tv Wolf CNN June 15, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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highlight of the 16th annual charity baseball game oversha , overshadowing the republicans loss to the democrats. jim sciutto is in for wolf right now. helhello, i'm jim sciutto i for wolf blitzer. it's 1:00 p.m. here in washington. thank you for joining us. the former campaign chairman taken out the back door of the courthouse away from the cameras. a federal judge revoking manafort's $10 million bail. that and the fact that manafort attempted to tamper with witnesses. even today, before the judge's decision, president trump said
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he felt sorry for manafort but then claimed falsely that manafort had little to do with his campaign. a reminder, manafort was the chairman of trump's campaign. cnn chief justice correspondent evan perez sat the courthouse today. evan, take us through the arguments this morning and the outcome here. >> reporter: well, jim, it was a very extraordinary hearing, obviously, because the government came in saying that paul manafort is a danger to the community. they said that he had a sustained campaign over five weeks in which he was trying to reach out to potential witnesses in this case and trying to coach them on what to say and essentially committing perjury before this trial. he's due to go on trial here in september in the court here in d.c., and he's got another set of charges that he's facing across -- in virginia, in alexandria, virginia, another federal case over there. so he's got two trials coming up, and until those trials get started, he's going to be sitting in jail.
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the judge said that she struggled with her decision. she took a 50-minute break after the arguments between the prosecution and the defense. she said, this is not middle school, i cannot take his cell phone. she also said there was really no order that she could think of that she could fashion that would cover any potential violation by paul manafort. paul manafort's lawyers argued strongly. they said that to revoke the bail would be a very harsh condition by the judge, and they also said that paul manafort wasn't intend to go try to coach witnesses or to try to witness tamper. they said he simply was talking to people, not knowing that they were going to be potential witnesses in this case. they asked the judge essentially to make the government name all 50 or so witnesses who were going to be part of this trial and then tell paul manafort that he couldn't reach out to those people. that's the solution they were looking for, and they said he will not do this again. it's clear the judge was not buying that argument because she said that paul manafort had
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many, many chances, repeatedly violating orders, in her view, and she said what he was doing represented a harm to the system of justice and to the trial that he is due to have here in d.c. in september. so now he's going to be sitting in jail. before the court proceeding was wrapping up, he was led out of the courtroom by u.s. martials. they came back a few minutes later with his cell phone and his belt, his necktie that he wore when he came to court, and handed it to his wife. we're waiting to see when he leaves here in the courthouse. we expect he'll be held in the jail over at alexandria, virginia, the federal jail there attached to the courthouse. and then the next time we'll see him is when he goes on trial in virginia in july and then here in september. jim? >> two trials for the president's former campaign chairman. evan perez at the courthouse, thanks very much. paul manafort not the only close
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associate of president trump facing severe legal trouble today. there is breaking news about the president's former personal attorney and long-time confidante, michael cohen. cohen has told family and friends that he is willing to cooperate with fellow prosecutors. he has also expressed anger about the treatment he's been getting from the president which has been distancing himself from the man who served as his personal attorney for 12 years. >> i haven't spoken to mike in a long time. >> reporter: is he still your lawyer? >> no, he's not my lawyer, not anymore. i always liked michael. and he's a good person -- do you mind if i talk? you're asking me a question, and i'm trying to answer. >> reporter: i'm just wondering if you're worried he's going to try to cooperate with law enforcement. >> i've done nothing wrong. >> a very close associate of the
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president, he says he hasn't spoken to him at all. in fact, he called him in the last couple weeks. if he cooperates, how serious could this be for the president? >> as you said, michael cohen was the president's fixer for over a decade. he was his lawyer, so cohen is privy to a lot of the deals and meetings that he's had over this time. cohen was someone who was involved in conversations about potentially having a trump tower in moscow at the very start of this campaign. cohen also was involved with setting up this meeting with a ukranian legislature after trump won the presidency. and probably most importantly and most relevant to this is that michael cohen facilitated the payment to stormy daniels, the so-called hush money payment to stop her from coming out with a story about an alleged affair with trump just before the election. and the federal prosecutors who are investigating cohen, that's one of the things they're looking at. that was included in the
