tv Smerconish CNN July 14, 2018 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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and the indictments which. a g. rosenstein with president trump's much anticipated meeting with the queen ii was the justice department trolling him or doing him a favor? and sasha cohn hacks sarah palin and joe arpaio to dig cheney. did he go too far? i'll talk to one of the victims. >> that's a first, the first time i've ever signed a water -- >> first with regard to the 12 russian officers indicted for interfering in the 2016 election. i want to challenge one part of the wisdom, namely the timing poses an awkward diplomatic effort for the president. it may have done him a favor, if he is willing to seize it. think this through with me the
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announcement comes three days before he sits down in helsinki, to be sure, the anticipation of the mid-day press conference with j.g. rod rosenstein presents a juxtaposition. they were about to compete for attention with the president's formal arrival with queen elizabeth. tv's technical directors were spared. rosenstein was 30 minutes late to the start time of his announcement. given the president, they needed to do his review at queen's castle. rosenstein then revealed he briefed the president on the indictments in the days prior. >> i briefed president trump about these allegations earlier this week. president is fully aware of the department's actions today. >> so that means for the last few days, during which time he
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continued to call the mueller probe a witch hunt, the president knew that proof to the contrary was coming. even a few hours before rosenstein's announcement at a joint press conference with teresa may, trump said while he would raise the issue of russia med himming with putin. he cautioned he didn't expect a perry mason moment to result. >> i don't think you will have any gee i did it, i did it. you got me? >> he spelled out hit 11 page 29 count indictment of 12 officers, immediately after the ag's revelations caused some to call for the cancellation of the summit, including senate minority leader schumer, who said glad-handed with vladimir putin on the heels of our democracy. while the president has been
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loathed to hold putin accountable for russian meddling. he has just been hasn'ted the goods with which to do so and it will be embarrassing for him fought to. in other words, rosenstein did trump a big favor. he gave him the basis for a reset. in fact, you have to wonder if it was plaped that way. i don't believe in coincidence. are we really to assume that this indictment just happened to come on the last business day before trump meets with putin? no way. this was deliberately timed. at least by rosin stein to send put an message before the summit and in advance of the american mid-term elections. whether president trump was a part of that, we may never know. certainly, trump could have at least requested the announcement be delayed until after the summit but we will learn whether president trump is finally prepared to shop the charade of
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witch hunt and use the tools mueller and rosenstein handed him to be america's advocate. maybe he will demand the extra diction for those indicted. >> that bring miseto'o today's survey question. will president trump confront vladimir putin with the eent indictments? vote yes or no and i'll give you the result at the end of this hour. so what's the take away against a dozen intel officials and what more may be coming down the road? they include hacking the committee and the clinton democratic campaign and as well as money laundering aand attempts to brake into state election boards and actions. but there is also what it doesn't say as deputy ag rosenstein made sure to point
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ou out. >> there is no allegation that any american citizen committed a crime. there is no allegation that anything affected any election result. >> roger stone's attorney for one was quick to quite this is proof is that the case for others not charmed? joining me, the chief investigative cooperate for yahoo news, co-author with this best seller "russian rule let." the inside story on putins america and election of donald trump. paragraph 44 of the indictment had this language. i'll read a sentence. oeshlt august 15, 2016 the conspirators poekz at gucifer 2.0 wrote to a person in regular contact with senior members of
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the presidential campaign of donald j. trump. thank you for writing back. do you find anything interested in the docs i posted? nationally stone hesitated saying it was him. last night he said this on "prime time" with questions i chris cuomo. >> i have testified under oath with the house 8thics committee i had a persona word exchange with gucifer over twitter messages. any objective person who will read that excapping, which is included in the indictment will seem based on context and timing it's benign, innocuous. i think i'd probably am the person referred to. >> what's the meaning of all that? >> well, it's pretty clear roger stone is in robert mueller's
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sights. heed his, mueller and his prosecutors and agents have been ha asking a lot of questions about stone from various associates of his. there are still questions about the -- some of stone's comments in which he seemed to anticipate the release of documents from qui wikileaks. we know it was that same gucifer 2.0 a russian persona that provided the documents to wikileaks. that was one of the enduring mysteries. how did wikileaks get the documents they dumped on the eve of the democratic convention that had been hacked by russian intelligence him we now know it
