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tv   New Day Sunday  CNN  October 7, 2018 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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nen over 60 to white men over 70. >> senator schumer, what went wrong? >> well, my doctor thinks it might be sciatica. >> no, i meant with the kavanaugh vote. >> oh, yeah. the dems lost another one. what we do now. look. we thought this time would be better than the anita hill hearing because dr. ford was white but it turned out brett kavanaugh was white too. we were completely blindsided by that. re the ayes a 50 and nays 48. >> i stand before you today on the heels of a tremendous victory for our nation. >> brett kavanaugh has been sworn in. brett kavanaugh is now a justice it supreme court. >> those are the very doors of supreme court. hundreds of protesters have now come up on to the stairs. >> you don't hand matches to an
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arsonist and you don't give power to an angry left wing mob. >> i will never let him pull me so low as to hate him. >> that was awesome! whee! >> how amazing is this, huh? we made a lot of women real worried today." now we are going to party like it's 2020 when susan rice takes my seat. >> announcer: this is "new day weekend" with victor blackwell and christi paul. >> thanks for waking up early for us here. 7:01 is the time. from judge brett kavanaugh to justice brett kavanagh. >> he has been sworn in and shifting balance of the court. the power to the conservatives. >> protesters were shouting on the supreme court steps and republicans are take ago victory. president trump led it with a rally in kansas last my.
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look at this. >> i stand before you today on the heels of a tremendous victory for our nation, our people, and our beloved constitution. just a few hours ago, the u.s. senate confirmed judge brett kavanaugh to the united states supreme court. >> now both parties are taking this fight straight to the midterms here which are less than a month from now. here is cnn congressional correspondent phil mattingly. >> reporter: brett kavanaugh has been confirmed. brett kavanaugh has been sworn in. he is now a justice in supreme court. it's what is lying in the wake of this confirmation battle one of the most bitter i've ever seen in a nomination ever and what happens next? what happens next in the senate and supreme court and politically? you get gauge of that in a month
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in the midterm elections. what kind of impact will this have? no question it's rallied the bases of both sides. will it help one side or the other? it's something that senate majority leader mitch consequently weighed in on. take a listen. >> our base is fired up. we finally discovered the up with thing that would fire up the republican base and we didn't think of it. i was talking to two of my political advisers yesterday about the advantage that these guys by their tactics have given to us going into these red state competitive races. and we are pretty excited. they managed to deliver the only thing we had not been able to figure out how to do, which is get our folks fired up. the other side is fired up and have been all year. >> reporter: if you listen closely to the last point. mcconnell points out the democratic base is very riled up. the democratic base is very motivated and will the democratic base come out in the medicine term election where they struggle and not just flip the house to the democratic
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side but give them a chance in the senate in that is the open right now. also a broader question here of what happens next beyond just the politics and the institutions and what happens to the united states senate and the united states supreme court? and, frankly, the country. i don't know that anybody came out feeling good about the process that just occurred. you can talk to senators in both parties who acknowledge they were angry. acknowledged they were disappointed. who acknowledged they aren't very happy with one another right now. a question i asked mcconnell. he said the country has been through worse times and will move forward through this. the senate will as well. a question is the people are asking is this a rock bottom moment, a moment people take a step back and figure cooling down is the better option? right now, it seems unlikely. one senior gop aide i talked to at the end of the day. said, bluntly, it's only going to get worse from hee. not a lot of optimism but but i think the baseline here nobody has an answer what is next. everyone can agree what just happened probably isn't the best thing. phil mattingly, cnn, capitol hill. phil, thank you. president trump says an event tomorrow at the white
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house for the justice kavanaugh. >> the president is also praising the way he handle the nomination saying his criticism of kavanaugh's accuser christine blasey ford had great impact. for more, we turn to senior washington correspondent joe johns live at the white house. joe, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. the message they want out there when the president signaled he was engaging this fight and not backing down, everything changed. of course, it really is all about the mid terms right now. there is this sense that what originally appeared to be a burden for the president and the republican party, that would be this nomination and confirmation fight of judge kavanaugh, turned out to be for the republican party perhaps even a gift. it's about gender wars and it's about culture wars. it's about allegations of character assassination by the left of this now justice kavanaugh. but there is also this, the question of law and order. the president now talking about
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mob rule, apparently pointing to the arrests in the streets over the last several weeks of hundreds and hundreds of protesters, many of them women, of course, protesting against allegations of sexual assault involving this now justice kavanaugh. of course, the president's answer to that is that on the right, women were energized, too, in favor of that nominee. listen. the women, i feel are, in many ways, stronger than the men in his favor. so you have a lot of women that are extremely happy. a tremendous number of women. because they are thinking of their sons, they are thinking of their husbands and their brothers and their uncles and others. >> reporter: the president's travels continue. last night he was in topeka, kansas. tomorrow expected to be in orlando addressing the international association of chiefs of police. back to you. >> joe johns in the white house. thank you, joe.
