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tv   CNN Special Report  CNN  September 21, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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i sort of came into this late. i feel i'm at the tip of this, we were beginning friendship. i seen tony raised on the show to be this incredible producer. he's still editing the show, for me i feel i have the easiest job in this. >> yeah, we all miss him. >> i look forward it to. i'm glad you did it. >> thank you. >> i hope you tune in for the premier anthony bore dawn, sunday, 9:00 p.m. parts unknown. the news continues now. handing it over to chris cuomo. "prime time" starts now. thank you, i am chris cuomo, welcome to prime time. it's into the busy night, it's a whacky night. less than an hour from now, christine ford has to decide whether to take the republican's terms to testify. she'll get a chance to tell her story, only if she agrees there will be no other investigation or witnesses allowed. in other words, she is to go it alone, obviously, if she says no, they are more than fine with that.
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the proof, if ford doesn't respond by 10:00 p.m., if senate the senate gop says monday is the day to vote kavanaugh to the supreme court. stick here the outcome is supposed to happen on our watch. meanwhile, another political earth quake is striking at the same. time this one could have huge implications for the russia probe. why? because the fate of the man in charge of it is in question tonight. that's deputy attorney general rod rosenstein. sources say rosenstein plotted to oustt the president from office last year, suggesting secret taping and trying to trigger the 25th amendment. rosenstein denies the story. trump folk are saying this is proof of the deep state and teaming up, the president has political cover to remove rosenstein. what would that do? it would imper till probe into russian interference, because it is run by rosenstein so there is a lot to digest, we're chewing
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on all of it for you. so what do you say? let's get after it. ranking democrat dianne feinstein accused republicans of bullying a survivor of attempted rape for the nominee to the supreme court. that's how she determines it. we will let you know as soon as word comes in as to what ford to testify. this is happening as questions about deputy attorney rod rosenstein potentially being fired continue to grow after this report from the "new york times". now, sources tell cnn the deputy ag openly speculated about wearing a wire to record president trump and floated the idea of building support within the administration to invoke the 25th amendment, which is obviously about removing a president of presidential succession. rosenstein's response, not true. where the quote. i never pursued or authorize
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recording the president. any suggestion that i advocates for the the removal of the president is absolutely false. now in terms of the reporting, we have multiple sources on this. okay. anonymous, yes, i got news for you. most of the valuable reporting we get is anonymous. why? people in power. people who are afraid of being exposed and having their access withdrawn or punished for who they say. so this illusion the president propagates when have you an anonymous source, you can't believe it. that they're not for real. when season knows their name, it's not true, oh, how ironic the president relies on anonymous source, himself, tonight, he and those closest to him are relying on a new york sometimes report the failing "new york time's," subscriptions are up since trump was in office on anonymous sources to justify
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going after rod rosenstein. now, does the president need justification to fire rod rosenstein? i would argue you a cursory reveal of article 2 would suggest no rosenstein is a superior article and the president can hire or fire at his discretion. but this is about politics. does the president have thrill political cover to do it? that's the significance of that story. it's happening on real time as we await on christine ford on whether or not to testify. there is a lot going on. so let's talk about it with documentary filmmaker michael moore, who today coincidentally has a new film coming out faron farn light 11-9. it's all about how we got into this situation with trump and how moore thinks we can get out. michael, thank you for getting us again and so quickly. >> thank you for having me back.
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>> all right. your movie comes out today, fahrenheit 11-9. it is touching on a part of the turmoil in our midst right now. we have two big news stories that deal with the level of chaos. christine ford has until 10:00 eastern time, we believe she's in california. so 7:00 where you are in california, to decide whether or not to accept the terms that chuck grassley and the senate republicans have laid out for her testifying next week. what do you make of that? >> well, let's just repeat what you just said. the men are laying out the terms. but she has to accept. you know, this woman is saying that she survived a near rape attempt, that she somehow got out of a situation where she thought that she was going to possibly die. this is not how we talk to
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people who are find themselves as victims of violence. and it's so disgusting. i know we have been through a year-and-a-half, two years of some pretty disgusting talk about women and toward women. but this really, this has to be the line in the sand and, and forcing her into this situation, she's indicated already that she wants to talk. she would like somebody in law enforcement to investigate what she has told them has happened. >> right. >> they say, no additional witnesses. there will be somebody independent who is doing the questioning. and you will do it now and we are giving you a chance to speak and we're not going to do anything more because they obviously believe that this is a delay tactic at the urging of the democrats. there yeah. yeah. yeah. right. you know, this is what always happens. right.
