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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 21, 2018 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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the u.s. president is demanding his own investigation. we'll tell you what he wants his justice department now to look into. clouds of acid steam are now spreading in hawaii after lava hits the pacific ocean. just the latest danger from hawaii's mt. kilauea. harry and meghan captivated audiences around the world with their wedding this weekend. how britain's new royal couple is spending their first few day as husband and wife. >> hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the rldworld.
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i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm george howell from cnn headquarters in atlanta. "newsroom" starts right now. around the world, good day to you. the u.s. president wants to investigate the investigators, demanding a justice department review to take action after unleashing a barrage of criticisms of the fbi. this follows reports that the fbi used a confidential source to talk to trump campaign aides about possible ties to russia. >> now the president suggested the move was politically motivated. ryan nobles reports on the justice department's response. >> reporter: president donald trump busy on twit their weekend, taking aim at the department of justice and the fbi about their conduct in the lead-up to the investigation into his campaign and whether or not that campaign had any ties to russia. the president particularly upset about reports that there was an unknown source who tried to gain access to trump officials and learn information about the trump campaign.
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the president topping his tweet storm off with this tweet, "i hereby demand and will do so officially tomorrow -- he was talking about monday -- that the department of justice look into whether or not the fbi/doj infiltrated or surveilled the campaign for political purposes and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the obama administration. but here's the thing about the president's call for an investigation. there is already one under way. the inspector general for the attorney general's office has been looking into whether or not those applications for surveillance of members of the trump team were done so appropriately, and they did respond to the president's tweet on sunday, saying that they're going to expand that investigation to look into whether or not there were any political motivations for asking for those wiretaps, and the deputy attorney general, rod rosenstein who is of course in charge of the russia investigation put out the following statement if anyone did infiltrate or surveil
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participants in a presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take appropriate action. so the president getting results pretty quickly. the question is this more about an effort to discredit robert mueller and his investigation? the president continues to call that a witch-hunt and wants to see it come to an end. of course, we are now just past the one-year anniversary of the launch of that investigation. at this point there is no indication when it's going wrap up. ryan noble, cnn at the white house. >> and joining us now from england is scott lucas. he is a professional of international politics at the university of birmingham. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. >> so what did you make of president trump's tweet sunday when he demanded his own justice department examine whether the fbi spied on his campaign for political reasons and what will likely come of this, do you think? >> let's be blunt.
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this was a meltdown by donald trump who is angry, who is frustrated, and who is very, very worried. he worried for two reasons. one is the fbi had what is called a counterintelligence agent. not an infiltrator, not a spy, but a counterintelligent agent who was in contact with three trump campaign advisers. one of the adviser, carter page, is a suspected russian agent, suspected by the fbi. one of the others, george papadopoulos, had been in contact with a suspected russian link, a professor in london. so the fbi was investigating this as a security matter and as possible interference in the election. so trump is very worried than investigation. we know that. but there is a second matter which most people may have missed. and that is trump was triggered on a sunday by a report in "the new york times" that his son donald trump jr. and other advisers had met representatives
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uae, saudi arabia, and an israeli social media expert about possible further intervention in the election, which would be a possible violation of election laws. that was his first tweet yesterday. he was angered over that report. and then he went on to basically attack the fbi and the justice department throughout the day. >> so of course now we are learning that the justice department asked its inspector general to expand its review to try to determine whether there was any impropriety or political motivation on the part of the fbi. where is all this going? >> well, i think the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein and others in the agency already know that that counterintelligence operation operated according to guidelines. they had given statements to this effect as it were unnamed to the press throughout the weekend. so it's an easy give to trump to say okay, we'll check this out because they know where this is going to wind up. they also know that further investigation that the fbi obtained that warrant from a top
