tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 19, 2018 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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painful to hear. we met another victim of domestic violence who was actually a social worker. who had referred women to safe horizon. then her ex-husband struck her in the face. this was a few years ago and they have managed to coparent their child together. there are many stories like this. we will bring them to you this week. thank you for joinings up. good evening. increasing opposed to president trump's specific policy of separating families on the border. some of the president's harshest language included a word, infest. gaslight the public on the issue despite what our eyes, our ears
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and the facts are saying. more than 2300 children have been separated from their parents. and as you know, according to the president and others, this is consequence of existing laws and not the resent existence. the question has been whether this new policy which remember dhs secretary neilsen. from their moms and dads as a deterrent. keeping them honest the administration can't keep the story straight. >> are you intending for this to play out. are you intending for parents to be separated, are you intending to send a message? >> i find that offensive. >> which is interesting and weird because after a few hou
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aft after. >> no one was being prosecuted by this. four years of this kind of illegal immigration. hopefully people will get the message and come through the border at the port of entry. >> this is something he has also said publicly before the policy went into effect. mixed messaging aside. reporting -- discusses in the early months of the administration. as of the consequences we are seeing played out now. quoting the source, people foresaw that using that was
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going to result in a blow back of humanitarian concerns. none of this was a surprise. it was discussed, the consequences were considered first as something to fear and later that view changed. this was not some random effect of some law. today though he doubled down. first came a string of tweets including this one. democrats are the problem. they don't care about crime and want illegal immigrants no matter how bad they may be to pour into our country. now the verb infest is defined by webster's to spread or swarm. or to live in as a parasite. >> do you know, if a person
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comes in and puts one foot on our ground, it is essentially welcome to america, welcome to our country. you never get them out because they take their name, they bring their name down, they file it and then they let the person go. and they say show back in court in one year from now. one year. but here is the thing, that in itself is ridiculous. like 3% come back. >> actually, according to justice department figures for 2016, that percentage is more like 75%. the president also said this. >> and it got so crazy, that all of these thousands, we now have thousands of judges, border judges, thousands and thousands. >> he says there are thousands and thousands and in reality there are 335. but who is counting? finally to the central point, the policy, the president refused to take any
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responsibility. >> we have to get the democrats to go ahead and work with us because as a result of democrat supported loopholes and our federal laws, most illegal immigrant family suspecies and from central america, cannot be detained together, or removed together, only released. these are crippling loopholes that cause family separation which we don't want. >> we don't want he says, this thing he caused and this thing he says he travelled to the capitol to try and fix. dana bash. what more are you learning? >> reporter: the president came and met with house republicans. and the republicans were hoping that he would come and change things for them.
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he would make clear that he is very much behind one of the immigration bills that the leadership has on the table and effectively said he supports both of these bills. they didn't think he moved the ball very much. one member said it was uneventful. if the president is coming to rally members to support legislation uneventful is not the terming you want used to describe it. having said that, there is some hope among the rvrepublicans wh are pushing this broad immigration bill at least his presence here could help. the other side to that is i talked to one member who remembered the president saying he was behind a big spending bill. on this issue of children and
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separating children from their families, what i am told that the president did behind closed doors is talk about it in the political context, talking about the images and the optics about how bad it is politically much more so than about the policy in general. and that rubs some republicans the wrong way who i talked to who are saying, wait a minute, it is not just about the optics it is about what we are doing to these children. >> how much momentum is there in congress to do something about this child separation policy in particular. >> reporter: it is a hard question to answer. to a person, republicans and democrats say they want this to stop. but when you are speaking abou republicans who run congress, it is not clear how they are going to get this done. for example, these two bills that they are talking about in the house of representatives, they don't know if they have the
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votes for them. both of them have language to deal with this child separation issue. even if one of them pass, which is a big if, it includes broader immigration language. fr example a border wall, funding that. and even if one of those pass, it is really doubtful, very doubtful that the senate would bring it up. the senate majority leader says they are united on a fix to this horrible problem and you have the democrats who at least some of them, would need to support it say no, we are not going to support this. we think the president can do it with a stroke of a pen. and that is what it is in a nutshell. and the president didn't take any questions tonight from house republicans. and so that means despite all of this outrage about this policy, he didn't hear it personally
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from any republicans that he was in the capitol here tonight. >> thanks very much. reporting from the white house tonight. caitlin collins is there for us now. what has the white house said about the meeting. >> reporter: we saw the president go there and give a pep talk to get behind these bills. instead it was one of his greatest hits rally. he talked about everything under the sun while touching on immigration here. there was confusion on whether or not the president supported the compromise bill or i will lewd -- cancel the visa lottery, curb chain migration and solve.
