tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN September 23, 2018 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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t windows. click, call or visit a store today. this is "gps" the global public square. welcome to all of you in the united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria. today on the show, michael bloomberg. the former mayor of new york city has challenged donald trump on climate change, guns and other things. but is he ready to challenge him for the presidency? i will ask in an exclusive
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interview. >> i care very much about this country. as you know, i've devoted my life and networks to trying to make the world a buetter place. >> also, it's been three months since women in saudi arabia have been allowed behind the wheel? i'll talk to a woman who fought hard for that right so why hasn't she been able to participate? find out when we talk to her. >> but first, here is my take, when confronting a challenging problem, it's sometimes useful to listen to someone who looks at it from an entirely different ang angle. that's why i found it interesting to talk to bono last weekend. the irish singer activist seized the same forces that we all do particularly in europe but he zeros in on something intangible, yet essential. the only way to counter the dark
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pessimistic vision by nationalist and extremists, he says is to have an uplifting positive vision. he told me europe needs to go from being seen as a bore, bureaucracy, a technical project to a grand inspiring idea. to that end, bono's band you too has had concerts for the flag of the european union. you are pop is a thought he writes in a recent op ed frankfo frankfort, he's trying to give that feeling meaning. to him europe is about the ability of countries that were once warring to live in peace for people of many different languages to come together. he writes that idea of europe deserves songs written about it of bright blue flags to be waved
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about. bono admits europe is a hard sale today. these forces have taken control in hungary, poland, italy and gaining ground in countries like germany to sweden. it seems everywhere the fuel is the same, hostility towards strangers, foreigners, anyone who is different. bono's message resonated since i've been reading france's new book "identity, the demand for dignity and the politics of resentment." he argues that identity stems from the deep-seeded psychological need to be recognized as possessing dignity and recent decades in the understandable search for recognition, persecuted minority groups, blacks, hispanics, gays celebrated their identity and working class whites who feel ignored and forgotten. it's not to reject identity politics but construct broad identities to embrace others and
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unify different groups. the e.u.'s founders spent too much time building the technical aspect of the european project, laws, rules, tariffs and neglected to nuture. the identity. the anti populace forces need core american ideas and values rather than narrow ethnic racial or religious ones. thus, we need a much greater focus on assimilation on the celebration of american identity and on the things that make us love being american and connect with people in their guts, not just in their heads. what people in europe and america ought to be proud of, what they should be celebrating are the remarkable achievements of diversity in a democracy. as bono writes, i love our
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differences, our dialects, our traditions and peculiarities to be irish and european, german and european, not either or. the word patriotism has been stolen from us by nationalists and extremists who demand uniformity but real patriots seek unity above homogenity. that's the real project, i would add the american project as well. for more, read my washington post column this week. and let's get started. ♪ ♪ nine months before the 2016
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election, the billionaire michael bloomberg ended all hope and speculation he might enter the race as a third-party candidate. in an article he explained why he decided the third party run wouldn't work and used the piece to denounce donald trump and explain how his policy ideas divided us at home and compromise our moral leadership around the world. in the 611 days mr. trump has been president, mr. bloomberg continued his criticism on issues like climate change and gun control in particular. he is spending some $80 million of his estimated $52 billion fortune to support democratic candidates in the upcoming midterm elections. and then there is 2020. will he run? this time as a democrat. i sat down with mike bloomberg at the headquarters for an exclusive interview.
