tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN October 7, 2018 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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♪ all around the circle i don't want your maggoty fish that's no good ♪ ♪ for winter i could buy as good as that down in bonavista ♪ ♪ hip yer partner sally thibault hip yer partner sally brown ♪ ♪ fogo, twillingate moreton's harbour all around the circle judge brett kavanaugh takes his seat as justice kavanaugh on the u.s. supreme court after a vicious confirmation battle. plus, the u.s. secretary of state headed to north korea. new talks there with kim jong-un. and a possible update on the case of a saudi journalist gone missing in turkey. live from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm george howell. "cnn newsroom" starts right now.
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at 4:00 a.m. on the u.s. east coast. the showdown is over. the u.s. supreme court now has its newest member. >> on this vote, the yeas are 48. the nomination of brett m kavanaugh to be an associate justice of the supreme court of united states in confirmed. >> and with that vote in the senate, it's ended a hearing process that left the nation bitterly divided. nominee brett kavanaugh has been accused of sexual violence, something that he stronged denied. his margin of victory was the closest for a top court seat since 1881. with his family looking on, kavanaugh was immediately sworn in, taking a constitutional oath and judicial oath. another ceremonial swearing-in is expected later this week. the u.s. president celebrated
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his confirmation by rallying his base. >> reporter: justice kavanaugh's confirmation was the first topic out of president trump's mouth during his rally here in topeka, kansas. he commended the republicans who refused to waiver in their support of kavanaugh. and he previewed something that might be central to his messaging during his packed political schedule that he's keeping up over the next 30 days campaigning for republicans across the country. and that's using the unusual nomination as to warn republicans of the consequences of what might happen if democrats take back control of the house and congress which is real possibility heading back into november. here's what president trump had to say about the midterms. >> you don't hand matches to an arsonist.
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and you don't give power to an angry left wing mob. and that's what they've become. the democrats have become too extreme and too dangerous to govern. republicans believe in the rule of law, not the rule of the mob. >> reporter: now, trump said he'd been advised to cancel the rally here in topeka, due to the historic events happening back home in washington. trump said he couldn't miss the chance to campaign for chris kobach. and trump went after democrats including cory booker, elizabeth warren and joe biden and senator blumenthal, but it was clear that salvaging the nomination of
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brett kavanaugh which at one point looked to be doomed in the senate and he previewed a lot of what we're hear as republicans close in the next month. and president trump has been completed hi mission of pushle supreme court to the right. on saturday, sarah sanders tweeted congratulations judge kavanaugh. instead of a 6-3 liberal court under hillary clinton, we now have a 5-4 conservative supreme court under donald trump. will that inspire more to take a centrist view. >> in the days of justice kennedy, maybe they'd have to be careful, maybe we could get a vote here.
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there is no centrist and that's what is key. justice elena kagan said that in her interview. that leaves a gaping hole when you don't have someone in the center. >> well, republicans and democrats just weathered a brutal political battle, now that that battle is over, our phil mattingly takes a look at what's next and the move in the nation's capital. >> reporter: brett kavanaugh has been confirmed. brett kavanaugh has been sworn in, brett kavanaugh is now a justice in the supreme court. one of the most bitter i've ever seen for nomination ever. what happens next to the senate, what happens next to the supreme court, what happens next politically? you get a gauge of that in just about a month with the midterm elections. the question is what kind of impact does stlis. there's no question it has rallied the basis, the basis of both sides. will it help one or the other, it's something that senator mitch mcconnell weighed in on. take a listen. >> our base is fired up.
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we've finally discovered one thing that would fire up the republican base and we didn't think about it. i was talking to of our political advisers yesterday and the advantages that this has given us going into the red state competitive races and we're really excited. they managed to do the one thing that we had not figured out to do to get our folks fired up. >> reporter: you listen closely to that last point, mcconnell points out something that has been very clear. the democratic base is very riled up. the democratic base is very motivated. will the democratic base come out and not only perhaps flip the house but also give them a chance in the senate. that's the question, what happens beyond the politics, what happens next for the institutions, united states senate, the supreme court? quite frankly, the country. i don't know anybody that came out feeling good about the process that occurred.
