tv Wolf CNN October 2, 2018 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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also interviewed by the fbi, the accuser, deborah ramire the yale university classm kaitla collins joins us and the presid saided the fbi should is that message being conved >> the question, wolf. just how much leeway do they want? we know that the white house leash than they initially imagin the question is, they want it to be finished by friday that's the white house's view. you heard from the majority what h with this invest you listened to people they
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or hostile to women. he said he never saw kavanaugh contro joinin to discuss thi and more, senator bernie sanders. senato thanks so much for we a lot to discuss. >> yes. good to be with you. >> let's talk about the past. do you that kavanaugh confir hearings before the judicicommittee? >> wolf, that's exactly what the fbi has to investigate. i find it beyond comprehension that we should have a vote on report what sense is that?
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second of all, i find it amazing that they are trying to rush to fill the seat when they took it was okay to take a year not presid and now they want to >> let me read to you a collea lindsey graham put i beli judge kavanaugh will nomina were to fall short, i encour president trump to renomi judge kavanaugh to it would in effect be appealing what's your reaction to that collea >> i'm not quite sure i he said that if kavanaugh loses
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renomihim? >> yes. if he loses the vote, he wants >> i really just don't clearl what has to happen now invest determining his millio of people in america drink. it's a question of whether you if you lying, you should not be seated. by way, that investigation can be read is totally crazy. >> you accept the result of
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>> can i accept that it's invest >> they complete it tomorrow would that be okay? >> look, you don't know and i invest i just have a real concer veraci you just mentioned on this he denies that. well, what's true? somebo has to investigate that. there revelation that came he was trying to get people to
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he denies that. bottom line is, whatever the >> fair enough. let's get to another significant develo today, something i want to get your take on a of its 350,000 u.s. workers to novemb 1st. amazon said they will lob tow hour. you must be so excited and >> well, wolf, i am. this i an issue we workeded on the point that we made is absurd
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that the taxpayers have to the wages were so low they were the mi wage for $15 an hour. that will mean 20 or 30% worker including part-time now i think the word is going to go out, that companies like the fast food industry to the retail industry in america. learn from what bezos has done. he has done the right thing. you ha to do it as well. >> you know you have been you applaud this decision by him and amazon. have reached out to him and
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>> we have, actually. i think i will be talking if not bezos, to the number two guy there. i hope what they have done sends a message to every major these corporations are making pay a living wage. >> bezos is now the richest person not only in the world, this i where he falls on the billiolist. he is worth according to forbes, $164 billion, almost $165 billio the president is stlee$.1 billio what's your message to the the president is often not happy >> this president is a demma
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you can argue as i do with the here's a tax on media calling anti-d and not what we you ran for office abou the i have $15 an hour minimum we have 30 cosponsors. why don't you speak out on that. why don't you get your povert >> has he indicated at all that legisl >> they have not. >> to increase from $7.25 per
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hour? >> no. to the best of my knowledge, word. in fac some of them literally lower the minimum wage. some o them believe the minimum wage is a bad idea. there shouldn't be a minimum trump campaigned about his raisin minimum wage to $15 an >> i know you have been working they are raising hundreds of their hourly rate. i that makes you happy. let's see if other companies senato sanders, thanks for >> thank you vmuch, wolf. >> are standing by, by the he has speaking to
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a few minutes. answer questions about the u.s.-m new trade mitch mcconnell said there will there many days left this week. we will see how it works out and how the fbi investigation works out. the fbi is still involved in the invest the is speaking >> the deal we made with canada review and very well received genera it has been really something. it will be a very good deal for
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i thought what happened was i have been watching this stuff for a long time an i have never a intellect. he has never gone through i think he did very well. he's a great judge and known as if there is on disappointment, import that's what he has done over the last 30 years. he is spectacular and has been a tremen success.