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these women come forward and claim something happened to them and we all know that they're all lying within they say this. i mean, look, this is a serious incident that happened and it doesn't matter when you decide to finally talk about it. if it happened to you, it happened to you. she's decided to talk about it. and she's taken courageous action here. i just feel for her greatly. i just think that these republican men should take a really close look at what they're doing here. because they are guaranteeing, guaranteeing losing in november. women are going to come out to the polls and men who support women are going to come out to the polls in record numbers for a mid-term election. that's what's going to happen here. and pushing her like this, pushing somebody who went flew an act of violence to where she thought she was going to die is
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i mean, chris, how -- i don't know how you were raised. i know i was raised. that's like, that's not -- it's just wrong. it's just wrong. everybody knows it's wrong. if are watching this now in your senate offices or wherever you went for the weekend, you know it's wrong. you know we're not going to tolerate it. the women of america aren't going to tolerate it and president trump, what does he say today something about women support him on this. we have to fight for kavanaugh. i don't care about the other side and more women support that than anyone would know. >> more women? >> wow, yeah, he would know. this man who may we just remind everyone is an admitted, admitted. not accused. not alleged.
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admitted sexual predator. he told billy bush exactly how he likes to do it, when he likes to do it and how much of it he hopes to get of it. and against the will of those who are there with him, adult women or younger. we don't really know because of the jokes he made on the howard stern show about wanting to open up the doors of miss usa, miss teen usa, all that to see them naked. so this is, seriously, we have a sexual predator president who is now telling a woman who is telling him that she was a victim of a sexual predator and abuser and she has told them who the witness was in the room the witness, mark judge, as we described the other night, also went to george town prep arc few months after this incident of violence occurred. he writes on his yearbook page at george town prep. he puts a quote there that says,
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certain women deserve to be struck like gong. that's his line on his yearbook page. these are seniors in high school. they're adults or near adults. we've got 16 and 17-year-olds locked up in jails in prison across america for crimes they allege to have committed and they are there. and if we allow this, if we put somebody on the supreme court, who has committed a crime like this and nothing ever happened to him, what's the message, really to everybody else across the country? look, can you do whatever the -- you want, some day you could end up on the supreme court. >> there is no question and this is happening at the same time today that this big new york time story breaks the same day your movie comes out talking about the chaos trump has brought and what to do about it the story is rod rosenstein, the deputy attorney general had spoken
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about the potential need for the 25th alleged, about presidential incapacity and succession and getting cabinet members behind him, maybe secretly recording the president to show the distress. i'm shocked by that, you probably aren't. because it's what you are assuming may happen in your movie. so good timing aside, this is a pretty scary prospect for the democracy. rosenstein says it didn't happen. he didn't say it. what itself the impact to you? -- what's the impact to you? >> well, i guess we'll find out he did or didn't. if he did, he's a patriot, no doubt about it. he as many others who have written books, who have talked to bob woodward, have come on your show, have told you similar stories about their concern, about trump and that we are in danger as a country with a malignant narcissist and sexual predator who is running this country. we've never been in a spot
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before. and i want to add something to rosenstein, his -- i don't think that if this happened, i don't think he was saying from what i read that the president is like mentally incapacitated where he can't do the job. i don't believe that about trump. i've told you on your show, that actually i think he's a bit of a genius. an evil genius. but he's not stupid. i think one of the things, one of the problems that mueller has probably had in his russia investigation, my guess now, is that trump was probably never and made sure he was never in the room when these crimes were committed. he was probably smart enough to do that. >> let's end on this, when people watch the movie, it is
