tv Wolf CNN June 11, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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they've never really been concerned about making sure things are preserved for historical purposes, and this is just another example of that. thanks for joining "inside politics." a big, big day ahead. we'll see you back here tomorrow. wolf starts, though, right now. have a great day. hello, i'm wolf blitzer. it's 1:00 p.m. here in washington, 1:00 a.m. tuesday in sing more. wherever you're watching from around the world, thank you very much for joining us. just hours from now, history in the making. after months of heated rhetoric and optimistic breakthroughs, the president of the united states set to meet with north korea's kim jong-un, a meeting with nuclear implications. we're getting new details about the summit. the world is watching. plus, as the president gets ready to face kim jong-un, he's at war with some key u.s. allies. president trump and his advisers continue to insult and blast g-7
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leaders' actions that are completely upending the old world order. all of that coming up. but first, face to face and one on one. that's the way the historic summit between the u.s. president and the north korean leader will start just hours from now in what could only be described as surprising. we actually saw kim jong-un walking around singapore just a little while ago. you see him there with his sizeable entourage and security detail. he seems to be enjoying s time in the spotlight on the world stage, even stopping to be part of this picture with singapore's foreign minister. the arrival just a while ago of the basketball star dennis rodman. he's met with kim before, now he wants credit for the summit. >> i'm just happy to be a part of t because i think i brought awareness to a lot of things around the world, and i think north korea has given a lot of people an opportunity to do this conference now, and i hope it's
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a success. >> rodman hasn't been invited to the talks. we'll see what happens as the day and the next day continue. meanwhile, the delegation is hopeful this upcoming summit will bear fruit. if the summit doesn't bear fruit, the united states seems ready to act. >> we are hopeful this summit will have set the conditions for future productive talks. a complete and verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the krorea peninsula is the onl outcome the united states will accept. sanctions will remain until north korea completely and verifiably eliminates its weapons of mass destruction. if the program doesn't move in the right direction, and we're hopeful it will continue to do so, those measures will increase. >> joining us now live from singapore, our white house correspondent kaitlan collins. also joining us from singapore, our senior international correspondent ivan watson. kaitlan, talk a little bit about
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the president's exps for the summit. we've already had a schedule change, i take it. walk us through that. >> reporter: we have had a schedule change, wolf. right now it's the calme the sit-down. we're about eight hours away before president trump and kim jong-un are expected to sit down together and shake hands. it's unclear, still, what is going to come of that one-on-one meeting between the two leaders. you heard from secretary of state pompeo there really telling reporters that the north koreans have not made any concrete commitments ahead of that expected meeting, but what we do know is that what the day is shaping up to look like for president trump. he's going to be in that one-on-one with just him, kim jong-un and their translators, and then they will move on to an expanded bilateral meeting before holding a working lunch with a slew of other united states officials and north korean officials. but then president trump is going to hold a press conference, so we'll hear more from him there about what exactly has transpired during that one-on-one with kim jong-un
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and whether he got any assurances from him about denuclearizing. but the white house has announced that president trump is expected to leave singapore at 8:00 tomorrow night. that is roughly not too far from now, but the white house is saying he will be leaving here shortly after those talks do transpire. that's news because president trump hinted last week that the talks could go on longer than one day if he believed progress was being made and things were going well. so it's unclear if the white house is trying to send a signal to the north koreans by moving that departure date up, but we do know the president is expected to leave. right now we're just waiting to see what he and kim jong-un have to say to each other in this historic meeting, wolf. >> lots at stake. stand by, kaitlan. ivan, we heard a little bit from the secretary of state mike pompeo not too long ago. what are the north koreans saying ahead of the meeting? >> reporter: well, first of all, there's that remarkable scene of kim jong-un himself just hours ago enjoying a stroll around
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singapore, escorted by the singaporean foreign minister who may have taken the first ever selfie of the north korean dictator who he posed for. we could see the foreign minister holding the phone up to take that photo. they wer walking around the hotel behind me, the marina bay sands hotel. the north korean leader exuding confidence andfort hours ahead of this potentially historic meeting with president trump. so that sends a pretty remarkable signal, and the reactions from some people on the ground here was striking. you could hear people yelling "welcome" to him or cheering as the dictator walked around. the north korean government has announced in its state media that this meeting is taking place. sometimes it takes days for them to actually publicize this kind of diplomacy, and they've actually mentioned the word denuclearization in the