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you can talk to senators who acknowledged that they were angry, who acknowledged that they were disappointed. it's a question i asked mcconnell. he said the country has been through worse times and the country will move through this. but the question that people are asking right now, is this a rock bottom moment? is this a moment that people take a step back and figure out that cooing down might be the better option. one that i talked to yesterday said bluntly, it's only going to get worse from here. all of that optimism, but the baseline here is nobody knows what is next. everyone agreed what just happened probably is not the best thing. phil mattingly capitol hill. >> let's go to amy green. an author and researcher. thank you for your time today. let's talk what about this means for the supreme court. clearly, it's a shift to the right with the addition of
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justice kavanaugh. but account supreme court maintain the position given what we jurisdiction from judge kavanaugh? >> well, much ink has been spilled about that, unprecedented in nature. you can harken back to bush v. gore in many cases when the supreme court is seen as a political vehicle. it chooses an aspect of its legitimacy. now it will be incredibly difficult for the supreme court to gain its luster back. the supreme court has been a particular execution in the united states. it's necessary that it maintains its judicial independence. of course, the republicans have been on a 30-year project to flip the court system to install legal conservative movement. it seems with the installation of judge kavanaugh on the bench they can consecrated that
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platform. so is it will be important to see whether or not the supreme court, as your reporter said earlier, it move to the center on issues to demonstrate that it's not an institution cut along conservative lines. that's the political divide in the united states. >> i pose to you the same question that our reporter touched on. we talk about the topics hangs in the balance to immigration, affirmative action, women's reproductive rights. is there a possibility that of any of the members of the supreme court there could be a swing middle vote that emerges? >> there's been some discussion about the position of chief justice roberts, keeping in mind that seat first oumed by o occu o'connor. and some wondering if this is not a chief spot for justice
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roberts, and in fact put pressure on him to begin to reassess necessarily how his vote is used. and how to corral some -- you know, the supreme court somewhere back towards the center. so, a lot of pressure has sort of put on chief justice roberts to potentially play that role. >> you'll remember that chief justice roberts did make a decision when it came to affordable health care, that certainly drew the ire of some republicans. mr. trump is warning voters not to be complacent in the midterm elections and not to turn power over to a month, as he puts it. and that word mob, that seems to be a newly trending word for republicans that they've latched on to. does that message work against democrats who may have been energized since mr. trump took office? >> right, they have seen across
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the aisle that the democrats are motivated in almost an unprecedented way. in many aces much more motivated than they've been in past elections. so, of course, the president is going to use the inflammatory, the sort of violent language that he's accustomed or known to use in order to try to rally that enthusiasm. of course, the question across the aisle, hopefully, you can see that the enthusiasm from the democratic side won't necessarily wane because of the outcome of this decision. the democrats fought hard. and not just democrats, there were allies on the republican side, calling into question, whether the nomination of kavanaugh was the right nomination. perhaps that he may be qualified to be on the bench and perhaps he's not the only qualified person to do so. but, of course, the republicans need to encourage their base not to be complacent. to see this ultimate trump
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victory, you know, naming this justice to the supreme court. and once again fulfilling the conservative legal project as a reason to stay at home because finally, the president's project is well-installed and is succeeding. so, of course, there's incentive on the republican side to use inflammatory language and to do whatever necessary to make that base feel under threat. of course, that's hallmark with what the president has done ever since he's been inaugurated. >> amy, a big picture question for you. there are many conservatives here in the united states. they see the new supreme court justice. they are happy, they see the court shifting to the right and lower courts also shifting to the right. many democrats, they are frustrated with the rhetoric, the tone, of this course, and the changing and shifting of laws as we've seen since the president took office. so, we saw a narrow margin through which mr. kavanaugh passed on to the high court.
