tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 12, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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president trump's hand finally loom large. jeanne moos, ew york. >> got to give both credit for that. managed to get those pens to dominate and then the sister is there, and switcheroo. anderson starts now. first came the handshake and it was not easy getting the com. good evening from singapore. capping the first u.s. north korea summit ever. at the same time questions are growing about what was signed as well as what the president was saying what was signed and doing. is the president trading concrete concessions for vague commitment on nuclear
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disarmaments? >> the president isw. >> thent statement does not say that and i am quoting, to work toward complete denuclearization of korean p peninsula. halting joint military exercises with our allies. something the president refers to as war games. >> we will be stopping the war games unless and until we see the future negotiation is not going a like it should. but we'll be saving a tremendous amount of money plus i think it is very provocative. >> that came as a surprise in seoul. andompeo is on its way there.
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senator marco rubio says or going overboard. take a look at what president trump has said about kim jong-un over the past 24 hours. the same man he was calling little rocket man a few months ago. >> great personality, very talented. >> great personality and very smart. good combination. >> funny guy. loves his people. loves his country. >> very smart guy. >> we've had a really great term together and great relationship. >> great negotiator. >> i think he wants to do a great job for north korea. >> wants to do what is right. >> he trusts me. >> i think he likes me and i like him. >> very worthy, very smart negotiator and we had a terrific day. >> well the president also said he will at the appropriate time
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invite kim to the white house. put a twist on that replacing the word appropriate with kim jong-un invited trump to visit at a convenient time. the two leaders gladly accepted the invitation. senator, thanks for being with us. what did you and the presidentd president seem? >> well he wanted air force one o faster. i think he is ready to get home. i said i am on it. he was in a good mood. he had no illusion that this is going to end quickly. he believes that he is on the
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path of convincing kim jong-un that he is better off without nuclear weapons wthem, and timeill ll. >> the preside says he trusts kim jong-un. i know you haven't met hitm, do you trust him? do you think the u.s. should trust him? >> no. this is the third time they promised to give up nuclear weapons, they promise to give up and they build up. trump is different in the eyes of north korea and china. his standing with north korea is different than other presidents and we will see what happens. >> earlier today i heard you say that any agreement that the president makes has to be signed off with congress. did you raise that issue with him today, is that something that he is in agreement today? >> we talked a lot about north korea which you need to understand that he rejects c containment of north korea. there is a line of thought out there, let's give him his missile programs and records and
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tell him if he uses them against the united states we will wipe him off the map. so the president has taken that approach off. he is in the denial mode. i amng to deny him the capability to hit america with a nuclear tip missile. that is where president trump is coming from. we did talk about a deal has to come to congress. he said if i can't negotiate a deal that i would be proud to send to congress, then it is probably a bad deal. >> are you concerned about the lack of details in the agreement. neither the words verifiable or the word reversible are in the agreement. past agreements which were broken has bee more speci
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language. >> president trump feels the need to try everything he can to avoid a war that nobody wants. but be necessary to stop a threat to the homeland. president trump has put himself in a box and kim jong-un also put himself in a box. can you what president trump would do if kim jong-un tries to play him like they have done for the last 30 year and can you imagine how the trump ump capitulated. be viewed if we are in a spot where the status quo is off the table. >> see, you have said that the only other option on the table for north korea if they don't denuclearize is a military option. >> yeah. >> is there a realistic military solution when it comes to north korea? obviously the death toll estimates in south korea alone are tremendous. >> that goes back to the central
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theme of are you okay with the containment and i am not. i think they will proliferate or sell anything they build. he is what i think about a military option. it better be the last resort because it would be devastating. but this regime would be utterly destroyed. you don't fire one shot, you go in to take them out. nobody wants that. about you if you are not willing to do that, you don't get a peaceful result. and i think president trump would do that as a la resort and i hope we never get to that day. >> what do you think of the president's attitude towards international alliances. we saw what happened in canada but also the information we have so far seems like the south k kore are not informed in advance. >> here is what i would say, that suspending military
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exercises to send a signal to north korea that we are going to give you the space it make a good decision about ending this conflict is okay with me. we wille to train but joint exercise is designed to let them know if you get in a war with us, you're going to lose. i would very oppose with drawing our forces from south a as part of this deal or any other deal because it is stabilizing influence on asia. let's give president trump a chance. he is unconventional. i think he has got a brin this to a conclusion because i do kim jong-un believes he will be better off without nuclear weapons if he can get the right deal >> the not of a cost saving, he talked about that.