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>> mike bloomberg, pleasure to have you on. >> thank you for having me. >> so let's go straight to it. what would make you decide to run for president of the united states? >> well, right now i'm only focused on the midterms. i believe that the republicans have not done what they should have done in terms of providing some counter balance to the executive branch, which is what the founding fathers planned and also not tackling the big issues, guns, climate change and income and equality and immigration in a sound way and so that's what i'm going to focus on and afterwards, you take a look at it. i care very much about this country, as you know, i've devoted my life and all my net worth to trying to make the world a better place because i think that's the best thing i can do for my kids and grandkids and we'd see whether or not it's
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possible and how i feel and that's down the road. you got to take these things one at a time. everybody is focused now on the mid terms, at least i think they are and should be and afterwards, we'll -- there is lots of possibilities. lots of things to do in the world. we've been doing that through the foundation and company and my personal life and, you know, it's a very heavy thing when people yell run, run, run. anybody that thinks it isn't, should see a shrink. >> you know the case against the bloomberg presidency because you've made it several times more privately and publicly, a short jewish billionaire who is pro-choice and anti guns you said. >> what i did say was i said that a new york billionaire would never be elected
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billionaire of the united sta s states. maybe that's true. >> you think you would have a site? >> i don't know. that's up to the public to decide. i've never been shy about what i believe. i've got elected mayor not asking people where they wanted to go and following them there. i got elected because i said these are the policies i think we should have and here is why and follow me and that was for three elections. people seem to be very happy with what the city did in 12 years and i think you can do that at a federal level. it requires being able to put together the people who are not in the paper every day for scandals but people who are experts in their field, and that you give -- you delegate to them and let them do things and the ceo's job is to make sure they work together and compensate them and attract them and ju
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adjudicate issues and i think you can do that and i think i've always believed that americans respect people who say what they believe, even if they don't agree with them and my experience of going around new york with, you know, new york is a strange city. we have more embassies than any other city in the world. we have a police department that's roughly the sixth biggest army in the world. we have a budget that's bigger than the gdp of half the countries in the world. we have every ethnicity and level of education and experience and everything here in the city, and for 12 years, i went around and there were lots of people that said to me, you know, i want -- i don't believe -- i don't like what you're doing and i say i hear you. let me explain why and listen to you and walk away and i believe i got their votes and i'll never forget the first time i was campaigning, the first day this
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nice elderly woman comes around the street corner and says i'm so glad you're running. all my friends are going to vote for you. this is the first day. this is easy and then she looked up at me with a really earnest and said i'm so glad you're pro-life. and i remember for a billionth of a second what do you say, but instantly i said, i'm sorry, i believe in the woman's right to choose. i'm not in favor of abortion. i don't think anybody is. but when somebody has to make a decision, that's where i come out. no if, ands or buts about it and i hope you'll still like the other things i stand for and she smiled and said thank you and walked away. i would bet -- there is no way to find out but i bet you anything i got her vote because she walked away when she thought about it, well, i don't agree with him but at least he's
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honest. >> let's talk about the midterms, you wrote in one of your pieces, you were worried that the democrats might jump too strongly on the impeachment issue. >> yes. >> do you mean that if democrats take the house, they should not impeach donald trump? >> i think you have to wait and see what the investigations that are going on now, mueller, what they arrive at, but it is true, i think, that you don't want to do things that will have an effect that you didn't count on, and clearly, if the democrats tried to impeach donald trump, it will energize his base, as well as their base and whether or not that's a good thing, the country needs to have donald trump change policies and do the things that i think are right in a way that's much more respectful to people. i certainly said my peace about the trump presidency but we want him to be a good president, and
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people say i hate the guy. you have a right when it comes the next election, vote for somebody else. but the public spoke and we should find a way to make it that government function and function in a way that benefits us all and certainly that's not, he's not done the things that i think he should be doing. i disagree with him on almost everything but i think we should find a ways to get both sides of the isle to work together. i said to nancy pelosi in san francisco, if the democrats get control of the house, i would expect her and the democrats to do what i'm claiming the republicans should be doing, and i will hold to the fire in the same ways. every time the out party always says the other party is not willing to compromise but when they become the majority, they do exactly the same thing. the world is too complex today, things happen too fast. between science and politics and
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communications and transportation, all of these things, we can no longer do business that way. we have to work together. >> you have been consistently critical of donald trump from the -- >> not of him. i've been consistently critical of his administration. i try not to make it personal because that takes away from the fact that i disagree with his policies and i certainly disagree with the way he approaches problems. there is a lack of civility and of openness and honesty that i find distasteful and i think is bad for the country but rather than make it around one person, i would rather talk about administration because it's not just him and the policies that i disagree with, rather than the personality. >> but i wanted to ask you about that because when i think about that speech you gave at the democratic convention, which was very tough, you know, is the problem with donald trump his character or his policies or
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both? >> i think both. i disagree with most of his policies and the way he tried to implement or initiate the policies. it's very fair to say china is not as open to us as them. it's asemimet triymmetrical. we should not take the other side of the argument and put them in a situation where i can't cave. you always want to walk away from a negotiation to think you won. that you won something. i think that's true in a marriage. i think that is true in business. i think it's true in government. human beings want recognition and respect and if you don't give it to them, then they can't compromise and help you with the policy side.
