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tv   The 2000s  CNN  August 4, 2018 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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>> thank you. >> let me ask you this, why is it if i wanted it delivered in three days, it's $1.50 but if i want it delivered in two days it's $85? why is that? what's going on there? >> it's amazing that there was a time what you said could get you locked up in prison. >> actually, accrued a reputation for being a rev and. >> i cuss gratutiously, but subject matter is another story. >> this will ab good show. >> are there any subjects that are never appropriate for humans? >> people say a good comedian doesn't have to cuss. i thought that's [ bleep ] rubbish. >> why is that so funny? >> i don't know. what you are going to hear is going to shock and disgust you. >> if you go blue, you have to do it dirty for the sake nothing
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worse than that. >> you have to promise me something, you won't get me in trouble on the show tonight. listen, i'll be cussing tonight. just so you know, i'll, i'll, don't [ bleep ] ignore me. >> never allowed to use the word [ bleep ] is like not allowing the guitar us to use the cord e. it's possible to play the instrument but why the [ bleep ] would you bother.
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don't waive your finger, you knew there would be cussing tonight. >> the world was never changed by anyone being well hafd or well mannered or quiet. >> there is a certain ex-ill ration of pushing the boundaries. >> i had this memory of being a 3 and i would shower with my mother. my mom got hurt amortize from the showerhead. that water would then cascade down her ample bosom and pike off of her '70s [ bleep ] and it was now my water. i was raised by parents who spoke explicitly. there is something growing up not knowing that talking about your body parts was taboo. now, if you haven't done it before, ladies, go home, and treat yourself, do it tonight.
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just give your man a little push push in the touch touch. give him a little a tarry. my whole comedy career i've been told to be less dirty and i would be more work if i toned it down a little bit. and it's crazy to me like the high brow publication like the new yorker would be interested in interviewing me why i find it funny to butt finger a man. >> i don't think there is subject off limits. >> i did that joke? alabama, three red necks met me after the show, hey, buddy, come here. hey, buddy, we are christians, we don't like what you said. i said then forgive me. what we consider offensive or blue evolves with every generation. >> with vaudeville, for the first time comedy becomes an industry. >> poor father, he died of
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throat trouble. they hung him. >> vaudeville is created commercially to clean up humor. there is no cursing. there is no blasphemy. why? they want men, women and children to be able to come there. they want a bigger audience. ♪ >> if vaudeville did something on stage that was objectionable, they would send a blue envelope backstage with the material they wanted exerciscised from their . so that became the whole idea of that phrase blue material. >> say good night. >> good night. >> thank you. >> so you had vaudeville comedy accessible to all. but at the same time concurrently you had another style of comedy that was a little bit different.
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burr le burr less can houses were burlesqe because they were scantily clanned ladies. they would have to up stage it. so they would do this dirt itch comedy. >> your wife is on tv? >> she does one thing that's mystifying. takes the little rubber ball, bounces it up and down and stands with her legs like this. when the little ball bounces up and down the little ball disappears. >> what are you bragging about? my wife does the same thing with the basketball. >> sure. >> she does tt hard way. she's knock-kneed. >> vaudeville is clean.
