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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  September 3, 2018 9:00am-10:01am PDT

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storm than anticipated. hurricane hunter in it right now, about 50 miles per hour almost. >> almost. well, i think a lot can happen in the next few hours. we'll be keeping close with you to get a good idea. appreciate it, chad. thanks so much for joining us on this labor day. "inside politics" with dana bash starts right now. welcome to a special labor day edition of "inside politics." i'm dana bash. john king is off today. the president's second nominee for the supreme court preps for his grilling this week on capitol hill while democrats fume over the white house holding back over 100,000 documents related to brett kavanaugh. and as the president ramps up his september travel schedule, republicans in tight midterm races are split about whether to run with him or without him. plus, president trump begins labor day tweeting about economic wins, attacking a union
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boss, and joe biden is joining union marchers and getting a few shoutouts for 2020. >> what's your message about what's at stake here in the midterms, sir? >> well, everything. >> mr. biden, we've got your vote. you're going to win. you got it. i'm telling you, you can do this. we need you. we need you, brother. >> we begin with a legacy making week for the president and a painful lesson in simple math for democrats. the president's second nominee to the supreme court, brett kavanaugh, appears before the senate judiciary committee this week. opening statements tomorrow, questioning starting on wednesday. minority leader chuck schumer cried cover-up over the weekend after the administration shielded some 100,000 pages of documents on the nominee. urgency from schumer and others
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reflects the far-reaching implications of this nomination. if kavanaugh reaches the bench, conservatives will outnumber liberals on the court, likely altering lots of aspects of every day life in america for a generation. democrats say kavanaugh's commitment to roe v. wade is too flimsy, and his view of executive power is too tilted toward the president. but whatever bruises kavanaugh takes in his hearing, it probably won't change the math. democrats are outnumbered on the committee and also in the full senate. his confirmation depends more on two republicans than anything democrats can say or do. cnn's joan biskupic joins me now. you've been covering fights like this for a long time. you know the court as well as anybody. senators are going to try to cover a lot of ground this week. what big issues are you hearing from your sources they're going to focus most on? >> thanks, dana. you're right. this is legacy making. we're about to start one of the most important weeks with huge
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consequences for decades for the supreme court. i would put them in two categories, dana. social policy issues like abortion, gay marriage, affirmative action, and then also executive power, given the fact that right now president trump is under investigation by special counsel robert mueller's team looking into the russia interference in the 2016 election. but let's start with the social policy ones. you mentioned roe v. wade. senators will be asking for his sentiment on any chance that he would vote to reverse that 1973 precedent. he voted last year in the one abortion case that's come before him, and in that case, he dissented as the full d.c. circuit voted to allow a pregnant teenager held in an immigration detention center to have an abortion. in his dissent, judge kavanaugh talked about the government's
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interest in fetal life. so i'm sure senators will be asking about that decision. they'll probably ask about gay marriage and affirmative action also because just like with abortion, new justice kavanaugh would be the swing vote because his predecessor, anthony kennedy, controlled those issues. the other area will be executive power. again, because of the investigations now ongoing. as you probably remember, brett kavanaugh worked for ken starr, but then he served george w. bush. he said that he believes in more protections for the president against investigations, and i'm sure senators will ask about that. >> absolutely. and again, we cannot underscore enough the importance of this particular seat that the swing
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vote anthony kennedy is gone and this is the nominee to fill that seat. thank you so much, joan. we'll be seeing a lot of you over the next week. here with me at the table to share their reporting and insights, cnn's abby philip, jeff mason with reuters, david drucker, with the washington examiner, and cnn's manu raju. what have you been hearing? >> talking to senate democrats, they plan to hone in on four key areas in the questioning this week beginning on win. the four areas include untruthfulness, referring to specifically the 2004 and 2006 confirmation hearings when brett kavanaugh came before the senate judiciary committee. they believe he was not truthful in his testimony in some key areas, his involvement on some wire-tapping issues as well as detainee policy as well as three federal judgeships. they say he was more involved than he let on during that testimony. also the affordable care act. there's that very controversial texas case going through the courts right now. he may have a chance to rule on