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>> that's ridiculous. >> you say it is ridiculous. >> i support stopping the exercises to give north korea some breathing space to see if we can get a deal. suggests on our part we are going to ratchet this thing down. but the money we spend training with our allies is money well spent. we spend one$2 billion to keep our troops in south korea. south korea spends most of the money. it brings stability. it is a warning to china that you can't take over the region. i reject the analoysis that it cost so much. but i do accept the proposition to stand down and find a better way. >> do you think it is appropriate for the president to say quote kim loves his people. >> i think he loves himself.fee
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jong-un and a radical islamic, they want to die for their cause and kim jong-un doesn't. he wants to be secured. if donald trump can provide the security he is seeking and a prosperous north korea by giving up his nuclear weapons he will do it. you either take that route or go the military option. our homeland will not be threatened by you any longer, we will end it and hope to end in a peaceful way. i am not any other illusion about who this guy is. otto warmbier was murdered. i am willing to do almost anything within reason to bring this to a conclusion peacefully. willing to giveuy security guarantees to make him feel like he can give up his weapons. willing to help him
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economically, i don't want a war. i don't mind lavishing praise on him. we are going to end this one way or the other. it has to come to an end. and peace is the best chance under trump because i think north korea believes he is go to war if they have to. >> i appreciate your perspective. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> i want to talk to christian amanpour and ambassador yun and jim sciutto. >> we heard clearly that senator graham is giving the positive side of this. and there is that positive side which is talking and allowing some space. while you are doing that, you are not in the warwork at
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that time. and after all these months and years of high tension. i think there are many, many analyst who are concerned thatw detail from the north koreans to even declare their weapons. much less say specifically that they are going to give them up, how, when and where, that is the issue that concerns a lot of people. the senator said we will never accept containment. but there are analyst that say maybe that is what is going to happen. he might not deploy them, he might not test them anymore, but we may be forced to endure some kind of arms control regime.
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>> ambassador, you spent your career with the north koreans. how do you see it? >> we do have advantage. we got good sleep unlike our colleagues in washington and elsewhere. i think, you know, i really share senator graham's skepticism whether kim jong-un is serious. because it was nothings christianne mentioned that came out yesterday. we saw a lot of diplomatic pump. and it was great to see the two leaders getting along. alsober these are the two leaders who got us to bloody nose and brink of war and now they are saying their relationship will solve the problem. and on the one hand, kim jong-un has offered nothing. he did offer before the summit in order to get to summit, a ban
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on testing or stopping testing, freeing three hostages, but at saw nothing that he offered. >> the president clearly believes that kim jong-un is preparing and planning to get rid, denuclearize. the regime itting out statements about their portrayal of what is taking place here. they are focusing on what they are saying stopping what they call war games. >> he is at least willing to get a chance and risk diplomatic capital. it is a remarkable step. the president is taking a risk here. i spent the last 24 hours speaking to members of previous administrations who made deals with the north koreans, clinton, bush, obama administration. and they have unanimously, and of course democrats and
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republicans. unanimous concerned. on any of the issues that the trump administration said itself we are key goingo this. even the most basictep of cataloging north korea's nuclear weapons not taken which is the most basic step. this is what we have and therefore, you can be in discussion as to how you get rid of them. senator graham has been a cagey operator here, respecting the moves that the president is taking. but he said this will be defining for president trump if north korea makes a fool of him and keeps nuclear weapons there. i thought he threw something of a marker there. >> taking a quick break. speaking of remarkable steps, the hollywood style movie trade
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that the president trump played. ahead on 360. dear future us, we have a mission: to help hand everyone a better world. that's why we, at the coca-cola company, make shore breaks with actual coconuts. tea, organically. treats for celebrations. water with added minerals for taste. dear future us, that's why we're striving to do good. and help our communities get the education they deserve. we're doing this today... you can do even more. the coca-cola company you can do even more. booking a flight doesn't have to be expensive. just go to priceline. it's the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40%.
