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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  September 21, 2018 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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licensed by them. it's not clear what would be happening here. this was a one off facility where this happened at 3:40 in the morning as well. just a concerning situation all-around. we are about to hear more from officials here shortly. back to you. >> we will look for an update. thank you so much. appreciate it. we will update you when we have that. thank you very much for joining us. inside politics with dana bash starts now. welcome to inside politics. john king is off. the president said take the vote and now he is looking to settle these questions. if, when, and how and his accuser, christine blasey ford will testify. the only deal breaker now is requiring the client to tell her story on monday. the president who artfully waded
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through the controversy is pressing control, alt, delete on caution. sitting send on a new twitter grenade, one that alleged attack couldn't have been as bad as he said if she didn't tell anyone. he may have missed this minutes before on the white house lawn. >> there is no reason to attack her. there is no reason. let her tell her story under oath here in washington. the senate judiciary committee offered to publicly do that in washington. for her to do it in washington. they have been accommodating to her. there is no reason to attack her. >> we begin with the president, no longer restrain and on message and publicly doubting christine blasey ford's account of what she said happened 36 years ago. from the president's twitter account, i have no doubt that if
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the attack on dr. ford was as bad as she said, changes would have been immediately filed with local law enforcement by either her or her loving parents. i ask that she bring the filings forward so we can learn date, time, and place. it couldn't have been that bad, the president says, otherwise ford, then 15 years old, would have told her parents who would have told the police. anyone who knows anyone about abuse, especially young woman does not happen for a myriad of reasons. the alleged incident familiar to most of us that the president said cooperate have been as bad as ford describes, a party in 1982, ford's lawyer said brett kavanaugh would have raped her if he weren't so drunk. brett kavanaugh denies any of this happening adamantly. the president on twitter added this. let her testify or not and take the vote. let's get straight to abby
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philipp live at the white house. what are you hearing about why the president has done an about-face on his tone here? >> reporter: all week the white house has been wondering and perhaps holding their breath to see how long president trump would remain restrained. he has been careful to praise kavanaugh and worry about the damages this has done to him and his family, but not to attack his accuser. now that has all shifted. it's very likely that the white house is going to have to go along with the tone that president trump is setting here. just minutes before, the president sent the tweets as you just played. his counsellor to the president, kellyanne conway said let's not attack her. that all changed. what's different about today compared to 48 hours ago is the talks are very real and it seems more likely than not that in some capacity, dr. ford is going to testify. she is going to be giving her side of the story.
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president trump is now on the offensive. a few days ago, he was saying we have to hear what she has to say and then make a decision. now she is saying she can testify or not, but either way he wants the nominee confirmed. going forward it will be interesting to see how the white house deals with this new tone. whether or not they will continue to strike a more measured tone. president trump is going on the attack as he has many times in the past. when it comes to accusations of sexual misconduct with people close to him and his administration. >> it's interesting because i know you were hearing and i was hearing he was boasting about the fact that he was being so presidential and restrain and that changed. he was with sean hannity and maybe they got a poll. we will continue to dig on that. thank you so much. here at the table to share their reporting and insights, the associated press, cnn's phil matingly with bloomberg and lisa
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lair with the "new york times." welcome to all of you. let's start with something else that happened this morning on this fight. that is the man in charge who you know quite well, mitch mcconnell, the senate majority leader was speaking at the values voter summit early this morning and was very clear on how he saw the situation ending. >> you've watched the fight. you've watched the tactics. here's what i want to tell you. in the very near future, judge kavanaugh will be on the united states supreme court. so, my friends, keep the faith. don't get rattled by all of this. we will plow right through it and do our jobs. >> that really struck me. don't get rattled by this. speaking to a group offardent
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supporters. >> where he was and who he was speaking to. those are the individuals they need as you know better than anybody, the majority leader likes to control every aspect of what's about to happen, particularly a high stakes nominee and the highest court in the land. he can't control what would happen in a public hearing. that means outside groups, the base, outside supporters are going to play a big role in supporting the nominee, which is clear mcconnell still supports the nominee and helping to pressure from the right the senators that have to vote yes. this means he knows he has 51 votes. he is sticking to what he said all along that he believes this is going to happen. he is not going to hedge and trying to rally the people he knows he will need. >> rally and reassure which we will talk about later in the program. what do you make from your coverage of the white house of what the president has done today?