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that, and that could ultimately undercut the aca, pre-existing conditions in particular. the democrats are concerned he may strike that down. also on executive powers, as joan just mentioned, how he views investigations of a sitting president. also on roe. they believe i had private comments to senators that roe versus wade is settled law is not enough. they plan to poke holes in that to suggest he would not be a reliable vote and could very well overturn the landmark ruling. >> you mentioned one of the things democrats are going to look for is his truthfulness. it's a reminder that kavanaugh obviously is a sitting federal judge. back when he was nominated for that, it was a very, very intense fight. we have a flashback for you from 2004. senator dick durbin, who was on judiciary then, will now be questioning him. watch what happened then. >> as i like through all of the different issues that you have
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been involved in as an attorney in public service and private sector, it seems that you are the forest gump of republican politic. you show up at every scene of the crime. >> my background hasn't been in party politics. i've been a lawyer for clients, working for judges and justice kennedy, working in the justice department. >> he has been on a fast track for this role for a long time, which is part of the reason why democrats way back then, what was it, 14 years ago, tried to sort of rough him up a little bit politically. >> and there was some truth to what durbin was saying in the sense that kavanaugh has shown up at all these pivotal moments in political history, but particularly his role in the clinton investigations of that era are one that really democrats -- he worked for ken starr at that time. the interesting transformation in his views on executive power
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is something that will be interesting to see how it plays out. he started out in an investigation that a lot of democrats think was going off of the rails and then later changed his view of that same investigation of the inquiries that he was helping to lead to say that he believes the president should be more protected from those kinds of things. so he's had an interesting history and has had his hand in some of the most controversial moments of the last 20, 25 years in politics, not just in law. >> and as a result of that, there's a massive paper trail that he has produced from being a judge, from being a lawyer, from being a white house aide. that's why democrats want their hands on as much of that paper as they can possibly get. senator schumer has suggested that they might sue the national archives if they can't get all that material before these hearings begin. >> one of the really interesting, maybe it's inside baseball, but it actually has a lot of reach, that the whole question of democrats and the outside groups and the power that they're trying to amass to
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put pressure on fellow democrats, it is a relatively new phenomenon. we have seen this with republican elected officials getting pressure from, you know, conservative groups on a whole host of issues, including and especially when a judge or a supreme court nominee is up. brian fallon, who was a long-time aide to chuck schumer, the new democratic leader, was press secretary to hillary clinton. he is leading the charge, raising money, running ads, and is very aggressive at his fellow democrats. watch hyim on cnn just last hou. >> what's the point of even democrats showing up? if i were them, i'd consider walking out of the hearing tomorrow. you cannot act like this is business as usual. i think any democrat that votes for brett kavanaugh is risking suppressing the historic level of enthusiasm we're seeing right now from democratic voters. there's no reason why any red state democrat should feel any political pressure whatsoever to support this nominee. >> it's a test what we're going
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to see over the coming weeks for democratic party unity, pressure again from the left, just as we've seen from conservatives. i'm not so sure that they're the same kind of animal. >> dana, this is what happens when you're in the minority and you don't hold the white house. the base gets very anxious, and they get very aggressive. obviously you have a lot of energy. we're going to see that in the midterm elections because of such deep dissatisfaction with president trump. but i think that it's easy for brian fallon, who we all know very well and is a very good operative, to say that no democrat should vote for brett kavanaugh. if you're not heidi heitkamp in north dakota, if you're not joe donnelly in indiana -- >> democrats in red states. >> yeah, because guess what, in those red states, they're not just red states. they're red states that really like the president, both personally and his policies. in fact, i think that it's a big mistake for democrats in theory to try and hold this vote after the midterm elections because all of a sudden, republicans can run on this idea that you better help us retain control of
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congress or you're not going to get your conservative judge. and when have we seen this work in practice? we saw it work in 2016. many republicans will tell you that one of the things that helped them win was turning that entire contest into a race about who was going to end up in the seat now held by neil gorsuch. i think that's a big miscalculation for democrats to not just get this thing done because they have zero power to stop it. i think we've seen some of the regret with amy klobuchar saying this past weekend, maybe we shouldn't have begun the nuclear option of changing the rules. >> let me drill down quickly on some of the issues. one of the big issues, of course, you mentioned is going to be roe v. wade. i talked to lindsey graham, a republican on the judiciary committee, about this question yesterday on "state of the union." >> do you hope kavanaugh does overturn roe v. wade? >> here's what i hope he'll do. if there's a case before him that challenges roe v. wade that