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a new story. a new beginning. one of peace. two men, two leaders, one destiny. a story about a special moment in time. when a man is presented with one chance that may never bepeated. what will he choose to show vision and leadership? or not. >> and just in case you are actually wondering, that is al. that was shown by president trump apparently to kim jong-un and then also was shown at the press conference. ambassador yun, have you ever played videos or seen anything like that on the diplomatic front? >> this is the first. it is also historic. you are right. >> does it right? >> i tend to doubt jong-
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the generation. a god like figure in his own country. so all this talk about you can be wealthy, well, i am pretty wealthy, thank you. >> he can't get much wealthier. >> he owns the country. i doubt this will appeal to him. i worry this is the other way around. are they trying to buy me off. >> that is whatight be thinking. >> it is interesting, to hear the president talk about this in real estate terms. beautiful beaches, you can put condos there. >> that goes back to the essence of president trump's dna. the world he has inhabited for the last 60 years, last 50 years. >> i want to play that for the
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viewers in case they missed that. >> they have great beaches. i said look at that view, wouldn't that make a great condo and i explained, instead of doing that, yould have the best hotels in the world right there. think of it from a real estate perspective. >> he talked about location between south korea and china being an ideal location. >> and it is. fabulous real estate around here. but questions as to whether kim would want to liberalize that. and threaten his own survival. so i think that is a big question as joseph was saying and also, we have been trying to understand and delve everything that was said in the press conference. and one thing that comesp is what he does is better, effective, more comprehensive and smarter than anything that
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comes up. and i also think that it is a real shame that the partisans. and have been trashed. democratic presidents people like president obama. clinton has been said in 2000 he was invited. he was so busy at that time camp david, trying to get the israelis and the palestinians together in 2000. of course it failed that effect. but he was willing to meet with kim jong-il as well. might actu everybody on board to have a coherent foreign policy and work on steps between administrations. >> it is kpooextraordinary, was
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discussed apparently with south korea prior to the president talking about it in the conference. >> he spoke to reporters, premature. he understands. and lindsey graham says the same thing. it is about south korea security but also about military peace keeping. as much about china than it is north korea and it changes u.s. power in the region. in the video, i had to check, because i honestly thought it was a parody. there is substance behind the messag an essential part of the quid
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pro quo is you can have a wealthier more prosperous nation. it raises real questions about whether the depth of the president's understanding of north korea. this is a brutal dictators, the third in line in a brutal dictatorship who treats his people horribly. >> does the president truly imagine that if you offer condos on the beaches that dynamic is going to change with the leader. >> the president has been a norm buster. lindsey graham summed it up.
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he said the president and kim jong-un have put themselves in boxes. their personal capital is at stake. the disruption theory, the chaos theory. we are going it see whether it works. this is an ultimate test case of that method of presidency. and i think that will be a really interesting route as we watch to see whether that works. does this disruption works. >> christiane amanpour, ambassador yun and jim sciutto. more on the nation. crimes against humanity. i will talk with a correspondent who has been inside 18 times just in recent years. ove is an act of mutuality. we can help with the financial ones.
