tv Cuomo Primetime CNN August 7, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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p party and the president? >> yes, and the people who ignore that donald trump has elevated these racial issues, that's a disservice. the republican party can't continue this way. it will shrink. and the "washington post" just did a story about people feeling emboldened because of the president's behavior. >> thank you, everyone. our coverage continues with john voss in l.a. john? cnn breaking news. >> don, thank you. hello and welcome to our viewers and in the united states. breaking news from ohio, a special congressional election remains too close to call.
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right now, the trump-endorsed republican leads with a razor-thin margin. but more than 8,000 absentee and provisional ballots have yet to be counted. donald tru just a few hours ago, he made a point of thanking the president. >> america is on the right path, and we're going to keep it going that way. it's time to get to work. over the next three months, i'm going to do everything i can to keep america great again. >> democrat danny o'connor also called out the president as he addressed supporters late tuesday. >> we see division, and discord, tearing apart our country. we must remember that each and every one of us are god's children. and that all of us need to be treated with dignity and
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respect. and i think we could use a lot more of that spirit in washington these days. >> a lot to talk about over the next two hours. let's go to our panel, jessica and mo, also shawn steele and ron brown. ron, to you first, with the big picture here and the implications for the coming m midter midterms. every special election, we say focus on the final margin, not who won. what does this say? >> this put a big you sharpie underline on everything that's been happening since donald trump's victory in 2016. on the one hand, there was an unmistakable move toward the democrats in this district. o'connor won 65% of the vote
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there. an unprecedented showing for a democrat. he gained as well in delaware county, and not as much. that's what ultimately sank him, and republicans retaining very big margins with slightly disappointing turnout in the rural parts of the district. that's what we saw in virginia, alabama, and in pennsylvania, the distribution of the district was a little different, which allowed republicans to maintain this narrow lead. the incumbent had never won by less than 64%. but it points towards a november election in which the democrats are in a strong position against republicans where donald trump is much less popular than a republican president usually is. and democrats facing a tougher
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climb in rural areas. and the challenge is to find common ground between these two pieces of the country. and points to a 2020 battle of the bulge election. >> a battle of the bulge election in 2020. okay. but a win is a win, donald trump likes a win. he tweeted a short time ago. when i decided to go to ohio, he was down in early voting, 64 to 46. that was not good. after my speech, there was a big turnout for the better. troy will win big in november. so, how much is this a win for donald trump, keeping in mind he was up one point before the election, and looks like he will
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win by one point. >> he held steady against an opponent who was rising. how much of this is a win for donald trump? only in the sense that he did no harm. i do not think the president can point to this and say, look at this victory. this is a district won by mitt romney, by donald trump, should be a solidly republican district. and the president of the united states coming, throwing his political weight around, and about 1,700 votes dividing the candidates, and may have a forced automatic recount. i don't think anybody can put it into a win category. >> and frank lutz tweeted this, a one-point victory in that district is nothing to commend.
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the gop have to do something really significant to keep the house in november. >> this was a district which leaned 14 points more towards republicans than the whole of the country. >> well, it turns out despite what the democrats, mainstream media, elaine snyder, explaining why it will go democrat, and why it will be the nemesis for trump, the democrats lost big. they spent twice as much money. >> that's not true. >> planned parenthood alone matched the rnc. >> the candidate raised more money than the republican candidate. >> at the last minute, that's true. >> facts. facts, shawn. >> but still, the democrat had more money than the republican.
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outside groups came in, and we don't know the final amount. over 100 unions put money into that race. >> okay. >> this was a litmus test if you have a so-called moderate democrat, looked good, nice guy, divorce attorney. he had all the things going for him. yet, the democrats couldn't do it in that district. it's a failure. only a democrat could lose an election that has all this popularity behind it, and call it a victory. we need more victories than that. >> how can it be not be regarded as a victory for a democrat when it's a republican district? >> we're talking facts here. with all due respect to shawn, the fact is, i will say this. it was more symbolic than substantive for the democrats.
