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tv   Cuomo Primetime  CNN  October 16, 2018 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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weeknights at 6:25 at want to hand it over to chris. >> anderson, thank you very much. i am chris cuomo. welcome to prime time. president trump says his lawyer, michael cohen, lied under oath. we will show you what is true and what is not. the other, saudi arabia is being kavanaugh'd says the president. there is an avalanche of evidence the president is dead wrong. we'll see if one of his ardent defenders in congress can prove otherwise. matt gates welcomed back to prime time and horse face, the united states president calling stormy daniels that and she fired back and not in a good
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way. what did the president say that made him react like this? >> you know, it is really hard to keep up with -- is that really what he said? i hadn't followed that. >> what made him say that? fasten your seat belts. let's get after it. president trump wants the same standard for anchor tearian strong man that he does for his supreme court justices and tells the ap the apparent murder of a "washington post" journalist is another case of someone being guilty until proven innocent. he continues to take the word of the saudi king and crown prince over a growing body of evidence including the latest cnn reporting that it was a high ranking officer in the saudi intelligence agency who oversaw a botched khashoggi mission. there's enough evidence for even some of trump's fiercest supporters to demand action.
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so, let's turn to one of them. trump's -- one of his biggest backers, florida congressman matt gates. congressman, good to have you back on the show. >> thank you, chris. >> all right. so, let's start with the president and some of the things he put out there today. mueller. saudi arabia. i know that you rated both. why would he say that michael cohen was lying when he said that the president knew about and directed his actions with the payments of the women? why would he say that? >> i have no idea, chris. i'll be honest, most of our work in the congress has been focused on oversight of the mueller investigation and activities surrounding russia and the malign influence they're expressing around the world, the issues going on in the southern district of new york with cohen is beyond the purview of congress. >> he has to know i'm in possession of a tape that proves
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he knew what cohen was doing and endorsed it. >> yeah, i honestly have no idea what's going on in the southern district. if michael cohen is lying or telling the truth. it looks like cohen is a pretty odd individual if you look at the way he threatened reporters and kind of seemed like a tough guy when he wasn't -- he's not somebody i'm a big fan of and not somebody that has a lot of credibility in the eyes of the american people. >> except he was doing what the president would ask him to do. but it's not about what's happening in the southern district. it's about what the president is saying about his lawyer and i can play a tape. i don't want to waste the time. you heard it on the show before. the president is not telling the truth when he says michael cohen lied about being told to do those things. that's all i'm asking about. are you okay with that? >> yeah, again, the context of the president's communications with michael cohen is something that i am not privy to. i do believe that rudy giuliani has made claims there was
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selective editing and not a full conversation to give us context of that discussion, but, again, i'm not one that has any unique insight as to what we've heard beyond the express words of the president and mr. cohen and it looks like there will be a swearing match there that will continue. >> all right. let's go to something that is certainly more germane to your purview. what's going on with saudi arabia and what the line will be before congress acts, whether it's the senate or you all get together. the president said today that he thinks that saudi arabia is getting kavanaugh'd, that they're being seen as guilty and they're going to have to be proven innocent. with what you know to this point do you believe that saudi arabia is getting railroaded here? >> i don't but i think that in every statement the president's made he said we've got to get to the bottom of it and has been clear it's a big problem if senior officials in saudi arabia had any role in the death of this saudi citizen who was a journalist and who should not have feared this type of reprisal.
