tv Wolf CNN June 5, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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everybody was on the same page. the principles at the white house were going to talk about this. to your point, mj, it is when things changed when north korea got angry that the president himself and administration shifted. >> one week from today. we will keep an eye on the story. thank you for joining us. "wolf" starts right now. i'm wolf blitzer. anks very much for joining us. trump versus the eagles. the president taking on the super bowl champs abruptly cancelling the visit after discovering a small number of players sws up. tampering with witnesses. the special counsel says former trump campaign manager paul manafort did just that. now robert mueller is asking for manafort to be put in jail. and on the sidelines as
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president trump prepares for the summit with kim jong-un and escalating feud with the national security adviser john bolton and the secretary of state mike pompeo. the rift leaving bolton out of the historic oval office meeting. all of that coming up. fire, tst, two hours from n the white house plays host to a celebration for the country. the event is a last-minute replacement for the super bowl champion philadelphia eagles who were ysummarily disinvited. the president attacked the eagles as disrespectful and falsely criticized them for refusing to stand for the anthem. let's go to jim acosta. how do we get to the super bowl party that was anticipated on the south lawn of the white house to a concert over at the white house? >> reporter: wolf, this is part of the president's culture war designed to energize his base.
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the latest episode of that is the attack on the philadelphia eagles. accusing them of not standing for the anthem. we should point out from the factual bases that there were no eagles players who failed to stand for the anthem during the regular and post-season for the nfl. this attack on the eagles appears to be politically motivated. completely motivated politically and the last several minutes, the white house put out a st ons side. saying essentially there are too many eagles players not planning to show up. rather than have an event here where the president would have a small crowd size, you might say, they decided to disinvite the eagles. here is the statement from the e white house. the white house despite a lack of good faith, attempted to work with the eagles over the weekend to change the event format that could accommodate a smaller group of players. unfortunately, the eagles offered a tiny handful of
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representatives and making clear the number of players would not attend the event in d.c. today. i guess the other phrase here is the vast majority of the eagles team decided to abandon their fans. they are not making any bones about it. they are going after the eagles, e super bowl champs. wolf, i talked to a number of sources. i talked to one source close to the white house saying this was a good idea. they sensed the eagles were trying to make a spectacle that they were taking a stand on the issue that goes back to colin kaepernick. i talked to another source close to the white house, wolf, who said this may not be smart politics. remember, the eagles play in pennsylvania and pennsylvania was critical to the president winning the 2016 election and cracking that democratic blue wall. wolf. >> good point. we will have more on that coming
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up. the eagles and national anthem were not the only thing on the president's mind w tweeted more than a dozen times this morning. jim, he took a shot at the f the united states. jeff sessions. he wrote this. the russian witch hunt hoax continues all because jeff sessions did not tell me he was going to recuse himself. i would very quickly picked someone else. so much time and many wasted. so many lives ruined. sessions knew better than most there was no collusion. why all of a sudden is he going after jeff sessions yet again? he keeps doing it. almost every other day. >> reporter: wolf, the question is and we may hear this with the briefing from sarah sanders. why doesn't the president just fire jeff sessions? it he is so dissatisfied and not happy with the fact he recused himself in the russia investigation more than a year
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ago, why does he continue him on his cabinet? the president is very much aligned with jeff sessions on the immigration issue. at border, there is a contentious issue where the administration is separating families. children from their parents as they cross the border from latin america. the other reason, wolf, a couple of sources i spoke with this morning is the president using this to go after the russia investigation and t a time, wolf, at the white house, when there are some who considers the russia investigation a political liability. more and more, wolf, as we head into the mid-terms, the officials at the white house and people who advised president outside the white house who see the russia investigation more and more as a useful wedge tool to energy niize the base into t
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mid-terms. i suggest he will hit him like a i remember a time when the president of the united states has so publicly humiliated a member of his cabinet. really amazing to see this humiliati humiliation. jim acosta, thank you. let's talk more about all of this. joining us from bethlehem, charlie dent. a former congress member from pelvania. also joining here in washington is michael scherer. and from michigan, former philadelphia mayor, michael nutter. let me ask you, mr. mayor, of an embarrassment involving the president of the united states and your home team eagles. give me your analysis and reaction. >> sure. no embarrassment to the eagle s players. the players have conducted themselves with grace.