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he would listen to both size of the story, apply a test to overturn precedent. precedent is important, but it's not invalid. >> i mean, that's really what's going to be a huge line of questioning going forward. what the ultimate goal of the democrats is going to be is to try to make him seem, you know, hostile to roe v. wade or evasive in the hopes of convincing two key republican senators, lisa murkowski, susan klei collins, who are more supportive of abortion rights to say we can't trust him to uphold roe v. wade. at end of the day, it's going to come down to those two republican senators because if they flip, chances of the red state democrats defecting will be harder. if they vote for him, it's a lot easier in some ways for some of those red state democrats to vote for him. so that is the real challenge for kavanaugh heading into tomorrow. how does he navigate the issue of roe v. wade and will that be
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satisfactory to those two key senators? >> it's so hard for him to navigate. jeff, you mentioned that he's got a paper trail. he also has a television trail. he was on cnn back in the day in 2000. a great show called "burden of proof." watch what he said. >> i think presidents can pack the court, but it takes a lot of political capital and willpower to do it, and most presidents don't want to expend a lot of political capital on a bloody supreme court nomination. we've seen that time and again. the consensus pick turns out to be more moderate. >> not so much. >> yeah, not so much is right. i think it goes again to there's so much material on this guy and that the democrats in particular are looking for as many of those types of sound bites as well as written sentences they can use in those hearings. >> i think it's important to understand republicans wanted somebody with a paper trail because they're concerned that they're going to nominate somebody who will end up more
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moderate over the years. they want proof that someone is grounded in conservatism. >> let's face it, kavanaugh wouldn't have been on the short list if he weren't preapproved by some of the big groups out there. >> president trump, i think in large part, got the republican nomination over all those others because he smartly put out a list, kind of unprecedented, of conservatives he would promise to put on the bench, and that is what kind of gave especially evangelicals who were not sure about a guy who was married three times. okay, we got you. you got our back. okay. before we go to break, some confirmation hearing pointers, perhaps, brett kavanaugh could take from the now chief justice john roberts. keep it simple, and sports metaphors never hurt. >> i will decide every case based on the record according to the rule of law without fear or favor to the best of my ability. and i will remember that it's my
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pay no more than $5 per dose with copay card. welcome back. the president says his agenda is on the line in november's congressional elections. new signs today his party's midterm hopes are, in fact, grim, particularly gop control of the house. cnn is moving 11 congressional seats away from republicans and towards democrats. only three seats are moving towards the gop. of 30 seats that cnn considers toss-ups, 28 are held by republicans and 12 are running in districts hillary clinton won in 2016. for clinton district republicans, the president's brand is toxic, and some republican groups are now making events to separate vulnerable candidates from the president. >> america is a nation of immigrants. that's why congressman will herd
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is working to protect the dreamers, standing up against his own party. because will hurd knows we can defend our borders and protect dreamers. >> so will hurd is one of those classic vulnerable republicans in the house, and yet we see a pretty heavy travel schedule by the president in this month, in september, mostly focusing on some of those red states that we were talking about in the last segment. check that out. i'm told he is going to go to north dakota, south dakota, missouri, mississippi, montana, nevada, and tennessee all in the month of september. our white house reporters, what does that say to you? >> well, and he's also doing that in addition to having to spend a few days in new york for the u.n. general assembly. so he's packing in trips. i think the white house really views his ability to influence these elections as critical. you see that in his tweeting. you see that in his travel schedule. they believe and he has shown that if he gets active, if he gets out there, he will energize
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the base that will come and help him preserve that majority that he wants to keep. >> my sense, abby, is that he wants to get out and be with these candidates as much, maybe more than the candidates want his help. >> my sense is the president believes his political power is more potent than it might actually be. but he can do some really important things. check where he's going just this week. he's targeting some red state democrats, trying to potentially flip some seats or at least make it harder for democrats to hold on to them. he's also raising money. so these are kind of critical things that he really can do. he can raise money that republicans are going to need in order to fight the battles and the places he simply can't go. but the president has been talking about the red wave. no one thinks there's going to be a red wave except for perhaps the president. the extent to which he is being realistic about that or is just trying to change the narrative, it's unclear.
