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tv   Cuomo Prime Time  CNN  June 5, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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welcome to primetime. why did the president cancel his meeting? is he trying to divide the country over freedom of speech because it may help him politically. former white house communications director, anthony
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scaramucci here. does he see this as winning? plus president trump's education secretary says the commission, tasked with keeping your kids safe at school won't be looking into the role of guns. what? let's call it the eagle debacle. facts first. the white house says the president is standing up for the national anthem. but not one single eagle in protest during the national anthem during the regular season. not one. and yet, president trump disinvited the whole team from coming to the white house today. had a celebrating america ceremony instead. military there, alleged eagle fans. some of whom were told couldn't name the team's quarterback. then accused the eagles of pulling a political stunt.
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another tangled web from the white house? another play at dividing the country? maybe anthony scan help us figure this out how this its good politics. former white house communications director, friend of show. >> congratulations on the show. godbless. >> wish you great success. >> appreciate it. >> do you like this move? disinviting the eagles? >> you have to step back and look at totality of the facts. go back to the nfl owners decision about, what, it meant to stand or kneel for the national anthem. then what happened, the eagles players disconnected from the decision. there were 10, 1 eagles that would sw up. versus, 45, 50, eagles. the president felt that probably too small of a quorum of eagles. and probably a notion of symbolic protest as a result of the, nfl owners decision. and so the combination of the
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two things, the president made a decision to, cancel the invitation. and theno with the, celebration. >> right move? we know what h did. the question is why did he do it? what is he trying to achieve? >> you are going to disagree with me perhaps on this. said this publicly. don't mind saying it on the show. high have no problem with the peace, social justice movement and protest of the players. my problems has been with the venue, chris. they're being paid to be on the field. the nfl is super tied into our military. i have been to our air bases, military support bases in iraq,. the troops love the nfl. and so, it i a little built dishonorable, to me, personally they're kneeling. the president takes it that way. and so i have no oblem, protesting, finding venues to do this, cly the nfl can work with the players outside of the arenas. >> i hear you, heard this before. not an uncommon argument. this is the president of the united states. what he is saying is, i will
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punish you if you have a different opinion. disinvite you from the people's house. that is not his no trump in the. he is saying you don't come, a move of division, and, isolation of a group of people that he has deemed unpatriotic. how its that presidential? how is that good for the country? >> so, so, again, he is the temporary occupant of that house. we h to give him some respect. if you have got, 45, 50 people. 35 of the 50 meem, from coming to the house. >> in general, sons of bitches who shoul be in the country. don't forget that. >> i mean, awe you are a new yorker. i am a new yorker. some times prone to embellishment, hyperbole. >> president of the united states. you have to understand huh he got to be the president of the united states. he got there by practicing an
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unorthodox style. got there by explaining to the american people that current shenanigans that go on in washington are not to their favor. >> and? >> let me finish. now, 15, 16 months. 500 dates later. he has actually done a very, very good job for the american people. but not going to agree with everything that he do and you obviously don't agree with the decision. >> not what i agree or don't agree with. scrutinize why he is doing it? had to add a phrase. why he won. and, he played to these types of divisions and tensions. we have reporting from the white house right now. that he sees this as a wing issue for him. if he campaigns on this, he is saying, one very simple thing. if you don't play american the way i say you should, you are not a patriot. you are an enemy. that. that is not good for the country. >> you are not. the way you are phrasing it, obviously not good for the country. you are phrasing in a way i think is incorrect. >> she mow me.