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it is indicate of this deep divide in the nation, the house, senate and society, what does say about this america moving forward so polarized and divided? >> yeah, i think what this moment in american politics represents is that the leading class needs to reflect more accurately the people that they're governing. i think this midterm election is a watershed occasion, specifically, for example, for democratic profiles to be elected to new candidates to people who -- we've seen the first refugee candidates who have won their primaries and so on, you know, i'm thinking of the texas mayor who is the first lesbian latino sheriff to win a nomination. you see a lot of these unprecedented profiles. this is an indication that the ruling class need to start looking like the people that voted for them. people need to show up basically. so, i think what you see in this political divided moment in the
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united states, the sort of increased tension between effectively an older generation of leaders, you know, fear for change. many other things. but what you ultimately need to have, again, a leading class that reflects the people that it looks like. and that people, of course, you have the sort of traditional republican base, but you have young people, minorities, women who are taking a more active role and running for office this fall. so, i think if you want to get any form of change, if you want to break the divide, you know, people have to turn out and vote and begin to elect other people who look like that and earn incomes similar to them. and defend the values that they believe in as well, whether it's republican or democrat. so, it's actually essential that people get out to vote so that the leading class is renewed and effectively represent what americans actually want today. >> the bottom line, just vote. amy greene, thank you for your time. >> vote. thank you. now, to haiti, a story we're following developments after a
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deadly ed earth. a 5.9 magnitude earthquake was felt across the country. we understand at least ten people have been killed from it. some 130 reported missing. haiti's president tweeted that there is damage reported near the northwest coast. our meteorologist derek van dam is following it. tell us what you're learning? >> george, this is the strongest, one of the strongest earthquakes to strike the island nation since 2010, the devastating and deadly earthquake that killed over 200,000 people. now, this particular earthquake claiming the lives of ten individuals and also leaving some damage, with the earthquake occurring near the coastal area. so there was fortunately, no tsunami warning that is conversation to the haitian civil agency. however, there are still 10,000 people displaced from the 2010
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earthquake. so a lot of vulnerability in this area. quake was felt in the capital area, port-au-prince. and initial reports in checking out my local twitter feed, we haven't seen any damage coming out of port-au-prince, which is good news. it looks like it's confined to the northwest side. according to the usgs, they compared this earthquake of similar depth and magnitude of previous earthquakes they range anywhere from 10 to 100 fatalities, that's the highest likelihood. we already know ten. moderate to strong shaking felt by a large population, as the ring of fire strikes once again. we talk about this so much, but the majority of the world's earthquakes occur across this area, stretching from the caribbean right across the pacific. george. >> derek van dam, thank you.
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a prominent critic of saudi arabia has disappeared mysteriously. and now there are new accusations with what may have happened to him. inside the saudi consulate in istanbul, we'll have details on that ahead. plus, america's top diplomat has gone to north korea. what might come of mike pompeo latest meeting with the leader of north korea kim jong-un. stay with us. that's why a new bh supplement called forebrain from the harvard-educated experts at force factor is flying off the shelves at gnc. forebrain's key ingredients have been clinically shown to help enhance sharpness and clarity, improve memory, and promote learning ability. and now every man and woman in america can claim a complimentary bottle. just use your smartphone to text the keyword on the screen to 20-20-20. scientific research on cognigrape, a sicilian red wine extract in forebrain's memorysafe blend, suggests not only sharper recall, but also improved executive function and faster information processing.
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newsroom." i'm george howell. we are following the mysterious disappearance of a prominent critic of saudi arabia. unnamed turkish officials are now saying that journalist jamal khashoggi was killed inside the consulate in israel. this is coming from "washington post" and reuters news agency. but cnn has not been able toy independently confirm their reporting. cnn's jomana ka rarachi is following the story.
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the fact that a journalist could have been killed inside a consulate is beyond disturbing. >> reporter: beyond disturbing, and terrifying. just the thought of it, george, not just for saudis who pled the country because they were concerned about the crackdown in that country but also you've got so many other dissidents and oppositions from different countries who sought refuse here in istanbul. they're terrified about the possibility of this happening. we don't know what happened yet. there's no confirmation. what we do know, jamal khashoggi did enter the consulate last tuesday. and over the last week, we've had these competing narratives. you've heard from the turkish government saying he was inside the consulate and he did not leave. saudi arabia coming out and saying, yes, he was inside the consulate, he did apply for this
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official paperwork that did allow him to get remarried but he did leave a short time after that. but they have not been able to provide -- we have not seen any evidence or surveillance footage released. overnight, a really serious development as you mentioned coming from the reuters news agency and "the washington post" from which jamal khashoggi was a contributory their opinion section, they're saying they learned from two unnamed sources that he was killed inside the consulate. now, there is no evidence to back up these claims. saudi arabia, the state news agency has released a statement a few hours ago, saying that these reports are baseless. and that they are casting doubt on this coming from any turkish officials. now, turkey did say on saturday, they've launched a criminal investigation into the disappearance of jamal
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khashoggi, and we're waiting to see, george in the coming hours if there's any sort of official confirmation from turkish officials for the latest reports that he may have been killed inside the consulate. we do know that president erdogan is expected to speak about two hours from now. and we'll have to wait to see if he does provide any information on the mysterious disappearance of jamal khashoggi. >> jomana, just to put the period at the end as you mentioned, but to remind our viewers, this reporting is coming from "the washington post" and also to report it's coming from reuters news agency. cnn has not independently verified this yet. we're looking into it. we'll keep in touch as you continue to follow the story. the u.s. secretary of state has just arrived in south korea. it is the latest on a top for mike pompeo's trip to asia. he left for japan found for north korea.
