tv Smerconish CNN October 20, 2018 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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eight in san diego california, >> you can see the entire incident was caught on camera by the family driving behind it. here's their reaction. >> watch out for the airplane. >> look at this, bubba. there's an airplane on the freeway. >> who can even imagine. luckily no cars were hit and no one was injured but what a story to tell. >> indeed. more news straight ahead. i'm michael smerconish in fi fill telephonia.
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wroud the migrant caravan, e-elizabeth warren's dna, the assumed execution of jamal khashoggi and as for cushowing ea his fate has highlighted the ongoing favoritism of saudi arabia in its battle with iran. plus uncourt now does harvard violate the civil rights act by discriminating against asians? and is the action to end all affirmative action. once to launch a superviewsed injection site. here to discuss the local u.s. attorney which leads me to this
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week's survey question. go and answer during the course of the hour. should safe injection site sas permitted to combat the opioid crisis and first, what does the saudi royal family hold over the american president. and in the latter he learns he must fum they're holding hands with the king can. his first foreign trip was to the ding. . and nost just order our politicians. he was wanned over by twietens of a industrial. an american resident walks into the saudi kunlslet to get marriage papers.
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and never waumed out. remember they repeatliets he left friday. the sad acknowledgment that he is dead. the cover story that a fist fight broke out and became fatal. >> how convenient 15 operatives were on land including a saudi ackbaunlment. it's just not credible. the initial response from the white house. an knowledgment of the saudi report here's my question. why are these our partners? doubt our poschur is for nuclecontrol if.
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can i'm in school. you came of 199/11 hijackers. the joint houses and hair roous and all that was quickly forgotten with abandonment of the waper that contaened decade. and the right to do it in that best interest? >> because it's to pick sides unresolved since the year 632 in the writing publish said offer his it to continue tealingening the rate. t and yoining me is director of
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the lain tam and aside from there sheau/sunni fight and journalist and offer of in the last of invisible women. a female doctor whfs opposite. why am i wrong in that which i just said? >> good morning. i thing? u.s.'s relationship with the kingdom is almost 100 years. at least until the 1940s. it was cemented before oil was known to be there. and i think real battle. not necessarily between nesite and sunni. it is actually between islam, liz am. fwlm and the to sfwlp
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lfr rr for well kwrter they use this opportunity to have this kingdom finally the ny and, foreign minister we cannot forget the kingdom represents the serious representatives. so we can it for the world's muslims. where i pry every day towards mecca. this is kpred high steaks we're new fis fn it if and on a a scale on the sited of the sunni. >> it's about giving carte blanche to saudi arabia.
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it's a particular strain and they're not just antishiite but they're anticrisman, jewish and the ideology -- we saw it in many ways with isis. the only exception is. but i thing it points to them if and detablizing behave wrr we are seeing from soutd time and now even with the new administration in the united states we see the negative consequence of this spill over from tlarsz bispute that saudi has. the taking of inlebanese prooim is hostage.
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234rrs just two months ago they found a school bus so the negative reprocushion cans that the saudi state is doing. it's undermining the u.s. image and american values and interss in the reej. the point is this is a particular type of alliance where for some peculiar reason the u.s. has not held saudi acountable for its bad behave wrr. we can't just continue -- >> if i may pose a question to dr. amad. what to we do now? nicolas crist off said something i found provocative in the times had can says this waet the united states should quietly make clear that the mad prince
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has gone too far, not just with this murder but with his war in yemen, confrontation in qatar and will forever be tainted a murderer belongs not at state denners but in a prison cell. what should the united states do now? >> i'm not in the btds of maimal i think that's volatile 237 we need to grang for an fau let's not forget the militant shiite islamism emerging from islam. had is holding captive by hezbollah and iran is actually
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moving its missile operations into sutern iran. so this is a gak not concerning islam. what i would do if i was advising president is say it's woin a a it off sfaut. all forms of islamic terrorism. that includes containing cutting off funding for months. that involves not just in investing in military opraugzs because they are an emaerjs and babies a it it son it's morcomplicated that deskreebed
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in the gcc. >> you take my fanl minute and answer the same question. >> the u.s. needs to hold saudi accountable. to not make these mistakes in the foreign pall as. to put pregtser, to ends the war. fwrrs giving victories in iraq, lebanon. it costs saudi billions. if she is able to undermine but the case of the murder of mim who i know personally, it's -- it goes to show how a what happens when i wear at my tisters.