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internal, tightly-controlled north korean press, which is notable, because it was just months ago that north korea was celebrating that it has achieved becoming a nuclear armed state. some have interpreted this as a sign that they're preparing their own public for the ssibility of perhaps some kind of disarmement, the south korean government saying they're optimistic about that kind of a statement. but the stakes are so high. pope francis over the weekend praying for peace here in singapore, hearing similar messages from the japanese government, the u.n. secretary general who also offered u.n. agencies to help with possible verification and monitoring of north korea's nuclear facilities should the talks progress further. and so interesting that you mentioned dennis rodman's arrival here, because it's just a few years ago, wolf, that the former nba star was perhaps the most high-profile international figure who is meeting with kim
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jong-un. look how much a few months have changed that equation where now he's met with the chinese leader two times, he's met with the south korean president twice, and is now on the verge of meeting with the u.s. president. wolf? >> he's met twice with the secretary of state mike pompeo as well. before pompeo, dennis rodman, we believe, was the only u.s. citizen ever to have met with kim jong-un. ivan watson and kaitlan collins, guys, thank you so much, both reporting live from singapore. the stakes are very, very gh, but president trump says he'll know in the first minute or so if kim jong-un is really serious about these negotiations. listen to what the secretary of state mike pompeo said just a little while ago about the lengths the united states will go for a successful summit. >> we are prepared to take what will be security assurances that are different, unique, than have been provided -- that america has been willing to provide
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previously. we think this is both necessary and appropriate. >> joining us now to discuss various possibilities, the former senior adviser at the u.s. state department, now a visiting professor at georgetown university, balbina wang. balbina, thanks so much for joining us. what do you think the u.s. will be seeking in these talks? >> it's quite fascinating. this is one of the most remarkable meetings we're seeing. we simply don't know. secretary pompeo was very clear. he said nothing short of cvid. so these are the standard -- exactly the standard positions that we've always seen from the united states. but it's not quite clear exactly what it is that the united states is going to be willing to offer to kim jong-un. and we'll see what kim jong-un is bringing to the table as well. >> so the u.s. will want denuclearization on the korean peninsula, it depends on the definition, ending all ballistic missile testing on the part of the north koreans and stopping military threats, especially against south korea. what do you think the north koreans will be seeking?
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>> well, certainly security guarantees from the united states, withdrawal of u.s. troops from the korean peninsula, and neg an end of the korean war. now, we'll see if -- and, of course, an end to the actual alliance. now, we'll see if actually president trump is willing to end the u.s. or to withdraw the u.s. troops, because this is something i think president trump personally has argued for and has campaigned on it, and he seems intent to do this on a personal level. >> withdrawing 30,000 troops from south korea, is that what you're saying? >> that's correct, and he's argued about this, and he seems to argue about this personally and believes in it. >> over the years, over many years, he's been very consistent. he wants those u.s. troops out of south korea, he wants the thousands of u.s. troops out of japan. and germany, for that matter, as well. he doesn't understand why the
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u.s. still maintains, after all these years, thousands and thousands of troops in various locations like that. what about potential surprises that could emerge over the next 24 hours? >> now, there is talk that the two of them might actually walk out with a piece of paper that actually just declares an end to the korean war and the korean conflict. >> because there are some surprises that you've suggested may emerge. >> now, this is one of the most remarkable things, and it would be an incredible gesture. president trump keeps talking about that he's secured the return of the u.s. detainees, the three. that was certainly an important gesture from north korea. however, teturn of the u. u.s.s. pueblo. the u.s. held thousands of sailors for a year, brutally held them.
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in fact, one sailor was killed. it is a navy ship still kept in north's held incredibl. it's a museum ship, and if north korea were to return that, that would be an incredible victor forpresident trump. it is something that the united states very, very much wants to get back. it would be an incredible gesture by kim jong-un. >> it would be incredible also if they signed a formal agreement formally ending the korean war, and if they established any diplomatic relations, there are no diplomatic relations right now. >> north korea is still a worldly power and we can't delegitimize them. but there are prisoners of war still from the korean war. >> i'm sure a lot of these issues have been discussed in preliminary meetings with pompeo and the north koreans among other u.s.-north korean officials who have been engaged in intensive dialogue.
