tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN June 11, 2018 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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she went into labor, but scrambled home and made it back just in time for the birth. brianna's stepson teddy is excited to be a big brother. we wish the entire family all the best. what a great picture, beautiful family. congratulations. that's it for me. thanks for watching. "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, breaking news, moments before he leaves for the biggest meeting of his presidency, donald trump, in an early morning twitter frenzy, sending a message to haters and losers. plus, trump's doctrine, according to a new report, we're america, b. and more breaking news, the story behind the g7 photo that has gone viral. we know exactly what was really happening in this picture. that's tonight. let's go "outfront." and good evening, i'm erin burnett. "outfront" this evening, the breaking news, we are moments away from the historic meeting between president trump and
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north korea's kim jong-un. as we speak, the two men are about half a mile apart in singapore. their hotels, literally, that's the distance. this is a live shot we'll show you right now of kim's hotel. you can see the security barricades outside. he and president trump are expected to leave their hotels for the summit within moments. 12 hours' difference. so i tuesday morning in singapore, and they are heading to santosa island just off the coast there. these are live pictures of the island, that's where the summit is going to be held. once there, they'll head to the capela hotel. they'll walk outside there to have an official greeting for the camera, an historic handshake, and that will be the beginning of the first psitting u.s. president and the leader of north korea. and we do understand it will be one-on-one. just the two men and their translators. now, president trump seems to have slapped little if at all, that's the issue with asian jet
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lag. his most recent tweets, calling critics of the meeting haters and losers. and then this one, maybe the tweet that ultimately matters the most, the president saying, meetings between staffs and representatives are going well and quickly, but in the end, that doesn't matter. we'll all know soon whether or not a real deal, unlike those of the past, can happen. he's making it clear he believes this is all about him, his personal power and ability, with kim, and that's what it is about. two larger than life showmen have turned it into a sort of reality show in singapore. listen to the cheers for kim when he went out on the town in singapore. >> so they're chanting, kim, kim, kim, kim, kim, which they had done for trump hours before. you can see him smiling, waving to the crowd. then he took a selfie with
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singapore's foreign minister. just a stunning thing when you think about it. it's a dictator who has put hundreds of thousands of people in camps, people are starving. he's arranged for the killing of people even close to him. and this is the image we're seeing. adding to the side show, dennis rodman is in singapore. he knows both trump and kim and says he deserves some of the credit for the entire thing. this is what's going on. jeff zeleny is "outfront" live in singapore. early this morning as it is for you, jeff, what is going to happen here through the hours of the night in the united states? >> erin, good day from singapore. president trump, as you said, is going to be making his way to the capela hotel, and there is going to be that historic photo-op, really in front of the hotel, i'm told. it looks something like the front of the white house, the colonial-style building. but we'll be struck, of course, by the very large differences in the images of these two leaders.