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secret government court for surveillance, not of the trump campaign, of russian officials who might have been in contact with trump campaign advisers. and they believe that was according to the rules as well. so to keep the president from basically trying to shut the whole investigation down, they'll make statements like they did yesterday, that they are considering this. well, remember, the wider investigation and the big focus here is not what the fbi and justice department are doing, but what special counsel robert mueller is doing. because that is trump's ultimate goal, which is to try to shut mueller's investigation down, not to get the justice department to look at hillary clinton. >> and you mentioned president trump's attorney rudy giuliani says special counsel robert mueller could end his investigation of trump by september 1st if the president agrees to an interview. and he said that mueller's office did share its timeline with him about a month ago. how likely it is that mr. trump would allow such an interview and bring this all to a close by the start of september? >> well, first of all, as we've seen in recent weeks, rudy
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giuliani's statements are not necessarily the benchmark of reliability. 10 what he was trying to do was to put pressure on the mueller investigation. look, you wrap it up by september 1. there is no evidence that mueller intends to be finished by then, which brings us to the fact that mueller and his team want an open ended interview with frump on about 50 questions. what trump and his lawyers want is a very tightly defined interview of only two to three hours so trump doesn't stray statements that could get him into further trouble. and that conflict over the definition of the scope of questioning is one that going to run through the next few weeks. >> and we'll see if that interview does take place. scott lucas, always good to have you with us and share your analysis with our viewers. well appreciate it. in the u.s. state of texas, we're learning more about the timeline of a school shooting in friday in santa fe. the sheriff there says the teenaged suspect opened fire for four minutes before officers
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arrived. a 25-minute shoot-out then ensued before the gunman gave himself up. >> eight students and two teachers died in that rampage. the sheriff says he will have a more accurate timeline after video from inside the school is analyzed. and the lieutenant governor of texas says the school shooting problem is not guns. >> in an interview with cnn on sunday, dan patrick blamed violent video games, the removal of religion from schools, and abortion. but the main problems he says are not enough armed teachers, and too many entrances at school. listen. >> we need our teachers to be armed. when you're facing someone who is an active shooter, the best way the take that shooter down is with a gun. but even better than that is four or five guns to one. and yesterday or friday, because of the heroic action of our two
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officers on the campus who were armed and a roving officer in a state troop they're showed up very quickly, they were able to stop the shooter from killing more. this school is one of the districts given an award for their training in texas out of a thousand districts. and they reacted quickly and bravely. but had teachers been armed, there was a teacher next door, a marine, who saw what was going on, slammed the door, locked the door and protected his students. some feel had he been able to carry a gun, he may have been able to stop that shooter had it been his choice. in texas, we already allow teachers to carry, but we leave it up to local control, up to the superintendent, up to the teachers and to the parents to make that zichlgs i was in a hospital visiting with a student who was wounded on friday night, and a lot of his classmates were there. and when we asked him, governor abbott and i were there and senator cruz, they all said to a person, our teachers should be armed. the parents said our teachers
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should be armed. we need armed teachers, trained of course to handle active shooters in the schools. we need to harden the target. number two, we need to get done to one or two entrances. you have the necessary exits for fire, of course. but we have to funnel our students into our schools so we can put eyes on them. this young man showed up with a trench coat which he wore often and he had a gun under it. and he came through one of the entrances undetected. the israelis have three focus on security, and that is to deter, detect, and deny. and we have too many people who can get on to our school campuses with guns who are not deterred and who are not detected. >> needless to say, there is a lot of debate what he said. and adds gunowners have a responsibility to keep their guns safe at home. >> the texas governor, in the meantime, promises swift action, including round table discussions to plot the next steps in protecting students and
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schools from gun violence. >> governor greg abbott also attended a church service for the victims of friday's shooting. he offered hugs and support to those who lost friends and loved ones s is in the tragedy. polo sandoval has more. >> reporter: it's a community in healing many of the graduates of the class of 2018 coming to a church only about a mile away from where the shooting happened to celebrate their yearly baccalaureate. the students coming together, many for the first time since the shots rang out in the morning hours of friday. one student, todd pinnick describing what it's been like the last few days. >> it's kind of difficult -- it's kind of difficult to celebrate a graduation when so many people's lives are lost. it kind of makes what we're going through, like these families, they lost family. i was lucky enough. i didn't lose family that day.
