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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  June 12, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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that's what #getafterit is about. if we can't agree on what is factual, feeling, what is right and what is wrong, we're never going to get anywhere. that's all for us. "cnn tonight" with don lemon, the man starts right now. >> you said it. because everybody have been asking. why hasn't he said the man lately. >> because you never answer. you blow me off and just go on with your show. so i didn't say it for a while. >> you're exactly right about what about that and what you said about at&t and what happened in court, theudge says it would be manifestly hard before you appeal e think this. it was basically saying they really had no case in court, chris. i think you're exactly right. great show, my friend, as usual. >> always a pleasure. >> yep, see you soon. this is cnn tonight, i'm don lemon. now what? trump on his way back tweeting the world has taken a big step
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back from potential nuclear catastrophe. no more rocket launches, nuclear testing or research. the hostages are back home with their families. thank you to chairman kim, our day together was historic. but what about the deal he's bringing back with him? sure, it was ato-op for the ages, something no other president chose to do. but talking face to face, that it's a lot better than the days oflittle r man, but will kim jong-un ever give up his weapons, that's the question. >> i may be wrong, i may stand before you in six months and say, hey, i was wrong, i don't know that i'll ever admit that but i'll find some kind of an excuse. >> so, his words, not mine. is it any surprise that th presidt who thinks of himself above all a show man
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would pitch his message with a movie, trailer-style video, one created by the national security council. >> two leaders. one destiny. a story about a special moment in time when a man is presented with one chance that may never be repeated. what will he choose? to show vision, leadership, or not? you say propaganda? and what about all trump's praise for kim? is that the art of the deal? listen. >> he's got a great personality, he's a, you know, funny guy, smart guy, great negotiator. he loves his people, not that i'm surprised by that but he loves his people. >> so the president ne to mention that kim jong-un rules the most oppressive state. he enslaves and starves millions of north koreans. should the president believe him? has he made a deal that will make or break the deal?
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will it make the world safer or is it the north korean leader who really knows the art of the deal? let's bring in dana bash cnn global affairs analyst max butte, the author of "the road not taken" and scott jennings. good evening to all of you. welcome to the program. dana. dana, you first, the president says he's willing to invite kim to the white house. would that be premature? >> definitely. there's a lot of road to travel before that should be a possibility. you're right about how he's feeling. i've spoken to three people throughout the day today who received phone calls from the president on air force one and he souedhoric about the way he thought theummit about the fact that he did something that no other president has ever done. because i mean if you sort of cut through the very important diplomatic situation here, the geopolitical
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decision that he's going to have to make, he likes to do something that no one else could do. now, at this point, that something is just having a meeting, shaking hands, flags next to one another, which is something that got a lot of attention and a lot of criticism. and the question obviously going forward is how to turn that and the way that the president is trying to kill this dictator with kindness, whether or not that is going to be turned into real negotiations, a real potential deal to do ultimately what the president and really everybody else on the globe wants, which is to denuclearize the korean peninsula and to force kim to get rid of those nuclear weapons, still a very big question mark, because he didn't walk away with any verification that that is even possible. >> so, scott, listen, let's be honest.
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i don't know if you've read it. the agreement is very short here, there's no verification or timetable. one thing we did see is the president's praise on kim. watch this. >> he's a very talented man. he is very talented. he's got a great personality. he's a funny guy.ery smguy. he's a great negotiator.he lovel not that i'm surprised by that. he is a worthy negotiator. his country does love him. you see his people, they have a great fervor. >> scott, is he forgetting the people that don't favor or don't have fervor for kim get thrown gulags and they're killed, is he going overboard? >> i don't think president trump knows a ton about the history of north kore exactly what's going on there, it's not his objective. his objective here is to sell. this is the way he treats everything. in some cases it works, some cases it doesn't.
