tv New Day Saturday CNN June 9, 2018 4:00am-5:00am PDT
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when you talk about the slow speed of the storms, take, for example, a rain gauge. how much would you get in one of the gauges? a fastmoving storm, it comes in and dumps maybe a few inches of rain. most states can tolerate that. when you have a much slower moving storm that can come in and train over the same spots for hours if not days, that's where you end up getting at least a foot of rain if not two or three. >> all right. just starting out this hurricane season. allison chin car, thank you very much. >> thanks. trump sticking up for russia and sticking it to allies. >> russia should be in this meeting. why are we having a meeting without russia being in the meeting? >> why is it that he's so interested in flattering one of the most brutal dictators in the world? >> what i would say to the
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european leaders is welcome to america first. >> i said i've been preparing all my life. i always believe in preparation. but eye been preparing all my life. casinos and theme parks, president trump may feel right at home next week on singapore's sentosa island, the elections -- the luxurious location of what some are calling the meeting of the century. this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. >> good saturday morning to you. right now president trump and some of america's closest allies are gearing up for a monument, consequential day here. >> in just two minutes, day two of the g7 summit begins in canada. and the big questions ahead of today's meeting -- are the world's leading powers really considering moving forward without the u.s.? does america first now essentially mean america alone,
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and how will the allies react when president trump does leave the g7 summit early to prepare for his meeting with the north korean dictator? >> despite publicly sparring with the leaders of france in canada, this was on twitter this week, day one, there were no fireworks. instead, we saw the smiling photo ops, signs of possible progress on trade, even heard a few jokes. >> happy -- [ laughter ] >> we're monitoring live pictures outside the st. regis hotel in singapore where the north korean advance team is set to arrive ahead of the historic trump-kim summit. boris sanchez is live in quebec city, going back to the g7 here. no major fireworks today after talk of indignation and six versus one on twitter. what do we expect today?
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>> reporter: that's right. at least publicly, probably smiles and handshakes, the sort of cordial images you saw yesterday from president trump and other world leaders. the backdrop, talk of tough talk and trade. he called out emmanuel macron and justin trudeau for what he called unfair trade practices. in response, president macron threatened to move forward without the united states in the g7, saying the other six nations were essentially ready to leave trump behind. trump promised before departing for quebec that he would air striken things out. that all -- straighten things out. that all world leaders would get together and, essentially, in his words, fall in love again. it was chummy yesterday when the president spoke about trudeau and macron. watch this. >> justin has agreed to cut all
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tariff tariffs, all trade barriers between canada and the united states. >> in good shape -- >> we are working on it. our relationship is very good. the united states has had a trade deficit for many years with the european union, and we're working it out. and emmanuel's been helpful in that regard. something's going to happen. i think it will be very positive. >> reporter: certainly a different tone than we saw unfold on twitter. this morning, the president is taking part in a breakfast, working session to discuss gender equality, then the traditional scroll-signing ceremony before another session and departing early, the president was originally set to take part in a number of sessions dedicated to the environment and climate change. he's skipping out on those essentially getting ready to depart for singapore at approximately noon. notably, while other leaders are
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holding press conferences with different outlets and open access to the press, president trump is getting on a plane and heading to asia. >> all right. boris sanchez, appreciate it. thank you. divisions between the president and his allies becoming more clear after president trump suggested russia should be able to rejoin the g7. theresa may, angela merkel, and most other members were quick to disagree highlighting the reason that shafs removed from the group several years ago. that was punishment for invading ukraine in 2013. now, general john mccain slammed the comments saying, "vladimir putin chose to make russia unworthy of membership by innovating ukraine and annexing crimea. the president has inexplicably shown our adversaries the deference and esteem that should be reserved for our closest allies." deputy managing editor of the "weekly standard" joining me. kelly, welcome back. >> thanks. how are you? >> i'm doing well, thank you.
