from the real reporting and the ongoing investigation, which is not completed and not completely transparent at this point by its nature. >> kind of like when the volume is really loud in one room and you turn up the volume in the other room as well. trying to nod have to hear what's really going on. >> mud did these lines. >> it bares repeating that
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robert mueller is a republican. rod rosenstein is a republican. but they are trying to discredit the investigation and color the public's perception of whatever it is that he wants. >> about how she -- i don't think they really expect anybody except their hard core partisans to believe themselves. they are trying to throw a bunch of information out there and have people just say i don't know. >> rudy has been effective at that. two other pieces here. i think there's a question of whether he's been overexposed. by being on television every day. by coming up with new storylines and using twitter so effectively. there's been an argument this has been working for him. isn't there an argument it's
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starting to backfire. >> i think whether he gets over his skis and things start blowing up in his face, i think is he an ed a advocate for his t stormy daniels or try og to take on a larger role. him putting out what appears to be documents on michael cohen's investigation, that led to a significant new development in the story. unclear if, how or at all related to his client stormy daniels. you always have a danger with some folk when is they put themselves out. you fly a little too close to the sun and fall. he's been an active antagonist and playing trump's own tactics against him. that's one of the interesting things. >> the story a couple days ago about pitching a show without an audience. got a lot of eye rolls. it might be great television. it's not on the front burner, but it is on the back burner. but i do think there's been some critical coverage in the past
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few days that's new. and from pretty down the middle outlets. just questioning whether this is still working. >> i think he has been pretty effective in using trump tactics against trump. he has proeken information about his lawyer. this is a huge part of this scandal with cohen trying to get money out of people trying to influence the white house. this is a big story. >> in the distract and deflect strategy, there's something else that's important. it's being all democratic. ro better. mueller, republican. there's a lot of critics. and so i think that they are trying to cast all critics as leftists, there's conservative media playing the anti-trump game trying not to ailuate their
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base. it does undercut the extent we need to have a conversation about facts and principle and not simply get derided into the us against them debate, which they have gravitated to because that's been trump's calling card from the beginning. >> the other important piece about the distract and deflect strategy and the idea we are not covering positive news from this administration is it's the president so fix stated on the investigation. he's tweeting about it. one could argue there would be no special counsel had he not fired him in the first place. when's the last time you heard the president talking about the unemployment rate or tax reform. he's been focused on this cloud that is the investigation. he's not talking about his jebd on a day-to-day basis. >> there's reporting that he's not preparing for his summit with kim jong-un because he's confident he can master it.
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>> they will just say the report ing is fake. >> give credit where credit is due without shying away from calling out things that are across the line. that is a normalization. >> thank you very much. after a quick break, a look at the coverage of the shooting in santa fe. is the coverage at some point too much? should we talk about how to reassess these shootings? we'll be right back. ldn't have . rawwggwwrughh! it's ok, it's ok. we've got time. ♪ [impact collision] rawwggwwrughh! [impact collision] ...ughhhh! what!!! seeing your real-life millennium falcon get damaged is painful enough. filing your insurance claim shouldn't be. esurance makes it easy. so you can get on to your next adventure. oh, we gotta pick up my mom. ...ughhhh! ♪ esurance. see solo: a star wars story may 25th.
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if you'd have told me three years ago... that we'd be downloading in seconds, what used to take... minutes. that guests would compliment our wifi. that we could video conference... and do it like that. (snaps) if you'd have told me that i could afford... a gig-speed. a gig-speed network. it's like 20 times faster than what most people have. i'd of said... i'd of said you're dreaming. dreaming! definitely dreaming. then again, dreaming is how i got this far. now more businesses in more places can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. we in the press have gotten too good at covering these mass
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killings. and i'm not saying that's a good thing. it's down right disturbing. there's such a script or a formula that you can see in the coverage. but there are aspects of the news media coverage of a massacre like the one in santa fe that i think we should assess and maybe rethink. so to do that, let et me bring in the author of the book "columbine." dave, good to et see you. although i know that you're always on television after these killings. it's a strange thing. and you told me in the past it's very emotional for you. when you see something break and know you're going to have to be on tv for days talking about another one of these. >> i sort of feel it through their eyes and text a couple kids on friday ask he was shaken up. i know they are retraumatized and it's horrible for them.
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>> is less more? the amount of immediamedia atte that these spectacle murders get part of the problem. >> yes and no. i thought that it was. and especially our focus on the killer. it's always the big thing and the burning question is why did he do it. the last three years has been a change. i always used to get asked. the whole thing was why. it really changed to how is this going to end. when is this going to stop and how. and because that happened before parkland, the country we wouldn't see that. it was bubbling up. they were so ready for the parkland kids because they wanted that. we need more coverage on what are we going to do about this. >> but less about the killer. >> it's strike iing because the last few years we have seen that no notoriety movement. parents saying don't name the killer and show his face. it's had an fact. we're seeing less coverage about the killers. >> it's been all day friday doing tv. so many anchors and correspondents actually
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apologized about using the name. and said we're only going to say this once and need to get the name out there. so that's really seeped in. but the bigger thing is the parkland kids flipped the script. we talked about how the idea is good of dmiminishing the killer. but how do you make them interesting enough because frankly everybody is fascinated by killers. >> they want to be on television. they would like privacy. >> they did and they have changed because we have gotten tired of the killers and what they have done as a society. but people used to be dying to know the las vegas shooter is the worst in american history. i bet most viewers out there don't know his name. >> i cannot remember it. >> this particular killer, who cares. it's like we used to be fascinated and now we're like enough of those jerks and what
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they are doing. everybody knows david hoge. they have flipped the script by being more interesting than their attackers. i think they have done the story for us. that may turn out to be the biggest single change of taking the power away from the killers without being what they intended to do. it might be as important as what they are doing with guns, which is fantastic. >> good to see you. thank you for being horror. >> thanks for having me. >> a huge story alleging presidential abuse of power. but the story has been under the radar because of the killings in santa fe and the royal wedding. we'll dig into it with "the washington post" with the details, in just a most. moment.