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but there's a really big distinction between the president's views on this red wave thing and what republicans actually think is going to happen. >> the ultimate question is at what point does he view and the republican leadership both sides view that the senate ultimately becomes the fire wall to keep the senate. the house is looking more dire almost by the day. you talk to most republicans around town, they believe that it's a very small chance of them keeping the house at this point. the map is just so daunting. it looks worse by the day. the senate's map still very fav favorable to the republicans, but in a democratic wave, you never know what happens to the senate. so at what point do they really hone in to try to keep those senate seats. >> i have a key example of the point that you just made, which is such an important one, manu. tennessee, it's a vacated republican seat. bob corker is retiring. marsha blackburn wants to fill it. the ad she's running in red tennessee, probably not surprisingly, wraps her arms around the president.
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>> i'm marsha blackburn, and i approve this message. >> he was recruited by schumer to run for the senate. [ booing ] he donated a lot of money to hillary clinton. whatever the hell his name is, this guy will 100% vote against us every single time. >> now, that's happening in tennessee. as you answer this, david, i want to put up one other example that's maybe less of a sure thing in virginia, which is a purple state. cory stewart, the republican candidate for senate there, is putting up tweets showing how much the president supports him. >> yeah, look, manu makes a great point about how people in washington are looking at this midterm election. a lot of lobby shops around town are interviewing democrats, preparing for a democratic chairman in the house. really, this midterm election is so fascinating because it's a tale of two campaigns.
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on the senate side, republicans have so many pick-up opportunities because the map is so starkly different. and that ad from marsha blackburn that you showed is not desperation. it is smart politics. now, phil bredesen is so well-liked in tennessee, but the best thing marsha blackburn could do to win this race is tell everyone, look, at the end of the day he's a vote for schumer and the democrats and i'm with president trump. that's why you're seeing the president's schedule taking him to these red states. he's even going now in october to help senator ted cruz. he's found himself in a big heap of trouble because they're thinking of turning out all of those voters in rural texas to help him deal with his problems in the suburbs. and so there's a lot the president can do, even while at the same time the party is in so much trouble in the house. >> one more example. you mentioned the house.
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a house republican who is just, you know, twisting herself into a pretzel trying to get away from the president. barbara comstock, republican from northern virginia, not too far from here, in a statement, our public servants have been getting shortchanged for years. we cannot balance the budget on the backs of our federal employees and i will work with my house and senate colleagues to keep the pay increase in our appropriations measures that we vote on in september. a slap at the president for freeing federal pay increases. >> those suburbs -- i mean, barbara comstock is a classic example of a suburban district that is not a good place for the president to even be heard of or from. this issue of federal worker pay has been an interesting show of how this white house works. they announced that they opposed the pay increase, only to find out from some vulnerable republicans, namely in virginia where there are a ton of federal employees, that it may not be a great idea. the president says later, i
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might think about changing it. but it just goes to show the president needs to do no harm, including to some of these people like barbara comstock and even a cory stewart in virginia, who just need him to not do any harm, especially with suburban voters, and let them run their races. >> so well said. all right. everybody stand by. up next on this labor day, joe biden and bernie sanders are making their cases to unions. their push to woo the working class voters before the midterms. we'll talk about that next. i'm ken jacobus, i'm the owner of good start packaging. we distribute environmentally-friendly packaging for restaurants. and we've grown substantially. so i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy. and last year, i earned $36,000 in cash back. that's right, $36,000. which i used to offer health insurance to my employees. my unlimited 2% cash back is more than just a perk, it's our healthcare. can i say it? what's in your wallet? oh! oh! ♪ ozempic®! ♪ (vo) people with type 2 diabetes