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balbina hwang, thank you for that coverage. it is s that justin trudeau stabbed the u.s. president in the back. president obama holding secret meetings with a few of the 2020 democratic possible contenders. you'll hear why and which hopefuls he's actually talking to. a u.s. air force officer with top secret clearances missing for 35 years. all of a sudden he's been found alive, living in california, and now he's in custody. we'll have the story. lots of news. we'll be right back. if you have medicare
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the president sparked a war of words when he refused to sign the group's final communique. that went on a twitter tirade against the canadian prime minister justin trudeau after trudeau said canada would still retaliate against new u.s. tariffs. the president calling the prime minister dishonest and weak. that also prompt these outbursts from the president's top economic ald vdviser and his to trade adviser. >> he really kind of stabbed us in the back. he really actually, you know what, he did a great disservice to the whole g-7. he betrayed -- >> trudeau did. >> yes, he did, because they were united in the g-7. they came together. and i was there extensively. i was involved in these late-night negotiations. president trump was charming, good faith. i was in the bilateral meeting with trudeau and president trump, and they were getting along famously.
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>> there is a special place in hell for any foreign leader that engages in bad faith diplomacy withresident donald j. trump and then tries to stab him in the back on the way out the door. >> president trump's anger isn't just confined to canada. we've also learned that as far back as april during a conversation with the french president, emmanuel macron, the president told macron that the eu was worse than china when it comes to trade with the united states. and while germany wasn't singled out at the g-7, the chancellor angela merkel called trump's decision not to sign the communique, and i'm quoting now, sobering and somewhat depressing. let's get reaction from each of those countries. paula newton is in ottawa. paula, how did this go over, this exchange with the canadi s canadians? >> reporter: unbelievable, wolf.
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you can imagine it was pretty universal to the point people were stunned, they were floored, left reeling. the president of canada was away from the cameras. we'll ask him again. those words, special place in hell, we know these are words usually reserved for dictators and criminals, so canada quite baffled us as to why this would happen. one of the largest trading relationships in the world hangs in the balance. canada is the world's largest customer. people wondering now if trump will go through with threats a few months ago to pull out of nafta, and many canadians are wondering when congressional leaders will actually take notice of the language donald trump is using and whether they think this is a shrewd negotiating ploy or dangerous for american business. >> that's a good point, because when it comes to trade and services between the u.s. and
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cana canada, the u.s. has a surplus when you include services. paula, stand by in ottawa. jim is getting bitterness in paris. what are you hearing, jim? >> if they needed more evidence that the macron-trump romance is over, it came from the presidential palace here just after that angry tweet from trump aboard, a force paris put out this. we can't count on anger and small words. let's be serious and worthy of our people. we spent two days of coming up with a draft. we stick to it. anyone who leaves and turns their back on them shows their inconsistency. macron is obviously displaying a little anger at his writers at the palace. one of the leaders here said it was like a bottom being dropped on the summit from air force i. the latest surveys we could find on trump's approval ratings back
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at the beginning of the year, it was about 14%. bably a lot lower today, wolf. >> jim bitterman in paris. tika is here. what are you hearing, tika? >> the iran deal, the paris climate accord ask nnd now the . angela merkel had an interview last night. she gets the impression the president thinks only one side can win, the other side loses. this is not something germany believes in, special counsel when will it comes to world trade. they believe there is a win-win situation to be had. merkel said she will try to continue to have a good relatiip with the u.s., but she also said she doesn't know if it's possible to rely on that relationship anymore, that europe has to look to its own
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future not onl security but on trade. today she'll be meeting withhe trade organization and the world bank to discuss all these . >> antiga, thank you so much. jim bitterman and paula newton, thanks to you as well. i want to bring in ian. as you know, the prime minister of canada didn't say anything that seemed all that inflammatory. in fact, he seemed to be speaking rather diplomatically. why do you think all this chaos, this backlash was cing from the white house and the strong words attacking prime minister trudeau? >> well, trump didn't want to go to the g-7, and as you know, when he's forced to do things he doesn't want to do, he lashes out. he showed up late, he canceled his private bilateral with the french president macron at the last moment. he left early and then clearly when he saw the statements that came from trudeau, which you're
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right, wolf, i mean, they were no different than what he had said in advance of the summit, that he was -- the canadians did not consider themselves a national security threat to the u.s. they would retaliate if tariffs were placed on them by the united states. trump said this wouldn't stand and then launched his tirade. it is probably the political equivalent of when he fired comey. i'm sure it felt great at the time, was very satisfying. there was no emotional or impulse control. in the long term, the damage this is going to do to trump and the united states and his relations withome of the most important american allies in the world, i think, is going to be significant. >> are we seeing the embodiment, ian, of what's called an america first strategy being played out? and how longstanding will this damage be? >> well, it's not just that, right? america first is unilateralist, it's very transactional, it's not values based. if you can get a deal done with north korea, great. if the chinese and russians can
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work with you, great. it's not long term and strategic, that's what the chinese are doing right now. the chinese are the big winners, and i think that's the major implication of a this, which is while the americans, the europeans, the japanese are all in disarray, the chinese have not only -- it's not about stealing america's goods, it's about stealing aerkmerica's strategy. it's not just america first, it's also that trump went there, and in addition to pressing his point strongly, he went out of his way to antagonize and insult these individual leaders. let's remember, they're people, they're politicians that have their own domestic constituencies they have to support just as trump does with his own base, and there are also people who will work more closely with you if you like them. trump said on a scale of 1 to 10, his relationship with the g-7 allies is a 10.