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lynn sweet, washington bureau chief of the chicago sun times is with us and julian zeleny, cnn political analyst and historian and professor at princeton university and our own brian stetter. thank you all for being here. julian, you wrote a piece on how dems got outplayed on kavanaugh. how likely is the same thing could happen as we head into 2020? >> oh, i think there is a very good chance the same thing will happen. the democrats should take very seriously the political risks they face. i do think these hearings energized more a republican base, whereas, democrats were already energized and i think this was a huge victory for president trump. he has delivered on one of the big promises, not only of his presidency, but the conservative movement to shift this court to the right. so becomes edemocrademocrats, it
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of strategic fixing to do in how they handle the politics of trump. >> lynn, we were hearing the president there talk about how he thinks women are thinking about their sons and their husbands in a case like this when they think about kavanaugh. let's take a look at one of the images that was striking yesterday out on the pleaza, i believe it was, a woman holding a sign saying a woman brought you into this world and women will vote you out. do we have a engage how strong the female vote will be even just going into midterms here? there was a group out there as well, women for kavanagh. i think a lot of people didn't realize were in existence. >> well, the woman's vote is always important and particularly the suburban female vote in swing districts. now of course, women who support trump. what he is trying to do in bringing up what about your -- the men, the sons, the fathers,
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is, in a sense, he is attacking the me too movement by trying to downplay and delegitimatize accusations of sexual abuse, sexual assault by saying people could be unjustly accused. he is trying to plant those seeds. now, whether or not that works as we are just a month away from the midterm balloting and, in some states, early voting has begun, is yet to be determined. the other question when you talk about the female vote for trump, if these are voters who would normally vote in a midterm election any way, then you don't have a net gain. what the democrats are hoping is that the energized base, further jolted by the kavanaugh controversy, will turn out in the midterm. women will turn out in the midterm who otherwise would not have voted. >> brian, part of the obstacle here is the fact that this was
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an assault and i have to say an alleged assault that happened 36 years ago. there was really no way to prove or disprove who it was by what she said. let's listen to mitchell mcconnell, senate majority leader who spoke in a new conferences and said something that was kind of perplexing here. >> these things always blow over. even though i think some anger expressed in this particular fight, as i just said, at the very same time, they won by big margins, we were doing a poor things together that we haven't been doing in a long time. >> with the crowds we are seeing, how likely is this to just blow over? >> i'll make the easiest prediction i've ever made on cable news. this will not blow over. i understand where mcconnell is coming from there. there has been some bipartisanship in the congress that hasn't really been in the headlines the past few weeks but
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this issue, this gender war, this culture war is not blowing over. if anything, as phil mattingly said this hour, it is going to get worse and sources on capitol hill see this getting worse and heading deeper to the bottom. no doubt, a triumphant week for president trump and triumphant weekend for president trump but i think trump's reaction to kavanaugh' nomination shows he is not trying to be president for the entire united states. he is trying to be president of trump's america, of his base. i say that because when he was asked on air force one what do you say to the women who feel devastated right now and what do you say the women who feel they are not being believed sunny interrupted and said, i don't think they do. i don't think they are devastated. i don't think they do feel they are not being believed and he went on to say the women are excited about this and women are supportive of brett kavanaugh. obviously some women are but many other women and men in this country are grieving right now, are mourning, are absolutely devastated. either he doesn't know that or
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doesn't care. either way i think that lack of the awareness of the democratic energy that we are are seeing mcconnell doesn't realize or care and seeing trump doesn't realize or care i just think it's pretty easy to predict this is not going to blow over for either side. >> lynn, is there a possibility? if this is the conversation they don't know or they don't care, they don't think it's important, that at some point, if it goes on long enough, could backfire on the republicans? it could because the women's vote is a very potent vote, especially in the suburban swing districts. i was at that mcconnell press conference yesterday where he was citing these great, you know, bipartisan efforts to reauthorize the faa bill for five years. that is not what makes or breaks elections. neither is a unified vote or an opioid crisis. if only it could be that wonderful and simple on some issues, people do come together. everything doesn't have to be bad all the time for us not to take notice of these very
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critical wedge issues that trump is intent on further wedging in the wedge. so female turnout on the democratic side is bigger historically than female turnout on the republican side. so whether you're looking at control of these house seats, every district is its own story, but i respect women who come from all political per situations, okay? it doesn't mean that trump was right and just kind of speaking off the cuff on something he would not know right now, which is whether or not an overwhelming number of republican women who otherwise wouldn't have voted, will cast a ballot in november. >> i wanted to ask about this rubio tweet. marco rubio said the following.