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>> it's interesting. i think the thing we heard from advisers all week is they wanted to keep this under control. they liked the measured tone and didn't want to rock the boat, but it's hard to keep this president on message for this many days. once the deadline got moved to monday, people were saying it's that much more time can he keep it together. we saw last night he was out of the white house at a rally in front of supporters and did a fox interview. he edged a little closer to this rhetoric last night. all of those things could be factoring into it. the question now is, does he continue to escalate these attacks which are damaging with women voters and key votes going into next week. he has another rally tonight i think will be key in missouri. she said she will not support kavanaugh. that's when we will see him. >> definitely a shift in tone and off message.
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is it off message or is it a new message they think might be more are in politically. >> it may be a new messages, but republicans are walking a very, very delicate line. it's important to point to the second half of what mcconnell said. we are going to plow right through this. meaning we are going to plow right through this woman's accusations and presumably if she does testify it's going to be her trauma and a very emotional presentation. i'm not sure you want to say you want to plow through something like that. it's really important. there definitely could be a scenario where they get kavanaugh confirmed, but they pay a big price in november. balancing the confirmation politics and the politics, politics is a difficult -- they have to walk a very careful line. having the president bouncing back and forth or switching messages in the middle doesn't make it easier for republicans as they try to walk the fine
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line. >> it's bold and daring of mcconnell to be so categorical. he cannot guarantee 51 votes and he doesn't hold all the cards. the attempt to keep the pressure on to rally conservatives working hard to confirm this nomination. to keep the heat on susan collins and lisa murkowski and jeff flake. the former two vote with the conservative judges. many of whom they disagree with on ideological issues. this is the dilemma for senator connell. he needs suburban women in missouri and tennessee to hold the majority, but also needs republican voters to turn out. one message early this morning saying all hell will break louis if they cave on the nomination. >> let's talk about the potential for the hearing and what's at stake with the negotiations going on. we know from an e-mail that
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professor ford's attorney said to the judiciary committee last night they want to talk about how many rounds of questioning and whether the committee will subpoena mark judge and the other individual who she said was there in the room. talking about the day and providing for her safety and saying that they want the senators, not outside counsel to question. you were reporting earlier that there was a conference call, i believe it maybe just wrapped up. we are both looking at our phones trying to see if we can report and talk on the air at the same time. among republicans on the senate judiciary committee which might be an indication of where they are in the negotiations. it's really important. >> it's an important call because it dictates what chuck grassley and republicans respond to debra katz, the lawyer for christine blasey ford laid out. when people are going to
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hearings, they want conditions that are favorable to them. what is happening right now, the negotiation process is not rare for a congressional hearing where the stablgs akes are posi enormous. the call today is roll back to monday. that was when they had a meeting with the judiciary committee and the plan going into that meeting was not to schedule a public hearing. inside that meeting, senator jeff flake and one or two other members said there has to be a public hearing. they were forced to shift and schedule a hearing. that's why the call is so important. republicans said we are not going to add witnesses. we don't think the conditions can be met. if one senator on that call said this has to happen or i'm going to oppose the nomination, they can set the terms. will it happen? i don't know. they want to move the process forward at this point. it's an important call and it will go a long way to deciding what happens next in this process. >> i will go to break because we
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have reporting to do and information on the other side of the break. republicans punting for the perfect mid-term message to prevent a blue wave from hitting congress. stay with us. how do you top mac & cheese? start with 100% clean ingredients. like vermont white cheddar. then... add bacon, bbq chicken, or baja blend. catering and delivery now available. panera. food as it should be.
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president trump is hitting the campaign trail with events in nevada and missouri. both states are home to tight senate races in november for the mid-terms which is just 46 days away. the president is urging voters no to the play hooky on election day. here is his speech last night in las vegas. >> promise me, you gotta get out. don't be complacent. you gotta get out for the mid-terms. we need more republicans. when they say we have a majority, it's like this. it's like this. if somebody has a cold, we don't have a majority that day.
