tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN July 8, 2018 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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$34.90 more per month. call or go on line today. >> announcer: this is cnn break news. >> at 5:00 a.m. on the u.s. east coast following the breaking news out of thailand, the rescue effort under way to extract to rescue 12 boys and their coach from a cave trapped there for two weeks now. i'm george howell at cnn world headquarters in atlanta. welcome to our viewers before around the states and the world this hour. a thai governor calls it "d" day. he announced just hours ago this high-risk operation to rescue this group of 12 young boys and their coach. it is under way as we speak. a group of thai and international divers started moving m moving into this cave system several hours ago. the rescue may take hours, it
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could even take days. you see the images of what they're up against. really rugged terrain, wet conditions, and technical dives. also weather. that's a big factor as monsoon clouds continue to move in. let's get the very latest live in thailand. david mckenzie is near the scene and following the story. last hour the rains were coming down pretty hard. has the rain subsided a bit? and certainly this window of time, it's dwid willindling for weather to cooperate? >> reporter: i was just speaking to a specialist diver who is involved in the support of this whole operation and he said the weather is the major factor at this point. i put the question to him, which may be a tough question, did they wait too late? he said, no, he doesn't believe so. they had to get nefrg plaeveryt place to make sure they had the
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best possible chance of getting these boys out. now you'll have a big dump of rain but it will be patchy. and that mountain behind me that you see is where that cave system is, there was a big dump the water down directly on the catchment area. and that could mean that the water will be flowing into that cavern system quite dramatically. though they are pumping out water as fast as they can, it presents a real danger to the teams and the boys should that water start flowing back in. that may mean they may have to be flex nbl their plans. but at this stage the way it's going to work is that as we speak right now, the teams will be trying to get those boys out one by one, probably man handling them through those very narrow passages with full face masks out towards a chamber where they'll then be handed over to another team that will carry the boys and then their coach on stretchers to a waiting ambulance. and we believe, in fact, that
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the ambulance will pass by where i'm standing possibly in a few hours' time if all goes well to an area hospital. george. >> david, as the world watches this story, watches your reporting, obviously we all want to remain very optimistic, hopeful, you know, that these crews will have their very best work out there, the best luck, the best conditions. we have to keep had mind the fact that a former thai naf seal lost his life just days ago. it certainly underscores the complexity of what they're up against. >> reporter: well, that's right. that israeli diver that i just spoke to and we'll be bringing that interview to you seen, he said it was that dhaeeath that them all hard of how difficult this kind of diving is. i asked him, you know, is this the team's assembled here, does
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it impress him? he said this is, as he put it, the best of the best. the world's first class divers and cave specialists here to try to get these boys out. you think that they were found on that beach or beach head in a way deep inside that cavern around 16 days ago. that in and of itself was surprising to many that they lived to that point. well, they've lived on, they've survived and they've had a global effort, it seems, to get them out. the next few hours, the next day, in fact, into tomorrow will be crucial whether they can get these boys out safely and to their family. george. >> the best of the best dealing with very different conditions and children, david, some of whom cannot swim, some of whom may be weak from two weeks now in this cave system, it is a lot to sort out, of course. david mckenzie, we will all be in touch with you as you learn more from your sources there on
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the ground. let's put all of this into context now. what's happening. with butch hendrick. butch, a rescue diver and the president funder of lifeguard systems live this hour from scarsdale, new york. thank you so much for your time and your perspective whoon we're watching here. i want you to help our viewers understand the danger here, because it's important to know what these crews are up against, the danger for the children, getting out of this system safely, the safety to the rescuers who are seriously they're putting their lives on the line to make this happen. >> first we had the problem of the narrow passageways, obviously, and no visibility. so just that in itself becomes an extremely difficult -- cave diving is in itself one of the most dangerous things we can do even in the sport arena, very high-end expert cave divers pass away in caves quite often. here we have a current, if you