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none of thelayers ever knelt or stayed in the locker room. they conducted themselves appropriately. i give credit to malcolm jenkins and chris long for the leadership on the real issuesth mentioned, police brutality or relations with police and community and inequality and racism. issues that donald trump refuses to acknowledge and address as real issues. he just wants photo ops and play politics. the players are talking about real issues and using the voice and position. they are not going to be told by donald trump where to be and stand. he doesn't get to dictate in a trump/putian dictatorship. this is someone who ran when he had the opportunity to serve the united states and
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overcompensates by talking about the military all the time. we are proud of the philadelphia eagles. we are proud they won super bowl. i acknowledge and herald the players. the entire philadelphia organization. we had our parade. we had our celebration. he canceled on them because apparently crowd size still matters to donald trump. >> charlie dent, you are a former republican congress member from pennsylvania. also philadelphia eagles fan. the president seems to thrive when he picks a fight along these lines. this time with theu thinkhat hio put the president on the offensive right now? >> i do. i think this is a political stunt. the president knew when he invited the eagles to the w house for the celebration that some players would not attend. he knew that full well. to cancel this event or disinvite the eagles the night
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before i think speaks to a political stunt and i think it is wrong. with that said, players have a right to take a knee. i never thought it was the right thing to do, but they have a right to do it. the president should be bigger than this and lethem come and have a celebration like any other is i a political stunt. the president should cease and desist in the culture war. >> to get your thoughts here. few of the eagles players would be at the white house for the event today. what is your thought on how this all unfolded? >> it is interesting . if it was a stunt, it was a stunt not all white house staff was in on. they were planning all of this until 6:30 last night. this is more of a case of the president being thin skinned and issued a cancellation when he
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found there was not a big crowd. we were told 81 rsvpd and then found out just a handful would actually attend. he felt slighted by the football team. >> in the white house statement, michael, the president is setting rules as far as he is concerned about football and the national anthem. they disagree with their president because he insists they proudly stand for the anthem and hand on heart and in honor of the great men and women of the military and people of our country. let's point out again, during the regular season and post s s seas season, never an issue with a philadelphia eagles player ever getting down on a knee for the anthem. >> president trump doesn't let facts get in the way. he is trying to communicate a bigger sense. jim had it right earlier. this is a dog whistle to his
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base. he is using the culture issues. we were surprisedhen he originally attacked colin kaepernick for kneeling. it was, i think, maybe not a strategic thing at first. he quickly realized when he stood before the rallies the response he got from the base and response on twitter when he makes these statements. it is powerf i agree. i'm not sure the disinvitation was anything more than thin skinned. he will not back off of this because he thinks it works. >> we will see what happens at 3:00 p.m. guys, thank you very much. former trump campaign manager paul manafort facing new accusations of wrongdoing from special counsel robert mueller. did paul manafort attempt to get witnesses to lay fie for him in
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court. and jeff sessions at the center of the attack of the president over the russia probe. we will talk about that and more. later, it is primary e btakes found in a ica. handful of california districts. stay with us. ar tha le? ye red lobstebster & shrimp summerfest is back! get all the lobster and shrimp crave, together in so many new ways. there's new cedar plank seafood bake.tender ma, cedar roasted to perfection. or new caribbean lobster and shrimp. sweet pineapple salsa on grilled rock lobster, paired with jumbo coconut shrimp. and wait. there's lobster & shrimp overboard! it's a seafood party on a plate. so hurry in. 'cause lobster & shrimp summerfest won't last. ♪
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that means now may be a great time to shop for an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. medicare doesn't cover everything. and like all standardized medicare supplement insurance plans, these help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay. so don't wait. call now to request your free decision guide. itp you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that works for you. these types of plans have no networks, so you get to choose any doctor who accepts dicare pat rates are competitive, and they're the only plans of their kind endorsed by aarp. remember - these plans let you apply all year round. so call today. because now's the perfect time to learn more. go long.