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>> he was in a fight in the consulate. there has to be some type of pressure to make it accountable for its behave wrr. >> i real a apprec wrat the dialogue. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> what are your thoughts. go to my smerconis. it is good you're asking that question but why don't our law makers care and why aren't they is itting these questions? may i answer the question? it's all about the plunny and the independence. those are my two cents. several late breaking factors. i'll talk to polling expert
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america's opioid crisis is rampant. in my home town last year, drug over doses kill canned more than 1200 people. under bridge has been labelled the walmart of heroin. and former mayor is proposing a radical solution. the first supervised injection site but deputy attorneygeneral rod rosenstein has warned cities and counties have should meet
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any site with swift and aggressive action. joining me now is the u.s. attorney for the eastern dirsricate of pennsylvania and former philadelphia mayor and governor. >>ium old enough to remember you as the it foreign minister of philadelphia. is that had you propose legal? >> i ting if you look at the legislative hole, they never contemplated it. a plais where people can can go and inject them. this is a legitimate purpose. and if even if it issile eelal. age old diskrgds to moss cute and not and so is possession of
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small amounts of marijuana and that's a state as well as feederal crime. they haven't enforced that for over a fwem and he thinks he puswriszs a small amount of land. 23rrs and land goes you didn't notice before. >> and experts say 25 to 75 live as year. isn't it worth it? >> what's the harm? >> do you have that discretion to look the other way intend on saving lives. >> starting point, i think, for any discussion of this issue is what's being proposed is being
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proposed and not a close case where the prosecutorial discretion where the governor mentioned would come to play. it would be flagrantly illegal and violation of some of our moesz serious drug laws and i would say i don't doubt the good intentions of these yards but there is no exception to federal law. we don't say to the embezeler, it's okay to steal that money. we nts you have good intentions f for. we don't say to the tax chief, we understand you think government's too big and you have good intentions. whether you're a mayor. or a annage man on the street.
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>> they do say to people who possess small amounts of marijuana were caught red handed. they say that's oa. year not going to prosecute you. so they do use discretion and it calls ort for discretion. we 1217 over dose death as year. and if we prevent 50 of those shs what's the harm? thesis are neds purse snell. talk to them about getting into treatment programs. frrs there's a successful programalled prevengds point that gives people clean needles. it's been in existference 26 years. it saved a lot of lives. the spur sentage dropped.
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and prevention point is technically illegal under the federal law as well. >> he's never been prosecuted. >> as i their passion in the governor's voice and wrmer not being flip. i'm visiting a is ske wrario who will be in fer my table pap >> well, first of all there may be other ways of dealing with thisithsue. a fed judge would determine whether or not this is legal. i don't doubt the good intentions of the folks bull there is no concensus, no data
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that says clearly us is is going to reduce harry wrurn plais is slan skuv. and they're a positive influrns in vancouver. over dose deaths in vancouver have gone up. there's all sorts of negative from these sites. illegal activity around the sites. in kensington it's known for drug tourroom. people talk about drug tourism and a article about drugs flocking there. >> if wru think the drug problem is gone? wait unpill you have so-called safe injection site of course
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the dottau support the idea. >> governor, take the final word. go ahead. >> as you know there's a druggalled narcan. so if i'm over dosing and dpoeing to die, if narcan is administered in the next 90 seconds, it will stop the over kboes and chafb lives. all volunteers who care about sachk lives if people over dose andful the only question is how many. what's the harm? no one's going to become an addict because they can inject themselves unfront selve in fr personnel.
