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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  June 3, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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or make money off those who do. drop a few moist bills at a gas station slot. see the full spectrum of human folly, and commit some follies of your own. lawyers say he cannot be forced to testify in the russia investigation. anchts clear message from g-7 finance ministers pushing back against u.s. tariffs. a cnn exclusive. we take you inside an elite squad battling the ms-13 gang in el salvador. welcome. we are coming to you live from atlanta. this is cnn newsroom.
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president trump's lawyers are argues that it is impossible for a u.s. president to obstruct justice. it shows the lngength it is tru team is willing to go to keep him from having to testify. he said there was no collusion with russia and asked whether the justice department leaked the to the media. >> the 20 page letter argues why the president doesn't have to be issued. they are seek to ask trump m in the letter they say because
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traufrp is the chief law enforcement officer the quote that the president's actions could neater constitutionally or legally constitute obstruction because he could if he wished he could exercise his power to pardon if he so desired. and then some of the other issues as we know that the special council has been looking at is michael flynn and whether or not the president try today interfere with that investigation when he fired the former fbi director james comey. they claim that the fbi never told he was under investigation. they also say that the white house had every impression based on what flynn told him after he was told the fbi interviewed
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him. they said there could not have been intent to obstruct an investigation that had been neater confirmed for denied to white house counsel. they had every reason to assume it is not -- it addresses other important of the investigation. it has do with the crafting of a statement regarding the donald trump j rfrr. meeting. the president's lawyers here write in this letter that basically admitting an admission from the lawyers that he the president help craft a statement. they say essentially it was that
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the president dictated a short but accurate response to the new york times article on behalf of his son, donald trump j rr. the significance is he thought he was meeting with someone that would provide dirt about hillary clinton. it was the russian lawyer that wanted to talk about adoptions. finally what's important here is since at least january the president's lawyers have been making these arguments to the special council and it seems at least as far as from everything
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we know this is the first time the president's attorneys have knowledged trump dictated the statement. in fact they along with press secretary sarah sanders previously denied the president played any part. listen. >> it was written by donald trump jr. it wasn't written by the president. the president didn't sign off on anything. the president was not involved in the drafting and did not issue the statement. it came from donald trump jr. >> he certainly didn't dictate. he weighed in and offered a suggestion like any father would do. >> the letter claims trump was taken out of context when he gave an interview and explained his decision to fire james comey. sheer what the president actually said. >> regardless of recommendation i was going to fire comey knowing there was no good time to do it. when i decided to do it i said
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to myself, i said this russia thing with trump and russia is a made up story. it's an excuse by the ddemocrat having lost an election. >> how sound are the legal arguments in this letter? she is a democrat and member of the house judiciary committee. she spoke about whether the president's lawyers have a legal leg to stand on. >> i don't agree with it. i think it has a legal argument that can be rebutted. the president has constitutional powers. he has constitutional powers to pardon, constitutional powers that involve the executive privilege. he is not above the rule of law. what the president has consistently done is raised questions questions about his willingness to adhere to the law. the question has to be really possibly a congressional question is whether the
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president has abused power. president any objection nixon t any of his officers chls ultimately it was decided upon as abuse of pour. they are creating a narrative to say to the mueller investigation that he is immune. i will allow them to give us their interpretation and their results. this is what lawyers do. they set a narrative. i don't agree with their interpretation. i don't agree that every manner of action is protected by executive privilege and as well that a president cannot be questioned about the obstruction of justice. what will settle this if the president subjects himself to the interview which they are both rejecting that and also want the american people to believe that any president are above the rule of law and are in
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totality of pros kuchlgts i think there's a posture. it should be raids sed as the mueller investigation continues. >> we turn to another developing story. it ended on saturday in a way rarely seen before. six of them ganging up on the u.s. for sticking key allies with punishing new tariffs on steel and aluminum. this kind of friction is very unusual. senior official frs canada, france, germany, italy, japan and the u.k. gave him an earful
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behind closed doors. their frustration with washington was palpable. >> what we are trying to kplun kate is that the six countries, not including the united states are expressing our concern over the tariffs that the united states has put forward. that concern was communicated and obviously secretary talked about the administration's point of view. we are hoping with that approach that we will have clearly communicated our views to the u.s. administration. >> the u.s. treasury secretary down played the dispute. >> i don't think in anyway the u.s. is abandoning its leadership in the global committee. what the group was focused on was the steel and aluminum tariffs. what we are doing to protect are steel and aluminum industries.