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it's like, we have to have more republicans in office. >> but the don't get complacent message might be strong in some places, but maybe not strong enough to hold the house and the senate. that is the key here for republicans, especially the president. they are trying hard to stick to their talking points. the economy is booming and economy has been a success. the bigger talking point for voters could be, seems to be, president trump himself. we will play it a little bit later in the show. i was out in colorado talking to people in a very important house race and that was the thing i heard more than anything else from voters, particularly independents, particularly those who are undecided. i'm so sick of the chaos in washington and particularly president trump. >> one thing i found interesting is kaiser health news does this poll, the gold standard for health care reporting. health care was the top issue.
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corruption went to the top issue and that speaks to the point you are making. the chaos. it shows how to be in this mid-term. a lot of strategies told me president trump is baked in. whether the voters like them or don't, it's baked into the voting already. i'm not sure that's true anymore. what we are seeing in the polling and rising to the top. it could have an impact on independents. they may be voting on the president. it's having an impact on where female voters are and the key demographic in the suburban house races. >> you have done reporting on this and talking about what you are hearing from republican pollsters asking this very question. >> that's right. we reported on reaching a bunch of top white house officials about polling and what pollsters are seeing. they are seeing exactly this. it's not the economy and health care and other issues that move voters, but people are vofocuse
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on trump and his presidency and the chaos in the white house. another thing too that comes up in the polling is trump supporters are not are inially convinced by the polling. because he won in 2016 and defied public polling when his supporters see the warning signs, they say this is not real. there is concern with republicans that voters won't be motivated. >> that's understandable. you had republicans and the fact that last year when the house and senate had the overhaul that keeps the money. >> look at all the other money in the house and the senate.
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vote for us again and it's not working out. according to an internal rnc poll that josh green and i obtained, we are evenly divided whether they approved the tax law. by a two to one margin, americans believe it benefits the wealthy over the middle class. it has been failure. the democratic message succeeded on that front to the point where they argued that the tax law and the reduction into the treasury and the higher deficits are a threat. the poll warned republican lawmakers, voters believe this and that's a bad thing. aside from the economy, people overestimate the impact. ask president obama how that worked out in 2014. three million jobs created. the best economic year of his presidency. the bigger predictors are presidential approval which is bad right now. well into the 30s. the generic ballot for the democrats are in double-digits. >> we have one more commercial
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we do have breaking news on the republican counteroffer to christine blasey ford's attorneys. two sources familiar with the negotiations tell phil matingly and myself that the following is the likely proposal. republican committee members want a hearing on wednesday of next week. ford would testify first. the supreme court nominee, brett kavanaugh following her. the republicans are saying they are not willing to subpoena outside witnesses. those two would be the only witnesses at this hearing. also they want an independent lawyer, somebody who is not a u.s. senator to conduct the questioning of both witnesses. let's talk about this now. phil, i just gave the headlines. what's your take on where this stands? >> trying to find a middle ground and not taking the first proposal that her lawyer laid out last night. moving the hearing back from monday. the democrats proposed thursday
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on the call and they are saying now wednesday. they raised concerns about bringing in an outside lawyer saying it would make the appearance too trial-like. we reported that the republicans have been discussing this for a number of days and believe that is something they feel like they have to do. they believe they should go try to hire a woman who has experience on sexual assault issues and cases to ask those questions for both optics reasons. there is 11 men on the committee. they don't it to turn into a political circus. there is concern about that as well. the element here is they are in the negotiations process right now. this is now a counter proposal. should it be sent as it was discussed on this call. we will have to wait and see what the response is to that. everybody came out yesterday thinking they are on the road to having a hearing. they need to work out the finer details. is this the answer? we will see. >> seems to be closer. if for some reason these talks