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julian, how do we get past it? >> it's more than a story about president trump. this partisan polarization has been cooking for over four decades now. these kinds of events, whether it's the election of 2016, whether it's this confirmation process or a product of these very deep divisions. it will take a lot of work. it will take really profound leadership to move the nation into a different era and it will take reform of the way our politics work from jerenginee i serious to find a new era. otherwise we will have more of the same for at least a decade to come. >> brian, your last thoughts. >> we are about to turn into a 2020 election season and start the day after the midterms. either with soo candidates in the primaries bring folks together or further inflame
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other divisions and that is a further test of julian's point there. >> thank you all so much. brian stelter, he will stay with us. there is more to discuss this hour. the senator with the crucial vote in the kavanaugh confirmation, senator susan collins sat down in a one-on-one interview with cnn's dana bash. she says she does not believe kavanaugh assaulted dr. christine blasey ford. watch. >> i found dr. ford's testimony to be heart wrenching, painful, compelling, and i believe that she believes what she testified to. i did not believe that brett kavanaugh was her assailant. so i do believe that she was assaulted. i don't know by whom. and i'm not certain when. >> see the full interview with dana and senator collins on "state of the union" this morning at 9:00 a.m. only on cnn. secretary of state mike pompeo just finished up his
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fourth visit to north korea. how much are these meetings he is having helping to further the north korea denuclearization process? talk about that next. officials in haiti preparing for more deaths after a 5.9 magnitude earthquake -- this is the wrong video -- hits overnight. more on that ahead. ♪
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is being achieved from our perspective, because time at this moment doesn't favor us. it favors kim jong-un and the reason he's been knitting together this coalition involving russia and china, of course, but also south korea. now we got to remember that if you go through middle may, tr president trump had an unusual effective policy and squandered the advantage. now what we are seeing is the north koreans playing for time. >> you're saying that the president would be mart to go back to his previous tactics? >> i think he would be very smart to go back to maximum pressure. we have relaxed pressure on the north koreans because we are not designating most of their front company and also we are letting the chinese, the russians and the south koreans to open sanction. you heard nikki haley of the u.n. moan about this but we are
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not doing very much about it. so this is really within our control to change the narrative and to go back to tactics and pushed kim jong-un to make concessions where with we were not making concessions. now it flipped and we are making concessions and kim jong-un is not doing anything, except smiling. >> what do you make of the second summit? president trump wants it and kim wants it. we heard from south korean president that he is optimistic about it. should there be a second summit before significant progress on the commitments made in the first one? >> i don't think so. you know, i think kim jong-un believes that president trump's instincts are going to help him. he doesn't like what his advisers are saying or what american political figures are saying. so we are seeing for instance an attempt to divide president trump from the rest of the american political and policy establishments. we heard that in the foreign
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minister's speech at the u.n. general assembly he was explicit what he wanted to do and so the north koreans want to talk to trump but not in our interests at this time. what is in our interests is getting the north koreans to live up to their commitments and so far, they are not doing that. >> gordon chang, always good to have your insight. thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you so much victor and christi. >> thank you for being here. haiti's president telling people there stay vigilant. they are trying to deal with after-math of a 5.9 magnitude earthquake that hit overnight. these folks, they don't have time to go to the post office they have businesses to grow customers to care for lives to get home to