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we've also seen him use this flattery tactic on political people to try to get them to come over to his side so i'm not surprised he's doing that. f the da thing hinges on verification. if he thinks he struck a deal with kim, a personal accord in which kim will allow for verification then we'll gemr if we never get verification we have to be prepared to be disappointed. i think the fact we've stepped back from the brink of nuclear war, where we were this time last year is a positive step. i'm happy for the president that he's happy, and i hope that his attempt to sthe way he'd like to be sold, that's how i saw the movie, works on the guy who clearly was feeling the pressu >> okay, max, i have other dictators that he's had nice words for. let's put that on hold and talk about what scott said. at least we're off the brink of nuclear war. wasn't it the president's rhetoric in the first place that put us in that? all you have to do --
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i'm wondering did you need to have this summit in order to get what these two people got? this short little letter that basically said, d this is a key if anyone else noticed this. it's number three, the whole crux of this, it says reafrming the april 27th, 2018 clarification -- declaration the dprk plans to commit to work toward the denuclearization of the korean peninsula. that was decided back in april, that's what they've been working for all along. do they need to do this, max? >> no. i think your right, don, part of the reason we were on the brink of nuclear war, because of the rhetoric from donald st and trump ratcheting up the tensions so now this is kind of the arsonist getting credit for putting out the fire. what's striking to me about the summit is how little donald trump got in return for legitimating kim jong-un on the
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world stage, for treating for treating this leader as equ united states, suspending u.s./ exercises and describing kim jo, funny snded like donald wanted to invite kim to the prom. in return for all of that, what does he get? nothing except the empty blather you just quoted about working towards the complete denuclearizatiion a korean peninsula which is what the north koreans have been ng since 1992. i could see i'm working toward beating roger federer at wimbledon. that doesn't mean it's ever going to happen. >> you never know. i've seen you in person. you look pretty strong. >> you haven't seen my tennis game lately, don. >> putin was a better leader than obama.
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erdogan gave him credit for how he turned that around and duterte in the philippines describes this conversation as friendly. having set that up, dana, this is possibly a double standard when you look at what fox news and how conservatives slammed obama for his willingness to tal dictators. watch this. >> would you as president meet with a leader of a country like north korea? obama extraordinarily said i'd meet with him. >> senator obama made his intentions clear on the campaign trail. >> i will meet not just with our friends but with our >> president obama likes to talk to dictators. >> he would meet with some of these mad men without any preconditions. >> i'm going to reach out to these crazy people around the world and try to get things done. >> i think that is a mistake. >> obama is bowing and scraping before dictators. >> so, if you open the dictionary to the word hypocrisy does that video play, dana? >> loudly and proudly it plays. there's no question about it. i said earlier today that if
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donald trump wer a democrat, the impeachment articles would be written if the republicans were in charge doing the same thing. having said that, that wouldn't make it right because there is rightly so a bipartisan feeling and sentiment that having a diplomatic conversation is the right way to go. now, as max was saying, whether or not he went way over s skis is a different conversation. you have people like rubio today saying he is appalled at the language donald trump used about this dictator given the way he tortures and starves his people. he kills his own family members, executes them when they don't do what he wants. and he's following in the steps of his father and grandfather. but having said that, this is many people say and not just
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many people say, i sound like the president w, flatly better than the alternative, which is a horrendous w >> i said that in the opening, dana. i said -- >> exactly. and you're totally right. there's bipartisan -- exactly, it's like how you talk to your kid, how i talk to my almost 7-year-old, just somebody said this about you doesn't mako say it about them. i think that's the case right now -- >> i don't think we fall trap of saying the only alternatives are nuclear war or the kind of diplomacy that donald trump is conducting where he's making a lot of concessions and not getting anything back. i'm all about engaging in north korea but do it firmly. i don't think you allow the north korean dictator a meeting with the u.s. president without getting some concessions up front and we're not seeing -- >> there is a third way. we can keep doing what we were doing and that was not working. i think the president has dealt with kim -- >> i think your right.
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listen -- i think you're right but answer this for me, scott. continue to do what we were doing, okay, fine. you said that didn't work, all right, i'll grant you that. but when that wasn't working, the former president was being criticized by your party for wanting to talk to kim jong-un and wanting to talk to dictators. how is that not hypocrisy? what is different now? please explain that. >> i'll give you one point about obama that republicans always believed, that is they believed never would show the resolve needed. he proved it. he drew a red line on syria for instance.>> that's no was a lot of criticism there. >> that's the point, it's fine to talk to people if you have the resolve to use military force or to go -- >> trump has not -- >> hold on, max. that's not what they said, scott, in those videos, they said he -- >> that's what i'm saying. you asked me what i'm saying. >> okay.