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not simply a dirge. what do you want want people to take away from that it will give them hope for change that you believe in? >> i want people to come to the theater this weekend and realize that there are literally millions of like-minded people, just like them, who feel the same despair about what's going on but who believe that we are the majority. we got 3 million more votes than he did. the american people want us running the country. now we have to find a way. in the movie, i proposed certain ways out of the madness. but, yeah, now, it's not a durge. you are not going to leave the theater financial, oh, you come to this, we are going to tell you a story that you haven't heard. you haven't heard it on the "nightly news. " you haven't heard it on the show. i will find a way out. so far we're hearing from theater. the theater man can't get them to leave after the credit. they're all in there talking
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about what we're going to do. so if are you in need to be around a couple hundred people in a theater who are where you are at, you should come see this movie this weekend. i think you are going to be very pleasantly surprised and enlightened to the point where you will see that we don't have to put up with this for the next two-plus years. fahrenheit or 1,600 day, whoever you want to count it. >> fahrenheit 11-9, michael moore's new movie. thank you for being back. good luck with the movie. >> thank you, chris, everything everybody out there, don't give up. >> the 25th amendment, have we heard this before? what is it about. yes omarosa mentioned it. so did the anonymous op sed writer this month. is there a connection in the "time's" about rosen stoon and that op-ed? so let's look at what this is all about the 25th amendment,
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how it works, what it means. is it likely or not and recall on our watch right now, there are about 45 minutes left as silly as that seems, it's a like some kind of a countdown for rocket. >> that is the deadline that has been given to professor christine ford to tell her story about an attempted sexual assault she says involves judge kavanaugh. we're keeping an eye on that. we'll be right back with a magic wall for you. (music throughout)
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and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. (gasp) (singsong) budget meeting! sweet. if you compare last quarter to this quarter... various: mmm. it's no wonder everything seems a little better with the creamy taste of philly, made with fresh milk and real cream. all right. so let's talk about what this new york time story means. the report placing attorney general rod rosenstein at the center of a 25th amendment is provocative, rosenstein denies it. it's also a pipe dream. don't hate. i know people are selling possibilities all the time for how trump is now done because -- that's not us. all right. we only know what we can show.l
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here are the fact the amendment the 25th amendment triggers a process of presidential succession in the event the commander in chief is unable perform his or her duties. it's simple if the president comes forward and says i have to step. what if it's not the president, it's done to the president? thoughts an onerous standard application. you would need mike pence and eight members of the cabinet to get on board. >> that would have to happen without the president finding out. if he did, he can fire the whole cabinet before they made their move. trump can shut down the same thing saying he is capable of being president. even if they shop how got past that part, the clock starts ticking. then there are 21 days. two-thirds of both houses during that time need to respond. can you imagine two out of every three members of congress agreeing on anything? basically the 25th amendment is around for the president god forbid being in an accident or going missing or a mental
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incompasstation of a severe variety. >> there is a scenario, somebody might be replaced and relatively easily as a result of this story. it's not the president. it's rod rosenstein the president as you know has complete authority to fire or hire people underneath him in the department of justice. >> that includes the department of justice and etc. deputy attorney general. the complication has been political fallout. so has what was revealed in the "time's" and reportedly supported written by boss andrew mccabe in memos. have all that given trump political cover that he needs? so why does it matter to get rid of rosenstein? well, he is in charge of bob mueller's investigation. he's mueller's boss, he decided on a special counsel and chose bob mueller. jeff sessions the attorney general, of course, recuse himself, is therefore outside the loop. so if trump replaces rosenstein, he would then get a fresh
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opportunity to end the russia probe, whoever comes into rosenstein would be in charge of the mueller investigation and could do whatever they please. the bottom line is the chance that rosenstein or anyone else can use the 25th amendment to remove trump, basically statistically the inside of a donut the chance that trump feels emboldened to move on rosenstein, well that chance is certain certainly better than it was was before this report came out. now, there are theories floating around this story was leaked to prompt the president to fire rosenstein. do those have any merit? and will there be a decision from kavanaugh's accuser before the clock strikes 10. we're 38 plus minutes away. time is running out. it's time for our great debate next. after party in my vegas suite?