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but there were people that lost family. and thinking about minor circumstances, it's so small compared to what these people actually lost. >> reporter: and on sunday, a service held for one of the victims, sabica chic, a 17-year-old exchange student from pakistan who was shot and killed inside the high school on friday. her friends here in the united states saying goodbye on sunday before her casket and her body was sent to pakistan where her family will eventually lay her to rest. we did hear from several officials, several speakers at that ceremony. one of them asking for the youth of texas to walk in the footsteps of those parkland, florida students. of course, as you recall, they've been through a very similar incident of their own as investigation presses forward. many of the people in this texas community are now turning to the power of prayer, hoping for some healing. polo sandoval, cnn, santa fe, texas. >> and we'll take a short break here. but still to come, new dangers
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from hawaii's kilauea volcano. why geologists in hawaii are urging people to stay away from parts of the ocean now. plus people are hungry. the economy is in collapse, but the venezuelan president nicolas maduro just secured another term in power. how did he manage to get reelected? we explain. and controversial buses are not the only way republicans here in georgia aim to win primaries. how immigration has become a key local issue. we'll have that and more when we come back.
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overwhelming air fresheners can send you running... so try febreze one. with no aerosols and no heavy perfumes. so you can spray and stay. febreze one. welcome back to "newsroom." in the u.s. state of hawaii, the kilauea volcano is opening up more rifts along the east coast of the big island there, spewing lava bombs into the air, destroying homes in its path. but there is more to i. >> take a look at this. rivers of molten lava dumping into the pacific ocean. and of course it is spectacular to look at, but authorities are urging people the stay away from it. and that is because the steam clouds that are released into the air are filled with extremely dangerous acidic gas and debris. our stephanie elam explains.
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>> reporter: two heads of lava that were flowing to the ocean came together as one and breck apart, and they did enter the ocean, but the u.s. coast guard is asking people to stay away by about a thousand feet and a 360-degree radius and that is because of something called laze. that's when the lava hits the ocean, it creates hydrochloric acid, and little small particles of glass that can cause irritation to the eyes, the skin, the lungs. they're asking people to stay away. i want to show you what that lava looks like here on land. take a look at this lava fountain that has been bubbling nonstop here. we can see from there, it oozes down into this black sea of lava that goes down towards the ocean. we know that there are a couple structures taken out by this flow as well as this has been bubbling up. it's been raining here all day, and that has no effect whatsoever on the lava that is flowing here. and beyond that, on the other side of me, there is a fissure, which sometimes you may be able to hear in the background from
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where i am, it's about a mile away. and that fissure, when the volcanic gases come erupting out of there, sometimes it feels like it is a jet engine right next to you or a plane taking off. other times it sounds like a cannon. one was so loud, and i happened to be standing back where i could see it. it shot up rock and debris several hundred feet into the air that is another concern as we know that one man was hit by a lava bomb as he was on his balcony. we understand that his leg is shattered. they're asking residents to be very vigilant as this is a very active eruption, and it doesn't seem to be ending any time soon. back to you. >> stephanie elam, thank you. let's get the latest from pedram javaheri. pedram, looking at the images, the power of the earth at work, doing its thing, you just don't know what to say there is no way to stop this. >> there is no way to stop it. just looking at the past history of this particular volcano, know three, four, five months is very realistic estimate of how long this could last.
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of course, we've seen eruptions last much, much longer than that. and this particular one already going on about four weeks i believe when we began to see some of the initial tremors leading up to the initial eruption, all taking place. the sulfur dioxide levels another element of this multidimensional setup across the region added to the mix. that has tripled in the last couple of days across this region. of course you have the vog, you have the laze and the sulfur dioxide levels significant across the region. you kind of see the plumes as they're pushing south based on the prevailing winds at this point. if the winds shift, they often do, you direct this towards other islands and have this be other problems across the region. folks in their porch kind of looking at what is happening in the not too distant location there. and of course we've had earthquakes in the region as well. sometimes 50 to 100 per day. satellite imagery readily does a brilliant job putting everything
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into perspective as far as what it look like here just about a year ago. notice the homes, the communities scattered about this region. and then you the lava flows that come through and decimate just about everything in their immediate path. this of course, when you logistic at how long this has played out in the distance, it has encompassed some three miles or five kilometers of land have been consumed from lava flow that comes out of fissure number 20 that is the lava flow that has reached the pacific ocean and has created the laze. of course with that, the biggest concern is that hydrochloric acid that sets up across this region. a very sharp irritating odor associated with this and it's highly corrosive as well. unlike acid rain that is destruct alternative the environment and to toil and marine life, this particular sort of acid would cause significant damage on contact to anything in its path. so that becomes another element to add to the mix of what is happening here on the big island, guys. >> extraordinary.