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hope you are, as well. let me start here at the top with a question that i'm sure many people thought when they saw the president say russia should be readmitted, at the table. where did this come from? >> we never quite know, do we, with donald trump. and honestly, i think it's part of his negotiating tactic and when he gets there, it's quite chummy. he likes -- it wasn't enough to question his allies on trade, he us also thought to be provocative in mentioning russia. i have to say, john mccain brings up a great point. when was the last time that donald trump had any strong words for russia? not certainly about the meddling in the american election, not about what happened in england with the chemical attack on a former russian spy. he doesn't really say anything
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that negative about russians. in a way, it's not surprising that he made this move. but it does seem to come out of nowhere. a bit a non sequitur. maybe he's hoping, hey, if i get vladimir putin on, i'll have backup for all of my anti-european and anti-canadian comments. >> yeah, the president like to say that no one's been tougher on russia than he has. let's talk about this communique, really the statement at the end of agreed-upon principles by members of the g7. it is just a statement, but there has been there possibility raised that in could be one with a consensus between the other six nations and not the u.s. what would be the significance of that, of reach something agreed upon principles between the other six, excluding the united states? >> yeah. victor it would be very surprising. these statements are quite
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vague. specifically so they can get sign-on from every single member of the group. you've got leaders from seven countries, and of course the eu is also involved. and it's hard to get that number of people to agree on everything. and you have people, diplomats, behind the scenes working, what can we agree. on you often get a communique that is vague and, you know, talks about values and working together, and often a look toward the future rather than saying this is what we've agreed to right now. so if they didn't get some kind of u.s. sign on -- off on this, it would be surprising. i'm sure that the diplomats are working to figure out something. donald trump sees diplomacy and working with other countries as a zero-sum game. if you win something, i lose something. groups are meant to work together to find something that benefits all nations. free trade is something that benefits all nations, but donald trump disagrees.
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>> we'll have to see if the contentious relationship we're learning about -- we're not seeing it because there are smiles and jokes face to face. of course, we saw the back and forth on twitter, if that has some consequence beyond just the discussions of economies. thank you very much. >> thanks. this morning, former trump campaign chair paul manafort and his lawyers striking back at new charges brought in the russia investigation. >> manafort and a close business associate with ties to russian intelligence are charged with obstruction of justice and conspiracy stemming from alleged witness tampering. manafort's defense team says the charges are based on their charactrakz here -- characterization here, thinnest of evidence, and say manafort's right to a fair trial may have been irreparably compromised. and coming up, talking about anthony bourdain and friends sharing personal stories with us. we're also sharing some of your stories regarding how he touched you.
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plus, north korea propaganda machine is working overtime now with posters of peace ahead of the historic summit between president trump and kim jong-un. a live look here from london at the trouping of colours. crowds have gathered to celebrate the queen's 92nd birthday. ♪ (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. even a "cactus calamity". (man 1) i read that the saguaro can live to be two hundred years old. (woman) how old do you think that one is? (man 1) my guess would be, about... (man 2) i'd say about two hundred. (man 1) yeah... (burke) gives houseplant a whole new meaning. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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kinder person to others and not be afraid of trying new things or cuisines." another read this way, "tony literally changed the way i travel." we want to continue to hear from you, share your stories about bourda bourdain's influence on your life on we will post them on line throughout the weekend. his friends have also been sharing their memories with us, giving us a glimpse into his life off camera. >> everybody would always ask me what's he really like, and the fact is he was exactly like what you saw on tv. and i think that's what people loved about him. he was straightforward, a straight shooter, he called things the way he saw it. and -- and i can't believe he's not here. we need people like him. he was so beloved. he was much more sensitive than people realized because of his bravado, the way he ate, his foul language. beautifully used -- artfully
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used -- his foul language. they don't realize how sensitive he was. he was an enormously sensitive person. he helped chef, he was so helpful. that combined with extraordinary intelligence gave him that bravado and the combination of that intelligence and sensitivity made him one of the great storytellers of our time. >> this man devoured the world. you know, who modeled for us a kind of ad eventventurousness -- an adventurousness, and people who bnlt to places they never would have beforehand, who explored cultures because anthony bourdain challenged them to. his legacy is an open-mindedness toward culture, inclusiveness not just toward food but everything. this appetite for life that makes what happened so hard to understand. i think it's important to remember that because we think we know people from the outside. you know, we look at someone like him who had such