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no one should. i was in kbs's home in washington, d.c. and we were not discussing the one saudi journalist. we were discussing the 3,000 americans who died on 9/11 and i do think the saudi government in some form, in some capacity had a role in that if you laid bare the report, saudi intelligence officials were signing leases for hijackers. there were special designations on passports for people associated with al qaeda, the mosque that was the center of life for some of the hijackers backed by the saudi government so i think that should be a lot more concerning to us is that like are we engaging in this discourse and diplomacy where if they haven't fully rooted out the -- the people running saudi arabia they're not your age. they're my age. you got a bunch of 30 somethings who have never known anything but extreme wealth. they did not know the poverty and challenge of their parents
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and grandparents and been a lamborghini lifestyle for a lot and this transition where they do seek the embrace of the west and have saudi arabia viewed as a modern player but that transition will be dicey and i think we've got a lot more to learn on this fact pattern. >> make me wonder about my chin. is that why you're making an age distinction? i'll ask that the twitter folk if they think i look that much older. let me ask you this. you're making good points. i've read into what you're talking about, 9/11. i haven't seen great proof or really any material proof that the saudi government was behind 9/11 in any way. yes, there's been a lot of stink on them for exporting wahhabiism and some have referred to them as the head of the snake. but let's just say contextually you're suspicious and with some cause, but the president does not agree with you. he says that they're good people there. that he's had great relationships with them and rogue killers are as likely an
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explanation for what happened to khashoggi as anything and that salman says he had nothing to do with it and he believes him. do you swallow it as quickly as the president does? >> well, i think the president is right in that there could be multiple elements acting within the saudi government. remember, even though it is a monarchy it is a kingdom, the government doesn't act monolithically. there are different elements. >> you think guys would fly to turkey on private planes, be greeted by staff at the consulate as if expected, go in there and interrogate somebody and somehow wind up chopping him up into pieces and salman knew nothing about it? >> i don't know. i'm not making that claim. what i'm saying -- >> the president is. >> mbs represents -- well, no, in every statement the president has made, chris, you don't include this but he says we have to get to the bottom of this and there are going to be big problems. >> why offer an excuse. if you don't know the answer,
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not you, matt. why give such the benefit of the doubt to a strong man? >> because there are one of two options for saudi arabia. they either continue trying to move closer to the west, seek western investment and technology and engage in western entertainment or move closer to russia. those are the two options. so we're playing this delicate game with saudi arabia where we want them to move closer to the west, we want them to continue to work with us on intelligence gathering and -- >> you said earlier salman could be a bridge but he also may have chopped up a journalist who works for the "washington post." >> look, i mean -- >> if they are murders do you want them connected to you is the question. >> well, tomorrow night the kingdom was supposed to host a big party in washington to commemorate -- >> davos in the desert. >> yeah, well, they canceled their event for tomorrow night at the embassy, i guess it's hard to get rsvps when everybody who shows up doesn't always
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leave alive. that's a bit problematic but, look, i want to remain hopeful that the future for saudi arabia isn't destined to be one of this type of swift desert justice. that it's one where we can have more mutual cooperation on intelligence and that we can move beyond a relationship based on strategic interests to one of shared values but this is a problem and this transition is a difficult one but i don't think we can give up on saudi arabia but i think we've got to hole them accountable if there was -- >> you have to, right? i mean, you have to because if you don't -- >> you can't live in a world with no consequences. >> if that's the message that mbs gets and he did, in fact, have something to do with it you know what happens next, more and then now he knows just like people would suggest with putin and with kim and with duterte that if you say nice things about trump he will say nice things back and get leeway and that could be dangerous.