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all right, thank you so much, pedram. appreciate that. >> thank you for having me. the venezuelan economy has collapsed on his watch, and yet president nicolas maduro has just secured reelection. officials say maduro won 68% of the vote in sunday's election. >> the main opposition boycotted the vote. they're calling it illegitimate. voter turnout only at 46%. but president maduro says it with australia popular victory. listen. >> translator: today i am a president with more experience. i am a human being more prepared. i swear to you i will fulfill my promise and will dedicate myself entirely to recover the economic growth, to heal our economy, to prosecute criminal mafias. you will see me throughout the country, in the streets to activate the morts of the economy.
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>> the most popular opposition leaders have been jailed or banned from rung. this man, maduro's main oh won't, henri falcon, is calling for a new election. the political battle over immigration in the united states is taking center stage in state election primaries. >> here in the u.s. state of georgia, candidates are even using their vehicles in a way that some might find controversial, but others may see as a which to energize around immigration. our gary tuchman takes a look at the choices facing republicans one day before the vote. >> reporter: spotted on interstate 85 in georgia, a vehicle that a candidate for governor calls his deportation bus. >> just going to track him and watch him roam around our state. >> reporter: republican state senator michael williams, trailing in galena park primary polling with a bus that says danger, murderer, rapisrapists,d
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killers on board. >> they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crime. they're rapists. and some i assume are good people risks you putting people on the deportation bus? no. >> are you trying to find people to deport? >> no. >> why are you doing this? >> this is to bring awareness to illegal immigration in our country is it a mean-spirited gimmick to have a bus that easy murderers and rapists are on this bus. >> when did it become mean to hold people accountable. >> that's not what we're saying. >> what does it say? >> it has kidnappers, illegal aliens on there. and that's who we're going to go after, those who are in our country illegally in breaking yet another law. >> so is this a gimmick? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: the candidate and the staff take the bus and an rv to georgia cities that have many immigrants. >> no hate, no fear. >> reporter: and get mostly negative reaction from people who have gathered waiting for
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the bus. but michael williams isn't the only candidate running for georgia governor who is going to extremes. >> in two things. if you're going the date one of my daughters respect, and a healthy appreciation for the second amendment, sir. >> we're going get along just fine. >> georgia secretary of state brian camp is also running, and also talks about hauling away immigrants. >> i've got a big truck. just in case i need to round up criminal illegals and take them home myself. yep, i just said that. >> reporter: one has a big truck. another a big bus. >> you're a sunday school teacher? >> i am. >> does this violate the tenets of your moral life not to be kind to your fellow human beings? >> what i am doing is being kind to the citizens this country, the citizens that have built this country and has something that the world covets and wants. we have to protect that. >> reporter: and before the deportation bus drives away for the day, someone places this on the front of it, words from the
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poem on the pedestal of the statue of liberty. gary tuchman, cnn, decatur, georgia. president trump has said repeatedly the russia probe is politically motivated, and now he wants the justice department to take action. his new demand. that's still to come. plus, as ireland faces an important vote on abortion access, it's also trying to deal with the problem that haunted the u.s. during its last election. so, what's new? we just switched to geico and got more. more? they've been saving folks money for over 75 years. a company you can trust. geico even helped us with homeowners insurance. more sounds great. gotta love more... right, honey? yeah! geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more.