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>> let's inject historical context. it is true that republicans said what they said across the board, both conservative commentators and members of congress, fox news. the one person who has been consistent is donald trump. he told wolf blitzer ten years ago, more than ten years ago he thought it is not a bad thing to try to figure out the north korea situation by sitting down with him. there's a third way. of course there is a third way. doing what donald trump did going so overboard and lavishing praise is not necessarily the way to go when you're the president of the united states. that is the way he is, that is the way he tries to get a deal, always has been and it's the way he feels he can do it. he's giving up the moral leadership. >> max, i'll give you the last word. but i just want scott to know, listen, dana's right. the president has always said
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what he said about talking to dictators. i'm talking about members of the reblican party and fox news saying this president shouldn't talk to dictators. what's wrong with him. all i'm asking is is that hypocrisy? max, i'll give you the last word. >> don, you're absolutely right. the hypocrisy is off the charts. they would be hyperventilating if it was hillary clinton or barack obama showering praise on kim jong-un and not getting anything in return. you're right. obama never said remotely anything like what trump has said to kim jong-un in dealing with iran and other countries. donald trump criticized the iran/nuclear deal as the worst agreement but it was a million times stronger than what he's gotten so far out of north korea. maybe it's time for republicans to apologize to president obama. >> love the conversation. see you soon.
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back from singapore clapping back at robert de niro for slamming him at the tony awards. is hollywood playing right into the president's hands? i'll ask mark mckinnon and frank pruneny next. we do. with no artificial preservatives, no added nitrates or nitrites, and by waving bye to by-products. so you can get back to loving them. for the love of hot dogs. (wienermobile horn)
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president trump thanking kim jong-un tonight for a summit he calls historic, as he makes his way back from singapore and he'll return to the fallout from a series of insults with the celebrities on the left playing right into the president's hands. let's discuss now with the panel. so, good evening to both of you. thank you so much for joining us.
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mark, let me get your take on the north korea summit. how did the dealmaker in chief do? how did he do? >> i think it's a big win. obviously there's a lot of questions and a lot of follow-up that needs to happen, but the meeting happened. that was the most important thing. there's dialogue that's begun. where it goes we'll judge it later. i think it's a big win for trump on the world stage. >> do you agree with that? do you think it's a big win? >> i think it's premature. the proof is in what happens next. to be too negative right now is not the great way to go. he just legitimized one of the world's most ruthless terrible leaders on the world stagewe're anything out of it. we'll see. but to call it a big win now, premature. >> and we'll see, not to be negative. i'm looking at the agreement and what they came up. >> doesn't take long to read it. >> no. number three, look at it online.
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reaffirming the april 2017/2018 pan mew online -- the dpra works towards the denuclearizatiion of the korean peninsula. that was in april of 2018. max says they've been saying that since the 1990s. did you need a summit to get to this point when it was already what we were working towards before the summit? >> it depends on what happens after this point. no, i share your skepticism. there was nothing said to believat we're on the brink of some new era. >> let's hope. >> it's got to start somewhere. >> so, mark, here at home the president has been under attack from the celebrity class. this is a clip from some of the things coming from celebrities about trump and his family. watch this. >> i'm going to say one thing, [ bleep ] trump. >> you know, ivanka, that's a beautiful photo of you and your child but let me just say, one mother to another, do something
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about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless [ bleep ]. >> i feel like the bottom has to fall out at some point, and by the way i'm hoping for you. one way you get rid of trump is a crashing economy. bring on the recession. sorry if that hurts people, it's either root for recession or you lose your democracy. >> mark, here's how you tweeted today, hollywood says "f" trump. hopes for a recession to get rid of trump. that's all you got? do you have any clue how this plays right into trump's playbook. keep it up and you'll help to ensure four more years. i can't say that i disagree with you on that, mark. >> well, i look at it as a strategist and i just pull the lens back and i'm thinking, okay, so this is the attack on donald trump. there's no ideas. all it is and you have somebody actually advocates for a recession which would hurt