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the point of this meeting over the family separation issue was to get presidential momentum behind the bill and that didn't happen and people in the white house do not feel the prospects for either bill passing looks good right now. >> what do you hear about the president's reaction. >> reporter: the president praised her. that is unusual because her and the president have not been on good terms. they have often butted heads and he often credits john kelly bringing her on and having the president select her. people inside the west wing are praising the testy briefing performance. in the west wing, they think she did a good job sparring with
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reporters during the briefing and defending the administration. and including the administration that has made the president proud. during the meeting the president said he had heard from his daughter ivanka trump on this issue. criticized it and showed him the pictures and told him it needs to end. we should note that is not something that ivanka trump has said publicly. >> thank you. from the white house. senator, thank you for being with us. according to house members with the president tonight, the president thinks the images of these children in detention centers are bad, but he does have the power to change this policy. why do you think he refuses to
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acknowledge. >> former presidents feel the buck stops here. good or bad, they explain the decision. in this case, we have a president who is just psychologically incapablef taking responsibility for what he has done. >> do you have a sense if we are any closer to a resolution to this problem. another day that goes by is another day that these kids get separated from their parents. >> i am very concerned that we are going to end up in the quick sand of the legislative process and be stuck. maybe tar sand is a better way to put it. that is why we want to keep the president in the middle of this. he caused it with the stroke of his pen and he can end it with the stroke of his pen. what is the president do?
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he comes to the capitol hill and frames this legislative leverage for this wish list of poorly thought through egregious legislative. hurting children to create legislative leverage. it is evil. >> so when the president says this is about democratic obstructionism, what do you say? >> well, i would say no democrat held the pen that created this policy and no democrat can hold the pen that can end it. that is a presidential pen. >> majority leader mitch mcconnell said today there is un n -- and in a comprehensive way that goes beyond just this particular issue or do you want to focus on this particular
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issue, the separation. >> when he had his stake out today, he said it shouldn't be this broader bill. the ted cruz bill is about locking the children up along with the parents so instead of handcuffs for the parents it is handcuffs for all and second of all, instead of having two weeks of a trial. no way they can get the documentation from their home country and prepare a case and prepare for asylum in this short of time. i am concerned that mitch mcconnell's strategy is a strategy that does further harm. >> what do you say to the president and his supporters and other republicans who say, look, in the past, the policy hasn't worked that many people are
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basically released with their kids. they disappear in the united states, and 75% may come back and appear in court like they are supposed to, but 25% don't. >> there was a case management programming enacted or put together to improve on this. and the only report i have seen this, is that they have had a 99% response rate. cost far less money than imprisoning people. i haven't seen an independent assessment that is accurate. but the idea of having a case management that tracks people. make sure they turn out. and keeps the family together so we are not inflicting harming makes a lot of sense. that is the program that the president ended a year ago june. it sounds like it was working. >> i want to play something the president said about democratic support for immigration reform
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today. >> they don't want to give it because democrats love open borders, let the whole world come in. let the whole world, ms-13, gang members from all over the place, come on in. we have open borders. and they view that possibly intelligently except it is destroying our country. they view that as potential voters. >> do you view ms-13 coming in as potential voters. >> in 2013, we had a bipartisan bill, a lot of security at the border. people working together, not just working for the border but to address the issue of people overstaying visas. and the president, because he can't take responsibility for
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his policies and can't argue the logic. and even his secretary of homeland security said that that doesn't fly and yet that was the heart of this decision. he decides to cast insults against people. so i guess the word that comes to my mind is it is pathetic. that the president is incapable as an adult taking responsibility and having an honest conversation about the things that work in the past that he eliminated and the impact of this policy on children and on children and parents. and i know he wants to cast this as closed borders, open borders that is fallacious. this is about people showing up and treated well. four out of five are not granted
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al asylum and they will be reported. >> i appreciate your time. coming up next, a pair of republicans different takes on the president's plan join us. talking about the president and the problem he came to congress trying to fix today. the women behind the audio tape of migrant women that has become the touchdown of the president's controversial policy. to launch thousands of attacks. luckily security analysts and watson are on his side. spotting threats faster and protecting his data with the most securely encrypted main frame in the world. it's a smart way to eat lunch in peace. sweet, oblivious peace.