12:27 am
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i'm george howell. >> and i'm rosemary church. we are learning more about the timeline of friday's school shooting in santa fe, texas that killed eight students and two teachers. the sheriff there says the gunman opened fire for four minutes before officers arrived. a 25-minute shoot-out between police and the teenaged suspect ensued before the gunman gave himself up. >> just take a look at these pictures. just so powerful there on hawaii's big island. lava from the kilauea volcano has crossed a highway and spilled into the ocean. officials are warning people to stay away from it because the lava they say creates steam clouds of hydrochloric acid and particles of glass, when it hits the water. they also say sulfur dioxide emissions have tripled. one man was injured when an airborne chunk of lava hit his leg. with the russia investigation now in its second year, president trump is launching a new attack. he wants an investigation into
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whether the fbi spied on his presidential campaign for political purposes. >> let's now bring in steve moore. steve a law enforcement contributor and former fbi supervisory agent. steve, it's always a pleasure to have you on the show. let's start by reminding everyone what mr. trump tweeted earlier, quote, i hereby demand and will do so officially tomorrow that the department of justice look into whether or not the fbi/doj infiltrated or surveilled the trump campaign for political purposes and if any such demands or requests were made within the obama administration. steve, this comes after reports that the fbi sent in a confidential source to speak with some aides to the trump campaign to find out about possible ties to russia. what do you make of the president's latest declaration? >> well, again, i don't think this is necessarily the place -- twitter is the place to make those kind of accusations and demands. if the president has a concern, i think he has the right to talk to the department of justice
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about it, and the department of justice's answer i believe was about as perfect as you can get. certainly if -- certainly they're saying that any political interference would be bad, but they're not saying that there is evidence of any. they're just saying if we find any, certainly we'll do something about it. >> mr. trump also says the fbi did this for political reasons. does that seem likely to you? >> you know, they would have to barrel through so many safeguards. it just doesn't seem plausible to me. i will say that it's fairly aggressive for my administration's department of justice to direct an informant, not just question an informant, but direct an informant in the opposite party's political
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candidate political campaign. however, those are the kind of things agents want to do all the time. not because they're crooked, not because they're politically motivated, but because they see a crime or a potential crime and they want to go after it. so would this be an aggressive action by the fbi? yes. but i see nothing that indicates on the face of it that it was political. >> and certainly that is the implication coming from president trump given the tweets that we're seeing. also, the department of justice has asked the inspector general to look into weather political motivations played into how the fbi conducted its counterintelligence investigation. is this significant in your mind or is the doj following mr. trump's direction here? >> i think the doj is following down the line. there is nothing wrong with following up on his allegations, but at the same time, there's no smoking gun here. i mean, yes, the fbi was
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apparently working a source inside the campaign, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily going to be political. and the way to respond to this is certainly, we will look at it. certainly, if there is an issue, we'll do something about it. but nowhere in their response do they say there is more evidence that this ever occurred. >> steve, one other question. just the optics here. does it look as if the president is using these institutions to go after political opponents? >> well, isn't it ironic if that's the case that he's saying -- his allegations are that another person used these institutions for political reasons. i am hoping that rosenstein and the department of justice have a -- have a pretty good course here, that they are focused on true north, and they will -- while doing what a president
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asks, do first and foremost what the american people expect of them. >> steve moore, we always appreciate your type and perspective. thank you. >> thank you. on friday, ireland will hold a referendum on repealing its abortion laws. they're some of the most restrictive in the developed world, and it's an issue that provokes passion on both sides. but some online campaign ads are being funded by foreign donor, and that is making transparency advocates nervous. atika shubert reports. >> reporter: knocking on door, handing out pamphlets, both the yes and no campaigns are out to convince voters days before ireland's abortion referendum. but the real battle is helping online says tech journalist gavin sheridan. >> you're trying to collect audience data about this kind of approach is perfect because it looks relatively benign. >> reporter: he investigated a
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facebook page for undecided voters. >> you have no way of understanding that this is run by a no side group. >> reporter: that led him to a catholic group lobbying out of the u.s., just one example of concerns that digital campaigns are finding funds from outside of ireland. >> the more money you have, if there is no restriction on spending, from a legislative point of view, the more money you have, the more likely you are to win. >> reporter: ireland is facing the same digital dilemmas that plagued the referendum and the brexit referendum. the problem is outmoded campaign laws. >> people are targeting based on preferences they select and in many cases they don't know who is behind the ads. the legislation i published it requires among other things a transparency notice. so you must disclose who you are, who is running the ad, who is paying for the ad. >> reporter: facebook has responded by blocking referendum ads paid for by foreign donors, and google has taken it a step
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further, banning any ads on the referendum altogether. some no campaigners have chosen controversial methods camping outside maternity wards with anti-abortion man withers. one says the eight has launched a substantial digital campaign with the help of a data analytics group founded by a former cambridge analytica employee, the same company that could have swung votes for trump and brexit. cambridge analytica recently shut down amid allegations of illegal manipulation of facebook user data. >> for me, when at its best, when used properly social media is a giant focus group where you can put material at them and see how they react to it. and that's what we're using it to do. i don't think that the fundamental debate on abortion will ever significantly change. this is one of those issues either you believe that the unborn child is a human being with rights and right to life or you do not. >> reporter: on the other side,
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together for yes is fighting to make abortion legal in ireland, and it has put more emphasis on old-fashioned doorknocks rather than digital campaigning to win votes without any foreign aid, says long-time campaigner ayla smith. >> this is a referendum for the irish people. it's the irish people's vote. we do not accept funding from outside, and we're absolutely clear about that. there is huge determination that this time after 35 years, we really are going to remove this massive obstacle to win safety, health and well-being. we're going to premove that long last from our constitution. >> reporter: but no motor how many posters and leaflets are handed out, digital is aware the votes are won. >> digital is the main battleground now in any country, in any referendum or election campaign. digital is where you're going to fight it out. >> reporter: yes or no,
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whichever way the vote goes, the ireland referendum has become the latest testing ground of online influence on voters unsure of who is knocking at their digital door. atika shubert, cnn, dublin. the u.s.-china trade war son hold, for now. but who might be the winners and losers in a new deal between the world's top two economies? we take a look. plus, hillary clinton jokes about her failed 2016 presidential run. what she told graduates at yale university. we'll have that for you and more, just ahead. ♪ with expedia you could book a flight, hotel, car and activity all in one place. ♪ and it's time to get outside. pack in even more adventure with audible.