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yes, they had some gains, but ultimately, they did not win. >> that sounds good. say it again. >> but the question is, whether donald trump took a safe race and put it in jeopardy, or put the republican candidate over the top. i think it's the former more than the later. >> balderson campaigned on the gop tax cut, and the strength of the economy. then switched to negative campaigning against o'connor. >> that's troy balderson, he's running for congress. why do those people look so happy? because balderson supports a massive tax break. and what will that mean for us? balderson's plan could mean cuts to medicare and social security. >> so, what does it say when the republican tax cut doesn't
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actually work as a campaign message in the wealthiest district in the state of ohio? >> it is striking, they ended up emphas em fa sizing the cultural-type themes of the president. accusing him of being in favor of open borders and amnesty. and trump is strengthening their hand in rural areas, but driving away a lot of white-collar voters. not to mention, he's animating and alienating millennial and minority voters. this was an 86% white district, and you didn't have any kind of minority presence as part of the
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equati equation. i think you draw a straight line from virginia, alabama, and pennsylvania, and it points towards significant risk for republicans in suburban areas everywhere. on the other hand, it shows how much of a headwind democrats still face in rural areas, and points towards democrats still having the overall advantage of winning the house. and the likelihood of this extreme division after the elections. and the reasons mopublicans mos uncomfortable with trump's policies are the ones most likely to lose. >> the tax cut is becoming
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increasingly unpopular, down to 34% approval. by november, by the time the midterms come around, will the republicans even be talking about this tax plan? >> if they don't have other legislative wins to talk about, they will talk about the tax cuts. i think there will be a lot of the wedge issues. but the people talking most about the tax plan will be the people we saw in this election. and the democrats will say, do you like your social security, medicare, being able to eat and feed your kids? you may not like this tax cut that much. democrats can show charts of the national debt ballooning exponentially. and the other thing that's problematic, people aren't feeling it in their pocketbook. working people, even blue-collar, lower white-collar
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people are not saying, look at all the extra money i have in my bank account. maybe i will vote republican again. i think we'll see much more of the cultural wedge issues from republicans. >> and the flip side, the democrats in all the special elections, they seem to be fairly consistent in the elections, putting forward moderate candidates, distancing themselves from pelosi, and some have avoided going after donald trump. >> they're speaking to their would be constituencies. speaking directly to the issues of the congressional district or that state. i think you should do that in a midterm election, because there's no singular person people will coalesce around for the party. so, they need to speak to the
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specifics of that district. >> looking at the rallies that donald trump held during this campaign for ohio, a lot of people turned up there. and there are a lot of grievances. but the president never puts forward a lot of solutions. >> the grievances are real. >> but no solutions. >> that's not true. for the longest time, the blue-collar class has been ignored by both parties. flyover country, the working person, working with their hands. they were always in democrat control, they were loyal democrats. and donald trump introduced middle class republicans to this forgotten blue-collar class. you get the middle class with the working class, it's unbeatable. what are the solutions, how about the best economy since clinton and reagan. the lowest unemployment in the
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black community. >> why don't republicans campaign on this? >> the best economy in your life. >> why did republicans switch the message halfway, about a month or so, into the campaign, if the economy is great, why was the message changed to attack o'connor? >> they can't run on their record. that's why. >> quickly. >> both sides turned to a vicious attack against each other. our side wanted to win more than the democrats did, and the democrats lost. cnn viewers, despite the fact that it says not decided, it's decided. >> with that, we'll take a short break. when we come back, donald trump also had his choice for the kansas governor's race. we'll see if the president's endorsement paid off in that race. and a rough day of questioning
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for paul manafort's former right-hand man. we'll talk about the trial, and how it ties to the trump campaign. save 15% or more by... (harmonica interrupts) just calling or going online to (harmonica interrupts) (sighs and chuckles) sorry, are you gonna... (harmonica interrupts) everytime. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance.