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>> tell you what i think. the president is saying the same thing i am saying. fine with the first amendment. fine with y peaceful protests ofhings you disagree with. whatever it relates to the peace, social justice. in the venue as it relates to the nfl and relationship the nfl has with our military and the aura and cultural symbol of the nfl, we want you to stand for the anthem. >> not how he feels? what he says and does? >> you said the same point. three times. i get that he doesn't like. >> i'm actually really trying to answer your question. because, he is not really trying to divide the country. what he is trying to do is actually unite the country. around this idea that the flag is held sacred and that the flag, we should have unconditional love for the country. as lincoln said about the country. the last best hope for man kind. every one of us has a generational, immigration story. every one of us has had aspirational standard of success in the country. yes we have had problems. the stain of slavery, some
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levels of police brutality. not saying it is perfect. but it is way better than the other alternatives out there in the world. all the president is saying that we should have unconditional love for the flag. and we should support that together. whatever our differences are l t let's pick a different venue. i think that's unifying. you think that's dividing. >> what you said is unifying. here is your problem, my friend. that's not what he is saying. he is saying if you don't address the flag the way i want you to. the flag is a symbol of freedom. keystone freedom. freedom of speech and expression. >> i don't think he is saying that. invite him on the show. i don't think he is saying that. >> the president is invited to come on the show whenever he wants. an open offer. >> probably not going to come on your show, chris. >> what does that tell you, by ? if he wants to duck questions. >> no. you know, i mean you can't. >> you can't tell me. >> listen, he is the president of the united states. being irritated is part of the
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job. dealing with hard questions is part of the job. >> i don't, i don't with an that. >> you said the president. >> this personally to expand his opportunity. go a networks. he is a television star. he has an unbelievable force of his personality. he can answer any tough question. handle any situation. >> yet he won't. >> he has a point of view. >> man he will. maybe there is an evolution. >> open invitation. >> evolution of the process. >> deal with the future in the future. today trying to unify. i don't understand that on the facts. how is it unifying to say if you don't honor the flag, and exercise your freedom of speech the way i like, you a a bitch should get out of the country. i will disinvite you from the white house. >> now you are being unfair. you are relating to that, off the cuff interview, outside of the ms 13 meeting. where he was cuffing it. he some times is prone to do. and he doesn't want the people out of the country. >> he tweeted about it. >> what he really wants.
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>> he disinvited them. >> to have unconditional love for the flag. recognize the symbol that that represents for all of us. membrance day or whenou seatns painful sacrifice that people have made and you waulk the halls of walter reid hospandhe and died or been injured or wounded for that flag. and the concept that that freedom. we are all been fitting from. all of the p saying, hey, listen, have conditional love for the country. salute the flag. let's protest. and in different venues. away from the sacredness of the flag. unconditional love for the country is expressed in the freedom and our respect of tolerance. >> if you are on the job. you are getting away. >> you ask veterans how they feel about what is going on here. and you will see -- that there is no clear majority of them saying we hate that the guys socially -- >> on the payroll. many said they fought for this. >> you are on payroll at cnn. will you enter into peace and
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social justice movement here at cnn. without the conisn't of your employer. i mean you are on the payroll. getting paid to do the show right now? >> that is about the relationship between the player and the nfl. not about the president of the united states. who says, i heard cuomo decided to form his kind of protest, i dent li don't like it. i think he is a bad guy. should be out of the country. not american. an opponent to the president. >> you are now silly puttying the story. stretching it. >> i haven't moved it. >> a better metaphor. laffy-taffy, stretching the story. converting it to fit a narrative that is inaccurate. what is accurate. you are on the field the you represent the nfl. you're tied into our military. cultural totem for the society. show love and respect for the flag. many people died over it. that's the nfl owners' opinions now. >> they created their own rules. >> you are eliminating.
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eliminating some facts. >> i'm not eliminating a single fact. >> here's ee limb nation of fthe fact. they decided. 35, 40. i don't know the exact number. not to show up at the white house. >> do they have the right to do that. >> they do. why doesn't the have right to s. don't have full quorum of philadelphia eagles. you guys are having a protest relate to this. i don't want the news cycle. of course doing it right now on your show. >> i don't want the news psych to be about this. i will have a peaceful celebration. >> i am going to disinvite you. and accuse you. >> where i -- >> i am going to attack yo and di you. here is the thing. we will talk about this in a larger way. does this president ever have to be the better man in your opinion? does he ever have to rise above any slight, any perceived indignity, ever, ever have to be better? >> here is the problem. i will answer the question. it will surprise you. of course he does. as he?