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earlier pompeo met with leader kim jong-un, he promised to talk about the likely on the summit denuclearization. alexandra field was following it live in seoul, south korea. alexandra, how important it for south korea at this point? >> reporter: well, it's important for everyone, george, but certainly, south korea has a vested interest here and they're the ones brokering the communication between u.s. and especially since it seemed it was staggering from that initial meeting with president trump and kim jong-un paper lot has fallen on the shoulders of secretary of state mike pompeo who we have seen get off the plane shortly. and he'll be giving the south korean counterparts and the south korean president a debrief of what exactly happened in pyongyang. it's his fourth trip to north korea. more important, given the fact just back in august the
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scheduled trip was cancelled at the last minute and in the previous trip there was no meeting with kim jong-un. the fact that he's going to pyongyang is a success. and we know that happened because the secretary of state has recently tweeted had a good trip to pyongyang to meet with chairman kim. we continue to make progress on the summit. he also puts up a picture of himself with kim jong-un. we were told that the premise of this trip to pyongyang would be to be largely to put plans in place for another face-to-face between president trump and kim jong-un. there's been no word on when that would happen. some of the logistics were meant to be discussed today. we'll find out if they got farther in the process. of course, the main taskisto tackle how you bring about denuclearization.
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there have been a lot of standstills in the road. a lot of obstacles to clear here, george, with north korea suggesting there could be corresponding measures for the steps that have been proposed or floated taking. but critics have been quick to chime in here and say we have seen no actual tangible steps toward denuclearization from north korea since that summit happened. george. >> alexandra, as you're explaining the details, we're looking at these live images as well waiting for secretary of state mike pompeo to step off the plane on to south korean soil. alexandra field, live for us, thank you for the reporting. we'll keep in touch with you. a victory for republicans. a rallying cry for protests.
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contentious nomination process which prompted thousands of people to protest at the supreme court and across the united states. the uss secretary of state has just arrived in south korea. it's the latest stop for mike pompeo across asia who just wrapped up a meeting with north korea's leader kim jong-un. in haiti, at least ten people have been killed after a 5.2 earthquake hit across the north section of that nation saturday night. 100 people are reported injured so far. haiti's civil protection agency says most of the damage is in the northwest of the country. now, to the confirmation of judge brett kavanaugh, now justice brett kavanaugh of the u.s. supreme court. it came about with an unusual amount of controversy. contentious hearings made headlines around the world, mainly because of the person you see right here, christine blasey ford, she instead offed to the senate that kavanaugh sexually assaulted her some 36 years ago.