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burr less can is dirty. the thing fw that is it's all male. you are not going there to see the comic. okay. you are going to see the other. >> the dean martin celebrity rose coming to you from the mgm grand hotel. >> dean, i would like you to know that i canceled a proctologist appointment to be here tonight. [ laughter ] and i think i made a mistake. [ laughter ] >> so in the late '60s and 1970s they would televise roses but they were sanitized versions what you would actually see at the friars club. >> a lot of reasons why we should honor this man tonight. first of all he's italian and i love the italian people. and i'll never forget the words
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of a person in brooklyn saturday night. the televised roses that dean martin did were so funny and fun to see. but something about those private friars club behind closed doors, you know, stag roses. t -- roasts. the fact they were huge stars that people heard on the radio be squeaky clean, suddenly you got to see another side of it. >> i've known don for eight years and like most performers they he has thousands of acquaintances. but he also has close friends and i would like to feel i'm one. i don't want to speak for don but i'm one of his very close friends. and i think that's important to don because queers need friends. >> wonderful. >> the vaid ville style of comedy and the tradition of
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comedy came together at the friars club. >> it's good when an artist can express themselves in a way that may not be acceptable outside that temple of spree speech. >> people said there is a time and place for that kind of comedy. that's the time and place. the roast. >> i will remember this evening probably as long as it takes me to get to my car. [ laughter ] >> the history of comedy is brought to you by -- ♪ ♪ ♪ raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens ♪ ♪ bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens ♪ ♪ brown paper packages tied up with strings ♪ ♪ these are a few of my favorite things ♪ ♪ ♪
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go to fame, lenny booths. >> you might be interested in how i became offensive. >> at that time, there was in the book of obscenity, you couldn't say [ bleep ]. i mean, could you imagine that? >> i'd like to perhaps give you a four letter word that starts with an s and ends with a t. first time on television, i'm not going to look at you when i say this, because this way i can't get busted you don't know who said it. starts with an s and ends with a t and the word is snot. >> he saw himself as social critic and challenging our language and why certain words were taboo. >> the jews doesn't have any
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knowledge, because both rabi and priests is [ bleep ] only one is [ bleep ]. >> if you listen to my father's routine, you won't hear a quote unquote obscenity. so-called curse words or blue material. he did not use them for shock value. they had a purpose. they had a reasonment and they were leading to a point. >> and there is it a difference you know between a big piece of art with a little [ bleep ] in the middle. you don't understand art of one big piece of [ bleep ]. >> if he was just playing small joints and nobody would have bothered him. but as his popularity started to grow, he became something of a force and influence and so started to question authority. and started to step on toes.
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christ said to moses, look at the earth, obviously they are bombing, they are doing that. so flock to new york. said what's playing in saint pats? good double billing. spell man would be relating forgiveness to people. and christ would be confused. because their route took them through spanish harlem. and they were wondering what 40 ricans were living in one room and had a ring that was worth 8 grabbed. >> what about the accusations that you tram on other religions? >> i discuss religions, many point of view. i am interested. i am searching for an answer, as billy graham is. >> at this time, priests and people of the cloth, you bow to them, and people are very angry so they are talking about your
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religion, belief system. you play with someone's belief system and religion and have you a problemment and they have the powers that be crazy. shut him up. you've got to silence him. >> someone saw lenny bruce in a club in chicago and making jokes about the pope or something, and two detectives wentz up on stage, because of that remark, and handcuffed him in front of the audience and took him away. you can't even imagine that today. >> they found it was obscene enough to put me in a jail cell for the last 24 hours. and i think i would wish they would tell me is which words were obscene. >> in court the cop is reciting what he thinks that my father's talking about. when my father had the microphone, and he was doing this, he was imitating a priest doing a holly water in the pews. the cops wrote it down that it looked like he was pretending masturbation.
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it got fierce. it got really fierce. >> there were some really funny great kmed yan's and blue, but they chose him to make some, you know, some ridiculous point. comedians. they took away his first amendment rights. it was a horrible moment. >> the reason i got busted, i picked on the wrong god. if i would have picked on the god whose replica is the whoopy cushion star, the demi god, i would have been cool. but i picked on the western god, and that's where i screwed up. >> no matter how many times he would get arrested, no matter how times he was dragged off the stage, no matter times he had to go to court, my father believed that he had the right to free speech. my dad went from making $150,000 a year to being registered as a pauper. we had no money.
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all the money and everything went on lawyers. the way that he was beat endown and beat endown coupled with his drug use is what killed him. >> lenny really took the blows. he was the martyr. he cleared the way for the new openness which was happening in all sorts of media in the '60s but it took guys like lenny bruce to really push the boundaries and to go to jail for it. >> there is not one piece of comedy being done today that didn't come out of something lenny bruce said. really, he was like, you know, the big bang. >> did he take the hit for all of us? yeah, i imagine he did. i mean, thank god for lenny bruce. >> let's see, what's nice to follow a good heavy morose thing like that?
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a commercial, yeah. sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. stadium pa : all military members stand and be recognized. sometimes fans cheer for those who wear a different uniform. no matter where or when you served, t-mobile stands ready to serve you. that's why we're providing half off family lines to all military.