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president trump, 6'2", turning 72 this week. kim jong-un, he's about 5'7", he's 34 years old. that says so much about what is going into the dynamic here. but of course kim jong-un is coming into this meeting with the history of his father, the history of his grandfather, who very much wanted to make a deal a couple decades ago in the clinton administration. but this now is going to be the one-on-one meeting. i'm told it's going to be about 45 minutes long or so. a translator on each side. so that's about half the time usually. and then they are going to go into a larger meeting with aides from both sides. secretary of state mike pompeo front and center in that meeti for about an hour and a half or so. then a working lunch. after that, we do expect things to essentially end. the president is downplaying expectations somewhat for what can come out of this meeting. but i'm told by a u.s. official here this morning in singapore, that they are still working on a joint statement that could be released from the u.s. and the
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regime of north korea as well, talking specifically about the steps forward. but that also could be held up by what the u.s. is willing to give. so this communiqué, this statement, may not happen. we the g7 over the weekend. the u.s. ended up not signing that. so that is something we are keeping our eyes on here, erin. but there's no question, the chemistry here, so important. the president thinks he can win over kim jong-un by talking about why it's good for north korea to denuclearize. but, erin, a question hangs over singapore. what is the definition of complete denuclearization? we still do not know that from north korea. >> thank you very much, jeff zeleny. >> and the u.s. has already given a lot, north korea's top envoy allowed to come to washington, d.c., t unprecedented, and the summit itself. "outfront" now, former bureau chief for the associated press. and former state department who worked on negotiations from 1994 to 2002, retired major general spider marks and the former
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intelligence officer on korea, and bob bear, former cia operative. i want everyone to know we talk about the schedule for the day. you start with this 45-minute one-on-one. then you have an hour and a half meeting. mike pompeo, the secretary of state, has departed his hotel, he's on his way. they get into the giant entourages to head over to the island. a senior trump administration official is telling us they're going to go in front of the cameras for this first very formal handshak and then there's this one-on-one, and we really do understand it to be one-on-one, trump, kim, translators, that's it. no aides, no other secondary tertiary sources on what actually happens in the room. your take? >> that's a bad idea. you've already mentioned the jet lag, the issues are too complicated for him. he's said in so many words he's not really up on the issues. in the sense, it starts a process and it's better than threatening each other. so that's the good part of it. but at the end of the day, i
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don't see what you could get out of a one-on-one meeting like that. and will he even remember what was said at that point? and will he cover the main points? i tell you, i couldn't. >> and general marks, 45 minutes, you've got translation time, but the president's made it clear from this morning. >> it's all about -- >> it's all about the one-on-one. >> it's all about him and kim and how they'll interact. the big concern as bob indicated, you're in the room, starting this conversation, these are very high stakes, and you're trying to size this individual up. who is picking up the different cues on what's really happening? and also, when you conduct a meeting like that, i've done many meetings like this through an interpreter, there's always subject to interpretation, there's nuance in the language. often there should be somebody else in the room who has competency and a real grasp of the language to come back so they can check each other. that's not going to take place. so i'd be concerned about taking notes and codify what was agreed to. >> and yet when you see what's
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happened here, the north korean envoy coming to washington, d.c., something the iranians were never granted when they were working on the deal with president obama. you have this meeting itself, the cheers, the selfie. kim jong-un is sort of a -- i don't know what the right word is, but certainly approachable figure. you say he's already won hugely. >> he has. we've given him this platform to make his international debut. he's done very little in return. he will come into this saying, look, i blew up our nuclear test site and joe can talk a bit more about that. he'll say, i released the american hostages. we may see another symbolic gesture, maybe the return of the usspueblo, a warship that was captured 50 years ago. but we haven't had anything concrete. we've given him this platform to show himself as a world leader and a nuclear power. it's a bit unsettling for me to be honest because he's not changed. he's still the same person.
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>> and here we are, this is happening close to his time zone, you know, sort of in his realm. trump has traveled around the world to go there. and the u.s. keeps saying, denuclearization is what this is all about. we're not going to move on that. the secretary of state just departed his hotel. but he's made it very clear, a few hours ago, what this is all about. here he is. >> the complete and verifiable and irreversible denuclearization of the korea peninsula is the only outcome that the united states will accept. >> north korea already has entered the nuclear club at this point. and we know that. are trump and kim on the same page on denuclearization? is there any way north korea would do that in the way the united states defines it? >> that's the game here. what does denuclearization mean? each side has a different definition of that. the trick is, can they reach a compromise in the negotiation at