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>> let me finish. the problem with the narrative. okay. he is taking in -- 93, 90%, enemy incoming, constant, barrage of attacks. constant barrage of criticizcri. don't give him credit for anything. sitting there a. but to have peace on the north korean peninsula. >> let's hope you are right. in the process of, theon he middle east. economy is rising. >> wildly ambitious and optimistic. >> talk real economic data. we have the lowest african-american hispanic unemployment. >> you understand what you are doing. because the h isoing good things. it is okay. >> no, not saying that. not saying that. >> ohe is counter punching against a very heavy onslaught of negative incoming that is coming from the mainstream media. >> peace on the peninsula. he will get it. i said when the first word came out. a huge if, if it happens. this is the stuff of a nobel peace prize. >> can i get invited back on the
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night. >> god willing it happens. who doesn't want peace. >> a man and an administration that does what you are doing right now. doesn't matter what we do wrong. look what we do right. if we do anything wrong. other people do things wrong. >> second night on the show. be super respectful to you. what you are saying is unfair to what i am saying. you are asking, number one should the president be a better person. i said yes, raise a higher ground. be a better person. why is he having a hard time doing that in situations like this? then i answered it. i said he is hav a hard time doing it in situations like this, he is getting 90% incoming of inning tiff tee from the media. no one is giving any credit for success. >> about a relationship with the truth. i think we see it here. where he is saying it is about the anthem. >> the university, they're going to give you the ph.d. in psychiatrist. i'm not getting the ph.d. in psychiatry. >> it is not about facts. awe all it is not about personality. >> whether he tells the truth. i don't care about his
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personality. i care whether he tells the truth to the american people in the matters that are important. >> but you, but you are, you are like everybody else now in the media. oh the president is a liar. president the is lia >> when you lie why shouldn't you be called a liar? >> there are different stields of communication, chris. lying is not a style of communication. >> anthony, please. >> different stields of communication. 63.5 million people voted for him because the they get the gist of what he is talking about. >> they voted for him despite hey wld call in the own lives, lying. i think if you were to ask peoplef you say that the eagles are disinvited because how they protested during the anthem. not one of them needle in protest during the anthem. is that telling the truth? no it is not. it is a lie. little gaslighting. because you are talking about last year's nfl. they didn't protest. but i am talking the decision that was made by the nfl owners. and then, ultimately, after that decision, 35 or so defected from
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the in vi tags to tvitation to house. >> lebron james said this. >> going to lebron now. >> he matter, right. >> that's typical of him. know, no matter who wins this series, nobody wants to invite any body. there won't be any body going. >> message black athletes received from the president of the united states. you said, during the clip. i'm not the one who told them how to shut up and dribble.your. fox d el i respect his right to speak. >> his right to stay what is on his mind at ape press conference. he has the the right. but then you can't say at the same time if he is saying that. the preoesn't ha right too. >> not just about having a right. how you use your rights. doing what is right. >> here's what i would say. i like calling balls and strikes. if lebron james is saying that, and stephen curry is saying that.
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>> their coach is saying that. >> and there is a problem disconteth in the, in the united states. the president, okay, before he was president, was aing person. he had great relationships with the rap community. great relationships with nfl athletes. african-americ african-american athletes. >> don't forget the central park five. >> we are going to go back 30 years. >> does that matter. before the presidency. >> going back 30 years. >> does it matter or no? >> second night on the air. ng to giveive him something here. >> with what he did with birtherism. and obama. how can you call him a unifieper? >> here's what happens. maybe this will never happen to you. maybe be smart never to run for if you do run for of they're going to examine every syllable and every element of your life. maybe you are better person than donald trump. maybe you will come out more perfect than him. but here's what i know about him and everybody else, whether bill clinton, you pick the president
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or the political leader. they're flawed people. >> everybody is flawed. i am probably more flawed than most. that is not an excuse for what yos president. >> hey,chris. this is about getting things. the american people. warren buffett said something i apply investing. rather be roughly right than precisely wrong. the american people looked at the president. voted for him. he is going to get most things roughlig as precisely wrong. >> didn't get majority of the country. underwater with his ratings. >> he looked at the playing field. >>hat was a little hind sight.h election we have an interesting strategy we will lose the the majority. >> i was -- i was on the campaign. i remember going back and forth in wisconsin. the other team didn't go to wisconsin. >> they went. didn't go. they made mistakes in their campaign. >> honid not go to wisconsin. secretary clinton did not go. >> he is the president.
