tv New Day Sunday CNN September 16, 2018 4:00am-5:00am PDT
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this out. yesterday's game at kinnick stadium was a night game. so what did the fans do? they turned their cell phone lights on and still made sure that those kids could see them being seen. they wanted to make sure the kids knew they were thinking about them. i get the chills just thinking about what it, what it means to them. >> thank you so much, coy. love that. the wind has really picked up. the rain has gotten a lot heavier. >> the beach is now up on the boardwalk. this is about a foot and a half of sand or so. someone yelled, shark! shark! >> a ton of people were screaming for help. >> a young man was bitten by a shark. >> someone had him underneath their arms above the surf. a ten-year veteran of border
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patrol. he was a serial killer who was targeted his victims. >> this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. to say, notify your next of kin. that's the message from one mayor in north carolina. his city and cities across the carolinas are coping with catastrophic flooding from tropical depression florence. the cajun navy was called in to rescue hundreds of people stranded in neighborhoods. >> florence is creeping along the carolinas at 3 miles per hour. it's already claimed 13 lives. meanwhile, 800,000 customers do not have power in north and south carolina this morning. >> the storm has dropped 40 inches of rain since making landfall on friday. it could be three to five days before water levels peak posing a danger not just to coastal
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communities but to people living along the dozens of rivers stretching through both states. this morning we know at least three of the killed by the storm died in flash flooding. >> and we know downed trees and power lines are still a big concern. kaylee hartung is in wilmington, north carolina, for us right now. so kaylee, what are people saying? i mean, i'm wondering if it is too late for people who stay to try to evacuate at this point. >> reporter: i don't think so, christi. but something of a crisis situation has developed in wilmington overnight. we knew when this storm, the eye of the storm barreled through wilmington, that was just the beginning of the damage it would do taking down trees, power lines and taking the lives of a woman and her son in their home when a tree fell on it. but now we are in the next phase of the storm's damage as the waters are rushing in to neighborhoods that have never flooded before. people uncertain in some places where that water is coming from. and so the cajun navy was called
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into action overnight by the local fire department needing their resources to get hundreds of people from their homes. hundreds more in need of help over the course of today as this rain continues to fall. i spoke with one family yesterday just north of here in pinder, county. they were packing up as many of their items in a trailer because they realized their home could be destroyed. the cape verde river could rise to the second level of this home. the caution from officials right now in this area is if you feel safe at home, it is okay to stay. the priority right now is getting first responders where they need to. and if you are in trouble, 911 is a working number. call the number and they will do their best to get help to you as soon as possible. and the emergency operations command center right now i'm told there are maps all over the table.
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they are trying to allocate their resources and get help everywhere that it needs to be. >> that's a dire situation for so many. and days more of it. kaylee hartung, thank you. and the united cajun navy is this group of volunteers from louisiana that have worked to the point of exhaustion. they are rescuing people as the tropical depression is continuing on to make its way through the carolinas. but the president of the cajun navy, todd terrell is with us. thank you so much for being with us. what is the situation where you are? what kind of calls are you getting right now? >> right now the water is coming up very fast. and we are actually having to turn around, but we're seeing a lot of places that didn't flood. and then when the storm first came in, at least, and are flooding now. >> how many rescues do you estimate we have conducted? >> we have conducted over 500 as of 5:30 this morning. so we're pretty proud of what we have done.