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we are standing by because there is a 10:00 p.m. eastern deadline for dr. ford to agree to the senate judiciary committee, ice, they will vote on monday to confirm judge kavanaugh. what will ford's lawyers say? what do they want? they're hoping to testify on thursday. they wanted certain conditions. they have been haggling. the republicans want no additional investigation, no additional investigation,
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witnesses they're setting up a he said-she said, which i don't know how that will real le advance the interest of fairness here, that's politics. the ranking democrat dianne feinstein tonight says it's clear republicans are doing all they can to conserve a seat at any cost with a cloud of controversy hanging over his head. he can serve 40 years, what's another 24 hours to make sure we get this right? is the committee rushing forward or saying enough is enough. that, my friend, is the makings of a great book. we have jennifer granholm to do just that. this is no ordinary friday. this is the place to be, we're on the clock. so what do you think about this? is the fair or unfair? >> c'mon, this is ridiculous when you think about what she's up against, these ultimatums sound like this bullying. if they go through this, we get
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to 10:00. they vote on monday without her. there are 48 days left until the election. what is the rush? they've got plenty of time to do an investigation. this is ridiculous. when you compare what's happening here with what the republican establishment in washington, d.c. is doing to smear her, including the president, his tweet this morning, calling her credible into question before she's even had a chance to speak publicly. it is outrageous. i think it is going to cost them the election in november. >> hold on a second. we just got the response. it was e-mailed to me and i am going to read it to you right now. here is the response, everybody. dear ms. whilely and ms. davis. i'm writing to your e-mails earlier today.
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i was stunned the judiciary committee noted judge kavanaugh's vote for monday morning. in the midst of our ongoing discussion under the terms and conditions dr. christine blassey-ford could testify. you did so well, you arbitrarily imposed just hours before, the imposition of aggressive and art official deadlines regarding the dates and conditions of any hearing has created tremendous unwarranted stress on dr. ford. your cavalier treatment of a sexual assault survivor doing her best to cooperate with a committee is completely inappropriate. yesterday, we what happened i to the was a productive dialogue about the conditions. dr. ford would find it successful to testify about her sexual assault involving judge brett kavenaugh, rather than continuing that dialogue, senator grassley conveyed through the media insisting she appeared on a date i expressly told you was not feasible for her. hours after those media accounts
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aid period, you sent me a response in good faith yesterday. you rejected a number of proposals to ensure the process would be a fair one, including subpoenaing mark judge to testify. instead you spent much of your e-mail distorting the requests we had made. it would be fruitless to review those misstatements as it is abundantly unclear you have been tasked with pressuring dr. ford to agree to conditions you find advantageous to the nominee. when i urged you to include them in our discussion, you rejected them icausing them leaks. even more disturbing, you took more than a day to consider our proposal, you dead manned a 5:00 p.m. response to your yourself this evening. i advised you dr. ford traveled to meet with the fbi because of the death threats and we feed until tomorrow to confer and
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provide with you a well considered response, rather than allowing her the time she needs to respond to the take it or leave it demand you convey, you sent us an e-mail you gave to the media first, insisting we accept your invitation for a wednesday hearing by 10:00 p.m. tonight. i learned senator grassley scheduled this vote. for tonight. it's sole purpose is to bully dr. ford and depriefb her of making a decision that has life altering decisions for her and her family. she has already been forced out of her home and subject to harassment hate mail and death threats. our modest decision is to different her an additional day to make her decision. sincerely, debra. that response is non-responsive. they say they are needing more time. nigel, do you different them that time? >> no, you don't. the fact is the lawyer for dr. ford has been playing a tune
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and senator grassley and the senate judiciary committee have been dancing to that tune. they have been very accommodating. they've basically stalled the potential elevation vote for a supreme court justice for self days and at some point you have to say, it's time for the congress and particularly the senate to do etc. constitutional duty and provide advice and consent to the president of the united states and vote. >> are you 100% sure, nigel that christine ford is a political plant? >> no, i am not 100% of that at all. >> are you 80%? >> as her friend, no, no, as her friend said, i think that dr. ford is a little bit of a victim in this process as well. i think she is being used as a political football. >> here's why i ask. >> i think it's interesting jennifer talked about 46 days before the election she revealed what this is all about. this is a political chess match. >> you guys have been rushing it.
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do not say that about me. i'm saying take the time. because that's what the republicans have been rushing to do. they want to get this done before the election, they're afraid of a democratic takeover in the house and senate. that's ridiculous. i'll saying it's let's be slow >> a victim asked for confidentiality. zem because of this bullying garbage. she asked for confidentiality. >> you presume guilty without her testifying? you presume he's guilty. >> be slow.