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>> gicve him a break. my message to the president, assuming he hate watches your show. you are a healing sort of guy. you can unite this. figure it out. ood strategist. take a step back. if stephen curry and lebron james and a large group of the the same thing. meet them in the middle. put it back together. that would be my message to the president. >> strong message. >> whether inse or on your televisionshow. >> not just boldfaced names. you have huge fraction of the african-american community. >> 13% of population is african-american. we have to put the country together. >> this to do it. >> he would say my economic policies are helping people. lowest rates of unemployment. truth matters most. saddler, kelly saddler is, let go today. >> yeah. >> all right. >> disappointed in that. >> when she said about john
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mccain. the joke, he is going to die any? way. why does he matter in this? the white house never said that this is wrong. they said this is an internal matter. n get rid of her. it comes out they still don't say what she said was wrong. now we find out the reason she was fired, is not because of what she said about john mccain. it's because she, reportedly said that, mercedes schlepp was the leaker, they fired her over that you. respect all that? >> let me say couple things about kelly saddler. a very hard workingperson. she was extremely loyal to the president. there are factions inside the communication team that have been pea shooting at each other since the day they joined thete knit that team together. and to think about the way a corporate merger would go since that did not happen, faction on the right. faction on the left were shooting at each other. and some one had it out for kelly saddler. because that was a sorry joke. it is unforg statement. not here, suggesting the statement was okay. but i am suggesting as somebody
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that run a pretty decent corporation. that when you are sitting inside the inner sanctum, somebodyg li outside the sanctum and rat on the person terrible thing to do. >> only difference. not a private concern. white house. they work for the people. america's dard. hold on a second. yes. but somebody could have said, bad thing to say. let's drop it right here. but they had it out for her. so they got to outside. cell ph. and anonymously rat her out. why not do what i do. say, hey, this is how i feel about the situation. i dislike kelly saddler. going to till you what she said about john mccain. nobody did that. it'shington chris. that's why people don't like washington. >> about a dynamic in the white house. >> and, no, the president wears a lot on his sleeve. that's why a lot of people like the president still, chris. great to be here. >> you are helpful to the show. >> kelly saddler will get a great job. she is a great person. i don't know the other people.
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>> see what happens. haven't heard from the white house about it. see if they confirm this. i can confirm this right now. important on the show. important to the dialogue. >> happy to be here. >> appreciate it. >> got to make my seat a little higher next time. >> they don't make the seat that high. got to be little advantage. little bit. >> next, bill clinton. >> it never ends. bill clinton ends nothing. he gets a redo on the monica lewinsky question. and whether metoo changed his mind about anything he did. here's the question -- did his answer, which we'll play for you did he make things better or worse? as i hope you know by now, this show is about us getting after what its right and wrong. and i can wind up on both side of that. follow me on twitter and the show-and-tell me, where you think, i have it wrong. and i'll respond ahead. nou, an thony. if you have a garden, you know... weeds are low-down little scoundrels. draw the line with roundup.
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welcome back. time for the great debate. no cacophony. we have strong voices and then get after it. joining us for more on this white house war against the nfl, we got van jones, and david urban. night two of the show. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. erurban, the president disinviting the eagles. is this another play at dividing the country along racial lines at a minimum? >> come on. not even close. i know. listen, the eagles chose to make this a political issue. the president invited them. they could have come down, they could have stood there the they could have celebrated like all teams in the past. but they chose to draw a line in the sand and not come because of what the president has said before the past. because of his political views, chris. the eagles chose to make this a political issue, not the president. >> why is it okay then that the president couldn't be better,
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couldn't elevate himself. couldn't remember that he is the president. he disinvites them. >> ten people are coming. he panceed the eagles before they panced him. >> is this a pancing? >> let's ber.the president of t entire teaecause some of the members didn't want to come. >> the whole team didn't like him. >> he is punishing the entire team, because some of the people didn't want to come. but the people we is punishing that didn't want to come didn't do what heaid they did because they didn't kneel. he is so far down the rabbit hole of crazy on this. whent comes down to is there is a resentment here, against the, against the nfl, and listen, nobody, by theay to say this. nobody was happier than me, by the way, when philadelphia won.