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will, like a flood. water is flowing into the cavern and heading toward where the boys are, so they're trying to get them back out we're basically fighting a flood as if we were working in an environment where the force is so great that they're going to have to be constantly trying to figure out how to make their bodies function through and continue to breathe. >> butch, you know, we've put a great deal of focus on getting an understanding of this water pumping system. so they've pumped out a substantial amount of water in the past several days. how important will that be with regards to getting these children out safely? will it make it a little easier for them? a second part of this question, we've seen the weather out there with david mckenzie. the rains will make that worse, yes? >> right now the rains, obviously, are coming in and they're moving more water back into the caverns and into the cave so the flow is moving very
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quickly. and when you think of flow, if it was one knot of moving one is 100 foot per minute. by the time we start to reach 2 knots, which is pretty close to where they are already and possibly even greater, we're at the speed of a high school swimmer, 200 foot per minute. so trying to pull themselves back along the lines and be able to indicator boys with them is an enormous effort. i'm sure that they have planned this and worked it out until the last moment they knew exactly what they were doing. and when their time window was going to have to happen. >> let's focus on the positives here. i mean, david mckenzie described these as the best of the best, these rescuers. they have drilled, practice, they have the expertise, focus and determination. the weather say concern. oxygen levels are concerning as
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well. how will they do this in the timetable to get these children and coach out, do you suspect it will be a matter of days? will there be times to rest and continue pushing forward? how will it work? >> well, first of all, it's a five-hour trip normally back and forth in this cavern. so they're looking at six hours round numbers, per boy. i can only imagine that they can't bring more than one at a time at least three-quarters of the way. the most likely they're taking from start to finish they have a 5 1/2 to six-hour window. i don't want a chance where they'll get jammed up in between in the middle of the cavern, the caves, now can't take the other boy. so they'll be taking them to a certain spot from before they start to get the next person moving. as they do that, we're looking at many, many hours and with the rain coming, i'm sure that they
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have figured out exactly how farther going to travel before the next individual comes. >> butch, we'll of course have to hope that they have the best of luck, that their skill, you know, and their abilities come together as they are planning and will, of course we'll in touch with you as we get more details about how this rescue operation is taking place. thank you for your time today. >> thank you. let's bring in our meteorologist derek van dam to tell us about the weather conditions. derek, it seemed that the weather, the rans had subsided just a bit there with david mckenzie, but is that short lived? >> well, unfortunately, george, i'm seeing some worrying satellite and precipitation trends. all the models that we're looking at, we are really investigating this closely. and all of them show the precipitation and the moisture starting to pick up in intensity
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and frequency in the hours and days as they go on. comparing this to 24 hours ago, it's a stark difference. really to see this rain filling in across the region. look -- this is neighboring louse. here's northern thailand, here's myanmar. this wasn't covered in cloud cover yesterday, but now we're seeing these showers pop up with more intensity and frequency as well. look at that just to the north and east. worrying trends. and the computer models really back this up as well. rainfall totals going forward over the next five days could easily exceed 50, even 75 millimeters of rainfall. a few inches of rain is not what we need for this particular cave system because obviously we know that water seeks its own level and that brings the potential for more flooding within that area and rising floodwaters within the cave system. here's the rainfall totals for each individual day going forward over the next eight or nine days.
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and you can see that worrying trend, the rain picking up in intensity as we head into the early parts of next week. so if this is indeed, george, a day or two-day long rescue operation, time is of the essence, we all know that. we know that more rain is not a good thing for the rising floodwaters, but also bringing in the potential for oxygen concerns within those trapped chambers where the boys and rescue operations are under way. >> thank you. we'll keep in touch with you too. please stay with us. of course. and we'll keep you up to date on all of the things happening out of thailand. our crews on the ground telling us about the weather, about the rescue operation, and latest information on when these boys will be pulled out of the cave system. also ahead, why north korea is attacking the united states' top diplomat. now the top diplomat is pushing back. stay with us.