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affidavits to back up this fbi raid of cohen's home office and hotel room. so if cohen agrees to cooperate with investigators, he could fill in some blanks on the payments that were made about stormy daniels and potentially other women. jim? >> cara, as we understood, michael cohen kept a lot of recordings of his conversations. i want to bring in my panel. we're joined by mika henderson, laura coates and cnn national security analyst, former senior adviser to the national security adviser under president obama. laura, if i could start with you. i was jotting down a rough list of the things cohen would know about president trump. including business meetings with russians, personal affairs, payments with women he had relationships with or allegedly had relationships with, but also conversations with the president because michael cohen kept recordings. from a lawyer's perspective, what danger does this put the
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president in if he decides to cooperate? >> enormous legal jeopardy if the content of those conversation criminal in nature. the discussion about rigamaro, his everyday occurrences that were non-legal, that wouldn't be interested to anyone else. but if it's illegal, he has lost his bearings. previously when he talks about this case, president trump said he's not his lawyer, not anymore, and when he was his lawyer, it was a small sliver of the work he was doing. we had someone overseeing the documents who said not even a tenth of the documents she's been able to review has been attorney-client privilege of any nature, but there has been things that are highly personal. so if this content is about criminality, he faces legal jeopardy. but if it's about highly personal conduct that's going to be, you know, debatable in the public square, if it's going to be humiliating in some way, then he's got a different issue ahead of him.
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either way, michael cohen, if he's a cooperater and if donald trump is the person he's giving information about, and that's a big if giffven his alliances wi people, then there is enormous pressure on donald trump's side to say, hey, listen, i could help you in the future with a pardon. >> your experience as a federal prosecutor, he's concerned. he's got a wife, he's got kids, he's concerned about time in jail. when potential defendants are in that position, how powerful a motivator is that? >> extraordinarily powerful. remember, michael flynn had the family pressure component. his own son was facing legal jeopardy and it was a big move to be a cooperater. you think about lodge evidengev your family, their ability to sustain without you if you're the primary breadwinner. the prospect of being removed and wearing an orange jumpsuit
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and bread and water as opposed to eating lobster bisque is a big decision. the government does not want to expend a great deal of resources if they can get a plea offer to avoid trial. they'll think about that as well. >> mika, we have the campaign chairman in jail pending trial. let's play what the president said about paul manafort earlier today. >> manafort has nothing to do with our campaign, but i feel -- i tell you, i feel a little badly about it. they went back 12 years ago to get things he did 12 years ago? >> first of all, does anybody buy that the president's campaign chairman, including during the crucial time of the republican convention in 2016, that the president's claim he had nothing to do with him, does anybody buy it? >> he's certainly trying to sell it. if you look back, as you said,
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paul manafort was the campaign chairman, was there from march to august, very important ask cruci -- and crucial in the campaign. we've seen this between donald trump and his allies, folks who were in legal jeopardy in his campaign. we saw it with george papadopoulos. they referred to him as a coffee boy, a volunteer at one point. so this is what they're trying to say. essentially my name is in it i haven't been in it in terms of paul manafort and trump. it doesn't matter to the mueller investigation, it doesn't matter what is happening with paul manafort there. it might matter to the court of public opinion and that is what donald trump is up to with everything he's saying. >> the principal battlefield for the president on this is sort of in that court of public opinion. is it hard to keep up with all the news, presumably with that
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press meeting of the president earlier today. i was in tune to the president's comments about the brutal dictator he was sitting across from, and not just polite comments about him, but open praise. it seemed almost envy at the control kim has with his country. today the president expressing a little jealousy as well about kim jong-un. have a listen. >> he's the head of a country, and i mean, he's the strong head. don't let anyone think anything different. he speaks, and his people sit up at attention. i want my people to do the same. >> you spend a lot of time in the national security sphere. what is the damage done by a u.s. president praising a brutal dictator in those terms? he's strong, what a great achievement to take over this brutal hereditary dictatorship at the age of 27. what damage does that do internationally? >> even if the president is