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tom shady brady, deflated balls gets to play. colin kaepernick never did anything but stick up for civil rights couldn't get on the field. when tom shady brady want down. a lot of african-americans were happy when philadelphia won. there a racial dynamic, dimension here about the fact that, philadelphia, and trump have this beef. and i am, and it is, outras for outrageous for trump to, to punish the whole team for something that nobody on the team did. >> become to you, let's get context. first to the et that brady is relevhere. he didn't show up to the white house. he had family issues last time they won. showed up. some chose not to go. they didn't get this treatment. why the in tkttion? . and these are heavier issues. >> you don't practice patriotism. you are a son of a bitch, you
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should get out of country. >> i believe in the players ability to protest. right to protest. get past and make progress. if i was the players aso yags. i would be working to get real reforms other than continue the protest on the shrines. i don't know what that gets of. national anthem is about, about two minutes. ndingn who sings it. if we can't as a nation agree to stand. and, be silent and think about that. >> come on. >> and the flag is symbol of freedom. >> chris. chris, stop for a second. see this on my lapel here. >> we got election countdown clock. >> now i see it. >> johnny mack pin. honoring john mccue, killed by a terrorist bomber. you know what his coffin was wrapped in, chris, the american flag. >> sacrifice. got bless them for protection
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our freedoms. >> no. of course not. when you convert it. when you say that if you are not the kind of patriot that i want you to be that you are the cause here. and that's dangerous stuff. van jones, hang on a second. heard you on this one. bounce it back. van, listen, the reason i wanted to do this tonight is it ain't about football. okay. it's not about the flag. this started as a social protest. never a protest off to the flag. that's what trump made it. and allies like on the show now. its that fair? i'm ninth generation american, chris. first person in my family that was born with all my rights recognized by this government. my father was a veteran.
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my family members have served the country. i don't need anybody to tell me what this flag means and what it represents. people in my family, people look like me have put blood in the ground. martyrs in the dirt in this country. to have it be -- liberty and justice for all. and it is beyond insulting, beyond insulting for people to lecture us about patriotism. we have done more. >> thank you. van. listen, there is a level of, of, of, of patronizing. not from you. but from the white house and from others that some how african-americans are ungrateful. we some how don't know what the country is about. we have fought in every war. we have, we have sacrificed more for that constitution. than most people. ran and if this man, colin kaepernick can't kneel because veteran. you talk veterans. it was a veteran that told them to kneel he was just sitting on his butt. veteran said that was wrong. collin cap neck learned.
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colin kaepernick tried to ol tried to what they told him to do.if you can't say it is there is something wrong with you. >> wouldn't it be better if colin kaepernick were able to get the owners and get the police and get out in the country. and see. wouldn't it be better if all the players took all that energy. and put it. >> can i say something, chris? >> hold on. counter point. go ahead. this is, by the way. first of all. with everything that is going on in the country right now. i like how this conversation is going. you're being reasonable. making your points. i like it. van, continue. >> but here, brother urban as you get called on thew all the time. we do love you. respect you. one thing left out of the right-wing media coverage. colin kaepernick put millions and challenged celebrities to put into the neighborhood. not just talking the talk. walking the walk. why can't that be also? >> why don't we talk about that.