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your colleague lindsay game says no way to everything that is being discussed. salman has to go. he's shown who he is. we knew who he was before. we know who he is from what he did to his own family. he's got to go. we can't work with him. you can't give them anything. your take? >> senator graham may have access to more up to date intelligence. i've been dealing with hurricane michael and the aftermath and in neighboring districts so i want to presume to know more than he. but what are the alternatives? it's not like there's some mr. congeniality that will embrace all of western civilization and western values. i think this is a slower walk than any of us would like but i at least hope we get to be directi directionally correct where they're not looking to embrace these tendencies but instead will normalize and i think that possibility is true when you look at kind of the new generation of leadership but this is admittedly a stumbling block and should have to answer for it. these arms transfers need to be
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on the table. we should not just act as though that will go through under every circumstance. >> that is what trump is saying. he's saying one of the interests for him, i don't want to blow the money and the deals. why would you want to sell weapons to somebody like this if salman is behind it? >> well, look, i know this about president trump, he is the first president in the post cold war era who understands the fusion of economic interests and military interests. for far too long we've been treating our adversaries and allies as if they are separate, china, north korea, our activities in latin america to get tough on venezuela, you see the president really understands that and so i think that as a good negotiator, as someone who understands leverage very much the president will have all of that on the table and should but, remember, he's still gathering facts. the president doesn't want to be too quick to judge. >> he says it could have been rogue actors. he says he believes salman. >> we don't know. >> he shades the fact and
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something i see as a pattern, he is very soft on strong men and very strong on the soft and the vulnerable. with honduras he says you don't stop this caravan coming i'm not giving you another dollar. you better pull them back. there are people coming to seek asylum. they're not people looking to jump an imaginary wall. saudi arabia, go slow, take it easy. could have been rogue people. let's get to the bottom of it. take time. why the difference in attitude based on strong people and meek people? >> well, you offer far too much of an overgeneralization. if you look at the maduro regime in venezuela, that's a strong man regime and they were driven out of the organization of american states. if you look at the treatment of russia we've expelled their dims and also reigniting -- >> congress did that. >> when necessary, yeah, well, look, it's a team effort. >> no, no, no.
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congress did it. he said go slow. he said he didn't like it. he said he believed putin. come on, matt. this is not strong footing for you on that point. >> if you look at the actions -- but he expelled the diplomats. he did more than any other american president -- >> he didn't do more. obama did more. he dragged his fight. congress brought it to the table. that's why he acted. >> obama was silent, weak and soft as russia was engaging in elections. >> those are adjectives but the actions are he expelled more people. he was too soft on the initial interference. obama should have rang the alarm but you know who didn't want him to? you know who didn't want him to? mitch mcconnell said that he didn't want to go in on this. >> the great oracle of all things. >> you're not anti-mcconnell, are you? you sideways on mcconnell. >> i wish he would take a little more action. i think mcconnell is in a lot of ways hasn't led the senate with enough vigor. >> he was like delivering
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kavanaugh -- >> 500 bills the house sent over to the national that they won't take a vote on. >> what do you think your base is going to remember? 500 bills that nobody can't name or him getting you throw the justice that delivers a generation of jurisprudence? be careful who you pick to get sideways with. mcconnell has delivered for you guys. >> well, certainly on judges the leader has been effective but i think if you look at a lot of the elections going on health care is at the center, if we had done more to make solutions available to people, we could make a lot better claim about lowering prices and giving people better access and so i wish they would have done more to take up some of the health care bills that would have created a more free market. >> instead you have people with popping rates with what happened with the mandate. now you have to make the case that shouldn't be on your account. >> yeah, look, i don't think that we've done enough on health care. >> you've done enough to screw it up. >> we screwed it up? >> sure. >> it was obamacare that