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the summit. and i'm willing to say they will reach a compromise. it won't be the maximum position of either side. but it will be a compromise and hopefully it will be something that we feel is good enough to move forward with dealing with this threat. >> doesn't trump have a problem, thou? because the iran deal is the standard. right? he's gotta have more verification than was in there. and that's pretty hard to do. >> you're absolutely right. in a logical world, that's a problem. but not in this world. so i think what trump will do is take ownership of this problem and he'll say, this is enough. and then the iran deal, well, he didn't make that deal. so it was a bad deal. he makes this deal, it's a good deal. >> so it's about personality. go ahead. >> i was going to suggest if i were kim, if i were talking to m, i'd say sign up for everything. just agree to it all. >> exactly. >> play the long game. this president will either be gone in two years or gone in six years. this guy is not term-limited. and he can agree to everything
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and then just play stall ball, lie, cheat, hide, obfuscate, which is what this regime does very, very well. >> well, bob, the history has shown they did, 2005, committed to abandoning all nuclear weapons. 13 months later, we get the first test. 2008, another big explosion, the cooling plant for nuclear weapons that journalists got invited to see. a year later, a second nuclear test. so history has shown that when deals are made and sanctions relief is given, it has been ended around. >> what we have to look at, in terms of cognitive empathy, we have to put ourselves in kim jong-un's head, and the only thing he has as a deterrent right now is his nuclear weapons. the reason he's in singapore right now is because of his nuclear weapons. he gives them up, he's got nothing. >> he's gadhafi. >> it's the iran deal, it's wto. we're reneging on all these deals. he doesn't trust trump to assure
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his security. he's going to put this down the road and it's a matter of process, just like oslo. >> and gene, kim has now suddenly put a heart out. we're heading to the meeting. trump was intending on staying another 12 hours, but kim said, soon as the meeting's done, i'm out. now trump's moved his departure time up 12 hours. what do you read into that? the fact that kim is now saying, oh, let's extend it, or is he sending a message with that? >> i think both leeaders have te opportunity to extend their stays if things go well. my reaction is, it really is just a photo-op, he's saying, i got what i needed, i'm out of here. >> i got my selfie. i got my stage, i got this moment that is going to be -- i can tell you, it is going to be promoted all over north korean state media. it's going to be on paintings, on stamps. he got his moment, he got his photo-op. >> we'll take a brief break. when we come bac to kim jong-un's hotel, we'll go
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outside there. you saw the barricade, but he'll be coming out in just a few moments, literally in just the next few moments out of the st. regis. plus, trump's gut-check negotiating style, it may have worked in real estate, but is it a model for negotiating a nuclear deal? and angry allies glaring at a defiant looking trump, who looks self-satisfied sitting there. what was happening at that moment? we now know. we'll tell you. discover card. hey, i'm curious about your social security alerts. oh! we'll alert you if we find your social security number on any one of thousands of risky sites, so you'll be in the know. ewww! being in the know is very good. don't shake! ahhh! sign up online for free. discover social security alerts.
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breaking news, we are moments away from the historic summit tonight between president trump and kim jong-un. and i want to go straight to the hotel where kim jong-un is staying. alexander field is right outside. alexander, literally at any moment, he could come out of that hotel ready to head to the summit. >> reporter: that's right. he's getting ready to make this ride to a meeting that will be a defining meeting for north korea's future essentially. we should see him come up that ramp. he's been staying at the five-star st. regis hotel, traveling in a motorcadeith several dozen vehicles in it. we're seeing sig security increasing on the street outside the hotel, a number of north korean guards who have been with him since he touched down in singapore. they wear the red, north korean regime loyalty badges. they're certainly being helped out by the singapore police
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force. we have seen police officers out here this morning. have police officers who are on motorbikes and just in the last few minutes or so, we've seen some officers coming through with sniffer dogs. you can see some of the larger vehicles now starting to come through, all indication that kim jong-un could set out veryy on meeting. this is a meeting, the sif which cannot be overstated. he is accomplishing something here and sitting down with the u.s. president that his grandfather and that his father failed do. once he leaves this hotel, he'll have about a 15-minute journey to the capela hotel on sentosa island. that location was of course selected because it was a place thatelegations from both countries could best be secured for this meeting. we are learning that singapore's navy is also stepping up its patrol in the waters around this island. erin, we'll keep our eyes peeled on the hotel entrance. that's where you should see kim jong-un's motorcade arriving shortly to set out on this journey. we'll bring it to you just as soon as we have it.