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there was general concern that this could become larger trade issues. i think as you know on china we have been very focused ton trade relationships with china. >> president trump sweettweeted can't lose a trade war. but members of his own party are not in agreement. republican senator tweeted he and other republicans would push back against the tariffs calling them a misuse of the president's authority. all of this while u.s. trade negotiators are in beijing for crucial trade talks. both sides are making progress but it car rid a warning from the chinese government. it said any agreement reached in the bilateral talks will be voided if washington imposes tariffs on chinese imports.
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much to talk about, our friends are not happy with us right now. we'll talk about it with him. he is there for us. hi. thanks for being with us. >> hello. >> first of all, u.s. allies are fuming over the president's tariffs. how unprecedented is it to see what's become the g6 plus one. >> part of the problem is to try to justify the tariff. it was designed to protect which are not human being in america. these are so important that they involve national security. we are hitting people that in the nato alliance were hitting
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the people we have great intelligence with. there is a lot of anger and annoyance to basically defend the campaign promise to steel workers. mr. trump is not only prepared to let prices of aluminum and steel rise considerably in america which will hit anyone who uses aluminum or steel, but to hit allies who actually have the same problem with china and overproduction of steel as the united states does. it is true. it is not the hugest amount of money that mr. trump does exaggerate the trade deficit.
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he still has this notion that some how trade is a zero sum game. that's not the way the rest of the world sees it. >> so yes, he has rattled our friends around the world with this. the question is can he rattle the economy here at home? it is excellent. the jobs report was stunning. unemployment was so low. now with this move could it backfire and hurt the economy or hurt jobs if there were in deed a trade war? >> well, at the moment it won't do much damage to the economy to be honest. it will heap the american steel while hurting other people. it does raise prices for domestic consumers, not in a huge way to undermine trump politically. if it turns into a serious trade war, which it could, it is
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damaging to everything. it is not like one side wins and one side looses. the only way one side looses or wins is if the other side agrees to reduce its tariffs, not to raise them and retaliate. the european union and canada which is particularly angry, by the way. why get into a fight with canada? they are particularly angry. they are going to aim at american products that are particularly produced in areas that supported donald trump politically because they are targeted. so the hope is, you know, one can go to the world trade organization and it will not last forever. this is a situation where the rest of the world is not going to back down. it deeply effects everyone's
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economy. it is a matter of national security of the united states it's a matter of national security of the european union and also china also. it is a dangerous game. we are not very deep into it. maybe it won't get as bad as everyone is pushing. it has potential nar. it does. >> thanks so much steven. >> thanks, natalie. we turn to north korea next. what happens when you five star taste and a two-star budget? you demand someone else pick up a hotel bill. we'll go live to discuss that. france witnessed attacks by 31 terrorists. the government identified most of them as potential threats. why weren't they stopped? cnn investigates. that's coming up here on cnn newsroom. you won't see these folks at the post office they have businesses to run
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>> welcome back. there are just nine days to go until the historic summit between u.s. president trump and the north korean leader in
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singapore. james mattis warns it will be a pump pi road bumpy road to the negotiations simply saying having it on the books is not enough. >> we must remain vigilant. north korea will receive relief only when it demonstrates irreversible steps to denuclearization. >> that question is one of the policy and logistical details to be worked out. the washington report says wants someone else to pay its hotel bill. that's a new one here. according to the paper kim would like to stay at the fullerton hotel. it caused the seat $6,000 a
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night. let's have all of the details to deal with. who knew that his accommodations would be something else ton table, alex. >> just one of many issues. yes, siting two sources north korea is making this demand but a spokesperson did respond to the washington post say that the united states doesn't plan to pay the hotel bill and they won't be asking another to pick up the tab either. it is likely the u.s. would request a waiver of sanctions from the united nations for costs associated with the travel. outside of the hotel bill still the question of how kim jong un gets to the summit. don't forget we haven't raerd