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skyrocketed rates. >> rates were going down. >> no, they're not going down from before the obama presidency. they're going down from their prior spikes. >> no. >> if you look at where rates are now and when obama took over, health care is way more e expensi expensive. >> you are right because you got rid of the mandate and people to compete in different areas because of it. >> the cost of health care. no, it's because we covered too many people without looking at the cost of health care. if you look at why, you know, an advil is $500 in a hospital -- >> that's drug prices. >> surgeries -- it's all of those things. >> you can do cost of care. you didn't do that. you got the healthy people -- you went at people and now -- >> we should have. >> that cost you more because now they go to emergency rooms and now they don't have insurance and now they get bankrupted. >> we'll be bankrupt as a country. >> why didn't you attack -- >> across state lines to get
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more choices, why don't we do tort reform? >> that's fine. you could have done those things. you didn't have to three people off the rolls. >> we got bills that do those things but the senate won't take votes on. s that's my criticism of the senate. we have a lot of bills that would deal with some of the challenges you and i are discussing and won't take a vote on them because some of the democrats don't want to have to take an up-or-down vote and silly filibuster role where they don't take votes on tough issues. >> we saw where that got us. when they went to a simple majority on supreme court justices, there's no more reason for compromise. if you don't have a reason to compromise you see what you get but we're talking about right now. nothing. but congressman matt gaetz, you're always a good discussion. always welcome on the show. >> thank you, chris. >> matt, thank you for doing it. congressman gaetz, florida. he knows the republicans are
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running the senate and saying let's get more things done. all right, so how do those in power explain this the economy is bigger than ever. why is the deficit exploding? why? if tax cuts were the key, why aren't they paying for themselves? facts that you're not going to hear from the president next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ comfort. what we deliver by delivering. with tripadvisor, finding your perfect hotel
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the president is always saying how great the economy is but he never says this. that the u.s. deficit has risen $779 billion in just this past one fiscal year. this is the highest level we've seen in six years. notice the headline from "the new york times" noting how republicans' deficit focus, it's going the way of the vuvuzela. what is the view sue sauvuzela? it's the horn they banned. no conservatives want to talk about fiscal responsibility. why? trump. for those not cowed into quiet, why should you care? we haven't seen this since the recession in 2008 when we were swimming in all the gifts to big banks. if the economy is so hot how
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come the deficit is so chilling? senator mcconnell explained it this way. >> it's very disturbing and it's driven by the three big entitlement, medicare, social media a-- social security and medicaid. >> increases wouldn't have led to this kind of rise in the deficit by themselves. yes, social security, interest on the federal debt, those have contributed to the increase but let's just take a look here, okay. it's the tax cuts and jobs act. that is the real culprit. tax collections have fallen 22% because of the republican backed tax cut. the promise of this exercise known as trickle down theory is that you give more money, especially to people at the top and everybody wins but less
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money in and more money out, that gives you the reality which is the impact. experts say the deficit could reach $1 trillion as soon as next year. we haven't seen anything near that since the great recession. so, what does it mean? okay, here's what you need to think about. higher debt can lead to lower incomes, why? because businesses don't have the money to pay people. who says the cbo, the congressional budget office. the average income in 30 years they say will be $5,000 less per year if the national debt stays on its current track. what else? it also pushes up interest rates this. marys for all of us. borrowing money to buy a house, car, college, could pop so easily with a rate hike and will erase tax cut benefits for far too many. the social programs will get more expensive. social security, medicare, food stamps, they will take a hit.
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the government has to borrow more and cut. the president likes to tell americans that no one knows debt better than he. >> i'm the king of debt. >> i'm the king of debt. >> i understand debt probably better than anybody. >> he says that. the promise that chinese, europeans and canadian also pay this with what, tariffs? if you believe that, i have a wall to sell you and mexico ain't paying for that either. back to the president and his jars new line of defense for saudi arabia, the evidence is mounting, so why as we keep getting more proof that they did it does our president more farther away from saying they should get a break? a country that just likely slaughtered one of its own. hard to have your head around it but it is the making of a great debate.