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that's one reason that thousands of people took to the streets to protest the judge's confirmation, demonstrations like the one you see here in front of the federal courthouse in seattle, washington. but the biggest protests in the supreme court steps. >> reporter: so, it was anger, tears and defiance as brett kavanaugh was being confirmed in the senate. and then it turned into civil business obedience. some pretty harried moments here. the police there, the capitol police and the barrier across the front area of the supreme court. trying to move everybody out. there were some tense moments. the crowd here much of the day, right to the doors of the supreme court itself. they were pounding on the doors. about 12 members of the supreme court police formed a wall along that door, keeping the protesters from getting too the doors. the point, they say, is that
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their frustration with this nomination process, they want to make sure that brett kavanaugh, who they believe was in there being sworn in at the time the protest was happening, actually heard their protests. they also chanted we believe survivors, as that swearing-in was going on. the other theme for the day, and what protesters have been chanting, we've heard it on the senate floor as well is that, remember in november. they want to take the anger that they have here and turn it into votes on november 6th. miguel marquez, cnn, washington. the vatican has revealed that just last year, it ordered an investigation into sex abuse allegations against one of its u.s. archbishops. it comes as the catholic church faces more criticism for the handling of the clergy abuse scandal. john allen has details for us. >> the vatican on saturday
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indicated that pope francis has ordered what is described as a thorough study of all vetting and records related to the case of former cardinal mccarrick in the united states. cardinal mccarrick earlier this subject was accused of sexual abuse of a minor, an altar boy at the time. archdiocese in new york found that accusation to be credible. on the strength of that that accusation in the finding. propo pope francis accepted that nomination. since then, questions have mounted about how mccarrick was able to rise through the ecclesiastical ranks from the '90s and 2000s. earlier, one month ago, pope francis himself was accused by a former papal ambassador in the united states of being in on the cover-up. the vatican did not indicate on saturday when the results of
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this study would be released, saying only they would be made available until due course. the statement, however, did say that a double standard in which abuse and cover-up by a bishop is taken as seriously as abuse and cover-up by other members of the clergy, is unacceptable and pope francis is committed to rooting it out. if indeed the vatican releases full information about what it knew and when it knew it, most critics, many survivors and victims avenue bu s of abuse wi undoubtedly see that as a positive step. from rome, reporting for cnn, this is john allen. >> john, thank you. now, for people who have been watching that title fight between two lightweight ufc champions it ended in an even
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bigger fight. this one outside the ring, cnn's patrick snell explains the history of bad blood explodes in chaos after the fight. >> reporter: it had been billed as one of the most contests in history. and the fallout between conor mcgregor and khabib nurmagomedov continued for quite some time. it broke out in the aftermath of this contest in las vegas, having been left out of the case, seemingly making a beeline for him. and then taking aim at someone apparently in the russian's camp. >> i've been doing this for 18 years, and the biggest night ever, i couldn't be more disappointed, you know, you know me, i'm usually mad at everything. i'm not even mad. i'm just really disappointed.
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connor is one of the guys attacked. connor refused to press charges. so, the guy that they did have were released there were three guys from khabib's team arrested. i think they were from khabib's team i don't know, but they weren't arrested because connor didn't want to press charges. >> reporter: and a decision was made to even not present nurmagomedov with his belt. brazil, promised that he will be the country's trump. plus, melania trump caps her four-nation african tour by giving critics of her clothing choices of dressing down. we'll explain.
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the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is no stranger to scandal. but in the hours to come, his wife is going on trial. sarah netanyahu faces charges of fraud and breach of trust. cnn's oren liebermann has more on the case from jerusalem. >> reporter: sarah netanyahu is the constant companion to her prime minister husband, always by his side, whether it's a first visit to india or welcoming close friends to israel. the people of israel love us. and like the media one half of the power company in israeli politics, netanyahu's third wife regularly hosts world leaders at the prime minister's residence in jerusalem. always in the picture. this time, she has the headlines all to herself. sarah netanyahu's trial on charges of fraud and breach of trust is set to begin. the trial, focusing on the
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alleged misuse of taxpayer dollars at the couple's official residence. the case is all about catered meals. prosecutors say sarah netanyahu had ordered approximately $100,000 in meals. and spent thousands of dollars more on high-end chefs, illegal under israeli law when there's already a chef in the residence. she's maintained her innocence. her lawyer called the indictment false and whit's first time in israel and in the world that the wife of a leader is put on trial for food entries. there was no fraud. no preach. we're seern certain in the end justice will prevail. this comes as benjamin netanyahu is the subject of three separate criminal investigations. police say they have enough evidence to charge him with fraud, bribery and breach of trust. he too, has repeatedly insisted he's innocent.