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we are not happy that we have to deal with the circumstances, but we're happy to help. >> you are such a value to people there, no doubt about it. are you able, since you're talking about being on a road and having to turn around, once you rescue people, have you encountered any instances where you can't get them to a shelter? >> yes. in fact, we were having to bring most of the people we rescued throughout the night to our staging area. we were staging at a local church. so we have a couple hundred voluntee volunteers and the rescuers had to be in the shelter where we were. so it was definitely a crazy night. >> what conversations do you have with these people? when you get to them, as you're taking them away? >> the people love us. unfortunate unfortunately, we're picking them up because their stuff is lost. but most of the people we're
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picking up, they have never flooded before. many people have been in their houses for years and they have never flooded. so they are in shock right now. >> with over 500 rescues behind you at this point, how are all of you holding up? >> we're tired. this is the third night we worked all through the night. we haven't slept. so it's been definitely wearing. we are going to try to go throughout the day today and try to get back out there again. right now we're working on three days of no sleep. >> yeah, todd, god bless you all. thank you so much for everything you're doing. we're wishing you and your crew the very best. you are so, so needed there. and it's really inspiring to see the way that you all are stepping up. take good care of yourself, okay? >> all right, thank you. >> fantastic work they do. that's amazing. so at the height of the storm, florence was a category 4 long before it hit the shore. now it is a tropical depression, so the winds have died down, but
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much more rain is in the forecast. >> cnn meteorologist jennifer grey has her eye on this. people are sitting at home going, how much longer do i have? to that you say -- >> i say today should be the last day as we wrap up the rain within the next 24 hours. so by tomorrow, you should start to dry out and heaven forbid you may see a few peeks of sunshine. let's hope for it as we start to dry out. but unfortunately we're still going to say flooding through the middle part of next week. so we are going to see the rain bands unfortunately continue to just feed in moisture across all of north carolina, and that is going to continue throughout the entire day today. maybe if you're in on a lull, it is not raining now but could start up again unfortunately. we're still seeing quite a bit of rain and lightning strikes south of wilmington. morehead city still in the rain. and the tornado threat is still
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alive and well with the storm as well. you get a lot of rotation with the tropical systems. here's the forecast radar. by the time we get to midnight, you can see things looking much, much better. we do have a couple storms possible around charleston, even north of myrtle beach, but all in all, by midnight, things do look much, much better. so we are still going to call for a lot of rain, especially as this storm travels to the west. we'll start to see the rain fill in in high amounts near charlotte. keep in mind, once the rain keeps on, we're going to see all of this rain slow down/flow down into the rivers into the oceansful we'll break records across north carolina with the rivers, unfortunately. we'll start with this one, little river in manchester, the record is 29 feet. it's going to crest at 34. and that is not going to happen until late monday. some rivers wait until midweek to crest.
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this one, cape verde river, fayetteville, cresting at 62 feet. that's almost the record. that doesn't crest until tuesday. right now it's at 36 feet. it's going to jump up to 64. so it's incredible, christi and victor, to think the rain is going to be over. yet days later we'll see the rivers possibly double in size. >> no doubt about it. jennifer grey, thank you so much. and listen, if you're watching this and you want to help the people impacted by hurricane florence, there are ways to donate and get in touch with charities responding. i spoke to someone from the red cross a couple days ago that said there's no call at the moment for blood donations to respond to this emergency, but because of all the shutdowns, they are losing about 4200 donations a day from people who could be going during this time across the carolinas to donate. so you can do that. there are lots of ways to help. go to for more ways to help.
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and this deadly typhoon, have you heard about this one, now headed to mainland china. >> it's expected to make landfall tonight. there's one city alone where more than 100,000 people left their homes trying to find an area to be safe. in hong kong, residents stayed inside, but look at some of the pictures of the strong winds and heavy rain. it tore roofs off buildings and snapped trees and power lines. the worst apparently passed through. and when that happened, some people were going for walks or swims in the streets, which is dangerous because we don't know what is in the water. >> yeah, don't do this. christi, what are condition like where you are? >> reporter: believe it or not, the conditions are much better right now than what we saw earlier today. it is 7:00 p.m., past 7:00 p.m. here in hong kong.
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this major metropolis is home to 7 million people. this place has been effectively shut down because of typhoon mangkhut. earlier today, we reported on the conditions and feeling it as well, pounding rain, huge gusts of wind, clocking at speeds anywhere between 60 miles an hour to 130 miles per hour. that also introduces a threat of storm surge, peak storm surge today on the iconic victoria harbor as well as outlying areas in hong kong. hong kong is chinese territory and no stranger to typhoons. every season, every summer we get big storms, but this storm is different because this storm was big. at the peak, it was equivalent to a category 5 hurricane. as you have been reporting, it left a trail of destruction in guam, in the philippines, and sweeping through here in hong kong. the danger is not over yet. hong kong, we have been bratsing for the impact of this storm. meteorologists have said that this is the biggest storm to hit hong kong since they started to
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record activity in the 1946. and we know that this is also a big rainmaker of about 500 miles wide. it's going to keepchurningout rain. with more rain, that's going to increase the threat of flash flooding as well as landslides. we're already hearing about disturbing reports of areas in southern china and in hong kong, including one report of a house being swept away. and villages and outlying areas in the southeastern part of hong kong with waist-high water. we're goinging to be reporting on the aftermath next, but the storm is still at the highest level. the alert is out. we'll keep reporting for you right here on cnn. >> kristie le stout, thank you. and president trump is planning tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of chinese goods. we'll tell you how this will impact you if you're looking to buy a car, tv or anything imported from china. lilly.