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purchase the essilor ultimate lens package and get a second pair of qualifying lenses free. essilor. better sight. better life. welcome back. 18 minutes past 10:00 p.m. on the west coast. our special coverage of election night in five u.s. states. donald trump's choice for kansas governor may not make it to
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november. chr kris ckobach, predictions that colyer will face claire mccaskill. and in missouri, looks like whitmer will be the winner for the primary. kobach, saying the president came just in time, it was a needed boost. most recently, this happened in georgia. >> look, the president is operating with extremely high approval ratings in the
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republican party. the thrust of his policy is about consolidating that base. and in ohio 12, where the white-color suburban areas moved further away from the gop. the other cost was not relevant, the backlash among millennialmi and minorities, which wasn't a part of this race. and trump has been the architect of some of the most controversial policies, adding a question on citizenship to the 2020 census. so, whether kobach gets over the
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top, and as i understand it, more of the votes are from affluent areas which may be tough for him. but the general trend is that trump is consolidating his control over it. and the people that feel out of place in the party have not figured out an effective strategy for trying to reverse a trade he's imposing on the gop. trading as tom davis likes to say, the country club for the country. >> let's look at the president's score card so far. overwhelming success in backing winners in the republican primaries. 18 wins, 1 loss. when it comes to the general election, not so good. kind of mixed. that seems to be the story with donald trump in general, what energizes the base, also can energize the democrats. >> well, what ron is saying,
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there are so many pieces out there that are important. part of what we're seeing, two different americas with democrats versus republicans, suburban voters versus rural voters, caucasian voters versus minority voters. and the republican party is becoming the party of president trump. and the rest of the democratic party and independents are increasingly put off by, i think, his dangerous and volatile behavior. in the kansas race, with kobach, endorsed by the president, who is someone who has peddled lies about voter fraud. who said we need voter i.d. laws, says fraud exists when none exists. and has been held in contempt of
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court in areas dealing with voter i.d. laws. this was president trump's pick, and this will continue to divide everyone who is a moderate democrat and others. >> and let's hear from kris kobach earlier in the year. >> do you believe hillary clinton won the popular vote by 3 to 5 million votes? >> we may never know the answer to that question. >> yes, we do know the answer to that question. but i'm wondering trump's endorsement was simply repaying a debt. >> it was not only repaying a debt, it's trump being trump. he likes people who like him,
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and who espouse the same views as him. the president will probably celebrate, but it's probably putting the race in jeopardy in terms of november. >> which is what state officials were worried about in that state. and the unpopular governor in kansas, who took a healthy economy and basically trashed it. but he raised more money than kobach, had the backing of the nra and bob dole. did the president's endorsement carry more weight? >> i like kobach, but i don't care who wins the republican nomination. the republicans have 2 1/2 times the voters than democrats. democrats are not going to get kansas. they'll never get kansas. it had a major impact, but i'm
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ambivalent on it. don't say there's no voter fraud. of course there's voter fraud. the democrat legislators have been jailed for voter fraud in pennsylvania. you can't say there's no voter fraud -- >> it's 0.00001%. 1,000 over the past 20 years. that's from the heritage foundation. 1,000. >> 1,000 investigations or -- don't tell me there's no voter fraud. >> when has voter fraud ever changed the result of an election. >> in philadelphia -- >> we will take a break. ron will be staying with us. when we come back, we'll look at
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the admissions, the prosecution's star witness taking the stand in paul manafort's trial. we'll be back with that in just a minute. gentlemen, i have just received word! the louisiana purchase, is complete! instant purchase notifications from capital one. so you won't miss a purchase large, small, or very large. technology this helpful...could make history. what's in your wallet?
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this is cnn breaking news. >> welcome back, everybody. coming up to 10:30 p.m. on the west coast. i'm john vause, you're watching "cnn "newsroonewsroom" angeles. rick gates, the former trump campaign chairman's right-hand man, but he admitted embezzliin money, and said he helped manafort hide millions of dollars from russians to evade taxes. first, this was a brutal cro
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cross-examination of gates. but the prosecutors put some evidence forward, e-mails from back in november. and basically, it was manafort who was no longer with the campaign, e-mailing gates, wanting some favors. he wanted help to get a job within the administration for a guy called steven, part of the e-mail chain. we need to discuss sc for secretary of army. i hear the list is being considered this weekend. and here's what cnn reported last month. prosecutors for robert mueller intend to present evidence at the trial for a man that helped manafort obtain millions of
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dollars. and he went on to work as economic advisor for the campaign, didn't do it for the administration. this looks a lot like pay for play. >> this was the first time that donald trump's name really comes up from the trail. it's not with the context of collusion, but it is this pay for play scheme, where manafort is trying to get loans from this bank, and in exchange, he's going to help this bank executive get a job in the trump administration. we know the prosecutor has put into evidence that the documents that are being submitted to this bank for this loan are fraudulent documents. so, rick gates is walking the jury through his role and manafort's role in the scheme to defraud the bank, in exchange for the executive to be hired by the trump administration. >> this is the first time the
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trump campaign is being referred to by name. and manafort and gates manipulating administration appointments, it didn't happen, but it appears allegedly to be an attempt. it's not a good look for the president. >> no. and let's start with the foundational problem, his campaign chairman seems very much on track toward being convicted on a series of financial fraud charges relating to his work for foreign interests. who were in a position to put him under enormous pressure. someone who is vulnerable to being pressured by foreign interests, who would fit that description more than manafort? and i'm not a legal analyst, but for all of the fireworks over this testimony of gates and the
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accou accountant, and the cross-examination, just the documentary evidence seems so powerful, and it brings you to the question, what is the reason manafort has chosen to go to trial? why hasn't he made a deal, and could that change after a verdict is reached in this trial? >> if we look at what we know so far, manafort was not being paid as trump campaign chairman. it's starting to look like he was being paid by somebody else. >> or he was anticipating there would be opportunities to make money off of that influence down the road. that clearly looks like the play here. but manafort, whatever happens to him, i think, is not of great moment to the future of the republic. the question really is, what does he do, if he is convicted?