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anger at the attorney general of the united states jeff sessions today. the president suggesting he could have picked another gen to block the russia investigation had he known sessions was planning to recuse himself from the probe. former campaign manager paul manafort is facing more problems. he has until friday to respond to the witness tampering allegations from special counsel
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robert mueller. they are clearly trying to send a mas paul manafort is concerned. >> wolf, right. in the court filings they sent in last night and court case hearing in the district of columbia, manafort has been in touch with witnesses going back to february. a couple of witnesses using whatsapp and trying to coach these people telling them to perjury in the testimony as part of the investigation. that is the allegation from the special counsel. at this point, paul manafort's spokesperson has stopprespondeds be in t innocent and has until friday to respond total ga the allegation. it is interesting the special counsel is asking the judge to revoke his bail. last week, the special counsel agreed to the bail. said it was okay. they were aware of the messages
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already. it also, i think, is interesting that they chose not to bring a charge against paul manafort. they could have charged him with witness tampering or obstructing the investigation. they did not do that. they instead are asking the judge to consider revoking his bail. >> that means he would havego t. >> he would have to go to jail. >> awaiting trial. >> yes. hearing in the district of columbia, he is facing trial in september or october later this year. in virginia, he iacing similar charges. right now, they are scheduled to go on trial in july. i don't think that will happen. >> you are a former federal prosecutor. witness tampering is a serious allegation. is this all part of the pressure campaign by manafort and by mueller and his team by manafort to cooperate and plead guilty and instead of trying to
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continue this non guilty plea? >> absolutely. my comments are based on the representation for rick gates. >> you were his attorney? >> yes. based on what we are seeing here, this ratcheted up the pressure on manafort. evan's point of the bail package recently agreed to, this is the nges running bail negotiations in history. that in and of itself was enormous amount of pressure on manafort. when this is within reach, thises comes up. -- this comes up. maybe this is a timing question, but it gives them more wiggl room to say we know about this and what do you think now. >> possibly he is right. it could be additional pressure to say we know more about what you are up to and obviously there is the principle you are not supposed to punish somebody before they have been found guilty at trial. it is interesting they chosen this route. >> pressure on manafort intense.
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we will see what happens friday when they go before the judge. thank you. now to the credited bebilit surring the white house. chris cuomo asked rudy giuliani about the 2016 trump tower meeting and the rathe misleading stateut the meeting. >> why do you think they chose to lie about the role in drafting the statement about trump juniojunior's meeting wit russians? >> chris, you think somebody could have made a mistake? >> that's a lot of mistakes. a lot of mistakes. >> why is it always somebody -- you think jay sekulow lied? maybe he got it wrong like i got a few things wrong in the beginning of the investigation. it was a mistake. i swear to god it was a mistake. >> chris is joining us live from new york.
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chris, what do you make of rudy giuliani's explanation? >>wearing to god while in jerusalem, the holy land. dicey move for rudy giuliani. he has to kno explanation doesn't msense. this is not about sarah sanders giving bad information when she is up addressing the media. we don't know where she got her information. we don't know if she was told the truth. the attorney for the president would surely know what his role was in the matter. what does that tell us? either he explained in a manner that was deceptive or he was deceived. if your head works, you know, wolf, this is the kind of situation, what the president was doing with that response. that would be known as fact. >> certainly. it wasn't as if jay sekulow only said this once or twice. it was four or five times over a
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period of not days, but weeks. you think if he was clearly making a mistake somebody would have correct said the t was involved. he dictated that statement and apparently no one said that to jay. >> well, maybe. strong point nonetheless, captain. i'll tell you something else. when did they correct it? when it was expose when trump junior's e-mails came out. then the letter proffer to the special counsel to the letter. sekulow says the president dictated it. they didn't correct it to the . american people. corrected it out of convenience when they knew they needed to do it. what does that indicate? that indicates an intention to be sneaky. that does what? that informs the position that somebody is deceptive. it is common sense. i don't know why they're doing this. why are they f this
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point. it just sheds a false light on everything else they say. that's the part i don't get. i don't get why giuliani would put his hand to god in the holy land and say this was a lie. >> and press secretary sarah sanders had a tough time with the briefing. she is about to have another one coming up with the conflicting stories. listen to this. >> you said the president did not dictate themeetiletter. now the lawyers information indicates he did dictate. what is with the discrepancy? >> i direct you to the outside counsel to answer that question. >> she said the same thing. does that sound like she is passing the buck? why can't she answer the question? >> rock and a hard place, right? obviously i'm in the business of calling out sarah sanders more