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was from wikileaks. it was from gucifer 2.0. wikileaks solicited that documents. there are tech messages or e-mail messages that are reproduced in the documents in the indictment from wikileaks to g gucifer 2.0. at the same time stone is in communication with this intelligence persona, that gucifer 2.0 is providing the documents to wikileaks him so i think that raises further questions about stone's comments during that period that he knew about the coming release by wikileaks especially in that early okay time period on the podesta e-mails. >> in response to the revelations yesterday, rudy guiliani, the president's council in this context issued
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tweet, proclaimed victory of sorts. i want to put it up on the screen. time for mueller too ends this pursuit of the president and say president trump is completely innocent. seemingly immature, wouldn't you say? >> he said clearly the investigation by mueller is ongoing and, yeah, mueller does have a habit of doing things in a rapid succession. we've seen when he acts, he then sends to follow up. so we may well be seeing more from mueller in the coming weeks, we don't know. certainly there is the trial of paul manafort coming up. there is a lot of anticipation about will we be finally seeing a report or mueller will be submitting his report on construction. so this could well be the opening act in what becomes a
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very busy summer. >> michael, i want to show you the president as a candidate july 27ing of 2016. then i want to make a xhechlt rom that footage. >> i will tell you this, issue, if you are listening, i hope you are able to find the 30,000 e-mails that are missing. i think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. >> according to indictment target date is significant. what happened? what was laid out on that day? >> on that very night the russian military hackers began penetrating a server that was used -- that clinton's own personal office used. they also targeted yet more
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members of the personnel members of the clinton campaign. the indictment raises the question of whether there is some connection there. i think, you know, we have to be a little cautious on this. it's clear the russians were targeting clinton campaign officials as early as march of the year. that's within they got access to the podesta e-mails. so this may be coincidence or not. it certainly establishes a foundation for mueller to ask president trump about what he may have known about this if president trump submits for an interview which, of course, he has been resisting for quite some time. >> i mean, to your point, this was a very sophisticated expensive, time consuming, labor intensive process, the switch could not have been thrown. they were ready to go. >> yeah.
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look, more importantly, i think this is something that is especially significant on the eve of this summit, these gru guys weren't operating on their own. they just didn't decide they were going to amount this extensive campaign to hack democratic political parties in the checkpoint campaign and dump the e-mails. >> right. >> let's remember, the u.s. intelligence community in its january, 2017 report said all of this was ordered by president vladimir putin, himself. and -- >> good point. >> if you read the indictment -- >> even though his name wasn't in the die. i to the that was odd. >> his name isn't in the indictment. but it does say, when you read the fine prirnths these 12 gru officer and others known and unknown no the garage. so who are those others known to the garage? it does raise the question of
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whether vladimir putin, himself, is an unindicted co-conspirator in these charges. >> great observation. michael isakoff, thank youing, as always, appreciate it. >> tweet me, i will read some responses throughout the course of the program. will you hold obama act bl? you say you are fair. we will see. all this meddling happened under obama. no one cares. this is why the american people get so frustrated with the media, why trump will win again in the mid-term. the president tweeted today on exactly that point. that was his initial response. here's what i'm looking for, instead of this going on between rib lals, conservatives, republican, democrats, what happened to when we were united against a common enemy? this was terrorism. we were the victim of a terror strike and will the commander in
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chief on monday 408d accountable the presumed perpetrator of that terror strike. stop all the liberal conservative red state, blue state stuff. our partisan differences used to end at the water's edge. now, let's get back to those times. association i lost my place. give me the part that says, what's coming up. oh, thank you, katherine. go vote at tell me whether you think the president is going to confront vladimir putin with the recent indictments. at the end of this hour, i will give you the results. now, we're back on track, still to come, what might happen monld when trump meets putin without advisers. ohing yeah, there was a supreme court nomination this week with a contentious process ahead.