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knee president trump says he hates what is happening on the border. he spent the evening on capitol hill meeting with republicans. one member telling her the president spoke about how popular he is. and here to talk about it is jason miller and rick wilson. jason, 11 republican senators are calling to halt. how do you explain that? >> well, i was just talking to a member on the republican side on the house who had a little more optimistic impression from the president's visit this afternoon and felt that the president did help move things along. i think the votes can be tough
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in the house. but the bigger picture here is what the president is going for a bigger comprehensive reform. maybe come up with a short-term fix. but really clear what president trump is going for, he wants to bill the wall and come up with a set of principles and come up with a solution for daca, and solution for these loopholes. he wants to go for the big fix and this is going back to what president trump ran on in 2016 this, is the difference between him and a lot of politicians in washington. it might work, it might not work. and this is what he ran on and this is what he is trying to deliver. >> is this what the president trying to do. >> every thing jason just said is a lie. a cruelty to display his -- to
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his base. and he doesn't want to take the one line, one word fix that can be passed. it is the policy of the united states to no longer engage in separating families. it could be a one line, one paragraph fix. the senate and the house can pass it or the president who thinks he has this vast executive power and exercise it for every damn thing in the world. he could have an executive order, you will not separate these families. or he can send down demand guidance and say let's find a way inside the law to not separate these families. there are plenty of option. he rejected package that was brought to him and then steven miller blew it up. he wants this to be a spectacle. show these children in agony and
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fear and he loves. and his people love it. >> if the president is so concerned about this spraeepara, he could at least pause it while congress works on a more comprehensive solution. >> well, and congress might take that action. >> the president could do it right now. >> that goes to a matter of legal interpretation. the folks in the administration clearly believe it takes a congressional fix on that point. >> didn't the president start this policy. an interpretation of existing law. not anything in the law itself that says the families have to be separated. >> you just said the exact point, their interpretation of the policy, this is how they
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have to go and process families. it will take a congressional fix to do it. >> he could not, he could do what prior administrations have done temporarily, if he is so intent on a comprehensive fix, he could suspend the zero tolerance policy. >> that is getting a little bit silly where we are not going to enforce certain laws on the books and say okay until congress can come up with something, we are not going to enforce our border laws, that doesn't seem to be the right solution, congress can move quick, these are smart people on the hill and they can get their acts together and come up with a plan and put it forward. that is what the president was on the hill today rallying them to do. >> he can do that. other people would argue it is enforcing laws in a different
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way. you concede he could do that if he wanted to, yes? >> i would say i am not an immigration lawyer and i am not going pretend to be one now. this administration believes that it takes congressional action. >> really? that is what they say they believe. >> that amazing to me. this is a president who defineses by executive order. everything is down to executive order and policy changes and this is a guy who is governed by using those two tools exclusively so far. and we have an example, when you were still there, still around, where they did the muslim ban, it was a sweeping claim of executive powers. oh, they have to respect congressional prerogatives now?
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i don't think so. this has been a blackmail play from the beginning. a spectacle of cruel from the beginning. they want to whip up the mouth breathers, the morons who comprise the base. the delay and the claim you have to have a congressional action only. >> we can put the rhetoric and the insult aside for a moment. this is the reason why nothing gets done in washington. personal insults and run back to their corner. but donald trump was going up to the hill saying he wants to get a comprehensive bill done. so talking about daca. he wants to end chain migration, end the visa lottery system. he is talking about specific policies that he wants to get
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done. close this catch and release loophole. i get that you like the insults and have cool one liners, but what specific policies are you putting forward. all i am hearing from you is you want open borders. and whether it is m s-13 or traffickers. >> i have listed specifically what i stand for and what the president stands for -- >> told the truth about donald trump. that this is a guy who is surrounded by weirdest edge point people, surrounded by people who contextualize this as browning of america. a lot of folks around here like steven miller -- >> you don't like steven miller,
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i get it. you attacked steven. tell us your ideas you have no idea. >> -- racially charged and this is a complete spectacle designed by this administration to show children in pain, and in fear so you can acheerieve a legislativ end. they strike bottom and keep digging every single day. the fact that you want to defend it and play this game. this is a guy who has been a wrecking ball in this society and speaking of insults, your boss there, is the king of insulting people mostly like handicap people and war veterans but that is okay -- >> i am waiting for one idea --
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>> just humor me. i put on several policy matters. you have attacked -- >> -- that seeks. >> jason you want to -- you want a policy. here is a policy. the polly of the administration is to not separate families with children. we can do executive order. one paragraph, one subject piece of legislation comes forward. the fact that you are saying you have to have a comprehensive answer. you said washington wants to patch things, you know that is false. washington does comprehensive broad spectrum bills all the time. in this case, the policy, you want a policy, okay, we don't separate kids from their mothers, won't take little girls, hiding the pictures of the little girls, take those people and isolate them and away
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from their parents there. is a down syndrome child separated from his mother. are you cool with that? >> it sounds to me, you want to have a -- >> open borders, oh my god. that is a code for brown people. >> can we at least agree. >> i get it. >> good job. so you got your quick sounding bites. >> let's leave it there. we have to leave it there. jason miller, thanks and rich wilson i appreciate it. religious leaders. catholic priest calls the practice pure evil. i will talk to him next. what about him?