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than defending her. that is handled by counsel. it is external of the white house. i understand why she would want to push it to that. she did need ansr forer own declaration on this questio this, wolf. she stood at the podium and said he did not dictate it. he may have been involved any way good parent would. she did speak with knowledge, apparently, about what was done. she needs to answer for that. however, again, i do think in fairne is not the most likely link of deception here. why? because she wasn't in that fundamental planning phase. she is only as good as the information she is given. the president's attorney, the president himself and people in the room and the idea that anyone did not know the president's role defies common sense. >> the president himself could have corrected the record after
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jay sekulow said he was not involved. the president could have come out and say i did dictate that statement. he decided to remain silent. there is another issue that is coming up. quickly i want to pick your brain, chris. attacks on the attorney general jeff sessions. mueller investigation. all of that pitting republicans against the president. listen to what senator jeff flake said a little while ago. >>s definitely trying discredit it and pushing every edge to see where members of congress will go if they will support him on this or not. i think it is important we stand up and say there are limits. >> republicans are not standing up to this? >> it is. >> senator flake not seeking re-election. what are the chances other republicans will now stand up against the president's attacks on the robert mueller probe? >> we likesay,wolf, do you
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hear that? that's the sound of mcconnell and ryan saying nothing once again. i think you have to define what republicans you are talking about. the ones in the game and still have skin in the game. we know the answer it is no. they will not say anythin about this. here is the bigger truth. it's working. the presideampaig of attacking the probe is working. what is the proof? if only this, rudy giuliani has made this conversation about why the president should be limited in his exposure to the process. when the opposite argument, wolf, is equally compelling in law and politics. we shouldn't be president needing to be subpoenaed. presidents don't have to get subpoenaed to act. even clinton stepped away from fighting the subpoena when he knew he was in trouble. nixon fought it and lost. we don't talk about a president pleading the fifth. he has a special responsibility
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to be transparent. we should not be talking about limiting it, but maximizing it. we're not. that is the effectiveness of the efforts. >> who is on the new show tonight? >> anthony scaramucci. this eaglesulture clash looms large. why are people defending what the president is doing here and on what basis? there seemsbe a spin game and ma leg in thi leg -- malign issue. what is going on? and in terms of what you are talking about these misstatements of fact or i see open deceptions of lies with regard to trump junior. this is not what anthony scaramucci said the strategy should be. i want him to answer for it tonight. >> chris cuomo, excellent new show. congratulations. off to a terrific start.
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we will be watching tonight. "cuomo primetime." only here on cnn. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, captain. weith just a week until the north korean summit, secretary of state mike pompeo and john bolton tensions. and it is primary day in eight states in the united states. all eyes on california with the so-called jungle primary. the state's unusual election system could force some democrats off the ballot come november. much more right after this. us st $80 wched our auto and home. with liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. hey! oh, that's my robe. is it? when you switch to liberty mutual, you could save $782 on auto and home insurance. and still get great coverage for you and your family. call for a free quote today. you could save $782 when liberty stands with you.
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handbags. cnn's jean casarez is in the new york working the story. casarez, wh jean, what can you tell us? >> reporter: wolf, the call came in at 10:30 this morning. what was found is thats fashion designer allegedly hanged herself with the scarf on a doorknob. they are telling us that the housekeeper is who found her. this was about 10:30 this morning. this, of course, is an internationally known fashion designer and so many areas. tributes are starting to come in. kenneth cole saying in tribute to kate, i believe that i could so i did. and the fashion designers of america, is devastated to hear of the loss. former editor of "glamour" says
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we are grieving for the family of kate spade. we found out that she left a note, but at 10:30 this morning, new york police department got the call according to a source and they found kate spade hanged herself, allegedly with a scarf on the doorknob of her new york city apartment. >> thank you, jean. kate bennett, you have covered fashion for a long time. >> wolf, everyone remembers their first kate spade. if you remember the '90s. her line launched in 1993. prior to that she was an accessories editor. i think she w one of the accessible timeless labels that everyone had to have. and her rise was similar with her name. she also did her line with her husband andy spade.
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he had a line jack spade. my grandmother gave me my first kate spade bag in college. i still have it. and ivanka trump tweeted something. kate spade's tragic passing is a reminder we never know a person's pain or burden. if you are contemplating suicide, seek help. she retweeted the suicide hotline. kate spade sold her line in 2006. she hadn't been involved in the day-to-day business for ten years as it expanded. she and herunched a new line in 2016. so trying to launch that and build something as big as kate spade was difficult in the fashion industry.