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with humira, control is possible. >> we lose a lot of people. >> i doubt i'll make old age. >> look at the people that were left. >> i don't think any comedian want to be taken seriously in death. death. >> when they go, we
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everybody's i.d. because if they could get somebody who is under age, they could really wreck havoc. >> and you have young george carlin trying to be arrested with lenny bruce to be able to ride in the paddy wagon with him. >> if they are going to bust lenny, they are going to bust me. gives me goose bumps. >> and lenny bruce said how did you get in here? and he said, well, i refused to cooperate with the police. and lenny bruce said, what are you, a smuck? carlin came up as a kind of traditional short hair stand up comic. he was quite successful getting ed sullivan gigs and so forth. >> here is comedian star george carlin. >> how is the weather, man? tonight's forecast, dark.
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>> carlin at first wanted just to have success. and he got that success. and then felt that he was getting that success in a way that didn't speak to his heart. >> i used to be this guy, and maybe this guy used to be me, i don't know, we were each other at one time, it wasn't long ago, i liked him. he was really good. he was funny. and i had a the lo of fun with him. he did nice things for me. but there was like there was nothing behind him. he was kind of just superficial. just the surface. he was all characters. i want in there. i found out i wasn't in my own act the guy who picks up from lenny is george who basically kind of goes, right after the tab beaus, he's constantly picking. >> the and the priests were heavily into pen as, give accouple of novena to do, nine first friday, knife first saturday, stations of the cross, a trip to lourdes.
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that was one of the things that bothered me a little about my religion was that conflict between pain and pleasure. you know. because they were always pushing for pain. you were always pulling for pleasure, man. >> george carlin was a words submit. a words smith. and he would spend a year where every word was there for a reason. nothing was there which accident. >> my trouble was i wanted a list. here are these words i'm not supposed to say. let's have a look at them. i'll be glad to avoid them if i could just see them and know what they are. you have to say them to find out what they are, man [ bleep ]. o o oh, [ bleep ]. >> george carlin, he had fun with vulgarity. and that drove people crazy. >> i kept finding more ways to
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describe dirty words than there were dirty words. they call them dirty, bad, filthy, foul, vial, vulgar, off color, lewd, in poor taste, suggestive, curse, cussing, obscenity, profanity. all i could think of is [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> as you watch the bit, he initially gets the shock laugh, and then he begins inserting these vulgarities into very normal comfortable musical almost lyrical language to show you how ridiculous it is. >> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> all of a sudden words are beautiful ingredients to a great melody. great way to start an orchestra.
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>> i got carlin records. and i remember my dad was listening to with me. and my dad was an english major and anything with word play despite the language he would still want to hear it. >> the united states supreme court has ruled that government can act against broadcasters who present offensive material. the 5-4 decision upheld the government reprimand of a radio station who broadcast a record by george carlin. >> played a cut from the album. cut it called filthy words. and follow up to an earlier album that says seven words you can never say on television. wbi played it in an a context of a program they were doing mid afternoon about contemporary language. the fcc took issue with them based on a guy in his car at the time with his son kplamd was
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indecent and in vision of his privacy and shouldn't be subjected to that. >> those are not seven words you can't say on television. he put those words together because of the rhythm. because of the way they sounded and because of the routine. and instantly it goes into the court record. and the fcc, everybody pretends that these are the actual words. he created the very battle that was fought against him. >> the federal communications commission said that new york's wbai was wrong in playing the record. though the fcc imposed no punishment immediately. and the supreme court agreed. >> i was raised at a time when using bad language was associated with people of low intelligence. and he helped break that stereotype for me. >> carlin, even as a bit, no such thing as bad words. there is bad intentions but there is not bad words. so that was freedom. >> as soon as something is desensitized then it becomes normal. then when it becomes the normal
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then it doesn't become offensive. then when something isn't offensive, then we are not afraid of it anymore. >> everything george carlin said was basically him looking at the world saying grow up, grow up, grow up. >> [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. now that was the original. we've added a few words since then. we added f[ bleep ]. and i know there are many sort words that many of you are wondering, why they aren't considered. we are looking at them closely. some of your favorites might make the list [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. joint. dork. boomtang. corn hole. and dingele berry.