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where this big meeting will be held. yes, a lot of questions to answer in the next nine days! it is a summit that is being slowly pulled together. here is another issue that has popped up what are you hearing about that in the last few weeks and months. >> you'll remember it was this past winter it was evidence of chemical waps cooperation. the relationship between these two countries stretches back decades. they have had strong ties since
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the 60s. the syrian president's father met with the north korean father and now kim jong un it seems will meet with him. we don't have a date for when the meeting will happen. they say it is going to happen. the invitation has been issued and accepted. they said that he would welcome the remarkable events brought about by the outstanding wise leadership of kim jong un. no date set for this meeting. it comes on the heels of other meetings. it was a summit president. it is on the heels of two recent meetings with the chinese president. certainly shoring up his strongest relationships before he sits down with president trump. >> interesting developments there. we appreciate it. >> let's talk more about it
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focusing on defense and security. thanks for talking with us, sir. >> my pleasure. >> i want to begin with what we just heard from the u.s. defense secretary saying it will be a bumpy road to the negotiations. it is kind of the issue where we are right now. what is wrougbrought to the tab that it isn't just a meeting where we get to know one another? is that important as well? >> i think it is important as
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well. it is what which north korea provided some concessions but didn't give up the program and in return it got significant relief from pressure from sanctions. i think right now that feels like they the most likely direction. china's willingness will decline and prospect which was very high on the agenda only a few weeks ago will receive further. >> you mentioned past meetings are in with north korea. the concern is what kind of
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pressure will he put? >> it is until you are much further along in the process by contrast that president trump is having a meeting when nothing is agreed as a way of jump starting the process. time will tell whether his approach is a special one. it is in some ways quite similar to the approach which president obama has in the early years. he puts em fa si meeting with those of the united states. we'll see how it works. there is knew lnow a lot of wor. we have now had the meeting at the white house by the number
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two in north korea so all of that suggests to me they are beginning to get into the details but north korea is not going. i am absolutely sure north korea is not going to turn up at the summit and give up its whole nuclear arsenal straight away. it is going to be a stage process at best. the difficulty in paying hotel bills is an indication north korea is in many respects and how reluctant they will be without giving some of that in return. >> it will be extremely interesting to watch and learn what comes out of it. we'll speak with you again. thank you for your time. >> my pleasure. >> in other news now most of the terrorists who attacked france were on a terror watch list.
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why weren't they stopped? we'll have a report coming up next about that. plus american taxpayers are helping to fund anti-gang unit police units in wael salvador. play stay with us.
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i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. president trump's lawyers have been try to go convince that it is legally impossible
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far sitting president to obstruct justice. they laid out several arguments to keep the president from being subpoenaed. the meeting of g7 finance ministers wrapped up on saturday with each of them issue ago statement against new u.s. star riffs on key allies. they warned the duties on steel and aluminum on da, mexico and the eu are destructive to world trade. aun usual fushl and brief cease fire appears to be coming to an end. israel says it has struck 15 targets in ga za in retaliation after militants six project tiles towards israeli military. saturday marked the anniversary
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of the founding of the country's republic as well as the installation of the new pop list government ending month of political turmoil. italy has not had a government since elections in march. this one is a coalition of the country's anti establishment five star movement and far right league party. leading italy ease new government is a little noun law professor who has never held political officer before. we have more on the country's new prime minister. >> italy's new prime minister is unknown. he says he will be the defense attorney for italians. his resume says he studied for some time a at universities at the united states and pri dane. it was called into question when the universities could not confirm his presence.