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president had to. here is mr. obama back in 2007 talking about negotiations. >> would you be willing to meet separately without precondition during the first year of your administration in washington or anywhere else with the leaders of iran, syria, venezuela and north korea in order to bridge the gaps that divide our countries. >> steven is in the crowd tonight. senator obama? >> i would. the notion to somehow not talking to countries is punishment to them which has been the guiding principal of this administration is ridiculous. >> tonight is possible that we e on a new era or maybe not
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be. former director of national intelligence james clapper, thor of the new book facts and fears hard truths. also david gergen. you then heard what then e obama said that was then, 2007, and this is now. is ibecause he nature of the threat has changed? >>no. it is because who is in charge has changed and that is that we have moved to a republican president and do everything we can to protect him. i must say anderson, overall, i do think republicans and the press really ought to give the president more credit. as you well know, winston churchill came to the white house in the mid-'50s, and he said it is always better to jaw jaw than to war war. and that has been a guiding
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principal for many presidents since. it is better to sit down. so this was good and i think the press ought to be responsive to it. there are lots and lots of issues that need to be resolved and i don't think the president is getting the kind of political lift that he might have anticipated from this meeting. >> director clapper, i know i heard you say on the air earlier to david's point you think this is a step in the right direction, jaw jaw, less war war. >> i do. it just struck me how stuck on their narrative they were and w stuck we were on our
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narrative. and emblematic of that were the talking points that i was assigned to recite to the north koreans and the first line was you must denuclearize before we talk to you. the only this narrative was going to change if i think the bigger partner, the united states changed it. and to president trump's credit, he has done that. were in a better place w we are on a diplomatic path as opposed to where we were six months ago. that is the only solution here in my mind. but remember, kim jong-un is not term limited and he is in it for the long gam i think president trump is in it for the immediate self-gratification. and i might say,ing served in korea myself, a couple of
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comments about why these games, so-called areimportant. first of all, the north koreans well recognize that those exercises are defensive in nature. what they do every year is posit an invasion from the north to the south and north koreans understand that. and they hype it, phraseology by the way trump picked up. the same they used with me and with others how provocative those exercises a in their minds. operationally, the reason for them, why they are important. those troops that we have in south korea are mostly at one or at most two year tours. so constant turnover and that is why it is important to do those exercises every year and the agreement was not specific about what the administration was
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hyping about a complete irreversible verifiable solution. the winners were north korea and china, the losers probably the republic of korea and most certainly japan. the bottom line for me is the well-worn cliche is the devil is in the details and to use the phrase the president uses himself i we will see what happens. what will it take for north korea to feel secure. and that question didn't get answer. a >> there has been a lot of comparison of president nixon's visit to china. i wonder from someone who served in the administration, what do you make of that comparison? >> i think there is a parallel
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but farfetched to say this was a nixon trip to talk to the north koreans. and i was there in the white house when president nixon went to china. and it was dramatic but carefully thought through, a great deal more substance and that changed history. it pried these loose from their embrace with the russias. a divide and conquer strategy and that paid off. first ki first --hink the fact that they went in with vague anticipation and left early. so the president in part was doing this for his political
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fortunes back home as well as gaining peace. and i think he really opened this was going to give him a lift in the midterm elections. and it is so vague and republicans are skeptical even though they celebrate the president. and they are skeptical about the outcome, that i don't see how in the next four or five months before the election they can turn this into a big winner on the trail the way they hoped. i think it falls short of what the president wanted. >> up next tackling the human rights. or is it part of his negotiating strategy. right back with that. get all the good stuff about tv without all the bad stuff. yes! you castream yte shows. yes! with no annual contract. wait, what? it's live tv. yes! with no satellites. what? and no bulky hardware. no bulky hardware! isn't that great news? yes!