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>> history of comedy, gone too soon, tomorrow at 10:00 on cnn. until red fox came along in 1956, never had recorded their stand up act and released it it as an album. red fox is distinguished because he invented essentially the
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genre of stand up comedy record. >> everybody in my hometown is called a [ bleep ]. preachers had the biggest [ bleep ] in town. i know because i rode her big all the time. sometimes i would slide right off. >> red fox is making very specifically explicit records. blue records or off color records that are sold in african-american communities. everybody that i knew growing up had red fox records. listened to by african americans on a massive level but he was unknown in mainstream society basically. >> we had party records. we play them at a party. ever been to a party. put the records on it's sort of dull and wait. >> yeah. >> and the party starts. >> are they naughty? >> yes. >> there is a new bikini bathing suit coming out this summer, new
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girls, two ban dads and a cork, okay, two corks. >> they would put it on in the house and put it on after i went to bed. like it was porn or something. >> hygiene, toughest thing to turn to your mate and say, you have to wash your [ bleep ]. >> knowing how difficult it is, i said it for you, in this album. you got to wash your [ bleep ]. >> when you went to the record store, you often had to ask for these albums because they wouldn't be out, that you could just go and pick them up out of the bin. they were often hidden or some sort of store where you would need assistance from the people in the store that they were thought to be too scandalous. >> i heard several of them and it's a miracle that you are able
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to select lines to do on television. >> the party records red fox did were underground but underground to mainstream society. so the mainstream didn't know anything about it and didn't want any part of it at that point. >> ain't no way to get it together unless you call up this is killing a white women. some guys would talk to you while they kick your [ bleep ]. why do you want to talk to me? someone get this guy off me. i didn't know he was blind. >> i don't know how you feel about the title of your album, but i find it difficult to say. >> you do? most white people it's hard to say crazy. >> no, you are telling the title of the album. >> the title of the album is that guy is crazy. >> you can say that. >> don't you get mad? >> if you say it i'll punch you
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out. >> richard pryor was influenced by red fox but what he did was bring the sensibility to the mainstream. the idea that guy had been doing this provocative material to the mainstream audience was offended. >> a lot of you people will be offended because i'm going to say [ bleep ] [ bleep ] and do-do. >> pryor used pro fancy before anyone else before him. he made the use of those terms seem to be part of every day life. who they realistically were. this is the way these people talk. changed low comedy into high art in a way that no one had done before. >> i remember the [ bleep ]. he could make a mother [ bleep ] laugh at a funeral on christmas
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day. >> it was about making sure that he told the truth. and he said it on several occasions that's what he was trying to do. >> my dad would always say, if only you knew lenny bruce, and i didn't understand that until much later. >> and i think it was because, for my dad, that was kind of the beginning of speaking truth to power, they say, politically and consciously. >> also like to thank the cameraman who have done such a wonderful job in getting rid of the black cameraman. >> lenny kind of lit that fire. and my dad and carlin took it this way. and it never stopped. >> richard is a relevant nice [ bleep ]. richard wanted me to make me do comedy. i wanded to be richard so i used to go out on stage when i was 15 and act like him. my mother would watch her
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15-year-old son doing out land dish [ bleep ] because that's all i had done at 15. >> i think every african-american comedian to some degree was inspired by rishd pryor. eddie murray did these words to shock you. >> they can't speak english and try to do my act on the street and all they have is curses. i have foreigners going all over the world eddie murphy, [ bleep ]. i love it. [ bleep ]. your black mother. >> i saw eddie murphy raw and delicious when i was really little, like second grade, i knew them he's nasty and naudy and not supposed to say any of that. those are bad words and it's hilarious. >> you watch the bill cosby
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show? >> yes. >> i do too. i love bill cosby show. i've been a big fan. never met the man before but he called me up about a year ago and chastised me on the phone for being too dirty. i was so pissed off i was so mad i called rishd pryor and said bill cosby said i was too dirty. he said do they laugh? i said yes. he said tell bill i said have a coke and a smile and shut the [ bleep ] up. this is the ocean.
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back to be with family, or just to sleep in. strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection. in a key study neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17% to 1%, a 94% decrease. neulasta onpro is designed to deliver neulasta the day after chemo and is used by most patients today. neulasta is for certain cancer patients receiving strong chemotherapy. do not take neulasta if you're allergic to it or neupogen (filgrastim). an incomplete dose could increase infection risk. ruptured spleen, sometimes fatal as well as serious lung problems allergic reactions, kidney injuries and capillary leak syndrome have occurred. report abdominal or shoulder tip pain, trouble breathing or allergic reactions to your doctor right away. in patients with sickle cell disorders, serious, sometimes fatal crises can occur. the most common side effect is bone and muscle ache. ask your doctor about neulasta onpro. pay no more than $25 per dose with copay card.
