tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 11, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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that's a view right outside the hotel of kim john eun. president trump is expected to leave a short time after kim jong-un. the summit's goal right now unclear. the president described it as a getting to know you pleating plus. lately his advisers have been aiming higher. the president tweeted a number of tweets early in the morning. the fact that i'm having a meeting is a major loss for the u.s. we have our hostages, testing, research and all missile launches have stopped. and these pundits who have called me wrong from the beginning have nothing else they can say, we will be fine. the president a few misspellings in the word missile and others. over the weekend he said he'll know in the first minute by feel and touch if kim is serious
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about denuclearization. although, the definition may be different for north korea than it is for the u.s. he left the meeting having just dismissed some of our oldest and closest allies. jeff zeleny joins us with a quick rundown on how this is expected to play out. >> we have not seen this ever before. a sitting president sitting down, shaking hands with the leader of north korea. it's the one on one meeting that has led them to this point. president trump eager to have this meeting even as his advisers were saying, there's not time to set this up. the president disregarded all of
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that, he's here in singapore. we're going to see a lot of differences. president trump turns 72 years old this week. kim jong-un some 34 years old, differences in many ways, but the age difference here will certainly be front and center, we do know for all the president's been saying, he's not been preparing. he's been reading up on kim jong-un and his grandfather as well. look for conversations about family history, perhaps. at the center of all of this, the president wants to persuade kim jong-un that it's in his interest to relinquish his nuclear program. >> jeff, it would be an understatement to say there's a lot riding ons meeting, both for president trump and kim jong-un, although for kim jong-un he's achieved already what his father and grandfather did not and longed for, which was a legitimizing of meeting
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the president of the united states, of being on the world stage with other world leaders. >> he has indeed, anderson, he's won in many respects. i was out on the streets of singapore last evening as kim jong-un was essentially going around and seeing the sites. he rarely if ever leaves his regime. he rarely leaves nth korea, there he was getting somewhat of a positive welcome here he has won in many respects, because he's on the world stage, everyone is watching this meeting. president trump is trying to ease concern of allies. he's had conversations with shinzo abe of japan. conversations with the leader of south korea as well. this is something the president is trying to reassure others that everything will go nine in this meeting. for 45 minutes, a one on one conversation with translators only is going to set the table for how the rest of the day will
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unfold. then their advisers will come in and work for a few hours, and then they are scheduled to have a working lunch. >> we'll continue to check in with you, jeff. the pictures you're seeing right now. the st. regis hotel. not too far from where president trump is staying as well. the kim motorcade will be leaving first we're told. it's all lined up, the security here is extraordinary tight. president trump has left his hotel, it was initially we've been told that kim would leave his hotel first. president trump we're told has left his hotel. alexander field is at the st. regis where kim jong-un and his
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entourage could be departing as well. how long will it take for the entourage to get to the location? >> well, the meeting starts at k509, they're going to have to leave here shortly. it's about 10 kilometers away, we estimate between 15 minutes and half an hour. you assume they'll be able to move through these streets quickly, evidence of that, the fact that this street is shut down. really the spotlight on kim jong-un achieving something his father could not achieve and his grandfather. this sitdown with the acting president of the united states. there is a lot of security out here, anderson police officers are keeping the crowds back right now. a lot of people stopping, hoping to get a glimpse of kim jong-un making his way through the streets of the city of singapore.