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poor people more than anybody. they hate trump so much they want to hurt their own constituency. listen, as an ad maker, i can see those ads right now, trump is suppooing to make and they'll quote bill maher and say democrats hate p so much and don't have any ideas that all they want to do is go through hey recession to hurt people like you and your neighbors to get elected. that's some tough stuff. you're in an argue with somebody and out of exasperation and frustration you say, "f" you and that's all you got. to me it says it's completely out of gas in term of ideas. if that'ere s going to head, that is a signal where democrats will go it's a big problem. >> i'm sure people can say they can say whatever they want, yes, they can. but mark's point, which i think is correct, it's all about strategy and being strategic, this does not help them in -- this plays into trump's hands. >> right. if you think donald trump is
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terrible for this country and i happen to think that, you know, be strategic about that. channel your anger in a way that's going to lead to democrat controlling one chamber of congress and thus blocking him. don't just stand there on the stage and shout expletives. the whole point is to show americans a better alternative. what you do what they did and stoop to trump's level, you're showing people that you can be just as gross as the president, just as vulgar, just as mean. what have you accomplished with that? >> here's case and point with you. here's whatrump tweeted about de niro. he said robert de niro has received too many blows to the head. with employment being at an all time high and many companies pouring back into our country.
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wake up, punchy. >> okay, where are we, we're in the sand box with two men throwing sand i each other's sighs. at s ceremony, the parkland students were there as part of their crusade trying to do something constructive and those headlines were stolen by robert de niro shouting profanity at the president of the united states. >> so, mark, robert de niro spoke in toronto yesterday, watch this. after the president's attacks on the g7 leaders and the canadian prime minister. watch this. >> i just want to make a note of apology for the idiotic behavior of my president. [ applause ] it's a disgrace. and i apologize to justin trudeau and the other people in the g7. it's disgusting. >> so, listen, mark, a lot of people have said this, so why can't an actor?
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>> well, certainly they can, we got the first amendment here. but the point simply i'm making is a strategic one and that is, whatelps your cause? robert de niro has a huge platform, i would have loved to hear a thoughtful response to trump and his ideas and what's working and what's not. that would have been helpful and that would have been constructive to talk about where to go. as frank said, show us a better way than just critique the president and call him names. itt descends into the sand box, like frank said. i think it's wasted opportunities. >> okay, so both of you stay with me. a lot more to talk about when we come back. want to talk about the president's attack on the sitting congressman hours beforelose in his district's primary. we'll tell you how he fared in the election. college. in 24 hours, you'll send him off thinking you've done everything for his well-being.
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not finish first. frank,mong the primaries tonight that we were watching, the one that stands out is mark sanders, because he had been critical -- mark sanford -- he's been critical of president trump. tonight, just three hours before the election the president tweeted, mark sanford has been very unhelpful to me and my campaign. he's mia and nothing but trouble. he's better off in argentina. i fully support katie. she is tough on crime and will continue our fight to lower taxes. vote katie. so, is this what happens when you go up against the president? >> sure. he's done this before with other people. if you are not a loyalist and he has the choice between the two he will throw his support to a loyalist. what's interesting about this, what did he accomplish by doing it several hours in advance. he got something out of his system, he satisfied his own emotions which is always his driving force but i don't think he did anything extremely tactical. he just got something off his
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chest. >> red flags for republicans tonight in virginia, mark, because so far, cory stewart, he won the republican nomination, he's going to face democratic senator tim kaine. stewart has been criticized for associating with white nationalists. isn't he exactly the kind of candidate they need to steer clear of? >> yeah, and we're sure seeing examples of that in different races around the country. i think we've seeing that the vaupted blue wave may turn into a ripple given the dynamics that's it's interesting on the sanford front, i know him pretty well, i've always admired his independe independence but he's paying for that tonight. this is more evidence that the trump has completely taken over the republican party. now, you talk about historical, what does republican party mean?
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it means much a different thing to people who were attracted to compassionate and conservatism of george bush. if you are in a republic today it's trump's party. you wonder why republican and congressmen don't take on trump, exhibit a tonight. >> this is by mitt romney, he said i think president trump will be renominated by my party easily and i think he will be rele elected. not just because of a strong economy, but i think it's also true because i think our democratic friends -- or our democrat friends -- i don't want to get that wrong -- president's likely to nominate someone out of stream and american thought and make it easier for the president who is residing over an economy.