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my imitation of dolly parton. dolly parton's mother. dolly parton's brother. you are making fun of a brother of a celebrity takes it. >> i wanted a birth control and diagram then i have another one with the iud. i don't know what happened to my iud. it never came out. but i have my suspicions because that kid picks up hbo. >> watch show time get the [ bleep ] out of my face. >> as guys like carlin and pryor
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came along and shocked you, as each new stand up comedian came up, they would go further and further to try to shock the audience. >> sam kin son embodies the '80s era of comedy. more like a trend. people were doing characters that were extensions of themselves. so sam kin a son was sam kin son but on stage he was the character as opposed to sam kin son the man. >> have you ever been married? >> what's your name? michael. well, michael if you ever think of getting married, if you think you've met the right woman and settle down, do me a favor, remember this?
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screaming). >> there is a lot that goes on emotionally that we can't express. and to have that little monster put it out there like that, great, it's like a relief valve. >> sam did not care if the audience hated him. and would even bait them. he would almost challenge them to leave if they didn't like it. and when you don't care, that's frequently when you get the best results. >> very seldom someone comes along who is unusually different in ha gifted and creative and presents something that's unusual, right. and the money from last week. >> yeah. >> sam took comedy to extreme in the shouting, in some of the language, and in some of the tab beau subjects that he went after. >> i read the paper and they said a group of homosexual going
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over the mortuaries offering them money to come in at night and spend a couple of hours undisturbed with the fresh es male corps. because i know these guys laying on slabs. their life was tough. and that was pretty hard to live up to. and i have this and glad i went through it and now i'm ready to spend a n eternity with heaven. hey, rock of ages. wlaes this? i don't believe this. there is a guy's [ bleep ] in my [ bleep ]. >> there is a guy going what's this? like that moment, boy, that was funny. >> no laughing matter, that's what critics are saying about some routines passed off as comedy these days a lot on television. is it the cutting edge of social sat tire or the adult express of
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what some children write on sidewalks? >> little miss muff et sat on a tough et, along came a spider and sat down beside her and said hey what's in the bowl, [ bleep ]. >> dice is dirty. dice's language was filthy. only thing that mid him different was his dirty was controversial. >> i really though don't understand why women go to hear dice clay. to me, it's like a jew going to a hitler rally. >> i like my girlfriend right. for christmas i bought her a beautiful dustpan with her name engraved. the whole family was over. i took it over. you should have seen the look on her face. >> the guy is a chauvinistic
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moron. you know, i wouldn't hang out with that guy, not if he meant those things, even as a guy i wouldn't hang out with him, because then i would be saying he's deranged, you know. but as a commodiedian, it's ver funny and doesn't hurt anybody. >> to be bad boy is extremely luck tive and extremely pondering. there is a lot of comedy that's done under the guise of being the edge, which isn't, because it's actually connecting with the basis audience. >> i found through great effort one remark of his who i could say on the air, he scribes his sexual technique is, and i quote, i say to the [ bleep ] lose the bra or i cut you. is that funny?
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>> what are you doing is andrew dice clay? >> is it funny? >> no, it's not funny. but what he does is a character. and when he's up there on stage it's a comedian. >> who is dice? who is andrew clay? who is the jewish guy acting italian? you want to know who he is, i'll tell you. >> andrew clay is a guy who came out here about ten years ago. and he broke his arizona, you kn know -- believed in himself. became the hottest comic in the world. and anybody who doesn't like it can wipe their [ bleep ] with whatever they say about me. >> that wasn't dice that broke down. that was andrew. the backlash was so strong that
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it got past the dice carter and got to the andrew guy and made him feel bad for what was >> did it celebrate a certain type of thinking that probably doesn't need more celebrating? maybe. but did it make it look stupid as well? did it make it look moronic? yes. >> thanks a lot. >> thanks. you're great. see you soon. good night. sfx: [cell phone dialing] no. no, no, no, no, no. cancel. cancel. please. aaagh! being in the know is a good thing. that's why discover will alert you if your social security number is found on any one of thousands of risky sites.
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i've always been obsessed with women. i've often wondered, if i had grown up in poland, when hitler came to power, and was sent to a concentration camp, would i still be checking out women in the camp? [ laughter ] i think i would. >> off-limits is not a permanent address. it's just a marker that keeps getting moved. you couldn't say pregnant on tv when lucille ball was pregnant on "i love lucy." it keeps changing. anyone who says, well, it's off-limits, well, enjoy the next ten minutes because that's about as long as that's going to last. >> the thing today, the thing right now you can't make fun of, the thing that's too sensitive at this moment, transgendered people. see? [ laughter ] can't do it.