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amwe worked with pg&e to save energy because wenie. wanthe school. they would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didn't cut off the light. the ters, they would call us the energy patrol. so they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights! those three young ladies were teaching the whole school
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at the conclusion talking about someone he had only been meeting face to face for a few hours. >> he has got a great personality. he is a funny guy, great negotiator. he loves his people. not that i am surprised by that. he loves his people. his country loves him. they have a great fervor. a country which has people that they are so hard working and so industrious. >> north korea is a nation with documented history of extreme human rights abuses. among the abuses found murder, mass starvation. a man who lived in a prison camp. >> the majority of prison camps
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are meant to permanent incarceration. with me now is will ripley. and phil robis fascinating, wilr the president talking about the fervor the north koreans have for their leader, the love he has for them. >> i do think some of it is real. there are people inside n a tha life. if you fit the mold, and you are lucky enough to live in a city. that life is okay for some people. if you are outside of the box or have a different viewpoint, and you want to do sometng different than allowed. it is a difficult situation for
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somebody like that. >> phil, how bad is north korea. >> we consider one of the worst in the world.few other countrie goalags in the mountains. and the camps are known for working people to death. when you are talking about negotiatinorth korea, it is the yardstick that everything else is compared to and everything is better. not much of a hope of improvement in human>> that is change which is superyou apress the outside. >> various different governments, u.s., e.u., canada, and others. we have been trying to get
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people to take this up and we have been getting a lot of blank stares. things are so hard, and what can we do? there is a lot we can do. >> the president said he discussed this with kim jong-un >> you can say president trump is turning a blind eye or you are saying he is being practical. when you bring up the issue of human rights with the north korea, that is a narter. and if he wants to accomplish denuclearization is priority number one. plus the north koreans are going to fire back at the united states. every time i raised human rights, they say the united states has a higher population in prison, mass shooting, police brutality. and the point is they throw it
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right back. they say, hey, the north korean definition is different than the american definition. it is collective concept, not an individual concept. in the united states we have a different ideology, it is about freedom choice, freedom of religion, freedom of speech. they look at you, and say well that is your standard and not there is. >> phil, are you disappointed with the results today that this wasn't more front ar. >> absolutely. it should have been written down. you know, the claims that somehow this was something that was discussed at length, i think is not terribly credible. it was something that was discussed in passing, but doesn't have a place on the table yet. and it has to be a core part of the agenda that is our view. if you look at what kim jong-un wants, he wants to come from
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from the cold and end his pariah status. is the world willing to accept north korea as it is, as a human rights pariah with a functioning economic system. >> a judge rules on a deal that could change the media landscape saying at t could acquire time warner. why the justice department tried to stop and what it means for other countries as well. next. coppertone sport. proven to protect street skaters and freestylers. stops up to 97% uv. lasts through heat. through sweat. coppertone. proven to protect.
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they are figuring out the next steps. i have with me jeff zeleny and brian stelter. the governor ment is considerin the next is certainly the department of justice. the judge said basically their suit had absolutely no merit. >> there is just possibly one next step,hich is asking the court of appeals for a stay is, that is, to put the decision on hold. putting the decision on hold would probably kill the deal because there is an expiration date to the deal, which is june 21st. so i think the justice department may yet file this last-ditch effort, but it really does look like they have lost this case and lost it in very convincing fashion. >> it's interesting, though, the judge said in the ruling that the government shouldn't try to appeal this or ask for a stay. >> he did, and it really -- that's v unusual, and it indicates just how totally
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repudiated the justice department was here, and it really raises the question of why this case was brought in the first place. i mean, as we all know, you know,thandidateump, then-president trump talked about how he thought this was a bad deal, and we all know how much he hates cnn. the real question here now is, was this case from the beginning just a vendetta engineered by the president against cnn's parent company or was it a legitimate case? that evidence was not presented in court. the judge didn't want to hear it. but i think all the rest of us would like to know whether this thing was engineered from the white house or it was a good faith attempt to enforce the anti-trust law, because that certainly failed in a big way. >> brian, i mean, generally if the deal does go through, what doest mean for the media landscape? i've heard a lot of people talk about other mergers that would likely be attempted if this one, in fact, was successful. >> well, at&t and time warner
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executives are breathing a sigh of relief. the lawyers of both companies are in restaurants in d.c. right now having their celebrato dinners. by this time next week, the deal will be closed and time warner will become part of at&t. but that's the first of a domino effect we're going to see of media mergers as well as deals in other industries. there are a lot of business executives out there, a loftt o ceos out there saying, okay, now we have the green light for our own mergers. that means more consolidation on the that means comcast. as early as tomorrow morning comcast will make a bid for 20th century fox. right now disney is tg to buy fox. comcast is going to come in and crash the gate and make a rival bid. so that kind of drama is now going to get underway because the judge sided with at&t today.
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>> just briefly for about 30 seconds -- go ahead, jeff. >> what makes this lawsuit so weird, republicans and conservatives usually don't like aggressive anti-trust enforcement.they don like to fis to stop mergers. they like mergers, and yet in this one case the parent company of cnn was targeted. and i think this has donald trump's fingerprints all over it. >> jeffrey toobin, brian stelter, thanks very much. breaking news, cnn just got records from puerto rico related to the deaths from hurricane maria. we'll have a report from san juan next.
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