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confidence, such joy in life. we don't know everything about them. i think a moment like this happening a couple of days after kate spade's death, compels us to take a close look at people around us and realize as we give them support, as we give people love, that they never know anyone as well as we think we do. >> psychologist and emotional dynamics expert dr. eric fisher with us now. you were talking a moment ago with me about how you were on the phone with somebody for a couple of hours last night trying to walk them off the ledge essentially of doing the same thing we've seen from kate spade, from anthony bourdain. do these public instances prompt more private instances? >> sometimes they can. sometimes we have our situations in life that just -- we see a connection or feel connection to people that we don't know what to do with, and we feel that pain, and it resonates with us. we think maybe if this person could find what assemblies to be
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a solution -- seems to be a solution to their problem, it's there -- suicide is always a permanent solution to a temporary problem. >> they don't necessarily want to die, they just want the pain to die s. that safe to say? >> to me it's always that, we don't know how to stop the pain. we have to look at how do we interpret moerk rhett emotions interpret emotions in our culture. every emotion is for a purpose. the purpose is to help us learn more about ourselves and life. instead, we take our emotions and bury them inside. we push them away. we don't -- we're not taught the valley of emotions. sadness lets me know when i feel pain. failure tells me when it's time to learn. shame lets me know when i've done something to myself i need to fix. that's one thing anthony bourdain said in an interview i was looking at. he said, "i have hurt a lot of people in my life," essentially, "and that's a shame i have to
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live with." we don't have to live with shame and guilt and pain when we learn what emotions teach us. >> once you learn the value of it and how you can grow from it is when you can really let it go. >> exactly. >> okay. there are contributing factors. everyone has their own reasoning for why they do what they do. the cdc has compiled a list of some of the most common symptoms -- >> we have job issues, we have immediate crises, relationship issues. all these things are things t t ththat -- physical. we found out about robin williams that he had an emerging physical diagnosis that was with the progression of that would have potentially resulted in becoming debilitated. he felt like he didn't want to be a burden on his family. we have to see again even in these situations when we look at
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these issues, we have to reach out and build a stronger sense of community. we need to learn to connect people because these issues while challenge, we bring people in our lives who care about us, support us, we're not thinking when we want to end our life the impact on them often. even when we feel like maybe it will be easy on -- easier on them if i'm not here, it's not because we're left to pick up the pieces in our life and the lives of those that cared about us are all going through the same pain. >> you mentioned making that community available. how do you do that when as so many people said they didn't see this coming from kate spade. they didn't see this coming from anthony bourdain. people who are in those stuations and so overcome can also be very good actors and actresses. dhient wa they don't want you to know and take great pains to make sure you don't. how do we remedy that to find some sort of solution? >> this is the difference between somebody's ideal view of self and their feel view of
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self. i would say the more disparity there is between your ideal view or what you want to present to the world and your feel and then your real and what really comes out, we have to look at the pieces and say how do we help our world and people know they can become more authentic. there are no feelings that are wrong or weak when we realize the value of our experiences. we have to create that sense of connection. starts with our kids. our kids are going to become the adults tomorrow. we have to acknowledge how we're broken. when we can recognize how we're broken, then we can start to seek change. what i see now is people looking at other people's lives, look at what this person did. >> comparison is the thief of joy. i tell my kids that tall the time. are we -- kids that all the time. are we just expecting too much of ourselves these days? >> i think we are. you look at people's lives and the expectation says of what they thought they were supposed to be are often much higher than they can be. they're never -- they never feel satisfied. even kate spade.
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anthony bourdain said he had an unhappy soul. we have to look at people who are not able to be in the moment because we're living in what can i do tomorrow to make myself better, better comes from? here. happiness comes from in here, not out here. and it's in the quality of those moments we have in our moment, and him appreciating the taste of food, the emotion of food, and what he said he lived in his everyday life, but he couldn't shake those other issues because in some way maybe he was running from what he was feeling and couldn't face those emotions like we all need to learn to face together. >> great analysis to help us, you know, understand what's going on and what we need to be doing ourselves to help people who feel like they're in that place. thank you. >> thank you. >> victor? of course we know that there was no e-- there was nobody lik anthony bourdain and no show like "parts unknown." cnn pays tribute to anthony
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bourdain with episodes that start tonight at 8:00 on cnn. if you or anyone needs help, call the number on the screen. it's the national suicide prevention lifeline. 1-800-273-8255. we're continuing to follow president trump this morning as he wraps up his meetings with other world leaders at the g7 summit freezi summit. the next hour we expect to see the leaders at a breakfast focused on gender equality. it's also president trump's final working session this morning. then heads off to singapore for the meeting with kim jong-un. we'll bring it to you live as it happens. also, the north korea propaganda machine. you're seeing the posters here, the fruit of that. also, messages of friendly ties ahead of the historic summit between trump and kim.