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joking, and he said earlier he was joking. >> he said he was joking about the salute, but this thing about kim being strong is something he said consistently this week, and he never said that jokingly. >> he has consistently praised kim jong-un the way he has consistently praised vladimir putin and other strong men around the world. the irony here, he said earlier this year he's doing it as part of a strategy. he didn't raise human rights because he didn't want to offset the negotiations. or he's being nice to kim now because he doesn't want nuclear weapons flying at the united states. the irony here is so many foreign leaders use manipulation and praise with donald trump. the quickest way to get donald trump on side is to praise him, is to stroke his ego. and now donald trump is doing that to kim jong-un, maybe not realizing he's the one being manipulated. >> i just find this is sort of a
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strategy thing. it just doesn't stand up to the facts because going back years, president trump famously praised china for its crackdown in tiananmen square. this was back in the '90s. he was not in negotiation with any of the chinese at the time. he wasn't involved with any specific negotiation with vladimir putin in recent months or even during the campaign when he described him as a strong leader in comparison to obama. >> and he did this with the leader of the philippines, right, who massacred thousands of drug dealers. essentially said this was a great way to prosecute the war on drugs here and expressed admiration. so yeah, this is part of donald trump's personality, this idea that dictators should be praised and emulated because of their strength. it's very unamerican. we've never heard this kind of praise for a dictator from an american president. remember, what they do to people
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there, especially christians. they very much see donald trump as someone who is advancing their cause, but there he is, praising kim jong-un, someone who goes after christians in his country. >> he knocked off a few of his relatives as well, but that's just a small thing. coming up, the president says he's feeling vindicated in deciding whether he should get involved in the justice department's activities as a result of the inspector general's report. china vowing now to retaliate after the white house announces tariffs on $50 billion worth of chinese goods. the white house says this is not a trade war. the markets seem to disagree. right now the dow is down more than 200 points there. we're going to discuss this right after this. r. i will. but first, a little presentation.
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manafort trial has revoked his $10 million bail and has sent him to jail. paul manafort taken out the back door of the courthouse away from the cameras. all of this stemming from new charges related to witness tampering brought by special counsel robert mueller. i want to bring in congressman steve cohen. he's a democrat from tennessee also on the house judiciary committee. let me ask you first, congressman cohen. when you look at this news of paul manafort, he is the former campaign chairman. at any moment in time, i suppose this one story would be all we would be talking about but there's so much happening here. how significant is this, in your view? >> it's very significant. judge jackson who ordered him in jail back in april had a hearing on manafort and she made some remarks from the bench that were very questioning of the scope of the authority of mr. mueller. very balanced and fair. and i think for her to take the extraordinary position and order to put him in jail prior to his
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trial says there was a lot of evidence, a lot of evidence to make her make that decision. i think mueller has everything. and if i were cohen, and i am cohen, but i'm not the wicked cohen, i would be worried. >> do you think folks at home separate paul manafort from the president? he was his campaign chairman, but the crimes involved here, the alleged crimes, go back many years before the campaign related to money laundering work that paul manafort did for foreign governments, including the russian government in ukraine. does the president separate that from the months he worked for him in the campaign? >> i think he wants to believe that and his base might believe him on that, but he got the change in the platform saying we wouldn't have the weapons to go and battle the russian separatist and the russian military and that was done under the cover of darkness, and he
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wasn't paid for that. any time they take a job like that without money, he's getting a lot of money somewhere else. the government is just a place to generate business. >> there is a lot of that going around, sadly. i want to ask you about another headline, the ig report. looking at the fbi investigation of hillary clinton's e-mails during the campaign, the president, of course, is claiming vindication here even though this report had nothing to do with the investigation, the russian investigation of robert mueller, but he's kind of tying them together. we had lindsey graham on the air a couple hours ago, and he made the point about how this damages the broader credibility of the fbi. have a listen if you can. >> here's what i think most people will take from this, particularly the republicans, to be honest with you. that the institutions investigating president trump took a real blow here. the people who were showing bias