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so it is the policies i disagree with but also the style and walking away from science and walking away from history and walking away from everything this country has done over the years. you know, you say make america great again. people when they vote with their feet still come here, and you want to make sure they continue to come here. i cannot tell you america has done everything right every time. we had disgraceful things like slavery in the history of our country. putting the japanese into camps during world war ii, nevertheless, every country has problems and i'm still very proud of what this country has done, and i think it continued to do more, but it does mean reaching out and helping being the world's conscience is a good thing, not a bad thing. >> much more with michael
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bloomberg when we come back. ic ] adults are just kids with much, much better toys. [ giggling ] introducing the 2018 c-class sedan, coupe and cabriolet. the thrills keep getting better. lease the c300 sedan for $399 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. [kno♪king] ♪
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and we are back with more from michael bloomberg in new york city. what would a president bloomberg do when watching this business with kavanaugh? do you think the senate should vote? do you think it should wait? should the fbi investigate? how would you handle this? >> you are considering the character and the abilities of somebody who is going to have a job for life. there is no rush whatsoever. there is no argument that says we should do anything other than investigate everything. i think unbalanced today i would not vote for kavanaugh's
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approval, whatever the term is. i'm too worried about roe v wade and extreme views on the first amendment but the question you asked is whether or not congress should do it. look, the president has the right to appoint anybody he wants. if you wanted somebody different, you should have voted for a different president. he's there. and congress has the responsibility to do a thorough investigation, if that's the right word or discussions on vetting him and making sure that he's the right person. if i were a senator, i would at this point given what i know vote no, but that's not the issue here. the issue is should they wait to find out whether the allegation is true or not? and you can't just all of a sudden come out and say okay, you got three days to do it. now, why this didn't come out before, you can make that
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argument. nevertheless, it came out when it came out. it deserves to have a fair hearing and that's hard to do in a rush given people's careers and reputations and emotions are on the line. no reason to rush whatsoever. >> you wrote a piece against the tax cut. i was struck by how strongly you came out against it. explain. a lot of businessmen say it's a good idea. what is your concern? >> what i came out against, i thought cutting taxes on companies made sense because we want them to be able to compete around the world and they were at a disadvantage. giving a tax break to the wealthy individuals including me, there is no excuse to do that whatsoever and that was the money we really need to improve, revamp, expand our infrastructure. the infrastructure in this
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country, roads and bridges and air traffic control, you go down the list. the infrastructure is falling apart. there is places we don't have good communication, cell service and wi-fi and that sort of thing. there is all sorts of things we really need if we want to compete around the world and have a better life for ourselves. we need to make sure everybody in america has access to services and can get around those things. that compared to giving a bunch of wealthy people a tax break when america's taxes are lower than an individual's than most places around the world doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever. >> you used to say that anyone with a phd or advanced degree in science should get his dip plel or her diploma with a green card on it. the company making a.i. chips
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which will compete with america to get people to come here and create the company here. the trade is to buy products around the world and sell products around the world and we can have restrictions on what we sell and tariffs. there is nothing wrong with that. it has to be a balanced thing you thought out and negotiated over the years. for example, with choina, we should put pressure on them to open markets with us to start businesses there and buy our products. at the same time, having a trade war makes no sense at all because we'll put tariffs on our products and the american public will pay for that and we exempt certain things. the chinese government sees the list of what you're example and they care about. they will put it to the other side. trade wars you don't win.
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i don't know how many times we have to go and say that. it's like it just doesn't work enough. let's get onto the voodo, i c can -- economics. more of my interview with michael bloomberg when we come back. battered, but never broken, it stands for the resilience within us all. ♪ oh! oh! ♪ ozempic®! ♪ (vo) people with type 2 diabetes are excited about the potential of once-weekly ozempic®. in a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. oh! under seven? (vo) and you may lose weight.
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more now with my interview with michael bloomberg. >> you built one of the most successful companies in the world. by any standard you're a very, very successful ceo. when you watch donald trump as the chief executive and read the bob woodward book, what is your sense of his management and leadership stalyle? >> i don't like to make things person but i certainly kidisagr with the ways he's conducted himself. i don't think you hire and fire people. this isn't a reality tv show.
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i don't think you under cut people and say one thing and say something else. you don't converse with the public in tweets because you saw something on television and have an idea and it comes. the president has to understand his word is not just the word of another one out of 330 million americans. he's the president of the united states and when he says something, it has meaning. we have some employees of my company that said, you know, we're not welcome in this country. can i get there from overseas and move to another bloomberg office? we had the same thing in london. we had people say we're not welcome in this country. they want to stay with the company but prefer to work s someplace else. words have meanings and that's tragic with the words are not to the standard that you and i were taught. >> you've been very active on global warming. >> yes.