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it's been replicated in cities all across the country. it's technically illegal but it's clean needles. saved lives. >> u.s. attorney, mayor, governor, former da, thanks vaef notch for that ton rrsation. >> thank you, michael. >> let's see what you're saying on my facebook skb twitter faciumier -- no, they didn't offer safe crack house to minorities in the rigties. >> blue 57, i would have said we're doing nothing but encouraging and coddling those acts by even contemplating this solution.
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i see 1200 plus have died. last year alone. i guess i'm siting with the governor when i say what would be the harm? continue to vote on smerconish.kom. still to come the prognosticators keep being upcan ended by new vehicles. frrs and that's hearing a suppress said men move. the fact is, there are over ninety-six
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consistently had an underwater approval rating that right now is only at 40%. democrats need to pick up 23 seats. now typically the party out of power in an off year election with a president below 50% approval, fwgains an average of 36. the senate's a different situation. they're defending 26 seats. the republicans are only defending nine. nomo, florida are statistical ted heaps. events that never could have been an tace fatsed when the races began. it's unknown if he'll do anything of note burt to the unexpected resident by u.s.
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ally. and now that justice kavanaugh's conformation, a satisfied base. thamic particulate ey currently leadserless. she gave that debate new life. and on thursday the new york times put its editorial pages, a play for thill thill to exit ato the naj. she may have won the popular vote in 2016 but her favorability is at a record low, 36%. that's five points loweren the the presidents. for and knot scoring the president trump pfsz priortds thalds and it 15 days is an iparjty. foreign minister swroining me now is dr. sam wong.
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it's a neuroscience dr. dr. wong two years ago won the candidate. . might that up to of scenario play itself out right now at survey information on the house side, it's overwhelmingly likely across all 145 districts, democrats are nearly certn to win more votes than republicans. however if they don't it will be because of gerrymandering. hauteursation. is the still throw it to the it defense i read your blog that less and less voters today are
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breaking party ranks and splitting their tickets. but a cycle like this is all about passion. is that fair? >> wrau. i would say since the mid'90s it's all about revving up the basis. republicans seem to be doing better in key states like tennessee and texas. it appears turnout whether it's a red or blue or purple state >> dr. wong, you've seen this footage of the hawn durren refugee made for her. given that border security is so bart of this mauntd ru.
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fwrrser whumt rr on temal television screenings. frrgs if it isn't one thing, it's anither. and right now it's imname. a president who will say things about immigrants. now strange things happening with this journalist, jamal khashoggi being killed. about the same kind of parade we've been hearing about, if and i agree with you that's the thing happening this week and trump disapproval and polarused voters. and i to not know the answer. >> bottom line terms. tell me visa vee the housesont.
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>>. >> yes, very different wegzs. they need win by about six points and that's pretdy close. democrats seem lukely to win the house but we've documented that prety well. and a pretty tough liftthal high water mark is a 50/50sont. tennessee, north carolina. i would say the senned is trend ingram where final question. if kwlb a yitsal ball and show you as a bench mark for which way this is going to go, which
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race is highest in tirms of curiosity that you have? >> curiosity. texas with better work. but in tennessee he's this modest guy. had hanltz atracted national attention darks she always goes over the top. so for me a canadian in the coal mooin is not the noes glamorous. >> moro scientist, thank you assall was. get active, go vote. whatever side you might be on.
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let's check in on your tweets and facebook comments. if why is the media going to quat mallau showing a caravan trying to get to mexico. it's misleading, fabricated optic to twa or change people's minds. i kboent know how to say your flaun yaur. frt how do we not show that 250rm 3 frrts and swud someone would say it we're jursz up ahead harvard pfrs admissions process ithey set a limit asian american students.