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born in the southern region it is the choice of italy's right wing and pop list parties, the league and the five star. it is they who have the real power. any decision it is prime minister takes will have to have his support. platform is one of increased spending, tax cuts and increased investigation. nierter have much experience governing at the national level. europe and the markets will be watching. both parties have said they have no intention of italy leaving the euro. they will need to be cutting down extremely large debt, perhaps aware of the power of justures he took a cab to the frs appointment with italy's president. governments in italy some times don't last very long. there have been 675 since 1946. so it remains to be seen just
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how far it will travel. many terrorists who unleashed in the past six years will have some things in common. not only did they have disregard for human life or perverted view of religion or social issues they were also on france's terror watch list. why couldn't they be stopped? we report from paris. a man armed with a gun killed four people in the country and list goes on. since 2012, 31 strifts committed attacks in france. 20 of those have been on the watch list according to the french senator who lead the inquiry into terrorism in
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france. what exactly is the watch list? >> it is a way to track down people when they travel. follow people.h list designed intelligence services have been able to identify them. we should not forget many plots are foiled. >> in all 26,000 people are on the list because they have come across the intelligence service radar as presenting a threat. of those 10,500 are believed to be. >> we cannot do more of the national level. we have exhausted our resources. we cannot put everyone. it is impossible to follow them. >> some have suggested putting all of those on the list behind bars to which france's minister replied this, incarcerating 26,000 when being on the list is no proof of guilt.
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authorities say the point is simply to keep track of foreign movements and arrests of thoesz people who have not yet acted. they explain someone on the list cannot be arrested for being ton list. their movements can be tracked but they cannot be watched all of the time. and crucially the information can't be shared amongst services which is why the government wants to change it. >> the system is not functioning in a satisfactory way and therefore asks that we examine concrete ways and mean to change it. >> any changes cannot come soon enough for so many. >> we are in a fret which is massive. it is something really new. in the past in the 80s, 90s terrorists were looking at iconic symbols of trance. they are targeting almost everywhere and very suddenly there's no lodger in their
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action. >> these are the pictures of a country grieving that have become all too familiar. with them so often that question of what more might have been done to prevent the latest atrocity. cnn paris. doing battle with one of the most ruthless gangs in central america. cnn takes you inside the elite squad whose mission is to track down the members of the brutal ms-13. and want more coverage, guess what? you could apply for a medicare supplement insurance plan whenever you want. no enrollment window. no waiting to apply. that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free
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in a cnn exclusive he gained access but sit a law toneenforct unit with a unique history. her is the report.
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>> it's an undeclared war. it is against ms-13. it's america's war too because president trump has declared ms-13 animals that must be eliminated. they fighting with u.s. money and help. it is an effort to gang violence. these men say their targets gang leaders to cripple the gang hierarchy. the u.s. participated are the weapons and ammunition. it does include bullet proof vests and knee pads. >> there is something taxpayers
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should know about how america is fighting this war. it has a dark history, many called a special reaction forces, the fes. it was disbanded after allegations. it killed a staggering 43 people they say were gang members in just six months last year. it has repeatedly been alleged illegal executions. that's a problem for the u.s. who aren't supposed to fund human rights abuses. critics say some evaded this dark past by being folded into the new unit so they had no issue funding them. the number of gang members each year has risen five times in two years. it is a high body count that made people feel safer.