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and so far, there has been no indication of him being willing to make a deal with mueller. but i think gates has shown himself to be a pretty effective witness, even with the flaws and blemishes. prosecutors will tell you, very rarely are these guys choir boys. he has shown a lot of potential as a witness. and the mueller team has shown tremendous ability to piece together a case. and i'm sure it has not failed to catch the attention of the trump lawyers. >> and the point that ron was bringing up about gates, the stress is from manafort's lawyers to destroy gates' credibility. can they do that? >> well, they want the narrative to be that gates was acting independently, and he was the one involved in the fraudulent schemes. he was hiding the money, he was the person in charge of the
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finances. and manafort was not directing him. and really, it's distancing manafort away from gates. manafort's attorney walked out of trial and said, this is a good day for paul manafort. he did come under some pretty blistering cross-examination. he had to talk about this sexual affair he was having, and not just that he and manafort were stealing money and tax evasion, he was committing crimes against paul manafort. he's not the witness jurors are going to like. >> and one part, manafort talking about paying too much tax, and he chastised gates for it. so, that seems to mean manafort was the guy in charge. >> and the documentary evidence,
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you have this criminal rick gates, who is the star witness in some ways for the prosecution. but they're not relying solely on rick gates. and they've presented tremendous amounts of documentary evidences to corroborate their theory of this case. after gates is gone, after his testimony is concluded, we should expect other witnesses, e-mails, bank records, other financial documents to support the government's case. jurors aren't going to like rick gates. he was evasive today, combative, even. juries don't like that. they'll have to decide who was telling the truth between gates and manafort. >> likely, manafort won't take the stand. thank you so much. come back next hour, please. and ron, thank you, we preer
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welcome back, everybody. it is 10:41 p.m. on the west coast. we're following breaking news out of ohio, where a special election seen as a test of donald trump's popularity remains too close to call. balderson, with a slight lead in the race. more than 8,000 absentee and o provisional ballots have not been counted. the democrat, o'connor, says he will continue to fight. meanwhile, former u.s. vice president al gore is among many environmentalists sounding the alarm with the wildfires in
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california. the u.s. president has mentioned several reasons for the ferocity of the fires, but hasn't mentioned the words climate change. jess phoenix, welcome back. okay. the tweet from vice president al gore, it's typical. we see that a lot, almost eye-glazing in a way. but what is not typical, listen to this report. >> if we pass two degrees celsius, we can still adapt. but if we pass three degrees warming, from the evidence we have, it would mean a planet that can't serve the modern world as we recognize. >> this story warning the planet could be on the pathway to
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destruction. >> our goal needs to be to stabilize the planet. if we can stabilize it, we have a chance at just having to deal with the coral reefs dying off, the sea level rising several feet, and the persian gulf becoming uninhabitable. if not, it will be hard to maintain the same way of life we have now. >> and this part, saying there is a hothouse earth, that could not be reversed, steered, or sub substantially slowed. and there's a tipping point coming with the way the earth operates, and natural forces
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have protected us in some ways. and then we're in big trouble. >> this is something we've known about since 1896. >> not breaking news. >> but for too long, people have passed the buck. it's not now, and i don't have to deal with it in my job. we've seen it as far back as johnson, to carter, and up to recent administrations. and you also see scientists trying to get the message out, but not understanding how politics work. we need to show people, it's not someday. someday is now. >> and research is that co2 levels are reaching an 800,000-year high last year. and that's just one example. >> yes, and basically what
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happens is a lot of our co2 is stored and it could be released, and other hydrocarbons. and we'll see die-off of a lot of marine mammals, and terrestrial mammals as well. fishing communities, people who depend on the oceans, and our whole planet, it basically helps our planet breathe. >> it's unclear when this will happen. this is also from the report, it's speculative and not covered by most existing predictions, but they admitted it was plausible. we know what happens with climate change deniers, they say, see, it's not going to happen. >> that's scientific talk. they don't want to say anything
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is 100% absolute. but person to person, right now, this is not a partisan or country-specific issue. our climate is being stripped away from us right now, because of our own actions. and we can take steps to help prevent this from being irreversible damage, but we have to act. scientists have been saying it since the '70s. we have to help, and it has to be all the countries. >> jess, thank you. >> thanks so much. when we come back, elon musk announcing he wants to take tesla private. and the investors like it. with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer. giving you the power to actually lower your cost.