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break down, perhaps the judiciary committee would send aides or investigators or people on the committee staff to see her and have a private discussion with her at the least. it sounds like this is more likely. the public hearing is more likely is the key. >> this is very fluid in the last seven days. >> i want to go to capitol hill. manu, i know this just happened and you are doing your own reporting on this. what are you hearing? >> reporter: i think this is a proposal that would be closer to being accepted by the democrats and by the ford camp in large part because of the negotiating position that the ford camp staked out last night. you will recall that the only major red lines that they drew in those negotiations were no monday hearing. if they're going to move to a wednesday hearing, that is not a monday hearing. they did not want kavanaugh to be in the same room as her and
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also, that most certainly is not going to be the case. the other two issues that could be sticking points, what is described to me last night and this morning is they were not are inially hard and fast requirements by the ford camp. that being an outside counsel that they were concerned about an outside counsel for sure. they would rather have the senators do the questioning, but it was not something they said they would absolutely not testify if there was not outside counsel. registering a strong objection to having an outside counsel. how exactly that will be structured, undoubtedly, there will be back and forth. they are certainly moving closer to a resolution, a sign that this hearing highly, highly anticipated and consequential hearing that will determine when kavanaugh gets that lifetime seat will likely take place. dana? >> thank you so much. and back here around the table,
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the whole notion of somebody who is independent from the senators, let's just call it what it is. it is fear. look, i might be eating my word fist they pick somebody independent who is a man, but the whole goal here at least initially in saying it should be somebody independent of the senators. there are all men on the republican side and they understand the optics of that are delicate to see the least. >> delicate is a very kind way of putting it. it's not only that they're all men, but even some republican strategists have told me in the past couple of days, these are people who don't have the best track record with sensitivity in dealing with the issues. you could see a hearing like this, democrats will be trying to create a viral moment when it shows a tone deafness and the air we are living in. this is not anita hill. this is me too that hand landed squarely in the middle of
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congress. it's an extremely delicate topic. it's a topic that is really hit a touch stone in american cultural life right now and happening less than 50 days before the mid-terms. what's our count? 46. it's a delicate topic at a delicate time and they are trying try ing to abdicate by having someone come in. >> we just got this in to cnn. a source close to christine blasey ford said she will talk to the fbi today about death threats against her. they are not looking into the allegations with kavanaugh, just the threats she received. that is a backdrop and a reality that we cannot forget. one of the terms that she had to put in here, which is really horrible that she had to do this, is her safety. this is an example of how bad it
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is. >> the emotion and intensity of this moment. she said she is getting threats. you report and others have as well that judge kavanaugh's wife has received very vicious e-mails. the emotions are running so high. to lisa's point about how it's not anita hill anymore. everybody is so informed by it. all these lawmakers -- >> there are parallels. >> there are people on the committee who were there in 1991. there still are no republican women on the judiciary committee. they are mindful of what that create and what it looks like in this moment. >> they wanted extra time. she was afraid to go home and had to keep her family safe and wanted extra time to give the deadline of monday. they seem to be negotiated, but this is a rough image. 11 republican men and no women
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led by two okt je necessaryians. camera harris will be one. amy will be one of them. he is saying something that can be viewed as prejudging the outcome. he is going to be on the supreme court. don't get rattled. >> and then you the had president questioning her credibility. >> there good reasons for both parties to want her to testify, but it comes down to her. her life is pretty unrecognizable and it's going to never be the same if she takes it the stand. that's a serious decision that she has to make. >> i got a text making a suggestion to something to pose. i will pose it here. whether or not there is a woman who would be the woman that republicans would pick as their independent lawyer to question? would they have trouble finding that woman?