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>> it's something that not a lot of people, you know, when i think of the world you come out of, big business and things like that. there aren't as many people as active. why is this such a passion to you? >> i think global warming as two things. one, it can hurt the environment today so the water you drink or lack of water you drink, the foods that you have or the lack of food or the different kinds of food you no longer can't have or settle for, all the environmental stuff, today kids go to hospitals with asthma because of stuff in the air. you get stomach cancer because the water is not pure. you can't get to work and so you don't start a new business or our economy slows down. the same things are the things that cause climate change longer term and long term the science says and this is evidence it's happening that once you get
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going, it's very hard to stop the world from continuing to get warm. why? if the icecaps melt, the icecaps are white. white reflects off heat back from the sun out into the at moat mo -- atmosphere. the methane comes out. we've seen storms. you take a look there are tro s droughts where farmers don't have water and crops they used to grow they had to switch because it's warmer and the fish are in different places. maine lobsters are no longer in maine. they are further forth and they used to be in chesapeake bay.
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you see swaths of trees that are brown and dead and it goes on and on and on and these are causing us pain today and if it continues and gets worse who knows where that lands. there is a theory it kills everybody. i don't know whether that's true but if one scientists with peer review says it's possible, take some action. >> bloomberg is putting together a global business form, ambitious. we're living through skepticism. what do you hope to accomplish
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with it? >> the government worries about war and peace and things like that. businesses worry about the economy. and their access to consumers around the world and the supply chain and materials that let them build products and self-services. business and governments, they don't meet in a way that is productive. they don't get to know each other well. it's the lobbyists that talk to lobbyists. you want to have ways that business people can get on a first name basis to express themselves and views and the government understands them. everybody wants recognition respect. if government orbit business, i all the same. the recognition may come in different form and business typically comes in monetary compensation and teaching if you become a fifth grade teacher, i can't tell you you're likely to be a billionaire but you have a chance of training some young,
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educating some young child who goes on to cure cancer. what could be for satisfying than that? so there is lots of different ways to contribute and have a good life and respect from your family and like what you see in the mirror, we got to get more people talking together and that's what a short form or no so long that they get pulled away from their day jobs, the government people and the business people but a chance to meet each other, a chance to meet the other side, a chance to understand each other and have a dialogue. as long as you're talking, you don't fight and that's the lesson of the e.u. and predecessors in europe. world war i to world war ii, 20 years without a war and 70 years without a war. if you keep talking, generally you don't fight.
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that's not 100% true but we have built something here, a civility and dialogue and the world that america has been a very big part of and it would be tragic to throw it away. >> mike bloomberg, pleasure to have you on. >> thank you for having me. all the best. >> thanks to michael bloomberg. his global business forum will be held this week in new york city. next on "gps" what is in the name. what it's the nation of macedonia, the answer is quite a lot. i'll explain to you why the kremlin cares so much about whether macedonia keeps the name or starts calling it the republic of north macedonia. owning your own thing is huge. your partnerships, even bigger. with dell small business technology advisors, you get the one-on-one partnership to grow your business. because the only one who decides how big your business can be, is you. the dell vostro 14 laptop with 8th gen intel core processors. get up to 40% off on select pcs. call 877-buy-dell today.
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now for our what in the world segment. american officials are warning darkly of russian interference. i'm not talking about the midterms but an upcoming referendum in the republic of macedonia depending on the outcome of the vote, the nation might be called the republic of north mass decedonimacedonia. hundreds of websites urged a boycott and facebook posts called for ballot burning. the name change is a long cherished goal of greece. athens interested because greece has a region called macedonia and worries the country may make a claim on the greek region. greece pledged to allow
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macedonia into nato and the european union if macedonia changes its name and now we come to the main point. those are outcomes russia deems unacceptable. on monday, u.s. defense seb secretary jim mattis visited and told reporters there is quote no doubt russia's financing efforts to defeat the referendum. russia denies the accusations and the macedonia prime minister played them down. but this is not the first hint of russian interference in the region. look at montenegro. they threatened to over throw the government and kill the prime minister. they said russia wanted to derail the nato bed. russia denied the allegations and called it absurd but it's undeniable russia long held some substantial degree of influence. part of that influence appears to come through a shadow web
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that involves russian born businessmen, the orthodox church and freelancers that play up divisions. russian news agencies have also a strong presence involved in media and this region is vulnerable to propaganda. a study published from the open society institute found they had the worst level of media literacy in europe with macedonia at the very bottom. so has russia succeeded in isolating the balkans? three of the western balkan territories have. montenegro is expected to be the next e.u. member and trade out does trade with russia. why does russia persist with its influence campaign? because it cares less about conquering as the bloomberg c e columnist wants to point it, it
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wants to divide. it's easy to think of grand and sure footed targeting established democracies like defeating hillary clinton but it is in places like the balkans where the policy becomes clear, chaos and disunity in the west for its own sake. russian leaders as the scholola wrote have taken a clear look at the world and decided they have nothing to lose. next, three months ago women in saudi arabia have become legally able to drive cars. a status report with one of the women that fought for that change when we come back. (vo) this is not a video game.