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unfortunately, it can't do anything about that. now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. stadium pa : all military members stand and be recognized. sometimes fans cheer for those who wear a different uniform. no matter where or when you served, t-mobile stands ready to serve you. that's why we're providing half off family lines to all military.
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welcome back, everybody. elon musk stunned investors announcing he wants to take his company private. in a tweet he said he has already lined up funding at $420 a share. this is tesla. go to global business executive ryan patel, space x, his company is private. okay, if you look at the last part of the tweet there, he wrote, funds secured! no details released how all this will be die nanced.
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which raises the question at $420 a share. tesla valued at $60 billion, $70 billion more than any u.s. car maker. pretty big price tag for a company never made a profit and is burning through a ton of cash. >> he would tell you they're about to make a profit during the year. >> show me the money. >> hence why they want to go private. part of this is, him being an entrepreneur, i have been, worked with three publicly traded companies. this is the move you want to go is to go private for him. not to face, not to face this backlash from short investors he has. he doesn't have to take the backlash to wall streechlt think abut this for a second. what did he do? what he did was increase 11% by a tweet. he went, pretty much said, i don't want to deal with this. going to, close shop. go back. did it all on twitter hee -- her himself. again, not everybody right now on wall street wants to be a publicly traded company. him specifically.
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this is his realm. >> interesting. part of the reasons you touched on this. put this on his blog. as a public company we are subject to wild swings in stock price, could be a distraction for everyone working at tesla, all of shareholders. being public subjects us to the quarterly earning cycle that puts pressure on techlt esla, that may beery right for a given quarter but not right for the long term. welcome to the world of publicly listed company. put on your big boy pants and grow up. >> if you have been alive around elon he is out there. said he is out there. he is not made for this, right. >> why take it public in the first place. >> he is learning he shouldn't have. >> a do-over. >> he, think about an entrepreneur like himself. been able to get what he wants. took something. he made it great. and, then all of a sudden has to report to somebody. not his style. right. end of the day. not saying right or wrong. for him, this when i saw the news, i'm like, what did he do?
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good play for him. maybe not best play for investors. recently he apologized for odd behaviors during the earnings call. when among other things he said, boring. questions are not cool. next. if you remember during the rescue of the kids in the cave in thailand, he had to apologize after he had got into a twitter fight with one of the rescuers labeled him a pedophile. now we have got this. seems loopy. or sort of, off balance. how can he get away with this? >> not much longer. he lost his, from the time on tweet specifically he lost a little credibility on that, with not just with wall street with individuals. i think what this, now people are questioning, not to say his, his legal, he can dwight. got 22 million followers, whatever the number is. people are talking. if you are the ceo, there are rules. >> a lot of goodwill from space
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x, celebrating the car in space. everyone thought he was bit of a hero. all that goodwill seems to have gone. >> listen, it's what you, what have you done for me lately? >> a cruel world. >> yes it is. >> thank you. >> cheers, mate. >> thank you for watching cnn newsroom live from los angeles. i'm john vause. stay with us. i will be back with a lot more after a very short break. rewards me basically everywhere. so why am i hosting a dental convention after party in my vegas suite? because lets me do me. who wants to floss me? you do you and get rewarded. ♪now i'm gonna tell my momma ♪that i'm a traveller ♪i'm gonna follow the sun♪ ♪now i'm gonna tell my momma ♪that i'm a traveller ♪i'm gonna follow the sun
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1:00 on the west coast. like to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm john vause. watching cnn newsroom live from los angeles. breaking news from ohio where the race for the 12th congressional district ties close to call. donald trump campaigned just a few days ago for the republican, but locked in a nail biter with danny o'connor. the race should never have been this close. the seat has been in republican
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hands more than three decades. democrats say their strong showing gives them momentum heading into november's mid terms. thousands of ballots still have to be o'connor is not concedin. >> this tearing apart our country, we must remember that each and every one of us are god's children. and that all of us need to be treated with dignity and respect. and i think we could use a lot more of that spirit in washington these days. >> i would look to thank president trump. it's time to get to work. over the next three months, i'm going to do everything i can to keep america great again. so that when we welcome, when we welcome, we come back here, in november, get ready, we got to come back here in november. i have
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