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protests against justice kavanaugh's nomination led up to supreme court steps and they continued to protest after kavanaugh was confirmed. the protesters were banging on the doors of the supreme court building. they were pushed back by police and gop leaders responded to the protests by calling them a mob. >> in their quest for power, the radical democrats have turned into an angry mob. >> we refuse to be intimidated by the mob of people that were coming after republican members at their homes and in the halls. >> what we have learned is the
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resistance that has existed since the day after the november 16th, 2016 election is centered right here on capitol hill. they have encouraged mob rule. >> you don't hand matches to an arsonist and you don't give power to an angry left wing mob and that is what they have become. >> tactics that have been employed both by judiciary committee, democratic senators, and by the, you know, the virtual mob that has assaulted all of us in the course of this process has turned our base on fire. >> with us now to discuss is scott jennings, cnn political commentator and ritual ritchie a press secretary for house democrats. good morning to both of you. president trump has often been successful in framing and casting his opponent. we all remember low energy jab
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and little marco. what is your degree of concern he will successfully cast those protesters and the democratic party as this angry left wing mob and that will hurt you in 31 days? >> well, victor, trump and the republicans are really just a bunch of hypocrites. where was this mob-like language when we saw people at trump rallies being encouraged to punch people in the face and shove people around? my question where was the mob-like language when white nationalists were marching down the street and running people over in their cars and attacking people in parking garages? it is ridiculous. it's funny because trump loves mobs. he has rubbed shoulders with the biggest monster in the world, president putin. >> scott? >> well, if it looks like a mob and sounds like a mob, it's a mob. that is exactly what has formed over this kavanaugh confirmation process. the thing is we have guardrails
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for our democracy that exists for a reason. the underpinnings of this cultural uprising we have are very valid and i believe that. but the underpinning when the mob is undervalued. the under pinnings of our democracy are elections and accepting the outcomes. that is what republicans are talking about here. i don't think the republicans or donald trump are framing this in any way at all. i think the mob itself is showing americans they are not willing to accept the outcomes that come from our democratic processes and i think that will hurt the democrats come election day in 30 days. >> scott, let's go back to the first midterm after the election of the president and tea partiers. >> exactly. >> a man was arrested for spitting on a member of congress, the racial epithets. we have video of that we can roll. were those mobs?
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>> i don't recall seeing any tea partiers trying to tear down the doors of the united states supreme court. i would say to anybody who in any mob. >> that's not the question! >> the way you exercise your voice in a democracy. i don't condone spitting on anybody. >> i didn't ask if you condone it. i'm saying if you are saying today is a mob was it a mob in 2010? >> no. i don't believe that the mob, if that is what you want to call it in 2010, is what anything comparable to what you're seeing in washington today. but i would just say this. what i condone is voting. i hear a lot of people out there on the prospect of voting and people should go to polls and vote. if that is how you feel vote and see what happens. but this idea that you're going to chase members of congress up and down the hall into elevators and out of restaurants, this idea you're going to knock down the doors of the united states supreme court, i think out here in the middle of america that is not something people condone. >> rachel?