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>> we'll be going back to alex in just a moment. in the meantime, my panel is back wouith me. think about kim coming to singapore and we understand he went to high school in switzerland. but as a leader, so in the past, what, nearly 20 years, he's only left the country a few times, twice to china, once to the dmz, not counting the dmz, so he's left the country twice to go to china which is friendly and very different. singapore is this economic marvel that he's been talking about. what is the snifrignificance ofs place to him? >> this is a debutante. this is a coming-out party for kim. it's already been described very, very well. he's getting a world stage. whether it's singapore or it's some place else in the region, or any place internationally, singapore works to his advantage, it's close at hand. he can get there quickly. he's fresh, as you indicated. but this is a global, financial powerhouse. the world converges on singapore as a matter of routine. and he is right there in the
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middle of it. and he is comfortable, and he's being embraced. this is to his great advantage. so that gives him some stature, certainly to the home audience. when you look at this, his home audience is looking at this, and this keeps him in power forever and ever. >> which is a really important thing to say. bob, the thing is, we know kim is very paranoid, his security preps here have been epic, not just talking about the motorcade and everything else we've been seeing. but there's an opportunity here that u.s. intelligence, for example, has never had before, to find things out about him. right? u.s. intelligence, we do have a presence up at the dmz with our troops. but this, singapore, is extremely different than china or the dmz. >> absolutely. north korea is a hermit kingdom and intelligence on north korea is abysmal. it always has been. you can't put agents in. he's going to come out, he's going to bring advisers. give me the list of advisers he brings with him and i'll tell you something about him. how often does he consult them?
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ideally, i'd like to wire his room to see if he has a bad temper. and there are rumors that he'so doesn't get samples of you know what, because you can tell a lot. >> you can tell if they're sick, you can tell if they have some sort of dependency on some sort of substance. you would get all that information. >> and that's what we've done for years and years. and it pays off. >> it's stunning, when you think about an opportunity like this has come up to learn some basic, but very important things about the north korean leader that we've never had the opportunity to do before. >> yeah. it's an opportunity, but don't think the north koreans don't understand that, and there are lots of things they can do to limit that opportunity. so i wouldn't get too excited about it. i think you're likely to learn more about him and the others with him through the discussions you have with them. because my experience in dealing with north koreans for 20 years is, the more you talk to them, the more you understand what's
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going on in their heads. and the more you understand what their interests are. >> the location of this, we're talking about how trump is disadvantaged in a physical but important sense. we talk about the jet lag going from north america to asia, is about as bad as it can get because your nights and days are flipped. kim jong-un meanwhile was took an air china flight to singapore. the north korean state carrier flew two planes from north korea and the air china flight. the nkorean carrier, his planes about 40 years old. so air china comes in and helps him out with this plane that's going to be reliable. and it, i think, happened to be a boeing. what does this say about china's influence on kim jong-un? that he had to turn to them at this moment and they were there to help him? >> china does remain the economic life line for north korea. and i actually look at this a little bit differently. when i looked at that picture and i saw kim jong-un on the
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cover of the main party paper, the main newspaper in north korea, and they did show very clearly that air china plane, which is a 747, which has star alliance logo on it. so i know, i was in north korea last year, and one of the things the north koreans were asking me, what's happening with the relationship between our country and china? they were very concerned. they look at their state media and saying, we're reading between the lines and we sense some tension. by showing pictures of him in that plane, he's reassuring his people, china still loves me, we are on better terms now. but also dangling the prospect of broader economic engagement with the outside world with that star alliance logo prominently displayed on that plane. so a lot of little signs here, as somebody who reads this stuff closely. that's what i look at as well. but it's an acknowledgement to
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china as well, that they play an important role. it's an acknowledgement to china that they are keeping them in mi mind, because china is nervous about being left out of the loop. >> and they're the biggest beneficiary if u.s. troops withdraw, or denuclearization, the country benefitting the most is china. >> it's china. if everything turns to a level of normalcy we've never seen before, china's concerned that the capital of that peninsula, if there were to be reunification, it would be in seoul, not pyongyang. china doesn't want that. so that's why i don't see the additional step of reunification happening. >> not gonna happen. >> what do you make ever tof th that kim jong-un has been reading "art of the deal" and also "fire and fury." >> he's probably confused about