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democrats are hoping for a blue wave in november, and they're going back to their base with basic messaging they abandoned in 2016 at their peril. democrats are the party of the working class. that's at least what former presidential candidate vermont senator bernie sanders shared today at an event for labor unions. >> we will not allow trump or anybody else to divide us up based on the color of our skin, our religion, our nationality, or our sexual orientation. when we stand together, we win. when they divide us up, they win. our job is to stand together, to have the courage to take on the
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greed of the billionaire class and trump and his friends. >> and former vice president joe biden spent his morning at a parade with labor workers and their families, reminding all of us about one of his historically favorite campaign lines, that he's just a scrappy kid from scranton. but he was quick to say the pittsburgh pit stop doesn't mean biden 2020 is a sure thing. >> what does this mean in terms of your political future here? >> it doesn't mean anything in my political future. i've been with these guys my whole life. my grandfather said, joe -- i go anywhere with these guys. they brung me to the dapnce, as they say. >> rebecca, you asked the vice president an important question. what happened? >> that's right, dana. joe biden is now behind me.
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it's a few hours after the parade he marched in. the third time in four years that joe biden has marched in the labor day parade here in pittsburgh. but we asked him about nafta and about the president's trade policy. obviously this was such a crucial issue in the 2016 election. joe biden has been one of the loudest democratic voices, saying his party needs to better engage on these types of issues with voters. take a listen to what he had to say. >> mr. vice president, do you support renegotiating nafta? >> no. we always can renegotiate everything we have to make it better, but not the way he's going about this. >> where do you differ from the president on trade policy? >> you don't have enough time. >> reporter: so not drawing a firm stance on trade, dana, but certainly drawing a contrast
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with the president on trade. one of the other questions joe biden was getting along the parade route today is what is going to happen in 2020, are you going to run? lots of workers and reporters urging him to run against president trump in 2020. he was noncommittal, of course, but he did say if he runs for president, he will be here in pennsylvania a lot. dana? >> you can bet. rebecca, thank you so much for that report. appreciate it. you know, let's talk about joe biden for a second. look, it is no secret that he's wanted to be president. he's run. as the president has frankly rightly said, when he's run his own campaigns, they haven't gone so well. since then, he was vice president for eight years and established a different kind of relationship with democratic voters. >> yeah, that's right. and the question is does he pull the trigger. you talked to democrats, they're split about whether or not he ultimately decides to do it. i think he's probably also split about whether this is the right
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time. i think this presidential campaign is going to happen very quickly. it's going to take off soon after the midterms this november. you hear candidate after candidate making their intentions clear, that either they're going to do it, seriously thinking about it. this is going to be a huge democratic field. it's going to be wide open, no clear front runner. biden may be considered the most well-known name, but he may not end up being the nominee if he were to choose to run because this is such an unwieldy, unpredictable field. the base wants someone who's going to go toe to toe against this president, resist him at all costs. the question is, is biden that person, or is anybody else in this field? it's too early to tell. >> one of the 734 other people. >> exactly. >> you have to think after this last week where he gave that very emotional and forceful tribute to john mccain that people may have looked at that, democrats, and said, hey, vice president joe biden could stand up to president trump pretty well.