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the end of the fiscal year, the august recess has been canceled. senators should in office in august including appropriations bills and make progress. that is the statement from mitch mcconnell. no recess in august for the u.s. senate. other news we are following, secretary of state mike pompeo is hosng a working lunch with the foreign minister of singapore as preparations for the u.s. and north korea move full speed ahead. john bolton may beside lined from the process. cnn has learned that tension with pompeo and bolton have reached a boiling point, we're told. we are told that there was a heated exchange with the two men following bolton's libya model comments which angered north korea and kim jong-un. bolton was not invited to friday's meeting where north korean top official delivered a
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letter from kim jong-un to president trump over at the white house. you see the picture. both men smili there. that was friday in the oval office. joining us from capitol hill is the hawaii senator. a democrat. a key member of the senate armed services committee and the j judiciary committee. what do you think of the tension with the national security adviser and secretary of state over north korea? >> this does not set a reassuring stage for any diplomatic resolution and agreement with north korea. this is the kind of diplomacy that takes months to set up and you have two key people at odds with each other which is typical for this administration. not to mention tha you have a president who is about to engage in necessigotiations ill prepard who changes his mind every other day and you have on the other
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side kim jong-un who already is known to not keep his promises. this is not a great setting of the stage for fruitful negotiations. >> do you tensions betweenpomp players in the national security realm in washington, will it impact the potential for progress in the talks a week from today in singapore? >> i would think so. you would want to have the national security adviser engaged and involved and on the same page. to the extent of conflict with pompeo and bolton, two key players in the administration, that has got to not bode well for the president's thinking on this strategy and most of us have serious concerns about the president's ability to concentrate and to be focused on what we really need to do with regard to north korea. we have received very little by the way in terms of how he will
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approach the necessigotiations. heaven forbid he thinks he can go in and have a chat with kim jong-un and use his powers of persuasion. are you kidding me? this is not reassuring. >> what would yike to s emerge from the meeting with the president and north korean leader? >> there has to be a complete and verifiable denuclearization of the nuclear program and domestic missile and chemical weapons programs. it has to be verifiable at all times. if north korea doesn't live up to the agreement, sanctions should come back. those agreements we should have. not to mention that i would say south korea and japan are interested in particularly japan with the icbm missile program. if north korea denuclearizes,
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they need to be aware. we need to keep our allys lall the loop. russia is getting into the situation as well as china. this is a complicated circumstance and environment. yes, we would all like peace in the korean peninsula. as i said, we have a president who is likely to change his mind at any moment and we have kim jong-un who cannot be relied upon to keep his side of the promise. you know, you need to have some level of assurance that these two leaders will negotiate in good faith and come out with something that can be verifiable and leads us to a peaceful north korea. we are not reassured that is what's going to happen. >> let me get your thoughts on a le of issues. senator, the president keeps
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attacking the attorney general jeff sessions, including once ga again today. including the russia probe again. what is your reaction? >> it shows the president is desperate as to what his concerns regarding the mueller investigation. for him to come out and say that he could pardon himself and some of the other outrageous statements he is making. he should put a crown on his head because he is acting like a king and that is not our country. he thinks he is a dictator and king. he says all of these outrageous things. it shows he is really afraid what the mueller investigation will show with regard to his own actions and particularly, of course, with his efforts to side track the investigation. his continued attacks on jeff sessions is just another example of fear that he is expressing. >> very quickly.
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finally, the announcement made by mitch mcconnell to keep your senate in session in august. he is blaming the democrats. you guys, he says, are not doing what you are supposed doing. hat is ridiculous coming from the person who stopped the hearings from going on and kept open the supreme court seat open for a year. mitch mcconnell will do anything to keep all of us from going back to the constituents and touching base with them. this is a politically motivated action on his part. it is totally not true that weh president's nomination. if anything, there have been more confirmations fast tracked by mcconnell to lifetime appointments to the judiciary. appointments of people by people who fit the ideological conservative right wing
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federalist society perspective that trump wants on the judiciary for lifetime appointments. that is where mitch mcconnell is coming from today. thank you. our best wishes for the ha who have been is suffering on the big island in hawaii. thank you so much. good luck. >> i'm very much in touch with our people there. thank you. >> i know youre involved. senator hirono of hawaii. voters in eight states are headed to the polls in the biggest day of the primary season so far. many tight races. most of the attention on california. the state that's crucial for democrats trying to win control of congress in november. today's primaries will give us a better sense of the pulse of the country. let's go to reporter chris cilliza. what is the big picture? >> happy primary day, wolf. i love these days.