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certai it's interesting. people love him. i was in tennessee last night everyw i go, i'm going to thing. kavana you have never seen anythin i think it's like a rallying cry for republicans. they are so in favor of judge melani cof africa of her she is doing a great job as they will be back very soon. are you talking about a second
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my whole life i heard you are now you are guilty until proven innoce that is a very, very difficult standa >> it's a very scary time for this i a very, very difficult time. what's happening here has much justic it really does. you can be somebody that was someth but somebody could accuse you of someth and you are in realm, you are truly
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that's of the very, very bad things taking place right now. say it? there not a message now, but you may have a message. you are going to see. he's an outstanding person. he's an outstanding man and for family i think he has been very brutal treated. i have been speaking to people. we are going to talk later. i don' to interrupt what's happen i don' to do anything to i drink and i never had a
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drink. i don't drink beer. i never had a beer. i'm not saying good or bad. some like it, i just i think that i remember my i was abnormal. it was totally normal. everyb drinking. they used to drink a lot of beer. there nothing wrong. i just didn't choose to do that. almost everybody else did. i don't see anything wrong. i never tried anything else either >> the president of the united answer questions on let's get reaction to what we severa significant statements
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said he should be renominated. he thought it was an interesting idea and cited his friendship, but didn't say whether or not he would consider that, but wants to wait and see what the fbi nomination into his background and that investigation and what that's going to reveal. he does believe there should be a vote this week on brett kavanaugh. >> that's what the republican leader mitch mcconnell said. once again today, there will be a vote this week in his words. stand by. what did you think of what you heard? >> he is being measured in what is going to happen with the nomination. uncharacterally measured. when i look back at the hearing from last week as someone who has participated in prepping nominees for positions where they are going to be confirmed, prepping senior government
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executives for testimony before congress and having testified before congress myself. what judge kavanaugh did was basically the professional equivalent of pouring gasoline on himself and lighting himself on fire. as a washington lawyer, it was crazy to watch his anger, assertiveness, combativeness with the members of congress. i think separate and apart from the allegations and what the fbi investigation reveals this week as to whether or not the allegations can be supported because of factual investigation, his testimony itself raises a new set of questions as to his temperament and his overall fitness for the court. >> it's about partisanship and it's about whether he would have to recuse himself. law professor lawrence writes you can see cases coming down the pike where he had to recuse himself because of what he said about the democrats and the
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clintons, et cetera, etc. who knows. >> you look at the supreme court and there are always those calls with the travel ban. should neal gorsuch have weighed in? once he weechs treaches the ben talking about his opening statement and glaring at the democrats. as far as the cases that would come to him if he did make it, i'm not sure that that would really hold water, the recusal thing. what i saw with donald trump which i think is so interesting, that was once again the donald trump selling himself. we saw it yesterday. he was frustrated early on by the way this candidate had been handle and today we see him taking this past the supreme court. this is not just about the supreme court seat, but being proven guilty right away. it's also about young men. it's very interesting. he is taking the reigns of this and going out with his own self on this. >> he is speaking about himself. donald trump's credibility when he speaks about sexual assault
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and echoing his son, donald trump jr. about how awful this is for young men. i would argue and it's the mother of sons, it's awful for young women. he does not talk about the women. how awful it is for the women who have been assaulted and who are now coming out and talking about their experiences. >> what did thank you think of lindsey graham, the republican senator for south carolina and now a friend of the president's suggest that if for some reason the nomination fails, the president should immediately renominate judge kavanaugh to the united states supreme court and try it again. >> as a legal matter, i will have to look and see whether or not that has ever been done. i'm not aware of it ever having been done, but i will have to do the research. as a political matter, it seems awfully unlikely. especially because the reasons if the president were to
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withdraw the nomination, the reason is because this fbi investigation reveals something new. something that corroborates doctor ford's story. then in addition that, whether or not members, particularly those that are maybe on the fence and who take dr. ford's allegations seriously, whether or not they take a second look at judge kavanaugh for the reasons i described with respect to how he handled himself in his hearing and whether or not he could be impartial in a case that is like a bush v gore-type case where politics are at the center of the matter. >> let's see if he is confirmed this week. there will be a final vote this week and we will see when or if that happens. thank you very much. important analysis. other breaking news we are following including very disturbing news coming in from the pentagon. two pieces of mail addressed to the defense department and to u.s. navy chiefs and delivered to the pentagon have now tested
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positive for ricin. we have details. stand by. the u.s. issues a fresh threat to russia, warping ning it coule out its missiles if are in. disturbing details. and twenty-s and minerals. ensure. now up to 30 grams of protein for strength and energy! when we switched our auto and home insurance. with liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. hey! oh, that's my robe. is it? when you switch to liberty mutual, you could save $782 on auto and home insurance. and still get great coverage for you and your family. call for a free quote today.
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>> the fbi is taking a closer look at two pieces of mail that came to the pentagon that tested positive for ricin. >> they are trying to determine what they are dealing with. these two envelopes came in a postal service mail back apparently yesterday and initial testing and screening at the pentagon mail screening facility indicated that they tested positive for ricin. what we want to say is this screening facility is outside the pentagon and the two pieces of mail never entered the building. the 20,000 people never at any risk. one was addressed to james mattis who is traveling in europe this week and the othering to john richardson, the head of the u.s. navy. there is a good deal of concern about trying to determine what exactly has occurred here and
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whether, in fact, the deadly agent ricin is fully confirmed to be in these two involves. the fbi now has the lead. they are trying to test them and figure out exactly what happened here. wolf? >> very disturbing indeed and i'm glad they do the tests before the mail is delivered to the pentagon. update our viewers when you get more information. other breaking news, president trump speaking out on his supreme court nominee, saying it would be unacceptable if brett kavanaugh did lie under oath to congress. i will get a republican senator's reaction when we come back. a once-in-five hundred year storm
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president trump moments ago saying this about the brett kavanaugh supreme court nomination and the investigation. >> i don't think you should lie to congress. and there have been a lot of people over the last year that have lied to congress, and to me that would not be acceptable. >> joining us from capitol hill, republican from south dakota, the president made that declaration and made a strong position of support for his supreme court nominee. what do you think about what the president said about lying to congress? >> lying to congress is just not acceptle. that -- acceptable. >> is there any concern now as the fbi is concluding a secondary investigation?
