tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 1, 2018 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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>> the journey is very difficult. they come here and it is very expensive to stay here. >> they don't have enough money to continue their trip. sometimes families they have to sell everything they have. they feel helpless. so i decided to do something for them. i want them to know that they're not alone. >> to see riccardo's program, go to for the full story. while you are there, nominate someone that you think should be a hero. that's it for us tonight. thanks for watching. good evening, the president appears to be getting cordial
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with the bitter enemy. when the president yesterday slapped tariffs on steel from europe and canada and mexico. today canada is taking being labeled on its view of a threat of u.s. security. today, the president hosted kim jong-un's top right man. the president now says it is once again back on in its original scheduled time slot. we got a picture of the envoy delivered. the story line has changed a little raising questions of whether the president's e eagerness in making a deal could make a bad deal. here is what mitch mcconnell said. >> for this situation to work, you have to not want the deal too much. if you fall in love with the
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deal and it is too important for you to get it, and the details becoming less significant, you could get snuckered. >> senator mcconnell says, i am quoting here "i think the president is aware of that." >> what has been said about the summit gives away to senator mcconnell's warning. here is the administration describing its talks in singapo singapo singapore. >> the conversation is going to be focused on denuclearization of the peninsula and the goal and the purpose of these is to have complete total denuclearization of the peninsula. >> denuclearization of the korean peninsula. >> total denuclearization will
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total denuclearization to getting to know you. >> president trump is walking away from the high expectations that he set himself up for this meeting. we have a different definition than washington does. when north korea talks about denuclearization, they talk about the korean peninsula and they have alliance and implications for u.s./south korea. it is very unclear from this meeting that kim yong-chol met with the president today. as we define it vaerifiable. >> there is no way and it is realistic for the president to say this is a basically getting
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to know you meeting, it was unrealistic to portray as this is anything else up to now. >> to denuclearize will take months and years and working out specific detamils. >> those of us on the outside are looking at and we had to wonder a month ago and president trump was tweeting they agreed to denuclearization, you have to wonder did he know something we did not know and clearly he did not. he entered the summit on the spur of the moment and he hyped it up to the rough. so basically as the appearance of a summit but perhaps very little of the actual substance of it. why are we giving the leader of north korea to legitimate himself next to the president of
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the united states, oh, president trump admitted that we are ready and the sanctions are collapsing because of the concessions that we. >> reporte >> north korea has gained a lot the past few months with our agreement to meet kim jong-un. kim jong-un has played his cards very well. >> they have been strategic. and political will to implement sanctions is loosening particularly on the chinese front. he met with moon jae-in a couple of times. this maximum pressure that we are going to do is going to be hard. the whole talk of the military strike is impossible for us to get back to it particularly if north korea does not continue with provocations.
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i don't think they will because kim jong-un is very smart about this. kim jong-un is doing very well even without the summit. >> i am picking up on the point that sue just made, i mean trump kind of reminds me of churchill that he's either at your throat or your feet. last fall he's swung to the other extreme saying he's open and honorable and doing a great deal but last year he called him rocket man. he's in charge of warmbier and now he's rushing to meet kim jong-un. he has to find a happy meeting.
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he's got to find that middle path. >> jimmy, it is remarkable for the president to say why would we be putting in sanctions because they are being nice to us right now? >> and to say there is no discussion what so ever, that's remarkable and this is a man who's been guilty of horrible violations of human rights. he sank a navy south korea naval ships. so it is remarkable not to bring these things up at least in the conversations. another point, too, it was interesting to hear mitch mcconnell. he warned the president to not get snuckered by north korea. >> victor cha made the point today that sanctions by themselves don't get what the u.s. wants. it is in fact forcing some what
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to go to the table. south korea does want to sit down with north korea so there are more than one party here that can snucker as mcconnell said. >> we'll see and hopefully because now trump is going to meet with kim jong-un, i am hoping that something will come out of it. that's just my hope and i am not optimist optimistic. >> donald trump is a great deal maker only in his own mind. six bankruptcies, he made awfully a lot of bad deals. >> coming up next of roseanne barr and samantha bee. and you will hear from two mothers who have been separated from their kids from
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immigration. discover social security alerts. you're more than just a bathroom disease.. you're a life of unpredictable symptoms. crohn's, you've tried to own us. but now it's our turn to take control with stelara® stelara® works differently for adults with moderately to severely active crohn's disease. studies showed relief and remission, with dosing every 8 weeks. stelara® may lower the ability of your immune system to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections and cancer. some serious infections require hospitalization. before treatment, get tested for tuberculosis. before or during treatment, always tell your doctor if you think you have an infection or have flu-like symptoms or sores, have had cancer, or develop any new skin growths, or if anyone in your house needs or recently had a vaccine. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems, including headaches, seizures, confusion, and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. some serious allergic reactions can occur. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. we're fed up with your unpredictability. remission can start with stelara®.