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>> you have seen conservative women come out on a different side of this. it is a good question. i'm not sure i know the answer. >> they don't have names. they were not that far along in the process. it's more they agreed on this. there a lot of talented male lawyers who are republicans that republicans would want to get. >> there are a lot of them. >> the most important caveat is it's not just find a female lawyer and bring her up, but somebody who has experience in sexual assault cases and issues and understands the questions they are asking and why they are asking the questions and what they are trying to get out of them. in that sense, i get the optics. that's a very clear and apparent issues. finding someone who knows what they are asking about and understands the sensitivity of the questions is an important thing. >> manu, weigh in from the hill. you probably had time to do your
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manu tricks with eyes in the back of your head and all the things do you to get information. >> the one thing that they are still deciding on who will be the outside counsel to question. i was told by a source before coming on air that they were looking at several names that they are looking at. there of course women and outside counsel they want to bring in. men, too. they are looking into bringing female outside counsel, but that seems to be something they really, really want to do. we will see how much the ford camp and whether they accept this or not. they recognize how bad the optics could be with 11 men asking questions in what would be a contentious hearing. that will be one of the big questions for the democrats for the rest of the day here. >> absolutely. i was told even if they do agree upon someone who is independent and not a senator, you should
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not rule out senators actually doing the job and asking the questions as we normally see. everybody stand by. we talked about anita hill and the fact that people are still shuttering from the way she was approached and she was questioned all those years ago. joe biden, former vice president, was one of those senators on the committee. a very important senator on this committee. he weighed in on the tumultuous week ahead and about what happened, sharing lessons that he learned from the clarence thomas, anita hill hearings. stay with us. with such a long history, it's easy to trust geico! thank you todd. it's not just easy. it's-being-a-master-of-hypnotism easy. hey, i got your text- sleep! doug, when i snap my fingers you're going to clean my gutters. ooh i should clean your gutters! great idea. it's not just easy. it's geico easy. todd, you will go make me a frittata.
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topping the political radar, president trump is suggesting that some of the russia investigation documents he just ordered declassified may video to remain under wraps for a while. he said that as the process is moving along. key u.s. allies expressed concerns that could complicate things and he said officials worry releasing un redacted documents may have a perceived negative impact on the russia probe. he called for the declassification to expose alleged bias against him in the russia investigation. former vice president, joe biden, who served for more than four decades in the u.s. senate has advice for senators ahead of brett kavanaugh's testimony.
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>> i hope that they understand what courage it takes for someone to come forward and relive what they believe happened to them. let them be treated with respect. ask tough questions and substantive questions. where were you and who said what. etc. don't go after the character assassination. >> seems like you get it now versus back in 1991. >> i think i got it in '91. people have their own opinion. that's why i wrote the violence against women act. >> biden is referring to the 1991 senate grilling of clarence thomas's accuser, anita hill after it was widely criticized. anita hill said biden owes her an apology. the lessons of 2016 are looming large. (vo) when bandits stole the lockbox from the wells fargo stagecoach,
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>> 46 days from the mid-terms and the question obviously is will democrats take over the house in november? colorado's 6th district is the ultimate battle ground. we paid a visit there earlier this week. a visit with the chinese community. a i had spanish church. an ethiopian celebration all in one afternoon. the break neck pace, being there for his district is republican congressman mike's calling card. >> i'm not your republican congressman. i'm your congressman. i want them to see me and they do now. not as pay partisan player. >> kaufman denied the odds before. in 2016, he won by eight points
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despite hillary clinton beating donald trump here by nine. >> this suburban colorado district has been a battle ground for years, one democrats have lost. if they can win this year, it's a good indicator they can take back the house. >> the democrat -- >> i'm not a career politician. i have been spending my life trying to get elected. >> this combat veteran jason crowe is running a classic race learned from 2016 lessons. >> now is a defining struggle in the defining election of our lifetimes. >> won against washington with party leaders. >> you will not vote for nancy pelosi as speaker or as democrats don't take the house? >> i will not vote for nancy pelosi. >> he said the game changer is president trump. >> for four cycles, they have
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been trying to topple mike kaufman. what makes you think you will turn this district blue? >> we live in a different world than two years ago. donald trump is president of the united states. >> many in this immigrant-rich district are worried about trump policies. many suburbanites disgusted by trump's tone. his strategy is hardly strategy. >> voting with trump 96% of the time. >> you are hanging donald trump around mike's neck like an albatross. >> here needs to be accountable for breaking a promise to the people of this district. >> how much of a controversy is it? >> it's less about his policies and his tone. they are offended by his tone. >> maybe more than any other race, they outnumber democrats and republicans in this district. >> you are not affiliated?