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a new report from the wall street journal says president trump is planning to hit china with another round of tariffs. this time on $200 billion worth of chinese goods. and he's going to do it before the trade talks start at the end of the month. >> the tariffs could result in higher prices on goods because companies usually pass on the cost to consumers. and look at your calendar, the holidays are just around the corner. so the impact could be felt by millions of american consumers. cnn white house reporter sarah westwood with us right now, what else do we know, sarah, about the tariffs? and good morning. >> reporter: good morning, christi. we know the tariffs are to increase pressure on beijing to renew the high-level trade negotiations. the tariffs are set to be around 10%, although officials have discussed setting those duties as high as 25%. and these new tariffs will hit goods like dishwashers, food
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seasonings, televisions and make those products potentially more expensive for american consumers. these tariffs are designed to give trump leverage in his efforts to end the chinese practice of demanding american companies turn over the intellectual property in order to gain access to china's markets. and it will be on top of the $50 billion worth of chinese imports already subject to tariffs. and that first round of tariffs have hurt key republican constituencies like farmers and manufacturers. china has been matching trump's tariffs dollar for dollar so the new move is only likely to increase economic tensions, victor and christi. >> president trump was on the twitter machine talking about his poll numbers, and why he thinks they are so low. what did he say? >> reporter: that's right, victor. no surprise here but president trump is attributing falling poll numbers to the russia investigation saying the russian probe could be hurting republicans heading into the midterms writing, while my poll
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numbers are good with the economy being the best ever, if it weren't for the rigged russian witch hunt, they would be 20 points higher. highly conflicted bob mueller and the 17 angry democrats are using the phony issue to hurt us in the midterms. no collusion. this comes on the heels of the guilty plea of president trump's former campaign manager paul manafort. republicans have been using the spectrum of impeachment to motivate republicans to get to the polls so russia has been the key factor in republican messaging. and this comes as trump's legal team and his allies have been railing against mueller to try to get him to end the investigation before the november elections. victor? >> sarah westwood in washington for us, thank you. i want to bring in daniel litman, a reporter. we know the secretary treasury mnuchin is reaching out to leaders in russia to deescalate the whole thing.
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where do these new tariffs leave him? >> it makes it much harder for mnuchin to do that because the chinese feel like trump and the american government is going way too hard against them. and that does not breed great trust amongst the trading partners. i don't think that trump understands the critical role that china and free trade plays in making an american economy prosperous. so this also hurts u.s. efforts to get the chinese government to cooperate on north korea and preventing nuclear proliferation and enforcing the sanctions. >> i want to switch real quickly to brett kavanaugh. because the senate you dish area is expected to vote on this on thursday for him to be on the supreme court. there's a new person who is
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anonymous that now comes out and says in high school he assaulted her. dianne feinstein has the let earn did not give it to the senate judiciary committee. there's no discussion on it. do you believe that a discussion can move forward or that the vote can move forward without that conversation being had? >> i think it all depends on what senators murkowski and collins do. whether they believe the accusations, you know, whether the woman comes out publicly. if she comes out and doesn't want to, to defend her -- this allegation and say exactly what happened, then the confirmation may be in doubt. right now it seems like it's all steam ahead. and republicans are kind of using the same playbook as a couple decades ago with clarence thomas. and saying, well, these are unverifiable. we don't trust this woman. they have released a letter from
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kavanaugh's female classmates attesting to his good character. and democrats seem to have bugled this accusation by injecting it so late in to the game. >> is there political push-back against feinstein for it? >> i think she's already seen as the past. and she doesn't have that credibility on the left anymore that she used to. she's been -- she's now part of the establishment. and it doesn't seem like she handled this well, both republicans and democrats say this would have been better information to have when she first received this letter. and you could have protected the woman's name, but to release it now when it's become an open secret on capitol hill, it just feels like, i don't know, why couldn't the american people hear this before the confirmation hearing. so senators could have asked kavanaugh on the stands?