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>> yeah, he sure could. let's talk about the broader issue of labor unions and the democratic base and getting working voters out to the polls again. first, i want to show you what the president tweeted this morning. shockingly, the president was tweeting this morning. so weird. the head of the aflcio represented his union porly on television this morning. some of the things he said were so against the working men and women of our country and the success of the u.s. itself that it is easy to see why unions are doing so poorly. a dem. >> well, and i think the president has a point here when he talks about who is better representing the interests of a union worker from their point of view. the president has completely co-opted the old liberal trade policy. if you were listening to the bernie sanders clip we just had or the former vice president just now saying, well, i have so many differences with the president, i can't discus them here, i think the president in a
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battle in ohio or in some of these other rust belt states is in a better position than a joe biden who as a part of the obama administration championed the trans-pacific partnership, which i would argue was the right thing to do but what a lot of rust belt working class voters and old-school democrats would probably say was not the right thing to do. >> and this isn't theoretical. check this out. we went back and looked at households -- union households, how they have voted over the past few presidential election cycles. i want you to really hone in on the democrat. obama, it was 21% of the electorate in 2008. he got 59%, an eight-point drop in 2016 to hillary clinton. she got just 51% of the union vote. since the president has been in office, he has only made arguments and tried to remake and reshape policies that one would think union voters would
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be happy about, at least in the long term. maybe short-term pain, long-term gain. >> yeah, this is a really tricky issue for unions, and it has been since the clinton campaign. trump is talking the right way for unions, but i think the policies are not quite landing right for them. i think that's what you heard richard trumka say. he said this weekend, which is why the president is upset, that he doesn't think workers will be better off if there is a nafta that only includes mexico but does not also include canada. now, the president has made it clear he might want to do a nafta that is mexico alone. i think that if you're richard trumka, you can potentially make that argument that even though the president might be talking the right way, these policies aren't going to shake out right for us. >> and just an example of how complicated this is for republicans, never mind democrats, maine's second congressional district, it was the only one in the whole northeast to go for donald trump in 2016. the u.s. chamber of commerce is running an ad pushing the notion
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of free trade, against the president's trade policies, in favor of the republican candidate. watch this. >> trade powers maine's economy. we export around the world. from lobsters to boats and cranberries to footwear, trade supports 180,000 jobs here in maine. he's working to protect our jobs by fighting against tariffs that are pushing us to a trade war. >> so for free trade, for a republican candidate who the president likes. >> and against tariffs, which is a buzzword for president trump. yeah, it just goes to sort of the different dichotomies on trade for the republican party and for this white house. looking specifically at the nafta deal this last week that the white house announced with mexico, he does absolutely have some protections for labor, in particular for wages and trying to keep jobs in the united states.
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but both labor and business have expressed concern about canada not being involved because there are states that really rely on that trade with our northern neighbor. >> all right. everybody stand by. up next, john kerry, he's hinting that he hasn't given up on the idea of becoming president. your own backyard. space in or get pumped up for your grand entrance. t-mobile lets you watch your favorite movies and shows in more places, without paying more. get an unlimited family plan with netflix on us. and right now at t-mobile, buy one samsung galaxy s9 and get one free. but allstate actually helps you drive safely... with drivewise. it lets you know when you go too fast... ...and brake too hard. with feedback to help you drive safer.
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topping our political radar today, former secretary of state john kerry isn't ruling out a second bid for the presidency in 2020. more than a decade after he lost to george w. bush. on sunday, kerry appeared on "face the nation" to promote his new book "every day is extra" and was asked specifically about his future plans.