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something that seemed inconceivable months ago and weeks ago. can you see the motorcade moving forward now, there will be dozens of vehicles at the lead. you have police on a motorbike, followed by police vehicles we should soon see kim jong-un emerging in a limo. this convoy has two limo scenes, it's never clear which one kim jong-un is in. it's sort of that iconic image, you saw it during the north korea/south korea summit. you saw it while kim jong-un has been here. he makes his way to this meeting that did certainly seem unlikely. this is a new era for kim jong-un, he's called it that, state news in north korea has called this the possibility of a
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new era we've seen the emergence of a dictator who was an incredibly reclusive figure just months ago, now in singapore ready to meet the american president. he's travelled to meetouth korean president, and spotted throughout singapore. he was greeted by the foreign minister, when he arrived here, he went to visit with the prime minister, and then in a surprising move, the motorcade picked him up last night after dark, and he was given a sight seeing tour of singapore. there was even a selfie with singapore's foreign minister. this is the moment that he waited for. the opportunity to come face to face with the president, we've said it so often anderson. what comes of this meeting will have too do with the chemistry between these two men. the goals have been established. the united states, the administration saying they're
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seeking the complete verifiable, irreversible dismantlement of nuclear weapons. not able to have any concrete agreement from north korea on the action they would take. this is about u.s. and north korean relations, it's about the issue of denuclearization, it's about a mechanism for security on the men ins la, so we're just minutes away it seems from seeing how this all plays out, and we know president trump believes that he'll know how it's going to play out within just the first minute, anderson? >> i want to go next to vanisha tank. on the right sid ofour screen, we may start to see the president's motorcade. we believe that the president's motorcade may emerge from under that bridge there. that's on the right-hand side of your screen. on the left is outside of kim
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jong-un's hotel there. where it looks like the motorcade is preparing the outriders, but has not gotten underway yet. the beginning of the president's motorcade, some advanced singaporean advance vehicles. >> as we get a look at president trump's motorcade give us an idea of the island. >> let's agree, that behind every big action. begins with thought, there's a wonderful thought behind this. sentosa is derived from the word peace. what a great positive place to begin. this is a resort island behind
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me. it's set off by the mainland of singapore. to the left of me, i can see a number of patrols that hav picked up over the course of the morning, to the right of me is that one bridge that connects the land, that is where we will see the motorcade go past, we've just seen a number of motorbikes swoop up that road. it's been quite remarkable actually, how the forces are able to shut down these roads so quickly, to allow these motorcades through and shut them down again. in terms of how far this is from the hotel, yes, we're talking about a 15 to 30 minute drive. i would say cut that down to 15 or so. with all those roads clear, it's easy to get down here on singapore's road system. >> i want to let you know, that is president trump's motorcade there it's our first glimpse we're getting of it, we saw some
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of those motorcycle advance riders, there is the president's limousine as it heads to entosa island. there is just one road from singapore to the island itself. it's a place that can be secured much more easily than the rest of this city here. given that there is one road. there's also cable cars that go. the president's motorcade moving slowly. we haven't seen president trump out and about, at all. certainly on the streets in singapore. he met with the prime minister of singapore yesterday, and also some diplomatic personnel. he's also meeting with his team at the hotel. we did see those remarkable images of kim jong-un going for a walk about yesterday. down by the gardens, by the way and also to a hotel, where he
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was surrounded by bodyguards. you see the president's very long motorcade as it heads toward sentosa island. kim jong-un has yet to depart from the hotel but there are certainly a lot of people who are anxious to see what goes on, that the timing of all this. that's the view outside kim jong-un's hotel, the timing of this is about 9:00, when the meeting is supposed to begin, the handshake is supposed to begin. >> and that, of course, will be an historic moment, i want to -- as we continue to look at these images, i want to be joined by jim sciutto many hard to overstate how unusual, historic, unprecedented and unclear how this moment is going to go. >> let's start with the
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unprecedented. as we watch this mobilization. >> kim jong-un is -- i'm sorry. >> sure. >> you see his motorcade has just started to begin. we're told he's leaving the hotel. so jim, i'm sorry, continue as we continue to watch this. >> now you have the north korean leader mobilizing, moving toward this meeting with the u.s. president. we saw the president mobilizing toward this meing, these discussions. remember, just a few months ago we were talking about an entirely different kind of mobilization. a mobilization for war. the prospect of military action raised very publicly by this president, also we know, we've reported private discussions, very serious discussions about taking military action against north korea. that's just a few months ago, now these two leaders who have described each other in the most
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unfriendly, most bridge rent terms, are going to be sitting across from each other, talking about the possibility of a lasting peace. . the uncertain part is what rt, exactly they're going to agree to today if anything in hard terms, we're going to have to watch a statement, assuming they agree on a written statement for the language thats used. is the word denuclearization in there? that would be a concession for the north koreans to commit to that publicly. what is the definition of denuclearization. does it include the whole peninsula? this is a phrasing that the secretary of state used yesterday. denuclearization of the peninsula, does that mean that the u.s. makes a commitment to lift the nuclear umbrella from south korea which is essential and quite important to its own security. jim, this is the same motorcade