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trump's personal relationship with those leaders right now is pretty close to a zero. >> as you know, the president over the past couple days has been suggesting russia should be added back to the g-7, it should be the g-8. it was prime minister trudeau who spoke out and said that wasn't an option for him, at least not now. why do you think the president is all of a sudden suggesting that russia should be cluded? i'm sure the russians are pretty happy, putin is pretty happy to see this split developing between the u.s., the european, the canadian allies, the split with nato as well. >> he's obviously antagonizing. you'll remember in germany last year, at that dinner when trump was getting bored with all the american allies around the table, he gets up, he moves around and he sits down next to putin and they talk for almost an hour. he's much more personally comfortable with putin. he knows that the allies are not going to react well to him suggesting that putin should show up. he doesn't care. this was yet one more sort of
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verbal fuselade that he was throwing in. same thing during the president's speech, he actually took off his earpiece and wasn't listening to a translation. unless it's about him, he's not really all that interested, and he put that on very clear display at the g-7 this weekend. >> ian bremer, thanks for that analysis. >> my pleasure. new questions today over why former president obama is now meeting with possible 2020 democratic presidential candidates. we'll discuss that, plus robert deniro getting a standing ovation at the tony awards for dropping the f-bomb in a rant against president trump. does this play into the president's base? it's just a burst pipe, i could fix it.
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obama. he's been largelyet during president trump's first 500 days, but more recently, behind the scenes, the former president has been holding court with several prospective democratic party flag bearers who may have their eyes on the 2020 presidential race. here with us right now, edward isaac, chief washington correspondent for politico and cnn politico analyst karou nrk karou dimerjian. >> he's met with all of those pictured. some who haven't got dten in there, harris.
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he is trying to help advise the people who, in his mind, are the future of the party and get them to a place that would do well for democrats in the future. >> he's got a lot of experience in 2006, 2007 and the election in 2008. he came from being largely unknown to becoming the democratic nominee and then the president for two terms. >> right, he has built his own career or has tracked to becoming president very, very quickly. he can advise as much as he can from that point, but i think some of it is personality rather than the election. you can't really do the craft from somebody just because he's got it. he can help with fundraising as well, but it is a behind-the-scenes role. he cannot be seen as pulling the strings because he's a polarizing figure. unfortunately people really love him or they really hate him, and i think the democratic party has known that for a long time.