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>> scott, are you okay with the fact you had white nationalists marching down the street and ran over a woman and murdering her? is that not a mob to you or agree with president trump there are good people on both sides? is that where you're standing right now? it's so -- it's so much hypocrisy coming from your party and it's disgusting. the fact, yes, if you think that a mob banging on the door then you should also think that those are mobs in charlottesville and people at trump rallies punching people in the face. that is a mob as well. >> you must be new to my work here at cnn, rachel. i was one of the first republicans to condemn the charlottesville riots and rallies. >> imbut you're not doing it no. do it now. >> it would behoove you to do your housewomework. do it now. >> jerry -- house judiciary and will likely be chairman if
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democrats take the house, has said there will be an investigation into sexual assault allegations against judge kavanaugh if democrats win control in november. how broadly is that commitment? should that be something that democrats run on, promise, if they are going to carry this passion into the mid terms? >> i think, you know, that if -- they need to really, really focus on, as you said, the mid terms. but i think that, obviously, the fbi investigation that was done was not thorough. i mean, i don't know why anyone thought that the fbi could do a thorough investigation into sexual assault allegations that were from 36 years ago in one week. that just doesn't make any sense. but i do think that democrats have to get on a stronger message right now and they need to not only focus on the sexual assault allegations but they really need to focus on something else that is at risk and that is our health care right now and people with preexisting conditions. so i think -- >> should this be part of the
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promise there is going to be a house investigation and the potentially there will be an attempt to impeach justice kavanaugh? >> i think that it should be, because -- not necessarily just because the sexual assault allegations, victor. i think really the partisan attitude that judge kavanaugh showed during the confirmation hearings where he had this conspiracy theory that the clinton's were coming after him. to me that disqualifies him more than anything. unfortunately, they were not able to corroborate dr. ford's comments or her allegations. but when i heard him say that the clinton's are coming after him and this is part of a left trying to destroy him, that really brought me more concerned because this shows that he is going to be a puppet for the puppet master in chief donald trump. >> scott, i want you to listen to something the president said at his rally yesterday. this is a sound bite five, guys, in the control room, about his potential opponent in the primary, elizabeth warren. the senator from massachusetts.
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watch. >> i've got more indian blood in me than pocahontas. hey, maybe i'm an indian. >> the president here saying that i've got high cheekbones too. maybe i'm an indian. why is that okay? >> w a lot of republicans, including donald trump, have made light of what elizabeth warren brought on herself. i'm not sure i'd continue to go back to this well but something discussed broadly by the president and republicans. he didn't invent this story line. elizabeth warren did. >> what is the message? i'll give you some time at the end of this but i don't want to skip over this element. the idea it is acceptable, right, for the president to use pocahontas as a race-based laugh line against a democrat, a
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member -- anyone? it seems like it's something that continues to be brushed over. the president of the united states just said, i've got high cheekbones, maybe i'm indian. can you imagine if he picked a facial feature of a black person and said maybe i'm black or of an asian or jewish person? >> childish. >> i don't think he is race baiting. elizabeth warren started this. she is the one who claimed to be navy american when she wasn't really and she had to suffer for that in the press back in her home state. i think the best question you asked today was about impeachment because the democrats you mentioned are calling for impeachment. open your twitter feed. every democrat out there who is enraged about kavanaugh wants to impeach kavanagh and want to impeach trump and some want to impeach clarence thomas. there is impeachment fever. fountain democrats win this house is where they are heading and to plunge this nation for a constitutional crisis because they are mad they lost the election in 2016 and the bottom line and i don't think americans will stand for it. >> we have to wrap it there.
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thank you both. >> thanks, victor. deadly earthquake hit haiti overnight and we know at least ten people were killed, 135 others are injured now. >> 5.9 magnitude quake was felt across the country but most of the damage is being reported on the northwest coast. haiti's president tweeted he is mobilizing all national resources to help. so far there is no threat of a tsunami. tens of thousands of people are still displaced from the 2010 earthquake that hit haiti and nearly 3,000 people died. the kavanaugh confirmation gets a sa ttirical spin on "snl" that is coming up. searching for a way to help stop your cold sore?
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the cast on "saturday night
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live" took aim at the bitter partisan battle and took a firm brett kavanaugh to supreme court. >> take a look. >> mitch, how are you feeling? >> that an awesome win! >> do you feel this is a win you can be proud of? >> hell yeah, dana. republicans in the mood of the country. everyone is pumped from white men over 60 to white men over 70. >> senator schumer, what went wrong? >> my doctor thought it was sciatica. >> no, i was talking about the hearing. >> we thought it would be different. >> cnn chief media correspondent and anchor of "reliable sources"
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brian stelter is with us. what did you think, brian? >> i hope dana bash likes the impersonation of her. don lemon too. they were using cnn talent there on "snl." i did think it was amusing imagine the locker room with the republican reactions. obviously, exaggerated. i thought also a telling moment in this sketch, in this cold open where the proceetend dana h talks to the pretend. >> this one is about the fans. they have been through us all week cheering and screaming outside of our offices. >> i'm sorry. you think those were fans? >> oh, yeah. for sure. and i know they agree bus because they are shouting out "me too." see? >> i think everybody gets the joke there. obviously, the idea that those crowds of protesters lindsey graham thinking there that they were there to support him, to support the efforts to confirm
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kavanaugh. i think this is a really interesting moment in time. we were talking about it earlier where the one-year anniversary of what has become known as the me too movement, so "snl" is having fun there with something very serious. it was one week ago this weekend when that first harvey weinstein story came out and then, of course, story after story, more and more people coming out against weinstein and then other prominent men. what we saw was incredible moment men and women felt comfortable sharing their own experiences with harassment and assault. one year later, me too is very much a partisan issue. there has become a backlash in the country and president trump and others are exploiting that. >> last week, kanye west was on "snl." listen. i still don't understand why he and lil' pump were dressed up as bottles of water. put that aside for the moment. the cast is still talking about that. what happened to that? >> interesting. you rarely see "snl" commenting on one of their own stars.