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so today the president likened the heat saudi arabia is facing for the disappearance of journalist jamal khashoggi to the scrutiny justice brett kavanaugh faced during his supreme court confirmation saying, quote, you're guilty until proven innocent. i don't like that. we just went through that with justice kavanaugh and he was innocent. that's not true. we couldn't even know it because they didn't get to the process to get to the end of it. the president consistently chooses to side with the accused. why? let's ask our great debaters, van jones and niger innis. meek with the strong and strong with the meek. that's what i seem to identify, van jones. what do you make of this comparison by the president? >> well, let me just say he doesn't always side with the accused when it's the central
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park jogger case, he says to poor black kid, kill them. snatching moms away interest their babies and muslims around the world they're guilty until proven innocent. he's very selective with his commitment to due process, fair play, et cetera, et cetera and still tracks along with your basic thesis. if you are weak, marginal he has it in for you. if you got nuclear weapons and you're kim jong-un, if you're putin and you're a despot, anybody who is powerful and who is willing to abuse their power, he somehow got a soft spot in his heart and i don't see any way for -- he could literally say, chris, i'm very concerned about what happened. this should not have happened and looks terrible. i don't know it should upset the entire apple cart of our relationship but the facts look bad. instead he goes around the merry
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go round coming up with fantasies about rogue agents. >> niger, you wouldn't say what the president is saying about saudi arabia, would you? >> what i would say is something that i believe he's cautioning which is that we do not rush to judgment. i mean, van was making commentary on him having this affection with kim. i think it was also the name van jones or some of his colleagues critiquing president trump when he went before the united nations when he said his missile was bigger than kim's missile. that is something i totally disagree with. saudi arabia and i agree with van on this, which is that we have to be very careful about upsetting the apple cart in the middle east. one thing the early 2000s, i think van and you would agree, one thing it taught us when dealing with foreign policy we should not rush to judgment and rush to actions. the secretary of state pompeo
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tonight is in riyadh, saudi arabia, more important later in the week he'll be in istanbul, turkey, he will then come back to the united states and brief the president of the united states and give advice and counsel on what our move should be but saudi arabia is a strategic ally of the united states. >> 100%. what i'm saying is he's going with all due measure here, okay. he doesn't do that in a lot of other circumstances. that's the point. millions of people voted illegally. obama is not a citizen. all these different things he just jumped on. they were dancing in the streets after 9/11. i had the biggest crowds ever. if it works to his favor he doesn't take time to learn the facts. when it's a strong man and worried about them then could be rogue actors. putin says he didn't do it. salman says he didn't do it. kim says he loves his country. you don't think that's a little odd? >> no. you should judge this president not only by what he says or
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tweets but by the actions that he engages in. we have the biggest sanctions regime against russia and exp expelled dims oexpe expelled diplomats of -- >> congress. >> the president could have pushed back -- >> he did. >> more vigorously than he did. not in a serious way. >> he said, i don't like it. >> the sanctions regime is stronger now than it was under president obama. >> because they interfered in our election. i know because they did worse stuff, van, here's the counterpoint, which is you got to be careful and we have to pick our criticisms, because if we don't like that he's rash and gets ahead of the facts all the time and does things that then have to be undone by the people around him why push him to do something right now before we know he has absolute cause and it's been weighed and measured. >> the only thing i want him to do is to follow what the rest of
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the world is saying. listen, at this point these are very, very basic facts. i don't want any of the viewers to get confused. you had a journalist who's frankly working for an american newspaper. when you have an american journalist and american president should be incredibly protective, should be -- that's all of our values right there. >> not an american citizen but -- >> he was a saudi journalist. >> working for an american newspaper, you are representing american media and an employee of american media should enjoy the full protection of the u.s. president. those are the facts. you have somebody working for an american media organization who walks into this consulate and never comes back out. you would want for the president to come out and say i don't know what happened but this should not be going on and the same kind of thunder you heard when he was talking about, you know, people on both sides, we're good people and that kind of stuff, you want to hear that thunder. you don't hear it. so whatever else he does not -- whatever else he does go on to
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say the mere fact you don't see the passion for a reporter is very disturbing. >> where did we see the passion today, niger? he called stormy daniels a horse faced woman. he says his former personal lawyer michael cohen was lying when he said that trump knew about what he was doing and directed him to do it. both of those things, one of them is just insulting and bad. not supposed to talk that way. we expect better from our kids let alone our president. the other is false. i could play you a tape right now that proves that trump knew what cohen was doing and he was doing it at his direction. how do you feel about those statements. >> i think we have a president that often goes with his gut. i think history will show with his victory in 2016, with how successful the country is moving now in terms of foreign policy and a booming economy that nine times out of ten his gut instinct is right but, of course, there is that one time out of ten -- >> you don't think he will be remembered for his coarseness and for how he's debased women
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and abused the truth? you don't think that will be part of the history books. >> i'm saying that history is usually more focused on achievements and accomplishments and the facts on the ground as opposed to what is discussed in media. >> niger, you haven't even said calling her horse face is wrong. >> i did just say that. i said one out of ten and that one out of ten gut instincts -- absolutely, the horse face comment was totally unnecessary. the wind is at the president's back. it's at republicans' back right now. i think even van will admit republicans' enthusiasm for the election is matching democrats. there is a gap shrinking in terms of these polls in the house and the senate and so it was an unnecessary error on the part of the president to call stormy daniels horse face particularly after he just won and got that case thrown out of court.