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i would love to talk about it. >> why won't the president talk about it. >>-up have the president of the united states. >> listen, important to keep, who we are talking about, who we are not. i knowthat-up agree with a lot of what van is saying. >> listen. >> i know that that as a veteran and somebody who respects the freedoms of the country. you know we are all about tolerance. all about letting people express the way that they want. that's why i am worried. that's not what the president is doing. >> there are restrictions on speech in lots of instances. >>he has their right to say how theirloyees do what they do they're figuring that out. not what the president is playing at here. not what he is playing at. he is making it about, these guys don't respect the flag. he calls them sons of bitches. shouldn't been the country. who is they he is talking about. supposed to be a uniter. you told me he would be a uniter during the campaign. >> never said that. that wasn't me. >> it was you.
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you are not hard to mistake. head shape alone. >> pull the tape. not like van. not a good looking guy. >> you beth have good shaped head. it's what is in them that i'm worried about right now. do you believe this is the right move. disinvite the team. say they're opposition. say that they're wrong. not american. >> chris it wasn't the president who decided, the president invited the team. on may 80 plus, members of the philadelphia eagles were showing up on june 1st. down to a handful of people. i see it very, very differently. but what the president is saying. disrespect. pro testing. the players. ones who didn't come. wanted to come. none of them kneeled in protest.
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do you think if the president invited lebron and necks to come to the white house. sit down. think they would show up? >> right now. we have lebron james. co on in. siflt down and talk about it. would they go. i don't know if they've wouldn't go. we have had conversations with some of the players. they said if you want to talk about something serious. criminal justice reform. you and i agree on. and some of the issues. i think some would come. >> van, at some point. let me say this. say this. i think the president of the united s an opportunity to turn a break down into a breakthrough. disinviting people, and using it as political weapon. may be short term pain. gain for him.
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23, 24 years old. go become to neighborhood. where nothing has gotten better from either party. neither party is better in neighborhood. grandstanding. short term gain. long term pain. last words. >> i would suggest, right. maybe around, prison reform. get a bunch of folks together. not around the flag. take folks in. show what the president is doing. not the devil incarnate. looking to do good things for th african-american community. prison reform. you would be the tip of the spur on that one. that's the whole point. the president's role is. find the common ground. take action. >> common ground. and van is a person who. respected on both sides. could do that. >> van jones is a good man. a good show. >> the president shouldn't need a proxy to reach out to americans to solve problems. >> as i just asked. if the president put an invite
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out, said, lebron come on in. we'll make it a cause on the show. all do it together. love to have it. take time. every night follow to fruition. >> that is not part of the commission's charge, per se. >> so you, you studying gun violence not studying guns. >> studying school safety and ensure our students are safe. >> if you had hair would you pull this out over this. >> you are not going to look at guns. you want to look at who gets guns or how we control it belter. or, or, whether or not you think more guns are the solution.
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and worn that. she said we won't study it. now, listen. that means -- and comprehensive clear headed study. none of the gun regulations make a bit of difference. dent don't do them. he study would validate your point of view. you aren't willing to have the study. that gives you whole different level, of dysfunction. at the top of government. where you won't even, want to have facts that may prove you right. something wrong with that. >> look, guys. i mean, push back on this. a bit. i don't think secretary devos. take a look at things under their control. the gun violence. obviously a huge issue in schools. so isental health, you know preparedness. mental health awareness. mental health funding. bullying. lots of root problems. need to bedied to figure out what is happening here. as i mentioned to you, krigs, others, when you and i were growing u van, growing up as kids.
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i grew up in western pennsylvania. guns abundant. plentiful. nobody went to school and shot anybody. what changed in america. guns are less available in america now. and violence is increased. something has changed. something needs to be done. and look at. >> study. study all ofit. >> just to be clear. >> fact perspective. she said not part of the charge of this commission. >> he asked whether 18-year-olds should be able to purchase, ar 15s. that was the question that prompted the exchange. >> she said, look, not my job. >> it is senator lehey. and shows the commission isn't set up with integrity it should have been. especially if you are going to offer it up for a solution for the problem.