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against the president also were part of the initial russian investigation. but you'll be kidding yourself if you think this doesn't do a lot of damage to the institutions that are now looking at the president. this gives a face to many of what the deep state looks like. >> remarkable words from senator graham who previously has poo-pooed this idea of there being a deep state. do you think that's a fair argument? >> no, i don't. i think it might hurt the fbi some, even though the fbi has not been seen through this report of having done wrong. certainly comey was then subordinate. he was extremely careless, to use his words, about hillary clinton. ironically he was the one that was extremely careless. but the fbi is an honorable institution, has a lot of really fine men and women working for it. if people get that, it's because the president is trying to put it out because he wants to say that everybody in the institution is working on this
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mueller investigation is an iceberg. there is so much we don't know. there is enough to know that makes us see suspicion, there's smoke, there's fire. there is a raging fire going on. mueller knows it all, and trump knows it all, and trump is trying to poison the jury pool. >> despite the comments, the court focused on the hillary clinton e-mail investigation. in fact, the strongest criticism is really of how director comey handled that investigation in the midst of the campaign. do you think the criticism that it laid on comey for his handling of the clinton investigation, do you think that that is fair? >> yes, i do. i called for comey to resign in october, and i felt it would tip the election to donald trump. when you mentioned anthony weiner and laptop, that's a pretty horrific picture, and hillary clinton, it made a lot of people who were hillary supporters go, maybe there's something there, they're investigating. i felt that was the clincher. >> how can you say that credibly
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to see it was fair for the ig to handle the hillary clinton investigation, but not fair to lay blame or at least some responsibility on the way they've handled the early stages of the russia investigation? >> this was not the fbi so much, it was comey. comey took it upon himself outside of fbi regulations and rules to open that investigation within two weeks of a presidential election. he violated the rules and he felt he needed to do it. he was our savior. and he went beyond. that wasn't the fbi. the fact is, the president, where he says this report vindicates him, this report had nothing to do with the mueller investigation and didn't vindicate him. the warriors' win over the cavaliers vindicated him as much as this did, and i'm surprised the president didn't say steph curry did it to vindicate him. >> i didn't know there were warriors fans in tennessee. the president falsely claimed the inspector general's report clears him and his
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campaign of any wrongdoing. we'll hear from a republican on the house committee and see if he agrees with the president's pronouncement. no matter where or when you served, t-mobile stands ready to serve you. that's why we're providing half off family lines to all military. (wienermobile horn) to put a better hot dog it's oscain every hand.ion and that's just what we do. with no artificial preservatives, no added nitrates or nitrites, and by waving bye to by-products. so you can get back to loving them. for the love of hot dogs. (wienermobile horn) ♪ with expedia you could book a flight, hotel, car and activity all in one place.
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comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. president trump came out swinging today on the department of justice inspector general's report. it was part of really an extraordinary appearance just outside the white house. >> the report yesterday, maybe more importantly than anything, it totally exonerates me. there was no collusion, there was no obstruction, and if you read the report, you'll see that. excuse me, wait, wait, wait. what you'll really see is you'll see bias against me and millions and tens of millions of my followers. that is really a disgrace. you have a tremendous animosity. now, here's the good news. i did nothing wrong.
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there was no collusion. there was no obstruction. the ig report yesterday went a long way to show that, and i think that the mueller investigation has been totally discredited. >> in fact, the ig report had nothing to do with the mueller investigation, did not look at the investigation into collusion or obstruction of justice, but the president continued to make that claim. in fact, the report was on the agency's handling of the clinton e-mail investigation. it found that former fbi director james comey broke protocol, but that comey and others in the fbi did not let any political bias influence the broader investigation of clinton e-mails. let me bring in cnn justice reporter laura jarrett. she is at the justice department today. the president said he was exonerated, but in fact this report did not look at the questions that the president claims. >> reporter: that's right. it's not the purpose of the review. as you mentioned it's all about the fbi and the justice department's actions leading up to the 2016 election.