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like. that after his two-day talks with the north korean officials about the tricky issue of denuclearization. pompeo called those talks, productive, that's what he called them, saying progress was made. north korea, though, different story. they called them regrettable and worrisome. speaking to reporters in tokyo, pompeo stressed that sanctions against north korea would not be lifted until total denuclearization is achieved. our anders stevens is following it all lye in seoul, south korea. and, andrew, denuclearization is the key here, but sanctions aren't going anywhere according to secretary of state. >> reporter: that's absolutely right, george. you hit the nail on the head there. this gangster-like mentality to the north is accusing the u.s. of revolves around the fact that it says the u.s. is operating on a unilateral basis. it's making a lot of demands and it's not giving away any concessions. what the north koreans say is
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the best process for what is a simultaneous step by step process where one gives and. the sponlds. but the north koreans want that to include sanctions. the sanctions are bite rrk , we that. it's one of the reasons they wanted to come to the negotiating table in the first place. mike pompeo making it clear there's no movement on sanctions until there is full verification and full denuclearization on the korean peninsula. interestingly, mike pompeo making those comments in japan even though the north korea is talking about unilateralism by the u.s., they're working very closely with their allies on this. the japanese and the south koreans. just listen to what mike pompeo had to say about that. >> we had good faith, productive conversations which will continue in the days and weeks ahead. in the meantime, sanctions remain in place.
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and we will continue to enforce them with great vigor. during the visit, we intended to build upon the agreements made by president trump and chairman kim and we made progress. but first let me make clear, north korea reaffirmed its commitment to complete denuclearization. we had detailed and substantive discussions about the next steps towards a fully verified and complete denuclearization. >> apologies there, that was not the clip i wanted to show you but basically mike pompeo says that they're working very closely with south korea and japan on this and both the japanese and south koreans affirming the u.s. stand on there is no possibility of moving the sanctions. that maximum pressure stays on north korea. george. >> anders steechs live for us in
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seoul, south korea. the u.s. scam tobling meet court ordered dead lines to reunite children with their parents. they have until tuesday to reunite children under the able of 5 years old with their parents. also until july 26 toth reunite all other children. but officials say that process may take longer and we're now seeing the proof of that. one guatemalan woman visited her 10-year-old son at his facility for about an hour and despite the government having both their documentation and fingerprints, she said it still could take about a month to get him back
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[ speaking foreign language ] >> and as you recall, we heard the wailing of children screaming for their mothers and fathers and certainly the pain felt mutually for those mothers and fathers. this rounds out the trump administration's agenda, there are also new developments in the russia probe. president trump's legal team is setting new conditions for possible interview to take place with the special counsel robert mueller. we're traveling with the president and have this report. >> reporter: the president's attorney rudy giuliani is telling "the new york times"
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that robert mueller, the special counsel, prove to the president's legal team that donald trump did something illegal to order to interview the president. further, he's stipulating that mueller must prove that the only way to get information to conclude his information is by interviewing the president. he's also asking robert mueller to prove that he has jurisdiction from the department of justice to investigate possible obstruction of justice. here's how he expressed that to the "new york times." said, quote, if they can come to us and show us the basis and that it's legitimate and that they have uncovered something, we can go from there and assess their objectivity. now, the white house appears to be gearing up for a legal battle because rudy giuliani also told "the new york times" that he does not expect robert mueller to comply with those demands for an interview with the president. so if robert mueller then puts out a subpoena trying to compel the president to testify, giuliani has said that he would challenge it meaning this could
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wind up in court. it prefers the white house would prefer to start a legal battle than have the president testify before robt robert mueller and i special counsel. notably he said this is about swaying the public opinion and keeping the president from getting impeached. the belief is that the white house is succeeding in its attacks on the special counsel and swaying public opinion in their direction. they hope that it can keep republicans holding on to the house after the midterm elections and prevent the president from getting impeached by democrats. boris sanchez, cnn, traffic with the president near bedminster, new jersey. >> thank you. let's square the circle now and get context with scott luke kans -- lucas. a pleasure to have you on the show, scott. let's start with what we heard from boris sanchez, the reporting. the president's attorney in these new conditions that they're trying to set for mr. trump to agree for a meeting with the special counsel robert
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mueller, do you see mueller agreeing to conditions like these? >> no, absolutely not. but that's not the point. rudy giuliani gave the game away when he said, look, what we're trying to do is sway public opinion. in other words, try to convince the public there's no need for an investigation or that an investigation is politically motivated, biased against trump. and that's like new verse same song because the administration has been trying that for months with for example the nunes memo that sort of cobbled together memo that tried to discredit the fbi. with trump's tweets, the witch-hunt that insisted on no collusion. the twicht hest here is what th president's lawyers are saying you show us all the evidence you have, you show us everything that's out there and then maybe we'll let trump speak to you. guess what? political or legal process, you don't let a potential defendant see all the evidence before you put them into the courtroom.