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here is all i am a lot of common ground. making the school safer. we know that. we are going to hide from the issue of gun violence by just looking at s shootings when they're 1/2 percent of the problem. you should take it seriously. we don't seem to be doing that. >> chris, take a look at sandy hook promise. great organizati >> it is a great organization. >> out of >> it is. what our government should be, in the lead, not hiding. all right. now. >> i agree. >> last piece of sound. former president clinton. made a lot of waves of the wrong kind by saying he wouldn't do anything different where monica lewinsky was involved that metoo hadn't changed his disposition. stephen colbert gave him a redo on the question. here's what he said. >> here's what i want to say. it wasn't my finest hour, but the important thing is -- that was very painful thing. that happened -- 20 years ago. and -- i aapproximate apologize
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family. monica lewi mily. american people. i meant it then. i meant it now. i have had to live with the consequences every day since. and i still believe this me too. necessary. and should be supported. >> action from both. dave urban. did he make it better or worse? >> he got a redo. i take him at face value. he said what he it bett. >> van jones. >> look, i work with a lot of young guys. who make mistakes. and the one thing we want them to say. the pain i caused. not this happened. the incident. whatever. and i think that >> never going to stop aapproximately jazzing. own it. be the great example for guys in simir situations. i think he came up way short the last time. and, one of the young guys in my programs. still coaching him.
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>> van, made it much better than the first time. >> true. >> fine. we are about progress. this is something where the pain that has been caused to others by people in his position is what we want to highlight. got a little further to go. >> did he aapproximately jazz personally? >> he said no. >> let me tell you something. brother urban, brother jones, making the show better. making us fulfill our mandate of helping people to get after what is right, wrong. thank you for doing it on the second nookt of tight of the sh. >> thank you for joining us. >> we did politics. we also have to do policy. the president's latest move on trade. has people very angry. within his own party. and the other party. we have the man who is telling him this is the right thing to do. very lucky to have peter navaro. test the message next! [phone ringing] need a change of scenery? the kayak price forecast tool tells you whether to wait or book your flight now.
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anythingike thisnhe modern era. could flip the balance poufr we have known for a generation. break it down. i know it can seem complex. there are simple points. do it right here. white board. we canada,co, uk. germany. we have tried to have beneficial alliances. now we have foes. north korea, obviously. china, china is the big one. looking at unfair trade practices. look at the theft of intellectual property. uneven playing fieldsen in general. now we have the weird thing. you have two swapping sides. the united states saying we are going to gift guys a hard time. figure out how to make this easier. why, why be do this? the president says, because i am strong. and this has been two weak for too long. our intellectual property, our workers, where we have to deal with tariffs abroad. going to fix it all. going to do it at once. very dicey. what's the proof of that? ironically this plan has achieved something unheard of. right now in our country.
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unity among republicans and democrats. they really anumbers, ee nighted against the plan. they say this double bicep flex of the two arms of the plan is very weak. so, the case need to be made to you. let's do it with somebody who knows it very well. okay. white house trade adviser, peter navaro here on primetime. sir, good to have you on the show. >> chris, you got to spend a little more money for a better board there. know ike the low tech. >> i guess you do. >> least of my problems. i will take it under advisement. >> by the way, congratulations. the set looks great. i think your show is going to be great. congratulations. >> high praise appreciated. good to have you be part of it. let's get after it on this. the idea of -- invoking trade measure that are negative against friends and foes at the same time. why a good idea? >> so, let's start with first principles here. we have, steel alum numb tarif s s that went place for a reason.