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welcome back, everyone. well, the united states and china have agreed not to engage in a trade war, at least for now. in a joint statement, the two countries announced china would significantly increase its purchases of u.s. goods and services. >> this comes after two days of trade talks in washington with chinese officials.
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u.s. plans to send a team to china to hammer out details, which the u.s. treasury secretary spoke about earlier. >> we're putting the trade war on hold. so right now we have agreed to put the tariffs on hold while we try to execute the framework. we are immediately going to follow up this with secretary ross going there with very hard commitments in agriculture, where we expect to see a very big increase. 35 to 40% increases in agriculture this year alone, and energy, doubling the energy purchases. i think that you could see 50, $60 billion a year of energy purchases over the next three to five years. >> let's get the view from beijing. our correspondent matt rivers is following the story. matt, it is important to point out here that though a framework is starting to form, the devil is always in the details, and the details at this point we just don't know.
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>> yeah, it's just as important to point out what isn't in this framework so far, george, as what is. let's start with what we know according to u.s. and chinese officials. we know that china has agreed to purchase a, quote, significant amount more of american goods. we know that china apparently has agreed to different protections on technology, and that they have also agreed to make structural changes in their economy, in their economic system here. what does all of that mean? what does that mean? is that $50 billion more? 150 billion? just last week officials floated that china had agreed to purchase $200 billion more in american goods. the very next day chinese ministry of foreign affairs came out and said that's not true. they didn't give any more details hab that. we don't know exactly how much is going to be purchase and how much it would lower the deficit. and furthermore, what does technology protections and
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structural changes to the economy mean? those are the kind of vague promises china has made for years now. but in terms of seeing exactly what that means, george, we just don't have those details. >> whatever it means, it will be big news, of course, for companies that are keeping close watch of this, matt. let's broaden this perspective. so the optics of cooler heads prevailing between the united states and china, how does that play into engaging north korea? that's something that both countries are set on pushing to a positive resolution. >> yeah, you know, it's an interesting point to bring up, george. i think that china and the united states in years past have generally tried to separate issues of national security and trade. and yet what you have seen is a very different shift and approach from the trump administration where the president himself has repeatedly linked issues of trade and north korea. now, what you've seen in the beginning of the trump administration, especially in the first year was trade was kind of put to the side in lieu
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of or because the president specifically said he wanted to be able to work with china on north korea. apparently he felt that he got what he needed out of china so, he pushed the envelope a little bit on trade that got people a little bit nervous, that there was going to be a rift in the relationship, and that would spill over into north korea. i think what you're seeing here is cooler heads prevailing on either side there is a general sense of optimism. when it comes to north korea, it certainly can't hurt to have the united states and china at least seeming to come to some sort of framework for a potential deal when it comes to trade, george. >> cooler heads for the time being. we'll see where it goes. matt rivers live for us in beijing. thanks, matt. okay. henry clinton talked about turbulent times while speaking to college students on sunday,. >> she gave a speech at yale university's class diaz part of commencement weekend, and she didn't shy away from her failed 2016 presidential run. >> i still think about the 2016 election.