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>> how the heck do they know when they haven't heard a word. to say what is true and isn't true. the reason i asked you a question whether you are a political plant. that letter i just read, unless the republicans believe they have good reason to believe she's a plant. what a lousy way to treat someone who could be a victim of a sexual assault? they are treating her like she's a lobbiest. in this letter. this is how much time you get. you have been good enough. you are not getting an investigation. you are not getting any other witnesses. think about when that would be okay to do to someone who is a potential victim of a sex crime? >> i think what they have do, i think it's quite different than that, chris. i think they have been extremely accommodating. >> >> no witnesses, no investigation. >> no they have not, nothing. >> again there has to be a
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presumption of innocence on the part, of course, we know that's a foundation of our judicial system. >> we're not a trial, even if it were, nigel, how do you test the presumption of innocence, if you can't have any witnesses and any investigation, all you get is a he said-she said. one of them has to fold, basically to know anything, right? >> what you do is you do what the senate committee is doing, which is providing her the, stopping the process, soming a stopping a constitutional process for one of our branches of government and giving the alleged victim, the potential victim, an opportunity to be heard. i think it's interesting that she wants you know that her lawyer or her team want the potential supreme court justice to speak before she does. and that's bizarre to me. she's the one making the accusation. there was going to be a scheduled, go ahead. go go ahead, jennifer. >> this is so outrageous to me.
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if you want to really get to the truth, then have you an investigation. let him take a polygraph to prove that he's innocent. let him invite. some witnesses forward. >> you know a polygraph is not admissible in court. >> this isn't a court proceeding. i'm saying she has done everything she can to demonstrate her story is true within the power she has. he has done nothing other than deny. so the senate sets up this he said-she said. >> show up and testify. >> now we learn tonight, listen, now we learn tonight there has been the whole side effort to smear her character by this guy ed whelan who has been apparently affiliated with judge kavanaugh and says he's not coordinating, but what he's done is create this false story that she's mixed up and that she's obviously means some other person he was treat e tweeting about today. we learned he found out about her identification and her name before even the washington post story was out.
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so there is a whole lot of coordination going on the to smear her name before she even gets to to washington, d.c. >> the politics are embarrassing. the timing on the democratic side smells bad. i get the request for anonymity. it doesn't smell good. what is going on, on the other side smellss badly. too. ordinarily i would say what else is new. we need a change to the dynamic. however, this ain't normal politics. these times of situation versus to be handled with care. can the allegation be false? yep can it be faked, made up? yep. how do you know if you only hear from the he said and the she said in this situation? that's what i don't get nigel, that's what i've never gotten from judge kavanaugh's position. if i found myself in his position, i'd say, woe, i want everything investigated.
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investigate everybody. talk to everyone she says is relevant because i had nothing to do with this. i wasn't there. i've never done anything like this in my life. let it get all out there. i want no doubt. your side is starving him of that. >> i will god forbid that we create a new standard that an allegation that is nearly four decades old can stop a constitutional -- >> what do we do in cases when kids are abused? in church scandal cases? >> no, you are absolutely free to come forward and you are free and obviously for grassly has bent over backwards the senate judiciary committee has bent over backward to accommodate that. >> how have they bent over backwards? >> they've delayed a constitutional process and they have even considered -- >> they did bum rush. >> >> i find it strange and unusual that even though there is nothing on the record in terms
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of an accusation, there is no date. no time, no place. >> not unusual. >> whether this assault took place and -- >> go ahead, last word. >> this quick question to you, nigel, susan collins has said that if the -- if kavanaugh is lying, that that is a disqualifier. if you set up a he said-she said, you got no ability to verify one way or the other whether someone is lying, do you not think that the public is disadvantaged? that you will put somebody on the court who potentially is lying to the senate but without any investigation, forget the past. how do you know whether he's lying or not unless you have an investigation? how do you know whether he's telling the truth unless have you an investigation? if this man is as disqualifying to lie and there is no means to test it. i think the u.s., the judiciary
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is complete -- i can't each find even find the words. >> answer the question. >> and i believe that this process, which has gotten a tremendous hearing in the media and is based on a letter that was passed from dr. ford who i believe collaborated with a stanford university professor or professors. it was given to a congress woman, that was then given to dianne feinstein and then leaked by a staffer on the democrat's side. >> you don't know who -- >> no, that's what it'saled. -- alleged. you told us a staffer that leaked. this here is the question. at one point, let's say that they give her until friday that she says, no, i don't want to testify on friday and then monday and then wednesday. at one point? >> she's asking for one day.