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>> danny lippman, thank you so much. thank you for being here. let's bring in the district attorney for georgia now. i want to talk about manafort, welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> manafort, he was there at the trump tower meeting in 2016 with the russians. old friend and business partner roger stone says she may be indicted by mueller soon. he was chair of the campaign when the party changed its stance to you cape at the convention. list off the value, in addition to what i just did, to manafort in this agreement. >> watching last week was watching an old western movie when there's an attack in the prairie and they say the fork has fallen. manafort fell last week. that is really what happened. what you see is we have gotten to a level so close to the president and the administration at the top of the administration, that you can't overstate that the importance of having this cooperation. you know, there's been a lot of talk about whether manafort would hold out for a pardon, whether or not he had other information, whether or not he
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was just kind of getting the cues from the trump tweets about holding -- maintaining the level of confidence. but he decided that he's not going to be the sacrificial lamb at this point. so he knows what went on in the meeting, he took notes in the meeting, remember, he's been a player in ukraine and used to sort of eviserating this information. you can't overstate the value. >> if you asked the president's personal attorneys, they say too bad for manafort that has nothing to do with us. let me read this tweet from rudy giuliani, i'm going to read it, but there are spelling mistakes and words screwed up here. according to sources close to manafort's defense, the cooperation agreement he's trying to say does not involve the trump campaign. there was no collusion with russia. let's put up a snip-it of the actual cooperation agreement. your client shall cooperate
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fully, truly, rightfully and other government officials. if any and all matters as to which the government deems to e be -- this allows manafort to tell what went on in the past, in the campaign and not just what he pled guilty to. but now he's under the obligation to receive the benefit of the plea bargain to come forward with all information he knows about the possible wrongdoing that has happened, basically, in perpetuity, he'll have to share that with bob mueller's team. so i think giuliani wants to put a spin on it. i don't think he'll be successful at that. there's no way to look at his tweets and the fact he had to retract language out of the early tweet. you look at the president's sort
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of rant, there's no way you can look at the things and say they don't realize just how grave the situation is at this point. >> i assume you're talking about the tweet that came out last night that said he was using the rigged russian witch hunt used in the information by bob mueller to hurt them in the midterms. you're a state official here in georgia, is this politically potent to the men close to the president who have now pleaded guilty but found guilty? >> i think probably the thing for the democrats to do is not to hang their hat on the investigation. they aught to be talking about things like what they can do for their state, everybody the ca
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case -- that aught to tell people something. and you talk about the credibility and the validity of the investigation, you simply look at the number of people and the level of the people that have been charged and now pled guilty. so we have all these pleas, we have all these convictions. we've got all these indictments. and the indictments are heard by a grand jury, they are handed out by a grand jury. so the idea to say it is a witch hunt is just a fool's airing by donald trump as we move forward. he wants to spin it again to get off the midterms. >> the president wants you to know it is up to the seven angry democrats. >> well, he said some things, too. but as i say, i don't have much stalk in the information he's passing out either. >> michael moore, glad to have you. don't miss the democratic congressional nominee for the 14th district in new york state on "state of the union with jake
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tapper" at 9:00 a.m. right here on cnn. so once tropical depression florence gets out of the carolinas, there are a lot of people who may be upset to discover, hey, this flood is not covered in my homeowners insurance. we have an expert in the insurance field with us next with valuable information for you, whether you live in a floodplain or not. and a man died after a shark bite at cape cod beach. officials have not seen this kind of an incident in about 80 years. it's kind of like playing your own version of best ball. because here, you can choose any car in the aisle, even if it's a better car class than the one you reserved. so no matter what, you're guaranteed to have a perfect drive. [laughter] (vo) go national. go like a pro. see what i did there? ever since darrell's family started using gain flings,
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this morning hurricane florence has taken the lives of 13 people as the heavy rain continues to pummel the carolinas. the storm is moving really slowly saturating the east coast with florence expected to produce catastrophic flooding coming from the national hurricane service. and this is going to go on for days. >> and think about it, nearly 800,000 people are waking up this morning with no power. and they have no idea when they will get it back. here's a look at what people living there are dealing with. the wind has really picked up. >> the beach is now up on the boardwalk. this is a foot and a half of
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sand or so. this is one of the largest ones we have seen. this one completely uprooted. we are going to a place with high-water rescues that are necessary. the family who lives here tells me they expect the water to come to the door of their home on the second story of that home. so, obviously, one of the biggest concerns for people in the carolinas is going to be