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>> that was just the defamation case. the main case he's been proven wrong on because he said he didn't know anything about her or the payments and niger we'll see what happens. van jones, thanks for making the case. appreciate the disagreement with decency. someone else has a lot to say. senator bernie sanders felt the wrath of the president's tongue today. what does he think about the saudi situation? what is his reaction to what the president just said about the saudis and him? next.
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the president lashing out on multiple fronts tonight frustrated about saudi arabia being presumed guilty for the presumed death of a journalist and taking aim at crazy bernie and others in the push for medicare for all. >> pelosi and schumer and bernie
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are all pushing to get this done. you'll have to double and triple your taxes and that won't be enough to pay for it. it's going to be a disaster for our country. it'll turn our country into a venezuela but that won't actually happen because i will never let it happen. >> bernie is crazy and saudi arabia is being kavanaugh'd, what does the senator from vermont make of all of this? bernie sanders, independent from vermont. senator sanders, good to have you back on prime time. >> good to be with you. >> the president just referred to what is happening in saudi arabia with the investigation of the journalist jamal khashoggi and what seems to be his death or his murder as another case of guilty until proven innocent like kavanaugh. that's what he is saying. >> you know, it is really hard to keep up with this -- is that really what he said? i haven't followed that. >> it just came out.
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>> you know, i don't know -- i just don't know how to respond to that. here you have a guy who was a critic of the despotic saudi government. walks into the embassy in turkey, saudi embassy and disappears. and the turks are saying that he was killed. nobody has heard from him and trump thinks this is a false allegation. look, what you got right now is a president who is frankly and sadly very, very -- very significa significantly sympathetic to authoritarian type people like bin salman in saudi arabia or putin in russia or xi in -- i guess he is afraid of being critical to those governments. in my view what we have got to
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do in response to this alleged murder, we will see what happen, most people think it is a cold-blooded murder. in my view we have got to end our involvement in this terrible war in yemen right now which is a humanitarian dna anisaster an makes it unconstitutional. >> the president finds you worthy of a nickname. he's calling you crazy bernie and thaw want to not allow people to sign up for medicare advantage and thaw want to make the united states venezuela. you know what the play is here. he's painting your -- >> other than that -- >> -- your ideas as extreme. >> other than that he thinks i'm doing a pretty good job. i say this without any joy in my heart really, we have a president who i think most people understand is a pathological liar and that is no day goes by when he's not lying about one thing or another and
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now they're lying about medicare for all. the reality is that medicare today is the most popular health insurance program in america and a significant majority of the american people believe as i do that we should expand medicare to cover every man, woman and child and not continue to be, chris, the only major country on earth that doesn't guarantee health care to all people as a right, not a privilege. >> and i think -- >> i think what most americans understand is that today's health care system is function. 30 million without any insurance, even more underinsured. thousands of people die every year because they don't get to a doctor on time and we pay by far the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. now, trump and his friends may not like it, but in my view the goal of health care is not to make billions in profits for the drug companies and the insurance companies, it is to provide in a
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cost effective way health care to every american. >> all right. one more question for you on the record about this. the suggestion that you or any of the democrats want to cancel medicare advantage, want to deny the elder di from being able to sign up, is there anything to that allegation? >> medicare for all will provide all basic health care services to seniors and in fact where trump is lying again, he says we're going to cut back on health care benefits for seniors, we're going to expand them. one of the problems right now with medicare, chris, is that it does not cover dental care which is a very serious issue for seniors who need dentures or other dental work, doesn't cover hearing aids or eyeglasses. we cover those programs under a medicare for all program. >> all right. so i've covered that before. what you said happens to be true. now, the criticism of it is one that at some point will be made.