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so that's the game that's being played here. mueller who does not go public with this, who is the quiet man, we'll just pursuit investigation and try to let the politics wash over. >> i want to pivot to the drama playing out on the u.s. border with mexico. the government's inability to meet deadlines reuniting these families that it separated at the u.s. border. tuesday marks another important deadline to reunite parents with kids under the age of 5 years old. we still don't have specific numbers, scott, either, of how many families we're talking about. we should have specific numbers, it seems pretty straightforward. i don't know why we keep getting some 3,000 number. do you think there will somebody transparency moving forward? is there a feeling that the process will be more efficient this week? >> i don't know had the how do you repair a catastrophe, george? here's a couple numbers we got
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on friday. there are 103 children who were taken from their parents and detained in what are called, quote, tender care shelters. of those 103 who are under 5 years old and should be reunited, 19 cannot be matched up. so there's no way to meet the deadline in those 19 us as. in other case, some of them under 5, some of them over 5, at least 19 parents have been deported so there's no way you can reunite them because the parents are in one country, the children are in another. whatever you think of the policy, the zero tolerance policy, the lack of effective records, the complete chaos of suddenly ripping these children away, putting them into these centers with parents thousands of mile away, it built up for this. the courts will keep saying you have to meet deadline. i predict that not only on this tuesday but the week after that and the week after that governmental officials will say we can't, we just aren't able
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to. >> i want to talk about what will a very important victory for the u.s. president, picking the next supreme court success. the vice president met with three of the strongest contenders. the common denominator all very c conservative. given what we know about these candidates, where does abortion and lgbt issues stand? >> we ha has it narrowed down to three or four candidates. conservative, really conservative and extremely conservative. >> we know raymond kethledge who may be emerging as the top candidate, we know that raymond kethledge is re, very much a social conservative and will bring issues not only about abortion but also gun control and rolling back state gun control before the court. we know that amy barrett who has
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been named as one of the white house's possible favorites is very, very extremely conservative and that there are questions even about whether she puts religious views before the constitution brand legal opinion. we know that thomas hardiman, another name that's come out in the last 48 hours, he wants to roll back gun control. so, you know, whoever comes forth you know that they are going to be very much trying to move the supreme court much more to the right than even it has been in the past year. question. will the democrats allow that process to proceed before november or just as the republicans did in 2016 will they draw this out until after the elections because if the democrats win a majority then, the whole question about conservatives for supreme court justice is back up in the air for confirmation hearings. >> thank you so much for your time and perspective. >> thank you. we return, of course, to what's happening in thailand. our crew's there on the ground
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bring you the very latest as rescue efforts are under way to save this youth football team, soccer team that's trapped in a cave system. also scenes of devastation. look at what's happening in japan as waters continue to rise. we find out what the government says about trying to get people to safer ground. stay with us. new listerine® sensitivity gives you lasting protection from tooth sensitivity. with first of its kind protection, it blocks tooth sensitivity at the source. so instead of your favorite foods making you feel like this. you'll enjoy them like this. bring out the bold.™
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let's see who delivers more. comcast business gives you gig-speed in more places. the others don't. we offer up to 6 hours of 4g wireless network backup. everyone else, no way. we let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call or go on line today. fly coast to coast across the united states and to our viewers around the world this hour you're watching cnn "newsroom." thank you so much for being with us. i'm george howell with the headlines our teams are following for you this hour. in parts of southwest japan, record rainfall has been devastating. at least 57 people have died so
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far. many more have been injured or missing from flooding and landslides. and forecasters say more heavy rain is expected thundercloudunder. the government is urging millions of people to evacuate their homes to safer ground. after protests in haiti, the prime minister is suspending the hike in the price of fuel. bringing an end to fuel subsidies was part of reform the nations agreed to with monetary fund. demonstrators reportedly tried to set fire to a hotel in the capital city of porta prince. at least three u.s. airlines canceled flights because of the violence taking place in haiti. a massive protest in chicago with gun violence shut down a major highway on saturday. look at the dan ryan there, so many people on the streets. the demonstrators are demanding gun law reforms, more public resources and better schools. chicago police point out there