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so what's going to happen on monday's one-on-one meeting with president trump and vladimir putin with only translators in the room. people were worried if trump would be tough, since today he's mostly down played it and ignored advisers and relied on his gut instinct to forge a personal relationship. on friday, they announced a new indictment of a dozen nationals for the hack of the national committee. does this mean the tenor of the meeting now changes? joining me now is david cramer, former u.s. assistant secretary of state for russia, ukraine, belarus, moldova and a senior fellow for diplomacy at florida
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international university and author of the book "back to containment" dealing with putin's regime. thank you for being here. back to the timing issue. i find it so curious this came the friday before the monday summit. >> well, it certainly is a coincidence at least. i know in your opening you were sucking more than that. it will make the situation for president trump a little more difficult by forcing him to raise this, i hope, although, president trump as you indicated knew about this deputy attorney general indicated he briefed the president on this before he left for his trip. yet the president was rather dismissive yesterday of the whole investigation. he said he'll ask putin about it and will get an answer. i hope the president is much more forceful for that. this should be viewed as an attack for russian officials by
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the kremlin and its democracy. it shouldn't be viewed in partisan terms. the president should be pushing back on it and make clear the united states is going to do something about it, not sit back and ask questions. >> if you were if your old role and whisper in this and say mr. president, demand the extra decision i digs of the 12 who were just indicted? >> it's hard to do that, there is no tradition treaty the president should make clear we need to hold those accountable for the hacking and for other trolling activities, where russia tries to sew further divisions in this country. tries to tap in sensitive political issues, whether it's charlottesville or the shooting by police officers of blacks and other issues, the nfl protests.
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this is going on. the russians are gearing up to do it in the 2020 elections. the president feeds to make the clear to putin will thereby a cost for russia, including, for example, exposing the wealth of various other officials, including the russian president and see how the russian pub learn reacts to those kinds of exposures. >> you have written on an interesting dynamic. that is that the president is an outlyner his own administration. meaning you got pompeo, nikki haley, mike pence, general mattis, you correct me, they have all been very tough in the things they've said and done relative to russia. but not him. >> that's exactly right. it isn't just rhetoric out of the officials you named. we've seen the administration approve lethal assistance to ukraine, president obama refused
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do that that assistance. we seen a huged stepped up advance on sanctions of various russian individuals. we've soon an increased presence of u.s. military in the baltic states and poland. so we've seen some positive reactions and actions on the part of the united states as well as the rhetoric that you described from various senior officials the outly iras you put it is the president who continues to talk about wanting to have a good relationship with russia and mr. putin. what the president does, he asks the wrong question, when he says, wouldn't it be great if they get along? we all would. the question to ask, in my view is, can the occupation have better relations with russia as long as the regime with putin is in place, without sacrificing america's values and interests. i think the answer to that unfortunately is no.
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>> a final quick comment, if you don't mind. you wrote a provocative article for the post. you said he was going to get rolled, essentially, there was too strong and putin with his kgb training would know how to push trump's buttons. give me the ache away from that? >> sure. i think putin has been watching how other leaders have worked with him and seen flattery works well. he'll also, putin will point to obama and say to president trump, obama is responsible for the current state of relations him we know how you feel about obama. let's undo what obama is responsible for. thirdly, i fear putin will appeal to trump's instipths to look at nato and the eu and w. t.o. and g7, say these institutions are obsolete, let's
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create a new one a better foundation. >> thank you so much for your expertise. >> thanks, michael what do we have on the facebook pages? i love you, michael, what are you smoking the puppet master and his public will be laughing at all of otherwise in his secret meeting. he can no longer regard this as a witch hunt, not given the tremendous detail put forth in the 29-payment indictment. >> that will be a joke the next time it should come out of his lips. i am saying, now is an opportunity he has been anded by mueller for a reset to be the tough guy that he has told us he is and to say vlad, here it is. he should wave that indictment at putin and demand extradition
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treaty or not that those peaceful people be handed of to the occupation. in so dock, he can recoup so much of the credibility he has lost with so many persons by treating this as a joke. i want to remind you to answer the survey question at will he do it? can president trump present him with the repeat indictments. at the ends i'll give you the results. in a decade going under cover to lampoon politicians. will it accomplish anything besides making people angry. i will talk about to joe walsh. the pro israel award that he the pro israel award that he thought he won.
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the pro israel award that he thought he won. does your business internet provider promise a lot? let's see who delivers more. comcast business gives you gig-speed in more places. the others don't. we offer up to 6 hours of 4g wireless network backup. everyone else, no way. we let calls from any of your devices come from your business number. them, not so much. we let you keep an eye on your business from anywhere. the others? nope! get internet on our gig-speed network and add voice and tv for $34.90 more per month. call or go on line today.