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from two different angles. there you see on the left-hand side, you see the start oe motorcade from the right-hand side you see an angle further back. this is an extraordinary moment, whatever comes of it, and that's one of the things that makes it so extraordinary, we really have no idea what i going to go on in that meeting between these two world leaders. >> we don't, and we've heard parameters of both sides talking about what they want to achieve. once the two leaders get into that room together with their translators. it's going to be up to them. i'm captivated by the choreography of it all, as you describe the different motorcades. i have read somewhere that protocol is incredibly
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important. and who is in the room first is quite significant. apparently who's in the room first goes to the senior head of state, the senior member of the meeting, and potentially, if donald trump, he'll be in the meeting room first, and then the leader of north korea will come in. you can see at least in the departures, president trump has left first and may be there ready to meet and welcome kim jong-un when he gets there, i think that's really interesting. look, i was just -- david sanger of the new york times is here as well. >> yes. >> i just remember as if it was yesterday when president reagan got in a room on his own with the leader of the soviet union. chairman gore about a clav in '86 in reykjavik iceland. that meeting didn't go well. president reagan was criticized
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heavily by his own side for giving away the shop i'm not saying that's what's going to happen today. it's only 45 minutes on, perhaps their ministers can come in and speak to what was said in that crucial first meeting. >> it's one of the things you've been looking at, david sanger. president trump has said he's prepared his whole life for this. do you we knowow much kim jong-un knows of details of a nuclear policy? >> we know from secretary pompeo, that kim jong-un seems to know his brief and understand the structure of the north
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korean nuclear program in quite some detail. and remember, this program is the legacy of his father and grandfather. particularly important to him is the grandfather. he's gone out of his way to remind his people of the founder of. >> it was said he may have potentially combined weight in order to resemble his grandfather more. >> how could that play in today. >> in 1992, hisfather was still alive, the last two years of his life. north korea and south korea signed a denuclearization agreement. and an agreement to basically move toward much more normal relations, i'm old enough, that i covered that as a young reporter in asia. and at the time it l like peace was at hand.
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at the time, north korea didn't actually have any nuclear weapons. today they have 20 to 60, and a vastly larger nuclear setup than they did. >> so one possibility is that president trump goes back and reminds kim jong-un of what his grandfather agreed to. and goes back to wording very similar to the 1992 accord which would be easier for him to handle because it was his grandfather. >> we're told president trump has arrived. as you continue watching, we're watching this empty road, it's been cleared by police, by authorities as we id, security's extraordinarily tight. your expectaon is what for this initial meeting.
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there had been talk a while ago that this meeting could go on for two hours. it's hard to know how each is going to play this. >> it's a momentum stage. having worked on korean issues for many decades i didn't think i would see this day, so it is moving to be here with you all, watching it unfold right in front of us. what do i expect? i think personal chemistry is important, and that's really being the strength of president trump. >> why is that so important with kim jong-un. >> you know, whenever i've talked to north koreans they say nothing can be resolved on our level. you and i we can meet 200 times,
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and nothing can be resolved. these issues can only be resolved at leaders level. and i don't know how many times i've heard that north koreans way more than us are getting their wish. and you got to believe that, they're getting their wish to get their point of view heard by united states. >> that's one thing that governor bill richardson who has been to north korea a number of times had said. who said the deals aren't done at the negotiating table. it's for statements or discussion many. >> you would know better than me, it seems to me that usually the negotiations are done and then the leaders come, meet and shake. i think also, it's massicively important, this idea of trust we heard from moon-jian of south
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korea. this trust that's never been addressed. with the best will in the world, these kinds of meetings have to establish a baseline of some kind of trust, perhaps the meeting at this time toward the two leaders can help that issue. >> there is no trust. so what is it that we should look for to see, yes, they're building trust. one of them is opening -- i would call liaison offices, these are diplomatic outposts. >> there's currently no diplomatic representation in sw. >> that's a good confidence building measure, he cannot be taken away easily. once you set up, move people there, that's the beginning of a
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trust building. and so i want to see some of that coming up. >> humanitarian assistance. do we promise the humanitarian assistance, even cultural dance troopscoming. remember ping-pong diplomacy, all those are part of trust that needs to be built up. >> just the beginning of jim jo jong-un's motorcade. >> it did lead to a little bit more political and nuclear negotiations between the bush administration and kim jong-il his father's administration, after a period of time that collapsed. >> it's not just a lack of trust, it's a different definition of terms, of terminology. >> you're talking about denuclearization.