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>> not at this time, wolf. at this point we're doing the extra due diligence. some of our members specifically asked for it. that's fair. let's move our way through it and then we're going to vote. at this time this is now the seventh time that the fbi has made a review and investigation. his files are available for any senate member to come in and to look at. once this new one is complete and it's being made available to the united states senate, it will be time for us to once again take up the process and move forward. up or down but to move forward. >> what do you make of senator lindsey graham's proposal today that the president should renominate judge kavanaugh for the united states supreme court if for some reason his nomination fails this week? >> i haven't heard this. for me i'd rather move forward with the existing nomination in front of us. with the supreme court in session now, it would be good to
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expedite. this has gone on longer than most recent supreme court nominees. this has been tough on mr. kavanaugh and his family. at the same time we wanted to offer the respect and give an opportunity for those who have made the accusations to come forward and to be heard. we tried to do that in a very respectful manner but now it's time to move forward. these are hard votes to take for some of our members. we want to give them the time but still want to move forward with the process. >> the democrats see a lot of hypocrisy here that merrick garland, president obama's supreme court nominee, waited months and months and months and didn't even get a confirmation hearing before the senate judiciary committee and they're saying you guys are being hypocritical. >> i had a chance to have him in my office and i spoke with him, thanked him for allowing his name to be placed in nomination. what it did for president obama was allow him to fulfill his
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constitutional responsibility to actually nominate someone to the court. so i had a very good discussion with him. he was a gentleman. we had a visit. but nonetheless, the processes in place in the senate were followed, the same way they should be now. >> i know you're concerned about what's going on in china. there was another very close call in this south china sea, a chinese warship coming just 45 yards from the "u.s.s. decatur," a naval destroyer. you're a member of the senate armed services committee. this looks increasingly tenuous and potentially very dangerous. >> this occurred in the sprattly islands. they want to be able to move us out farther away from their homeland, they want to get us farther away. they think if they do that, they
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can control the shipping lanes. for that purpose we do freedom of navigation activity on a regular basis throughout the world. our navy makes sure navigation continues through those areas. where we conclude there are excessive claims for sovereignty in and around island, we let them know we disagree and we're not going to let them do that. this is another case where china is trying to expand it out, they're going to make a claim. the united states is staying you have not. there have been world courts that have come in and identified some of those island as not being theirs. they think they should have freedom of navigation, we don't. we'll have some relations cooling off a little bit with china as opposed to heating up but we'll continue to allow those freedom of navigation
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passages to continue forward. >> it's a tenuous, very tenuous situation. senator rounds, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. >> the search for survivors continues in indonesia as the death toll climbs to 1,200. we're going to go there live. stay with us. ulcerative colit, are you okay? even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira can help get, and keep uc under control when other medications haven't worked well enough. and it helps people achieve control that lasts. so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb,
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rescuers and family members are still desperately searching for survivors. matt rivers is in the city of palu for us. matt, tell our viewers what you're seeing, what you're hearing. how are people coping? >> reporter: well, they're doing the best they can, wolf, but i can't stress enough how brutal the devastation here in palu has been for a number of different regions. the destruction behind me would have been a four-foot shopping mall and then the earthquake happens and down it goes. this is repeated across that area. as if that wasn't bad enough, itself followed up by a devastating tsunami, six meters high that wave was, absolutely destructive in its power. that's why you're seeing those death tolls that keep going up by the day. authorities are still having to get into remote areas in eastern indonesia to just figure out how
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bad the problem is, to find people who might still be trapped or who are dead already that haven't been discovered. it it's a very, very stressful situation. here we spoke to people all day long who are very upset with the government's response, they say it's been slow, ineffective, there's a lack of electricity, water, hygiene. it exacerbating the death toll. people are expecting more of their government and they're saying indonesia's government is not responding the way they should. >> are they getting international support? >> reporter: yeah, there's a little bit trickling in. indonesia's government asked for international support. they're taking it selectively. there were international teams at the airport today but it goes back to the same thing, where was the call for international aid on friday evening, saturday evening? it took the government days to
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even broach the subject. now people are saying it's almost too little too late. >> matt rivers on the scene for us. thank you very much. for ways that you, our viewers, can help the victims affected by the affect and the tsunami in indonesia, go to i'll be back at 5:00 in "the situation room." "newsroom" with brooke baldwin starts right now. you're watching cnn. i'm brooke baldwin. thanks for being with me. moments ago president trump said lying to congress is not acceptable. justice as his supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh is facing more accusations he did in fact lie to congress. the president also took note of a major cultural shift he sees happening, the presumption of guilt. here is the president. >> i don't think you should lie to
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