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asian students admits. in the case known as stud frnts fair admissions verses harvard, the plaintiffs argue that quote anation american applicant would have a 35 prer chance if he were hispanic and 95% chance if he were someone who worked outside and people who were much more likely to be admitted than asian americans. the intampable personal amareten pds frps and fath-- author of t wees. what the harvard trial really about? >> as you mention the opening starringment but i asaw the lawyer for the students for
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faired a missions says you're not on trial and but then they proceed to make this argument that african american cans and latinos are unfirly a ben fitting and the question is how do they make this leap and turn this into a discrimination gensz asian americans into a critique of amrm action action. there was a question asked i think on day wuj of trial. wds you agree that race is a factor for african americans. >> so that question was asked by one of the lawyers for staudants for fair admissions. to say was he that a a a group
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of black students. opand there's a chance that he also was friends a asian american cans. >> i think you're well vurszed in these numbers. asian american, 22%, however of the harvard population. what if the plaintiffs 1? what happens to the 22% at harvard who are asian american. how will it grow and who will be impacted? >> if wins this trial and race is no longer used in the prospraesff. but you'll see a large inkpreesz about 50% from 14 fooer 6 frer forf zb 14 to--
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decline can in those of color as well as latinos according to that projection? >> yes and this is oner of the things they're trying to use to say race is a determinative factor. the people are court says we can use race anded a mugzs admissi diversify our classes. the question that they may not be at the institution runs directly along with the supreme court's prs dent to say we need diversify our campus and that's a noenl dole and to have kiebds
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of the educational benefits of affirmative action. >> i have just 30 seconds left. i get some impression that this is a dress rehearsal. what i bleem is your fszs are ryeige to talk about the. >> this is kind of the dress rehursz rehurr rehearsal for a potential supreme court case. trrs this is as much about the public perception as it is about the yuj's push sepgting. that is against affirmative action, it's nice >> including legacies and donors. er the children of donors and these things that jin up a lot of public angst. >> thank you well done. appreciate it.
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>> still to come your best and worst tweets and facebook aumts like this one. affirmative action for all should not be ended to drasz the grievances of one minority group and flor improve for all. i think you view in the highs of an inkbrended beneficiary. and one of the ben president trumps is make sure nay go straight to sleep. it's not zwloous advantage of those who direct and very just my two cents. we will give you the final results in a moment of the survey question. this is your last shot to vote. should safe injection sites be permitted to combat the opioid
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crisis? go and vote at et can speak to the future. ♪ ♪ i'm going to be your substitute teacher. don't assume the substitute teacher has nothing to offer... same goes for a neighborhood. don't forget that friendships last longer than any broadway run. mr. president. (laughing) don't settle for your first draft. or your 10th draft. ♪ ♪ you get to create the room where it happens. ♪ ♪ just don't think you have to do it alone. ♪ ♪ the powerful backing of american express. don't live life without it. replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna... made with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar... ...and end the day with a smile. glucerna®. everyday progress. glucerna®. is time you make for yourself. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with active naturals® oat. locks in moisture to improve skin wellness in just one day. aveeno®
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traffic and roads... a mess, honestlyrents going up,le. friends and family moving out of state, millions of californians live near or below the poverty line. politicians like gavin newsom talk about change, but they've done nothing. sky-high gas and food prices. homelessness. gavin newsom, it happened on your watch. so, yeah. it is time for a change. time for someone new.
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hey, time to see how you responded to the survey question at should safe injection sites be permitted to combat the opioid crisis. survey says 7795 votes cast, thank you for that. whoa. 63% say yes. 37% say no. if we had run that survey a decade ago, there's no way we'd have come with that result. now we've all been a degree away from separation of the crisis.
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katherine, time for one tweet. what do we have. make it a winner. smerconish, how can we even be assured the polls are accurate? i thought we felt duped by polls with the 2016 trump win. paul, you make a good point. there's only one poll that matters, it is when we actually go out and they open the ballots and you're right, so many i'll say of us learned a hard lesson about buying into polls two years ago. i say to my kids the only thing worse than you cancelling out my vote is that you didn't vote at all. so as i said earlier, whatever side you're on, go get active and cast a ballot. catch up on the program at any time at cnn go and on demand. i'll see you next week.
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good morning, everyone. it is saturday, october 20th. i am leila santiago in for christi paul. >> i am victor blackwell. you're in the cnn "newsroom." happening now, thousands traveling in a migrant caravan, caught on a border on a bridge between guatemala and mexico. >> thousands of people are trying to make it to mexico, or for some, the united states. for the government of mexico, el salvador, guatemala, honduras, it is an economic issue. a lot of
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