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donald trump. he's unpredictable and impulsive, studying to see what he can get out of him. il bet you he read his briefing ok on trump and a lot of them. thank you all very much. we're moments away from the first motorcade and trump's motorcade could be coming in the next half hour. as we see the procession of the pomp and circumstance, we'll have that for you. and we have the details behind this picture. we know what was happening at that moment. and the basic rule of negotiating, trump lowering expectations ahead of the north korean summit. >> well, i think the minimum would be relationship. we'll see what happens. hi.i just wanted to tell you that chevy won a j.d.power
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the summit in singapore. that's the picture you see there. if you haven't seen it yet, it's the german chancellor standing, staring at president trump, who looks, depends on your perspective, maybe smug, maybe satisfied. he's the only one sitting, certainly his arms are crossed. michelle kosinski is "outfront." you now know what was going on at the exact moment that photo was taken. what was it? >> definitely looks contentious, and that defensive posture of arms crossed. but it's a split second in time. you never know was it really contentious. now we know that it was. multiple diplomatic sources say the meetings with president trump were very intense. they were difficult. and at this particular time, they were trying to hash out what was going to go in the communiqué, the joint statement by the g7 that at the end is supposed to show unity. so there were points on which the u.s. disagreed. president trump particularly doesn't like the world trade organization. he thinks it's unfair to the
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u.s. he didn't want any mention of it in the final communiqué. so they did reach a compromise. instead they talked about rules-based international trading. also, you often hear president trump talk about reciprocal trade, when he's talking about trying to level the playing field. he wanted that in there, in particular. allies did not feel the same. the compromise on that language was free, fair, mutually beneficial trade, while creating reciprocal benefit. so you can see how everything hinges on the placement of words here. it was a big surprise when trump ended up pulling out of this joint statement after he agreed to be in it. as one diplomat told you today, the wle thing doesn't make sense. >> michelle, thank you very much. i want to go now to the democratic senator from oregon, who sits on the foreign relations committee. senator, in the context of looking at this picture, it seems important to note a senior white house official with direct access to the president is
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thinking, has just told "the atlantic," the trump doctrine is, we're america, b -- bleep -- that is the trump doctrine. what's your reaction? >> well, this is such a diplomatic mess, because it's all about -- it starts with trade, with the developed countries, the countries that have similar labor standards and environmental standards and wages. and it's trade with those countries that made america very prosperous from 1945 to 1975. the things that have been the challenge have been countries having full access to our marketplace, but having very low wages and low environmental standards, and that's china and other friends. but china is the big player here. so canada's a positive partner, europe is a positive partner in trade. china is a problem. so the president is completely off track. >> so during the g7, the president praised trudeau, the prime minister of canada. that, though, suddenly changed
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when trudeau had a news conference which caused this pull-out of the communiqué by trump, because trudeau vowed american tariffs with tariffs of its own. i want to play the sound bite that got trump so angry. >> i have made it very clear to the president that it is not something we relish doing, but it is something that we absolutely will do, because canadians are polite, we're reasonable, but we also will not be pushed around. >> okay, that's how he put it. trump went def con on twitter, saying prime minister justin trudeau of twitter acted meek and mild during or g7 meetings only to give a news conference after i left, saying he will not be pushed around. very dishonest and weak. our tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy. senator, what's your reaction? trudeau comes out in a polite manner but that he'll respond in
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kind. trump came out and called him, meek, mild, dishonest, and weak on twitter. >> trudeau is carrying the same he had in private. announced it in public, the candidate he is going to be firm on this exchange. it's a conversation among long-time, very close allies. this is not a case where america can just simply dictate changes and expect for canada to suffer the consequences. and so i thought it was a very polite response, but i think what you referred to about the white house staff, saying that the trump doctrine is "we're america" -- >> well, it's we're america and then the expletive b word. it's important to make people understand it's more aggressive than that. >> i was going to spare your audience repeating that. but what he means by "we're america," we get to do whatever we want and too bad for the rest of you. you all get in line, i'm the big