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a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! in just minutes, president trump will meet with some of the country's closest allies right here. the beautiful region there in quebec. day two of the g7 summit kicks off in canada in minutes. after we all saw the public sparring between france and canada on twitter, no major
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fireworks. saying we heard the jokes and saw the photo ops with world leaders and talk of potential progress on trade disputes. later today the president will be leaving the g7 early to head to to prepare for his historic summit with congrekim n scheduled for tuesday. cnn's will ripley is taking a look at what the north korean propaganda machine is saying ahead of the historic summit. >> reporter: if you want what president trump wants from kim jong-un on tuesday, he'll tell you -- >> this is the key to what we're doing on denuclearization -- >> reporter: or he'll tweet it. north korea's supreme leader doesn't stop for journalists or use social media. so to get a sense of what kim jong-un is thinking, the best bet is to look at what his government is telling its
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people. propaganda sets the tone for the entire country, and the message is changing. [ speaking native language ] >> reporter: i've been to north korea almost 20 times. i can tell you there, people there have always treated me with respect. for more than 60 years since the brutal korean war, america has been public enemy number one. a nirti anywhere -- a narrative constantly reinforced. i'm an american, do you want to shoot me, too? >> translator: yes, yes. >> reporter: there are almost no news broadcasts. state media doesn't run all day even if there is enough electricity to turn on the tv. that makes posters like these a highly effective way for the government to communicate and the best way for us to track
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pyongyang's priorities. [ applause ] this year as kim jong-un has been on a diplomatic charm offensive, government propaganda has lightsened up a lot. posters like these are popping up in pyongyang telling people to believe in a newfound peace on the korean peninsula. the colors have meaning, too. blue and green educating peace, harmony, integrity. the gold stands for prosperity and glory. these new posters don't feature any red or black. the colors of war and aggression, used on posters like the ones i saw all over north korea last year. i've had the chance to ask north koreans what they think. with government guides always nearby, their answers always seem to echo state propaganda. so if you're wondering whether north koreans will change their minds about americans after kim meets trump in singapore, look for propaganda that paints old enemies in an entirely new light. will ripley, cnn.
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joining me, former cia north korea analyst and former white house official. sue, welcome back to the show. >> hi, thanks. >> the president frames this now as a getting-to-know-you meeting with kim. is that simply to lower expectations from your perspective, or can the president realistically leave this meeting without some agreed-upon denuclearization first steps and call it a success? >> i do think he's lowering everybody's expectation after really raising the bar, raising -- acting like we're going to get to denuclearization. i do think where there's going to be a joint statement for sure, even an agreement. that's not a problem with north korea. remember that we've been dealing with north korea for the past 25 years. and there are many agreements with north korea. that's not the hard part. optics are going to be good. there's going to be a joint statement.
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some sort of agreement. it's after that. is this real, is this different this time from the past agreements and negotiations? i think that's the question. >> let's talk about the reality. the reality that kim has brought his country this far along in its nuclear development program. the reporting is that it is obviously for the protection of the regime so they can taken seriously and so that they won't be threatened, they won't feel vulnerable. to come to this point and say, okay, i'll give it all up for the end of these sanctions, do you think that's plausible? >> no, not all of it up, not a complete, verifiable, irreversible manner. in the past they've meant denuclearization of the korean peninsula if the region's security is guaranteed, if the u.s. policy ends -- that does that mean? if there's an end to the -- if the u.s. troops leave south
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korea, if they extend the nuclear umbrella over south korea and japan. this is what north koreans have always meant. so maybe there's an agreement, but only if there's also a peace treaty. we have to give a lot -- keep a lot on the table. even then maybe they'll give up elements of the nuclear program. to guess to the irreversible, verifiable part, that's going to be difficult. verification is going to be very difficult and will take years for it to happen if it happens. >> you believe that there will be statement, some communique out of the meeting. we heard from secretary of state mike pompeo mom. overnight speaking with -- secretary of state mike pompeo overnight speaking with news outlets. from this single meeting, what do you think is realistic? that they will go as far as taking the first steps, agreeing to the first steps of denuclearization, or will it be working in cooperation to end the korean war, something similar to that? >> i think an optimistic scenario that could happen, there's some sort of joint
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statement where north korea commits to denuclearization even the way we define it, not just the denuclearization of the korean peninsula. and perhaps there's a conclusion, agreement to end the war. i hope it's a peace declaration rather than recommendation for peace treaty. peace treaty undermines the legal justification of u.s. troops staying in south korea. i think at most there's a peace declaration that's afternoon -- that's more political and not legal. and you know, just a joint statement on daergz for normalization -- a denuclearization for normalization, something like that. >> good to have you. >> thank you. just a couple of moments ago here, meghan markle made her debut on buckingham palace balcony for the queen's celebration. you see her in the pink. we are live from london with you showing you what's happening there today. stay close. and from the duchess to the