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saying there will be nothing because there is nothing. and in one of those saying sarah netanyahu is expected of bribery. her lawyer is fighting back calling it an absurd suspicion because these things never happen. for now, it is sarah netanyahu alone who is on trial. oren liebermann, cnn, jerusalem. voters in cameroon are heading to the polls right now and expected to re-elect the president for a seventh term. that 85-year-old is one of africa's longest servie ing rul have been accused of running a brutal regime. the odds are against them and comes with unrust est in their country. the former president is no longer running for reelection, but his influence is still being
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felt there. our shasta darlington explains from asu pasao paulo. >> reporter: this was the scene months ago adoring crowds greeting the crowds. that was just hours before he handed himself into police to serve a 12-year prison sentence for corruption. >> translator: the more days they leave me in there, the nor lulas are going to be born. >> reporter: a former army captain jumps ahead of the race. but last month, he was stabbed in the stup miomach in a campai rally. and spent weeks in the hospital posting selfies and defiant videos. this country is ours, brazil above all, god above everyone,
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he shouts in a recorded message for his support. for years, the congressman, made headlines of his headlines on dictatorship and attacks on gays and blacks. here, telling a former lawmaker, he wouldn't rape her because she doesn't deserve it. but with the economy wrapped in a corruption scandal, he's convinced voters he's brazil's donald trump, he will drain the swamp and tackle brazil's endemic violence. he's going to win because it will make it easier to own guns and that will help good citizens says this waitress. a message that resonates in a country with one of the highest murder rates in the world. 175 homicides a day. in a crowd of candidates his main rival is hand picked by
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lula to replace him on the ballot for the workers party. here in the heart of sao paulo's financial district there's definitely more support for him. but on both sides people are voting against a candidate phone for a candidate. my vote is just an attempt to avoid a worse person getting in office, says this man. these elections brought hate and division. you can't talk about politics if you don't want to lose a friend or a job, she says. rejection rates run high for both candidates. tens of thousands of women organized protests against b bchb
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but with those lining up in the last week of campaigning, the not him crowds are being drowned out. the first lady of the united states, melania trump has wrapped up her four-country tour of africa, but she raised a few eyebrows on friday during her stop in nairobi, kenya. here's kate bennett on that. >> reporter: the first lady did take a safari in kenya, and i guess there was some controversy brewing about her outfit. she wore a white safari outfit which looks chic but some people harken back to a time of colonation which wasn't a good choice some calling it a misstep. besides that, she had a morning
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filled with laughter and smiles, feeding baby elephants. and this was a very relaxed and enjoyable moment for the first lady in terms of just having some fun. one of the elephants bumped into her at one point. even though they're babies, they're still elephants. she had to steady herself and there was a lot of laughter. and seemed like an up-moment for the first lady on this trip. >> when asked about the outfit, the first lady pushed back. listen. >> hey, you know what, we just completed an amazing trip. we went to ghana, we went to malawi, we went to kenya, here we are in egypt. i want to talk about my trip. and not what i wear. and that's very important what i do. what we're doing with u.s. aid and i wish people would follow close on what i do, not what i wear. >> this is melania trump's first
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major solo international trip as the u.s. first lady. the new calendar is showcasing the many sides of the russian president. >> i think not many countries have a president as strong as ours, i think many people like to have such president in their countries. . >> all right. there you have it. a closer look at the presidential pinups. all right. stay with us.
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graffiti artist called banksy has added a stunts to his work. he rigged a shredder to his girl with balloon. after the artwork sold for $1.4 million in london on friday, banksy had a good laugh. he posted the message, going, going, gone. the russian president vladimir putin is celebrating his 66th birthday.
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and just in time for the event, new putin calendars have gone on sale. cnn's fred pleitgen has more on the presidential pinup from moscow. >> reporter: the kremlin coverman is back. brand-new 2019 vladimir putin calendars fresh on the stands in russia, and many russians proud of their president's posture. >> translator: i think not many countries have a president as strong as ours. and i think many people would like to have such presidents in their countries. it's always good to see and hear from our president. his statements and appearances are always so well done. >> reporter: there's putin with a pup. putin with a cub. putin on a horse in winter. and even colder, putin taking the epiphany dip in ice water. >> translator: if a supporter buys this calendar they'll definitely have a good impression of our president. he can do it all, he can shoot, he looks good and loves sport.
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>> reporter: a nearly omni potent president, that's how he's portrayed as seen here with president donald trump or taking his top officials in the hills and rivers in the siberian outback. putin is the leading the show. the calendar is designed to show russians they have a stronger leader, who's in control. but also a compassionate man, a man of the people. usually a well-selling item. shop and kiosk owners say they think this batch will sell out fairly quickly as well. but there's always a strong supply of putin calendars for those who miss out now. once again giving tourists a classy reminder of the brains, the brawn, the bravado, and of course, the beef of russian president vladimir putin. >> and fred said he's been inundated with requests for the
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just a few hours ago, the u.s. senate confirmed judge brett kavanaugh to the united states supreme court. >> taking credit on the campaign trail, a big win for the u.s. president after senators confirmed his second supreme court justice. a prominent saudi journalist has been missing in turkey since tuesday and reports cite unnamed officials saying he was murdered inside the consulate. also ahead
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