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bully here, i'm the puffed-up president trump, and the rest of the world is not having it. europe is not having it. canada is not having it. and the president to be directing all of this bitter exchange towards the wrong target while he's embracing and cozying up to dictators around the world, it's almost beyond belief. >> trump is correct, canada has a 270% tariff over dairy imports. he has a point. there are some serious tariffs from countries that are supposedly our friends. i understand your point of view here is that he's taken it too far. his former senior adviser david axelrod has come out and said something pretty provocative. he's a senior political commentator here at cnn. his comment is, i don't say this casually, at what point do we ask, is the potus off his rocker? is that a fair question, or is that stooping to the same level? >> i will say that just the fact that he's attacking the wrong target suggests he's deeply
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ignorant, deeply misinformed, or he just likes to get angry as part of an ongoing soap opera. certainly we see kind of an instability there. and so it's a concern for all. bu sten, canada, the depending on whose statistics you take, we have a small surplus, or a small deficit in trade with canada. it's a tiny fractio of what we have with mexico. and mexico is a tiny fraction, maybe a seventh of what we have with china. so this is -- this really makes no sense at all, to alienate those who share our values, from whom an exchange of trade has been extremely beneficial to both nations. and not to put your target where it should be, that's on china. how do you explain zte? because suddenly trump's all worried about jobs in china. wouldn't it be great to have a president who was worried about jobs in the u.s.? >> thank you very much. i appreciate your time. >> thank you. next, breaking news, moments away from that departure, as you
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can see, security presence ramping up outside -- this is outside trump's hotel, which is about a half a mile away from kim jong-un, who also is expected to depart momentarily. we'll be watching this. of course it is so much about the pomp and circumstance, you'll see it here live in a moment. trump saying, as soon as he gets to the location, it won't take long for him to size up kim. >> i think within the first minute, i'll know. >> how? >> just my touch, my feel. that's what i do. >> 60 seconds. plus trump's habit of tearing up memos and notes forcing staff to spend hours every day finding the little pieces because sometimes it's in and sometimes it's really shredded, taping them back together.
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new tonight, tearing it up. the president has been ripping up memos, letters, things he's finished reading or does not like. it's causing a major problem for the white house. because by law, the white house must preserve the documents, most of the documents that the president touches. so certainly memos and letters among them. so staffers literally have been going in his trash can and getting his hand-shredded papers and taping them back together with scotch tape. solomon lardy said he was terminated from his job as a records management analyst in march. he says he spent several hours each day with tape, piecing documents back together.
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our white house reporter sarah westwood is "outfront." sarah, you spoke to lardy. what did he tell you about his job, what he was supposed to be doing every day, and how long this had been going on for, the president's destruction of the documents? >> well, president trump apparently has been making life difficult for the people who's job it is to ensure that he complies with the presidential records act, which requires most of the papers a president touches to go to tional archives. i spoke to solomon, who says he and his colleagues spent hours on a nearly daily basis piecing together papers that trump had shredded by hand. lardy likened that pain-staking work to doing an adult puzzle. among the records that trump tore up, memos, invitations, even letters from members of congress, unflattering news stories. those were torn to shreds. the practice of piecing together trump's papers is confined to a small group to ensure it didn't leak out. lardy told me earlier today, we weren't supposed to tell anybody
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if it was negative. it was definitely going to get torn up, but it's a presidential record. trump was warned about his obligations to preserve his documents, but one former white house official tells me the paper tearing is just an old trump habit. >> it's pretty incredible to know what the things were that he was tearing up specifically. but also that it kept happening, he was told not to do it, it was against the law, he didn't care. we've seen him publicly show that this is the way he likes to do things. take a look. >> you know, this was gonna be my remarks. it would have taken about two minutes. but the hell with it. that would have been a little boring. little boring. >> obviously that was tongue in cheek, sarah. but how common is him shredding important documents? >> reporter: well, erin, another former white house official tells me it's something trump does all the time. people who have worked in previous administrations, including solomon lardy say this
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is totally abnormal, something totally inconsistent with federal record keeping laws. you'll remember it wasn't that long ago that trump raled against his former political opponent for her own struggles with document preservation. obviously trump hasn't mastered the document preservation so far. >> thank you very much. next, the president, as i said, we are now awaiting sort of this -- i don't know if it's duelling, but obviously a tiny bit of a delay here on getting out of the hotels. the st. regis for kim, supposed to be the first departure. trump's hotel is on the left. we'll watch the motorcades in just moment, half a mile apart, and soon side by side. we're live in singapore. we came here for the friends.