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yeah! now business is rolling in. [stomach gurgles] ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea... girl, pepto ultra coating will treat your stomach right. nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea.♪ try new pepto with ultra coating. the queen turned 92 in april, but today is the official celebration of her birthday in the united kingdom. a military parade calling trouping the colour. >> she's joined by the royal family, include could the newest member, meghan markle, formerly known as the duchess of sussex who just made her debut on the balcony of buckingham palace. we're joined now from london. nina is live outside buckingham palace there. so first, nina, tell us about this moment and today's
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celebration. >> reporter: you're right. about two minutes ago, we saw the new duchess of sussex make her official first foray into what is the most public of public engagements that we see every year, at the royal family. obviously trouping the colour is something that the queen has insisted that all of her close family take part in. and she's been participating in it for most of her life. there's only one you're where she missed the particular event and that was because of a general strike. since 1748, monarchs have had the ability to enjoy two birthday celebrations. this is the official one. basically when the monarch has the chance to inspect their troops. and that's what's been going on over the course of the last hour or so. we've seen many marching bands. 1,400 soldiers. expert cavalrymen, as well. the queen has been outside buckingham palace, down to horse guards, inspecting troupes.
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she's come back toward the palace. that's when other members of the royal family gathered upon the balcony to welcomeler back. they will be making another big appearance here in 15 minutes' time. there will be a 41-gun salute to mark the queen's 92nd birthday. then the event will close with a fly-by which will include, of course, the famous red arrows with trains of blue, white, and red smoke. back to you. >> thank you very much. richard fitzwilliams with us here. i understand the queen did recently have eye surgery. do we know how she's doing on this big day? >> reporter: apparently it was some extremely successful operation. she was seen wearing dark glasses, but all according to the reports we have seem to have gone, i'm delighted to say. >> as nina told us, the queen
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has participated, has traveled every troupe in the color for her reign for 1955. what does this mean for her, for the royal family? >> reporter: it is the parade which marks the official birthday of the sovereign. and the queen is colonel in chief of trouping the colour, a great honor. it's important that in ceremony is understood. in battle centuries ago, you had the color as a rallying point whereby there was smoke and dust and noise of battle. you could distinguish friend from faux. the last time colors were used were 1881 in the war. subsequently, the color is trouped in front of the sovereign. this has happened every year since 1820, and the sovereign
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has attended since edward vii. and what occurs is the veneration of the color. it's consecrated, presented by the sovereign, and has the battle honors. it's something that is especially valued. >> all righty. nina, richard, some really beautiful pictures here that we're seeing out of london this hour. thank you very much for helping us understands t-- us understan the significance and look at the folks there and the children, of course, who i'm sure are in awe of the whole spectacle. thank you, sir. >> reporter: a pleasure. big weekend in sports. and andy scholes has it all covered. he's at the belmont stakes. of course, there's more happening this weekend. andy? >> reporter: that's right. the warriors wrapping up the nba finals with a sweep. big question now -- where will lebron play next? we'll hear from him and hear
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from legendary trainer bob baffert about the chance that justify makes here later today. and another victim that we've learned of the kilauea volcano. we're talking about an area on the island, a popular vacation and snorkeling destination. look at it now -- the new pictures we're getting in. lava has turned hawaii's kapoho bay into just a chunk of black rock. ♪ oh, look... another anti-wrinkle cream in no hurry to make anything happen. neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair® works in just one week. with the fastest retinol formula available. it's clinically proven to work on fine lines and wrinkles. one week? that definitely works! rapid wrinkle repair®. and for dark spots, rapid tone repair. neutrogena®. see what's possible. ♪ ♪ ♪ raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens ♪
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that's the laze, dangerous cloud of glass and particles. some of the pictures, though, that you might notice here is where the lava is that exists after the lava drained in the last month. while some residents living in this area affected by lava have been allowed to return home or happy to tell you, they are warned they need to be ready to leaf at a moment's notice. this is not over. well, for the third time in four years the warriors are nba champions. >> andy scholes is in new york with more on this morning's bleacher report. my kid said, again? >> yeah. there was no surprise in these nba finals. the warriors yet again winning another championship. as long as this group stays together, who knows how many more times we'll be having this same exact conversation. kevin durant was as good as it gets in these b nba finals.