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rebuilding after this. and people with property damage by flooding may not actually be as protected as they thought. standard homeowner insurance policies do not cover floodwaters. they cover wind and rain damage, but according to a disaster research group, less than a quarter of homes at risk in the carolinas have private flood insurance. and only about 5% of them have flood insurance offered by fema. chuck watson, analyst, is with us. chuck, appreciate you being here, thank you. as i understand it, the standard homeowners policies do not cover floods, it's separate. you have to get it -- it's a federal program, is that the only availability of flood coverage is through fema? >> good morning. yeah, there's some private insurance but it is pretty expensive and specified for the
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homeowner. you can still get it through the normal insurance agent, but what happened back in the '70s after a number of floods the insurance industry decided the insurance flood was too risky and too expensive so they pulled out. so the federal government stepped in. and the program has a long history of having problems, but for the consumer, the real problem is, it's kind of odd. if your roof is damaged and water comes in by rain, damages your tv, insurance covers it. if the stream next to your house overflows and damages your tv, it's not covered by your homeowners policy. you have to have the extra federally-backed program to have insurance over it. a lot of folks in north carolina and south carolina are going to get a nasty surprise if they don't have flood insurance. >> if they don't have a separate flood insurance. i was reading that you were saying, and you just said how expensive that it is, that the national flood insurance program itself doesn't necessarily have a lot of money to help people.
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is that right? >> that's right. ever since katrina, it's been in debt to the u.s. treasury. and, in fact, last year because of harvey, congress had to basically write off $16 billion worth of debt. even doing that program still $20 billion in debt. one of the things they did is now police have the federal flood insurance program that buys insurance for private companies. and so there's a little extra margin there, but remember, it's not florence, we have had hurricane lane that hit hawaii. so there are loss there that are covered against a small number of people with flood insurance. so only people in the federally designated zones tend to have it. and again, just if you heard
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earlier, only one in four homes actually have flood insurance. >> it sounds like it's a program that just is unsustainable at this point unless they figure something else out. chuck watson, thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us. we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. an alleged serial killer in jail this morning. texas authorities arrested a u.s. border patrol agent in connection with four murders. those details ahead. (vo) when bandits stole the lockbox from the wells fargo stagecoach, agent beekman was one step ahead of them.
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a tour in mexico. [ shots fired ] >> you watch this video and think this is perplexing. yes, those were gunshots. we are assuming that the munition did not realize they are gunshots because he kept play i playing. but you can see the musicians ride off on motorcycles and they have not been arrested yet. and there is a serial killer that they have caught in texas. part of what shocked me about this whole thing is that the u.s. suspect is a u.s. border patrol agent. >> police arrested juan david ortiz. he confessed to killing four people whose bodies were found over the last two weeks. officials are not ruling out the possibility of more victims. ortiz was arrested yesterday after a woman he allegedly kidnapped escaped and called
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police. he was charged with the four murders and a kidnapping. the u.s. customs border patrol agency said they are fully cooperating with the investigation. and officials believe what they have seen over the last 24 hours is the first fatal shark attack in about 80 years on cape cod in massachusetts. >> yesterday 26-year-old arthur medicci was attacked by a shark boating 30 yards from newcomb hollow beach. they were trying to get him to safety after that incident. he did die at the hospital, though. reporter jim smith from cnn affiliate wbz has more for us. >> all of a sudden somebody yells, shark! shark! >> a nightmare at newcomb hollow beach. a young man bitten by a shark, and this time it's fatal. the witnesses say the victim was boogie boarding and then was attacked. >> a woman yells to us and i ran up. somebody had him by, like,
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underneath his arms sitting in the surf. you know, they had him supported up, his head up, in the surf and other people came down with towels around and wrapped his legs in towels. >> an unknown shark bite. >> we have an unconscious male, severe leg injuries. >> around noontime today i received a 911 call about a possible shark attack in the water, a male party in his mid-20s was brought out of the water and cpr was in progress. >> reporter: the 26-year-old victim was from revere. his family has been notified. a long-time surfer says people did everything they could, but there were severe leg wounds. >> there were half a dozen people trying to stop the bleeding with towels and the, i guess the cord from the boogie board. they were amazing. they did a great job. >> reporter: police closed the beach on one of the busiest weekends in the september season. things have changed due to a surging shark population. >> it is crazy. i come to this beach all the time. it is scary and really sad.