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breaking news, this is the st. regis, kim jong-un's hotel in singapore. we have just seen his motorcade pulling in to pick him up. soon as that happens, we see him, we see that start to move, obviously i'm here with general spider marks and bob bayer, cia agent. soon as we start to see the motorcade move -- he'll be pulling out momentarily at this point for this one-on-one meeting. the president of the united states has said it will take him 60 seconds to size up kim. that's all that he needs and he'll rely on his touch, he said, and his feeling. and that is it. joining me now, the former trump organization executive jack o'donnell and former trump campaign adviser steve cortez as
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we watch this motorcade. gentlemen, bear with me. if i bring in bob and spider, you'll know why. you worked with trump with one of his casinos. your comment was, when it comes to a deal trump wants, he would say to you, quote, get it at any price. do you feel that that's how things are right now? >> well, he can be over-anxious to get a deal done. but i think he has, to some extent, lowered the expectations in this one. and created a scenario where dialogue going forward is going to be good enough for him. so i think he's probably playing this the way he should at this point. >> steve, is he anxious, over-anxious to get a deal done? that's the big question. here he is in singapore on a 12-hour time change. here's kim with just a six,
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he's got some disadvantages that he's playing from here. how badly does he want this deal? it's a fair question. i don't think he will sacrifice judgment for this deal. the reason kim jong-un is here and negotiating in this way. he's stopped lobbing missiles into the ocean, he returned our hostages, he's not talking craz. why are these things happening, not because he's a good guy, but he's been put in a corner by president trump. we have a negotiator in chief now a businessman. i think that's what's brilliant about this president. the sad part, i can't stand this, a lot of his opponents in america, in media and
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politically. they're rooting against his success. they would rather see trump fail than see america succeed. wouldn't that be an amazing victory? particularly for the young american men who six decades ago, sacrifice their lives and soak so much risk on that peninsula? we have an opportunity here that is amazing because of trump's leadership. >> it will take longer than one day, or one meeting or one year. what do you make about the fact that the president has said it will take one minute, 60 seconds for him to size up kim. you're dealing with cultural, linguistic, many other divides he would have never dealt with in the real estate world. >> when he says one minute, how
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did that work in the past for him? >> it's a silly comment particularly in this scenario. he's not car knack the great, yet his base would think he is, that's really why he made that statement. it won't work in this scenario, i'm sure his advisers understanding his limitations are going to take this to the highest level it's going to be a broad stroke conversation, because that's all he can handle. i hope it doesn't get into an intellectual dialogue between trump and kim. there's a framework at the end of it, that's the most you can expect from trump out of today. >> what do you make of the -- 60 seconds, that's all i need. bravado? >> i think that was hyperbole. it's not unnecessary in negotiations, at times it can be effective. to jack's comment that he is
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somehow going to be intellect l intellectually outmatched, we hear this constantly. i wish i were as dumb as donald trump. the idea that he's dumb or intellectually incapable of this level of diplomacy is absurd. his entire life was succeeding when he couldn't succeed. he's not dumb, he's the opposite, he's a genius who lulls his critics into thinking he's dumb. my guessis, at worst, he's going to come out of this with what we've already achieved. kim jong-un is not sending missiles into the pacific. we have our hostages back. >> three hostages that president trump was able to secure the
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release of, interesting in the annals of history, it was 11 for president obama but he never did it with pomp and circumstance of trump, so we never hear about it. >> please stay with me, i want to bring bob and spider back in. this is outside the st. regis hotel, this is kim jong-un, he's going to be getting in one of these cars momentarily. >> the security in singapore can't get any better. he's got an armored car, the chances of anybody taking a shot are about zero. >> he flew the car in on a north korean plane. >> there's no risk to anybody there. there's probably more risk in washington, d.c., than in singapore. it's a police state. and that's probably one of the reasons why they picked it, but you're still going through the
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motions of protecting the leader. you. >> know better than anybody else, that the motions that the government of singapore put in place are phenomenal. there is a large price tag to all of this, i would suggest there's a playbook they have in place. in this case. they had to put the additional 15% in place plus singapore is a very nice street. we all have seen no gum on the streets. it doesn't seem to be hyperbole. you have been to north korea so many times, know more about kim jong-un than any other foreign journalist. can you tell us what you know.