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. so that's the first, the first time i've ever signed water -- >> before his new tv show airs, sasha cohen is cranking across the political spectrum, who is america? that's the title? the star of borat and a ali g show. he conned his way into various interviews. a teaser showed cohen offering former president dig cheney a waterboard for him to sign. is he pushing a polarize company further apart. and my next guest, joe walsh turned radio host.
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what was the setup in your case? >> hey, michael, good to be with you. let me tell you at the outset, i think sasha was a funny guy. because he gets people to say stupid things. he lies to them. they knew i was a big supporter of israel's, they presented me with this award as one of the israel's greatest friends found-of-out later, it was a ruiz probably to say stupid things. >> they give you an award, they use kids to protect itself against terror? >> michael, it's crazy, they
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flew me out to d.c., put me in a littleo, send me off under the lie i was getting an award from sam israeli tv station, so after they conducted an interview, they had me read off a at the le prompter telling about some of the innovative products that is cal invented. they had me read about this 4-year-old child, when a terrorist entered, somehow he grabbed the terrorist gun and held them at bay. that was an example of how israel trains pre school kids on how to do firearms. so i really missreading off a teleprompter. i'm thinking, this is kind of crazy, it is israel and they're strong on defense.
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we found out the thing was paid up. there is no tv station. there was no award. it's pretty clear that sasha baron cohen wanted me to say something pretty crazy about guns like in america, we ought to arm pre school kids. >> did an alarm go off in your head, congressman? >> its did, michael, it was too late, because i was in the middle of this 15-minute thing talking about all the great things israel does. so the alarm went off, it really went off about 3:00 that next morning when i said, oh my god, i have been duped. we hired an attorney, we looked into it. we found out quickly it was this new special on showtime that he was producing, sasha was producing. we found out as you said, michael, i wasn't alone, dig kane, sarah palin, a bunch of us were duped.
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so relative to governor palin, i feel when i watch it, i will have a laugh at your expense, nobody seems to have gotten hurt the palin thing is troublesome to me. on the facebook page, she said sasha barren roen posed as a disabled veteran, fake wheelchair and all, i mean, c'mon, if there is a line, surely that's over it. sasha baron cohen respond, he said something like the only service i said i was in was the united parcel service. react to what you have heard about the palin episode. >> michael, good point, that's part of why i came out this past week, i think he crossed the line with sarah palin. look again, he's a funny guy, what i did is funny, that's okay. i'm a big boy, you imperson fate a disabled veteranch he did
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cross the line, icy sarah palin was right to call him out. i like the fact that in this world now sarah palin and others like myself were pushing back just so people when they go into it as you said michael will all have a good laugh. people need to know the truth. >> initially i heard it was you, cheney, palin, arpaio. i thought this politically will probably be too republican/conservative bench once again, it will be thehold elite. apparently bernie sanders is on that list and howard dean as well. >> right now i'm sure at the end of the day it will be an attack on us conservatives. he sprinkled in bernie and howard dean to probably make it
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look balanced him they were trying to go after primarily republicans and based on what happened to me, michael, i assume they're going to go after us for our belief on the guns and the flags and things like. that this is the world we live in. i will probably laugh at myself. >> thank you, congressman, i appreciate it. >> thank you, michael. >> let's check in on your tweets and comments. it shows how stupid the members of sasha barren cohen, if they can dupe them, it shows how stupid they r. i think the guy is unbelievably funny. i'm prepared to watch. but if i see him, inhave to say this i see him there in a wheel care impersonating a disabled
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it has been such an insane week of major news that the president's nomination of brett kavanaugh to replace antony kennedy on the supreme court seems like eons ago, polarizing debate remain, since he's young enough, it's worth discussing what we can and can't learn about his views. on roe versus wade, once the confirmation hearings begin. joining me, jeffrey rossen, he is a professor at george washington law school and a contributing editor at "the atlantic" and today's "wall street journal," what we can learn from supreme court confirmation hearings. hey, jeffrey, i have a short montage of recent hearings i
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want to show and ask a question. roll it. >> can you see any precedent as to roe? >> i think i should stay away from discussion of particular issues likely to come before the court again. >> it is a precedent that has now been on the books for several decades. it has been challengeed.n it has been reaffirmed. but it is an issue that is involved in litigation now. >> would it be illegal to terminate that child's life? in there i can't look at it as a hypothetical and can't look at it as an abstract without knowing what supreme court issues are there or not. >> advice me for a moment if i was a u.s. senator, what is the most probing question i can ask about roe versus wade? >> i think you begin by asking the injuries prudential question
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and say in 1992, justice kennedy affirmed roe for three reasons, it is embedded in society and second the test was unworkable. third, there were no social changes that you would called it into question. judge kavanaugh, do you agree with justice kennedy or are any of those three other factors different? if he demurrers, you say, judge kavanaugh, conservative judgments say certain cases like roe become super precedents, they are extended in future cases. you can be off and running. >> you argue in the journal today. i think very effectively, jeffrey, that these are not theater, there is actually a lot of substance there to be gleaned. >> it's remarkable how educational these hearings are.