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it's exposed in messages where police discuss executions and ask help identifying gang members. >> can you send us a picture? we are going now. we are located him. we are going to crash that. a local police officer rails at the sloppy clean up of an execution of a gang member of a fellow police near by. >> witnesses who saw they were beating that before killing him. here you have bad procedures in practice. if you do stuff like that you better be sure there are no witnesses. brutal tactics can drive people away from police away from gangs like ms-13. here we get rare permission to enter. >> we are headed now to one of the scenes of the more prominent
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killings here. carried out by what locals say was effectively a death squad. they do dispute that he was armed when police shot him dead. neighbors say it was suchimply execution. >> they say there they are, mr. they are surrendering it. all of a sudden we hear the first shot. after hearing the first there was some silence. after that another four shots were fired. >> it shows us the scene, his bedroom. >> here he was lying down. his hands like this as if he had been sleeping that killed my son. they say the police never come around and now this case was investigated but charges weren't
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filed. police rarely, if ever, prosecute their own. in fact one of the officers accused in this shooting likely now serves in the new jaguar unit. using a facial recognition expert that used to work for police identified him in our footage. >> these images are very very clear. >> if fourth coming u.n. report will declare a pattern of belaif yor amounting to extra djudicia. they say they are fighting terrorists and request them without use of arms. more than 200 officers faced improper armed aggression last year.
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>> there's a general belief about having a green light to kill gang members. that's a lie. it does not happen here, not in any other country. we stick to the legal norms of our country. we use the force level that applies. as last resort we fire our weapons. >> in a statement the u.s. embassy said the u.s. government takes allegations of killings extremely seriously and consistently expressed concerns regarding allegations of security force. the u.s. has tried here and elsewhere before and failed or gotten caught in a longer conflict. there's a threat of ms-13 rises they will have to hope the gangs
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crumble rather than escalate. when president trump ended protection for immigrants from ten countri menearly 200,000 were at risk of being deported. in the next report nick speaks with those that lived in the u.s. for more than a decade. now they face gang violence, homelessness and challenge of making a living. gin us next hour for that part of the story. multiple fires erupt in the western united states. we'll let you know how weather conditions are effecting the fight to knock it down.
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the fire has grown to some 4,600 square miles. they are trying to knock this one down but it is uncontained. in california firefighters are making progress fighting a brush fire that has scorched 100
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hectors, that's about 250 acres. let's get the latest on all of this. it is fire season already. >> it is. it seeps lims like it is coming earlier and earlier. we got the latest numbers fighting the fire in new mexico. get a load of this, 511 personnel involved in fighting the fires as we speak. this is according to the forest service. it is 32 fire engines, eight dozers and seven water tenders. look at the winds whipping around. this is in new mexico. this is a larger photo. it is a large smoke plume. so just kind of talking you into details here we have an interesting weather pattern setting up for the next 24 hours. we are expecting winds to pick up. there is rain associated with an area of low pressure.
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good and bad news. rain helps in extinguishing some of the flames but also the thunderstorms can help spread the fires. fires are a concern wh gusty winds taking embers and throwing them literally dozens of miles away. it is spreading the fire, become k larger in essence. it has seen improving weather conditions. they have 10% containment on that. it is that fire that has really burned quite a large area. potential for dry thunderstorms exists today maybe making the problems worse for firefighters there. there is the storm system bringing showers and thunderstorms across the system. the weather calls for chances
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with precipitation. >> we'll take it. all right. we'll turn back to hawaii now. the story keeps on keeping on. some residents have only two options left, evacuate or get arrested. seven people have been sited for loitering in a disaster zone. officials worry people who stay could get trapped by the lava. could you imagine? the first eruption rocked the big island four weeks ago and molten rock has spewed ever since. we are there. >> after an entire month kilauea continues to erupt. most are being fed by one single fissure. you can see the smoke in the background several miles away.
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new video shows that that is not sending la va as high anymore. still, the massive amount it is producing continues to cause problems. a lava flow some 300 yards wide cut off a main highway near the coast. the last we maining we cape route for some communities. at the summit things have been unusually quiet in recent days. it show that is the main crater has been block bed by boulders d d debris. it could mean this is coming to an end or there could be pressure building under the surface which could lead to a much larger explosion down the road. they aren't sure which outcome is more likely. it will remain closed indefinitely. cnn, hawaii. the day's top stories are just ahead.
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thanks for watching. we have another hour ahead. i'll be right back in a moment.
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dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. >> they say it is not possible for the u.s. president to obstruct justice. >> also, many here had a matter of hours


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