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they're talki about the denuclearization of the korean peninsula. >> this gets right to the point that joe was making about why only leaders could go do this. when we talk about it, we talk about only what we need the north koreans to give up. in their view, we have bombers and ships off the north korean coast that could hit them at any time. this 1 going to hit a very critical and hard issue for president trump. a remarkable forethought he had, he wants to see our nuclear forces built back up, he said so himself. we can reach north korea with
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missiles in nebraska and the dakotas, we don't need to have those ships around. >> the president is going to have to make a hard decision about how broadly to include america's role in denuclearization. if you remove the nuclear umbrella. something we discussed with him during the campaign. that could then trigger a nuclear arms race as south korea and japan seek their own weapons. that's a fine line he has to walk-through. >> the desires and concerns of north korea, and japan. there's still a short range, medium range which could hit japan there's also issues, japan is interested in the return of people who were kidnapped by japan in north korea. >> this is gentleman
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participate's big fear. they'll get sold out along the way here. they didn't get deeply involved in this north koreans have been able to hit in north korea and south koand japan. as you say, the abductees, a huge political issue in japan, it's onef the reasons you saw abe come too see president trump last week, to remind him that his issues have to be represented as well. >> in fact, there are only 12 abductees that we know about. that's a rather small number for the obsession that japan has with this. i recall quickly how japan's obsession with this is why the meeting didn't go right in 2003. nuclearization of this area, that's what the prime minister of singapore voiced to me his
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concern, south korea, japan may be forced to go nuclear, if the united states decides to pull its forces and its umbrella back. that would be a shift in the balance of power, the balance of forces and you have what may may not lap in the middle east. the idea of trying -- deciding whether to remove u.s. forces has so many sort of -- it's got to be a concern for allies, south korea and japan, given -- there you see kim jong-un's motorcade, you can see some -- i believe that's north korean state television sticking out of the vehicle. the entourage for kim has extensive state media coverage. they have almost as many videographers and photographers as they do bodyguards and
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security personnel in their entourage. they have been very quick to turn video around of kim n. there you see the welcome to the island, the island where this is taken. it's rare in north korea -- you can hear birds early in the morning here as the sun is rising. it's rare in north korea for north korean media to be reporting on an event like this while it's still taking place. >> absolutely, very rare. even yesterday they talked about denuclearization. our leader is going to this huge meeting in singapore to meet the leader of the united states, to talk about peace and denuclearization. that was very unusual. i think going back to what christian said earlier, when we look at the interests of neighbors, japanese interests as christi christianne said. don't forgets the real problem
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throughout decades, the problems have not been all the same. they've all wanted denuclearization, but priority very different. >> china's interests as well. >> absolutely, china, they wants denuclearization. >> a unified north and south korea oriented toward the west is a concern. >> it's not good news for them. >> and same with russia. for russia, a nuclear north korea has been a good annoyance for the united states. they want to keep on it. they want nonproliferation, but they would rather have u.s. preoccupied. >> you get the sense of china's power in all this. kim jong-un flu on a plane pried
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by china about. >> i don't blame him for not flyingn north korean airlines. i don't blame him. the chinese are interested mostly in the status quo right now, and to some degree, this is why kim jong-un is a double winner before they even turn out a communique. he's being shown on par with the president of the united states. the president of the united states flew halfway around the world to meet with the leader of this repressive country. showing the level of respect that kim thinks he's due. just because he's engaged in this process, the chinese have begun to lift the sanctions. the pressure is coming off, even though he hasn't agreed to a thing. >> the u.s. had been talking
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about maximum pressure and maintaining maximum pressure, putting that back together would be hard if we just get north korea and the united states into a head lock here, where they're in a discussion, even if it takes forever. president trump can't go and do a unilateral attack while he's talking to a country. that was their b fear last summer. >> i want to go to jeff zeleny who's getting information kbt meeting ahead and planning by the u.s. jeff? >> every detail has been over with the president. one item, how big should he smile. he doesn't want to have too welcoming a greeting, because it am be used as propaganda against
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the u.s. i'm told by one senior u.s. official, the president is keeping in mind the family of otto warmbier. he was killed in north korea last year, that's one of the things i'm told going through the president's mind right now. he's aware of all these images as well. that will be a fascinating moment when we see the two at that photo opportunity coming here. but for all the talk of not a lot of planning and preparation. there's been a lot of conversations about the detail and significance of every single moment. anderson. >> we're told kim jong-un has arrived at the venue. both leaders where the meeting is going to take place. the handshake took around 9:00 a.m. local time. we're going to pick up the conversation shortly, hear from someone who knows firsthand what it's like to meet the north koreans firsthand.