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there is certainly not a single page in that entire 500-page report that we've all looked at that speaks to the president's exposure on either the issue of collusion or obstruction of justice. what there is is a detailed account of james comey's actions all throughout the 2016 election season, and what it finds is that he was repeatedly insubordinate and that he essentially ignored doj protocols. what the president is appearing to do is leverage that to say, you see, all along i had a reason to fire him. the problem with that, of course, is that not two days after james comey was fired, the president went on nbc, and he said the reason he was fired was because he had russia on his mind. now, on the committee question there is a distinction in the report on two different periods of time, which appears to have been lost on many here. the issue is that all of the actions that prosecutors took leading up to james comey coming out saying he was not recommending charges against
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clinton, the inspector general looked at all those, and he said he could see how a reasonable prosecutor could get there based on all the facts and prior cases. that was reasonable, it was grounded in facts and law, and it was not politically motivated. the problem is that there is a delay in the fall of 2016 when the fbi essentially doesn't do anything with the e-mails that were found on anthony weiner's laptop, the disgraced former congressman. because of that delay, the inspector general can't find any credible reason for why it happened. what he does have are some problematic text messages from an fbi official and an fbi lawyer who essentially say they want to stop the president from getting elected. because of that delay, and because peter strzok, the fbi official, said he prioritized the russia investigation over the clinton investigation. the inspector general said he cannot conclude those without bias, jim.
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>> the inspector general's comment on the ig report was not the only statement he made on the white house lawn. listen to what he said about family separation at the border. >> i hate the children being taken away. the democrats have to change their law. that's their law. that's the democrats' law. we can change it tonight. we can change it right now. >> in fact, the separation of families taking place now is a direct result of the zero tolerance immigration policy that trump's own administration put into place just last month. senator lindsey graham said on our air a short time ago that the president could end this, quote, with a phone call. but one of his more incredulous statements involved the leader of the north korea's brutal regime, kim jong-un. >> he's the head of a country, and i mean he's the strong head. don't let anyone think anything different. he speaks and his people sit up at attention. i want my people to do the same. >> the president later said he was being sarcastic about that comment, but it's not the first time this week he has praised
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kim jong-un as a strong leader. joining me now from capitol hill is utah congressman chris stewart. he's the republican on the house intelligence committee. thank you for taking the time. >> good to be with you. >> you haireard the president's comments this morning that the report which actually looked at the investigation of hillary clinton's use of a primary e-mail server, that exonerated him on collusion and obstruction of justice. that's not, in fact, what this report looked into. what's your response to the president's claim? >> he just spoke too broadly. as you said and your reporter said earlier. this had nothing to do with the mueller investigation and nothing to do with russia and charges of obstruction. it was very anywhere yo. it wasn't even about the department of justice. it was in a rolenarrowly confin inspector general looking at the activities. you read this report, it makes everyone look bad in this.
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director comey has gotten lots of people disappointed in him. >> it does show senior members of the fbi expressing feelings about president trump during the campaign. in your experience, as a member of the intelligence committee, do you believe that kind of bias is widespread within the fbi, which is what the president is claiming there, and that fbi agents and officials allow that bias to influence the work that they do with regularity? that's the charge the president is making. >> a couple things to your comments. to say these are political opinions or even just to use the word "bias" is an understatement. i talk to people all over the country all the time, democrats, independents, people who disagree with me, and they don't speak with the same type of vitriol that their agents did. they don't call opponents
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retarded. they don't use defamiliatory descriptions of people. this is beyond bias, i believe. i've had fbi agents reach out to me for months now, being a member of the intelligence committee and having been involved with this, who make this point. they say, look, these leaders, these few individuals, they don't reflect the rest of us. we don't feel the same way. and i think the fbi is probably a center to maybe a slightly right center organization, and the reality is these senior leaders simply didn't reflect the thinking and the emotion and the body of the fbi at all, which is ironically one of the concerns i have with director comey as to why he surrounded himself with people who had such visceral opinions and were so willing to express those opinions when they were involved in the investigations that were, at their heart, political. >> let me ask you this. comey is gone. he's been out as fbi director for more than a year now.