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>> 2, 2 1/2, whatever it was years ago when donald trump was running for president mitt romney got out ahead of others and stated why donald trump is so dangerous. was unfit for office. blah, blah, blah. yeah, we have a great economy but what has donald tr done in office? mitt romney is now running for office and doesn't want to be -- locking horns with donald trump so mark is correct. >> okay, is there a democrat who can go up and beat trump at this point? >> i think there are more than a dozen of them. whether the right one will be nominated, we won't know how strong people are until they go through a primary and we see them on an international political campaign. i can name a dozen. >> mark, i want to hear it, i got breaking news. do you think there's a democra that can go up against the president and win? >> i have a different version of what's going to happen. given the dynamics trump will win the primary. what that means is that a republican establishment-type
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will run maybe as a dream ticket with a democrat as a vp because there's a huge opening there. when we come back, the breaking news about attorney general rod rosenstein, he is set to brief president trump on the upcoming ig report before it comes public. more about that, next. its multi-cloud complexity creating friction... and slowing innovation. with sofe-defined solutions, like hpe oneview, you can tame the it monster. hewlett packard enterprise. less complexity. more visibility.
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breaking news right now, president trump getting a briefing thursday on a highly anticipated report from the justice department and inspector general. laura jarrett joins me with all the details. this briefing comes on wednesday from the deputy attorney general on the ig report on thursday i should say. what can you tell us about it? what do you know? >> yeah, don, this is sort of eyebrow raising. of course, the president has been hotly anticipating this report tweeting about it every now and then saying it's been delayed, suggesting it's been watered down. i have learned this evening that deputy attorney general rod rosenstein will brief the president on thursday before the report is publicly released that day and i also got a statement and an interesting one from a
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spok spokesperson for the inspector general's office who noted this has been done in the past and added no changes have been made to the report on account of these briefings. so, clearly the office is mindful of what the pr has been tweeting, don. >> apparently there's an escalating war, laura, between devin nunes and rosenstein. talk to me about that. >> yeah, this battle is getting uglier by the day. and justice officials are pushing back on this one saying the facts have been turned upside down. this latest feud between rosenstein and the staff on the house intel committee all goes back to a heated meeting in january of this year right on the heels of the house intel committee, chairman devin nunes who started regularly threatening rod rosenstein with contempt of congress for failure to turn over documents from the russian investigation. earlier another network reported that at that meeting rosenstein essentially threatened house intel staff in the room for a criminal investigation
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for their own conduct. two sources tell me that is false. rosenstein essentially said if you hold me in contempt realize i will be able to defend myself. >> laura jarrett with the news tonight. thank you, i appreciate that let's discuss all of this with congressman eric swalwell a democrat on the house intelligence committee. first what's your assessment of this breaking news that rosenstein will brief the president on thursday? >> it's all right. it was a critical point. the president should be briefed on it. i'm not bothered by it at all. donald trump just days before the election wanted to throw a parade for jim comey for re-opening the investigation and now to suggest that he's offended by the way he h it. what i'm more upset about is t president refuses to be briefed on what the russians did in 2016 in the election and what they're willing to do in 2018. he's obsessed with comey, but he's not -- because that's about him but he's not obsessed about us and our democracy and what it takes to defend that.