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talk to your doctor today. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for stelara®. (thuappliance got you down? washing machine dying) head to the sears memorial day event. up to 40 percent off appliances. 52% off this kenmore refrigerator. 50 percent off kenmore elite laundry pairs. find your new appliance at the sears memorial day event. with savings on the new sleep number 360 smart bed.
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good news on the economy today, the unemployment rate fell 3.8%. the president tweeted about it today and might have left it there and could have left it. president trump saying something offensive and at least he did for someone one of them. why are they not firing samantha bee for inappropriate language.
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a total double standard but that's okay, we are winning and we'll be doing so for a long time to come. >> ivanka trump who works at the white house chose to post this second most oblivious tweet. you know, that's a beautiful child. do something about your dad's immigration law. he listens to you. tell your father to [ bleep ] stop it. tell him it was not an obama thing and see how it goes, okay? >> you can understand her father is angry at that. did samantha bee still have a job. roseanne barr was fired after
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her racist remarks. the one who did lose her job, roseanne barr, three days after she calls the african-american woman the offspring and an ape. he did not tweeted of condemning the language and prompted abc to cancel her show. the president turned an opportunity to speak out against blatant racism into an opportunity. for that double standard, well, the president does not hold well on that front. the president was ripping al franken last year for sexual harassment. he was noticeably silent under roy moore and accused of others and of 16 years old.
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as you know the president has not been accused of sexual propriety by more than a dozen of women but he was caught on tape boasting and saying he could assausexually assault womd get away from it. >> o' donnel is disgusting. you take a look at her, she's a slob. >> sleepy eye, chuck todd, is as sleeping son of a -- >> maxine waters have a very low iq individual. >> of course, there are a lot of others on twitter or elsewhere. when it comes to double standards, the examples are many and varied. >> she wants to blame everyone else for her legal troubles but
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she has no one else to blame but herself. hillary is the one that set up up an illegal e-mail server to shield her criminal activities. a few days ago, revealed by plit cou the question is does anyone these days seem to care. that's a question for jason miller and michaela davis who is joining us after a very quick break.
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angela davis and jason miller. is there a moral equivalent of what samantha bee said and what roseanne barr did? should the president commented on both? >> it is so hard anderson that the opening was so exhausted of all the things that we had to negotiate. this is tasteless verses racist and what we are looking at is power and the power of words. who is wheeling that power by saying those things. the president of the united states should be at a totally different standard than a political satire and also one of the traps of these false equivalent conversations is that you don't consider contact and history. >> roseanne has a hi induststor calling black women monkeys. that was a black straw. >> samantha as tasteless as it
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was, who are they representing when they are saying those ta e tasteless words. the comparison that's in a false comparison. to hold the president to the same standard as comedians is strange. the fact that we are expecting him to tweet about a comedian when we have puerto rico and you know what i mean? >> right. >> we are in this very strange moment thfor everyone havinn ha. >> the president had a lot to do and why should he weighed into the roseanne barr thing even though he praised roseanne boor for he barr on her ratings. >> there is no equivalelancy one
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comment and verses bee's comment is horrible and terrible as well. i think they are at different lef levels. traditionally i would say the president did not need to weigh in on samantha bee because they are separate things but i am never going to criticize a father for standing up for his daughter. i can understand that. i feel like we are chasing the wrong thing here. i feel like political opponents on both sides are looking for people are who are mad at what roseanne barr said which should be everybody. some are looking at president trump and wanted to pin on him. many members who are conservative who are looking at samantha bee of other liberals should answer for what samantha bee did. people need to get their own acts together and treating
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people with respect. and not try to look for that validation that the president is going to come in and give some kind of moral clarity that's going to magically bring everybody together. the job of presidency is create opportunities to lift everybody um. >> conservatives have talked about the course of the culture for a long time. everybody is in their tribe or political camp and they see it through the lens of their politics and they excuse what samantha bee said or they attack roseanne or excuse roseanne and attack samantha bee. >> tribablism is natural. this is unnatural that we are having this conversation in the context of presidency. a tweet would conflate and so
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many things together. this is not normal and i think -- we have to resist thinking that this is normal to talk about a president of the united states of america and his tweets about to comedians. that's not normal. >> he talked about ratings for both of them. you have to consider who each person is representing when they say what they say. roseanne barr and his core, i am sure he sees them and he says this is about us. of course he'll weigh in on roseanne, he's talking for his people. samantha and everyon though it tasteless, in her mind, she's speaking to immigrant children. who these people are speak to o and how they're using their language and how they're using their power. coming out from the president of