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the president is president. he's still president. is he damaging the fbi and the justice department by making these broad claims about bias there, deep state, et cetera? >> well, again, i think the reason the president is doing this is because the ig report came out. i know he's spoken about it more often than that but that's been focused -- >> that's the reason he's doing it. i'm asking if you think he's doing damage. >> it depends on his comments. he's made a lot of comments and i would want to take them individually. by the way, i haven't heard him say that. the time i've heard him discuss it he's talking about specific individuals. >> you haven't read his twitter feed. he's made very broad comments about bias in the fbi and justice department. >> you're right about one thing, i haven't read his twitter because i actually don't twitter so i don't read it. but the ones i'm familiar with, he's talking about specific individuals.
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but i will say that for any one of us inside the entire fbi -- when i was in the air force, there was very specific allegations made against the leadership of abu dhabi. we had the responsibility to hold them to that just like we do the fbi, and we have the responsibility to hold the military or the department of justice and realize not all these organizations are maybe behaving like that. >> i have to ask you about the president's comments this morning and this week. i just got back from singapore covering the summit between president trump and kim jong-un. the president a number of times has praised kim as a strong leader, expressing add mirgs for him in taking over what is a hereditary dictatorship as some
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expression of success. what's your reaction to those comments? >> i don't know. look, kim jong-un is a tyrant. he's one of the most evil men in the world right now. you can be a tyrant and evil and despicable, and i suppose you can be, at the same time, a strong leader among your people. i mean, vladimir putin is a good example of that. he's someone that i think is a kbg thug, but he's a very, very powerful leader -- >> he's powerful because -- they're powerful because they use -- the organs of state to attack dissidents, they put people in jail, they kill people. kim jong-un has killed his own relatives when he's been politically threatened by them. >> he's killed thousands of people, and like you said, his own brother-in-law. i'm not justifying that. i'm just saying you can be an evil tyrant put into power by this state and using that state to opress your people. vladimir putin understands his
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people, he understands the. of course he's strong. he's calling him strong with a positive spin on it when they're strong in the worst way, are they not? especially for an american president. >> that's what i mean, they're strong in the worst way. i'll let the president address his own comments, but i think you and i agree they're strong in a very despicable manner that makes the world a dark and dangerous place rather than supporting any positive aspect of life. >> congressman chris stewart, i appreciate you taking the time today and taking the tough questions. >> thank you, sir. >> enjoy the weekend. coming up, the white house slaps $50 billion in tariffs on china, and china now promising to retaliate. the white house is disputing china's claim of starting a trade war. war or not, we're going to talk about how it could affect you
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president trump is sharply escalating his stand-off with china over trade. china will have to pay a 25% tariff on about $50 billion worth of chinese exports to the u.s., mostly technology. china responded very quickly by saying it would retaliate. it also accused the president of launching a trade war. with me here now is jim tankersly. he's tax and economics reporter for the "new york times." there's been a lot of talk of a trade war for a while here. now you have hard measures being imposed by the president with china. supposedly they're going to
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retaliate. are we in a trade war? >> we're certainly in the early days of what could be a trade war. the president says we have $30 billion that will go into effect on july 6, i believe, and sometime after that we'll have another $16 billion that will happen. that's real money, and the chinese will retaliate in turn, and then the white house is now considering more tariffs that they could do if china follows through with its retaliation, and that's what a trade war looks like, when you just escalate over and over. >> the u.s. and china in 2016, they traded about $16 billion. is that a dollar figure that if you're imposing tariffs, presumably china does the same thing, that folks at home are going to notice in their pocketbook? they're going to buy an air conditioner or something and all of a sudden it's $100 more? will they notice it that quickly? >> you probably won't right away, because you're not buying aerospace products that will be on it. over time, yeah, you have to
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include televisions which were left off the list this time. those go up 25%. we're seeing this with washing machines right now which the president did put tariffs on earlier this year. the price has gone up. we will see, in our own pocketbooks, the effects of these tariffs if they escalate wide enough and if they get to a wide range of products. >> i don't think folks at home realize how much stuff they buy, right, even if it doesn't have a made in china thing. at the same time this is happening, lo and behold, ivanka trump, the president's daughter, was granted seven new trademarks in china recently. i was going to say is it credible to draw a line between those two things, or is it incredible not to imagine that china is granting these trademarks as a gift to the president? >> this is the difficulty of presidency where the president and his family, who are so wrapped into the white house, are also still so wrapped into a business that has its own interests in these national
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security economic decisions going on. we don't know. thael that's the real answer is we don't know what the lines are between those decisions and what the administration is deciding right now. but we have these questions in part because of the nature of the president's business and his family's ties. >> that's why you have conflict of interest rules because you don't really know, you just try to remove the whiff of that, right? >> absolutely. >> jim tankersly, thank you so much for breaking it down for us. coming up, help wanted at the white house. another high-profile departure announced just today. why this administration is having trouble filling the vacancies. vacancies. that's next.