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the size of these motorcades, it seems to be extremely big, is it? >> reporter: 43 vehicles in the motorcade. i don't know if there are that many vehicles in this motorcade, he has a huge staff. so many security officers, photographers capturing his every move. in many ways, it's the same as when he travels around north korea. eye black stretch limousine. that's what he's traveling in here. singapore is spending 15 million u.s. dollars for this summit, including some large contribution contributions to pay the way of the north koreans, from a cash strapped country. even inside the can't he has a very large security detail around him.
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>> sometimes we've been through five hours of security at an event where he might show up. you're seeing that similar treatment here, for a 30 minute drive to the summit. the handshake will happen just over an hour from now. >> it is pretty stunning, you think about 43 vehicles. we now understand white house staffers are loading up their motorcade, and we all know -- if you've ever been in one of those as a journalist. you get the staffers and the journalists in first. now it's this sort of who goes first. >> he's going as an equal. he's a nuclear power now, he's a world player, and this is what this summit is about. he's arrived, and he's bringing all the cars, the security, the guys in the suits. all the rest of it, i mean, he's taken north korea?
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a matter of a couple months and brought it on the world stage, and he's playing the part. >> that's the big question here, right? kim jong-un has always wanted to talk to an american president, trump is allowing it to happen. that's a risk, but also a great opportunity for president trump. here we are, it is -- two equals, two hotels, two motorcades, it looks like they're starting on the security. >> this is unprecedented. kim has achieved a platform that he otherwise wouldn't have achieved. it's not just president trump's rhetoric that has pushed him into the corner, this is a confluence of things that have occurred. what kim has achieved his grandfather and father could not have eved. missile technology, nuclear technology, now we have to ascribe to them the ability to weapon a nuke. we have a president that is interested in how he's going to be presented and accepting on this global stage as well.
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this is president trump's big chance, this is kim's big chance. >> they're both getting something out of it. >> look at these two motorcades, it's incredible, you realize how much of a reality tv show it is, but obviously, of such historic import. our special coverage of the special summit continues now with ac 360. it is just before 8:00 a.m. here in singapore, any minute now, president trump will leave his hotel and travel south by motorcade to another hotel, where he'll become the first american president, sitting american president to sit down with a north korean dictator with kim and each side's interpreters in the room.
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that's a view right outside the hotel of kim john eun. president trump is expected to leave a short time after kim jong-un. the summit's goal right now unclear. the president described it as a getting to know you pleating plus. lately his advisers have been aiming higher. the president tweeted a number of tweets early in the morning. the fact that i'm having a meeting is a major loss for the u.s. we have our hostages, testing, research and all missile launches have stopped. and these pundits who have called me wrong from the beginning have nothing else they can say, we will be fine. the president a few misspellings in the word missile and others. over the weekend he said he'll know in the first minute by feel and t
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