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the united states of america, the fact that you have that run down is extraordinary. >> so kelly, here is where i would disagree with you and i don't think what samantha bee said was commentary on a public policy matter. this was a very orchestrated and they wrote it up. >> but, it was connected the the immigrants and i.c.e. >> they loaded in the prompter. that language to go to the daughter of the president of the united states of that foul of language, that was not an accident. that was not going move the balfour ward on immigration policy of one direction or another. that was a specific effort to tear down the president's daughter and the president. i would say on the cultural side here is where i get frustrated as a trump's supporter. when i see wolff attacking sarah
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sanders. there seems to be this pattern and far too many who are in this comedian space, not all but from far too many where it is open season on the president and his his supporters and anyone who works for him. i think it is going way too far and tasteless and the thing and the standards is being said here is if you criticize the president and saying foul and terrible things, nothing is going to happen. >> that would make sense if this president is not saying about immigrants and women or what he says about our private parts. i would totally adprgree with y if we are talking about someone else. the tone that he said from the moment he came down the escalator, he called people names. all the names he called people. we can't talk about this in a regular context. all he does is insult people. >> let's encourage everybody to take steps forward with our language and positive about this rather than to point saying you
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did this and that. >> thank you very much. there is a chance that "roseanne show" can continue without roseanne barr. abc is exploring the possibility focusing on the character darlene played by sarah gilbert. >> joy reid on her apologies for old inflammatory blog posts. book now at but as it grew bigger and bigger,ness. it took a whole lot more. that's why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. everything. and that 2% cash back adds up to thousands of dollars each year... so i can keep growing my business in big leaps!
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. another msnbc anchor that's in hot water tonight, joy reid. back in april, she said her blog history had been hochacked but today. she apologized today, some of the things she wrote were hateful and hurtful. our andy kay has details. >> look closely, that's john mccain head fphotoshopped on th body of the virginia tech shooter who killed 32 people back in 2007. the blog post was discovered by buzz feed on a now defunk blog called the rereport. the blog once belong to joy reid. this post was titled "baghdad
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john strikes again." >> in which reid urge readers to watch loose chains in 9/11. the film series promotes the widely debunk theory that the september terrorist attacks were planned and carried out. the blogger could be reid herself, the fundamental question is do you believe the official story of 9/11. reid was under pressure for homophobic post and one suggesting that anderson cooper is the gayest on tv and cringed at the two men kissing.
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reid's original explanation, hackers. she hired a cyber security expert to investigate and her attorney says the fbi had opened a probe. in a statement he suggested the alleged attacker found and access reid's account. >> i could not imagine where it came from or who the voice it was. >> her choice of words and tone. that was all he said until late april when she had no proofs of hackers being responsible so she apologized again for the post but did not take responsibility for writing the posts. >> i genuinely believe i rowrot those hateful things because they are alien to me. i can understand based on things that i have tweeted and written in the past why some people don't believe me.
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i am not being exempted from being dumb of hurtful to the people that i want to advocate for. for that, i am truly sorry. msnbc called the post hateful and hurtful adding that joy reid has grown and evolved in the many years since. >> randy kay. cnn new york. . for the record, i was a runner up in the gayest guy in the tv p pageant. joining us now, brian stelter. she says he was hacked, was that a lie? if she lied, is that something that msnbc would be concerned about? >> it would affect her credibility going forward. that's the key issue here and she may have posted a lot of offensive things over a decade ago and that commentary of nerch
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msnbc weighed into that. i agree people do change overtime and they have to to have the space to evolve overtime. >> her apologies of the antigay posts. she says i genuinely do not agree that i would write those things. >> this is her personal life. >> it is a reminder to anybody when you are tweeting or blogging or posting online, those words have significance and meanings. it allows you to pull up all blog posts that you thought may
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have been dedeleted. people are posting in the web matters. it is not just for fun or in your private times. it haunted reid more than a decade later. she posted about wolf blitzer and dozens of people and a lot of them was fenoffensive and mo is going to come out from her blog. >> brian stelter, thank you very much. we got breaking news, it would have been better had they arrived of our reporting of the summit of north korea. the white house is planning a possible summit between vladimir putin and president trump. up next, new policies in effect, two migrant mothers sharing their stories as we get our access to the detention center when we continue.