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it seems to have been a big year for saudi arabia confirms. in april the first movie theater in a generation opened. in june the kingdom allowed women to drive. so is saudi arabia on a new path? one of the strongest voices calling for saudi arabia reform. she was jailed seven years ago for driving in saudi arabia and wrote a book about her experiences called "daring to drive." she joins me now. pleasure to have you on. >> pleasure. >> someone asked you your reaction, you now live in sydney far away from saudi arabia but you must have watched this last year with great interest. what was your reaction when you heard the crown prince announce the series of reforms he's been
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announcing, whether the speeches, the statements, the interview on american television on "60 minutes" what was your reaction? >> i was very hopeful that finally we have a young healead who believe in reform and not only economy reform, bewere hoping there will be political reform and especially that the religious establishment or extremist islam in arabia, the power had been decreased throughout the years since he came to power in 2015. he's a defactor leader of saudi arabia. he's young. he's 32. >> the reaccomplish gligious es have been decreasing and he's disbanded the religious believes, these guys would go around to every cafe and look at whether women were fully covered and either beat them up or take
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them, arrest them. all that seems real. >> yes. i felt that as this heavy weight that had been lifted because it was stripped away from the power and if you remember and recall in 2011 when i was arrested,s traffic police wanted to let me go and the religious plaolice ce and the problem became bigger when the religious police came. >> did you look forward to going back to saudi arabia and be able to drive. >> i promised my son i'll be there and drive all the way to my hometown mecca to celebrate the day. he lives with his grandmother. one lift before lifting the date, there was a sweeping arrests amongst the women that fought to lift the ban. >> so the women that fought to lift the ban were arrested a month before the ban was lifted.
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>> that tells you something. that tells you these reforms were not really meant to be toward empowering women, towards more women rise in the country. if -- >> what was the reason given for arresting those women? >> i wish i know. >> what is going on? it does feel like the economic reforms are real. the diminish of the religious police is real. there has been the lifting of the ban on women driving. there are people who have been to conferences in saudi arabia say men and women mingle in a way never before and yet, bloggers are being arrested. >> yes. >> some of these women are being arrested. >> clergies and social media. >> so -- >> influentials. >> make sense of this for us. what is going on? >> it's freedom on my own terms is what they are saying is that i will sit the terms in what
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type of freedoms i give and any outspoken person would not allow that to happen and the way the intimidation is happening for activists who are outspoken people, talk to activists, not that many are talking now. they have been intimidated. the families ask to remove the pictures of the activists from my twitter account. they sent mutual friends asking me not to talk about the arrests. that tells you the extent it's going on to intimidate these people and shut down voices calling for reform. >> at the end of the day, is saudi arabia in a better place today than seven years ago when they arrested you? >> i can't go back to my home country, and i was planning for that. this is the first time in my life, i'm 39. this is the first time in my life i can't go back to my home country. >> so you would like to go back?
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>> of course i would like to go back. >> so if somebody is listening out there, we hope they are listening and let you go back and drive? >> and it's not about driving really. it's about being free to be who i am. being free, living without fear. >> would you go back and live there, if you could? >> definitely. one of the reasons i couldn't go back home, my second son i can't take with me. i was really planning. i got the papers and sent it to my father. he was going to apply for the visa and with the arrest, i couldn't go on because i would take my son with me being in saudi arabia and be in jail. >> you can't risk that. >> i won't ris bk that, yes. >> if anyone is listening, let's get her back to saudi arabia so the sons can be reunited. >> thank you. >> thank you. and we will be back. absolutely not payingike your cm an annual fee. discover has no annual fees. really? yeah. we just don't believe in them. oh nice. you would not believe how long i've been rehearsing that.
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thanks to all of you for being part of my program. i'll see you next week. i'm brian stelter. it's time for "reliable sources". a look how the media really works, how the news gets made and how we can make it better. a blockbuster story from "the new york times" and headlines about rod rosenstein. the sourcing and motives and sean hannity, the president's favorite interviewer but at this point aren't they more co-hosts? the death of the white house daily briefing. there really isn't a daily briefing anymore. what's the press core doing
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