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bill richardson joins us as our coverage continues. o or is it? this farmer's morning starts in outer space. where satellites feed infrared images of his land into a system built with ai. he uses watson to analyze his data with millions of weather forecasts fr the cloud, and iot sensors down here, for precise monitoring of irrigation. it's a smart way to help increase yields, all before the rest of us get out of bed. but climbing 58,070 steps a year can be hard on her feet, knees, and lower back. that's why she wears dr. scholl's orthotics. they're clinically proven to relieve pain and give you the comfort to move more. dr. scholl's, born to move. until her laptop her sacrashed this morning.eks, having it problems? ask a business advisor how to get on demand tech support for as little as $15 a month. this week get boise case paper for only $29.99
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they will greet one another and then step inside and talk. bill richardson is a former department of energy secretary. he's especially welcome on this occasion. governor richardson, first of all, i understand you spoke to secretary pompeo ahead of this summit, can you say what if any advice you gave him? >> well, the advice i gave hs - respectfully, i had not gotten any calls in the administration, but he did call. and i commend him for that. i've had a little experience. he basically said, what parameters i thought the north koreans were going to be ready to negotiate. i said, they're not going to fully denuclearize, but i think you can get some good agreements on dismantling missiles.
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you can do something on human rights. he also asked a little bit about kim jong-un. i said, well, i haven't met him, but i think what you want to do the president and possibly yourself, take him aside, build some trust, get to know each other. and i said to him, you have to pin him down. the north koreans never say yes. they never say no either. they keep you strung along. and it's clear that you have to have time lines, my last point was, look, what is most important to avoid some of the problems of negotiations in the past you have to have verification standards. a lot of inspectors. have them do an inventory of their nuclear and missile sites. don't forget about human rights. try to help the japanese with
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their abductees. we have 5,000 remains of our iers from the korean war, these are kids 17 to 21. when i was in -- governor, i brought back seven of those remains for president bush and his administration. this is a very important meeting that also i think can deal with some of the issues relating to normalizing the relation ship. have people travel back and forth. north koreans love basketball. mo importantly, i commend them for having this initial meeting. between the president and kim jong-un alone. get to know each other, feel each other out. they're not going to pin each other down on the real substance of nuclear stuff, it's more of a matter of a personal relationship, which for the north koreans is critical.
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>> governor richardson, i appreciate your expertise on this, i'm going to end it here, i have some news i just learned. just being told that larry kudlow president trump has just tweeted that larry kudlow has had a heart attack. the tweet reads our great larry kudlow has just suffered a heart attack, he's now at walter reed medical center. that tweet just being sent from president trump. larry kudlow just appeared on jake tapper's show describing his feelings about what happened at the g-12 summit. he's recently gone to the white house, we'll continue to try to follow up on any information that we hear. president trump tweeting that larry cuddler i suffering a heart attack, and right now he's in walter reid medical center. i want to put up the tweet
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actually nown the screen. our great larry kudlow, who's been working so hard in trade and the economy, has suffered a heart attack, he's now in walt irread medical center, our thoughts and prayers are with him and his family. at this time, we'll continue to keep you informed about that. kudlow obviously not part of the team i want to bring back in governor richardson. i was reading an account of a meeting kim jong-il had with madeleine albright. he didn't need to go to his officials on his nuclear prog m program. kim jong-un does not have the same level of experience as kim jong-il. do you think he has that level of knowledge about his nuclear program?