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he was named the finals mvp for a second year in a row. game four was not much of a game at all. the warriors beating the cavs easily, 108-85. to complete the sweep, smemting themselves as one of the nba's dineties. >> getting up everyday, going to work with these guys is amazing. the environment is incredible. it's good for you to be around guys like this and helps you become a better basketball player and better man. this is a journey that's better than destination. i'm happy i'm a part of this group. >> was this lebron's last game in cleveland? that's the big question now heading into the off season. it turns out, lebron played most of this series with a broken hand that he suffered after punching a white board after the game one loss. he was wearing a cast during his post game interviews and explained what happened there. and he talked about his future. >> self inflected. post game after game one. very emotional. i let the emotions get the best
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of me. and pretty much played the last three games with a broken hand. that's what it is. when i decide what i'm going to do with my future, my family and the folks that have been with me for the last 20 years pretty much, will have a say so and then ultimately come down to me. so, we'll see what happens. >> out here belmont park, we could see history today as justify looks to become the 13th horse to win the triple crown. now, justify is trained by bob is also the trainer for american pharoah 3 years ago when he broke the 37 triple crown drought. i spoke with baffert yesterday and said that justify compares to sports all-time greats. >> it's a privilege to have a horse like this. and you just don't want -- you want to stay out of their way. don't mess it up. i feel this pressure. you've got this really good athlete. you've got, you know, lebron
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james, you've got michael jordan, you know, you better win a championship, dude. you're surrounded. alabama, you have all these good players, you better win it. >> justify the big favorite here today. we'll see if he can make history. the race will get going at 6:45 eastern. i was here three years ago when american pharoah won the triple crown. crazy atmosphere. we'll see if it can happen again here today. >> already. andy, thank you so much. have fun out there. listen, just a few hours from now the president is wheels up from the g7 summit headed for an historic sit-down with kim jong-un. but we make more than our name suggests. we're an organic tea company. a premium juice company. a coconut water company. we've got drinks for long days. for birthdays. for turning over new leaves.
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this week staying well now. trampolines, they're not just for kids. watch. >> come on. pick it up. pick it up. >> rebounding is the fitness term for bouncing on a trampoline. rebounding works out your entire abdomen core, your glutes, hamstrings, all the muscles in the legs. the basic bounce is the main position. we also do jogs on the trampoline. pulling knees up to the chest. we do jumping jacks. >> i have always had knee issues. i used to do cross country in high school and had to stop that because of joint awe pain. the great cardio workout but you don't have the impact on your joints. we try to keep the movement small and controlled. anyone who has a recent injury should check with their doctor. >> rebounding is great for circulation. it's great for balance. it's great for improving
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flexibility. try to minimize the big wobbles. the trampoline is constantly changing and moving the body has to respond to what the trampoline is doing. they could be doing jumping exercises, weight shifting exercises, strengthening exercises. >> i did jump on a trampoline when i was a kid. it brought back that nostalgic feeling for me. it's a really fun way to work out. >> all right. live pictures here. london outside of buckingham palace, huge crowds walking up to see the royal family out on the palace balcony there. we will see the queen out with the family. meghan markle making her debut this morning with the family on the balcony. our executive producer is british, so that may explain why we're doing this so often throughout the morning. let's just tell the truth. but we're going to --
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>> there will be a british air force flyover, we should point out. here she comes. there's the queen. can we drop the banner so we can see her. there we go. and i believe she's going to then be accompanied by the entire family as we see that flyover celebrating her birthday. there's kate and william, george and charlotte. we need to see meghan. where is meghan? >> the duchess of sussex i'll have you know. >> sorry. that's right. the duchess. she no longer meghan? we're not allowed to call her that. i thought they said we could. all righty. and meghan is in the background we see. all right. >> i'm told this is a lancaster bomber and two spit fires flying overhead. coming from executive producer who has been looking forward to this all morning. still waiting to see duchess
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