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and my heart goes out for that family. "the washington post" now counts more than 5,000 false claims since president trump has taken office. up next, why the president's increasing willingness to spout falsehoods is concerning so many people. (burke) that's what we call a huge drag. seriously, that's what we call it. officially. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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false claims. >> host of "reliable sources" brian stelter is here, when you heard this number, i think there were people who were thinking how long is it going to take to get to this number based on how quickly he was going already. >> and because the pace has been speeding up, glenn kesler says he's surprised they're already at the 5,000 mark. it's something that "the post" started doing after inauguration day, deciding to fact check everything that president trump said to see if it was false or misleading. they usually don't call them lies but the rate of falsehoods or mistruths has been picking up. they hit 5,000 as florchs was approaching land so it didn't get a lot of attention. i asked kesler about it for today's "reliable sources" and he told me that the turning point for his count was right
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after labor day. >> what happened after labor day was the bob woodward book came out as well as the anonymous op-ed in "the new york times." he went to a rally in montana, couple of fund-raisers in north dakota and over those two days, he made about 200 false or misleading claims, just in two days. and, in fact, on the second day, it was 125 false or misleading claims. he had a few local interviews. he spoke to reporters on air force one and he tends to increase his frequency when he feels under pressure. >> and certainly this month a lot of reasons for the president to feel under pressure. that was kessler's explanation for why his count reached 5,000 so soon because the misstatements and mistruths has been happening more often. the last few days, president trump has been laying low, focused on hurricane recovery efforts and hasn't been saying a lot in public, and hasn't been
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tweeting a lot off topic. maybe this week the number won't be quite as extreme as in the last couple of weeks. as you said, victor and christie, that's eight falsehoods per day in the trump presidency. >> he did write for the fact checker blog that the false statements made on september 7th was made in a period totaling about two hours. >> two hours, right, one giant rally and maybe a couple of interviews as well. >> that's more than one per minute. >> it is astonishing. it really is astonishing. unlike many other politicians who, when they read the fact checks and see the pin oaknochi they change their tune or change their ways. president trump repeats them again. does he not believe the people around him who tell him when he gets it wrong?
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32% of americans feel the president is trustworthy. that is a sad state of affairs whether you're a republican, democrat or a martian. we ought to be able to trust the president. with that 5,000 mark it's very difficult. >> 125 false statements in roughly 120 minutes. brian stelter, thank you so much for being with us. >> thanks. >> thank you, brian. listen, he's not going anywhere. catch him later this morning on cnn, "reliable sources," 11:00 a.m. eastern. the glamour of the emmy awards is officially here. hbo's "game of thrones" leads the way with the most nominations. what we can expect at the show.
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4:59 am
monday night is a big night. >> might see your favorite star. "game of thrones." >> cry every week. not ashamed. >> and you should not be. two of the shows really shaking things up. although the new series "killing e" was overlooked, the first asian woman nominated for lead actress. >> you can expect some laughs. hosted by colin jost and michael che. you have ben stiller, alec baldwin and so many others. >> it will be a good show, essentially. good luck to everybody who is nominated. we want to thank you so much for starting your morning with us here. we always appreciate knowing that when we look into that camera, even if you're sitting in your pjs, it's okay.
5:00 am
it's all good. sunday morning, you're allowed. hope you're making good memories today. >> really nice. >> it's true. >> "inside politics" with john king starts right now. hurricane florence slashes the carolinas. >> it is what it is. we can't control it. just pick up and deal. >> a new challenge yet the president is consumed with an old grievance. >> i think puerto rico was an incredible, unsung success. plus, paul manafort. >> he has basically fessed up to everything. >> big shifts in the midterm math. the senate in play. >> fight in an
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