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>>. >> i met the father very briefly, and madeleine albright had a substantive meeting with him. i think the difference between the two is the father, when we negotiated prisoners with his staff,american the father was kind a rug merchant. okay, you want these prisoners back, i want to see president clinton or president carter come and ask for them. he was a trader, he was trading like that. i think kim jong-un is more. i think he has an end game. he's looking at things more broadly, he wasn't settling for foreign assistance handouts, he wants to modernize his economy, infrastructure, energy grid. i think he's achieved what he wants. and that's full military capability with his missiles, his nuclear materials. he feels that now he's gotten what he wants.
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a world stage presence with the president of the united states, they always would say to me, the north koreans, look, we, the united states and north korea should settle what's happening here in asia. not china, not japan, not south korea. we're the big guys with nuclear weapons. he's achieved that. in the past, moving the discussions from the bottom up, special negotiators, that hasn't worked. from the top down, i think this is a unique dynamic that might work. and i'm hopeful it will. >> governor richardson, appreciate you being with us. >> when we come back, the latest from here, and the latest on the president's economic adviser, larry kudlow. your manufacturing business.eryf & so this won't happen. because you've made sure this sensor
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attack, being treated at walter reed medical center. very surprising, disturbing news about mr. >> no question. and it has taken staffers by surprise. this is an example of its almost certainly not the president tweeting himself, but one of his handle if you will. >> he is the chief economic adviser, has been on board since april, and has been at the president's side and the forefront of his economic policy. we last saw him on state of the union here on sunday. he was extremely worked up about what happened at the g-7. some aids thought he was uncharacteristically worked up by that. we have no reason to know if
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that was related to his condition now. the president keeping an eye on that, might be slightly unusual he tweeted out that news. that's how the president likes to convey information. this is something the president will be thinking about. >> talk about the people the president has with him for this trip. mike pompeo. the chief of staff, general kelly and others. >> those will be some of the people who are in this expanded meeting that is coming up after the one on one meeting. sara sanders will be joining that meeting as well, as some other advisers for the national security council who are in charge of the asia portfolio if you will, interestingly, mike pompeo be at this meeting as will john bolton.
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he has the long he was view with the regime. north korea has referred to john bolton as a blood sucker. -- his comments about libya almost sank the summit in the first place. the president wants to show he's not going to leave any of his advisers on the sideline. he was not in the office a couple weeks ago, when his top deputy visited washington. again, the first meeting we're going to see is that one on one meeting. one thing that keeps coming up, this is one thing that the u.s. is still working on behind the scenes, is there going to be a statement that comes out, signed by both leaders, both countries. and what is the u.s. going to
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give in that? that is one of the sticking points i'm told, mike pompeo gave a press conference leer yesterday and would not answer questions about that specifically, whatted u.s. will give up, keep an eye on that, also, with the definition of denuclearization, and verifiable. the secretary of state repeated that over and over opinion we're going to see the substance of this so very important. they're goi try to have a joint statement. we'll see if that happens, anderson. >> just minutes away from the meeting with these two leaders. given all the time you spend in at the extent and the information that the north koreans are broadcasting this is unprecedented. normally, any major event at least 24 hours tonight.
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and here we have kcna providing minutes away. it is extraordinary, a huge press preference here. and it goes to show, i think the fact that they are talking about the summit inside north korea even before it happened, there is some degree of confidence that this is going to go well. conversation i had with a north korean official essentially told me it will go well. having not go well is not an option. and in fact it already has gone well in a sense when you think about tat kim jong-un is going to get what the two predecessor leaders wanted. no matter what happens, he wins. >> the security concern of north korea obviously passed u.s. administrations have tried to give security guarantees to
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north korea. mike pompeo has been talking about going further than what has happened in the past, unclear what that means. >> i think in the past, you are right, what we have tried to do is what we call give negative insurance. we will not attack you first. and this time, what might be talking about is end of war declaration. that means we don't have a military option. that is new than the previous one which is more blanket and this one is more specific. end of war declaration has implications. united states has 29,000 troops inside south korea in case war
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happens. in case war u.s. general has command. what happens to the command structure? and of course un command. there were 16 u.n. countries involved. in the war, that is not finished. what happens to them. our preference in washington has always been let's discuss this step by step and not come out with a declaration and saying it is done. it needs to be thought out with lawyers with u.n. and with allies and other be-li be-ling be-lingerants. >> whave heard kim say to his own people, i am now under the barrier of being protected by our weapons program. i now want to turn to economic development of this country and if i am not mistaken, he
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apologized to the people during latest messages for not having got there yet and this is part of it. what does economic development mean? does it mean completely open up the country, open up to some kind of arab spring kind of thing. >> that would be a huge concern. >> well, huge concern, so i think they want everything to happen, but look, him getting out of the car. >> kim jong-un arriving. >> and i will say to will's point, remember when he went to china. you only knew he was there -- >> after the trip ended. >> yeah. people were seeing the trains and people were guessing. and there he is with kim yong cho. >> and also their main negotiator, vice minister.