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>> not anymore. >> we are both unaffiliated. >> they left the republican party because of trump. >> is it a protest vote? >> some democrats i like and some republicans i like, but i'm pretty much voting all blue. >> he is leaning republican, knows and likes coffman, but -- >> my disappointment against the president makes me want to vote all the way democratic down the ticket. >> to the large ethnic communities like ethiopian who is praise him for wanting to fight human rights abuses back home. >> the ethiopian has shown the leaders to kaufman. >> the former marine said he does 500 push ups a day. >> drop and give me 20. is anybody counting. >> i am. >> how many?
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>> 17. >> 20! >> tireless drive which this year may not be enough. you ready for your push ups? >> you said you were going first. i got to 100 and i could participate. >> a lot more to talk about next. ted cruz and beto o'rourke are facing off in the first debate in texas. could it decide a surprisingly tight race there? business technology advisors, you get the one-on-one partnership to grow your business. the dell vostro 14 laptop. get up to 40% off on select pcs. call 877-buy-dell today. ( ♪ ) call 877-buy-dell today. cohigher!ad! higher! parents aren't perfect, but then they make us kraft mac & cheese and everything's good again.
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so it bounces back.
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this just in to cnn. we wanted earlier this hour from sources on the republican side that the republicans on the judiciary committee had a conference call and decided their offer on this hearing with brett kavanaugh's accuser would be next week on wednesday, two witnesses only. first it would be christine blasey ford following brett kavanaugh with an outside counsel. an independent lawyer, somebody who is not a senator to at least start the questioning. we are now hearing democratic concerns over that proposal, particularly senate democraticed a aide told manu raju outside counsel does not vote on kavanaugh. senators do. republicans need to do their jobs and not ride.
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we will have a lot more coming up as this develops. meanwhile, a showdown in dallas is happening tonight. texas republican senator ted and democratic representative beto o'rourke are facing off for the first time. a recent poll showing a very, very tight race. energized democrats are sparking gop fears of an upset in deep red texas. a new quinnipiac poll found cruz pulling ahead among likely voters by a comfortable nine points. 54% to 45%. of those voters, 93% said their minds are made up with just 7% said they might still change their minds between now and election day. with three debates scheduled, the question is, can the democrat, o'rourke, win over voters and regain momentum or will cruz put this race to bed once and for all. this is such a fascinating race
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for so many reasons. namely, this is not supposed to be a race. the person who wins the republican primary in texas is supposed to have smooth sailing to election day for the general election and that's not happening now. >> it's remarkably close. >> one of the things we have heard is grumbles how he didn't take it as seriously as he should have earlier on. they are now. the debates give o'rourke an opportunity to create a viral moment. >> and, you know, you can say until we are blue in the face, candidates matter. in this case it is about the candidate mattering on the democratic side. beto o'rourke has been the darling of the democrats this year. he raised so much money. he outraised ted cruz to the tune of $23.6 million for o'rourke, $13.2 million for ted
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cruz. outside spending is overwhelming. >> ted cruz can raise moan. if you look back, he does not struggle raising money. the margin has been stunning. the most interesting element about having a debate is ted cruise is pretty good at debates. he has a history of them here. if you don't think he is loaded up, you are going to be mistaken. it will be a fascinating contrast to see them together on stage. >> the last time there was a democratic senator from texas, 1988. >> exactly right. o'rourke is able to pull this off which a lot of people are skeptical about it, he will be a national star immediately. that will have implications for the 2020 presidential race. >> one quick point on where democrats are sweating a little bit. o o'rourke is neck and neck. he is only at 54% with
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hispanics. they said he needs the number well up into the 60s if not higher if he wants a shot at ted cruz. >> thank you, phil being my reporting partner in crime. thank you so much for joining us. hope to see you back here sunday at 8:00 a.m. eastern. wolf starts right now. hello, i'm wolf blitzer and it's 1:00 p.m. here in washington. thank you very much for joining us. we begin with breaking news. the latest counter proposal in negotiations with the u.s. supreme court nominee. attorney for christine blasey ford said she is willing to testify about the sexual assault accusation against kavanaugh. holding the hearing on monday would be a deal breaker. now republicans are responding with their latest offer. let's go to manu raju. what's the latest? what are you hearing?


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