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it's about cost. and the knock on the suggestion is the up front transition costs are crippling. so much so that even your home state couldn't pull it off on a state-by-state basis with a 11% recommended tax increase. too expensive. what's your response? >> my answer is that is absolutely untrue. right now, chris, and this is an important point that i hope the american people fully understand, we are spending on average twice as much per capita as any other major country on earth. i am sitting -- i am speaking to you 50 miles away from canada. they're spending one-half of what we spend, they manage to provide health care to all of their people and lower cost of prescription drugs. what the issue is right now is that instead of having a family of four pay on average $28,000 a
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year for health insurance through private plans and outof pocket costs, that family will pay more in taxes but will not have to pay any health insurance premiums, any deductibles or any co-payments so what republicans are saying, sanders is going to raise your taxes. what they are forgetting to say is sanders is going to do away with all private insurance premiums, co-payments and deductibles and for the average family health care will be substantially less than what they are paying today. >> i appreciate you talking about that. medicare for all, single payer requires a deeper dive. we need to take more time. we need to go through the pluses and minuses, make that invitation to you. >> i'll accept that invitation. >> senator, thank you and be well. >> thanks you. >> we can do that. that's what we do. we go deeper on the show. we don't cover as much but if
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you want to understand this issue and it will be huge for the democrats you have to know the pluses and minuses. if you didn't notice president trump had a lot of executive time today. put out a series of rage tweets including a new attack on a woman's looks. just the latest in that string of insults from him. when does it end and can you even remember all of the ugly things? next. ♪ ♪ daddy, mommy's on the phone! hi! how are you guys? ♪
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10:49 pm
♪ when the moon hits your eye ♪ like a big pizza pie ♪ that's amore ♪when the world seems to shine ♪like you've had too much wine ♪ that's amore ♪ bells will ring ♪ ting a ling a ling ♪ ting a ling a ling more to love. applebee's new neighborhood pastas. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. horse face, that's what the man who holds the seat of abraham lincoln said about yet another woman who is in his way. how many ugly things has he said about women?
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i bet you can't count. here's just the taste. >> i'd look at her right in that fat uggie face and say, roseann rosie, you're fired. >> flat-chested, hard to be a 10. >> you could see blood coming out of her wherever. >> when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. grab them by the [ bleep ]. you can do anything. >> she was the winner and, you know, she gained a massive amount of weight and it was a real problem. >> i don't think she has a presidential look and you need a presidential look. >> i was sitting with him on an airplane. and he went after me on the plane. yeah, i'm going to go after. believe me, she would not be my first choice, that i can tell you. >> let's bring in d. lemon. i am embarrassed to say that we, you know, the men and women who are on the senior part of my team, we had to keep adding
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things and taking things away, because we kept forgetting some of what he's already said, because he's flooded the zone with piggish piffle about women that we couldn't even keep track. nine out of ten republicans love him anyway. >> you know, when i -- a couple times on this show, when i interviewed him, i thought, oh, my gosh, i thought his chances of becoming the nominee were over because do you remember the quote, who is doing the raping, don? someone's doing the raping. then when he said megyn kelly, blood coming out of her eye, blood coming out of her wherever, that was on this show. i went home thinking, i ruined this man's chances because he came on the show. it didn't happen. so, listen, we know -- this is built into the sauce for donald trump. and i think people know that. we have to keep pointing it out, it's awful. here's a bigger question, i don't usually like to talk about people's looks.