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you gain a lot with obama, but you can't vote for him again and he turns a lot of people off who are maybe trump supporters. >> of all the democrat potential candidates, let's put their pictures back up on the screen that he's been meeting informally with these past several months. i assume he's the closest to the man who was his vice president for eight years, joe biden, who does see to be giving some suggestions that he seriously is thinking about running for president. >> he is seriously thinking about it. he has sincerely come to the place where he says, he'll have to focus on the midterms. he'll make a decision based on his family and his feelings about the race toward the end of th year, beginning of next year. he and obama are actually friends. it's one thing people can maybe overlook, so they've been i touch as friends, but biden was in the office there, which is about a mile from the white house, and he was there in january. that's the last time he was in in person. but like the others, spent a lot of time one on one with the president, and these meetings have been kept very closely held. a number of advisers close to the potential candidates that i
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talked to didn't even know about them because they are worried about breaking obama's confidence, and obama himself is very kaurcautious, always, about letting himself be drawn into a political fight against trump. >> all the vibes i get is joe biden is seriously thinking about this. robert deniro was at the tonys last night. he spoke about the president of the united states in not such a nice way. listen to this. >> announcer: ladies and gentlemen, robert deniro. [ cheers and applause [ cheers and applause ] >> obviously we couldn't play what he actually said. >> he used some colorful language. this is the thing. he certainly got a lot of cheers in the tony audience. that's preaching to the choir in a lot of ways. it's a venting, i suppose, of frustration that i think a lot
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of people feel of the president, but does it get you anywhere? do you win anyone over if you're actually maybe trying to look forward? i don't think so. but you do see celebrities trying to build bridges and sometimes you see them lighting things on fire, and i think this counts as the latter category. >> does it play to the president's base? does it give the president help politically to see this reaction from the audience in new york? >> i would think people who were upset about it are already voting for donald trump, and the people against him were voting against donald trump. jared kushner, who won for best revival of angels in america, who said get out in midterms, they're maybe calling attention to that other than just the language here. >> a lot of these public figures believe they have a bully pulpit to speak from. they had the parkland kids who were singing, that was a very moving moment, and this again. people who listen to this
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closely and focus on it are probably already in one camp or another, but again, some people get rubbed the wrong way when language is a little bit too strong, and that's always a rick you t >> kouran andisaac, thank you very much for coming in. set to be face to face in singapore as the dictator spends some time out on the town. i'll speak with someone who has negotiatedver the years with the north koreans and i'll ask him to what expect later. also, more than 600 migrants stranded in the mediterranean sea with no place to go after two countries refused to let the ship dock and let these migrants in. what's next for them? we have new information. give dad ancestrydna for just $69- our lowest father's day price ever.
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the entire world focused on singapore right now as president trump and the north korean leader kim jong-un prepare to meet face to face in just a few hours. let's get some perspective. i want to bring in former mexico governor, former ambassador to the u.n., bill richardson. he's a former u.s. north korean negotiator. he's been to north korea on several occasions, met with kim jong-un's father, kim jong il, back in 2005. governor, thank you so much for joining us. now told that the first round, if there's more than one we'll see, but the first round will be the president and the north korean leader one on one with only their translators present. is that wise? >> yeah, that is wise, because the north koreans, you don't make deals with them across a negotiating table. as you've covered north korea, they vent on the negotiating table, they do their talking points. you make deals with the north koreans on the side.
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hopefully they'll get a chance to build some trust, know each other. i think the vibrations i'm getting from this one on one and kim jong-un walking on his own is one of confidence. i must say for the first time in a long time on u.s.-north korea relations, i'm a bit hopeful. >> well, that's very encouraging to see at least a meeting, and many of us are hoping it will be at least successful because the alternative is a disaster for everyone concerned. but the preparations for the meeting, the president said, and he said this the other day in canada, he thinks his gut instincts are really good. he might know in a minute whether this will be fruitful, whether this will be positive. what do you think? >> the president has his known negotiating strategy. mainly i don't think it works like what happened with this debacle in quebec. but i think the president is using personal diplomacy which, with kim jong-un, might work.
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so the worry that i have is that the north koreans, they negotiate in their own style. they never say yes. they keep you waiting. they find ways not to have timelines, not to stick to the agreement. north koreans always want you to do something first, like security guarantee, like a peace agreement, and then we'll maybe do denuclearization at our own pace. i hope that isn't the mainfra main framework, but at the same time i do think secretary pompeo has done a good job at narrowing our differences. we're setting up a process. this is not going to be a one-time meeting but a series of negotiations. hopefully, wolf, they'll name a working group on missiles, on nuclear weapons, on human rights, on the remains of our soldiers, on issues of normalization, exchange of -- i don't think ambassadors, but maybe a liaison office.
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because, you know, we've been isolated from each other. >> that's a fair point. let's see what they do emerge in terms of announcing some sort of continued dialogue following the meeting. the optics are very significant, and as you know, a lot of analysts have suggested this is already a public relations win for north korea because the north korean leaders being well received on the international stage right now. is it already a win for kim jong-un? >> yeah, it is a win for him, because he's now world player on the international stage. he can go to his people, north korea, even though he doesn't have too many elections and say, look, i'm on par with the president of the united states. and you know that the north koreans have always said, look, let's negotiate in asia, u.s. and north korea. we're the big guys with nuclear weapons, not south korea, not japan, not china, even they're main benefa krr arkabenefacto r.