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>> i don't think that's going to happen. >> no. it's on us. we have to fix that. >> our reporting is that devin nunes and the attorney general who is overseeing the russia investigation is in a fight, they're in a fight. i know you can't disclose everything because of the positionyou hold, but what can you tell us about their relationship? what went wrong? >> devin nunes saw his job as not conducting over protecting the ballot box or protecting the president. th was from some day one, i saw that behind the scene and in public. i think mr. rosenstein is concerned that you have a member ence locker and giveo reach into that evidence to subjects of the investigation. that's very dangerous for the rule of law and our country. at some point he has to say no. we don't do that in america and we're not going to let you do that for this president. >> so, everything you know about the deputy attorney general, would he threaten house staff
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which the doj denies? >> i don't think so, don. i was a prosecutor, and i think most prosecutors, you know, they go above and beyond to follow the law and meet the highest standards of the law to prove their case. weere ale were trained that you wear the white hat and you do the right thing. i can't see him saying that. but i can see because i have with my own eyes chairman nunes on trucking and preventing rosenstein to do what he has to do to allow mueller to complete his job. >> with what you have seen with your own eyes, you you wouldn't see that the deputy agld do it? >> that would be out of character -- >> a short time ago they said they have been cooperative with the doj and turned over information and made progress on that front. would you wit >> thahe doj has been cooperative with the house intelligence committee. >> yeah. >> i think too cooperative. other job is to see whether
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investigations are within their scope but we don't do that when the itigation is ongoing. >> too cooperative? >> yeah. too cooperative. devin nunes is not interested in even learning and there's been reports he doesn't read what's been turned over. he wants rosenstein to say no so then he can use that as a reason to undermine rosenstein and mueller's investigation. >> purposeful. >> when you came on the show and even when you weren't on the show you said you believe nunes should have been off house intelligence committee russia investigation a long time ago. why is he able to do that when the house investigation is essentially closed as republicans are concerned? >> paul ryan won't stand up to him. paul ryan appointed him. he can take him off the committee. i watched so many times -- >> why won't he stand up to him? >> i think he's afraid of donald trump. he's afraid of him. the same reason mark sanford's afraid of donald trump, because trump wins. when you go against trump he wins and democracy loses.
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you wouldn't believe the number of times i saw mr. shiffrin in our committee say to the republicans, why don't we just meet. go on the sidelines, have an informal meeting. you tell us what's bothering you we'll tell you what's bothering you and not once did they take them up on it. >> so you remember when the president's attorney -- >> which one? >> rudy giuliani. watch this. >> if mueller said to me tomorrow, bring him in two hours like you want, no questions that you don't want and we're pretty much ready to clear him. i could not go to the president of the united states and say, take two days off and get ready for that and screw the whole thing with north korea. how can any american do that? >> okay, there's two things, number one, summit's over. the investigation still going on. number two, the president admitted as much that he didn't really prepare. i've been preparing for this
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for all my life. i'm going with my gut and how i feel. so, what gives here? >> he didn't prepare, he saw this as a date without any repercussion. >> so what does that mean? was rudy giuliani lying? >> sit in the chair now. what is your excuse to n sit in the chair now. when you hear all these complaints that it's taking too long and hasn't gone as long a iran-contra or watergate but when you tamper with witnesses, when you lie, when you obstruct, when you're not willing to sit in the chair when you've already been given the questions, yeah, that's going to take a little while. >> thank you, sir. when we come back a federal judge approves at&t's merger with time warner despite an objections to the deal. they're giving the doj a stern warning.we'll tell you about th. experience the 2018 lexus nx and the nx hybrid with a class-leading 31 mpg combined estimate. leasthe 18 n0 hybrid for $339 a month for 36 months.
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know if your social security number is found on risky sites. free from discover. a federal judge ruling in favor of at&t's merger with time warner. the parent company of cnn. the justice department tried block the $85 billion deal but the judge warns tonight, your case was so weak, don't even try to appeal. let's discuss now with cnn's senior media correspondent brian stelter and renato mariotti.
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let's get to it. brian, in a statement, a time warner spokesman said the court's resounding rejection of the government's argument is confirmation this was a case that seless, political in its motivation and should never have been brought in the first place. we've mentioned that, you know, time warner is cnn's parent company. but the president's animus toward cnn, was that the main reason for this case in the first place? >> i don't know if we can say that for sure, but that has been the cloud that has been looming over this deal the entiere time. it was being talked about the whole time outside the courtroom. you can even see him hinting at it in his decision today when he says, hey, justice department, don't come to me asking for a stay. don't try to delay this any further. that would cause a loss of faith in the justice system and in the courts. he is ying, it''s done. at&t and time w can get together, and assuming there's no radical surprise, radical action in court this week, this company will merge next week. that means cnn, other channels will be owned by at&t next week.