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hundreds of members of jeff sessions church are issuing a formal complaint. the complaint by 640 members of the united methods church says the policy violates the rules and may lead to child abuse. >> tweeting it is time the deliberate and separation from its parents is pure evil. it doings not come from god or from any genuinely moral impulse. it is wantonly --
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>> i saw that and i thought it was obscene to use romans 13 out of context. and for sarah sanders to say it was biblical to follow laws basically, between makes the law into an idol and removes the place of conscience. so i thought it was obscene. >> to say the policy was pure evil as you did, would supporters of the policy say whether it is true or not that long-term this would be a deterrent and prevent families from bringing their children along a dangerous journey that endangers these childrn along the way. >> and that is the moral argument, the end justifies the means and that can be used to
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justify torture. amnesty international declared this in fact is torture. it seems to satisfy every category of evil that you can imagine. i would ask people who sees those pictures why our hearts are moves like that. and that is god speaking through our conscience. >> the president tweeted using the word infest. i worked in rwanda briefly during the genocide and calling your enemy cockroaches or calling an opponent cockroach or making them less than human is something that we have heard from regimes throughout the decades or history. do you think it is intentional on the president's part. >> i can't say if it is intentional, but i agree with
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you. the jiews were vermin in nazi germany. this is what they do. they dehumanize them. if they are animals, we shouldn't care about them. it is sinful, an assault on human dignity. and it is unchristian. and i wonder how people can sleep at night, as christians especially spouting this kind of hate language and it is disturbing me. >> i want to play you something that attorney general jeff sessions said on fox last night. >> nazi germany, concentration camps, laura bush has weighed in. all the first ladies, what is going on here? >> well, a real exaggeration. and nazi germany, they were
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keeping the jews from leaving the country. this is a serious matter. we need to think it through and be rational about it. we want to allow asylum for people who qualify for it. >> what do you make of the response. strikes me as odd the only difference he would come up with is that nazi germany was keeping jews into the country. >> the nazis created unjust laws and accused the jews of breaking them and jailed them and shipped them to concentration camp. i found that fairly nonsensecal. gave them permission to put people in concentration camps or in this case in the cages.
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and so i found that statement bizarre. >> i appreciate you being with us, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. >> the audio recording of the kids at the border still echoing tonight. here is a brief portion courtesy of pro publica. coming up, i will talk to a civil rights lawyer. and the latest update we have about the little girl asking for her aunt. traveling lighter. taking a shortcut. (woooo) taking a breather. rewarded! learn more at
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with pg&e in the sierras. and i'm an arborist since the onset of the drought, more than 129 million trees have died in california. pg&e prunes and removes over a million trees every year to ensure that hazardous trees can't impact power lines. and since the onset of the drought we've doubled our efforts. i grew up in the forests out in this area and honestly it's heartbreaking to see all these trees dying. what guides me is ensuring that the public is going to be safer and that these forests can be sustained and enjoyed by the community in the future. as we reported the top want broadcast, the president spoke about immigration.
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publica. >> attorney jennifer harbury says she received that tape from a client. as the first person to have listened to this tape, what went through your mind when you first heard it? >> well of course my first reaction was one of horror. i just wanted to burst into tears. i think any human being, hears children as upset and terrified as that, what you want to do is run to that child and pick up that child and comfort them. and then i got mad.