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president trump using his power to punish one of his rivals? if you've become numb to this, stap o snap out of it. the report on friday titled, trump personally pushed postmaster general to double rates on amazon, other firms. so this is an example of a president using his power to punish a newspaper owner. according to the post's own reporting here, several officials say president trump's attacks on amazon is in response to articles in the post that he didn't like. let's talk about it with one of the reporters that broke the
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story. josh dawson is a white house reporter for the post and a cnn analyst. josh, you're having to write about your owner in this situation. >> right, but we're just sticking to the facts and what happened in these meetings between president trump and the postmaster general. he asked for the rates on amazon and other firms, to be clear, to be doubled. he sees the postal service's finances. he says they're bleeding. he said doing this emeliorates him of the financial problems there. that's been pushed back by his advisers who say we can't just double the rates on companies unilaterally. that's a regulatory commission. we have to go through a lot of different steps to make this happen. it's a complicated situation for the president but i don't think it's one that's abating any time soon. >> they did not deny your reporting and i noticed kellyanne conway did not dispute your reporting.
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there's been a presentation of the facts but still the president doesn't believe it? >> no, the president believes amazon is a company just making too much money off mom and pop shops, as kellyanne conway phrased it earlier. the president thinks amazon has too lucrative and too sweet a deal. that's up for debate by others, but the president sees that. the president has also complained about the "washington post" owned by jeff bazos and sometimes complaints about amazon comes after "washington post" stories that he doesn't like. but the president in these meetings are saying it's nothing about the post, it's nothing about the reporting, i just think the postal service is getting ripped off. that's what he's put to his advisers on a number of occasions. >> no offense, josh, look at
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positive l politifact. they said, no, the postal service isn't losing a fortune on amazon, those sorts of issues. >> and as we reported in our story, a number of the president's advisers do not think amazon is a problem and have told him that. gary cohn, chief economic adviser who left last year. steve mnuchin has held efsevera meetings in the oval office about shipping costs for amazon, and he seems to be one of the main people in the administration who want to raise costs on amazon and other companies that ship. >> thank you for appearing. putting the president's comment about animals in context. you guys three chevy suv's. the first one is called the trax, great for when you move in together. -ahhh! and this is the chevy equinox, perfect for when you two have your first kid. give me some time... okay. this is the traverse... for when you have your five kids, two dogs and one cat. whoa!
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sanctuary cities. he starts by condemning sadistic ms-13 gang members. someone brings up a question about ms-13 to the president. the president responds by saying, these aren't people, they are animals. he doesn't say ms-13 in his answer, but it seems like that's what he's referring to. it's not entirely clear, but that's what it seemed like. so some news outlets might have taken him out of context. there were splash headlines and tweets and facebook posts with a video not showing the ms-13 question, only showing the president's answer. and you know what happened next. fox and the president in the press railed against the news coverage. >> the headlines were all that president trump called these immigrants animals. >> it wasn't just one outlet, it was every mainstream media outlet out there. >> anyone with half a brain reading the full paragraph rather than the inflammatory sentence that everybody broadcast can see what he was
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trying to convey. >> the media has to cover him and triple check to make sure they don't take him out of context. >> that is true. but the president also has a history of dehumanizing language and disparaging language against all immigrants. i have my panel back with me now. sabrina, i do think some newsrooms make poor choices here. i also think it was blown out of proportion by trump's allies. what should the media report in this context? >> rather than looking for the next sensational headline, i think the media needs to shift gears and look at what's driving this administration's agenda on immigration. ms-13 ignores that. ms-13 gang members account for less than 1% of other gang members in the united states. they are less likely to commit violent crime. that is true for most studies even as the population has risen. they are trying to get him to
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dramatically restrict immigration laws and that is where the focus should be. >> john, is it appropriate for the president to call anyone an animal, even if they are sadistic gang members? >> i think that's something to watch out for, the history of political leaders dehumanizing opponents and even gang members is a dangerous one. that is not something we should accept from an american president. yes, comments should be reported in context, but it's also saying look at the real facts. look at the substance. deportation of undocumented workers without criminal accusations against them are up. also, be aware of the victim card. it's also around the immigrants over time. >> keep in mind this is an old game the white house plays. trump says something incredibly offensive and then he comes out and says it was fake news, it was dataken out of context, it s
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just a joke or something. so he gets to slam the media as well as get his off-color comments out there. don't fall for it. and whatever the so-called con tek of t -- context of the animals remark, what people heard was different. he was stigmatizing immigrants. >> thank you for joining us. to our viewers at home, i'll see you next week. "state of the union" is next. another gun tragedy. 10 people dead after a gunman opened fire inside a texas high school. >> i was scared for my life. nobody should feel that pain. >> has fear become the new normal for students in america? >> everyone must work together at every level of government to keep our children safe.
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