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can't make fun of them. it's too sensitive. in fact, you can't even call them chicks with [ bleep ] anymore. [ laughter ] no. no. you have to call them men who talk too much. [ laughter ] >> there's been so many dirty jokes so you can't do cliched [ bleep ] joke that everybody has heard before, cliche big pussy joke. you better do something fresh and new that nobody's ever talked about before. >> most women won't let their husbands watch when they're going through a miscarriage. i sat my husband down in front of me while i sat on the toilet and i was like, you look. you watch the whole thing. he felt so bad for me. i used it as leverage and held that [ bleep ] over his head for a month and got him to do whatever the [ bleep ] i wanted him to do for 30 days. he took me to see beyonce.
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he bought me a bike off of craigslist. that's my miscarriage bike and i love it very much. for 30 days i finally had the marriage i always wanted. >> if you're filthy, the lower you go the funnier you better be and i'll go with you. there's filth i absolutely adore. but if it's just all you have, then you shouldn't be here. >> girls grow up so fast. it's like they don't have childhoods anymore. they're sexualized so early, you know? a girlfriend of mine has a little baby girl and i babysat her. i changed her diaper? totally shaved. 6 months old. >> it's always just about busting things that are taboo. unless you're brave enough to lose people, then why are you doing this? >> some people start off with friendly material and build up
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to the intense stuff later on. i like to walk out and do the most offensive joke first in the hope that the people who will go -- who are going to walk away in 40 minutes walk out now, and we can actually enjoy ourselves. >> bill cosby. it turns out that bill cosby is a rapist. i know, i always used to watch him on the telly as kid and i always used to think to myself, ah, i bet he doesn't rape. hey. i've been wrong before and i'll be wrong again. >> you see a comedian, by the very nature of what he is, is a troublemaker. he is an iconoclast, a playful troublemaker, a good-natured troublemaker, but a troublemaker. therefore, he must recognize the existence of certain taboos. >> free speech involves getting free speech coming back at you. a rape joke is a good example.
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you make a rape joke and it's [ bleep ], right? you go you're the [ bleep ] douchebag, you should have never made that joke. you're hurting my first amendment rights! no, i'm not. it's my first amendment rights to call you a [ bleep ] when you're a [ bleep ]. that joke sucked. free speech mother [ bleep ]. >> there's more freedom now than ever before. the reason there's more freedom now is because of people like redd foxx, richard pryor, and george carlin who martyred themselves in the '60s who got in trouble for saying very innocuous things. we owe them a lot of credit. >> you guys mad about that one? it's going to get so much [ bleep ] worse. >> look, anybody who talks graphically, we owe lenny bruce. that was done for us by him. we all know how to work clean. i say [ bleep ] too much, there's no doubt. but i can. >> you remember before we leave, do you remember the actual seven words?
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>> god. oh, geez. i had them memorized. i wasn't prepared to do it right now. >> it's weird. i never committed them to memory. >> i don't want to say them now. because people may be watching. >> tits, [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ], [ bleep ], [ bleep ], tits. did i miss one? >> the problem is i don't think words are dirty. it's hard to remember what the [ bleep ] they are. [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> missing one. what's -- [ bleep ], oh [ bleep ], of course. >> are you serious, lewis? [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ] penis, vagina, pussy. >> you [ bleep ]. mother [ bleep ]. i was right, i said mother [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ], [ bleep ], mother [ bleep ], [ bleep ], i had [ bleep ], i think.
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>> tits [ bleep ] [ bleep ] [ bleep ] mother [ bleep ] oh, my god. ♪ now i might not get on the news here in nashville. but i may say something that's very upsetting to many of you. >> the good thing about topical comedy is you look like you're more intelligent than you are. >> well, let's go to the news and see what we can unfurrow there. >> have you to be smarter than the first thought that everyone had. >> i'm being told that i don't have an earpiece. >> if something happens at 3:00 in the afternoon and you go on stage at 8:00 at night and you turn that into a joke, that's part of the high. >> it would be weird if i didn't make a joke the day of a tragedy. >> sometimes late at night on twitter, i think of something and say, i can end it all right


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