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i want to read the transcripts. you can tell from these hearings, chief justice roberts was likely to be a pragmatist, that justices gorsuch and thomas were likely to be originalists. judgment kavanaugh hasn't used language like individualism. he cares about history and structure. whether you support or oppose him, what he says is likely very precise will i to predict the kind of constitutional methodology he will adopt open the court. >> given your knowledge of judge kavanaugh and his many opinions that these written, i think 300, do you expect he will be in the mold of justice kennedy, should he be successful? will he be the one where we say we know where three or going, four are going, is he likely to
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be like kavanaugh? >> i think more like thomas and alito. it's hard to say based on his recordss, his recent speech suggests a sort of fondness for pragmatism. i guess if i had the bed, he would be more like roberts. he's not on originalist. he seems opened to technical and pragmatic solution, the he's like roberts in the center of the court, that would be very different than if he's with the most original and conservative justices up on the right. >> interesting. i think i hear jeffrey rosen saying it's actually chief justice roberts that itself the new kennedy. >> absolutely, numerically he will be in the center of the court. chief roberts cares a lot about consensus, to bring them in to converge around narrow technical
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questions, that will have huge implications whether they clearly overturn roe vietnam wade or instead as i think the chief would prefer chips away at them, contradiction would say, guts them, pre serves them to proincrement ally and prepare the legit massie in a highly polarized country. >> thank you, jeffrey rosen. >> thank you, and the result. you have one last chance to vote at will he, will president trump confront vladimir putin with recent indictments? vote yes or no. the results are a moment away. you don't even understand? e well, esurance makes it simple and affordable. in fact, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412. that's auto and home insurance for the modern world. esurance. an allstate company. click or call.
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okay. it's time. see how you responded to the survey question. will president trump confront vladimir putin with recent indictments? survey says -- oh my gosh, 9397 votes. 94% say no. boy do i hope that everybody that voted no is wrong. for me, what gives me hope is the timing of this. as i said in opening commentary, i just can't accept coincidence. i don't believe the last business day before the sit down rosenstein stands up and indicts 12 russian military officers, not where he had already briefed the president, because seemingly it puts the president in this
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very uncomfortable position. maybe it is by design. am i naive to think this? maybe it is by design that they agree that rosenstein said i'm going to give it to you while you're sitting with the queen, so now you get to go and say vlad, like what the hell? this thing was dropped while i'm overseas, lays out chapter and verse. i can no longer go home and say witch hunt. so give me something. like the 12 guys. pie in the sky perhaps, but the president, my final word. the president is angry about this. i'm angry about this. he's angry at all of the wrong people. he's angry at the intel community, he's angry at the investigative community. it is time he turned that anger toward mother russia. see you next week. no.
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talk to your doctor today. i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster,
7:00 am
and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig. comcast, building america's largest gig-speed network. well, the summit is on. the question is will president trump and vladimir putin take questions after their meeting. i am christi paul. >> i am victor blackwell. the white house confirms there will be press availability at the summit, but it is not clear what that means. what is clear is that president trump is golfing in scotland and not speaking out against the 12 russian agents indicted for meddling in the 2016 election. president trump's response so far is it is president obama's fault. i'm still the
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