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who was the one who wrote the last letter, i think the technical phrase political dummy and she was not expecting that message to result president trump cancelling the meeting. >> kim jong-un though -- we are going to take a look at his arrival again, he has not been in office very long but he has a deep bench of negotiators who have been around for quite some time. >> i don't know what to call it, but one drawback of democracy, you change people often. and unfortunately or fortunately, it is a system we have. and they have the same people, like the lady we were talking about. doing this since geneva in 1994. >> you talked about the economic
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aide, and i was talking with william perry in seoul. and he said above any economic incentives paramount to the north koreans is security guarantee. never take economic aide over guarantee that kim jong-un was going to stay in power. >> opening up on the economic front is potential danger to his power. >> not only danger but their justification for 50 years of suffering has been that they will have nuclear weapons. strong state to give it up for material goods. he has to forge a narrow tricky path between seemingly making u. and initial community happier by giving some, but while making sure he retains domestic support and justification for the
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suffering of the last 50 years. >> and the idea of self-reliance is preached in north korea. >> it has b this other picture getting out, and no smiles there. not looking like he is waving or smiling. >> we are about three minutes away from the actual hand shake. they will obviously, that is the photo op, they will be shaking hands and then going to a private meeting with their translator. >> on the economic front, he has opened up slightly, this little market economies. the elite gets more and more well off and it does translate and filter out into some of the outer echelons beyond the capitol, but you are right, it is pride and adderation is
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paramount. >> i don't t kim jong-un had the internal power group around him to have made peace with the united states at that point. since then, you see the reshuffling. now he has a team in place that has given him authority to essentially snap his fingers and from one day race towards nuclear weapons to this race of economic development. >> he moved quickly. >> it has been reported more than 140 people were executed. north koreans have told me that corrupt officials are dealt with accordingly. no apologies of getting rid of people if they are accused of corruption and the key inside is loyalty. and all about loyalty. anybody who is not 100% loyal,
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they are out. >> what did you make about the walk about at the hotel, which is allegedly, the half brother liked to eat. and the half brother was killed. >> he has built up his image domestically, smiling, shaking hands and you are seeing it out. and people are growing to like him as we see more of him. >> even in south korea. >> after that meeting, with the south korean leaders, 10% trust to more than 60%. >> that is extraordinary. >> kim jong-un will come out and shake hands and then retreat to a private room where they will meet with translators and talk.
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will ripley, christian amanpour thank you very much. >> i am chris cuomo, and welcome to prime time. and it is just before 9:00 a.m. on tuesday morning in singapore and we will see president trump of the united states and kim jong-un of north korea come face to face. historic. first time any u.s. president has met with a leader of north korea. only full denuclearization will be acceptable. that vehicle holds, the president of the united states. he will be exiting that vehicle and coming to meet the north korean leader. on north korea side, what do they want? high on the list is a meeting just like this.
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the president of the united states donald trump. we anticipate a hand shake. and then as anderson was telling you, the the real moment happens, one-on-one meeting, no policy people, no protection. just the leaders of the two countries. how long will it go? minutes, hours? will we know what happened in there? there is a lot of anticipation, a lot at stake. let'sring back anderson cooper in singapore, history unfolding as we speak. >> photographers getting in place. that hand shake about to take place any moment now. and as you said, chris, we won't know the details of what they discussed except when president trump decides to talk about it afterwards, not going to be as far as we know, a recording or any minutes taken of the
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