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this is important. everybody needs to hear these tapes. we can't see the kids, we can't hear the kids, we are not allowed to know what is going on. the transparency is now. >> ginger, you have been in touch with the aunt. do you know has her aunt been able to speak with her? >> yes, her aunt spoke with her the day this recording was made and has spoken to her every other day since. she says the child has been moved out of that border patrol facility and is now in a shelter that is run by hhs. and the girl remarked to her where she is staying now is much better, she has a bed now and her meals are better. but she is worried about being left behind that her mother could be deported before they
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are reunited. >> has her mother been able to get in touch directly with her daughter? >> so the mother has not been able to speak to the little girl. they are having three-way conversations in which the aunt will pass a message from the mother to the little girl and vice versa. >> jennifer, the administration makes the point that this didn't start with them. they say the other administrations also separated children from their families. i am wondering what you say to that? >> we have never ever seen that happen down here. it may be in the case of smuggler or someone who had entered illegally maybe four or five times that a child was sent to child protective services if the parent was going to be in prison for a while. but never seen a mass separation of parents from their children
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based on a misdemeanor for entering without inspection. especially when they are running for their lives. they are trying to save their children's lives. the punishment is the few days they may spend in jail. we don't get to add to that, the punishment of losing their children. >> is it clear to you a policy of reunited these children with the parents. are the children, what happens to the kids? >> that's a very good question. we are not getting clear or consistent answers right now. and we need them. >> ginger, you know, sometimes you know when the world is faced with the crisis, there is an image that shifts the dialogue or grabs people's attention, do you think this recording has
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been that catalyst. >> i don't know exactly how powerful this is. i will say that the outpouring of interest that we've gotten at pro publica, the flood of people who have e-mailed me and asked about this little girl and how she is doing, and how, you know, asking questions about what can be done to help, and what can be done to stop this kind of separation has been overwhelming for us. and so i think that it has crystallized for a lot of people what this policy does. i think it is crystallized for a lot of people what impact this policy is having on children. >> i appreciate it. thank you very much. >> you may have seen polls of republicans. we wanted to see how supporters
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separating families at the border while criticism for the policy on capitol hill seems to be growing, many republican supporters support the tough stance by the president. >> at the diner in mesa, arizona, you can find plenty of good food. what you won't find, especially among trump fans, is sympathy for immigrant families separated at the border. >> these people we have coming across the border illegally are breaking the rules. i have no feeling for them at all. >> reporter: despite the images of children being torn from their parents, with the sounds
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of children crying at a detention center, folks here back the president completely. >> it's not about the mexicans. that's what everybody is so angry about. it's not. i don't care if you're from china, i don't care if you're from anywhere. you can't just come into this state and reap. you know what i'm saying? >> you think people are living off the state and not doing it legally? >> absolutely. and i think it's [ bleep ]. >> you hear a lot of anger and a lot of the president's own arguments, especially that many of the immigrants are actually criminals posing as parents. >> when you have a bad guy coming across kidnapping a kid and trying to come across, i don't buy that. >> reporter: how many of these do you think could be bad guys? >> i don't really know, but there's a lot of people being hurt by bad guys coming in this country. a lot of people. >> reporter: actually, that isn't true.
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but it is what these trump voters believe. she doesn't like the way the media is making her feel guilty. >> trying to make us feel teary-eyed for the children. yes, i love children a great deal. but to me it's up to the parents to do things rightfully and legally. >> reporter: you support the president 100%. >> correct. >> reporter: not all trump supporters feel that way. in a trendy watering hole in scottsdale, i meet up with four conservative friends. despite the stereotypical trump supporters, they're not old, angry or altogether white. they're young professionals with immigrant histories in their families. >> at the end of the day, zero tolerance is about enforcing the law. >> reporter: they all like trump's tougher stand on border patrol. but they feel it will fail.
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>> it wasn't well thought out in the human aspect of how this plays out for the families and for everyone involved. >> politics aside, there are real families involved here. you know, the statue of liberty says, give us your huddled masses. i want to remain a country that that's our motto. >> reporter: they all don't believe trump likes taking kids from their parents. instead they see what's happening as an unintended consequence of a stricter policy. >> shouldn't we somehow end it in the media? >> it's politics. common sense is taken out of the equation. >> reporter: in their minds, unlike some other trump voters, zero tolerance should not mean zero compassion. >> and martin joins me now from phoenix. how many of the supporters you talked to had kids themselves? >> reporter: yeah, that was a major question we asked of
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everyone, and the interesting thing is that all the older trump supporters there, many of them have children, grandchildren, some even have great-grandchildren. yet, as you know, most of them didn't have a whole lot of sympathy for the children down on the border separated from their parents. then the younger trump supporters we talked to, none of them have children, yet every one of them was deeply moved and very upset by the treatment of children down on the border. it was completely different from what i expected, anderson. >> martin savage, thanks very much. appreciate it. up next, the gop leader said the conversation with the president didn't move the ball. and what the president is saying about his visit to capitol hill when we continue.
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