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>> renato, i want you to weigh in. before you do that, i want to remind our viewers of what the president said before and after the election about the at&t/time warner merger. here it is. >> at&t is buying time warner and thus cnn, a deal we will not approve in my administration because it's too much concentration of power in the hands of too few. personally, i've always felt that that was a deal that's not good for the country. i think your pricing's going to go up. i don't think it's a good deal for the country. >> i mean renato, come on, was this always political? >> i think so. frankly, what i would say, don, is one thing that really surprised me is that the justice department brought this case using a very, very aggressive, unus argument in challenging this merg and typicallyubcan administrations are not very aggressive in antitrust enforcement. you know, those are years i
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practiced antitrust law for many years. those are years where the justice department's less aggressive. so why is a republican administration targeting this merger when in another context like sinclair, they're being very permissive. it's very unusual. >> this was a scathing, scathing decision by the judge in the case. >> yeah. >> he not only ruled in favor of at&t but also told the government not to request a stay as brian mentioned or appeal. first how unusual that? what does that say to you? then i'll get brian to weigh in. >> sure. what it says is the judge does not warrant the governmento effectively deny this merger. the viewers should understand a lot of times when the government decides to oppose a merger, anies just throw up their hands and admit defeat because they don't want to deal with delay. >> you think they will or could? >> i think they could, but the justice department i know wouldn't do it. if they do, it suggests to me it's more evidence it's
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politically motivated. >> if it is politically motivated, which most people think and it seems like the ju mayi be going that way although didn't specifically say it, what stops them from doing a stay anyway? >> they can certainly try. but it's notable it was not diately appealed day. he said he's going to consider his next steps. whats so interesting, don, he said when this deal was announced back in october 2016 before trump won, that dn't see any giant antitrust problems with this deal. it was only after trump was elected and after he was appointed antitrust boss that he suddenly saw serious problems. now, you could say that he was talking to his career officials at the doj. they're the ones who wanted to sue. but i hope that through freedom of act requests and other processes, we will find out more about what went on behind the scenes and whether there was political interference. right now there's a lot of smoke but no fire. but the smoke is important because it undermines faith in the system. today the system worked. checks and balances worked.
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the judiciary spoke up against the executive branch. >> i'm just wondering, renato, how much of this judge's warning -- would it have any standing on an appeals court judge? >> i think it would matter a lot. what ihere, don, the most important thing, you have 170-something-page very well reasoned decision. i think a court of appeals would look very poorly on a justice department appealing this i think they would know -- you have to know if're in the justice department you have almost no chance on winning an appeal. >> this is a quote. he hopes he has the wisdom and the courage not to seek a stay. we should say the judge was appointed by president george w. bush. >> a republican appointee. there's about six days here where that could be happen, and then at&t will bring these companies together. that means this time next week, cnn and others will be owned by at&t, and we're going to see a lot of other companies trying to do deals as well. comcast trying to bid for fox.
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>> this is going to change the landsc >> this is a domino effect, and the first domino happened today. a lot of people are waiting to hear what the judge would decide. >> never a dull moment, everyone. thank you, renato, thank you, brian. when we come back, the video president trump used to pitch kim jong-un on peace. is it persuasion or propaganda? >> you are called upon to make a difference. you finished preparing overhim for, in 24 hours, you'll send him off thinking you've done everything for his well-being. but meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. while meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b.
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this is "cnn tonight." i'm don lemon. getting close to 11:00 p.m. on the east coast. we're liv with all the new developments. president trump on his way back from the summit in singapore. what about the deal he is bringing back with him? sure it was a photo opp for the ages, something no other
12:00 am
president chose to do. yes, talking face to face is better than threatening. it is. but will kim jong-un ever really give up his nuclear weapons? even president trump doesn't will amount what all this >> i may be wrong. i mean i may stand before you in six months and say, hey, i was wrong. i don't know that i'll ever admit that, but i'll find some kind of an excuse. >> and is it any surprise that the president who thinks of himself as above all a showman would pitch his message with a movie trailer-style video, one created by the national security council? >> two leaders. one destiny. a story about a special moment in time when a man is presented with one chance that may never be repeated. what will he choose? to show vision and leadership or not? >> let's bring in now republican


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