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i want to take you down to california near the mexican border. our gary tuchman gained access. this includes mothers who were taken away from their children. the children are held in one of 100 locations across the country. all of this as part of a zero policy. everyone is held to prosecution no exception which it includes mothers and their children while they are separating. two mothers and five childrens surprised to what happened to them when they crossed the border. here is gary tuchman. >> reporter: these women crossed to the united states and asked for asylum because of violence at home. something is missing, their children who traveled with them. mar bell just turned 35-years old. and immigration officials separated her from her eight-year-old son jerry.
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he has been sent across the country to a government facility across the state >> are you scared. >> >> translator: she tells me, yes i'm scared because they took him from me. if i had him with me i won have any fears. olga is 31 years ol. her four children ranged from 8 to 17 have been sent to a government facility in new york. she says when her they daughters and son were separated from her going on. olga says i'm not sure why they did that. they never let me say goodbye, didn't tell me anything. >> the lawyers for both mothers don't want the women's last names used and don't want details revealed because they feel it could be used against them. the mothers tells us they department have the faintest clue their children could be taken from them. she told us for me it was hard
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when they took him away from me because my son was crying and didn't want to be taken. for around two weeks the mothers their children were. even now they've been separated for over a month. they say phone contact is infrequent. my kids have never been separated from me. my son says he misses me and when will i be with him again? i told him i don't know. the immigration attorney for the two women says she doesn't know either. >> it's unknown how long these mothers are going to be separated from children. they're in proceedings. and their children are in proegs in two different courts. >> neither woman had a cell phone when they left honduras. not only do they not have their children. she has one picture of her son. she only has one picture of her son. olga has no pictures.
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>> i want to live a good life with my kids says olga for them to have a good future, not as i've had. marbel tells us, i love him so much i never thought i'd bring him to have him separated from me. if i would have known i wouldn't have brought him. i wish him to be together with me. after our interviews both women go back to cells with no idea whatsoever what will happen to their lives. or the lives of their children. >> and gary joins me now. is there -- does anyone have any idea how long the legal process could last for the two women? >> yeah, anderson, i asked the lawyers for the women. what do you think? how long could it last? are we talking about weeks? talking months? are we talking 2019, 2020? and they said with all the parents being separated from children there is absolutely no way to know. all bets are off as to when it comes to a conclusion. how long the children will be separated from parents nobody seems to know. >> gary thanks very much.
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up next beer and straejly large glass shoes and my chat with anthony bourdain about the new episode in parts unknown heading to one of his favorite seasons. we'll tell but the location when we come back. ♪[upbeat music] ♪now i'm gonna tell my momma ♪that i'm a traveller ♪i'm gonna follow the sun♪ ♪now i'm gonna tell my momma transitions™ light under control™ visit your local visionworks to ask about transitions™ brand lenses visit your local visionworks (thuappliance got you down? washing machine dying)
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like you we want you to see all old hong kong. ♪ >> all this is disappearing. all this could be gone. it's vanishing before our eyes. >> i recently talked about all this with tony at the new york hidel berg restaurant. take a look. >> this this episode you go to hong kong one of your favorite places. >> i love hong kong. it's easy to -- it's so easy to make tv there because there is incredible food everywhere. incredible scenery sfla i've never been it looks amazing. >> but, this was a special show for me because it was an odd and miraculous confluence of events. for years, though i've shot in hong kong many times i am obsessed with the work of the film maker who made happy
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together, chun king express, mood for love and many other films. and almost all of those films a guy name christopher doyle known for his mandarin name there. is the cinema graver. and my dream to for years i've been reaching out trying to make this happen was to go to hong kong and to look at hong kong through his eyes. well at the last minute our director pulled out to have emergency surgery two days before we were set to go we had no director. fortunately i know a film director names od chlt zzie and i asked her to step in. and we arrived in hong kong. and we shoot with christopher doyle for the first scene. and let's just say we all really got along well together. had a couple of cocktails. next thing you know christopher
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doyle agrees to shoot every scene in the show and ends up being the director of photography for the entire episode. >> it's so interesting how somebody with a different eye or particular talent can under -- does he use the same quipped you normally use. >> yeah. >> did he make it look different. >> yeah. >> that's fascinating. >> to go to chun king mansions which is this huge frightening rabbit warren of hotel and businesses where refugees from all over the world hole up in the sight of chun king express one of his master works i don't think he had been back a long time to return with him with cameras and say shoot me, i'm still pinching myself. of everything i've done this was probably the professional %-p >> wow! that's cool. >> we came back with a show that looks and sounds unlike anything we've done before. >> that's saying a lot. >> well, between, ozzio who is
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