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as president trump said without steel and alum numb industries in the country we don't have a country. so the challenge we face from a pal s policy point of view. how do you do that? we have 20 countries flooding our market with steel. 15 flooding our markets with alum num aluminum. tariffs were the answer. tariffs are not aimed at a country. strategic rival, china, ally, friend, canada. they're a defensive measure in order to bring about a strong steel and aluminum industry. we have that, chris. important to note since tariffs were announced. we have had, 150 million investment in hawesville, kentucky, century aluminum. new plants opening. in granite city illinois by u.s. steel on friday. we had a $1.5 billion rolling milling, aluminum rolling mill in appalachia, a great achievement by, by this
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administration. >> test it a littlet, peter. the idea of, we'll make our own. that will make up for the imbalance. you know, that is a minority th >> imbalance? >> whatever short coming there is because of the tariffs, whatever supply we lose, okay, make up with more jobs here that's an ambitious proposal. you have two effects with the tariffs. oneis you raise prices and they get passed along. >> the alleged downstream effect. >> that's part of the economic theory. and the other one is, they find other markets. you do this to the chinese and they sell the same properties and a very transferake places.t. how do we win? >> we don't care if china makes their money or canada makes their money. what we care about, chris, is
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having viable steal, aluminum industries. they haven't earned a positive rate of return to speak of. that's all we're trying to do here. you say this is a national way? security issue. >> the best way to do it is it works.ariffs. let's look at results here, chris. we turn these two industries around in two heart beats. we've seen it happen with solar tariffs and dish washing. everyone talked about price reflux. the additional cost that you get from the tariffs on steel and aluminum in automobile is the cost of a floor mat, it's nothing. i think the president is doing exactly the right thing on this issue. the allies that are complaining, we can go down the list and talk about how germany's taking advantage of us, how canada's taking advantage -- >> i understand, but from a political perspective, you can
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lay out the economics of it and say this will work out to us having the benefit. but the politics here are going to loom large. you have the allies who aren't happy. you have a chance of retaliation by the chinese and others, which is being suggested by all of them, which exactly create an issue. i don't know if you articulated one well but you may have one because you're doing this. and you have your own party. let's listen to sound from them. >> he's abusing the authorities given to him. want to punish our allies -- >> trade wars and dividing us from our allies makes no sense. >> i am nervous about getting into trade wars. >> i am nervous about getting into trade wars. >> i think it's dangerous whether you go in and start picking winners and losers. >> the president has strong held views on trade policy. i disagree with them. >> those are your people. even mitch mcconnell, he never g disagrees with the president on anything.
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they're saying i don't like it. >> president donald j. trump is supporting american workers and american people, that's who his constituency is. you know what's interesting about the job reports on friday, chris, it was a complete validation of economic policy that basically said, there's millions of americans on the sidelines by globalization that are destitute and hurt. there are over 3 million jobs that trump's policies have created, since the first 500 days. all a million of people were people who weren't in the work force and being counted because they were so discouraged. the president is proud of that, frankly. his tax policy, regulation policy, trade policies are working. this is what the president stands for and this is what we're working towards. the bigger thing, chris, because i know time's short.
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the other thing we should drill down on is the china issue. the president wants to defend our technologies and intellectual properties. china's taking it in four different ways -- they steal it, the force the transfer from american companies. >> let'save you come back so can drill on it. it's not a quick conversation. obviously what's going on with zte, their big telecom company which is a major thief when it comes to our property. it seems like they're getting a break from the white house. let's drill on that. i'll invite you back because the conversation matters. thank you very much for taking the opportunity. appreciate it. earlier in the show, i told you this is a twoway street. we get after what's right and wrong. let's start with the conversation tonight. follow me on twitter, you get the floor, next. o and got more. more? they've been saving folks money for over 75 years.
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comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. all right. we can all be right and wrong. the problem is not agreeing on decency. let's get to that right now. something i call, tell me where i'm on chricuomo, the only journalist whose questions are longer than anyone's responses. great show. rudy was odd. he should have said, forget about it, chris. your facial expressions were almost but not quite jake tapper. and d.j. duffy tweeted, show, chris. that's not telling me where i'm wrong. please tell me you will not be
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wearing the same black suit every night, though. those are tweets for you. we're going to go one an one with right and left for you tomorrow, down in d.c sarah sanders, senate democratic leader, chuck schumer. that's all for us tonight. let's get after it tomorrow. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm john vause live in los angeles. it's 11:00 p.m. here on the west coast, 2:00 a.m. in the east. and it could be days before final results are noenl fknown california. for democrats, it's a long road to flip the house of representatives come the midterm elections. but the x-factor is the jungle primary system, where democrats and republicans compete on the


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