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kanye west was on this time last week. pete davis came on and said remember a lot of buzz last week about kanye taking of over the set and giving a speech in support of president trump after the show ended and here he came own and said here is what really happened. >> here is what it looked like p.m. i'm like on the left. i'm like, oh, god! i'm like, i want a career! so i leave! so kanye was wearing a megaheart. that's what it's called -- stupid! and he started by saying people back stage tried to bully him into not wearing it. he wore it all week. like, nobody told him not to wear it. like, i wish i would have suggested that. you know? it might upset some people like your wife or every black person ever. you know?
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then kanye said that democrats broke up black families with welfare and that is slavery is not real. do you know how wrong about politics you have to be for, like, me to notice? do you know how annoying that is? >> he wanted everyone to know where they stand and how they feel about kanye west and his trump hat. look. the sun will rise, the sun will fall. kanye west controversies will be there every day no matter what! >> he has now deleted his social media, i've seen. >> probably a good thing. >> i would like to see what he thought of "snl" last night! nothing! brian stelter, always appreciate you getting up a little bit early for us here. >> thanks. >> you know he is not going anywhere. he is on with "reliable sources" at 11:00 a.m. today on cnn. coming up what is the next named storm in october.
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yes, even in october, hurricane season. w keurig k-café brewer makes any house a coffee house. just pop that in for a coffee or brew a shot and froth milk for a latte or cappuccino. easy peasy. now she's a barista! it's so frothy. a little piece of heaven. thank you. but how's the coffee?
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a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! the next named storm of the hurricane season in the atlantic could be forming right now in the caribbean. >> the latest update came in not two minutes ago. this is tropical depression 14. this is expected to be named tropical storm michael by the end of the day today. right now, winds are 40 miles per hour, moving north at 3 miles per hour. the concern is once it gets all over the open water of the gulf of mexico, very warm, that's
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where we expect this storm to intensify, potentially up to a category 1 hurricane. landfall is expected somewhere between mississippi and the panhandle of florida. the question really is the timing of this. right now it depends on which model you look at. the gfs, the american model, puts it landfall around wednesday afternoon but the european model is a little slower, holds it off until thursday morning. the key thing i want the takeaway from this to be is the amount of rain, regardless of whether this turns out to be a hurricane or stays as a tropical storm strength at the time of landfall it's going to produce a lot of rain. it could produce over a foot of rain but even far inland, victor and christi, you could be talking about six to ten inches of rain. >> we've seen this story before. it's not the wind speed but the days of rain that go on. allison chinchar, thank you for watching for us. did you know scavenger hunts
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strangers, meeting up with another team and collaborating and playing with them. that helps you get out of your shell. >> get out of the oven! >> did you do the bathtub pictures? >> yes. >> the winning team is team 15. they had a perfect score. congratulations! >> all right, yes! >> that looked fun. >> thank you so much for sharing your morning with us. make good members today. "inside politics" with nia malika-henderson starts after a quick break. george woke up in pain. but he has plans today.
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an historic moment. >> the ayes are 50, the nays are 48. the confirmation of brett kavanaugh is confirmed. >> and democrats promise that gop will pay. >> november is coming. plus, president trump takes a victory lap with 30 days until the midterms. >> under republican leadership, america is booming. america is


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