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kerry left the door open to taking on donald trump. take a listen. >> are you going to run in 2020? >> i'm really not thinking about it. talking about 2020 right now is a total distraction and waste of time. what we need to do is focus on 2018. >> i'm going to ask you that same question sometime after november. >> if you catch me. >> certainly didn't hear a no there. today's verdict from a court in myanmar is causing international outrage. two reuters journalists were sentenced to seven years in prison for violating the country's official secrets act. the men were investigating the killing of rohingya muslims in myanmar's military. -- by the military, rather. the journalists say they were framed by the police, and reuters' president is calling the verdict a major step backwards for myanmar and a sad day for the press everywhere. >> these two admirable reporters have already spent more than eight months in prison on false charges designed to silence
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their reporting and intimidate the press. without any evidence of wrongdoing and in the face of compelling evidence of a police setup. today's ruling condemns them to the continued loss of their freedom and condones the misconduct of security forces. >> and jeff mason, you are a colleague of these two brave journalists. what are you hearing? >> number one, i can just echo what our editor in chief steve adler just said. reuters views this as a setback for myanmar, certainly a setback for freedom of the press, and the company is going to look at its next steps, at what it can do. in general, i think it highlights just the real serious issue of freedom of the press in that country. certainly we've dealt with issues of freedom of the press here, but to see a court send two reporters who were working very hard on stories that we're looking at, deaths and the killings of the rohingya in that country, and then to be
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apparently framed, it's outrageous and really concerning. >> it's very scary. and i can just see this is an early example of the voice of john mccain being missed because we can all hear him going straight to the senate floor and calling myanmar out and maybe the journalists by name. before we go to break, speaking about john mccain, a final good-bye. cindy mccain weeps over her husband's casket. this powerful image captured by legendary photographer on sunday during a private ceremony. senator john mccain was laid to rest in his words at the cemetery on the river back where it all began at the u.s. naval academy. he was buried next to his dear friend and classmate, admirable chuck larson. we'll be right back. benjamin franklin captured lightning in a bottle. over 260 years later as the nation's leader in energy storage we're ensuring americans have the energy they need, whenever they need it
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after a week of tributes and fa fa fare wells, john mccain now rests among heroes in the u.s. naval academy. the difficult decision of who will be appointed to finish mccain's term in the senate is now in the hands of arizona's governor. in many ways, it's a litmus test for republicans. will the governor, who is facing his own re-election bid in november, will he choose a trump loyalist in a very trump loyal state or someone who's more aligned with mccain's politics? what do you guys think? >> well, it's an interesting decision he's going to have to face. as moved as john mccain was, there's a very vocal segment of the republican base in arizona that had expressed extreme disdain for mccain over his years in office. you look at what just happened in the senate primary there. roughly 47% voted against the more establishment candidate in that race split between two separate candidates who were fighting for that trump loyalist wing of the party.
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so ducey is going to have a difficult decision. >> what are you hearing, david? >> my sources tell me the governor is less interested in choosing a caretaker. he'd like to choose someone who will run for election in 2020 and then run for re-election in 2022, which is when mccain's term actually ends. the governor wants this person to be somebody who can actually satisfy the trump base, the republican base, while still doing well with a general election electorate, which could be very competitive in 2020 at the presidential level. >> i want to play for you all again meghan mccain from saturday from her eulogy of her father and then what lindsey graham, john mccain's close friend, told me yesterday what he thought it meant. >> the america of john mccain
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has no need to be made great again because america was always great. >> she is her father's daughter. if you say something bad about her dad, you will know it, whether you're the janitor or the president of the united states. she's grieving for the father she adored. i think most americans understand that. >> i think in many ways, lindsey graham is the perfect example of why the mccain era may not be the way ducey goes for that seat. even lindsey graham is not a mccain republican anymore. it's going to be difficult. i think his choice has to be someone who can fit the politics of the state and fit the politics of this president. >> also seems unlikely that cindy mccain would get the choice. >> i agree with that. okay. before we go, thank you, all. some of our conversation, my conversation with former senator joe lieberman and senator lindsey graham, two of the senator's best friends. the three of them, mccain,
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lieberman, and graham were known as the three amigos, colleagues in the senate but dear friends first. lieberman and graham reflected on their friendship and the legacy senator mccain leaves behind. >> he said something to me that actually is an adjective one doesn't use much toward john mccain. i think it was adorable. he says to me, joey, you and lindsey and i traveled to places that billionaires can't go to. so of course by the nature of our relationship, i said, you're right. and some of them nobody, including billionaires, would want to go to. >> john loved the senate. he was a man of the senate. he loved the institution. when you write the history of the senate, he's going to be in the first chapter. >> thanks so much for joining us on "inside politics." jim sciutto is in for wolf blitzer, an he starts right after a break.
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hello. i'm jim sciutto. it is 1:00 p.m. here in new york. wherever you're watching from around the world, thanks so much for joining us today. up first, high stakes for the high court. confirmation hearings for brett kavanaugh begin tomorrow before the senate judiciary committee. if he's ultimately confirmed, it could shift the high court further to the right for decades to come. democrats are expected to pepper kavanaugh with questions


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