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does he own a mirror? he keeps talking about people gaining weight and how people look. does he own a mirror that doesn't have vaseline over it or a cloth? i mean, all he has to do is look in the mirror. donald trump is no prize. and if i were him, not that i'm one either, i would keep my thoughts about other beam's looks to myself. >> my feeling is, he should know better. >> he should know better, of course. >> whether it's because of his own sense of self, but what he means to this country, to his party. and he should know he has to be better than this. if he isn't, who else is going to be? if he doesn't see that it's eroding things, that people are using it as an excuse to be that way also, then he's not as smart as i thought he was. what do you have, don? >> i was going to say, think about that being the headline today, when the real headline should be about jamal khashoggi, which we're going to talk about, and what happened
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with the saudi government and whether this president is turning a blind eye to it so far. the end hasn't played out. we don't know how it's going to play out, but it seems he may be turning the other way and not looking at the real circumstances here. we'll break that down for you coming up. >> i'll be watching my friend. you any good at multiple choice questions? i want to see if you can decipher something put out by the president today. i'm going to remove some of the words and we'll see if you can fill in the blanks. next. geico has over 75 years of great savings and service. with such a long history, it's easy to trust geico! thank you todd. it's not just easy. it's-being-a-master-of-hypnotism easy. hey, i got your text- sleep! doug, when i snap my fingers you're going to clean my gutters. ooh i should clean your gutters! great idea. it's not just easy. it's geico easy. todd, you will go make me a frittata.
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let's play a game and tell me what the president was talking about here? here's the quote. the united states has strongly informed the blank that if blank doesn't happen, no more money or aide will be given to blank effective immediately. do you think the president is talking about king salman and the saudis. saudis are reportedly explains away as a mere botched interrogation. botched. adding too much salt to a cake mix is botched. getting the street number wrong on waze, botched. the word means carried out badly or carelessly. killing someone, maybe even dismembering them, that's not botched. it's a human rights abuse at a minimum, it's proof at a maximum of a murderous regime that should not be coddled. as obvious as the question is, let me give you a second choice. is the above threat not mentioned with the saudis, but at a group of desperate asylum seekers fleeing violence in honduras.
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the answer is "b." two points. the president just extended this threat to el salvador and guatemala. why is he so tough on the meek and so meek with the tough? if anyone comes, that's it. even if they're running for their lives and seeking asylum. then do us a favor, have mercy on the lady in the harbor, because you are making a mockery of her pledge. take her down because that's not what you're about, that's not what you want the country to be about. take it down, it's false advertising. another question because that one was tricky. today president trump said in an interview, here we go again, you know, you're guilty until proven innocent. and that's not right. is he talking about the train of immigrants that are looking for asylum and have yet to be vetted and yet are accused by some already of being criminals or, b, saudi arabia. here it is again.
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the answer is "a." saudi arabia, just like brett kavanaugh railroaded. the judge must love that comparison, by the way. if trump wants to wait for facts, then wait. he doesn't do that with the saudis, he doesn't have the facts, but what does he say. could have been rogue actors, they say it's not them. but with people fleeing for asylum, he already knows they're no good. do you see how unamerican that is, how unreaganesque that is, trump's hero. could you imagine reagan being that way? mr. gorbachev, tear down that wall, if you feel like it. if you think it's wrong otherwise, you know, we'll take our time. don't the powerless deserve the benefit of the doubt that trump provides a strong man. clearly he doesn't think so, so the question becomes, what does that say about him and by extension, what does that say about all of us? thank you for watching tonight. cnn tonight with don lemon starts right now.
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have you ever read the book, it's one of my favorite books, and it's called "power versus force"? >> no. >> it talks about what real power is. real power is power, right, how you get people to -- you influence people and if you're a powerful person and you don't have to use force. i would suggest -- it's by hawkins. it explains this presidency and where we are now in the moral conscience, the social conscience of this particular time we're in right now. it's very good -- people may find it exsoteriesoteric. i think it does a good job. you said, he's strong with the meek and meek with the strong. it's a perfect example of power versus force, which is more important, and which works? >> a lot of time we ask questions and we put it in the form of a ques


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