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. there is new cnn reporting today, painting a picture of rampant staffing shortages in the white house, only made worse with seemingly endless flow of aides leaving. just this morning, cnn confirmed that house legislative director, mark short intends to leave the white house in the weeks ahead, and with the mid terms just a few months away, the white house struggling to fill vacancies in the west wing. pamela brown, one of the reporters who broke this story, joins us now. how big is this outflux? >> jim, my colleague, sara westwood, and i have learned that the white house is quietly reaching out to prospective hires, advertising vacant positions on job websites, teaming up with a conservative group to hold a job fair this afternoon, and considering ways to consolidate different jobs. this is a white house struggling to attract and retain talent as staffers leave and others plot their exit soon. as you pointed out, mark short, the white house director, told his staff just this morning, jim, he plans to leave the white
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house this summer. other senior officials are said to be eyeing the door around the mid terms, a fact that could compound the difficulty the white house has already had in recruiting talent from republican circles. seasoned gop staffers cited a number of reasons why so many people have turned down the job offers or expressed disinterest when contacted by this aministration. they're saying that basically, there is anxiety over the russia probe, fear of having their careers tainted by associating themselves with president trump. this is coming from people who have been contacted and turned down jobs in the white house. and just this afternoon, the white house is teaming up with a conservative group to recruit republican congressional aides for administration jobs. according to an advertisement for the event provided to cnn, a white house official says the high number of rsvps for this fair, more than 900, jim, shows there is a high level of interest in working for the administration. but you have that coupled with these other efforts, putting job positions on job websites for
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white house roles, positions, like policy analyst, international economist, positions in human resources, and the tradeoffs. so it's painting this picture of a white house going through every avenue they can to attract people. and having a tough time in some cases. >> job fairs and job websites. how out of character is this with past administrations? >> so i actually spoke with someone who worked in the presidential personnel office, was a director several years back, mark friedman, worked under the obama administration. he says it is unusual to have a job fair to post jobs on job websites. he says that under the obama administration, that did not happen. he said at any given day there would be 20 or 30 people applying for a job. so -- and there was already a network of talent they could tap into. so he did say, you know, there were times where perhaps there would be an open door where they would go -- people from the presidential personnel office would meet with gop staffers about roles. but he did say that this is unusual, the steps being taken under this white house. >> we'll say the president is
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going to be reaching out on linkedin, right? >> we'll see. >> pamela brown, thanks very much. that is it for me today. for our international viewers, amanpour is next. in north america, "newsroom" with brooke baldwin is next. a hilton getaway means you get more because... you get another day in paradise. get a sunset on a sunday. get more stories to share. get more from your summer getaway with exclusive hilton offers. book yours, only at we just switched to geico and got more. more? they've been saving folks money for over 75 years. a company you can trust. geico even helped us with homeowners insurance.
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i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. hi there, i'm brooke baldwin. you're watching cnn. thank you for being with me. president trump's former campaign chief, paul manafort, sent to jail on alleged lobbying crimes. a federal judge just revoked manafort's bail and remanded him into custody. prosecutors told the court manafort is, quote, unquote, a danger to the community. they also said that he has committed new crimes, namely witness tampering and conspiracy to obstruct justice, all the while being under house arrest. manafort, as you well know, has pleaded not guilty. and when he entered court toda
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