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i still regret the mistakes i made. i still think, though, that understanding what happened in such a weird and wild election in american history will help us defend our democracy in the future. whether you're right, left, center, republican, democrat, independent, vegetarian, whatever. we all have a stake in that. so today as a person, i'm okay. but as an american, i'm concerned. >> clinton also took a jab at her rival donald trump and the ongoing russia investigation. take a look. >> now, i see looking out at you that you are following the tradition of over the top hats. so i brought a hat too. a russian hat.
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[ applause ] right? look, i mean, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. >> she is having a bit of fun with that. okay. the british royal family turns a new page as prince harry and meghan start their happily ever after. and we will tell you what's next for the newlyweds, still to come. stay with us.
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is said that nothing brings people together quite like a wedding. and on saturday, nearly 30 million people in the united states tuned in for the royal wedding of prince harry and meghan. but the public didn't get to see the receptions for the duke and duchess of sussex. where family and friends celebrated the couple late into the evening. >> but now that the party is over, it's back to work for the newlyweds, who will not be taking a honeymoon just yet. and joining me now with more is cnn's anna stewart.
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she is right outside kensington palace in london. and everyone is still smitten with the newly married royals. what are you learning as their first day and what are all the highlights from their receptions? >> well, rosemary, thankfully i think for them we're finding out very little about their first monday together. and i'm really hoping considering they're not going on honeymoon, they're actually enjoying a day at home, watching some of the highlights themselves of course in kensington palace which is where they live behind me. as you said, they're not taking a honeymoon. we will see them tomorrow, but they're going straight to work. they'll be attending the princess of wales 70th birthday commemorations in buckingham palace. and the whole nation is now undergoing mega royal wedding blues. and probably a collective hangover as well. the parties did not end on saturday. i was at a street party in windsor yesterday. the party kept going for some time. and really, it's just been a whole weekend where everyone wants to talk about all their favorite part, all the highlights, whether that was the
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classic dress, the veil that had 53 flowers embroidered on it, representing all the commonwealth nations, the animated address by that american bishop michael curry has a lot of people talking. people absolutely loved that. the lack of princess diana, the moment with doria ragland, meghan's mother arriving by herself and looking so serene and glamorous and beautiful. and of course it was just an incredibly emotional ceremony. >> yes. so much serenity too. but what about their future hon honeymoon. they're not going right now. but they will eventually. well don't know where they will go, of course. but what are the bookies saying? what are their favorites so far? >> i mean, we don't know where and we don't know when. they're going to keep this so top secret. for all i know, they have multiple options on the table. so they can ensure that we don't get it at the last-minute. but the top favorites really are botswana, where of course they
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went on a third date, and many people think that is where the royal couple really fell in love as they slept under the stars. namibia is another favorite, and africa is a favorite really because both of them have strong emotional and professional ties to africa. namibia of course they could go on a fantastic safari. and then you can think about what we've learned about the duchess of sussex in the past. on instagram, on her blog, we heard about how much she loves the amalfi coast. that's another option. or hawaii, where she spent much of her child holidays holidays and often talked about how wonderful they were. they're going to keep us guessing. we're never going to know. >> no, not until they actually go. before you go, what more are you learning about that dress? there is a lot of chatter, isn't there? she just looked extraordinarily glamorous when she came out. and then of course we saw the other dress that she wore when she went off to the first reception. >> honestly, rosemary, the big question with these types of events is always who and what is the bride going to wear.
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and it took us by surprise. she was not a fair, she is the first creative director of givenchy. she is a british designer, though, and it was such a classic dress. i would say most people i spoke to around windsor on the wedding day and the day after was saying it was real sort of fresh look. it was so classic that it was really a fresh and exciting dress. some people thought it was erring on dull, but the second dress is spectacular. the stella mccartney was modern, it was chic. she did the classic bride and she did the modern fashionista that we know she is. >> i thought they were both beautiful. anna stewart, thank you so much. we appreciate it. we'll talk next hour. thank you so much. >> thank you for being with us for "cnn newsroom." "early start" is next for viewers here in the united states. >> and for everyone else, stay tuned. we'll be back with more news from all around the world. you're watching cnn.
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president trump hereby demands to know if the feds inn fill straighted his -- infiltrated his campaign. russia may not have been the only for even power to influence the 2016 election. donald trump jr. had another meeting with an emissary with two gulf nations. why


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