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voters are voting democracy in action. let's start broad. you are looking at the house. 218 needed for control. democrats need 23 seats. 23 seats net in the fall in order to win control. i'll explain why california matters to a mi. let's look at the senate. the senate is closer. democrats are down one seat. republicans have a one-seat majority. close in both cases. house is better for democrats than the senate. let's talk about cali. tioned wolf. the big one from the primaries today. it has something called a jungle primary. it is strange. here is what it means. it means the top two vote getters, regardless of party, in the primaries today advance. it could be two democrats. a democrat and republican. could be two republicans. it was done in order to try to
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prevent polarization. a lot of people in the middle get left out. but democrats have a huge number of candidates running all over the place in the seats. from the senate to the governor on down to the house. what that means is you have lots and lots of vote splitting. here is what is important. the races unless you live there, don't worry about the individual races. look at this. these are cnn ratings. six races rated as possible switch go out a little further vulnerability. you are talking eight to ten races that democrats need to net which is a big deal. last one. let's go to donald trump. he weighed in a bit here. vote for devin nunes. 21st district.
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he will be fine today. vote for kevin mccarthy. second ranking house republican. he will be fine. roger wicker. we thought he may have a primary. he will be fine. this is vote for my friends. obviously dunes and the committee and he and donald trump have been allies. kevin mccarthy and he are close. and roger wicker is somebody he gets involved with. he is involved, but not the contested races. he endorsed john cox for governor. if the republican can be in the top two slots for governor in california, it is a prisurprise wolf. big day in a huge day for democrats chances of winning back the house come november. back to you. >> we will have live coverage as they come in later tonight. chris, thank you. still to come, melania trump made an official appearance last night at the white house to honor gold star families.
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it was her first event in weeks after the week long hospital stay. she also makes her first public. that and more when we come back. ♪ over... hey, want to try it? ok here you go... over... under... hey whoa, pop, pop... your shoe's untied. ♪ ensure he's well taken care of, even as you build your own plans for retirement.
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and their flooring and their lobbies and the grounds. and the beautification of their homes, giving them pride in where they live, will make this a thriving community once again. ♪ the first lady of the united states is set to make her second public appearance in almost a m. she'll be alide the president at a fema hurricane briefing tomorrow. the first lady has been absent from the public eye largely since undergoing a kidney procedure back on may 14th. kate bennett has been doing lot
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of reporting on this. she was at a public event yesterday. there was no media event. >> exactly. it was for gold star families and they had a closed gathering for respect out of the families and their loved you can see her sitting there in the front row next to the president clearly there and certainly present. the president made a couple of jokes about her disappearance while she was at the podium at that event. tomorrow, however, cameras will be with her. she's going to the fema headquarters to hear about hurricane preparedness for this upcoming hurricane season. this is a topic she talked about a lot last year. she was with the president in florida, texas and puerto rico. she returned to texas on her own to advice eight school and to unveil a fema trailer for a
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was overshadowed by her ome. stop at waterberger with second lady pence on her way back. her only psa -- >> public as much announcement. >> -- was about hurricane preparedness. >> there will be an event honoring the national anthem, honoring a, a celebrati of the philadelphia eagles, the football super bowl champions. that's been cancelled. i take it she's not going to be at this event later today. >> she's not expected to attend the event celebrating ameri the south lawn. the first time we'll see her in what will be 26 days by my count since may 10th. on camera will be this event tomorrow at this event. >> we want her to have a complete recovery from that kidney procedure she had a couple weeks ago. double duty for kate bennett
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11:00 am
hi there. i'm brooke baldwin. you are watching cnn. we are moments away from this white house press briefing where sarah sanders will be taking the podium and answering questions about why the philadelphia eagles are not invited to the white house today. the white house releasing a statement "quote, the vast majority of the eagles team decided to abandon their fans." trump tweeting, "unfortunately only a small number of players decided to come and
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