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are fewer murders in comparison with last year. we're also following the breaking news in thailand where a risky rescue operation is under way. again, try to extract 12 boys and their soccer coach, their football coach from a cave. divers will escort them through a flooded series of passageways until they are finally put on stretchers and brought out of the darkness. cnn has witnessed beds being prepared at a local hospital preparing for them to be pulled out of there. we know international divers and thailand's elite navy, the navy seals are taking part in this rescue. the seals earlier posted this powerful photo of them gripping each other's wrists. caption says that they are ready to bring the football team home. let's go live near the scene. cnn's david mckenzie is following the story. david, thank goodness it looks like the weather has agreed, you know, to cooperate, not raining
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as heavily as we saw last hour with you. certainly helpful to the teams doing this difficult and dangerous work. >> reporter: that's right, george. if the rain holds off, that could give them a better chance of getting those boys out. and in all the focus on these international teams trying to get them out we sometimes lose sight of the fact that these are individual people with families and dreams and hopes. 11 years old to 16 year old. i want to talk about one boy, he's 14 years old. he is in that cave with that team, one. soccer team. his aunty found out that he was being rude or possibly rude on social media possibly like many other viewers. and his birthday was also as well as two other of the boys, he had his birthday while he was in that cave. and i want you to listen to some emotional comments from his aunt and his grandmother who are
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watching this all unfold like many people here in these communities. >> translator: it's like i'm counting every second. i want to see his face. i want to see how he gets out. how they get him out. i'm so happy. >> translator: grandma loves you the most in the whole world. i miss you dearly. i think every country, everyone helps the kids to get out. it's like a miracle. >> reporter: well, there is a sense that they're a little bit helpless. the parents of the young boy in the mountainside behind me waiting desperately to hope that their son comes out and can be reunited with his family. and, george, this sis an extraordinary afrefrttempt from
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divers. i spoke to a diver playing a role here in this operation. take a listen. rafael, what worries you right now? because the weather seems to be closing in. is that a factor? >> it's just a great factor and it's actually really scary. and i really, really hope the weather continues like that. a lot of water will drain right away into the cave with the limestone and there are so many springs around the cave as well, water draining at all times with the cave and flood the cave and it will destroy the whole operation, the mission. >> reporter: so speed now is important? >> speed is very, very important. and that might be a crucial changes in the rescue operation and somebody will take to make decision to maybe bring more of
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them out today. >> reporter: so that's one assessment from one of the specialists in this region. george, they're all working together in the coming hours we expect hopefully an ambulance to pass by the spot where i'm standing towards that hospital that you mentioned where they will be waiting to tend to the boys. george. >> you're on the scene following this story with great detail, david thank you for the reporting and we will keep in touch with you and your team on the ground there. david touched on this, but there really are two stories at play here, divers working to reach these children and their coach, and the story of their families left to wait and quite honestly left to worry. as you can imagine, it is an excruciating time of great uncertainty for these parents. the father of the youngest boy in the cave is remaining patient, remaining hopeful, and he's telling us about his son in this exclusive interview. our matt rivers tells the story.
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>> 15 days avenue first disappeared, his bedroom hasn't changed, bed unmade, typical young kid's room. his father wants it to be like that for when the 11-year-old makes it out of the cave. >> translator: he's been playing football since he was young and he started it just as age 8 or 9. he wants to be a professional football player. >> on june 23rd he told his mom he was going to football practice. the next time she saw his newly gaunt face was in this video taken shortly after the team was discovered on july 2nd, nine days after they disappeared. no foin phone lines could be established, so the parents wrote letters to their kids and their kids wrote back. the youngest one inside showed bravery beyond his years. >> translator: he said he is fine there, not to be so worried about him. >> the rescue operation is now under way and all his parents and the others can do is wait and hope for the best. the children's young lives in the hands of an international
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team of divers tasked with carrying out a rescue the world is watching. >> translator: i know they work so hard and do their best trying to take the children and coach out. >> before the operation began, we asked him what he would say to his son still sitting on a small piece of land hundreds of feet below the surface. >> translator: i will tell him that i am worried. i want him to be healthy, to get enough strength to dive out safely. >> now he has that chance. in his letter to his parents he wrote that he'd like his uncle to take him for fried chicken as soon he's gets out. his dad looking at his son's picture told us no problem, whatever he wants, just make it out okay. matt rivers, cnn, thailand. >> matt, thank you for the report. rescue workers in japan are having a great deal of difficulty reaching people trapped by sweeping floodwaters. we'll have the latest on the extreme weather condition playing out there.