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so it's already a win for kim jong-un, but if he tries to skate, it's to be good for him. >> you've had a dialogue with cnn north korea officials, you've worked to bring americans home from north korea. has anyone from the trump administration called and you asked for your thoughts in advance of this historic summit? >> well, yeah, i've had a conversation with secretary pompeo, a good conversation where he was listening. in the past they hadn't done that. and i think this is very important, that the president has had too many messengers on north korea, the national security adviser, the vice president talking about libya where gadhafi was annihilated. that's not a good message to send to kim jong-un, so i think one messenger, who has met with kim jong-un twice, who opened the channel with the north koreans, who has some diplomatic
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experience. what i hope we'll have is an agreement that will transpire over the next two to three years. having too many messengers, having the staff all of a sudden like they did in quebec, which was totally inappropriate -- it's okay for a president to take off on another leader, but the staff? i mean, this is incredible. i hope that doesn't happen with north korea. >> yeah. all of us hope that doesn't happen with north korea. it's interesting that mike pompeo, the secretary of state, who has been to pyongyang now twice met with the north korean leader. he refers to him with a great deal of respect, calls him chairman kim, which is oiously something the north koreans clearly appreciate. governor richardson, thanks as usual for joining us. >> thank you. a stunning twist in a mystery that has spanned decades. a u.s. air force officer missing for 35 years whose disappearance spurred theories he was abduct by the soviets. he's now found alive living in california.
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now he's in custody. we'll have the story. that's next. liberty mutual saved us almost $800 when we switched our auto and home insurance. liberty did what? yeah, they saved us a ton, which gave us a little wiggle room in our budget. i wish our insurance did that. then we could get a real babysitter instead of your brother. hey, welcome back. this guy, right?
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a stunning discovery, investigators finally cracking a decades old mystery. a u.s. air force officer with top secret security clearances went missing 35 years ago, and the air force officially declared him a desserter, now, investigators finally found him living in california under a secret identity. dan simon joins us now from daily secity in california wher he was living. tell us how all this unfolded. >> reporter: this is just outside of san francisco. and this is the neighborhood and
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street where this air force captain had been living under a false name. he called himself barry owe burn, there were all kinds of theorys over the years as to what happened to him. he went to the netherlands in july of 1983, he had been due back in albuquerque, mexico the following month, he never made it back, his family thought he was abducted. that didn't stop conspiracy theorists from believing he had defected to russia. this all came to light because federal investigators had zeroed in on a fraud investigation dealing with his passport, that's how they discovered all of this, we spoke to neighbors and they say he was a friendly enough guy. he was a retired actuary. loved the san francisco giants, but, of course, they were stunned to hear this will news. this is what one person had to
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say. >> very shocking. very nice individual. i had no idea. i feel like we had walked similar paths in life, he was retiring and enjoying his retirement, that's about as much in depth as i knew about my neighb neighbor. captain hughes told air force investigators told investigators he was depressed being in the air force. he's being held in fairfield, california. it's unclear what charges he'll face. >> dan simon, thanks for that report. a human drama unfolding in the middle of the mediterranean. >> countries refused to take them in, you'll hear what's happening. dennis rods man arriving in
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singapore ahead of the president's summit with kim jong-un, what the basketball star is saying about his role in this historic event. it's just a burst pipe, i could fix it. (laugh) no. with claim rateguard your rates won't go up just beacuase of a claim. i totally could've... (wife) nope! switching to allstate is worth it. i think, keep going, and make a difference. at some point, we are going to be able to beat als. because life is amazing. so i am hoping for a cure. i want this, to uh, to be a reality. um, yeah. with tripadvisor, finding your perfect hotel at the lowest price... is as easy as dates, deals, done!
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the ship to port. >> malta says it's not their jurisdiction. italy conducted the search and rescue, they should be italy h aew installed government. they were elected on an anti-immigration platform. this is one of the first actions we've seen from them, they're trying to force the hand of european partners to help italy with the influx of migrants. something that their interior minister said was not going to end. this will not be the last time we see this until the european union agrees to help italy out more. wolf? >> so it will go to spain? >> so it's meant to go to spain, right now it's stuck.
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the spanish government said it will accept it in the port of valencia, it will take a couple days to people there are getting agitated. they do have food, which has been delivered to them, but it will take several days for them to reach the port of valencia. >> let's hope those people are okay. delia gallagher, thanks very much. that's it for me, the news continues on cnn. wolf, thank you so much. hi, everyone, i'm brooke baldwin, alongside my colleague, john better man. in just a short time from now, president trump and kim jong-un will meet face to face for the first time. they'll meet one on one, aided only by their individual translators, and talks are moving faster than expected. better man, you're there, tell me more.
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