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>> but then her lawyer will ask for more. i actually believe that this belief trauma that took place, by the way, i think jennifer you and i might agree that dr. ford actually believes that something occurred, some 35 years ago. was it kavanaugh? i absolutely don't believe that it was. you will not know. >> that's the problem. >> let's get to the truth and testify. >> you can't get to the truth if all you have a he said she said, you know how many cases would testify get that way. if you were at trial with the benefits of that system. we have to leave it there. everybody watching auto home. this isn't unfair for those that believe about ford. it's unfair for kavanaugh, too. if only the two of them get to testify, there will be so many open questions for people. i don't know how that's fair for anyone. nigel, thank you. appreciate it. so rod rosenstein is the other
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big news today. he reportedly discussed trying to remove president trump using the 25th amendment. michael caputo has a lot to say about that. he says it may be treason. former trump aide is here next. howdoing great dad!r does this thing got? looking good babe! are you filming. at, we can't guarantee you'll be any good at that water jet thingy... but we can guarantee the best price on a hotel, like this one. or any home, boat, treehouse, yurt, whatever. get the best price on homes, hotels and so much more., booking.yeah
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just minutes ago rod rosenstein deputy attorney general released his second statement saying i never pursue the authorizing recording that the removal of the president is absolutely false. according to pawing post, that statement came after white house officials pressured the justice department to issue a more forceful denial, michael caputo is here correcting the record. i had it wrong. you did not say you believe that if this was all true it was treasonous by rosenstein, i
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apologize, what's your take? >> i think eighth personal matter, myself. >> meaning? >> i wouldn't even be out there calling for special counsel. this is something that the white house, itself, can examine. this is a personnel matter. he's an appointee of the president, don mcgahn, white house counsel, one of the last great things he can do before he goes off and makes millions in the private sector, is examine this situation, interview rod rosenstein, find out if this is true. i have to believe the reporting out of the "new york times". gentleman, mike schmidt, i've never got to be wrong. >> what did you just say? i got to believe the reporting oust of the "new york times"? >> i think so i think a lot of reporting of the "new york times" is stellar. >> so you are saying you do
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believe this or you don't? >> absolutely i do, michael schmidt i don't think he's ever been wrong. i call people out all the came. i think mike schmidt is on top of this inc. this. he tweeted he has more sources on this. >> why is rosenstein denying it? think about the psychology. >> i would deny it if i were him, too. >> why, if he felt so strongly about it. have you the question did he actually do it. then have you really if it's in the mccabe memos. part of the sourcing of the story is what was seen in the mccabe memos? you have a rabbit hole for the purpose of this discussion. why would he dine it? if it was such a bold thought in his head? >> well, i'll tell you, first of all, we know the department of justice declined a demand for the mccabe memos in late july from congress. now we know why, if it's in those memos. as we also know, it really
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appears that rosenstein was really upset with the president for revealing to the public his memo as a predicate for firing james comey. what we do know now if, in fact this took place, is he is either going to be fired or recuse himself from the mueller investigation, because according to debt of justice regulations, if he's got an axe to grind with the president, he can't be overseeing this thing. >> now we have to see if his denial is a real denial or not or the president could move on him? any chance he moves on him tonight? he said there is some stichg at the doj, we're going to get rid of. that. >> i think he should assign it to don mcgahn, don mcgahn is capable of looking at this, talk to the people involved. who could be the source of this inc. i think it can be done in a week. one thing that's very clear, if he's out there suggesting they might want to record the president the only difference
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between him and omarosa is a pink slip, chris. that's it. >> all right. next story, do you give christine ford one more day like she's asked for in the letter that we just read on board? you say no? >> no, i don't. i got to tell you, i have been asked to appear before the senate myself. they weren't giving me a wiggle room. that i have a 72-hour rule for all attendees, all testimony. >> pretty different context, though. >> i understand the context. this is a 36-year-old charge that they've had for six weeks, chris. >>, no no, i'm talking about the woman that we're talking about here, this is something that reportedly has been scarring to her that she never wanted to come out about. she spent a lifetime trying to forget. she will deal with on a world stage with a clearly hostile panel in front of her. clearly, they are not excited about her existence. they are making this as best a he said-she said to her.