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also, the u.s. state of california again under threats of wildfire, but this time a heat wave. it's making the fires even more dangerous. stay with us. that's why pantene, the world's #1 conditioner brand, has conditioners for every hair type. from air-light foam for fine hair, to nourishing 3 minute miracle for thick and curly. and the moisture-infusing gold series collection. giving more women great hair days - every day. pantene. world's number one... conditioner brand. i tell them the thickness of your enamel patients they ask me about whitening all of the time. determines essentially how white your teeth are going to be. the strength of your teeth needs to be there in order for that whiteness to last. i would definitely recommend pronamel strong and bright to my patients to keep their enamel strong, help to keep stains away, and polish the enamel.
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everyone else, no way. we let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call or go on line today. just take a look at the situation in japan. authorities there calling this a disaster of historic proportions. floodwaters that have swamped roads that have triggered landslides and have destroyed hundreds of homes. we understand at least 57 people have died so far, many more are missing and many more are injured. rescue workers are struggling to help residents trapped by the flooding and forecasts show that more rain is on the way.
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the government urging millions of people to evacuate and to get to safer ground. let's bring in journalists live from our tokyo bureau this hour. are people heeding the warning? are they following the advice of officials and getting to safer ground? >> reporter: they are, at least those who can still move out of a very harrowing situation in large parts of the country. not only in southwestern japan, but in the central areas as well. in tourist areas like hiro shsh where days of rain triggered flooding and mudslides and you see whole communities being swallowed but muddy water. and although some of the special warnings that were put in place today, warning of further rainfall have been lifted, that doesn't mean according to the weather agency that all is good because the land is so vulnerable in some of these areas even a small amount of
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rain could trigger another mudslide. the death toll continues to mount throughout the day. there are many more missing and there are some areas, remote areas that have limited access rescue workers have not been able to reach some of these areas. in fact, the government has sent out about 56,000 troops it says from the south defense forces which is basically the japanese military, and they're using helicopters, in some cases boats and rafts to try and get people to dry ground. but you're seeing very, very harrowing pictures of people on roofs, hospitals that have been swallowed in by water with people trying to seek higher ground. and so this has been a very difficult day for many citizens across japan as they watch these scenes unfold. and it's getting dark here in japan. that always compounds the rescue efforts here. we had a very similar situation about a year ago when dozens of people died intor ren chal
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rains, but this time is very different because it's affecting a much larger proportion of the country. and the weather agency says this was just an abnormal situation where they had rainfall in some areas, pockets of where they would get rainfall maybe three times as much the monthly average in a span of say 24 to 48 hours. and they're worried about another typhoon, typhoon maria i believe it's being called, the eighth typhoon closing in on japan as well. so i think as the hours progress, people are concerned about the safety of those still remaining in their homes and also at the evacuation of the shelters as well. tens of thousands are heeding that request to seek shelter, but a lot of the transportation is being closed off. highways are closed off. you're seeing pictures of traffic jams on highways as well as normal people try to get out of some of these areas. train service including the
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bullet trains has been halted in some areas all day as well. so it's going to be very difficult to get food and water and other basic necessities to some of these evacuation shelters at a time of intense heat here in japan as well, george. >> that affecting them and certainly very important to the transportation, getting around. so of course this very serious situation. thank you for the reporting and we'll keep in touch with you. let's go to kyoto. away tonight bring in chad porter by phone, chad in a city that's been swamped by these heavy rains joining now live on the phone. our journalist just set up the reporting, the details of what's happening. but on the ground where you are tell us what you're seeing and what's happening right now. >> reporter: so basically it's kind of evened up since the past three days. we're finally having some clear skies. but for the past three days it went from a light shower to just constant heavy rain to the point
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where a river went from a mere few inches to feet and taking up entire walking areas to the point where no one could get across and trains had to stop because it's causing all kind of malfunctions for all three different lines heading from kyoto to osaka. it's crazy. >> chad there are has been described as historic rain event. have you seen anything like this in recent times? >> reporter: no. this is all very new to me. i had a discussion with some locals around a year ago talking about has the river ever gotten to a point where it's kind of, you know, caused any damage to the city in and they said, no, we've never seen that before. here we are a year later and it's happening. >> we've talked about residents trapped and people missing. our journalist just talked about the situation with the trains which is important for transportation and travel and these roads that have crumbled and are destroyed what does that mean for people getting around
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giving the weather challenges, the flood water? >> reporter: basically people are stuck. i even had a friend who was on the bullet train heading from tokyo to osaka. he was stuck in a prefecture a couple miles away and he was stuck for a solid three hours because they just couldn't move anyone. everyone's stuck. they can't go to work and school and everyone's kind of hoping nothing else bad happens at this point. >> government officials certainly have been telling people to move to higher ground, seek safer shelter. do you get a sense people are doing that? are they going to shelters or are they staying put? >> reporter: oh, absolutely, knowing the japanese the second they start getting messages they start to move out. so if you're nearby like a local emt elementary school or community center they are set up to prepare for people to come in and stay there for the night.
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>> chad porter rounding out our reporting. you see some images in japan of what people are dealing with. thank you for the insight and we certainly hope the very best for you and your family. >> reporter: thank you very much. here in the united states, wildfires are spreading fast across the western part of this nation. one person was killed in a fire near california's border with oregon. the fires have consumed dozens of homes. they have forced thousands of people to evacuate and to leave their homes. in the county of santa barbara, santa barbara county officials declared a state of emergency, high record temperatures are fueling the fires as southern california is facing a heat wave there. the temperatures in some plates have reached 100 degrees, 47 degrees celsius. world cup action to talk about and then there were four. the semifinals are set. next, how england and croatia secured their place in the next round. stay with us.
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. a couple of friends there inside croatia, i bet they're in that crowd. they are excited. croatia now advancing to the world cup semifinals. croatia defeated host russia in penalties. it is the second time ever that croatia joins the final four at the world cup. also a look at the scene there in london, celebrations in england. england set to face croatia on wednesday. this is the first time england has made it to the semifinal since 1990, this after defeating sweden 2-0 if the is making fans dream that england could win its second world cup. well, we'll see. it was a thrilling day with the last two games of the quarterfinals. cnn's world sports vains vince cha lienny tells us how england and croatia secured their chance to fight for the world cup.
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>> the world cup semifinals are set with england and croatia book their spot on saturday. for crow ash they had to get through host russia who had been the underdog story of the tournament. after battling into extra time at one, croatia took the lead. vit away header that screamed by players, the goalie was helpless. it finds the net and would all seemed lost for russia, this happened on a set piece in the 115th minute. mario fernandez off the side of his head, into the net, the place goes crazy, it's tied at two. we go to penalties, and that man again, fernandez of russia taking the third penalty kick, a crucial miss. evan raqqa tich with a chance to win it for croatia, and he ends the amazing run of the host, 4-3 on penalties, second semi ever for croatia. england has booked their place in the fines since 1990.
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they surrendered nothing blanking the swedes and making a new generation for their fans. of a goalless first half hour, the deadlock broken by harry maguire, first international goal for him and the three lions fourth goal from a corner at this world cup and eighth from a set piece. and it got even better for the english in the second half deli all -- dele alli was a there. first there were 32, now there are four. the 1998 winners france taking on belgium tuesday in saint petersburg and then england in their third world cup semifinal. they are set to meet croatia on wednesday. that is your world cup update. >> and that be wraps this hour of cnn "newsroom," i'm george howell at the cnn center in atlanta. our breaking news coverage of
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