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it's not exactly you getting called to go talk to congress. >> it is a constitutional process. it is the united states senate committee. and her attorney doesn't get to set the agenda and design limitations that no one else would get. >> that's six weeks is not rel vent in terms of examination. >> that's fine. that's not about christine ford. she wasn't asking to come forward six weeks ago. do you give her one more day. not for christine ford. you do it for judge kavanaugh. so that there is no suggestion that there was something left over his head. that everything was done, every opportunity given and nothing there and his denial is
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consistent with the findings of what happened with any investigation and witnesses that come forward. if he goes on the court, best efforts were made. if you did it this way how can you say that? >> it's dubious to think for you to say judge kavanaugh wants this to happen. this is on the democrats. not the republicans. they had it her name was released by a democrat staffer. >> we don't know that. maybe. >> they're the only ones who knew about it, chris. >> i don't know the guy. i think inserting yourself in this process with some kind of dubious claim is a bad move. haz apologized. i wish him well. i'm quite certain judge kavanaugh had nothing to do with it. i don't know judge kavanaugh personally. i've met him a few times.
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i've got to tell you, this has got to end. and dr. ford has one group of people to blame and that's the democrats on the judiciary committee. >> they're not in control. they're making the call. >> they sure are trying to control it, aren't they? >> they don't have the numbers. >> it's not going to work. it's time to confirm kavanaugh. >> we'll see what happens. so this supreme court clash. the president has gone from she should be heard, there should be a process to she should have said something 36 years ago, why didn't they call the fbi then, which has an arrogance and ignorance to it that speak tuesday a much bigger problem than ugly politics. a closing for those of you who were hurt by what you heard next. and an ice plant. but we brought power to the people- redefining what that meant from one era to the next. over 90 years later we continue to build
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all right, tonight we should all be channelling republican senator susan collins of maine who said this. >> i was appalled by the president's tweet. first of all, we know that allegations of sexual assault -- i'm not saying that's what happened in this case, but we
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know that allegations of sexual assault are one of the most unreported crimes that exist. so i thought that the president's tweet was completely inappropriate and wrong. >> appalled, horrified, and with good reason. collins is right. every word. no matter your tribe in these silly silo days you cannot get caught in these tweets, i have no doubt that if the attack on dr. ford was as bad as she said, charges would have been immediately filed by local law enforcement authorities by either her or her loving parents. this is man who cherishes women? our president is either woefully ignorant or he has personal views that are truly appalling. as collins said, we don't know
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what happened with ford and kavanaugh, if anything. all allegations are not equal. they can be untrue, and even fake. but the real problem is real claims being silenced. upwards of 70% of victims of attempted or completed assault don't come forward. and one of the major reasons is they fear being disbelieved. many are young, scared, and/or ashamed. dealing with guilt. this was not an aberration from trump. this was a double down on dumb. >> we have to fight for him. not worry about the other side. and by the way, women are for that more than anybody would understand. >> what did he just say? women want to see ford disadvantaged and treated like an unbelievable political
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player. really? tell that to the one in six women raped or suffering from attempted rape. this is plague. the attackers have every advantage. 98% don't get punished. victims find that out, and it makes it even less likely to come forward. i just did a documentary on it. you can find it on hln on demand. imagine if you're a victim and you read this trump tripe, and the senators are not focused on finding the truth of the allegation. this is about getting trump a win, making gop a part of history by capturing control of a generation of jurisprudence. that's what they want. nothing more, nothing less. the white house, mcconnell, the president all saying 100% he's getting through.
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not a one of them have heard a word from her directly. chuck grassly says even have the full letter and they're already guaranteeing conif guaranteeing confirmation. the urgency rather is in getting him through and calling the democrats out, senator feinstein and the democrats held the letter for months only to release with a bang very purposely to obstruct and delay. let her testify or not and take the vote. i can't prove they did, but i would argue doesn't look great for them. i asked feinstein to come on and talk about why she held onto the anonymity process and didn't deal with the rest of the process to disclose and she
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declined. punishing bad politics at the cost of what? denying an alleged victim of an attempted assault? the respect we show we do care about women like this. a woman who reportedly spoke to friends years ago, to a therapist, to her husband yet no investigation, no extra witness, no delay. do it now, deal with our skepticism and obvious frustration and you will at best get a shot at he said, she said. and then we wonder about that 70% stat of people who stay quiet. starts to make sense, doesn't it? this is not an argument, by the way. this is plea. the senators are going to do what works for them. that much is clear. there are people who matter a lot more. boys, girls, men, women, many who may be watching and when it comes to these types of experiences you are still in the shadows.


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